#thank you lura
setsus-girlfriend · 8 months
How Gnosia characters would react to you having a tapeworm
Setsu: …A tapeworm? OK…lets see if we can investigate the cause of this. Yeah, let's do it. We still dont know everything for certain, but I know we'll figure it out. Hehe…this is actually kind of nice. Spending time with you, I mean.
Gina: Oh… I'm sorry… I'm sure it'll be OK…
(Gina is lying…)
SQ: Um… a tapeworm? Aren’t those like, suuuppper good for losing weight and stuff? You’re like, soooo lucky, can you like, lend him to me afterwards?
Raqio: Hah, a tapeworm? Seriously? You'd have to be brainless to get one of those. I suppose its not surprising you got one then, [Player].
Stella: Oh, my… thats horrible… let me know if you need assistance, [Player]. I want to support you as best I can..!
Shigemichi: Woah, a real tapeworm? For real? Thats crazy, bud! Lemme know if ya got any troubles, y'know? THIS guy'll take care of em, no sweat.
Chipie: A tapeworm, eh? Haha, lemme know if theres anything I can do to help ya.
Comet: Oh man, you got a tapeworm? That sucks. Try drinking water or something? I heard that helps. I think.
Jonas: Hark! Fear not, dear comrade. It is I, JONAS, who shall help you in this dire matter. Such a worm hath NO CHANCE against me. SUCK IT, WORM!
Kukrushka: Kukrushka smiles warmly, as if to say, "everything will be alright, I'll handle this." Her demeanor shows this much.
Otome: squeak Oh no…thats horrible. I'm so sorry! Um…I hope you feel better soon.
Sha-Ming (Male MC): What the hell? That's disgusting, why are you telling me this crap? You screwed yourself over, not my problem…
Sha-Ming (Female MC): Haha, y'know, I've always been kinda into tapeworms. I could give ya little help down there, if you want. C'mon, don't be shy…
Remnan: …What? Why… why are you telling me this…?
Yuriko: Hehe… I see karma has taken its retribution on your sins, then.
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eemamminy-art · 6 months
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Commission for punningway on twitter! Lura is an absolutely gorgeous wol, I'm obsessed with the night sky as it is so sketching it on her skin was a lot of fun!! 🥰 Thank you for commissioning me!
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luffysprincess · 2 months
thank you @anxiousbabybird for suggesting the top three as options ily!!
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knadire · 2 months
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Week 3 of Art Fight 2024!
I got a chance to experiment with shading and painting quite a bit more this past week! They’re a little tough to all put on the same page together but that’s what the full-res versions are for after all.
The characters pictured in this batch are:
stinkypal’s Sable
@corvidsenvy’s Lick
@quawnaime’s Lura
@hyperthermal’s Scarf
Jawaddles’s Jen (Genevieve)
SparkBolt3020’s Verse
Thanks for the chance to draw all your cool designs!
You can see the full resolution versions of all these, and even fight me yourself, at the link below!
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thecandywrites · 1 year
Monster March 2023- Day 28- Part 2
A Mother's Guiding Hand
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@borealwrites thank you so much for providing Monster March prompts for 2023. I really appreciate it and I only have 3 left. I can do it,hopefully soon because *technically * I am now on vacation but I have my laptop and IDEAS. So hopefully when I resurface from the near never ending rounds of putt putt mini golf, I can knock them out.
Part 2
At sunrise, you were relieved to finally get a chance to really get your own strength renewed right as the smallest awoke and nursed again. 
“Well good morning little Alami, thirsty this morning aren’t we?” You cooed as you had him nurse once more, as much as he needed to as you were grateful he didn’t have too many teeth and his tongue was already adept at nursing from a breast before the next youngest one awoke and managed to crawl and began to nurse from the other breast. 
“Ok, then, you two, still nursing, got it.” You murmured before they finished and before you knew it, one had barely finished before they all seemed to wake up and then wait patiently to nurse, each of them seeming to wait for an open breast since you only had to the two as you wondered if these sub-adults and the other adults just took all the children in the royal nursery they could get. 
But, you were sure that thanks to the Great Dragons- gifting you with extraordinary strength and ability that your breasts were able to make enough just barely in time before another soon fed to satisfaction, but that wasn’t until the last youngling was lingering as they savored your mother’s milk before the sub-adults awoke and simply hung their heads in defeat to see you nursing the eldest of the younglings before the leader awoke with a start. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He snarled as he sat up yet around you to see you nursing the eldest of the little younglings. 
“Nursing. These younglings were hungry for a mother’s milk. So I gave them my own. She’s the last to nurse, all the others have already nursed and nursed to satisfaction. She’ll be done soon, she’s just savoring it. The Great Dragons blessed me with milk when they saw how young these younglings were. So this milk is specifically just for dragonborn. Just from a moura’s breast. So calm yourself and relax. Besides, the sun has yet to have it’s halfway mark on the horizon. You still have time. The rations and other traveling supplies should be here just as the sun leaves the horizon this morning.” You calmly answered as you continued to gently rock and hum to her as the other younglings were practically in a sleep pile under the cloak to sleep now that their bellies were full of milk. 
“Rations?” The Leader repeated. 
“Yes. You know of elves of middle-earth, yes?” You put to him. 
“Not familiar.” He shook his head no. 
“Oh, a very tall species, very long lifers. They are known for their long journeys. And make a traveling ration called ‘lembas’ or ‘waybread’. I got the recipe and the special grain they use to make it. But mouras have put a twist on it. Do dragonborn have meat or savory pies in your food culture?” You asked. 
“Yes.” He nodded. 
“Good. Because, as long as my granddaughter Lillishavahnah can follow my recipe, we should get some soon.” You grinned and it seemed just as the little dragonborn was finished and you put your breasts away, your granddaughter came flying in with what you had asked her. 
“Grandma Lura, the Big Mama Bear is awake and she has three cubs with her this year. She devoured the offering and then went on to hunt all the deer we were trying to flush your way to feed herself and her cubs, but the male bear is still hibernating, so you’re safe to go through his territory. You just have to skirt Big Mama’s.” She informed you. 
“How is she your grandmother? You look barely old enough to be sisters.” The Leader asked as he looked from her to you. 
“She’s 6-33. I’m only 3-22.” 
“You’re three hundred and twenty two years old?! And she’s six hundred and thirty three?!” The Leader balked. 
“Oh I’m…” She began to correct him. 
“The Leader doesn’t believe that mouras age as gracefully as we do. But yes. We are that old, it’s not worth explaining, the sun will have set many times for how long it will take to explain it.” You cut her off with a meaningful look. 
“And at 633 years, you’re still nursing?!” He nearly coughed at you. 
“Yup. Once they start, it’s hard for them to stop huh?” You teased Lilly with a giggle which she soon shared with you. 
“No they don’t Grandma.” She shook her head no with a pleasant smile. 
“How many lambas roll pies were you able to make?” You asked her. 
“Oh, I was able to make enough for everyone to get you to Sharinji and then some.” She answered. 
“Good. I prepared enough ingredients for them all?” You asked. 
“You did.” She reassured you with a meaningful look of her own. 
“Well, I brought supplies to make the adults proper snowshoes and I brought enough sleds that the little ones can be pulled on the sleds instead of having to walk. And the sleds have been waxed so they should glide on the snow pretty well and should not sink through the snow.” She offered before she took the sleds that were specifically made to be stacked on top of each other and began to load each little one into the sleds and bundle them up with their little packs to be worn on their fronts and even put airstone pendants around their necks so that they could breathe easier. Then you both walked the dragonborn through how to eat the lambas roll pies before the Leader surprised you by taking his pack and taking the first bite from the first one and you could see how he was fighting not to make any churrs the way the others were and were delighted when the still hot tea in the special thermos was particularly delicious before you hooked the little ones in their cozy little sleds up, so that each adult and sub adult could pull three younglings behind them, including yourself before the younglings all wanted to be pulled by you. 
“It will take at least a week to get to Sharinji. Everyone will have a turn riding behind me. But I will still lead the way ok?” You comforted each one before you put on the special harness as your moura cloak gave you special snowshoes for the hike while Lilly was fitting out the sub-adults with the snowshoes along with the leader. 
“Leader Dragonborn, you need healing in your feet. You have frostbite.” Lilly whispered to him worriedly. 
“I’ll be fine.” He insisted before she grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him with surprising strength. 
