#thank you for sharing your BEAUTIFUL art with me I really appreciate it ❤️
jobean12-blog · 1 year
Rooted in Love
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (Plant!Dad Bucky and he's beefy!)
Word Count: 1,740
Summary: You and Bucky run into each other (literally) while plant shopping.
Author's Note: So a few days ago a friend shared the amazing art done by @nalonzooo and I immediately fell in love with her plant!dad bucky! Please go check out her page, it will just make you so happy! Her art was the inspo for this story and will be for the rest of this Universe- which I already plan to do more of! Thank you all so much for reading and thank you @nalonzooo for sharing your beautiful work! And thank you to my lovely friends @witchywithwhiskey @vonalyn and @biteofcherry for your support and help! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy!🥰
Warnings: Fluffy sweet fluff, plants and Alpine!
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You hand the money to the cashier with a smile and gently cradle your new plant to your body before walking off toward the car. You’re not paying attention to where you’re going because you’re looking down and cooing over your new friend, a spider plant, whom you’ve aptly named Spidey.
Suddenly the sun goes out of view and a shadow falls over you just before you walk straight into what feels like a wall.
“Oof, shit,” you mutter, juggling your spider plant and thankfully managing to hold on to it. “I’m sorry!” you quickly add, now looking up.
You can barely see the person behind all the green leaves and fronds but you do hear a deep voice say, “no doll, I’m sorry! I can barely see where I’m going and should probably have gotten a cart. Are you ok?”
Your giggle escapes without warning but you assure him you’re fine.
“Um, do you want some help? I only have one plant so I can take one or two off your hands.”
He stands there for a moment, clearly contemplating you’re offer. “You know what, that would be great!” he says finally. “Can you grab the two smaller ones here.”
His body shifts so you can take two plants that are resting precariously on his forearm.
You reach over and carefully take them from him, revealing something you were not at all expecting. 
There’s a fluffy white cat curled up in the crook of his arm, it’s blue eyes peering at you with curiosity.
“Oh how cute!” you squeal.
Plant guy chuckles. “That’s Alpine. He’s very friendly so you can say hi if you want.”
Your hand immediately shoots out to rub Alpine gently on the head and then scratch behind his ears.
“He’s so sweet and handsome,” you gush.
After several moments spent doting on Alpine you realize poor plant guy is still standing there holding way too many plants.
“Oh shit,” you mumble. “I’m sorry! You’re totally standing here waiting to go to your car and carrying a whole forest and here I am just petting your cat like it’s nothing.”
“It’s really ok doll,” he says. “I appreciate the help and Alpine loves the attention.”
You try to peek around the large leaves to get a look at this guy’s face but you can’t really make out more than a black hat and the outline of a dark shadow of hair lining his sculpted jaw.
But when he says, “my car is just over here,” and he starts walking to the parking lot you get a better glimpse of the rest of him and can’t help the way your breath hitches.
“Damn…” you whisper to yourself.
He’s tall, with long thick legs and broad shoulders and an ass you already want to grab hold of.
“Well,” he starts. “My keys are in my back pocket and uh…”
You put the plants you’re holding down onto the pavement and hold out your hands. “Here give me a couple more this way you can free up a hand.”
“Good idea,” he says with a chuckle. “I was about to ask you to reach into my pocket but that wouldn’t be appropriate before at least a date right?”  
You bite your lip to stifle your laugh, thinking that you wouldn’t have minded at all.
As you take three more plants from him you get a clear view of his face and you can’t help but stare.
Sparkling blue eyes meet yours, framed by long, dark lashes and as your gaze sweeps over the rest of his face you realize he’s literally gorgeous.
“Hi,” you say far too breathily.                                                                                
“Hey doll,” he answers with a megawatt smile but seemingly oblivious to your obvious appreciation as he opens the trunk and starts to place the plants down.
As he’s lightening the load of foliage Alpine starts to crawl up his arm until he’s settled comfortably on his shoulder.
Once his hands are free he extends one to you. “I’m James, but you can call me Bucky.”
“Bucky,” you repeat, then give him your name. “How did you get that from James?”
He huffs out a laugh. “James Buchanan Barnes is my full name and my family shortened the middle and stuck with it.”
“That makes sense then,” you say lightly.
“Thanks again for the help. I’d probably still be wandering around the parking lot looking for my car if it weren’t for you,” he admits, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
“Glad I could help,” you say, meaning it. “You must have a lot of space for all these.”
You sweep your arm out, motioning to his trunk full of plants.
“Yeah, well…I mean sorta. It’s kinda gettin’ like a Tetris game, but I’ll make it work.”
He looks down at your feet, just now noticing your plant.
“I see you got a spider plant,” he says. “New plant parent?”
You nod before starting to bend down and pick it up. He stops you with a soft hand to your shoulder. “I’ll get it and let me walk you to your car at least.”
He grabs the plant and you see Alpine cling tighter to his shirt and shoulder. A few strands of hair fall loose from his hat and around his ear and when he stands again Alpine starts batting at them.
You cover your mouth, hoping your giggle won’t be heard but Bucky narrows his eyes playfully before explaining, “this cat is a menace.”
“Does he behave around all your plants?” you ask. “I bet they’re fun to bat around.”
You start to walk toward your car which is on the other side of the parking lot, chatting as you go.
“Actually, he does. I rescued him when he was just a kitten and started collecting plants around the same time so he’s used to them and knows he’s not allowed to mess around.”
You reach up and give Alpine a soft pat, cooing at him before you continue.
“I really hope I don’t kill this one,” you sigh, now glancing over at Spidey. “I love plants but they don’t love me.”
“That was me too,” he tells you. “It actually took me two spider plants before I got the hang of it. I still feel bad about the first two.”
