#thank you for sending this ily avery <3
donghoonie-3 · 2 years
Sending an ask as well bc I want to and everyone should know it’s your bday, happy birthday Avery!! I hope 20 is good to you and that you have an amazing day 🫶
Thank you so much River :3 <33 ily 💖
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kirkwallgremlin · 4 years
3, 5, and 13 for the inky asks! Whichever character you so choose, Em.
I picked Avery bc she’s my main inquisitor and I love her sorry Nadia you’ll get some attention someday
3. Which music genre would best describe your Inquisitor?
oh man I’m so bad at music genres ahhh. I feel like...maybe classical music?
5. If your Inquisitor was a force of nature, what kind would they be? (hurricane, earthquake, etc.)
This one is easy! she’d be a thunder/electricity storm! ⚡
Her favourite magic is electricity magic, she’s often a little bit static-y and she even discovered she was a mage by accidentally sending an electricity through a tree (she was fighting with her sister and Delcie is scared of heights so she wouldn’t follow her up).  15. Can they cook?
Sort of? I like to imagine that the mages help out with the cooking of food in the Circle (under strict supervision of course) and every mage takes turns doing it but she doesn’t really enjoy it. And she’s better at making big lots of food for large groups and following instructions than she is at making up things herself. 
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the-kipsabian · 8 years
50 with pixi/dan (idk what the ship name is but i'm down for indulging you)
(thank you for encouraging my trash habits ily)50. “ah, you’re up. how’d you sleep?”
Thequiet tapping was slowly drifting her off from her sweet slumber.
     The pair of gray eyesslowly fluttered open, looking up towards a ceiling she didn’t recognize at thefirst glance. Primrose didn’t have slightly blue tinted colors, did it…?
    Slowly lifting her headup, the blue haired girl let out a little groan of pain as her hand reached torub her neck as she sat somewhat straight on the beanbag chair, blinking acouple of times to adjust her vision and to get rid of the tired blur from hereyes. She most definitely wasn’t back at Primrose, the room wasn’t the onewhere she roomed together with Kat. Sure it was close to being as messy as thegirls dorm room was, maybe the room was even messier than theirs, but it most definitelywasn’t the familiar room decorated all over with blankets, plushies and fairy lights.
    No, this one wasinstead filled with what seemed to be collections of video games, clothesscattered just about everywhere where you could find floor space, not tomention the messy desks filled with a mixture of school work and various differentart supplies.
     And it smelled like boys.
     On a chair in frontof one of the two desks was sitting a young man, tall for his age, both feetthrown on the second chair he had pulled by the desk, headphones covering hisears, the pair of brown eyes tightly focused on the notebook sitting in hislap, while his right hand gently tapped its fingernails against the top of thedesk.
     The very same soundthat had woken her up.
    Sitting on the floor,Pixi was slightly afraid to move. Not because she was waking up in a weirdplace without a memory of falling asleep in the floor of Dan and Arin’s room,but because she didn’t want to disturb the obvious creative moment that was inprogress in front of her. She knew what it was like to be interrupted in themiddle of creating something, and she didn’t want to be the jerk who wouldinitiate the interruption.
    Besides, there wassomething almost magical watching the unaware Dan sitting on his seat, so deepin thought that he didn’t seem to notice anything that was going on around him.How his eyes focused on the page in front of him, the way his left hand hoveredthe pen in his hand above it, getting ready to jolt down any kind of song ideasthat would enter into his head at any given moment…
    And all of a sudden hiseyes turned away from the page, landing on the little blue haired girl caughtred handed staring at him as she sat there on the floor, still partially occupyingthe beanbag chair she had apparently fallen asleep on in the first place.
    Dan obviously gatheredhimself much faster than what she did, quickly dropping the notebook and thepen on the table before ripping the headphones from his head, letting them followthe other equipment he had in his hand just seconds ago, before he whipped backinto her direction, jolting Pixi back from her quick moment of embarrassment ofgetting caught staring at him.
    “Ah, you’re up. How didyou sleep?”
    She couldn’t help butto smile at him, the matching expression she was getting back from him beingbright enough to light up the entire room. Or maybe it was the sun outside,shining brighter today than it had been in the past few days, but Pixi wantedto live in the hope that it was the boy with the messy hair greeting herinstead. Since when Dan smiled, he smiled with his entire being – it wasn’t justa facial expression to him, everything in his softened and brightened the verymoment he hit that the point of understanding he was around of other people. Hesmiled, he laughed, his eyes sparkled, his features softened…
    Everything about himwas friendly, it was loving, it was caring. Even this early, as a first thingin the morning, when any regular person would have been grumpy to be awake.
    Pixi glanced at thebeanbag chair she was sitting on, hearing a soft chuckle escaping from Dan. “Sorryabout letting you sleep there, I tried to move you to bed but you weresurprisingly persistent on sleeping on the floor after you passed out lastnight.”
    Last night… What wasshe doing here last night anyways?
