#thank you soooooo much for the ask yippee!!!
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Aaaaah yes, I know!! I got really excited when I saw this ask game :D
Favorite line
Dang, this one’s hardddd! He has so many good lines!!
“You die in the end, so we may as well just be friends.” — Just… 🥺🥺🥺
The fact that he sees fighting and enemies and arguing as ultimately pointless, and thinks that just getting along is the better option… I think it says a lot about his character, and I hekkin love it :)
“I sowed the seeds of peace, yet I’m the one who pays for war.” — THE POETICNESS?? HELLO???
“Villains are just heroes you haven’t convinced yet.” — This is a paraphrase because I can’t quite remember the exact wording, but LAGSJSVSJSVAHSC!!! And the fact that he’s talking about Wilbur makes it hit a lot harder dangggg
Unpopular opinion about them
He does have childish aspects about him!
I think a lot of people are worried that Ghostbur will be infantilized if anyone refers to him as childish, and I get that! Unfortunately, a lot of people do infantilize him, and it’s really sad to see :(
But when people try to ignore all the parts of Ghostbur that really are more childish, they end up not getting the full picture. Yes, he runs away from bad/scary things and has a best friend who’s a sheep and speaks in a very simple manner… and that’s fine?? That’s just Ghostbur! That’s how he is, and I think it’s cool!
Ghostbur can have childish aspects about him while still being an interesting, deep, beautiful character—and I’d argue that his childish aspects make him more interesting, actually! I find him really relatable because of that :)
If they had a tumblr what would it look like?
Very sweet and innocent! His blog colors would be light blue and purple, and he’d reblog photos of flowers and nature and creatures and people, and he’d make posts about little things like what he had for breakfast and what he saw on his walk with Friend, and he’d use lots of emoticons like :3 :D :))) ^-^
He’d post lots of pictures, too; of Friend, of Tommy, of leaves, of bugs, of him and Tommy and him and Friend and Sweet Blue sitting on a nest and Phil drinking tea and Techno definitely not wanting a picture alsvskvdksfs
I think he’d also post videos of him playing guitar and singing :) And it would be so calm and quiet and peaceful and he’d film it outside at twilight and there’d be bug-sounds in the background and wind blowing through leaves.
…now I’m sad that I can’t watch those videos :(
But yeah, his blog would be so darn sweet! He’d never post/reblog anything sad; his blog would be a safe place.
Though every once in a while, he’d make a short post asking why everything hurts, why everything is hard, why his head hurts when he thinks of hard things, why everyone looks at him strangely, why bad thoughts come when he can’t stop them.
And then the next day, the post would be deleted and he’d reblog a photo of a flock of sheep and everything would be normal again.
(I cannot tell you enough how much I wish this was real and that he had a blog I could follow I cannot TELL YOU ENOUGH-)
What they really think about themselves
Oooh… oh boy.
Ghostbur thinks that he’s weak. He thinks that he’s not as strong as Wilbur was, and not as great as him. He thinks that he can’t protect the people he loves, no matter how hard he tries. He thinks that he lets Tommy down again and again. He thinks that if he’d tried harder, then Tommy would be okay. He thinks that if he was a better protecter, then Friend would be okay. He thinks that if he listened better, he wouldn’t let so many people down. He thinks that people are disappointed in him—and why shouldn’t they be? Ghostbur’s disappointed in him, too.
Ghostbur thinks that he’s wrong. He thinks that maybe, if he tried hard enough, really truly tried, then he could be better. He could, maybe, be good. He could, maybe, help people. Just maybe.
But the thing is, Ghostbur doesn’t think that he ever tries hard enough. He always thinks he comes up short. He always thinks he ends up hurting people.
And he doesn’t want to. He really doesn’t want to. More than anything, he wants to be enough to help the people he loves, truly.
But he’s not. Ghostbur is not enough, and he will never be enough, and people will get hurt, and Ghostbur didn’t try hard enough. He never tries hard enough.
