#thank you for tagging me friends ily!!
obikinetic · 3 months
Missing your obikin art hours pls come back to us 💓💓
Anon you are so sweet and I made this just for you 🥺💖
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babygirlgiles · 1 year
I think my fic where Xander accidentally becomes a successful novelist (largely without realizing it) is the funniest idea I’ve ever had. This guy started writing little stories to remember their adventures in Sunnydale (his last line in Chosen about “how will anyone even know about this unless we tell them” burrowed itself into my little archivist brain and won’t let go) and posts them online. He unintentionally goes viral. He thinks someone named Simon N. Schuster is leaving him voicemails. He ends up on the New York Times bestseller list.
He doesn’t even realize that everyone else thinks the stories are fiction. Xander is out here writing autobiographical non-fiction but everyone else thinks he’s a weirdly dedicated author that’s really committed to maintaining a Lemony Snicket style pseudonym/persona for the narrator of his novel. There are “Who Is Xander Harris?” articles. No one can dig up much of anything on him because he lived his whole life in a town that got wiped off the map. He keeps rejecting requests for interviews because of his stage fright. At first this drives his publicist absolutely ballistic but it just adds the the air of mystery that’s drumming up book sales so she lets it go.
He only responds to questions over email and only ever responds “in character” as his “novel’s narrator” and this baffles everyone, only adding to the supposed mystery. It’s literally not even Xander actually writing the emails 95% of the time. It’s Dawn. She has appointed herself as “Xander’s representation” even though she doesn’t really know what being someone’s representation means. She printed business cards.
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jounosparticles · 3 months
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i am going to pass out THWYRE SO PRETTY. the messy and fluffy hair oh my god, THE OUTFITS. they’re on another level of beautiful. im actually overjoyed
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averlym · 8 months
wow wow wow wow i came here to say it’s jane seymour’s deathday and saw that you have done so much improvement it’s crazy everything looks so lovely and amazing you’re doing great
~ holiday anon
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quick portrait i did a while back. lovely reminder to see you again ily holiday anon
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spaceratprodigy · 6 months
✏ WIP Whenever ✏
Thank you for the tags @captastra @darkfire1177 @the-lastcall @hibernationsuit 💖💕
Haven't been working on too much personal art lately so not many new things to share
Have a lil sneaky peeky at these tiny sketches for the next few faith and max smoochy prompts in my ask box tho :]
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open tag to anyone who wants to jump in!
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mollyhale · 4 months
tagged by @jade-efflorescence to do some tag games!! tysm for the tag friend!! 🩵
1. Named after anyone? no but my parents picked my name from a book of names so shout out to the other girlies with my name <3
2. Last time you cried? i think it was on christmas if im not mistaken LMAO i was just mad as fuck about a grade i got back the night before and the shitty prof who was absolutely useless all sem for her rationale like she was not helpful at all ofc i was shooting in the dark with my final
3. Any kids?
no! maybe one day but def not now lol
4. Sports played/playing?
only ever really seriously did/do taekwondo all my life (basically, i mean i've been doing it for 17 years that's the majority of it anyway) but it's a bit of a sore subject rn
5. Do you use sarcasm?
fluently <3
6. First thing you notice about people?
eyes always, i know what i see, i can tell if i feel safe with someone based on their eyes otherwise my ass is NOT making eye contact with you
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
(so much for my) happy ending!
9. Talents?
good at art! i'd also say painting my nails i guess lol but that took some WORK to get here lol
also random but i can crack my pelvis kinda on command ??