“This is my third,” you say quietly, making a face. “Third plant. Not spider plant specifically. But to be fair the first two were definitely not starter plants. I don’t know what I was thinking…well, I do. They were really pretty, with these beautiful flowers- I love flowers- and I wanted them so…”
“I get it doll,” he says, “we all like pretty things.”
He looks at you, holding your stare and when you smile knowingly you see the pink creep along his cheeks again.
“So how many plants do you have?” you ask with a smirk.
“Umm,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Let’s see…I mean there’s the kitchen and that’s probably one, two, three, four…and then the living room…one, two, three, four, five…” he continues on, talking mostly to himself as he counts and lifts his left hand to finish.
You notice he’s wearing a leather glove and when he’s done getting his final count he looks from you to where your eyes are focused.
“So if I’m counting right that’s over twenty-five plants,” he says sheepishly. “And uh…old war injury.” He twinkles the fingers on his left hand at you with a lopsided smirk.
“A plant connoisseur and a war hero,” you say, hoping your tone comes off as genuine as you mean it. “And you have the best cat!”
He brightens at your words and tugs Alpine from his shoulder, cradling him in the crook of his arm. His tight Henley does nothing to hide the bulge of his bicep and the best you can do is try to focus on how cute the cat is so you don’t blurt out any of the lascivious thoughts racing through your mind.
“He is the best cat!” Bucky boasts.
Bucky leans closer to you, as if he’s telling you a deep, dark secret, his voice low. “I have this plant on my balcony that attracts a lot of butterflies and he’s so good that he won’t even try to swat at them. He just sits on my chair and watches them all afternoon! But never goes after one.”
“Best. Cat. Ever.” You proclaim, scratching under Alpine’s chin. “And I bet they are beautiful to watch.”
“If you love flowers you’d love the plants on my balcony!” he says excitedly. “It’s like a rainbow. And I have this indoor desert rose plant that’s just incredible and my gardenia’s not only look amazing but they smell amazing too.”
Your smile only grows as he continues chattering on about all his flowering plants but he must realize he’s been rambling because he suddenly trails off and his eyes get wide.
“Oh man,” he stammers. “Shit, doll. I’m sorry. That was a lot.” He shifts his weight from foot to foot.
“I don’t mind at all,” you tell him honestly. “I think it’s wonderful. Actually, I’m hoping you can give me some tips to keep Spidey alive.”
You pat the plant pot and then delicately rub one of the long, thin leaves.
“Spidey,” he says with a big smile. “I love that. And I name mine too.”
“Phew,” you say. “Thought I was going to be the weird one on that.”
“Tell you what,” he says. “I’d love to help you keep Spidey alive but only if you agree to meet me for coffee this weekend.”
You tap your finger to your chin, pretending to think it over. “What do you think Alpine?”
The cat blinks at you then meows loudly.
“He said you should,” Bucky interjects. “That was definitely a yes.”
“In that case, definitely a yes,” you say.
“That’s great doll!” Bucky replies with a grin. “How about Saturday?”
“Sounds perfect.”
After you exchange numbers and agree on a coffee shop between your two apartments you say goodbye.
“Thanks again for your help and I’m really looking forward to our coffee date,” he says, then clamps his mouth shut.
He stares at you with wide eyes again. “I uh…I didn’t mean date…what I meant was…”
“It’s ok,” you say softly, stepping closer and kissing his cheek. “I’m looking forward to our date too.”
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@randomfandompenguin @book-dragon-13 @hiddles-rose @sebstanwhore @goldylions @littleseasiren @kmc1989 @lookiamtrying
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mobox87 · 10 months
Helloooo! I just wanted to say hi to you since i finally got courage to send you an ask😭❤️
I have been a fan of yours since 2014 and i was always too shy to ask or send you anything. 😭❤️I was just "lurking in the shadows" watching and admiring your work from afar since i was young. I LOVE your art you have such a unique style i haven't seen anywhere!! Keep up your great work♡♡😭❤️❤️ but since i'm here now i'd like to share with you my art of William Afton i did when the fnaf movie came out :DD It was so GOOD!! Me and my bf came to a conclusion that it's really a movie only for fnaf fans because people who are badly criticizing it just don't know much about fnaf lore i'm guessing :P
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There he is :DD i really hope you like it! I'm sorry it's just a photo but my phone is an android and i'm using an ipad for drawing and i was too lazy to send it to myself through my instagram accounts😭❤️
Also what are your thoughts on the fnaf movie?? I'd love to know🥰
( feel free to answer if you don't feel comfortable you don't have to <33 )
OMG Thank you so much!! You did an amazing wirk with that beautiful art of Afton/SPRING!! 🐇🐇🐇🐇
I really appreciate how much you have been following my universe and even though we never interact you know that you can feel welcome.
I left off being an agent a lot because I had my mistakes and I didn't want to hurt anyone so I preferred to avoid telling people about it.
But I feel that things like this are special situations because you have made the effort to come and see here and that makes me very happy because you share something so personal with me, the truth is I feel that it is beautiful!! 💖✨💖✨💖✨
As for the film personally, I also loved it, I already felt good and if they left a plot gap, then simply because they said there was going to be a second part, perhaps a prequel. When I was at the cinema I screamed, I laughed and I got excited. I got angry, I cried and everything I feel is that this movie made me find a lot of emotions and that is enough for me to say that it is good!! 🧸🧸🐇🐇
Not even green apart from the one in which Afton appears already in the Spring Bonnie costume because that's where my name was shouting, I was sweating all over my body, very excited, just don't shout so as not to disturb others.
Thank you very much for sharing these words with me and for sharing this drawing. I really think it turned out beautiful and please keep drawing because you are managing to make beautiful things! ✨💖✨💖✨✨
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arnaerr · 4 months
Vlada: *is a beautiful person inside and out, graciously shares their incredible artwork with us, continues to create said art despite complications with their hands, and cultivates an incredible community that encapsulates many fandoms and interests*
Some Rando on Tumblr: 😡🤬😤
Seriously, what is wrong with some people? Your chance of existing was slim to none and you choose to spend your time tearing people down, and for what? Grow up and touch some grass.
