#thank you rey! I am going to watch the new episode now hehe
llycaons · 1 year
lwj and wwx or wen ning OR shauna yellowjackets (:
ohhh my blorbos!!!
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regarding the one about canon...most of the time I like it but sometimes I really don't and I pretend it is otherwise. this is specifically about cql, not the novel, bc cql does a few things I don't love but on the whole he's a character I deeply adore
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ALMOST got a bingo but I feel like fans calling him dumb aren't being 'mean', they're just being foolish and they don't understand him. and I do want to examine his character and explore what makes him tick etc. etc. but I don't want to squeaky toy him. I respect him too much. also if anything bad happens to him in fan work I get so upset that man has been through ENOUGH
about the aesthetic....well, he inspired an entire tournament poll so I think you can say I appreciate his design
wen ning
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my skrunkly...my beloved guy...my dude...canon was so cruel to him and I wish his life wasn't so fucking sad but I do love him a lot and im glad that his story ended with him reconnecting with the last of his family and becoming more independent because he deserves the world he really does
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this girl. this woman. good lord. all of these characters are beasts unleashed but she's closer to wwx than anyone else on this list by proximity to murder and cannibalism alone. shauna isn't as fandomizable as as the other three are but I do enjoy her character a lot and I do think she's a very sexy milf and when she was talking about peeling human skin off a corpse's face I WAS yelling and shouting and hollering. oh, she has problems <3
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prism-rush · 6 years
Prism Rush Main Story Episode 6 Chapter 1
Reach Out to Everyone! The Rainbow Countdown #1
First Previous Chapter
Translator’s notes: I decided to keep going into this chapter once I remembered this one is just a long conversation about the boys’ solo songs. So even though it’s the beginning of a new episode, it’s actually a better place to leave off than the last chapter. This one is the true ending to the story arc about the boys writing their solo songs, and the next story arc begins from the next chapter. So, I hope you enjoyed this run! I posted four chapters over about two days, make sure to check out all of them. Peace! ...Oh yeah, uhh not too confident about my translation of the title of Yukinojo’s solo song... Yukinojo has been giving me a lot of grief lately hasn’t he.... 
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Hijiri: Everyone! I’ve heard you completed your solo songs! 
Shin: Yup! Yu-kun wrote the music... 
Yukinojo: And all of us put our hearts into the lyrics! 
Kakeru: And since the Juuouin Group studio had an opening, we all finished recording as well! 
Yu: And, now the editing is done... 
Leo: Aah! I can’t want to hear them!
Hijiri: Hehe. Me too. Well all right then, let’s have a listen. 
Yu: Okay. First up is Taiga’s song... 
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Taiga: Why do I have to go first?!
Hijiri: The song title is... “Legend World” .... 
Leo: Wow! It’s just like Taiga-kun! It sounds so cool!! 
Hijiri: Taiga, what was your inspiration for this song?
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Taiga: Uh... nothing... really... I just thought... I definitely want to overcome Kazuki-senpai someday! Th... That’s all....
Minato: Yeah, I can definitely feel Kougami’s determination through this song! 
Yu: Well, next up is Yukinojo’s “Swallowtail Butterfly, Dance in Dreams Longing for You.”
Shin: Wow... Something about this song really makes my heart beat faster... 
Yukinojo: I really agonized over not being about to break out of my shell... But it’s only since I came to Edel Rose that I started to want to overcome my own weaknesses. Through the good the good times and the bad times, I learned the importance of my friends...
Leo: Yuki-sama....
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Yukinojo: And that’s what has made me stronger. If I can bring out these emotions, I can rise beyond my limits! 
Leo: You’ve always been amazing, Yuki-sama. But it seems you’ve somehow gotten even more amazing!!!
Yu: Next up is Leo’s song... um... “Pink-colored MAX Jump!”
Kakeru: Ooooh! This is great! What a chan-Leo song! 
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Leo: Eheh. Once I took a good look at myself, I realized something. What is really important isn’t manliness or something like that. There are a lot of good things about just me being myself! I learned about that kind of strength from Yuki-sama! 
Yukinojo: Just listening to this song is raising my spirits. It’s such a good and bright song, just like you Leo! 
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Kakeru: I’m up next! It’s “Groovin’ Chara-Emo Night” yo! It’s sure got a groovin’ vibe, right?! 