“No you won’t! You will scare the younglings if they see you lose your toes! The Great Dragons have told us that Dragonborn have lost their dragon wings and their tails and their abilities to regrow their tails especially. If you lose your fingers and toes you lose them for life. Do you really want to be handicapped because of your pride at not accepting help? Because if that’s the case, hand over everything and I’ll hook these younglings up to myself and I’ll get them to Sharinji and if you make it, you make it, if not, then you get to be a mama bear’s food for her cubs!” She seethed angrily. 
“Lillyshavahnah!” You tried to chastise her and unhooked your harness to intervene but could not get to them quick enough. 
“My grandmother did not completely clean out her own cupboards and clean out her storehouse to make you elven waybread all the way from the middle world that took her half a century just to learn how to make the damn soil so she could grow the damn grain to make it in the first place once she got the recipe! And then she completely stripped her greenhouse and ice chest- bare to make fillings just for you to turn your nose up at her and her overly generous gifts you ungrateful, distrustful bastard! Now, I will heal you whether you like it or not. And I will do so because I do not want your younglings traumatized. But otherwise, from now on, you’ll stop this nonsense! So shut up, eat the damn food, wear the damn furs- accept the damn healing and follow where my grandmother will lead you and she will lead you to safety as she has for countless others. But out of all of them, you are by far the most hideously self righteous, overly haughty, prideful and overconfident person I’ve ever met! And while all younglings are owed help. Honestly, I was hoping you’d refuse even this much and that your own pride would have led you to freeze to death in the snow so you wouldn’t be dead weight to the very ones you’ve risked your life to save. So prove to me and to everyone else that you are at least worthy of the gifts you’ve been given and the chance to give these younglings a chance at life instead of meeting their untimely demise at the swords of your enemies from their own cribs!” She barked before she grabbed his face and forced healing into him through that touch before you just shook your head and sighed and went back to the younglings and hooked yor harness back up. 
“It’s ok. He’s getting the help he needs, whether he wants to admit it or not. He’ll be fine.” You reassured the others before you directed where you wanted each adult to be in the train. 
Lilly was especially rough with getting the Leader ready and practically pushed him to be right behind you in the train. 
“Now- will you at least follow the rule that ‘if you can’t say something nice- don’t say anything at all? Or do I need to muzzle you to keep you from saying anything else, immature, disrespectful or offensive?” She threatened as she stood on the back of the last sled to stand in such a way she was looking down at him with her wide wings making her look bigger than he was. 
“I will not repay kindness, generosity or charity with disrespect and I will not quarrel with you or your grandmother and those with you.” He finally offered. 
“Good.” She nodded before she went back to the pot in the fire and poured off the bone broth into special waterskins that had special fur on them to keep the broth as warm as possible for as long as possible and handed each adult a large one and each youngling a little one before she put out the fire. 
“Where will you want to make camp tonight Grandma?” She asked. 
“Shimi bluff.” You answered. 
“We will be there. I will have half the group scout ahead and around you, and the other half, we will gather wood and game for you and do what we can to keep Big Mama and her cubs off of your trail so she stays in her own territory.” Lilly offered before she flew away with the pot as others began to circle around and scout around. 
“Ok, this way.” You lead the way to the trail and walked onward. You were grateful to feed from the sun to give you strength to pull these younglings in the sleds. How the other dragonborn managed to carry the youngest and smallest of them on their backs was quite the feat. No wonder they were so hungry, thirsty and exhausted. 
You had them stop for lunch to eat the second ball in the roll since each waybread roll pie was a four ball like lobed pie. Each section or “lobe” in the pie was it’s own meal and the tea was different this time, it was meant to give you energy and increase strength and stamina as well as sharpen the senses. Whereas the other tea drops were meant to calm and soothe and help to bring sleep and over lunch, you began to teach the younglings at least, a few words and phrases in marinai. The whole ‘please, thank you, yes, no,’ and numbers at least which you could tell that the other sub-adults and other adults were also trying to learn as well while the leader was otherwise silent and from there, the younglings wanted to know all kinds of words for all kinds of things which you were happy to explain on the way to the campsite and got there just as the sun was setting and the others had set up a large fire and places to sit, eat and rest and even sleep before you introduced the younglings to everyone and the dragonborn were relieved to not feel so alone and find camaraderie with the others before the leader finally sat next to you near the fire while the younglings played a game in the snow after they had eaten their dinner, both from the waybread roll and from the fresh roasted meat on the fire. 
But while he sat beside you as the two of you kept your watchful eyes on the younglings, he still would not speak any word other than ‘thank you’ when he was handed things. 
When the sun set, you urged all the younglings to the largest sled, the first one you had brought in with you again to drink the calming and sleepy tea and nurse before they all practically fell asleep all over you before the Leader surprised you by laying behind you once more so that your back could rest against him as he laid in the snow and even accepted your cloak that grew to envelope him and the other adults and sub adults who soon took up their spots on both sides of you before the other mouras built up the fire to burn for the night and it’s heat would be directed at you and the others, but left to keep post in the tree tops. 
“How come your cloak can do all of this? But the other’s can not?” The Leader asked. 
“How come you won’t tell me your name Leader?” You returned before he seemed to sigh in defeat. 
“My name is Adorim Vraksith.” He finally said. 
“Nice to meet you.” You grinned as a small grin threatened to pull at his thin lips. 
“Do you know much about mouras?” You asked him. 
“That you are shapeshifting bird people.” He answered. 
“Do you know much about phoenixes?” You asked. 
“They are reborn in ashes.” He answered. 
“When mouras came here in the convergence, and we gained phoenix magic. We gained the ability to be reborn in the ashes. But we are not immortal. We can only do it so many times. So how we count our age is when someone is living their first lifetime, they will have a one in front of it. So if it was my first time being 33, I would be 1-33, or after my first rebirth in the ashes, then it would be my second time being 33, or 2-33 and so on and so forth. So when she said 6-33, it doesn’t mean I’m 6 hundred and 33, it’s just my sixth time being 33. My mate and I met when we were on our first rite equinox flights and then again on the summer solstice flight. We have been a mated pair ever since. We were reborn in the ashes together four times. Each time, passing through the flames, dying one death and being reborn on the other side. Part of a moura pair becoming a mated pair, is they trade moura collars. This gold that you see around my neck. Around the neck of every moura lucky enough to be pure in blood enough to keep theirs. When a pair wishes to stay together for a lifetime- they trade collars. And when we pass through the flames, we are reborn with our original collars again only to choose each other over and over again, the same marital happiness being renewed yet growing and deepening all the same through the lifetimes.” You recalled with a bittersweet smile and tears that burned at the corners of your eyes but would not fall at the flood of memories of your mate that came to mind. 
“Except this last time. My fifth rebirth. My mate was not reborn with me. But I was reborn with his collar on my neck. But only my collar was reborn because I still live, but he was not. Yet his collar remains because I live and while I draw breath, never will it leave my neck. Usually to take a moura collar from a moura is the same as taking a selkie’s coat from them, it’s to strip them of life and what makes them- them. So the fact that I have two, it’s called a ‘double collar’. And it proves to everyone who sees it, just how old I am and what has happened, that I’m widowed and alone, with only the memories of my mate remaining with his collar.” You explained as you ran your hand over your mate's collar at the back of your neck affectionately. 
“So, having a double collar, means I have a double cloak. Because from the moura collar- a moura cloak grows. It gives me the ability to provide warmth and covering for these younglings now. With only a single moura cloak I would only be able to cover myself and the younglings but no others since a mother moura’s cloak grows with her with each pregnancy through each lifetime, so that she may cover all of her children when their own moura cloaks are still growing and barely big enough to cover a babe’s shoulders and nothing else. Usually a moura’s cloak gives them feathers and plumage as birds, and clothes when in this form. Which is why in a bird form, my wings are not only extra long, but extra wide, so that I can soar and glide for dozens of columns and catch each rising column of air and soar to heights without ever having to make a single wingbeat.” You explained, in a low, soft and calm tone. 