Vlada, you were one of the first artists I ever discovered on Tumblr way back in the early days of my (perhaps unhealthy) obsession with Oblivion. My respect for and awe of you knows no bounds. Thank you for being you ❤️
Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate your support 💗💗💗
Ngl years of having an active online presence taught me not to care much about those people and this kind of asks is genuinely funny to me. I ignore the majority of them, tho sometimes I'm in the mood to post them so people can roast the anon which is kinda fun, too.
I will never understand why people choose to be mean on the internet, but sucks to be them I guess
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silenzahra · 1 month
Hey there, did you know August 21st is Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day? So I'd just like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate you both as a friend and as a writer. As you probably know, I enjoyed all of your stories. You also write amazing posts - headcanons etc. Heck, even your commentary in reblogs is always so nicely written. I think you're very talented!
It's one of your stories, Anything for him, that I owe the fact I met you on this site. It's still one of in not my favorite Luigi's Mansion fanfic. I guess it's just a reminder for the occasion since I'm sure you already know it.
And I've actually been planning to reread another of my favorites from you, Keeping you warm in the near future,
Thank you for your hard work. I know you've only recently overcome your writer's block and general burnout, so I think it's all the more important that you know your effort and dedication, past and present, is still very much appreciated. I love how passionate you are about the Mario franchise and how you share that passion in so many ways, most of all your fics.
I can't wait for your nexts works, but also please remember that it's okay to take as much time as you need and that your physical and mental health always comes first. Take care!
And happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day!
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My dear @megamagimugi, have you any idea of how much your words have moved me and made my heart swell? 🥹🥹🥹
First of all, I'm sorry that I'm a day late, but the fact that you took the time to write this ask and tell me about how much you love my content and appreciate me as a writer and as a friend... I'm so honored and flattered and BLESSED I swear. Thank you so so so so SO much 🫂🫂🫂
I'm seriously so happy we got to meet thanks to you enjoying Anything for him! I can never forget about how excited you were when I announced I was working on the final chapter, which in turn made me even more excited to finish and post it 🥹 I'm truly so touched that it remains as your favorite Luigi's Mansion fanfic! That's seriously one of the highest praise I've ever received 🫂💖 And of course, the amazing and beautiful drawings you made for this story will forever live in my heart rent-free 🥹 (And hopefully soon in my walls at last!)
Oh my, you wanna reread Keeping you warm? 😍 My God, I don't think I can ever get used to people rereading my stories. It's just so incredible and amazing to think that you liked them so much that you feel like revisiting them months after they were posted! 🥹 Again, that's one of the highest compliments I believe any writer can get. I'm just so honored to have gotten it from you, dear friend 🫂💖
I really feel so validated by your recognition of my efforts to overcome this writer's block and burnout I've been fighting for the past month 🥹 It's thanks to you and this wonderful community that I'm feeling so much better! And I'm also so happy and blessed that I get to share my passion with you and our wonderful friends 🥰 Thank you so much, Mugi, from the bottom of my heart 🫂💖
I deeply appreciate both your advice and your enthusiasm! I'll still be slow at getting back to writing and actually posting something, but I'm glad to announce that I've started making progress at last! 🥰 I'll go at my own, slow pace, but just as Mario taught us: we should never give up 💪❤️
Thank you once again for this lovely surprise and for your unwavering support, dear Mugi! I hope that you know that I deeply appreciate you as a friend as well 🫂 You're such a kind and sweet person, and I feel so connected to you! I'm so incredibly happy that we met 🥰💖
And of course, I'm deeply in love with your art style as well! 😄 I'm just so glad and honored that my story inspired you to create the beautiful pieces you gifted me with 💖
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Please have the biggest hug ever and take care, dear friend! 🫂💖
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stevetonyisendgame · 1 year
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It’s the fourth day of work reveals for A Second Chance: A Steve/Tony Endgame Mini-Exchange and we have 8 fics and 2 artworks today!
Thank you to all participants - we’re so excited to share all these beautiful gifts with you! Enjoy and remember to leave kudos/comments for our hardworking creators to show your appreciation!! ❤️
A reminder to our dear creators that you can change the publication date of your works now that they have been revealed, so that they appear on the first page of the tags!
1. the orchid deciding to bloom again for Impala_Chick | FIC - 2.2k, T
Tony suspects Steve's being unfaithful and hires a private eye to investigate. She finds that Steve and Natasha have been spending a lot of quality time together. But all isn't what it seems.
2. A Better Name Than BARF for suchmadnesss | ART - G
So the prompt was a sentient AI post-endgame! I just thought it'd be cute if Steve came downstairs to clean up some things and found that Tony left him an AI for the lab. In this AU I also maybe decided they were married and Tony had built a couch in the corner for Steve to sit and do things while he worked. The real Tony (with a fully-iron arm) will probably come join them later.
3. Forgive The Winters, Keep No Records for XtaticPearl | FIC - 8.8k, T
Tony recovers from his twenty-three days in space. Guess who volunteers to help him through it?
4. What We Are Now for Carsonian | FIC - 2.7k, T
After the Battle of Earth, Steve and Tony find each other, but there are some bumps in the road as Tony adjusts to life.
5. In Your Golden Hour for AvengersNewB | FIC - 1.4k, T
Steve always thought that watching somebody while they slept was weird. It wasn’t a bad thing, it was just… maybe he’d never had a chance to equate it to something good. But then he fell into bed with Tony, one random night months after the Battle of New York, when riding his motorbike along the Eastern Seaboard became droll and the offer of a Manhattan skyline became more appealing. Suddenly, he didn’t think watching somebody sleep was all that weird anymore.