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Taiga: What the heck is this song?! It’s so cheesy this whole room’s going to become lactose intolerant! 
Yu: But it’s just like Kakeru, isn’t it? My genius is scary sometimes.
Taiga: ...Now that you mention it...
Kakeru: Even when every day is the same thing, you can’t let yourself look defeated. 
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I sang this song to make sure everyone who hears it can ride the groove train to sparkle town! 
Taiga: Well, I don’t really like the style but...
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 I guess it’s a good song for you, Kazuo. 
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Kakeru: Thank you!! ...Wait.
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...But it’s Kakeru, not Kazuo!
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Yu: Whatever, moving on. Now here’s Minato’s “Home sweet Home”!
Leo: Wow... Just listening to it makes me feel all warm inside... 
Minato: I’m glad to hear you say that.
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I wrote the lyrics with the same amount of heart I put into cooking for all of you! 
Shin: It does remind me of your cooking... Your kindness really shines through! 
Minato: Eheh. Ichijo, thank you. 
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Yu: Well, now it’s my turn! “Zeus♂ ~I am the ULTIMATE Star~”!
Taiga: The title is a bit embarrassing... 
Minato: Kougami, SHH!
Shin: Woah! Yu-kun, your song is so cool!
Yu: Of course! For a true genius like me, the melody just comes to me naturally... 
Leo: Oh... But when you were writing your song, didn’t you not sleep for three nights and three days? 
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Yu: N... No! I was... That was... 
Minato: To think you could write not just an amazing song for yourself, but such great songs for all of us as well. Suzuno, thank you so much. Well done. 
Yu: Don’t pat me on the head! I’m not a kid.... Last is Shin’s song. 
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Shin: Aah I’m so nervous... How is it? What do you guys think? 
Taiga: How is it, he says... 
 Yukinojo: All we have to do is listen, and we know... 
Leo: Yup. We can all feel your pure heart coming through. 
Yu: I wrote this song based on Shin’s straightforwardness. The title is “Sweet Sweet Sweet”. 
Shin: It was because you wrote me such a great song that the lyrics just came naturally... 
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I want so many people to learn about prism shows... I wanted everyone to feel how much I want to make people happy... Superintendent Himuro! How was it?
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Hijiri: .........
Shin: S... Superintendent Himuro?
Leo: Is he... mad?!
Kakeru: Could it be we didn’t do enough?
Yu: No...! It couldn’t be...!
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Shin: Huh?!
Kakeru: Superintendent Himuro... is crying bitter tears?!
Taiga: I’ve never seen him like this before... 
Hijiri: All of you have had to work so hard to make up for my shortcomings... 
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To think that you have all grown so much that you’re the ones supporting me.... Thank you all... so much... 
Shin: Superintendent... 
Hijiri: With such a great collection of songs, we just have to get them out there in a big way.... 
Taiga: Get them out there?
Hijiri: Yes! We did a Christmas concert, so of course what comes next is... A New Years countdown concert! 
Shin: A countdown concert?
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Hijiri: If we debut all your songs, Edel Rose will once again be back on the map... Don’t you think? 
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Shin: ...Yeah! This countdown concert is gonna be great! 
(Across town, later)
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Hiro: These are... the underclassmen solo songs... 
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Kazuki: Aren’t they great! They’re BURNING brighter than a supernova! They have really grown up, before we even knew it! We can really depend on them!
Hiro: No... that’s not true. 
Kazuki: Huh?
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Hiro: They are our rivals now. 
Kazuki: Hiro... 
Hiro: Among a galaxy of prism stars, only one can become the Prism King... 
Kazuki: ....
Hiro: If we don’t watch out, it’ll be our heads on a platter. Right, Kazuki?
Kazuki: Yeah, you’re right... At the Prism King Cup, prism stars battle other prism stars. Upperclassmen and underclassmen relationships don’t matter.
Hiro: All that matters is who becomes the Prism King and who doesn’t. 
Kazuki: Yeah! It’s a straight up showdown! And I’m gonna BURN it up! 
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Hiro: Kazuki... it’s ON!
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Kazuki: You bet!! 
(Outside Edel Rose)
Hijiri: To think the new students could come up with such great songs... 
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I can’t wait to see the look on Rei’s face!
Next Chapter.
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