#thank you for this magical quote juno dawson
portuguesedisaster · 2 years
“It’s the church of Graham!”
I suppose there’s worst things to worship than a bus driver from Sheffield lol :)
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geekintrainingj · 7 years
I was tagged by @rumpleteazergrace, thanks! I tag whoever wants to do this (because I’m lazy)
1. COKE OR PEPSI? Coca-Cola all the way 2. DISNEY OR DREAMWORKS? Disney; although dreamworks has also turned out beautiful movies it also gave us Bee Movie and Minions and I just can’t forgive them for that 3. COFFEE OR TEA? I’m fairly picky with both (I don’t like English breakfast tea and I only drink lattes) but I’ll more readily drink coffee 4. BOOKS OR MOVIES? Books. I can’t remember the last time I went to the cinema 5. WINDOWS OR MAC? I currently have a windows PC, and I’ve used them all my life, but I really want a MacBook to take to uni and for better video editing 6. DC OR MARVEL? Simply because I’m loving Supergirl and The Flash atm, I’m gonna say DC 7. X-BOX OR PLAYSTATION? Neither? I gotta say I prefer Nintendo and PC gaming 8. DRAGON AGE OR MASS EFFECT? Neither 9. NIGHT OWL OR EARLY RISER? Early Riser. I hate waking up after 9am 10. CARDS OR CHESS? Cards are more versatile, so if I had to take one to a desert island I’d take cards 11. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? Both. Both is good. 12. VANS OR CONVERSE? Converse. Or if you’re me at the moment, cheap copies from Peacocks that only last a few months 13. LAVELLAN, TREVELYAN, CADASH OR ADAAR? I don’t understand this question, but based on how the words look I’ll go with Lavellan; it’s pretty and has my name in it 14. FLUFF OR ANGST? Fluff, although angst done well is good 15. BEACH OR FOREST? I love both, but forests are magical 16. DOGS OR CATS? Both, of course 17. CLEAR SKIES OR RAIN? Clear skies. Rain tends to make me miserable, especially if I have to be out in it 18. COOKING OR EATING OUT? Again, both are good. 19. SPICY FOOD OR MILD FOOD? I’m white so I can’t tolerate anything too spicy 20. HALLOWEEN/SAMHAIN OR SOLSTICE/YULE/CHRISTMAS? Christmas 21. A LITTLE TOO COLD OR A LITTLE TOO HOT? A little too hot because you can walk around the house in hardly anything and eat your weight in ice lollies/ice cream 22. CHOOSE A SUPERPOWER! Shapeshifting. 23. ANIMATION OR LIVE ACTION? Animation. There are so many different types of animation and they’re all beautiful. 24. PARAGON OR RENEGADE? This just reminds me of the groups in the sims 4 get together. If we’re going by that, I’d say renegade. 25. BATHS OR SHOWERS? Showers. I’ve been getting into lush stuff recently, but I’m so used to having showers that I still haven’t used one of the bubble bars I got for Christmas. 26. TEAM CAP OR TEAM IRONMAN? I… uh… don’t know enough about marvel to make a well informed decision 27. FANTASY OR SCIFI? Fantasy of course. I’d rather have dragons than robots 28. THREE FAVOURITE QUOTES: “Be the plough horse” which is a little mantra I made up to keep myself going, “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit… etc.” Because iconic, and the last one is a tie between the first line from Nothern Lights and the first paragraph from Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif (“Look I didn’t want to be a Half Blood” etc.) because they’re just iconic. Bear in mind these are the only quotes I could think of, and so are my favourite at the moment (and probs not very inspiring). 29. YOUTUBE OR NETFLIX? I’m basically living, eating, and breathing YouTube at the moment soooo 30. HARRY POTTER OR PERCY JACKSON? Percy Jackson. Sorry Harry, but I knew Percy before you so I’m always gonna take his side 31. WHEN DO I FEEL ACCOMPLISHED? When my channel stats are all green rather than all red. Also when I kept getting unconditional uni offers. That was fun. 32. STAR WARS OR STAR TREK? I’ve never seen Star Trek soooo 33. PAPERBACK OR HARDBINDERS? Hardback. They’re easier to read and look prettier. They’re just a bitch to carry around 34. HORROR OR ROM-COM? Neither? I don’t really watch either of them on a regular basis, but I definitely wouldn’t touch a horror film with a ten foot pole 35. TV SHOWS OR MOVIES? TV atm seeing as I hardly watch movies 36. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Giraffe, squirrel, pigeons, and crows 37. FAVOURITE GENRE OF MUSIC: I’m not really picky about genre. Most of my iTunes library is cast recordings and EPs by Youtuber-musicians, but the genres within that are quite varied (hip-hop, to pop punk, to your classic musical theatre) 38. LEAST FAVOURITE BOOK: All of the Above, Juno Dawson. If I think about it too much I want to punch a wall 39. FAVOURITE SEASON: Spring and summer, although I’ve learnt to love Autumn 40. SONG THAT’S CURRENTLY STUCK IN YOUR HEAD: Honestly nothing 41. WHAT KIND OF PAJAMAS DO YOU YOU WEAR? Mismatched pyjama shirts and (usually) grey pyjama bottoms 42. HOW MANY EXISTENTIAL CRISES DO YOU HAVE ON AN AVERAGE DAY? I don’t have them on a daily basis, but when I was younger (and from time to time now, like the other day) I definitely used to ask myself questions like ‘why am I me?’, 'what is me?’, 'what is conciousness?’, and similar stuff that would definitely space me out for a bit. 43. SONG YOU WANT TO HAVE PLAYED AT YOUR FUNERAL: TBH I haven’t given it much thought 44. FAVOURITE THEME SONG TO A TV SHOW: The Simpsons; it’s just a classic 45. HARRY POTTER MOVIES OR BOOKS? Well, I don’t own the books (I’m a bad fan I know but they’re expensive and I borrowed them from libraries and friends when I was reading them) and I haven’t watched the films in a long time so *shrug* 46. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OTP CANON; BUT YOU’LL FORGET THAT TUMBLR EXISTS. WILL YOU DO IT? My OTP was canon, and then they tried to kill each other :/ 47. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE FLOWERS? Daffodils, daisies, and forget-me-nots 48. A LANGUAGE YOU REALLY WANT TO LEARN: Welsh, and I’m hoping to pick some up when I go to uni (in Wales). I’d also like to pick up Spanish and German again some day.
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