6. And you’ll see me waiting for you. for alexcat | ART - T
Tony Stark aka Iron Man is dead. Everyone is grieving in their own way, including Steve. But is he truly dead?
7. small comforts for earliebirb | FIC - 1.3k, G
“How’d you get so good at this?” Tony asked one morning, looking up from what was easily the best challah french toast (with fresh strawberries, no less) he’d ever had. Steve shot him a crooked smile as he shrugged modestly. “Practice, I guess? It's been almost two months now, guess I was bound to get better eventually.” There was a smudge of red at the corner of his mouth, and Tony really deserved a medal for not leaning over and wiping it away. “You’ve always been good, Rogers,” is what he said instead, and smiled when Steve flushed a pleased shade of pink. After the snap, Steve stays with Tony at the lake house while he recovers. They quickly fall into a comfortable, domestic routine as they find a balance together. Or, five moments that made Tony fall (more) in love with Steve 
8. Quick Thinking and a Dash of Luck for derelover | FIC - 6.6k, T
It only takes a number of missteps for Steve and Tony to be caught during the Time Heist. And merely a few misunderstandings to make things get incredibly messy between them.
9. With an Unselfish Love for derelover | FIC - 2.2k, T
The night before the time heist, Tony seeks Steve out.
10. submerge me in your will for meidui | FIC - 3.5k, G
“Hey,” Tony says. Steve’s heart thunders in his chest, his hands twitch by his side and he folds them under his chest to keep them from doing something stupid. They just look at each other for a moment. Tony registers the signs of age around Steve’s eyes, the glimpses of silver in the pale blonde of Steve’s hair. Steve takes in the pinked scar curving around Tony’s eye and jaw, and his prosthetic arm. Steve feels like he’s a second away from breaking apart after months of clinging onto the pieces of himself. “Hey,” he replies, instead of all the other things he wants to say.
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kokoasci · 4 months
Hello!!! I just want to say that your art is sooo beautiful! It is so beautiful it always inspires me to create too! Even your simplest sketches and doodles always come in front of me like a miracle❤️
hello!! thank you soso much !! <3 that means so much im going to be so honest bc i find it hard to make art usually, so that gives me so much confidence in sharing whatever i make here, even if its random sketches of characters i just liked the designs for 🫶 i really appreciate it !!
i know i say this a lot but i never thought people would actually get inspired by the stuff i make haha, so im really glad i can share it w/ other artists so we can inspire each other <3
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hdsudsfest · 2 years
HD Sudsfest Week One
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It’s the first sudsy Sunday of November and you know what that means—our first weekly round up of 2022! Here at Suds HQ we have been absolutely blown away by the fantastic creations submitted. So if you haven’t had the chance to dip your toe into this year’s offerings, now’s your moment to jump in, the water’s fine! 🧼
[FIC] Under Giant Mountains by @wolfpants { E | 33.7k }
Harry doesn't know where he's going. Everyone else has their life paths figured out; he doesn't even know where his map is. Who'd have thought Draco Malfoy bathing in a Norwegian forest would be the guidepost Harry needed? In which Harry's trip to Norway to visit dragon-wrangler Ron introduces him to hikes from hell, mysterious natural magic, foraging, magical bathing, a new and bizarre friendship, and the frustrating, heady allure of his former nemesis turned sexy globetrotting field researcher.
❤️ "this is so evocatively written; both the claustrophobia of grimmauld and the expanse of Norway, what amazing contrasts. I want to read this slowly to appreciate the gorgeous details!!! But I know I shall fail!!!" —citrusses
❤️ "God, I can’t even say how much I enjoyed following Harry’s journey throughout this. It was beautiful to see him finding his way, with help and on his own." —virgosun
[ART] Not Again by @caroll-in { M | Digital Comic }
Not allowed a wand and being on house arrest in Malfoy Manor which magic is acting up and won't provide any tap water is a challenge but Draco makes it work. He takes advantage of the summer weather and resorts to bathing in the small stream running through the estate. Everything would be peachy if only his parole Auror would stop timing his monthly probation visits while Draco is en déshabillé.
❤️ "I am WRIGGLING with joy. I love it! Draco's rosy little butt! And Harry's little peekaboo action! And their happy little faces in the last panel! And the scenery is gorgeous." —acari
❤️ "AHHHHHHH!!! OMG OMG OMG!! This is perfect 😭😭😭 you always slay me. I love it so much. Thank you for creating and sharing and giving us something so amazing." —nv-md
[FIC] The Re-Fenestration of Potter by @cavendishbutterfly and @sorrybutblog { E | 7.5k }
Harry wants the Prophet reporters to stop following him and Draco wants Harry to stop climbing through his window at all hours of the night…even if he’s taken to leaving it open, just in case. Everything is bearable until they both get doused with Draco’s latest batch of Wolfsbane, and then suddenly nothing between the two of them is bearable at all.
❤️ "Omg! This is wonderful! So hot and tender and lovely! And the ending. I was squealing in glee for them!" —melrilielen
❤️ "Wolfy Draco is my favourite Draco. Fun, fun, fun, and a perfect pick me up on a gloomy November evening ❤️" —oriberry
[FIC] After sunlit days, one thing stays the same by flightinflame { T | 2k }
Harry wakes up sore after a full moon. Luckily, Draco is beside him, and knows how to handle it.
❤️ "This was so so so incredibly lovely, you managed to fit into a short scene of intimacy so many unspoken words and feelings, I almost felt like I wasn’t supposed to have this glimpse into their lives because it was so private, so sweet. Great job 💜💜💜" —artcele
❤️ "This was absolutely amazing…it really feels like love - REAL love. And that can be tough to manage, especially in a fantasy setting." —coffee-scribbles
[ART] Rubber Drakey by @crazybutgood { T | Origami Comic }
Harry just wanted to indulge Teddy with a bath toy in the tub. Instead, his evening turns out to be filled with lots of bubbles, a frantic phone call, and an angry duck in a bucket.