“So each rebirth sets the moura back to youth of early adulthood- when their form reaches to an age where the body starts to break down and not work the way it was meant to. So when Lilly said I was 6-33. She meant that this is my sixth, and most likely last- time being 33. And for her, this is only her third time being 22. So yes, I have been a mother and grandmother and great grandmother five times now, both the first time before the rebirth and the four times to follow the sequential rebirths. But when my mate was not reborn with me this fifth time, as much as it broke my heart, it’s clear that my family still needs me. And so I live for them and for my colony. But I will never again lie with another or bear any more children. I am done and finished in that respect. Usually those in my position take their last lifetime to become elders in the colony. But, while I may be old in life, I am not that old in spirit. And I still feel there is much to learn and much to see. So flying cloud high and soaring from sunrise to sunset or following the sun’s journey in the sky so that every moment is either sunrise, midday or sunset. I have done too many times to count now. From pole to pole, and from this outer crust, through the middle world and then even deeper- all the way to the core and then back out the other side again. And I will guide the others on their rite flights and their own journeys in their own lives. I have done this many times before. You and your group are simply the latest ones to get my guidance.” You revealed as you paused in stroking the little Prince’s face to touch the two joined collars around your neck as you stared almost longingly into the flames of the fire. 
“How many rebirths are there?” He asked. 
“The most anyone has ever done is five. So we knew that this was our last time together. And we had promised each other to spend our last lifetime together, just the two of us, happy to simply be grandparents and guide the others on the rite flights and really cultivate all the seedlings and saplings and plants we have collected over our lifetimes and leave a real legacy of a garden to our families, a rarity in the mountains, but common among mouras who find a way to bring sunshine underground. So now I still do those things, just…without him.” You revealed. 
“What was his name?” Adorim asked. 
“Luminare, Luminare Fontaga. And he really was, the light of my life. And, since his loss, I’ve felt like I’ve been alone in the dark.” You said, the name falling from you lips with all the love and adoration that buit up over centuries of loving him as a fond smile spread on your face while bittersweet tears glassed over your eyes. 
“But then I saw you and I saw them, and I was pulled out of my own darkness to be a beacon of light to guide you and them to safety once more. So as much as you may come to realize that I and those with me have saved you. It’s you and especially these younglings, that have saved me.” You smiled fondly at the youngling at your chest. 
“That didn’t take too many sunrises and sunsets to explain.” He noted, but for the first time, his tone was much lighter, almost teasing. 
“No. But you are older and already have understanding. To explain such a thing to younglings and especially subadults when they already have so much on their minds and hearts can be overwhelming.” You noted as he nodded slightly at that. 
“Then thank you, very much helping us. And I’m sorry to have been immature and disrespectful, especially to someone as… experienced as you are.” He offered. 
“You’re welcome. Now sleep. Your body needs the rest. Mouras can pull some of our strength from the sun and moon. So I will still get some rest and restoration in a way tonight. I’ve already spent too many sleepless nights with my own babies and children in my life, it’s practically second nature to me at this point.” You softly urged him. 
“Thank you.” He thanked you again before he settled into sleep again, pulling your cloak up around him even tighter to not let any more heat out than necessary as you noticed he had curled himself around your back so that you could sit back and relax against him, which you thought was quite nice and sweet of him, all things considered. 
True to your prediction, it did take you six days to finally make to Sharinji, each youngling taking their turns being pulled in the sleds behind you. And when you got to Sharinji, everyone had only two waybread roll pies left. But you were grateful for it because you did not know when and if they would be able to get more food for themselves otherwise.  
“Is this it? This is Sharinji?” The younglings asked as they came through the large and thick doors and gates into the colony, looking at the large colony around them in awe. 
“This is not a village! It’s a city!” The oldest youngling exclaimed. 
“I guess it looks that way huh?” You smiled proudly when it really was just a small mountain village turned into a proper colony. And while it always seemed to grow every year, it was always just…home for you.
“Come, we can drop the sleds off at my house which is on the way to the Great Dragons.” You urged them as you walked to your home, which was one of the main great houses just outside of the main square since you were one of the founding families and had built and rebuilt this house several times over with your own two hands and the hands of your mate and family members. You were just happy it had proper brick roads and not a rocky path anymore. 
“You have a shop?” The younglings asked when they saw the storefront to your house before you led them to the back. 
“I do. I sell those waybread roll pies to those who travel to the other colonies because all the colonies are all over the world. And some of them are close, others are far away. And all travelers need provisions for such a journey. After we see the Great Dragons we can come back here and I can show you the map I made that shows the whole world, all three layers of it and show where I’ve been and where we are in the world.” You offered as you were quick to light the bits of wood in your hearths to warm up your home, both on the ground level and above. 
“Can’t we just stay with you?” The little ones asked. 
“Well you guys are always welcome here, but I think the Great Dragons have a better house prepared and set up for you. And hopefully it will be filled with more familiar furnishings. Whereas my house is pretty eclectic because it has a little bit of everything from all over. So, come on, let’s rest a little before we go all the way up to the Great Dragons and their lairs. Which are all the way at the mountain tops. But to get there, it’s a lot of stairs. So all of you are gonna have to walk ok? But we’ve been walking for a long time. We need to rest too. Here, I should have some old toys my kids and grandkids always play with when they come.” You invited them up your own stairs since your shop was the main floor of the building as you lit all the fires in the fireplaces around your home to warm up the house some more as the other adults all but collapsed into the chairs and couches to rest as you went to the kitchen and pulled some water from the water faucet to at least make some tea as Adorim seemed to simply continue to follow you, looking at the home you had literally built with your mate with your own hands as he could sense just how much fun, and love and joy had overflowed this place over the years as each rebirth the two of you had, was literally shown in the bricks with all the handprints and the handprints of your children right into the bricks around your home. Granted he couldn’t read any of the names from the marinai writing. but he knew baby hand and foot prints when he saw them. And suddenly his heart was aching and tears were burning the corners of his eyes as a smile threatened to break out over his eyes as he pressed the back of a knuckle into the prints and then traced them with his fingertips. And then to see all the pictures that had been painted of you with your mate and your families with each birth and rebirth simply proved that when he had prayed, so desperately for a miracle and how exquisitely the gods answered his prayer. And while he had not been expecting you to be the face of the answer, now, it was clear that no other could have done what you did. 
But he also couldn’t help but really see just how bare the kitchen both downstairs and the kitchen up here was. There was only a few bunches of herbs hanging in the kitchen and little jars of spices on a shelf but everything else was bare and empty. Especially when all the cupboards and drawers were open to show how empty they were. 
“I’m gonna have to get after Lilly for not leaving my kitchen the way she found it.” You scoffed as you hurriedly tried to shut and close all the drawers and cupboards, feeling embarrassed by them and hoping that Adorim wouldn’t either see that the cupboards were bare, or that it was practically disheveled from everything being open. It was like a wind flew up and exposed your underwear to a crowd. 
But you had not been quick enough because Adorim had seen the emptiness of everything and suddenly felt guilty about how destitute he and the others had left you as he simply took out his two waybread rolls from his pack and set them on the counter as you were too busy lighting the fire in your hearth to boil the water and get a tin of tea leaves off from the space you stored them at- at home- to notice, the small but profound gesture before he helped you get your tea cups from a shelf and hand the delicate yet handcrafted ones out to all the others. 
You got to serve them all tea and delicately only ate a single bite of your waybread roll pie as the others were happy to do the same, while Adorim simply politely excused that he wasn’t that hungry as he at least poured you a cup of tea while you eased down into your rocking chair as you watched as the younglings got into the toy box and got the toys out and were happy to sit and play while them as you put the knitted blanket that was on the back of the chair around your shoulders to stave off the chill of the house. 
And while it was good to be home, you were even happier about the fact that you weren’t alone in it and, in fact, did not seem to be upset that Adorim was sitting in your mate’s old chair beside you. If anything, while he looked a bit cramped in it, he still looked relieved to be finally sitting down in a decent chair and finally, fully relax for once. And you almost selfishly wished that no other home had been found so you could keep them here, just to make this house feel like the home it was always meant to be and what you had built it to be. But you were sure Adorim was perhaps eager to finally get some space from you, even as close as he was choosing to be, with or without the prince so close to you. 
Once everyone had rested and gotten refreshed just as the house seemed to really warm up and become comfortable. You were getting them ready to leave again and ready to approach the Great Dragon’s lairs. 
“Here they are, this is…” You announced to them as you introduced the Great Dragons to all of the dragonborn individuals once you made it into their lairs as the kids just stared in awed wonder how the walls themselves were pure gold, with intricate carvings and beautiful inlays. But the floor was bare rock, which made it easier for them walk around and for food to come and for them to dispose of waste out of the mouth of the cave. But the ceiling? Was practically bejeweled and gorgeously carved. It was like being in a temple from the walls up to the ceiling, only the floor itself reminded them that they were in actuality, a cave. The younglings marveled at the clutch of eggs and the thick blankets over them to keep them warm enough through incubation and were happy to simply sit beside them and push their little hands through the blankets to feel the baby dragons develop inside and giggle and churr at each other and The Great Dragon’s themselves. 