If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Easy: Tommy and Friend :)
Ghostbur wouldn’t really care about having lunch with anyone else; Tommy and Friend are his very best friends in the whole world, so why would he choose others over them?
No no, they would all go to a nice little diner and Tommy and Ghostbur would sit in the booths (Ghostbur insisted that they sit on the same booth, much to Tommy’s annoyance) and Friend would sit next to the table and they would all get yummy food and Friend would get a nice big salad with fruits and veggies and green leaves and Tommy would get pasta and Ghostbur would get a hot dog and Tommy would get marinara sauce on his face and Ghostbur would take his own sweet time eating and he’d keep pausing so he could pet Friend and it drives Tommy crazy and then Ghostbur and Tommy talk for a long time until they get hungry again and they order cream soda ‘n ice cream floats and Ghostbur uses a straw and Tommy uses a spoon and Friend gets a bunch of fresh fruit and they’re all very happy and it’s a lovely time <3
Best personality trait
His devotion—he’s always there for Ghostbur, no matter what. Heck, even when Friend dies he always returns for Ghostbur, without fail. He loves Ghostbur, and Ghostbur loves him, and aaaaaaah <3
How they feel about Sweet Blue
Sweet Blue my beloveddddd!
For those who don’t know, me and Pinestripe came up with a chicken OC that Ghostbur adopts, because why the heck not? :)
I think that Friend is chill about her. Friend doesn’t really have a super loud personality, so he doesn’t… show that much affection lol. He’s just Chill.
He’ll gently nudge Sweet Blue away from a dangerous bug or a creek, and let her rest on his back while he walks, and even let her make a next in his wool, but he’s not like, all over her or anything 😅
He loves her, that’s for sure. He loves her a whole bunch, and is quite protective—partially because she’s young and partially because she’s small.
Their idea of a perfect day
Cool weather, fluffy clouds, blue sky, gentle breeze, fields of green grass, bugs singing, leaves rustling, and, of course, Ghostbur at his side <3
(And a carrot would definitely Improve the day lol)
On a more simple note, a day where Ghostbur is happy; the ghost has far too many hard days, where he’s upset or crying or stays inside or buries his face into Friend’s wool and sobs. Friend doesn’t like those days. He doesn’t like it when Ghostbur is upset.
So when Ghostbur is happy and smiling and pointing at bugs and laughing and gazing up at the sky and petting Friend and walking through the woods and hugging his sheep, Friend is also happy. Very, very happy.
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astraysimp · 6 months
Mini Binnie
I'm back-kinda! This is based on this ask
Hi everyone! I am back with my first full fic in a while! Sorry it has taken me so long, I have had many many many mental breakdowns BUT I AM FEELING BETTER AND DRINKING WATEER! YIPPEE!  This is for my lovely 🍒 anon! Who is my first request, like ever, so thank you lovely anon! I saw the words chunky baby and i KNEW  I had to whip something up. Soooooo, enjoy my loves!!!!
Pairing: Changbin x reader AND BINNA (THE CHUNKY BUBBA)
Warnings: this might suck bc I haven’t sat down and written a full fic in a while so I sorry, dad!changbinnie, 10 month old Binna( our chunky bubby), FLUFF FLUFF,, italicized text indeicates reference to the past, pet names,simp binnie, playful teasing,fem!reader, let me know if i missed anything 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
10 months ago, you and your husband Changin welcomed your daughter into this world. Her name is Binna and she is yours and Changbin’s world. Changbin was the proudest dad to be and is now the proudest dad. 
Even in your 42 week pregnancy— Binna came late, loving her warm, safe home in your belly a little too much— he was proudly telling everyone and everyone that he came across that he was going to be a dad. And when i say everyone, i mean everyone. He told strangers, his bandmates ( like a million and one times), JYP, his managers, he told STAY on bubble and in lives, he told his stylists, his bandmates’ stylists, he even told you. 