❤️ "I adore rubber duck!draco with my whole beating heart. I want to squish him (gently) so much asdghjkl. Hope Harry at least got a few “accidental” squeezes in the process😂 Your origami art comic concept blew my mind btw, you have such a creative soul." —vivantesopales
❤️ "This is so gorgeous!!! Cbg your art is so amazing! I love all of this so much! And it's such a cute story hahahaha ducky draco!!!!! 💜 thanks so much for sharing this wonderful art with us! Love your origami so much. 😍" —teacup-tai
[FIC] The Art of the Bath by brit_girl /@drarrysworlds { M | 23k }
As Draco’s housemate, Harry thought him falling asleep in the bath just once after a long shift at St Mungo’s was once too many. Obviously, the best thing for Harry to do was to keep him company, even if it was at odd, post-Healer-shift hours. What could he say? He was nothing if not a good friend.
❤️ "I'm screaming. This was too perfect and too sweet and just exactly what I needed. This is EXACTLY how I see them, I couldn't have written them better myself. God, just all the feels happening here. If I could leave a million Kudos I would."—VictorieintheSmallThings
❤️ "so frickin sweet! and written absolutely beautifully 💛💛" —pansysimp
[FIC] Meet Me in the Daylight by @krethes { E | 6k }
The war has been over for more than twenty years, but despite becoming Head Healer at St Mungo's, the shadows of Draco's past remain in the memories of his contemporaries. A horrible confrontation at the hospital sends Draco right back into his old inner demons, but Harry is there to ward them away and remind Draco that he's not the boy he once was. 
❤️ obsessed with your drarry and with you and this was amazing and you’re amazing. also apple tart having nothing on *this* tart? snorted out loud hahah —keysie
❤️ "I saw Krethes in my inbox, and I was excited, as usual. THEN I saw that it was DRARRY and I RAN here to read this absolute gem of a fic. Bravo bravo bravo SO enjoyable, thank you for sharing this with us!!! ♥️♥️♥️" —booktopus
[FIC] Baby, Kiss It Better by @fuckboyregulus { E | 8k }
Harry has been avoiding his team’s athletic healer for five years now, but a broken ankle requires him to ask for help from his former boarding school enemy, Draco. Has Draco changed? Have Harry’s feelings about him?
❤️"Harry radiating pain under Draco's spell hurts my heart. So stubborn. Love the idea of the bubble ice bath with added rubber ducky. It's too cute. I was all 👀👀👀 at the description of Harry's tattoos and piercings. Very nice! Welcome to the wonderful world of Drarry!" —acari
❤️"What a fantastic ending to a sizzling fic! I loved this! And congrats on your first Drarry! Welcome! Suds is a wonderful way to get an introduction. It's lovely to have you, and I hope you write more of them! Lovely job with this! <3" —lqtraintracks
[ART] 1000 Kisses Deep by @getawayfox { T | Digital Art }
Harry keeps visiting Draco’s soap shop, trying – and failing – to ask him out for dinner. A few fruitless weeks and unnecessary amounts of soap purchases later, Harry finally gets the courage to say the words. Of course, with his luck, something entirely else slips out. Fortunately, Draco doesn’t seem to mind.
❤️ "In love with this world you created here. Gorgeous. My heart is so full, it's just… beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us 💖💖" —rockingrobin69
❤️ "I absolutely adore this!! 🥺🥰 I couldn’t have imagined it any better!! Thank you for creating this wonderful art!! 💕" —cluelesspigeons
[FIC] Phoenix in the Fire by @lqtraintracks { E | 28k }
Harry never expected to have a hot summer fling with Draco Malfoy when he agreed to mind the castle with him. He also never expected that it would all have to end on August thirty-first. What happens when casual sex with Harry’s ex-enemy turns not casual after all? And how the hell is he going to stop Draco from making one of the biggest mistakes of his life?
❤️ "I love everything about this fic! Long hair desi harry and tattoos draco are a couple of my favorite things in general. The story was hot, sweet, and heartbreaking, and then so happy. The conflicting emotions fro.Draco, the desperation, it was all so well written and I may have shed a few tears. Thank you for sharing!!" —sunflowergirl28
❤️ "This fic was sweet and fun and lovely and I love Draco’s tattoos. Also this Harry like 🔥🔥🔥 damn. Thank you thank you!!!" —embrichard
Enjoy these incredible works in our Sudsfest 2022 Collection on Ao3!
weekly roundup header art by fictional, do not repost
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 months
i know the poll is presumably gone (i just checked tumblr 30min ago) but to the people who use their black friends/relatives/etc. as accessories to deflect from being called racist: fuck you. this is exactly why you're not safe to be around.
i am white. i have mixed (black/white) relatives. the rest of my family, aside from them, are white. and preach about reverse racism bullshit to the point where my mixed aunt does not bother discussing it (racism and other heavy topics) anymore with them. one of her daughters expressed a racist remark while i was staying with them over the summer a couple years ago, saying that her older brother wasn't black because he wasn't as dark as she (the daughter) was. then she proceeded to say, quietly, that yeah. white people scare her. she also said i scare her just because i'm white. that broke my fucking heart.
like... those relatives are soooo important to me in a whole bunch of ways. i trust them so much, when i was with them and whenever i came to visit afterwards they were all so excited to be around me because i don't make this shit about them. or downplaying their shit. i try to help them through it. there's been a few times when a few other white kids picked on them and i was just like uhhh. nuh uh! (tells them to fuck off. [in a more PG way.]) it's so bare minimum but we all treat each other like human beings unlike our other relatives.