    The pair of gray eyesglanced up towards Dan who nodded his head towards the other end of his desk,which proved to be a surprisingly clean part of the otherwise very messydecorating of the room.
    “I lifted your laptopon the desk and plugged it in so you wouldn’t lose anything on whatever youwere working on last night.”
    Pixi nodded her head,making a mental note on another nice feature that he had, being so overlyconsidered of other people at times like this. She slowly pushed herself upfrom the floor, letting out a groan as she stretched her arms a little, almostimmediately getting back a somewhat concerned look from Dan.
    “You okay?”
    “My back hurts alittle, but it’s okay, I’m fine.”
    She had barely gottenthe full sentence out of her mouth as the boy, at least a whole foot tallerthan her, pushed up from his seat, and with ease swept the small girl into hisarms. Sure he didn’t really have width as much as he had height to compare, butthankfully Pixi was a very small girl in size, making her very easy to justpick up and carry around to pretty much anyone who was bigger than her, which wasn’ta difficult take whatsoever considering her tiny 5’1 frame that she happened tohave.
    A soft blush crept it’sway on her cheek, the short blue hair not being even nearly long enough topossibly cover the expression on her face that went from smiling to awkward ina matter a seconds as she registered what was happening around her. Dan justlaughed it off as he crossed the dorm room in a few long steps before hereached the bed, turning around on his heels and sitting down on it, the girlstill in his arms.
    “I was thinking aboutbreakfast but you really look like you need an actual, proper rest first,” hechuckled, not stopping to listen to any complaints that he knew he was going toget from her. Dan leaned closer, pressing a quick kiss in her hair before hepulled Pixi closer against his chest, plopping down on his back on the bed.
    She reached one hand onher face, brushing the coils of her blue hair away from whatever part of hereyes they could cover, sending a little playful glare into Dan’s direction. Thepair of brown eyes looking back at her blinked at her a couple of times beforehe chuckled again. He was way too cheerful, but at the same time she just couldn’tget mad at him about it. It was all just too adorable.
    “We can sleep in today.You’ll thank me later.”
    “I hope so,” Piximumbled, snuggling her head against his chest. “You let me sleep on the floorafter all.”
    “It wasn’t the floor.You were all curled up in the beanbag chair. You should have seen it, you wereadorable.”
    “Liar,” she yawned,hearing the laugh coming from him, and as Dan continued to talk on she slowlydrifted back to sleep.
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fridgeleech-archive · 7 years
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FIRST OF ALL HOLY CRAP GUYS 150+ !!!? I am so blessed to have all of you around && interacting with my patrick seriously. i made this blog when i was trying to get into the groove of roleplaying i was so nervous about entering the IT fandom only ever being in the Supernatural fandom && fandomless ocs but this fandom has been so kind and welcoming && has made me meet some of the most wonderful people. i feel like i’ve known you guys since i beginning of time && i cant wait to meet more of you lovely people 
ALSO NOTE: if i missed anyone its probably because i’m scattered brain af im sure theres more people but tumblr ate the last follow forever post i made so i had to spend another hour on this. feel free 2 come into my askbox if i missed u or somethin!!
@spookcdman CHARLIE, MY DAD MY EVERYTHING !!  You are one of my very best friends on here && i love you so much full homo no homo. i will love you till the end of time && you’ll always be my best dad friend seriously. i feel like i can tell you anything && everything at this point even though we’ve known each other for only 3 weeks. 
@henrybcwers YOU KNOW I FUCKING LOVE YOU !!! I love you i love our ship i love talking to you i love our dumb little plots && rps && EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU I JUST LOVE !!! I LOOK FORWARD TO TALKING TO YOU ALL THE FUCKIN TIME OK !! 
@victheprick bOY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !! I love your vic && and we def need more threads together ok i need more PAT && VIC STUFF. Tbh you’re honestly one of the nicest people && i love talking to you ok 24/7 all day everyday. 
@noteddieble ok we have barely talked but you’re so amazing && i love talking to you && having my patrick stuff eddie into fridges alright like come @ me cause i def NEED to talk to you more 
@hughhoncy OH MY GOD OK !!! I love you so fucking much?? Like?? honestly i love how we both share a love for Dennis && the gang && Patrick && the bowers gang && i love our silly little im rps (?) like seriously they crack me up every friggin time ok && also your dennis is so spot on?? like he’s so close to canon it just blows me tf away every thread i read of yours
@vicviinegar we barely talk but you are so fuckin’ funny && i just love your Mac so much because you put so much love && effort into him && he’s so spot on && we def need to talk more i demand it the silver god demands it
@hockstctter  MY HOCKSTETTER TWIN !!! you know i love you with all my heart !! I won’t lie when i first saw that there was another patrick i was all like “hmmm” && i got jealous @ first cause like yOUR WRITING IT SO AMAZING && GR8  AND IM SO GLAD I FOLLOWED YOU BECAUSE YOU’RE HONESTLY A SWEET HEART && I LOVE THAT WE BOTH HAVE A SHARED LOVE FOR THIS TRASH SON && I CANT WAIT TO START OUR TWIN VERSE !!