Currently, you were about 30 weeks into your pregnancy. So, your bump was round and proud. You and Changbin wer5e cuddled on your couch, watching your favorite k-drama as he rubbed your belly. Turning to you, an ecstatic giggle tumbled from his lips. “Yes, jagi?” you asked him, pausing the drama on the Tv in front of you. “I’m going to be a dad.” He giggled, his hands caressing your bump. “Yes, you are, Binnie.’ you patted his hand and laughed. “A baby. Our baby, jagiya!” he exclaimed, he was just exploding with excitement. Yes, you knew you were having a baby, your bump proving the point. But, you couldn’t crush his cute excitement.
Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you giggled. “You know, i hope she looks like you, binnie.” Gasp, “yah! You can;t just say things like that to me, yeobo!” he pouted. “Why not, my binnie?” You giggled, pinching his  plump cheek. Oh, that’s why. Sniffling, he whined and whined. “I’ll cry, jagiyaaaaaa.” oh, he was so cute. “Baby, why are you crying?” 
“You said you hope our baby looks like me,” he sniffled out.
And you thought your pregnancy hormones were all over the board. Well, at least he’s cute. 
Holding his cheeks in your hands, you pressed a plethora of soft kisses all around the perimeter of his face. “Waaahhhhhhh. My Binnie is so cute!”  you google out, seeing a soft crimson blush rise up his neck, cover his cheeks and tint his ears. “Why is my hubby blushing? You’re too cute?” nYou teased, his eyes crinkling as his perfectly straight pearly white teeth flashed with his wide grin. “You’re making me! Yeoboooooo!” 
“How am i  making you blush, huh binnie?” you giggled, as his hands resumed their usual belly rubbing. Such belly rubbing causing your already daddy’s girl to kick from her secure place in your womb. Laughing, you pinched his cheeks, “see. Even Binna thinks her appa’s cute!” 
Again, he giggled, as a blush tinted his cheeks again.
“Shush, yeobo.”
That was a little over 11 months ago. Since then, you and Changbin have been soaking up the precious times with your baby girl. When she became Earth side, you remember how chubby she was– and still is. Her late birth made her a chunky and squishy baby. 10 pounds and 5 ounces to be exact. So, safe to say, Binna is a chunky girl. And a replica of her appa– big brown doe eyes, the same smile, raven black her and the same giggle.
Oh, her giggle, one to match her appa’s. 
Currently, you were sitting next to Changbin on your couch, a 10 month old Binna on his lap. She was giggling and hitting her hands against his chest as Changbin’s lips were blowing raspberries on her cheeks. “Hi, Binna! Binna bear!” you cooed, leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek. 
Giggling, she squealed and turned her head to look at you. “Eomma!” she squealed– although her first word was appa. Something Changbin was very  proud of and told everyone. “Hi baby doll! Are you having so much fun?” you perched, as one of her small, chubby hands reached towards you.
Taking her hand in your, you smiled and playfully bit at it. “Eomma! Eomma!” She exclaimed, plopping herself to lay against Changbin’s chest. Smiling, Changbin held her close to his chest, his hands supporting her back and legs. “My binna bear, give appa some love,” he pouted, pressing his lips to her forehead. Gasping, she looked up at him, her pink lips forming a small o-shape, before forming a gummy smile as she giggled. “Appa!” she exclaimed, her short legs kicking. 
reaching her arms up, she pressed her hands against his cheeks, smooshing them to make a fish face. “Appa!” She squealed, loud, high pitched giggles falling from her lips. “Ppo-ppo?” Changbin asked, hands lightly tapping on her bum, as he puckered his lips even more. Puckering her own lips, Binna raised herself to be level with Changbin’s face. 
What Changbin thought would be his daughter giving him a sweet kiss, was not that. 