this isn't me trying to toot my own horn. i'm white. i have privilege. i acknowledge it. i am not immune to being misinterpreted or racist even while saying this shit. it can come off as underhanded. i know this. i am mostly just saying something more along the lines of, white people won't fucking get it until it reaches a whole different level of personal to them, because no they won't understand the racism and shit like black people experience. until they decide to open their stupid eyes and just observe their interactions and the shit going on around them too.
this is long as hell, sorry about that. i really like your posts, i love seeing Phi art on my dash. your creative sideblog is very informative to me and i have started reading the resources you've offered and looking for more on my own after encountering all this. whether you stop trying to educate others or not, i hope you still have as much fun as you can with your posting and i wish all the racist fucks bothering you a very "read the fucking white fragility books and get over yourselves." tldr i'm with you 1000000% because why the fuck wouldn't i be, basically. thanks for your epic content and the time you make to share resources. have a good day/night. :-)
I hate that that little girl has internalized that racism and colorism like that. Because it means the people around her are saying things like that. She's not the only one either. I remember years ago that "you're beautiful" video, where one of the Black women in the video was genuinely angry and hurt at being told she was beautiful, likely bc she was used to being mistreated. She thought she was being mocked, and people were "oh why's she such a bitch" well you don't realize how much Black women are treated like we really aren't worth shit (unless we sacrifice ourselves and "be strong") from a young age.
But yeah, I mean... White people are scary 😅 unfortunately, she right 🤣 I'm a grown ass adult, and witnessing just how cruel many white people are willing to be to maintain their own comfort, beliefs, and the status quo... It's terrifying fr. Look at the state of American politics rn.
I appreciate you reaching out and trying to make me feel better ☺️ I also appreciate that you like my Phi content! She's my darling girl, that I want to give all the love that every Black girl deserves to have ❤️
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afreakingdork · 5 months
Hi! I always wanted to tell you but your Weak spot fic literally changed my brain chemistry and do not mean this in a light way like... It really was a healing (and I mean VERY healing journey) journey while reading through it. The way Donnie interacts with Reader-chan and the way he responds, talks, thinks of her really got to me. In the way that it profoundly spoke to my unhealed parts really got me to actually get up and figuratively start tending my inner wounds and applying healing techniques where they were needed. Honestly in short your fic actually inspired me and gave me strenght to the point that I started working on myself VERY, VERY seriousely and I can't thank anyone but you. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful art of yours with us all. I always wanted to wait until I make an art piece (or multiple) that could really describe all of my feelings with this because there are many and they are BIG and I feel STRONGLY and I want to give back the energy you gave me with this. I hope at least this message brings a tenth of what I feel when reading your work. It probbably sounds pathetic and foolish to say all of this but I've been here a while and I can safely say that your fic pulled out the strongest reaction out of me. In the future I hope to give you at least a token of my appreciation through my visual art but I have yet something worthy. But here I am at least literally expressing a smidge of my appreciation for you and your healing art. Thank you again for shaing it with us. (Honestly this is all over the place but my feelings have grown to the point that they just burst out and this is what you get) Much love.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💛💛💛💛💛
Omigosh, anon!!! You are so freaking sweet, I can't stand it! First off, I have to say, you do not have to create anything to give back! You've given me so much just by writing this out! I'm utterly moved and I can't thank you enough for mentioning all of this! I'm emotional that my story helped you in anyway and I'm so glad it's been for the positive! I'm sending you all my healing vibes and I hope your journey continues to trend in the direction you want! Don't worry about worthy because you are more than enough. If you want to get better, I believe then you should and are incredibly capable! I'm rooting for you and thank you again!!!
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daiziesssart · 6 months
So, remember when I (hypothetically) asked about writing a fic based on one of your Lily Evans fanart?
Well, it’s going great but fair warning, I may have added a bit of angst to the story. Since I’m a fan of angsty fics and it comes naturally to me when writing. However, it ends on a good note (it was supposed to be a drabble 2k words but now it’s roughly 7k words 🫢) because Lily deserves happiness, she’s just so amazing.
I will say that the fic is based on James’s pov. I actually wrote two drafts but ended going in this route with James. Not sure if that ever happens to you when drawing? It happens to me every time, by second draft is the one that ends up being shared.
Anyways, just wanted to let you know that it’s almost finished and I hope you know how much I love and appreciate that you share your artwork with us. It’s such a pleasure seeing your artwork and the amazing details/emotions you put into it. You always leave me speechless and it’s difficult to express my gratitude, because I feel like a broken record at times.
Thank you, your drawings always brighten my day.
Also, funny thing happened when you posted a nsfw Jily art (the text message one) I was at work and my phone wanted to get me in trouble with my supervisor! Literally I have my brightness low, but it kept getting brighter each second. Like it was saying, “ you can’t dim the light between young love”
No matter how many times I tried to dim the brightness it was no use. My supervisor was walking up to me and I’m here struggling to exit out of tumblr and my phone freezes! Lily’s entire “personality” was on display on my screen and I couldn’t exit out!
Luckily I managed to power off my phone before my supervisor got close, 😰 my face was literally this emoji 😳 haha, it was so awkward but it’s funny thinking about that.
I wanted to share a little snippet (unedited):
The smile that she was sending his way, felt better than trying out for the Quidditch team for the very first time. Even better than using the map to sneak out for a quick fly around the Quidditch pitch. Her smile, has the power to illuminate even the darkest of corners of the corridor. James wanted nothing but to be able to keep that smile on her delicate face forever.
That’s a little moment of longing, I would share the angsty part but I want to keep that until I post it.
