#thank you for the free serotonin!!!
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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pondering my lorb
We Are All Pondering His Orbs
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Legends of awesomeness was ✨WILD✨
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First of all~ I love how you write!💕 You're absolutely talented.✨️ I'm also so in love with your yandere!Loki~ Could you maybe see yourself writing a sequel to this or any other yandere headcanons about Loki in general?
Have a lovely day!♡
OKAY, SO I DEF WANT TO WRITE A SEQUEL I JUST HAVEN'T HAD AN IDEA BUT I'D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO WRITE ABOUT MY YANDERE LOKI! Just to let you know; I'm not gonna go in too heavy with the punishment stuff just bc I'm not good at writing that yet, lol.
Yandere! Loki Headcanons:
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- At first, he's basically like regular Loki except for the fact he isn't afraid to let you know that he's highkey obsessed with you.
- In general, he is a bipolar Yandere.
- He loves you so tenderly and gets filled with these new sickly sweet thoughts of romance that didn't interest him before but now that YOU are in the picture, it makes his heart leap.
- Sometimes he hates you and gives you the cold shoulder, avoiding you and getting frustrated at the mere mention of your name because HOW DARE YOU MAKE HIM FEEL SO WEAK AND VULNERABLE!? THAT'S NOT FAIR. AND YOU HAVE THE A U D A C I T Y TO NOT BE AS OBSESSED WITH HIM AS HE IS WITH YOU? outrageous!
- Other times he's a mix of the two, where he just gives you the cold shoulder and expects you to approach him and when you leave him alone then he gets more annoyed because THAT'S NOT WHAT HE WANTED YOU TO DO.
- Then there are times where he's completely stoic faced and just...watches you. Even when you can't see him, you can feel his eyes burning into him. When you aren't around, he's still quiet and looks distant yet focused on something, nothing can catch his attention for too long and even Thor and Odin are off put by his behavior because, well, he's never like this.
- He'll only react to your name or voice, but if he sees you aren't there or you're talking to someone who isn't him then he gets bitter and goes into his more sour moods. If you are there or you are talking to him directly, then he'll be over the moon and float over to you right away!
- Touchy guy, honestly. It doesn't matter whether you're a God or Human, he doesn't see you as either, he only sees you as his. Something that belongs to him. So he won't, like, full on grope you but he will pull you into hugs, put his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder, or playing with your hair no matter what length it is and other things like that.
- Sometimes he might touch you more intimately, such as putting a hand on your thigh, cupping your face in his hands, and overall just testing to see how far you'll allow him to go before you get upset and move away from him. Again, he mostly just thinks its funny to make you a little uncomfortable at times.
- You honestly don't know if its lust, love, or hatred that he feels for you and it genuinely gives you a headache just thinking about it.
- Easily possessive and jealous as a Yandere as well. For example, if you were ranting to him about Poseidon being a dick then he'll frown and grab your face and make you look at him and say: "You're talking about him too much, I don't like it." before letting you go, so you just awkwardly change the subject to something else that might keep his interest or maybe make him the topic and he's back to being his jovial and playful self.
- With that being said, if you have someone else you're romantically interested in, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF AS BEST AS YOU CAN. SHOVE THOSE FEELINGS DEEP INSIDE YOU AND LET THEM DIE. Because once Loki finds out, he's outraged.
- If they're human, he will kill them, Ragnarok be damned. If they're a God and they're more stronger than him, he knows he won't be able to kill them but he'll pester them and use his shape-shifting abilities to change into you and make sure they never want to be near you again. He doesn't feel bad when you cry, after all, YOU'RE the one who should apologize for hurting HIM.
- Loki himself also doesn't realize how deep his feelings for you go, he can't process them and it confuses him and frustrates him and excites him all the same.
- He originally thought you were just a passing obsession, that someday he'd get bored of you just like everything else and then leave you alone. But that day never came and it looks like it won't ever happen each day he wakes up and thinks of you as his very first thought.
- Your love, your hatred, your sadness, your happiness. He's a greedy God who wants all of it, all of you. Truly, if you have him obsessed with you, then you just have the worst luck in the universe.