“So which house will the guests be staying in Chaimira?” You asked your great grand daughter. 
“I’m sorry Grandma Lura, we asked. We asked the entire colony and even held a meeting. Only a few can open up their houses for a dragonborn youngling but they’re scattered all over the colony. But no other house is available for them to stay in all together. And of course they are free to stay here in the lairs themselves, but the lairs are not equipped to handle them. They do not have any of the facilities they would need.” Chaimira explained with a wince and an apologetic tone.  
“Then I’ll open mine up. They can stay at my house either with me or I can move out and move in at the Elder’s house, granted a bit sooner than I wanted to. But they can have mine for now. I do not want them scattered through the whole colony, they need to stay together. I wager more will eventually come, maybe my house will simply be the new start of the dragonfolk quarter in Sharinji.” You volunteered with a pleasant smile before Ikahni pressed her head to you and you felt a sense of relief and gratefulness from her. 
“Hey, these guys are practically your family as far as I’m concerned. You’ve taken care of me and mine, now it’s my turn to repay the favor.” You giggled as you hugged her back and kissed her all over her head. 
"I will teach them to be careful when dealing with the merchants from their old empire that was just conquered and try to find a way to help any other to find refuge away from there, even if we have to buy them as slaves only to turn around to hand them their freedom once they get here, because they would and could become targets.” You offered. 
The Great Dragons were still ever grateful for your generosity and sense of hospitality. And offered anything and everything from their hoard to you and to the dragonborn to fully set up your home as their new residence among the other gifts and supplies your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren of all the previous five lifetimes were happy to pack up and would be taking back to your home. Even though your home was considered prime real estate, it was still a great honor to even get this much from The Great Dragons. So that meant that your own children and grandchildren and great grandchildren all brought all the gifts the Great Dragons could offer and that they could collect for the dragons to bring back to your home, which the Great Dragons gave you an orb that would restock your cupboards and restore your greenhouse as well as any and all treasures in their hoards to care for the dragonborn and their needs which was of course, a great relief to you to receive, as well as to get ever burning logs for your hearths. And other great gifts. 
“I do not wish to inconvenience you.” Adorim offered as he graciously accepted the treasures, packed into boxes as others then flew the boxes to your home and sheepishly came over to you once the Great Dragons informed him of the facts of the situation. 
“It’s not an inconvenience, it’s an honor as long as it’s not a pain and burden for you and your group to continue to put up with me. As sick of me as I’m sure you’ve grown to be.” You tried to tease and jokingly offer. 
“We can try it and if we can’t stand to live with each other, I can always move out and into the elder’s home with the other widowed and widowered elder council members. Granted a bit earlier than I planned, but at least you’d have a house to yourself.” You offered. 
“No! That’s not it at all. Your home is your home, I never want to kick you out of or chase you out of your home.” Adorim practically blanched in horror. 
“Like you were from yours?” You replied. 
“It’s ok. Houses here in the colony are either bought, sold, rented or usually passed down. But I’m lucky in that all of my other family members have already built houses of their own. And they help me run the shop. I have more than enough room for all of you to stay with me, and that children especially will have space of their own and not be piled on top of each other. As long as you do not object on account of a clash of personalities, I’m happy to host you. All of you. I don’t want any of you to be split up and scattered over the colony. You got them all here safe and sound by staying together. So keep staying together for as long as you can and as long as you need to.” You encouraged him. 
“This past week hasn’t been all bad has it? If I recall correctly, once you figured out that I was there to help and not to harm, then it’s been a rather fun and enjoyable week hasn’t it? Despite the horrible circumstances leading up to it that is. Granted you’ll be in the middle of the colony and you’ll have to get used to the noise and the hustle and bustle the colony always seems to have. But I have the room and the space, even if we will have to share bathrooms and other facilities and spaces with each other. We’ll be ok.” You reassured him. 
“Especially since they gave me this.” You said as you held up the precious orb for emphasis. 
“Because this is a restore orb. So all the food that I used to make us lambas roll pies, will be restored. And with this, having enough food to feed us all won’t be an issue, not in the least. We’ll be just fine. Besides we’re only a month away from the colony opening up for good for the spring, summer and fall before it closes up for winter again.” You waved off as you cradled the orb to your chest. Happy that at least you could continue to offer them food and shelter when the Great Dragons would be providing everything else and you wouldn’t be as alone as you were last year, even when so many near countless generations of your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren always seemed to come and practically invite themselves over to help you with the shop. 
‘You’d be foolish to turn her down. That is Allura Sharinji- Fontaga. It’s her family that was one of the founding families of the colony. She helped build this whole colony up and her family has helped build it out ever since. Allura and her family have a great and grand tradition of hospitality. And no finer food in the whole of the colony can be found outside of her kitchens. Mouras fly in from all around the world and pay her fortunes for her lambas roll pies. There is no better hostess and I fully trust her to care for you and the others and especially the younglings. She is the epitome of the perfect mother figure for them. She will see to it that our gods are worshiped, your language lives, your culture lives and she can blend her home with elements of your old to make her home just as comfortable and homy as the one you had to flee from, if not more so.’ The Great Dragons insisted to Adorim telepathically. 
“Then we will stay with you.” Adorim accepted. 
“Thank you my friend.” You smiled happily as you squeezed his arm for a moment before you went over to where your grandsons were trying to carry a crate over to you. 
“What’s this?” You asked when you saw the crate had your name written on it. 
“This is for you Grandma Lura.” Searsy offered you an extra large crate before they set it down and handed you a crowbar to open it.  
“You didn’t need to get me anything.” You offered to him but took it and cracked a corner up to peek inside.  
“The Great Dragons sent me to Dorrierra specially to get you…” 
“Tomb meat?!” You asked with wide excited eyes once you saw what was inside before you practically ripped the lid off with your bare hands to get at the absolutely stuffed crate of tomb meat rolls.  
“Tomb meat?” Adorim repeated as the thought made him want to gag. 
“Yes! So Dorrierra is the official moura country on the surface. They have a bride program, and they entrust the delivery of said brides to very special, very, very large orcs who eat a special meat product called ‘tomb meat’. This meat was originally designed to go into tombs to help the departed have something to eat in the afterlife. This meat, when sealed inside a tomb, can last at the very least a thousand years, if not three or even five! And still be edible! You just slice off a little sliver and rehydrate it and it’s like you just butchered whatever animal it came from. Oh and you got me loins! Only the brides themselves usually get the loins. Oh this is perfect! Thank you so much!” You began to cry as you hugged your great grandsons tightly and the other members of your family and then the dragons who had funded such a purchase for you. 
“And of course, that’s not all, we also got you this.” Another said as they brought in another crate that once you opened it up, you saw it was a whole patch of dirt straight from the middle world, and every tiny millimeter was growing lambas grain corn. 
“It’s lambas grain! In middle world soil! Oh, it’s beautiful, and so soft!” You cooed as you ran your hands over the soft blades of grass reverently and continued to cry happy tears to see it all. Oh you’d have to plant it oh so carefully into your greenhouse. Because such a super packed plot could be carefully separated to create practically a whole acre worth. Which you had the glow clouds and the ability to do in your underground greenhouse. 
Still others came with small dwarf miniatures of trees just for your greenhouse, all of them budding and blooming, also, from Dorierra and other choice areas around the supershere. 
“When true generosity is shown, true generosity should be given back.” The Great Dragons declared mentally. 
“And none are more deserving of it than her.” Adorim insisted as you delicately tended to the small trees and bushes, still wiping away your happy tears at such precious gifts. Like you just got given a whole nursery full of children again. 
“Thank you.” You smiled through your tears at him as you felt incredibly blessed to receive such things as the others were eager to bring it back to your house as you instantly knew where you were going to put each new member of your family in the house as you were happy to take the little ones with you with that precious orb in your pack slung across your chest. 
Once you got to your kitchen though, you noticed the two lambas roll pies on the counter and recalled that only Adorim had followed you into the kitchen and instantly knew that he must have put them there. And you couldn't help but smile softly and fondly at the gesture. 
“Ok guys, ready to see a miracle?” You asked them once you got back into your home. 