Puckering her lips, Binna leaned and bit down on Changbin’s chin. “I-Binna bear, what are you doing, bubba? I wanted a kiss.” He laughed, feeling her nomming and gumming at his chin. The cold wetness of her drool coating the slightly stubbled skin of his chin. “Okay, princess, come here,” you cooed.
Leaning back, you carefully lifted her off his chin and subsequently off of his chest. “Yah! Yah yah yah, I still haven’t gotten my kiss,” Changbin whined, seeing Binna curl into your hold, her hands holding a tight grasp onto your shirt, as you peppered her chubby face in kisses. “Oh hush, let me love on my princess,” you retorted. “Binnie, you get plenty plenty plenty of kisses. Doesn’t he, princess? Doesn’t appa get so many kisses?” You smiled, as she giggled and kicked her feet. “Eomma! Eomma ppo-ppo!” She giggled, smacking her lips together. “Yes, baby. Kisses for eomma,” you giggled, kissing her lips. 
Pouting, Changbin leaned over, with his lips puckered. “Not fair, jagiya! I want Binna kisses too,” he pouted, watching Binna smack her lips onto yours. “How about me, binna bear?” He pouted, leaning in to try to steal a kiss. “Eomma kiss!” She squealed back, much to Changbin’s dismay and chagrin. “Wha-why not appa, binna bear?” He pouted, pretending to sniffle.
What a dramatic man. Hanging out with Hyunjin too much,although he would disagree.
Laughing, you squeezed binna to your chest as she kissed your cheeks. “Waaah! Thank you, angel! So many kisses for eomma!” You laughed, watching as Changbin’s jaw dropped. Bro was flabbergasted, appalled, taken aback. He was shook. 
“Wh-why does eomma get kisses but not me, binna?” all Binna did was giggle, continuing to give you kisses. Squealing happily, Binna laid her small chunky body against your chest and smiled. “Because she loves meeeeeeeee. Isn’t that right, princess?” You cooed, rocking her back and forth in your arms. “Love eomma so much so much, huh, Binna bear?” Nodding her head, she pressed her lips against yours before resorting to laying her chubby cheek against your shoulder.
Maybe, she wasn’t so much of a daddy’s girl after all. Lies. Binna was the epitome of a daddy’s girl. Oh, she’s crying? Changbin walks in and those tears dry up and she goes back to being her bubbly self.  She can’t fall asleep? Put her on Binnie’s chest and she’s out like a light. You’re trying to feed her mashed veggies and she won;t eat them? Let Changbin feed Binna and she'll eat those veggies right up. 
Daddy’s girl
But, you could pretend for a little bit that she was a mommy’s girl. Just for now, until her daddy’s girl side came back out. 
Smiling, you cuddled her small body close to you, her arms curled around your neck for some much needed eomma cuddles. “But…. she’s my binna bear…just want a kiss is all.” He sighed out, gently running his hand over her pink sleeper onesie clad back. “Binnie, my sweet sweet husband….you know she’s the biggest daddy’s girl. She clings to you, day in and day out. Not that I'm complaining. I find it adorable, you and your mini. But, she needs momma kisses and cuddles sometimes.” You conceded, gently leaning forward to press your lips to his in a soft kiss. “I know, jagiya. I know,” You soothed back, running his knuckle over your knuckle. “You’re the best wife, eomma and partner anyone could have. I don’t blame her for needing some lovings from you, in fact I want to join,” he giggled.
“Join? Yah, be careful, you sap.” You teased, as he maneuvered himself to be fully wrapped around your side. Much like Binna was cuddled into your shoulder with her cheek pressed against you and her arms curled around your neck; Changbin was wrapped around you. His arms curling around your waist with his head on the opposite shoulder.
Sighing, you turned and kissed a kiss to his forehead before repeating the same to Binna. “Aigo, now I have two cuddly babies, don’t i?” you pondered to yourself. Nodding, Changbin smiled and pressed a soft kiss to the underside of your jaw. “Indeed you do, yeobo. Me and my mini.” situating yourself into a more comfortable position, you leaned to settle your back further into the couch. “Now, how am I going to get up if I have to use the bathroom?” You questioned, feeling him nuzzle further into your side. “We’ll figure that out when we get there, yeobo.” he smiled, his big brown eyes filled with nothing but pure love and adoration for you.