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cheese-ception · 7 months
Your Yves room is so perfect 😍
listen, it took me entirely too long to respond (due a mix of holidays and general Tumblr procrastination)...
but let's not let it distract us from the fact that this ask still has me like:
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ab-arts · 2 years
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I am completely normal about this man
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joosts-girl · 4 days
Drawing Joost for college but not being able to share the drawings on Tumblr
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majestydeerakuma · 6 months
hihi!! I love it art and I think ur pretty cool so I drew our cookie interps together! :3
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I hope this ask isn't bothering ya or anything hahsbshfb
Holy shiiiiit, thank yoooou so muuuuuuch!!! Aaaaaa, the little goobers!!! Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Thank you thank you thank yoooooou!!!!
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lulu2992 · 2 years
Just need to add something about Holly here. My friend had a brief talk with fc5 executive producer who's also mentioned as a writer and he didn't know who she is at all
Sorry, @redreart, but I just couldn’t leave this hidden in the notes!
So you mean that Dan Hay (I assume he’s the person you’re talking about), creative director and one of the three main writers of Far Cry 5, has reportedly never heard of a character who, according to the official prequel novel, is supposed to be one of the main antagonists’ lover?
This is what I mean when I say that, sometimes, “official” and “canonical” can be two VERY different things.
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justfriendsbestthings · 9 months
Whenever I put yr on I just spew all my (mostly) unfiltered thoughts here. The need to talk about it has not diminished at all in these two or so years. I still find new things or rehash old things because i haven’t talked about them enough and it’s still so exciting.
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iovetecchou · 1 year
GOOD MORNING DARLING, i hope you slept well and got well deserved rest and that you will enjoy your day hehehe<3
Here is stressed Jouno (Tecchou probably ate something that makes no sense to him, once again)
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GOOD MORNING SKINKY MY BELOVED! i slept really well, but my internal clock woke me up bright and early x( but that’s alright because i’m off today, and i have a few errands i need to run^^!
but OMGG chibi jouno !! what a perfect sight to wake to hehe <33
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marinerainbow · 9 months
I SAW YOUR TAGS!! Ahhh, 8 hours??? I empathise with you completely, that's e x h a u s t i n g. Especially your first!! I am doing a spell for you for at most 8 hours of deep restful sleep (Gotta put a time limit on it. Don't want you to be cursed).
I also hope you had a good dinner! Or at least a good breakfast when you wake up ^^ 🥙🥙🥙
Don't worry about my last ask XD Just take care! ^^ Good work! ^^
I got as much sleep as I could, and I had a good breakfast. Your spell worked! XD ^^
Thank you for the well wishes. It really means a lot. Especially now <3
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galaxxies18 · 2 years
「Amidst the Clearing in the Rain」 - Rindou
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Ignite A Noise who? Don't know her-
After a whole year of playing I finally have Rindou's initial 5* fully bloomed :D
pt. 1
Rindou Are you headed home? It suddenly started raining, so please be careful. Do you have an umbrella? I can lend you an umbrella if you’d like. MC Wouldn’t it be troubling for Rindou-san? Rindou I’m fine. My house is nearby, so it’s easy to run. More importantly, I’m more concerned about you catching a cold. MC I’ll be sure to be careful. Thank you. Rindou Ah, I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve intruded too much. My family has always been prone to catching colds. I’m sorry. Please, just be careful. MC Then, shouldn’t Rindou-san be careful as well? Rindou I’ve always been quite healthy, so I’ll be fine. Besides, I don’t dislike the rain. You could say I like looking at it. It feels like everything is being washed away. Though it is a bit silly to let your emotions be swayed by the weather like this... I feel like the truth is very close to this, surprisingly. You can’t go against nature. Ah, I’m sorry. I got in your way. If my umbrella is alright with you, it’s in Unei’s office. If you ever need it, please just take it. Well then, please take care. See you tomorrow.
pt. 2
Rindou When it rained yesterday, were you alright? It suddenly stopped as I was about to head home. However, when I left the store, it started pouring again. It caught me a bit off guard. I ran as fast as I could because my house was just nearby, but when I arrived my clothes were soaked heavily. MC Are you alright? Rindou I’m alright. I’m a very healthy person. (coughs) MC ...You’re not okay. Rindou I’m alright.