I hope you have a great day, if not I hope things get better!
don’t worry i love angst with a happy ending!!!! SHE DOES SHE’S THE BEST GIRL IN THE WHOLE WORLD…. omg i am SO excited to read it u have no idea
i also love a good james pov <333
AWWHFEJSH STOPPPP I’LL CRY…… this is so sweet and messages like this really do keep me drawing. it’s not even the general engagement factor of posting, but like. when i see all of the content everyone else makes, it genuinely is so fun for me. there’ve been so many times where i’ve read a fic or saw some fanart that made me SO giddy that i had to share it with everyone in my immediate circle just to scream about it. so just the thought of me possibly being able to make other people feel that way, even if it’s just one person, is genuinely the main reason i love creating and posting art. and messages like this mean more to me than u will ever know! so thank YOU!!!
EWJNRJEWFNE OHHH NOOOOOO OMG just imagining being in ur position… my face would be on fire for the next five hours i am SO SORRY HJESFHBJSD
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astronomodome · 2 hours
hello, astronomodome! i am writing to tell you that you have the most beautiful art style. it is so striking and expressive and i love every piece you make. i feel that your shapes and colors are very unique, but what makes your work truly memorable to me are all the emotions and moods you convey. you can do spooky or funny or dramatic or all three at the same time and basically... i just really vibe with your stuff. thank you for sharing your work with the world.
Awww thanks! I really appreciate how you explained exactly why you like my art, it’s really interesting to me to see how other people look at it :) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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neerons · 8 months
Hi Neeron
I hardly see anyone talk about Love 365 anymore, it’s like the community gets smaller every year… I just want to say I’m so happy when I see your posts ☺️
Hi anon ❤️
Thank you so much for your words. It’s so sweet and I’m grateful whenever I receive these kinds of messages because I know you could have chosen not to send me anything and keep your feelings to yourself, but you still sent it and seeing this made me so happy 🥹❤️
I’m happy that there are still fans of the game and that my posts manage to make you guys appreciate the content. It’s true that the community used to be lively before. But I have noticed that a lot of L365 fans are still there, they’re mostly quiet and seem to prefer to consume content from others, more than make their own content when it comes to Tumblr. Sadly people can’t be forced to create or interact more for the sake of the fandom, but I still see discord servers with people who still talk about the titles.
From my own experience, discord servers dedicated to L365 were the best place to gather the fans and interact with each other (or not, if you’re shy or uninterested in social activities). To be honest, I had the most fun in the fandom when I had finally become brave enough to join someone’s server a few years ago, and I’m really glad I joined back then because I became friends with the right people ❤️
When it comes to keeping a fandom alive, whether they’re screenshots, art, fanfictions, posts to share your thoughts, headcanons, or anything that is authorized by the creators (Voltage) to share, these posts help create interactions within the fandom and make everything lively and fun. That’s why I’m happy whenever I see people who share their stuff for their own fun. Personally I started posting and still post to get rid of some of the 50k screenshots I take from stories 🤣 and then I got fueled by the beautiful writing of the titles I love and started posting my art as well.
I’m happy if people like what I post. To be honest, I think the reason I’m still here even after the fandom is more quiet is because… I’d post even if no one liked my content. I don’t have any expectations toward people, but I’m so grateful whenever I do get to interact with them. It’s very fueling and flattering to have people reach out to you. That’s why I want to thank you, and any other person who leaves a comment, drops a like or sends an ask/message. Your actions are the key to making content creators want to stay ❤️
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punkshort · 27 days
Your Marcus Acacius… let me tell you, when I say my life hasn’t been the same since, I’m not even exaggerating. I mean literally. That man is so swoonable it hurts!!😫 it is impossible not to fall madly in love (and lust😉) with him! The way you described both his inner and outer beauty and his irresistible personality and riz and confidence and raw masculinity is just *CHEFS KISS!! You leave such a visceral sense of who he is he has me in a chokehold and Im just mad that he’s not reeeeeal!!😭😭
your world building is so beautiful! it’s so vivid and delightful it makes me wanna live there. (And I live in NYC😆)
The side characters Iizard and the brother are hilarious! I love them AND I wanna throw an oven mitt at them😂
Your protagonist: I like your protagonist so much she’s so endearing. She’s so sweet and kind even when she’s ready to kick Danny’s ass you can tell she still loves him and will always look out for him. She’s not perfect and struggles at work (and with life) like most of us do but she’s smart and strong and resilient like we all try/want to be so she’s very relatable. It’s easy to see how a man like Acacius would fall in love with her. And even when she’s angry and annoyed she’s still very lovable (in contrast to Kate and Leopold). And that Matt guy. Well… he deserves everything he got lol And the smut… oh the smut. It’s so fluffy and sweet and SO HOTTT🥵🥵 I melted on the floor like your protagonist said🫠🫠
TW: I don’t wanna make this weird I swear. you don’t have to reply at all it’s totally fine. I just want you to know that your art has literally changed my life. I don’t mean to overshare but… being able to take refuge in the world you’ve created got me through weeks of PTSD flashback hell. And I’ve had this one difficulty all my life and decades of expensive therapy couldn’t make a dent but In Another Life cured it. I’m excited to live again🥹. I just wanna say from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am that you shared your beautiful writing with us!❣️❣️💝💖💝💖
A Marcus Acacius Girly
PS I did reblog your work but I was too embarrassed to leave all this in my comments so I had to go anon in your inbox😅
This was so beautiful to read it took me a minute to figure out how to answer it - I can't really put into words what this means to me but I'll try 🥹
Firstly, thank you so much for pointing out all your favorite parts because that's my favorite part! I absolutely adore hearing what struck you the most as a reader and I like to hear if what I've written came across the way it intended and how I imagined it, etc, so this was and always is so wonderful to hear. It just gave me that extra motivation I needed to work on part 3 later 🤭 (I've already started it but didn't get very far)
Secondly, thank you for sharing a bit about your personal struggles. I know that has to be so hard for you to share and I appreciate that you felt impacted enough by something I wrote to want to say something about it. I don't think I know how to describe the way my chest literally tightened when I read that part but I'm floored something I wrote could help anybody in the world the way you described. It makes me so happy I could help you in that way, it really truly does. I really hope things are looking better for you now ❤️
Lastly, thank you for reblogging! Don't feel obligated to write anything when you do, I appreciate it all the same!