@clownlike honestly i love you && your art so much. we dont talk a lot but everytime i talk to you your such a sweet heart && your so fuckin talented with your writing && your art I won’t lie i make THE DUMBEST noise && grin so wide everytime i see you make patrick art for me or just any art in general !! ILY!
@ethrealtrauma AVERY BABY BOY MY BROTHER !!! Honestly first of all, you’re so wonderful to talk to && your such a sweetheart I love talking to you so much even though we haven’t talked a lot so far i can just tell we’re going to be bffs ok. sECOND OF ALL YOU MADE A FRIGGIN AVERY !! Do you know how long this blog had been SUFFERIN WITHOUT AN AVE? Like 5ever ok && im so excited to have all of the awful threads w/ u. some brother bondin. 
@reddreaded​ Ok you are honestly so fuckin hilarious. i love all the patrick memes you send me they legit hurt my sides from laughing && ily for that. we def ??? need to talk more tbh?? cause like you’re just so funny && nice && amazing ?? 
@scarelosers​ OK I’VE KNOWN YOU FOR FOREVER NOW. I’ve know you for how long? For a year now? I’ve known you all the way back when you had a Rick && when I had Marshall. i love you so much && i love how we always find each other && are always in the same fandoms @ the same time no matter what. i love writing && shipping w/ you && your actually the reason i made patrick in the first place && got so into IT  !! I just,,,i love you so much ok?? like forever && ever && you know that already <33
@notrealenoughfor LISTEN GEOFF !! We barely talk but you’re such a nice person && i really wanna talk to you && get to know you better because tbh you’re so nice && funny. also btw thank you for making the group chat so I have somewhere to dump all my pregnant patrick pictures. love u 5ever. 
@realfor ZACH, MY UNCLE, MY EVERYTHING!! u make our little family w/ @papcrman​ complete, u r the bread and butter. you’re so fuckin sweet and i just ?? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH? I LOVE ALL YOUR WRITING && I JUST LOVE U?? Like serious i cant even begin to explain how amazing u are && how much i love you ily 5ever uncle <333 <3 ahem,,,i mean...ur ok bro u chill no homo no homo
@hestorian @inhalingballoons @fuckindildos @fuckingladies @boardwalkbeauty @frespirited @manquln @gazeeebos @lackedfear @wheezydoll @rabbison @desxderium @itisaspook @curisewer @trashbeep @badokdok @pastclosed @falserep @patrickhockstetter @tozcer @tozielous @fucking-trashmouth @neuroticstuttering @scnguinc @trashmouthsister @getsbeeped @s-stutters @derrybcrn @simplywas @zcphira @dollcursed @trashmouthd @angelcfsin (bae<3) @girlsfeared @spookmyfricnds @taintedbone @bloodworship @compcnction @stillcominback @sitched (so what’s the sitch?) @flcted @hornscrown @you-float-tooo @bevcrlymcrsh @celebrityvictim @praechers @ohvnger​ @neverfeared​ @deadmarket​ @hcircut​ @seemscreepy​ @wheeziess​ @godlyfire​ @fuckiingclown​ @fratriciide​ (u kno i love you boo <3) @haystaxx​ @finalslay​ @scribblingstars​ @freeses​ @ssxgeorgie​ @mafclie​ @shadowfound​ @couldadodged​ @urises​ @hystearial​
@trashfear​ @sncrlisms​ @oflosers​ @clownfeared​ @dcgausscr​ @inhalingballoons​ @hauntsboy​ @bloodlovcd​ @foulfear​ @ripsoms​ @soughtballoons​ @ittakesmanyforms​ @barmitzvahed​ @clownfought​ @scabiaus​ @floatn​ @monstrauma​ @derrykat​ @guiltrauma​ @silverawayyy​ @sicklyguilt​ @tinycomedian​ @fearlacking​ @hefloatstoo​ @pettywise​ @bcbysitter​ @thrustsfists​ @lionguilt​ @unholyhunter​ (OF COURSE I LOVE YOU) @frankencasted​ @flutefeared​ @plainaudra​ @clownfearing​ @birdtrauma​ @eaterofwcrlds​ @wiinstons​ @hallowedbethyname​ @abrastcne​ @chariotsofthegodsman@cxrsedlife (my boo<3) 
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justafunkylildude · 7 years
when you get this, answer with five things that make you happy then send it to the last ten people in your recent activity
oooh there's so much that makes me happy!! 😄💕 off the top of my head i will say:1. laughter2. sunshine3. flowers4. city lights at night5. breezes of fresh airif i started listing people in my life that make me happy, it would never end 🙈thank you so much for this ask, avery, ily! ♥️☀️
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the-kipsabian · 6 years
turquoise + green babey!!!
TURQUOISE: I would hug you if we metGREEN: I think you’re cute.
aaaaaAAAAA thank u avery ily
send me a color!
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