“Yeah!” They insisted as they all came around you. 
“So we take this orb, and we break it.” You told them as you took the orb out and with glee, threw it at the ground. And it was a small dazzling firework went off in the kitchen as all the children started and giggling and then squealing in delight when the lights seemed to go everywhere all at once and tickled them when they passed the kids themselves and suddenly food stuffs appeared and then overflowed from the cupboards. And what was once two lambas roll pies became a small mountain of them that spilled from the counter onto the floor which made you laugh in glee before you hurriedly picked them all up and cleaned them up, grateful they had a hard crust to allow dirt not to cling to them so they could stay clean as you had all the kids help you put all the lambas rolls into sacks so you could bring them down and put them on the shelves of your shop so you could open it up early. 
“Now, because it was Adorim who put his lambas roll pies on the counter, that means that the sales of all of these roll pies go to him and the rest of your group so that you guys can have an income up here ok?” You urged them as you began to put them away and set them up. 
“But you’re the one who made them in the first place.” Adorim tried to argue. 
“And you’re the one who tried to give them back. Because you too gave your all, your generosity will be returned to you. No arguing.” You tsked him as you booped his nose playfully before you and the younglings all brought the sacks of the roll pies downstairs and into the display cases, artfully arranging them as you did so. And then it was a matter of getting everyone moved into the rooms, the girls getting the girl’s room which had a series of bunkbeds and the boys sharing the others while the smallest got to sleep in cribs in the nursery that was a part of your room while you put Adorim and the other adults and subadults into the “teenager” rooms down the hall in the third floor of the building. And then once they were settled in, you giddily went down to your greenhouse in the basement as the magic from the orb was waiting by the door to go into it and you opened the door only to watch as the glittering magic moved and roamed all around the greenhouse, making it truly green and vibrant and regrowing everything that was harvested and then some. You wanted to cry to see how beautiful it was to see as the magic then took to the new gifted trees and suddenly all the flowers then bloomed and then faded only to grow new fruits in only mere heartbeats of time. 
Adorim just stared in awe at the ceiling that was just one big coru cloud, with light, exactly like sunshine coming from them as the temperature and humidity was much warmer and more moist down here than it was in the upper levels. And thanks to all the plants, it was so much easier to breathe down here too. 
You were happy to plant the trees where you wanted them as your greenhouse, for being as large as the house itself, was unusually tall so that you had a very vertical garden. Where even the very walls were growing the herbs and lettuces. 
But you wasted no time in transplanting the lambas grain to the new and freshly prepared raised garden beds, using your trick of carefully separating each sprig of lambas grain grass plant and planting it in such a way, it would soon take over the whole plot while you scattered the extra dirt on the other dirt, knowing that the two soils would combine to make a great soil to keep the lambas in a constant state of producing the seed corn, that was halfway between a wheat grain and actual maize as you noticed that all your grandchildren and great grandchildren and even the dragonborn all pitched in to help you. All the dragonborn sub adults only needed to watch you do it once and were able to copy your method exactly while you were still walking your own grandchildren and great grandchildren through the process of doing it and how to do it and why you did it the way you did. 
“So how did get the sunshine and clouds down here?” Adorim asked. 
“It’s a moura secret magic gift.” You answered with a wink. 
“It’s something that a moura usually learns in their second lifetime, because the first one is spent learning to be patient.” Lillyshavanah answered proudly as she helped her own children and grandchildren with the important task of transplanting the very precious lambas grain to garden beds as one was soon finished before the group moved on to the others. Each of them taking a precious clump of oversewn lambas seed sprouts and their soil and the others to carefully plant them. 
“You guys are naturals.” You praised them as the younglings especially beamed at the praise. 
But while part of your large extended family was in the greenhouse, the other part was in your kitchens both for the shop and your personal kitchen cooking up a proper Sharinji/Fontaga family meal. 
“It’s a miracle you guys could make it all the way here from your city.” One of your great granddaughters, Shalayah, noted to one of the subadults as she sidled up next to him kitty corner from you and you nearly snorted a laugh when they looked up at her and nearly choked on their own spit to see a pretty pair of indigo violet eyes fluttering up at them. 
“Uh yeah, thanks to your, your, grandmother?” He managed to say in response as she simply smiled and didn’t bother to correct him. You were officially “Grandma Lura” to all of them. 
“Yeah, Grandma Lura has helped a lot of families, she’s the reason this colony has…” She began to list off all the non mouras you had helped bring here over the years as you simply grinned proudly as she seemed to remember and recall others you had seemingly forgotten over the ages. 
“Wow, that’s a lot.” Xuacus noted. 
“Yeah. Which, because of where Sharinji, that’s just who is around here besides the mouras that settled in the mountains…” She noted before she listed off all the colonies in the area before they broke off as they finished with the garden bed and they led them to the most recent map you had made upstairs. 
“How do you manage to keep them all straight?” Adorim asked once you finished and were sweeping up the precious bits of dirt and putting it into the raised garden bed. 
“You are covered in many scales, how do you manage to keep all of them straight?” You returned with a teasing grin and glint in your eyes. 
“That’s fair.” He tilted his head as he put the dust pan down in front of your pile of dust and dirt so you could sweep it up into it. 
“For a moura, there’s a special touch we do when we touch each other.From the old world, it was how you could tell who you were related to or not to protect us from inbreeding. And now, it’s essential when members are reborn and start having families over and over again. But the touch, it’s called a Lira Light Touch, it tells me exactly how each of them is related to me. Which child from which rebirth or even from before my first rebirth. The Lira light tells it all to me. Which is fortunate, because if I had to keep it all straight from memory, I’d be doomed. Just like I’m sure you don’t have all of your scales numbered and named, yet I’m sure you’re acutely aware of if one is out of place or missing and feeling all of them laying right is just part of feeling whole and normal I would suppose.” You murmured. 
“True.” Adorim nodded. 
“I know it probably doesn’t feel like it. But for now, you’re home. Granted it’s a home away from home. Until either your own can be reclaimed, or if it’s not possible to put that little Prince back onto his throne, at least he will live out his days happy and healthy and well cared for here. And maybe a descendant of his can reclaim that throne one day. Or if the empire is gone for good. At least you got to save a little piece of it with yourself and those younglings. Tonight, we’re going to eat, and we’re gonna get some good sleep tonight. And then tomorrow, we’re going to get draconian written down. We’re going to do our best to make a record of you and your empire, all of it. The good, the bad and the ugly. But at least it will be a record of existance. And languages are only dead when no one speaks them or a culture is only dead when no one practices it. Just because you’re in a moura colony, doesn’t mean you have to assimilate to be accepted and treated with kindness, respect and dignity. I know you may be inclined to feel that it’s just you and the others against the rest of the world. But I promise you’re not. We’re here to help. It’s just a matter for you to decide how much help you’ll accept, both on account of yourself and the others.” You reminded him. 
“Well, you were right, we did need help. And we would have died if you had not intervened and brought us here. And what the younglings needed was a mother’s touch. And I’m grateful that you were the one to give that to them.” He offered. 
“Aww, thanks.” You cooed delightfully before you reached up to where you had the coru clouds come down and just touching them in such a way, they all began to rain down a gentle mist onto everything in the greenhouse as Adorim simply watched the marvel unfold all around him before you took his hand and led him out of it and up stairs with the others to finally eat and rest and get a chance to fully recover from the ordeal. 
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gladdyator18 · 2 years
Vadakin Training 101 - TickleTober2022 Day 19 (Demons)
Summary: While the Vadakin siblings were training, Emmerell decides to be a bratty and cheeky little Feral, but Acheron wasn’t having it. Being the older brother, he knew exactly how to take care of his bratty little sister.
Word Count: 2144
⚠Warning⚠: slight swearing
"Strike right." Acheron said.
Emmerell nodded as she threw a punch at her brother's open hand.
"Left!" Acheron said.
Emmerell grunted as she punched her brother once more. It was early Fall, and the Vadakin siblings were up and training in one of the many training rooms Apex Corp. had to offer.
"Good work; you're getting the hang of it." Acheron praised.
Emmerell panted as she wiped the sweat from her brow.
"Thanks," she said, "Still, I can't believe you do this every morning."
"Dad somewhat conditioned me since we were young, so now..." Acheron said.
Emmerell nodded as she listened to her brother. Since her brother is their father's right-hand in his gang, she could imagine he underwent some rigorous training, but it was worth it. Emmerell hasn't seen her brother looking this fit in a long time.