10. Where were you born?
usa :) midwest gang rise
11. Hobbies?
art, video games (pokémon my beloved), collecting pokemon cards, writing, reading (!! so excited to be able to say that seriously for the first time in ages)
12. Pets?
not anymore :( used to have a cat when i was younger but we usually get a fish almost every year for the haft seen around norooz and sometimes we keep it but most times we give it back to the pet store once new years is over lol
13. Height?
5' on a good day - just saw a video using the phrase "5 foot negative 3" and im absolutely stealing that
14. Favorite subject at school?
15. Dream job?
creative director/art director at vogue or like if i could just be a traditional artist and have that be a viable career i would
i think that's everything?? i probably forgot something i'll kick myself for later lol
tagging (no pressure!!) - @borntobewondering @flippinfins @mickeysjones @seancamerons @bl33ditout @21-roses-a-day @loveution @bethestars @cottoncandywhispers @jewelledmoths and anyone else who wants to!!
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tonbane · 1 year
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serenpedac · 4 months
💐 so much love to you, darling and wonderful friend
you are so incredibly thoughtful, so sweet, so supportive, and such a delight and important part of this lovely fandom
your writing is incredible! i love your discussions and thoughts. thank you for being you and sharing yourself and your time with us
every time i see the stars i think of you! especially the pleiades
Question! for your twc ocs- what piece of media reminds them of their lis (books, letters, movies, music, memes, etc) 💕
hope you’re having an amazing day!
Wonderful person, thank you so much for your message *sobs* I've been rereading this message over the past few days and just want to hug it close to my chest <3
I hope you have an amazing day as well!
This was a great question to think about! I had so much fun figuring out which medium every OC would pick.
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Yael for Nate: The painting 'Rough Sea with Wreckage' by Turner shown above. Although she doesn't know everything about Nate's past, the imagine of the lonely ship out on a rough sea makes her think about what Nate may have been through. It reminds her of the scene in the mirror, how could it not?
There's also the contrast between the light and the darker clouds, and it's unclear whether the ship is sailing into the storm or coming out of it. It makes her feel the tension of the unknown: the things she doesn't know about his past, the uncertainties of their future together. It's more emotion that she gets from this piece than anything articulated in words, but that suits her, I think.
Melike for Morgan: The poem 'i like my body when it is with your' by e. e. cummings. The physicality of the poem reminds them of Morgan, but there's also this sense of.. wonder, that "thrill" of something new that is mentioned at the end. Melike is very self-contained and it comes as a surprise to her how much they have grown to like Morgan's company. I can see her choose this poem because of the physical descriptions, but then get quiet and contemplative when going over it a second time, because of how those first lines suggest a change in her as well. It's about them, even though neither of them is quite sure what "they" are.
Gabi for Farah: The song I already like you by Dessa, because it's such an upbeat song! Gabi loves how Farah throws herself into their relationship, not holding back, she's open and honest and "Let's go!". The entire vibe of the song fits Farah so well, but what Gabi would pick out specifically is the "There's no sure bet // You just ride, ride, ride roulette" because she herself is the type of person who would want to be 100% sure before doing anything, but Farah is showing her that it's not all that bad to go for it.
Also, I can imagine Farah humming this song after picking it up from one of Gabi's playlists.
Laura for Ava: Laura is too cool for me lol! She would answer with a meme or a movie reference, but I don't know enough about either to give a good answer.
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choco-dawn · 1 year
fhdskjfhds you know what fuck it. honestly, i havent really been drawing much stuff besides D&D things. i know most people wont care but. might as well post some here just to post SOMETHING. sorry y'all. i love my D&D characters alot.
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seariii · 5 months
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(my laptop decided it wasn't going to co operate for a good while and I kinda had to rush sorry again)
I'm melting, you gave her her kitty hairpin, I'm literally melting that's so cute, I fell down because that was so cute and so adorable and thank you so much and I love you a lot
Thank you a lot, honestly, thank you... I'm saving this and holding it close to my heart... So pretty so cute .... It means a lot, thank you
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Tag Game/People I want to Know Better!!