You really do have two babies, in the best way. There was a lot of Changbin’s personality that showed and carried in Binna’s.  She got his bubbly personality, his eyes, his laugh and giggle and his love for your love and cuddles. 
 she was the epitome of a daddy’s girl. She’s tired? Give her to Binnie and she’ll fall asleep in the snap of a finger. She’s upset or fussy? Not when her appa holds her and kisses her cheeks. You made pureed veggies and she won’t eat them? Sure, not when you try to feed her. But, let Changbin feed her and those veggies will be eaten without crying, fussing or a tantrum. 
And her favourite plushy? You guessed it….dwaekki.  
Curling himself into your side, Changbin laid his head on your shoulder and pressed a soft kiss to the underside of your jaw. Unknowingly, his knee was pressing against your lower region. “Aigo, Changbin-ah. Don’t do that please, my love. Then I’ll have to pee.” You breathed out, wiggling in your spot a bit. “Oops. sorry, jagi.” He nodded, head still tucked into your shoulder as he moved his leg to sit lower. “Thank you baby.” You smiled, pressing a kiss to his nose.
Laying into the couch, you sighed. “At least if I have to go to the bathroom, I can take binna with me.”  Wait, Binna goes but not him? Changbin thought to himself. So he pouted and looked up at you.“If you go to the bathroom, I get to go right too?” he asked, settled into your side. “I-what kind of question is that Changbin? Why would you go.” “Well, it only seems fair and right since baby princess gets to go.” this man. He is something, that’s for sure. “Binnie….I love you and all. I do, really but please be so for real.”
Time had passed so fast that neither you or Changbin had realised it was 8 o’clock. Which was Binna’s usual bedtime. So, she would eventually grow sleepy and  fall asleep. However, Changbin was still tightly curled around your body. His arms around your waist and one leg thrown over the tops of your thighs. 
Changbin had always fallen asleep if he was cuddled to you, and Binna would as well. Well, when she wasn’t in Changbin’s arms.  While being so befuddled by your dear husband asking if he was going to the bathroom with you, you had failed to notice how Binna had gone completely relaxed against you and fallen asleep. 
Peeking down at her, you smiled to yourself seeing how her eyes had closed, dark eyelashes fanning over her chubby cheeks. While her arms were still curled around your neck, they had gone more lax. A state of sleepiness and relaxation consuming her small body. Her legs were relaxed, lax against your torso. “Awwwww, princess is asleep, bin.” You smiled, gently rubbing her back. 
“She is,hm” He smiled, gently lifting his head to see his 10 month old daughter so completely relaxed and at peace in your arms. “Mhm. My cuddles do have that effect. Even on you,binnie. “ It was true. Something abo0ut being in your arms or just curled around you brought a sense of peace and urged anyone to fall asleep within minutes. Especially Binna and Changbin.
Changbin could never place a finger on it as to why your cuddles so easily made him fall asleep. Maybe it was the way you would play with his hair or run your hands up and down the expanse of his back. Maybe it was your soft scent, a scent he knew as home– soft cashmere notes tinged with vanilla and a hint of a light spice. Whatever it was , he would never complain. Often getting the best sleep when he was in your arms or cuddled up to your body and Binna seemed to be the same.
Feeling himself yawn, he nestled his head into your shoulder and pressed a kiss to the space of skin that your shirt didn’t cover. “Sleepy, binnie?” you perched, pressing a kiss to his temple before resting your cheek against his soft black curls. “Mhm,” was all he was able to get out before another yawn cut him off. 