"Okay, let's work on some magic," Acheron said, "Go full-Feral. A Feral's magical power is at its peak in its true form."
Emmerell nodded and exhaled. Then, Emmerell sprouted black horns, and her eyes turned black. Acheron chuckled with a fond grin.
"Now that's what a Vadakin Feral looks like." Acheron said.
Emmerell giggled as her tail swished behind her.
"Alright, let's work on your ice magic, Em," Acheron said, "Fire an ice blast at me that would freeze my arm. Then, control it to have it eventually freeze my whole body."
"Are you sure?" Emmerell asked.
The golden Feral nodded silently. Doing what her brother requested, Emmerell swiped the air, and an icy blast came from her hand. Acheron quirked a brow before turning his arm to stone, making the icy blast shatter like glass.
"Hey! No fair!" Emmerell whined, "You didn't say you were gonna fight back!"
"This is training, isn't it?" Acheron questioned, "Your enemies won't give you a freebie willy-nilly as I did."
Emmerell grumbled and puffed out her cheeks.
"Aw, c'mon, Acheron," said a stray voice, "Give her a chance."
The Vadakin siblings looked near the entrance and saw Lurana leaning against the wall, magic wafting from her brown-skinned hands.
"Lura? How long have you been here?" Emmerell asked.
"Not too long," Lurana answered, "Just walked in."
The Elite straightened her posture before walking over to the Vadakin siblings.
"Mind if I join in your little training session?" Lurana asked.
"Of course!" Emmerell said.
"No." Acheron deadpanned.
The two Ferals stared at the other with confused looks.
"Why not?" Lurana asked.
"With all due respect, Lurana, I would like to train my sister alone," Acheron said, "She needs to learn to defend herself when the situation arises."
"Then, why can't Lurana help?" Emmerell asked, "If both of you train with me, don't you think that would be more beneficial, Acheron?"
Acheron growled under his breath as he looked away from his sister and the Elite, hating how much his sister was right. In truth, Acheron just wanted to spend time with Emmerell and Emmerell alone. No other Guardians, no Elites, just him and his little sister. Was that too much to ask? As if Lurana had read his mind, a patient smile appeared.
"Actually, I wouldn't be able to train with you guys in the first place," Lurana said, "On the subject of training, I have to lead a training seminar in a few minutes. You kids have fun~!"
With a wave goodbye, the Elite walked out of the training room. She glanced back at Acheron and winked before zipping around the corner. When the training doors closed, Acheron sighed and looked back at his sister.
"Alright," Acheron sighed, "With Lurana out of the way, we can finally-"
Acheron's sentence got cut off when he felt something cold on his arms. He looked down and saw his arms covered in ice. The golden Feral glanced at his sister to see her in a battle stance.
"Never let your guard down around your enemies." Emmerell said with a smirk.
Acheron grinned as he turned his head to stone. Then, he slammed his frozen arms on his head, causing the ice to shatter.
"And never underestimate them either." Acheron said.
Emmerell grinned before sprinting towards her brother, leaving a trail of ice in her wake. Acheron's eyes glinted gold, and stone pillars rose from the ground. Emmerell grinned as she propelled herself on top of the rising rocks. The young Feral soon jumped down from the stone pillar and tackled her brother to the ground. The two wrestled until Emmerell pinned her brother, freezing her hands to keep him subdued.
"How'd ya like that?" Emmerell asked.
"Impressive," Acheron said, "Amateur at best."
Emmerell released one of her brother's wrists and used her free hand to skitter her fingers across his sides. The golden Feral yelped and bit back his laugh.
"E-Ehehehehem! W-What are you dohohoing?" Acheron questioned, giggles slipping past his pursed lips.
"How dare you call my efforts amateur!" Emmerell said, "I'm just as good as you!"
"Nohohot good enohohough!"
With his free hand, Acheron latched onto his sister's wrist and petrified her hand, abruptly stopping Emmerell's torment.
"To beat your enemy, you have to know your enemy," Acheron said as he sat up, "And since you're my enemy, Emme..."
"A-Achy, w-what are you doing?" Emmerell asked in a panic.
"I know exactly how to take you down~!"
Acheron grinned as he pounced on his little sister, chuckling as they tumbled around on the ground. Acheron chuckled again when his younger sister was underneath him, smirking at her panicked face.
"Acheron, p-please," Emmerell began, "W-Whatever you're about to do, please don't do it!"
The young Feral already knew what her brother was about to do; she just hoped he wouldn't do it.
"Ha! What kind of fool do you take me for?" Acheron asked, pinning his sister's arms under his knees, "You're the one at my mercy, sis. I can do whatever I want to you~!"
Nervous giggles began to bubble in Emmerell's throat.
"Now, what should I do to you?" Acheron asked, grinning like the Feral he was.
Acheron snickered before digging his fingers into Emmerell's sides. The young Feral yelped and dissolved into adorable giggles.
"Acherohohohohohon! Nohohohoooo!" Emmerell giggled, "Let me gohohohoho!"
"And why would I do that?" Acheron asked, generally curious.
"So I can kihihihihihick your sorry ahahahahahass!"
"Is that brattiness I hear?"
Acheron smiled as he pressed into his sister's ribs, causing the younger Vadakin to squeal and buck in response.
"No, no, nohohohoho! Achyhyhyhyhyhy!" Emmerell giggled, "This isn't fahahahahahahair!"
"Oh? How so?" Acheron asked.
"You're not gihihihiving me a fighting chahahahance! Aahahahahaa!"
"Your enemies won't give you a fighting chance. Plus, you can easily get out of this."
Acheron groaned as he rolled his golden eyes.
"Enemies have blind spots that may be hard to spot," Acheron said, "My blind spot is completely exposed. Let's see how long it takes before you realize it."
Emmerell giggled as she scraped her heels into the ground and tugged at her arms.
"Acheron, p-plehehehehease! It ticklehehehehehes!" Emmerell giggled.
"Obviously," Acheron scoffed, "Tell me something I don't know. Unless you find and strike my blind spot, you're stuck like this, little one."
Emmerell giggled as her tail swished back and forth.
"You ahahahahass! Get off mehehehehehe!" Emmerell giggled.
"What did you call me?" Acheron growled.
The golden Feral grinned as he plunged his fingers into his sister's armpits. Emmerell shrieked as her giggles escalated in volume.
"No, stahahahaaap!" Emmerell cackled, "You're evihihhihihihihil!"
"Aw, thanks for the compliment, sis~!" Acheron purred.
Emmerell has rarely ever seen this side of Acheron before. She knew he could be teasy, but something about this kind of teasing wasn't the teasing he used on her when they were younger.
"So, did you find my blind spot?" Acheron asked casually.
"Go fuck yohohohohohoursehehehelf! How the hehehehehehell would I knohohohohow!?" Emmerell spat out.
Acheron laughed, feeling his blood boil.
"Ohoho, you are so getting it now!" Acheron proclaimed.
Acheron released his sister before digging into her belly. The young Feral screamed before dissolving into bubbly laughter.
"You told me to go fuck myself," Acheron claimed, "I'm not letting you off the hook after that!"
Emmerell slammed her legs into the ground, hating how much heavier Acheron had gotten. All the training he's been through has made him more muscular and heavier; not a good combination for when you're getting tickled.
Acheron chuckled as he scooped up his sister and placed her in his lap, smiling at how much smaller she was compared to him. He grinned as he pinched Emmerell's belly, sending his sister into a frenzy of laughter.
"Where's my blind spot, my ticklish little kitten~?" Acheron asked.
Emmerell thrashed around in her brother's lap, unable to comprehend how she was barely moving.
"DON'T CALL ME THAHAHAAAAAT!" Emmerell whined.
"Call you what?" Acheron asked, "Kitten or ticklish~?"
Acheron smiled as he moved down to his sister's knees, relishing in his sister's bell-like laugh as he squeezed her kneecaps.
"Keep calling me names, sis," Acheron said, "You're just gonna make this worse for yourself."
Acheron grinned before halting his attack, Emmerell panting like a dire wolf.
"Do you really want to know, kitten?" Acheron asked, his voice almost a whisper.
Emmerell squealed as she felt her brother's breath by her ear.
"Riddle me this, kitten: where is my blind spot?" Acheron asked, "Even in this position, you can easily exploit it."
Emmerell tried twisting around to look at her brother's body, but Acheron gently twisted her back around.