I was tagged by @coco-saurio and @nevermoreish (i didn't even know you guys were mutuals lol! and thanks for the tag!)
last song: My Love Is Sick by Madds Buckley
favorite colors: red and green
currently watching: Lupin on netflix! it's french and you should check it out cause it's really good!
last movie: Knives Out (for the 6th or 7th time I think lol, it's my fav and for the anecdote i had to use a vpn to access netflix Japan since it's only available in 7 countries currently, which don't include mine lmao)
sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet! Nothing like sweets and cookies!
relationship status: in a romantic desert
current obsessions: Yokozawa Takafumi, The Lonely Castle In The Mirror, fairy tales, baking and the Knives Out movies lol
last thing you googled: invisible fire
I'm gonna tag @wolfdamnit @uknowyato @ophelisae and @nutton-of-tata ! Have fun guys! <3
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inventedfangirling · 11 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke ! I was surprised when i saw the notification pop up but yaay I loved reading your answers and I'm very excited to try this out too. Thanks for tagging me🤗
Credit to the creator of this game @thatgirl4815 of the Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Fair warning, almost the entirety of this is going to be filled with Bad Buddy related responses and it's gonne be the opposite of concise *SURPRISE* so yes lezgo...
Favorite Thai QL: Bad Buddy. It was the second thai QL i have ever watched and THE ONLY reason i decided to actually consume more of thai QL content cos this show moved me in a way nothing i had ever seen until then had. It was queer, it was asian, it intentionally subverted so many tropes i hated, gave us inkpa AND patpran-one of the most beautiful and respectful love stories ive ever seen that culminated in an ending that is as happy as it is realistic and i am still in awe of p'aof and ohmnanon and the gem they made. But also. Just for episode 5. Perfection. Also, Episode 7 my beloved. And Episode 11 the love of my life. Bad Buddy you will always be my favourite <3
Favorite Pairing: OhmNanon -> PatPran ofc! I've never seen the appeal of childhood friends to lovers until i saw Patpran's childhood frenemies to adult frenemies to friends to lovers. Just the most organic growth of a bond whose seeds were sown even before they were born. But most importantly once they grew up and were confronted with obstacles and realities, they chose to love eo and kept on choosing eo. Their love, their regard for eo, the way they cared for eo, it's all so very precious and i just won't ever love a romantic pairing the way i do patpran, and it's half because of just how brilliant ohmnanon's chemistry worked, they are EVERYTHING to me.
I also LOVE First & Khaotung's chemistry. Great Stuff. Also Net & James.
Most underrated actor: I don't know if i have watched enough shows to comment on this since the actors i mention might actually be well appreciated and not strictly underrated but yes Fluke Gawin Caskey is on my list too. I feel that his drop dead gorgeous looks have somehow made his real acting chops appear like an afterthought when in reality it so isn't. Kinda have similar feelings about Net from Bed Friend as well.
I loved LOVE from bad buddy, and i can't wait to see her in 23.5 with Milk. Suar from You're My Sky & La Pluie, and Title also from La Pluie, War from Love Mechanics, First & Khaotung from Eclipse (i know they are well loved but still!) i REALLY enjoyed their performances.
Favorite Character: Pran Parakul my beloved. Pran is in so many ways so similar to me i immediately took a liking to him. I don't know how much my love for Pran is inextricably tied to how Nanon played the part but the pining and the love that was just on display but hidden oh so beautifully, my heart hadnt ached for a character in a romance story in so long. And then the love is reciprocated and then instead of the character doing a full 180 and being unrealistically happy we see him struggle to adjust, we see him learn and grow and finally accept the love he had been wanting all along, and along the way learning to be a better partner too, more gushing on pran here, cos i'm incorrigible.
Favorite Side Character: Pa from Bad Buddy. I love love love Pa and Pat's bond. I love how Pa is like Pat's compass pointing him in the right direction (more often than not) and Pat listens and actually follows up on what she says. And also "men are so boring, and are all men delusional like you" NO ONE DOES IT LIKE PA I SAY. Special mention to Ink & her "It's so gainful".
Also Tee from Gap The Series, Palm's mom from Never Let Me Go, the uncles from My Ride (they remind me of Patpran with all their bickering ahhh), Tien & Bow from La Pluie, Pharm & Manow from Between Us, Pear from Be My Favorite. Oh also everybody in Cher's friendgroup from A Boss and a Babe.