His strong arms, once tightly wound around your waist, had loosened their hold. Still, they were holding you and Binna close to him and his leg had relaxed on its spot on your lap. He was almost there, the realm of his dreams creeping upon him and embracing him in their hold. The big brown eyes that had been passed onto his daughter, asleep in your hold, drew closed. His own eyelashes spanning the tops of his cheeks. 
Smiling to yourself, you gently manoeuvred your cuddle puddle so you could lay more comfortably on the large plush couch. Binna still safe, tucked against your chest with Changbin curled into your side. Pressing a kiss to his hair, you smiled and repeated the same to Binna’s hair. “Good night, binnie. I love you to the moon and back.” 
“I love you too, forever,” was all you heard before falling asleep yourself. Warmly welcomed to the world of dreams where you would see Binna and Binnie, even while asleep. 
They were yours forever. Binnie and Binna, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Blessed was an understatement when it comes to the lights of your life. 
🌟Hi hi hi! I hope you guys enjoy this fic! I think I am slowly easing my way back into writing so please bear with me! I love you all! My requests are open for drabbles or full fics. Reblogs are appreciated 🌟 
Tags: @httpdwaekki ♡ @straykeedz♡ @straykeedz-recs♡ @number1jeonginstan ♡ @itsnotmydejavu ♡ @galaxycatdrawz♡ @chqnverse ♡ @thefantasyden ♡ @turtledove824 ♡ if I missed you in tags please let me know ♡ tag list is open ♡
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dammit-stark · 4 years
i am OBSESSED with royalty aus
fun fact: red, white & royal blue by Casey mcquiston is actually my favorite book (tied with Emma by Jane Austen, obviously) but anyway this was heavily inspired by the plot of that book so I hope you like it! - p.s this turned out to be like 1.8k words soooooo here it exists now okay
“We’re supposed to hate each other,” Tony insists, head hanging off the side of his bed, his feet cushioned in the onslaught of pillows by the head board. Nat sits criss-cross applesauce in his peripheral vision, flipping through a magazine, “It’s not my fault he’s a pompous ass and we’re star-crossed nemeses.”
Nat stops flipping to look at him under an arched eyebrow, “Star-crossed, Tony? Really?”
“Oh, shush, you know what I am. We’re total opposites. My dad got elected by the people into the greatest country in the world, and he was born into the crappy inbred monarchy whose ass we beat centuries ago.”
Nat doesn’t look up from her magazine this time, “Didn’t your dad fund his campaign with the millions of dollars he got from his inheritance?”
Tony pauses. In the silence, he can hear the blood rushing to his head. He chooses to ignore Nat’s logic, “I really don’t think that’s relevant here.”
Nat gets to the last page and the flimsy pages clap noisily together. She points an accusatory finger at him, “I don’t care if you think he’s the Loch Ness monster, it’s a royal wedding and you’re the first son of the United States. You’re gonna have to suck it up and be on your best behavior.”
“Oh, no, Nat,” Tony coos sardonically, still hanging upside down, “Are you afraid I’m gonna embarrass you?”
With a complete straight face, she throws her magazine at him, and stands so she’s towering above him. He has to stretch his neck to look at her.
“Yes, she says. I absolutely am. Now, what do you want on your pizza? I’m hungry.”
As it turns out, Tony isn’t humanly capable of staying on his best behavior at the royal wedding. He definitely embarrasses Nat, and maybe, sorta, totally causes an international incident in the process.
“It’s not my fault,” He tells Nat on the jet back to the States, still hanging somewhere in the precarious limbo between disastrously drunk and world-endings hungover, “He started it.”
Nat just glares at him, “I was standing right there, Tony. I watched you push him first.”
“I-“ There’s not much point in arguing, “Yeah. Dad’s gonna be pissed, isn’t he?”
Nat sighs, a long, never-ending sigh that makes her sound decades older than she actually is. Tony has that effect on people.
“Don’t worry about your dad, Tony,” She tells him. This time, she’s flipping through a classified file folder instead of a dime-a-dozen tabloid edition, “We’re gonna fix your mess, as per usual.”