"Ah, ah, ah, use your intuition," Acheron said, "Ferals are known to have good detection skills and intuition, so you should be able to figure it out just by sitting in my lap."
Emmerell groaned as she tried thinking of her brother's blind spot.
"I-I don't know..." Emmerell said.
Acheron sighed before tightening his grip around his sister.
"That's too bad." Acheron whispered.
That's all Acheron said before he kneaded his sister's hips. Emmerell screamed before laughing like crazy.
"You wanted to know how it could get worse," Acheron deadpanned, "You have no one to blame but yourself."
Emmerell kicked and laughed as her brother tormented her. The golden Feral couldn't help but laugh along with his sister.
"So, still don't know where my blind spot is?" Acheron asked.
"You sure?"
Acheron loved prolonging his sister's torment. It's been so long since he was able to spend some quality time with her, which is why he didn't want Lurana to train with them. Before Lurana left, he saw in the Elite's eyes that she knew what he wanted and was grateful to her.
"ACHEROHOHOHOHON! PLEHEHEHEEEEEE!" Emmerell cried, her laughter falling on deaf ears, "I CAHAHAHAHAAAAN'T!"
Acheron groaned before stopping, leaving his sister breathless.
"Did you figure it out?" Acheron asked, holding his sister close.
Emmerell panted as she tried to think.
"I honestly don't know," Emmerell said, "P-Plehehease don't tickle anymohohore!"
Acheron chuckled and leaned his head against his sister's shoulder.
"Don't worry about it." he deadpanned.
The way Acheron said that made Emmerell turn to look at her brother with an annoyed look.
"You don't have a blind spot, do you?" Emmerell questioned.
"So, the kitten finally gets it." Acheron proclaimed.
Emmerell scoffed and rolled her teal eyes.
"Just... why...?" she asked, utterly confused.
The golden Feral looked away from his sister, feeling his cheeks heat up.
"Is it so wrong for a brother to spend time with his little sister?" he muttered.
Emmerell felt her heart melt.
"Aw, Achy!" I knew you were a big softie!" she said, embracing her older brother.
Acheron huffed and turned away from his sister.
"Aw, c'mon, don't be like that!" she said.
Acheron pouted and averted his sister's gaze.
"Hey, look at me." Emmerell said earnestly.
The golden Feral sighed and turned to face his sister. Then, the young Feral threw her arms around him, catching him off guard.
"You don't have to hide your feelings from me, Achy," Emmerell said, "You got that?"
Acheron relaxed and embraced his sister.
"I do." he said sweetly.
Emmerell smiled as she felt her brother's steady heartbeat, the one thing that calmed her down when she was younger. When they pulled away, the Vadakin siblings smiled.
"So, you wanna get back to training?" Emmerell asked.
"Thought you'd never ask." Acheron said.
The siblings stood up and powered up their attacks. In an instant, the Vadakin siblings resumed their training with higher spirits. This is exactly what Acheron wanted; alone time with his little sister. No officers, no other Guardians, no Elites, just him and Emmerell.
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roguerager · 2 years
Hey guys! I am looking for a unique derby name and apparently I am not creative enough to come up with one. I have been wracking my brain for 3 months now.
I will take any help!
My first name is Lura, I have 5 kids, I like the golden girls, skulls, bears, classic horror movies (Frankenstein mainly), green, Spider-Man and zombies.
Hopefully you guys can help! I have to have it in to my league on next Monday! Thank you in advance!
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starboundcafe · 2 years
(@asktrainerzoroark) Applesauce@Starla "Heyyyyyy speaking of candy," the Applin practically slid over to the group of staff. "Got any chocolate peanut butter candies here?"
Starla: Um I think so...
Lurai: Here they are!
The hybrid runs over with a large bowl of star and bat-shaped candy.
Starla: Hehe thanks Lura!
Starla grabs the bowl and holds it towards Applesauce
Here ya go! Hope you like em, they're homemade!
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share-the-skye · 1 year
9 People You Would Like To Know Better
I was tagged by @xyrnys awhile ago! Thank you! 🫶
Three Ships: 1)SoRiKai (Kingdom Hearts) obviously lol 2)Lura/McKay (OC’s that my fiancée and I made together when we first become friends! We stopped writing stuff down for them awhile ago because just talking through scenarios is faster but they are a big part of what drew us together.) 3)MariChat (Miraculous Ladybug) I’ve been introducing a friend to the show so it’s been on my mind a lot lately. This is my favorite side of the love square! There is no escape from this hell (affectionate).
First Ship: Toss up between Kataang (atla) and RobStar (Teen Titans Cartoon Network) I was big into both of these shows at around the same time so I don’t remember which came first. I wrote Atla fanfic on the Nickelodeon forums waaaaay back in the day (and got several chapters banned for being too graphic when I gave Aang an injury pretty much identical to how he’s hurt in the season 2 finale…) so Kataang I guess has a little more weight? But I honestly was way more emotionally invested in RobStar. Shoutout also to Terra/Beast Boy, I suppose. I wrote an edgy pre-teen poem about them 😂😂😂
Last Song Listened To: Had the Suzume soundtrack on shuffle while making stuff, and I don’t have the track names memorized yet. But it was one of the instrumental score, not the few with lyrics.
Last Movie Watched: Suzume and by god was it good! I wish it had been in theaters longer so I could have gone twice.
Currently Reading: The Storm of Echoes by Christelle Dabos. It’s the fourth book in The Mirror Visitor quartet. Annnnnnnd I’m gonna have to restart it again, because I keep setting it down for too long and forgetting what’s happening and it is not a book you can do that with. Beautifully written and translated, though. I love this series.
Currently Watching: Technically Shadow and Bone s2 and whatever fucking season of Grey’s Anatomy is new. But I don’t really care about either of them. I just binged all of Li Speak’s content on YouTube and that was delightful.
Currently Consuming: Still slowly but surely making my way through Neo:TWEWY. Also Girl Scout Cookies 😂
Currently Craving: time for all my creative pursuits. I have too many hobbies and not enough time management skills
This was fun! If anyone else wants to participate please feel free but zero pressure. Gonna tag @transpanda-1 @thesmolcryptid @storm-driver @alphascorpiixx @vanibear @caitas-cooing @miraculorum @sirathurheit @elizabeth-dicewielder
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strawbabys-blog · 2 years
Regressor! Keith & cg! Shiro ?
Ah!! I love this!! Thank you so much for the ask and sorry it took me so long to get to, hope you like it <3
Regressor!Keith + Cg!Shiro headcanons
-Baby Keith is one of my favourite things ever, I love the idea of him feeling safe enough to regress around Shiro and the others
-I think that Shiro knew about his regression from the start, that it was something Keith didn't really understand so he went to Shiro and it was something they explored together as a coping mechanism
-Keith would be shy about his regression at first ("Dont need to be a baby Shiro") but would soon get used to it, accepting it as just something that happens
-His regression is mostly involuntary but usually happens when he's feeling either really excited or happy, he associates those emotions with his small space and can very easily cause him to slip
-That being said, no matter how hyper he gets, he always tries his best to be good for Shiro
-For Shiro, keeping a very energetic little away from his friends is near impossible, he might as well try to backflip ten times in a row because he'd have a higher chance of success
-This means that everyone becomes pretty used to little Keith coming over to rope them into a game, show them his newest drawing or something to that effect, babbling behind his pacifier as he holds onto their hand and takes them where he wants to go
-"'ome on Lura, gotta 'elp me fin' 'iro!"
-Speaking of, he has trouble not slurring his words when he's little, which is only amplified by the fact that he's very rarely without his red pacifier
-Shiro has become a master at deciphering his baby talk
-Keith is also very talkative when he's little (unlike his mentally older self), once his initial shyness has worn off he'll babble to whoever will listen until he's too tired to keep going, and even then he'll keep trying
-"gonna.... gonna bake wif... Hunk 'morrow... gonna..."
"Do you think it's maybe time to go to bed?"
"Nooooo, don't wanna"
-He might whine a little but he usually tires himself out by the end of the day and goes to bed relatively easily, Shiro will stay with him until he falls asleep
-Shiro does a lot of little things that he's learned help Keith feel more comfortable, he's a very attentive caregiver, noticing every little detail
-He is very in tune to what little things mean when Keith is regressed, he knows what everything means and what Keith wants from his noises
-Keith can do something as little as huffing a bit and suddenly Shiro is walking in with a sippy cup of apple juice and Keith thinks he has the best big brother in the world because he can read his mind
-Lance and Pidge can and will encourage mischief at any opportunity, Shiro is not impressed
-"Go on, kiddo, throw it!"
