#thank you for the tags my budlits! <333
tellyouamystery · 4 years
// @boydhoebrook and @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook - Heya, my budlits.  Just wanna let you both know that I saw the tags and will be reading both yer fics tomorrow.  I’ve gotta run more errands first, but I should be home, for the most part.  I was gone all day today and am just now about to eat dinner (at 11:30pm LOL!) but I’ll def give both of your works a read tomorrow.  Much love to you both! <333
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houseofdax · 4 years
Ooc: I haven’t really had time to take a beat and be online with the craziness that has been the holidays lately.  But I want all y’all to know that I appreciate all y’all and I do hope that each of you has an awesome holiday season.  I haven’t forgotten any of the tags that people have sent in.  They’re all still tucked in drafts, if I haven’t gotten back to them yet.  I’ve been tryin’ to whittle away at them bit-by-bit, but life’s been a little overwhelmin’ with the whole Christmas shebang.  
@affaridicuore; @bruisedxpetals; @angedansant; @alongingwithin - To the best ship partner a guy could ask for:  You're truly my inspiration and my muse eternal, darlin’.  My guys would not be here without your girls.  I hope you know how much we appreciate, adore, and admire you endlessly, angel.  You have your presents a plenty on the way, cuz there is NO way ANY of my guys would allow your girls to go this Christmas without showerin’ the ones they love and worship with gifts.  Whether in private or otherwise, they’ll be on the way.  Count on it. <333
And to all of my new friends that I’ve made here this past year... thank you.  You’ve made a tremendous impact on me and keep me sane.  I don’t think I was prepared to trust people or let people in, to this extent.  I’d left the roleplay community, fully prepared to have people not really talk to me or get to know me online again.  The last thing I expected was to meet such a welcoming group of fun, considerate, honest, and genuinely decent people who cared about kickin’ it with some no name dude like me.  Especially one who doesn’t write fanfic, have a smut page, or any place in any real community anywhere.  I mean... I write out ships with one person and I post random stuff of my muses so... fitting in just didn’t seem like a thing?  
Basically, I’m beyond grateful that y’all even feel like hangin’ with me.  I’m no fanfic writer, obv not a fan-base blog that makes a ton of gifs/caps - even though I do my best to participate in makin’ stuff, and I’m not exactly ooc based, either.  I’m a “Private RP Exclusive Ship Only” blog with random nerdy shit that I get a wild hair up my butt to create and post.  For whatever reason, y’all chose to stick around, so thank you.  A very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all y’all, and just...  thank you for makin’ me feel like there’s still good people out there.  Much love, budlits.  Take care and I’ll be back online soon.  
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