MC Please don’t overdo it. Rindou Fufu, this is quite refreshing. In Starless, you’re responsible for your own physical condition. Because we fulfil a variety of roles, even an understudy needs t be able to stand on their own. If you're unable to stand on the change, they'll change the starting line up without hesitation. So, I don’t have time to get sick. (coughs) MC Rindou-san...? Rindou I think it’s a bit dusty in here. I’ll be sure to clean up later. (dancing) ….Huh, where did I leave my water bottle? MC Ah, isn’t it this here? Here you go. Rindou Thank you very much. I’ll go grab it. Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hold on to your hand. MC Your fingers were very warm. Do you perhaps have a fever? Rindou (angry) I don’t. I’m fine. Rindou (calms down) ...I’ve caused you to worry. I’m sorry, but I really am alright. I will return to the lesson. Please watch over me if you’d like. MC ...You’re alright, huh.
pt. 3
Rindou (looking around) It...It should be around here somewhere.... MC Rindou-san? Are you reall okay? You've looked pale even before you went to take a break... Rindou (shocked) ...Ah, apologies, you caught me off guard. It seems I've scared you as well. I've been looking for something, but it looks like I'll just have to ask Un'ei later. I'll go back to my lessons. You should also- (collapses) MC Rindou-san!? Are you okay? Rindou Sorry...I'm just a bit... MC You have a fever, don't you? Please take a seat and relax. Rindou Un'ei-kun should have cold medicine, so I thought of looking just for that... MC I'll look for you. Please just sit down. Rindou I'm sorry, I'm troubling you again... I'm always so helpless... MC Hm? Rindou It's nothing. (MC hands over the cold medicine to Rindou) Rindou I'm sorry to bother you, but the cold medicine really helps. I'm grateful to Un'ei-kun for having a medicine box ready. ...Break time is almost over. I was just in time. MC This doesn't work immediately, though? So why don't you just rest for the day? Rindou It's alright. Sitting down made me feel a little better. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you. And one more thing...can you please keep this a secret from the others? MC But... Rindou If I'm not in my best, I will be disqualified from being out top. I don't want anyone else to know about this. MC D-disqualified... Rindou I won't forgive myself if that were to happen. I don't want to be taken away from the stage. ...Hah, it looks like it'll rain heavily tonight as well. MC (Rindou-san...)
pt. 4
(backstage, a rearrangement of Niji no Kanata E plays in the bg) Rindou Welcome, MC-san. I'm glad you could make it to the show. MC Uh, are you alright now? Rindou Fufu, I'm alright now. There's no need to worry. The cold is our little secret, okay? MC Please just don't overowrk yourself, okay? Rindou That's right...I don't want to show you such an unsightly view. MC That's not what I meant... Rindou I should really be careful, because I don't want you to be so worried over me. It's embarassing to be seen so weak like that... But, it made me a bit happy. Thank you so much for worrying for me so unconditionally. If you ever got a cold, I should be the first one to know. I'm sure you'll be worried over it, but please let me take care of you as well. MC I hope it doesn't ever get to that. Rindou Speaking of rain, are you alright? It rained a bit a while ago in the morning. MC I was fine. Did Rindou-san get drenched this time? Rindou I had an umbrella with me today, but before I knew it, the rain stopped, and suddenly... Between the buildings, I was able to see a rainbow. It had been a while since I last saw one, so I was really happy to see it. I wish you were there. I wanted the two of us to see it together. I wonder what you would have said at that moment. I really can't hate the rain. The atmosphere during it is so nice. It feels like everything will be washed away as well. It's not good to be so easily swayed by the weather, despite having rain or not... But, if I'm able to see such a beautiful rainbow at the end, then I'll be happy. Like being able to see you smile. You're going to watch the show, aren't you? Please, I want you to keep your eyes on me. Please, only look at me, okay?
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
7 for the kiss meme with Sniper? He was gone on a mission and he missed you 🥺
(7 - “I’ve Missed You” Kiss)
Make it a bit of a surprise kiss too 😈😈😈
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(Even if you can’t teeeechnically see the kiss, I think you can get the idea, right-)
Here’s the traditional version too, because I actually filled out the base sketch for once lmao. It’s amazing how much a day on the art programs can clean a photo up!
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metamorphmigus · 2 years
A gift, in return for the beautiful froggy art i had the pleasure of seeing 💖💖💖
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@ittybittybumblebee froggems~
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melissa-s23 · 2 years
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Everytime I look at the notes of a post I see you akshsh it's so incredibly funny to me, you are absolutely everywhere I go 10/10
I AM BEGGING FOR SOME SCREENSHOTS- Because I swear I forget 70% of what I reblog or comment on
On the other hand NZNFKSKFOZKFNZ PLEASE THIS IS HILARIOUS I am indead a content engager, I have seen rises and falls of fandoms, I will reblog a fanart if given the chance. You cannot escape me, I will appear in your dash no matter what.
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nulltune · 2 years
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