I'm very grateful you reached out to me and trusted me enough to share a piece of yourself. I sincerely hope the rest of the story meets your expectations and continues to bring a little light into your life ❤️ I also rely heavily on this platform (and my own writing) as a form of therapy (and maybe a little escapism, sure) so we certainly have that in common 😘
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rayrayor · 9 months
New Years Ask Game for fic writers
@mybrainismelted Thank you for the tag🫶
To close out 2023…
1) what fic did you have the most fun writing this year and why? Or, if you can’t decide, what was most fun about writing this year for you?
I think it’s a tie between All but the knot and Little Omega . Both are just that light hearted romp. Plus seeing my former barbarian as a toddler was just too fun.
2) what’s a scene/story that you finished and felt “wow, I really accomplished that, that actually went so well”?
The Legend of Mickey Milkovich :The Love Story of the Gallagher Husbands. It’s a very true and pure love story about loving yourself and loving your person in many stages of change. It’s a tribute to my husband. He does not read a lot of my stuff . This one was a lot for us. I wrote it while he was in surgery. It’s just a tribute to all the trans folks who live their truth.
3) What helped provide the most inspiration for stories, if anything? Was it poetry? A song on repeat? A gorgeous gifset? A walk outside? A book you read that made you want to change everything? Whatever it was! Tell all.
I see Mickey and Ian in a lot of poetry. I favor EECummings both in ‘I carry your heart with me’ and ‘spring omnipotent goddess’.
It’s deep and powerful love. It’s being devoured for love and beauty. They carry each other in different but consuming ways.
4) What is something you want to share about what you’ve written this year? A particular line, a comment that made you feel really good, a scene that was difficult to write — you get to choose! What do you wish someone would ask you about when it comes to what you’ve written?
I am writing “what keeps a man holding so long’ It’s a what if Ian waited, but what if they both got support for various issues. There is angst which is hard for me to write. The scenes of Ian setting boundaries made me cry as I wrote it. I want to go back and fix some grammar. I am proud for going outside my norm . I have them becoming dads in a very unexpected way.
What I wish people would ask? Hmm…I love feedback. All of you are helping me grow as a writer.Ask me anything. I would love to pair up for a story, I am a bit geeky and no nerve to ask.
And to start off 2024…
1) do you have any writing/creation goals for the year? What are they?
I want to continue the @galladrabbles. I checked out @callivich writing prompts and want to use at least 4 this year.
I was raised in a very weird homeschool thing as a kid. I get forensic chemistry but not commas. So I want to slow down and get better at grammar. Thank you @notherenewjersey ! They are a beta for me and I am learning so much. I appreciate the time given to my SBB . My goal is to replicate that care in new works.
Oh and commission more art !
2) is there a fic or idea that you’re really excited to be able to continue to work on in the new year (shout out to my fellow fic writing folks who take forever to finish wips, sometimes it’s nice to be able to continue working on something even if you wish you’d gotten it done! Now you get even MORE time with it!)
I am excited to get to finish ‘ what keeps a man holding so long’ and ‘all but the knot, part two’. I also decided to take two tropes I love and mix them. Irish mobster meets geek Mickey.
3) What’s something new in your writing you want to try/are going to try? A different writing style? Different fandom? Darker works? Fluffier? Longer or shorter?
I am very wordy …see for reference the large series ‘bringing home barbarian’ . I am working on shorts and cannon compliant stories.
4) what’s something you love about your own writing that you will continue to appreciate in the new year?
I love writing and I want to continue making people happy.
Hope everyone’s having a lovely kick off to 2024 — think it’s gonna be a good year ❤️
Tagging anyone up to play and @ms-moonlight-inn @redwiccanrobin @sam-loves-seb @sweetbee78 @sweetperversiongirl @jrooc @juliakayyy @gallavichgeek
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supine-ly · 1 month
I love everything you draw 🥰🥰🥰🥰 ALLLLL of them are so pretty and beautiful. I saw your reblog about specifc assumptions and decided to try it lol. I've only been following you for a couple weeks now so I'm sorry if the vibe is a bit off, but I have a feeling you're really into found family tropes from your tmnt and riordanverse art. And I also feel like you like the underdogs/underappreciated in your media with how much you love Jason.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful art with us!!! They're all super lovely and makes my day brighter ❤️
I didn’t expect anyone to psycho analyze me lmao thank you this really made my day
also you’re very correct with your assumptions, especially the part about under appreciated characters, so kudos to you. Thank you for the msg!
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captaindamianos · 1 year
Please, your art is soooo awesome and I‘m happy every time you post sth. new ❤️❤️ Especially your Damen is one of my favorite versions of him. I love you for drawing my beautiful, beefy son the way he deserves 😍 Please keep sharing your art with us, you‘re one of the people keeping this fandom going ✨🌈🌺🌺
Tumblr media
I am really happy about this ask, and incredibly grateful you feel this way. Thank you, anon 🥹💕 I truly appreciate it.
But I see more and more of a decline of people interacting with anything I post and it gives me a lot of self-doubt at the moment. I've never had the most belief in my abilities and I'm getting more and more self-conscious lately. I'm not sure my ideas and interpretations resonate with the people currently active. And it's not great for my mental health to put so much value on something that's there and easily snatched away again.
I'm not really sure what to do right now. I think it's best to just take it day by day, see if I'm inspired and have fun doing more Capri art. But I've shared and done quite a lot either way. And if it just gives me anxiety and makes me sad, it's just not the best course for me to continue at the moment. It flip-flops constantly, and my art journey is just full of ups and downs. But I feel apprehension at the moment at the thought of posting anything and I'm not sure that's ideal.
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