Tony can feel the hangover rearing it’s head over the drunkenness, and he sinks into his chair, eyes closing, “You’re the best, Nat. Thanks.”
Nat rolls her eyes as Tony falls asleep, “Yeah,” She murmurs under her breath to herself, “Damn right I am. Dumbass.”
It turns out that Nat’s solution to Tony’s antagonistic little international incident is to make it seem like the whole The-First-Son-Just-Pushed-A-Beloved-Prince-Into-His-Brother’s-Wedding-Cake thing seem more like a frat boy-esque ribbing gone bad. Tony hates the plan, and he tells Nat as such.
“This is a horrible plan. It’s not gonna work, and it means I have to spend an entire weekend with Prince Pissy Pants.”
They’re on the private plane again, flying back to England to fix Tony’s mess.
Nat rolls her eyes, and punches him in the shoulder, “Get over yourself, Stark. If you don’t want to hang out with your so-called nemesis, then stop getting drunk and pushing people into wedding cakes. This is your own fault. We’re fixing your problem for you. Get over it.”
Tony rolls his eyes, but otherwise consents, “Whatever.”
Nat passes him a file folder.
“What’s this?”
“The Prince’s interests. Study it. Learn it like it’s the back of your hand, and then study it even more. If you get caught in a lie, Stark, you’re beyond dead.”
He gets two lines in before he tears narrowed eyes away from the paper to suspiciously meet Nat’s expression, “Did he get one of these about me?”
“What was in it?”
“Your interests, Stark.”
Tony does not envy whoever got assigned that task. He wonders how accurate it’ll be. He obediently reads through the Prince’s interests among an uncharacteristic silence. Nat almost thinks he’s grown up until he breaks said silence with a snort.
“His favorite book is Great Expectations? Nerd.”
When they land, Tony remembers why he pushed the prince in the first place. Yeah, the alcohol did half the work for him, but- something about the Prince’s stupidly perfect, absurdly handsome face just makes Tony want to start shoving people into cakes. Surely other people have the same urge.
“Mr Stark,” The Prince says as greeting. He doesn’t even offer a hand for Tony to shake, just smiles with his hands folded together, “It’s a shame these are the circumstances that you-“
“Yeah, yeah, you’re very polite, I get it. Prince Steve here to save the day with his antiquated, impeccable manners. Yippee-kiy-yai.”
Tony counts it as a win that he sees a flicker in that smile, but it crests back to sparkly perfection with a blink of the eye. There are cameras. Tony sees Nat out of the corner of his eye, glaring beside a distinct row of security, somehow looking the most intimidating of all of them. He smiles back, pasted and ridiculous and spiteful, his whole body tensed and relaxed at the same time.
He smiles winningly for the cameras.
Later, at the hospital, Tony wonders how Mr Prince Perfect can put on such a facade, even with sick kids. Because that’s obviously what this is. He watches from across the room as Prince Steven kneels beside a sick kid’s bedside, smiling kindly, and talking to the little girl with her baby yoda doll tucked into the crook of her arm.
It’s not until Tony has completely committed to his eavesdropping that he realizes there aren’t any cameras around to capture Steve’s amiability. That’s the first moment Tony thinks oh, maybe this guy isn’t as fake as I thought he was.
“You totally wouldn’t be Han Solo,” Tony interrupts because he’s totally an asshole and he knows it (that’s the different between Tony and Prince Stick-Up-Butt, he at least owns his assholery), “You’re a textbook Luke Skywalker if I ever met one, Prince.”
Steve’s responding grin is surprisingly left-leaning, and the kid in the hospital bed is giggling.
“Are you gonna try to tell me that you’re a Han Solo then?”