Favorite scene in a QL: I'm gonna cheat cos there is no way i can pick one, so here's 5, all from Bad Buddy: ep 5 rooftop Kiss, that whole scene in ep 7 where pat shows up as Riam and saves the play, the balcony phone call scene ep 8, ep 11 the scene that starts with Pat thanking Pran for "trying to make a silly guy like me happy" and also the scene where Pran follows "i wrote this song for him" up with singing the beautiful song that was "our song" SOBBBS.
But also Thun's coming out scene in He's Coming to Me is so so very special to me.
Okay maybe that's more than 5, but i already said i'd cheat so :333
Favorite line in a QL: So many lines from Bad Buddy I could just go on and on under this prompt BUT okay i'll be good this time if i had to pick one just rn then - "Together, we’ve been through a lot. We’ve experienced wonderful times a lot. We’ve had awful times a lot. We’ve looked out for each other a lot. We’ve been concerned about each other a lot. We’ve been thinking about each other a lot and we’ve been happier, a lot." will just have to be the winner. What a crown worthy answer, my baby Pran is right as usual.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): 23.5 degrees. GMMTV finally releasing a GL show after years and years of BL content. And also MilkLove together after Bad Buddy & INKPA NEED I SAY MORE!?!?
But also "Last Twilight" cos i cant wait to see what P'aof's been cooking.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Patpran, again xD. This is extra special because they had all the obstacles that could have made this such a toxic relationship and yet they focused on respect and consent and healthy communication and caring for each other and understanding each other and becoming better versions of themselves because of and with each other and the prominent way consent is emphasized in all their intimate moments, it's just EVERYTHING to me.
Also Mork & Tawan from My Ride. Rarely do we get to see such an equally contributive and reciprocal and healthy relationship. It was a pleasure to watch.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: Maybe VeeMark from Love Mechanics. They were cute and shiz but just way too much back and forth and miscommunication just NO.
Guilty pleasure series: Bed Friend
Most underrated series: My Ride, He's Coming to Me, You're My Sky
Tagging @sharingfandoms, @aroceu, @thecriers, @midnightfreeway, @lovelyghostv, @fiercynn, @thegayneurodivergentagenda and whoever else who wants to try this, no compulsion &lt;3
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sunflawyer · 4 months
Haii Mayo my best friend Mayo I found Jimmy pics 4 u 😌
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~ Fate
JIMMY!!!!! 😭😭🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎 AND HOWARD!!! (first pic!) AUUAUUAUA HE MAKES ME SO HAPPY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
FATEEEE THANK YOUUUUU im so sorry i took too long to respond — BUT IM HERE NOW!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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HAPPYYYYY i love him so much its unbearable... look at him... my little guy...
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mockiery · 2 years
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As thanks, I'll be posting my mk fic I've been teasing for a while tomorrow <3
In the meantime, a little taste for you of the first couple paragraphs of the (freshly titled) fic:
"your grounding touch (through the turbulence)"
Marc isn't afraid of flying. He just isn't. Planes, helicopters, whatever. Hell, he's jumped out of a few, way before he ever had the assurance of the suit in case things went wrong. Mere hours before, he'd flown across the sands and streets of Egypt with nothing but a cape to carry him.
He's never had issue with any of it: heights, even unfathomable ones— motion sickness either. But, as Marc sits in a window seat of a commercial plane, nearly 30-something-thousand feet up, soaring through air that he can't feel against his skin, his eyes follow the expanse of land and water passing beneath him. And there's a pit in his stomach. A deep one, one that feels like it extends all the way to the ground below.
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spaceratprodigy · 8 months
messy sketch but. them. :)
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@hibernationsuit — 💕💖💕💖🥺💖💕💖💕
HELLOOO??? I AM SQUEALING!! LOOK AT THEM!!!! I am on the floor sobbing rn hello my friend I love you with my whole heart!!!!!!!!
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berniecranes · 1 year
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Andy reading :")
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