-The splatters of space goo stain Shiro's door for at least a week
-Shiro has his work cut out with Keith but, watching his baby brother playing chase with a few of the other paladins, seeing the way his eyes are bright and smile as wide as ever, he wouldn't change it for the world
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“In Sardinia, the use of the "femina agabbadòra hammer" was a women's practice. Whenever an elderly man or woman of a given family was dying and in great pain, the family would call for the Accabadòra or Lady of the Good Death. She would usually be a widow dressed entirely in black, who likely inherited her role from her own mother or grandmother.
The title Accabadora means "She is the One Who Ends." She arrives with a large hammer of carved olive wood wrapped in heavy wool, and is left alone with the individual who may yet be screaming in agony and terror.
A witness testimonial of the practice translates: "It was dark. The room was illuminated by a single wick in mastic oil. The Accabadòra entered the house -- the door had been left open for her. She passed no one as she enters her patient's room at at the bedside.
"She caressed the face of the dying person, chanted the rosary, sang one of the many lullabies usually sung to children. Finally she raised her hammer wrapped in thick, black wool, and gave a quick sharp blow on the skull.
"She then left the bludgeoned patient in quiet peace, and our family blessed and thanked and paid her for her good work as she was leaving. It is a hard job. The Accabadòra may herself be feeble, and is often a friend of the ailing individual. So you must always respect her.
"We do not consider her a murderer. In our village she is known as compassionate, a holy assistant in fulfilling the final destiny. Her act is loving and benevolent. She is our Last Mother."
Though usually done with a hammer, each Accabadòra may have her own technique, including smothering with a pillow, or climbing atop the sufferer to wrap her legs around the neck to squeeze the throat closed.
The last recorded Accabadòras went about their missions of euthanasia in 1929 in Luras and in 1952 in Orgosolo. But a recent work of fiction about the life of a modern Agabbadòra alleges that the ancient practice still exists in rural parts of Sardinia, where there are no physicians or any other help for the suffering.”
Photo: An Accabadòra ready to serve, though her hammer is considerably larger than would be used by a real Accabadòra . Inset: An actual femina accabadòra hammer in a Sardinian museum.
Source: Facebook
Folklore, Customs, Legends, and Mythology
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lurafita · 1 year
Hi Lura, are you still writing?
Hi there!
I'm trying to get back into it actually, but I need to finish some other stuff first before I can fully devote myself to Peter again.
Hopefully my willful muse will return in time to get things going again soon.
Thanks for checking in, remember to drink some water. 😀
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-Yeets slices of cheese at the new exes-
Astray blinked, then shrugged and ate the slice.
DERAILED didn't respond, but USURPED squeaked in surprise. "Uh... thank you...?"
GONE flinched a bit... then gave the anon the stink eye. Bullseye! You hit the remains of his horn!
The Parasite blinked, picking the cheese slice up with one of its tentacles.
Lura blinked, looking at FATHER and ALLURE. "Is this how everyone is greeted?" FATHER just nodded.
ORIGIN snapped its gaze towards the anon, and its eyes expanded a bit-- oh. OH NO, IT REALIZED YOU HAVE FOOD, RUN!
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prinxe-of-darkness · 2 years
starlightdisc is a confirmed scam account. Their lying and saying the real owner stole their information but their the one stealing the real owners vet pics. The owner has confirmed that this account isn’t theirs, and that starlightdisc doesn’t own Finn. luras- is the real owner.
thank you anon!
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thebitchywitchyone · 2 years
starlightdisc is a confirmed scam account. Their lying and saying the real owner stole their information but their the one stealing the real owners vet pics. The owner has confirmed that this account isn’t theirs, and that starlightdisc doesn’t own Finn. luras- is the real owner.
Thank you. I do my best on here, but I’m in a very quiet corner playing with my legos and trying to believe people when they ask for help. I’ll delete the post
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leviathanspain · 2 years
I need a part 2 for please leave. You can whatever you want! Your writing is amazing.
the taking
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warnings: non con
dark!daemon targaryen x targaryen!reader
synopsis: daemon had finally taken what he promised he would
pt one
you watched rhaenyra and daemon carefully, your eyes attached to his face as he moved with your sister in the crowd. after your father dismissed his hand for starting rumors on your sister, that you knew were true, rhaenyra had been married off to stop the rest of the tempting scandals and rumors.
involving viserys into the love triangle that was his daughters and brother was asking for everyone involved to be punished severely, even if you were his heir to the iron throne, your father had already asked you to start picking a husband, and he definitely wouldn’t let it be his own brother.
you were lucky that it wasn’t you getting married off to the velaryon boy, your sister didn’t show any distaste at the match, but she definitely didn’t let her betrothal stop her from flirting with her uncle.
you bit down on your lip angrily. there were too many people to afford making a scene, no matter how angry you were, you were starting to shake with rage at the fact, especially seeing daemons head dip towards rhaenyras before your vision was blocked, and a fight broke out.
you stilled, watching as daemon fled the scene, and rhaenyra’s personal knight started to attack the lonmouth boy, absolutely butchering him to death.
luras grabbed your hand and led you away from the scene, at the demand of your father. you didn’t protest as you searched for daemon on the outskirts of the crowd. nothing, he had disappeared into thin air, and you didn’t even see your sister as luras led you back to your chambers.
daemon was already sitting in your room when you walked in, bidding a goodnight to luras, thanking him for getting you out safely. he would let you know of the events afterwards, and you nodded, smiling once more before shutting the door and facing him.
he was pristine, clothes and hair untouched and he had a small smile on his lips.
“what?” you looked at him and daemon shrugged, “stop smiling and take this damn dress off me.” you turned around, lifting your hair up to the side. daemons steps towards you were the only thing heard, unless you counted your annoyed breaths of relief when he finally let his fingers touch the fabric of the dress.
he tore it off you, again with the aggression that had you explaining to your father why all of your dresses had been torn on the back seam.
daemon inhaled softly, feeling your skin underneath his fingers, he leaned down to breath you in.
the way he was touching you, breathing you in, he was desperate, needy..
“daemon,” you moaned, “stop..” you panted, but there was no real fight in your voice as you fell victim to his touch. you let the dress fall down your body, revealing a bare flesh to daemon that wasn’t new but felt oh so good to touch.
daemon groaned softly into your ear, his hands moving to clutch at the skin of your breasts. you sharply inhaled when he squeezed them roughly, groaning in happiness.
daemon kissed your shoulder, “i want what’s mine.” daemon gripped your hip roughly and tossed you onto the bed as if you were a rag doll. your face was buried into your blanket, and your cunt was up in the air for his taking. you shivered slightly as you felt his fingers toy with you, slipping in and out of your slick. he slapped a hand on your ass before you heard the quick unbuckling and unzipping of his trousers. you could feel his hard cock as he pulled it out, the cock falling onto your ass and he smacked you again roughly.
“this is mine, my cunt, my fucking bitch.” he whispered angrily, and he shoved himself inside you, groaning as he bottomed out, gripping the flesh of your ass to steady himself as the pleasure overtook him.
you moaned, and yoh turned your face to the side to gasp for air as he began to rail into you, the lewd noises echoing into your room.
“fuck!” you cried, and daemon slapped you again, ass was definitely a glaring red at this point, but knowing daemon, he was just getting started.
he fucked you roughly, your body snapping back into his as he continued to thrust. you were sobbing now, daemon’s hands pulling at your hair, continuing his intrusion.
“please,” you cried out, “daemon, stop!” you sobbed, but it only encouraged him more, and you were squeezing your cunt around his cock, begging for him to stop.
daemon pulled your hair, so much that your head was lifted off the mattress as he snapped his weight into you.
you felt the pool of pleasure beginning, and you cried out, “daemon!” as you came, harshly you did, and daemon fucked your through it.
he was relentless though, and he was determined to finish, and even as you were shaking, sobbing and begging for him to stop, he continued to fuck you until you were stuffed with his cum, oozing out of you.
daemon pulled out and looked down at your cunt, he smirked, and slapped your ass, “look at that. my cunt, my cunt stuffed with my cum.” he grabbed your hair and pulled your head to the side, making you look at him, “don’t ever deny me again.” he threatened.
and so you laid there, waiting to hear his steps as he left.
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