“Actually, I-“
“Because you’re not,” Steve’s totally serious except a slight twinkle in his eye, one forefinger tapping against his own knee as the little girl sits enraptured by the ridiculous conversation occurring just above her, “You’re Anakin through and through. Not in a bad way, just-“
Tony doesn’t mean to come off as truly surprised as he really does, but the way he shuts his mouth immediately gives him away, “No,” He says, “You’re right.”
Steve’s lips punch off at the corners in an amused, vaguely self-satisfied way that makes Tony want to soberly push him into another cake so expensive you need to take out a mortgage to eat a slice. Before Tony can needle him back, the prince is smiling back at the kid, a gentle hand on her arm. Huh.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Wendy. Thanks for talking about Star Wars with us.”
And like the smug bastard he is, Steve gracefully stands from her bedside and leaves the room. Oh no he won’t. Tony follows, angrily.
That’s how they end up in a near-empty hospital hallway together. And subsequently, it’s also how they’re pushed into the closest nearby maintenance closet by the nearest secret service operative, tripping over themselves and invisible equipment alike as they’re safely hidden away. It’s also how they end up on the floor, joints every which way, elbows menacing and in all the wrong places as they cajole violently among the brooms and buckets.
“Your elbow-“ Tony grunts, “Is in my side, Steve.”
“Yes, well, my elbow wouldn’t be in your side if your elbow wasn't in my shoulder.”
“Get your shoulder out of my elbow!”
“Why do you hate me?” Steve cuts him off, a hiss in his voice. Ooh, Mr Perfect Prince can actually get angry. Exciting.
Tony takes a deep breath. Or- as deep of a breath as he can take without drawing attention to their tight little maintenance closet/hideout.
“You’re not real. You’re fake. Everything you do has been trained into you, it’s annoying.”
“I feel pretty real to me, Stark.”
“You just- it’s a persona. You’re a persona. And the whole world blindly loves you for it.”
In the dark, Tony chews on his bottom lip- a chronic bad habit of his.
When Steve responds, his voice is low, even lower than it necessarily needs to be to keep attention away from their location. He can’t tell in the dark, but Tony thinks his head might be bowed. He can practically hear the thoughts in the prince’s head. But then again, they’re physically close enough, practically spooning ridiculously on the ground, he might as well tap directly into Steve’s mind they’re so close together.
“Do you think I want to be a persona, Tony? Do you think I did this to myself? I’m still me, I’m just- guarded. It’s not up to me. There’s a lot more to the world than my place in it.”
Tony’s quiet. It’s a much more real answer than he’d expected. He’d half expected the prince to spit on him or something, dig his elbow extra far into Tony’s side or something. Instead he gets this vulnerable little morsels of honesty, and Tony has nothing to say.
Tony’s cut off by blinding light. Nat whips the door open.
“Ew, what are you guys doing on the ground? Why are you spooning?”
Steve hurried to his feet, cheeks visibly red, “The threat?” He demands, and Tony’s surprised Nat doesn’t demand a full sentence like she usually does, the cocky bastard. She nods succinctly.
“A false alarm. However, we’ve deemed it safest to move onto the next event.”
“Great, thanks,” The Prince says, and moves off down the hall, disappearing behind twin EXIT doors.
Tony’s still on the ground when Nat swivels back to look at him, a smug smile on her face.
“You hate each other, huh? Is that what you’re calling it nowadays?”
Tony rolls his eyes, “Oh, shut up, asshole, and help me.”
But he hadn’t had to tell himself deflect, deflect, deflect, and he’s pretty sure something about being stuck in a children’s hospital maintenance closet changed his feelings on the guy. Something about it.
As Tony walks to his next event, he has to push to keep the prince out of his idle mind.
When he departs for the United States hours later, Tony leaves the prince with his phone numbers.
“To corroborate our stories or whatever,” He tells Prince Steven, though he’s sure Nat isn’t convinced, “So we don’t have to keep going between these losers.”
Prince Steven accepts the offering with a smile, and Tony gets on the plane, leaving Britain behind him one last time. 
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