#thank you george michael dolenz for my life
not to be controversial but micky literally spends the entirety of head (1968) absolutely serving. audiences in 68 just didn't get it
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mrsarcadian · 4 years
Monkees à la Mode, Monkees get out More Dirt, and the Spy who Came I’m from the Cool
WOW i am the worst and forgot about this ask meme . . . i am a dunce. but thank you so much for asking these questions!!
my answers are long, and i mention death + depression, so everything will be under a ‘read more.’
monkees à la mode / which monkee has the best wardrobe?: those boys could all Dress which, personally, i love. it's all based on personal preference, but i have always been a sucker for every thing that they wore on the show / most of the stuff they wore in real life. HOWEVER, only one of them wore a tablecloth poncho and that was george michael dolenz, so micky!
monkees get out more dirt / which monkee would be the most likely to fall in love with you? (romantic or friendship): jesus h. christ, i don't want to get into it because my inner 13-year-old really wants to jump out and say ALL OF THEM (let me dream, i'm your friendly local village troll) but i could really see peter and me getting along. the way his mind worked (wow i'm still not used to referring to peter in the past) has always intrigued me, and i've always wanted to sit and pick his brain. so sweet peter's my answer!
the spy who came i’m from the cool / what is the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?: best purchase of my life is still, to this day, my record player. it's one of the all-in-one ones in that it has a record player, a cd player, a casette player and the radio. i got it in 2011, so the fact that it's close to 10 years old and i still use it nearly everyday is pretty awesome. also? i don't like to think of him as a "purchase" but, i suppose, my hamster was the other best purchase of my life. think of it what you will, but i will always say that he saved my life. before i got him, i was in a rut. i had lost so many people in the span of two years / gone through a horrible breakup / was generally confused with the trajectory of my life. without a doubt, the day i brought him home was the first day in a long time that i felt like i had something to look forward to. wow . . . i didn't mean to get super deep there! as far as worst purchases, i would have to say anything i ever bought from forever 21 / other fast fashion places. i understood my rationale at the time was flawed ( 'oh it's cute / it fits / etc.' ) but nothing like that was made to last, or made in any sort of ethical way. i wish i hadn't supported companies that thrive off of exploiting people/children and not doing what they should for the environment.
thank you for asking again!!
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