#thank you soooooooo much for taking the time to write this it is fantastic!!!
ako fanfic stuff etc.
hi i don’t know what to title this, and this fic is so rushed and bad honestly, but i just wanted to get it done and submitted before it slips out of my motivation. so yeah, it’s really fucking shitty (i didn’t even know how to end this lmao) but i still wanna share this, i hope you’ll like it
-Submitted by @yandere-sayori
    “Dammit, not again…” Ako sighs, burying herself into her bed, clutching her blanket tightly to her chest and silently cursing Monika for once again beating her to the punch on impressing Sayori. “I swear, I’m going to find some way to win over Sayori’s affection one way or another…! Even if I can’t date her no matter what, I still… I still want to win her attention for once! I want to win against Monika for once!”
    But of course, as bitter as Ako is about losing to Monika over and over again in their little microaggressive competitions to win Sayori’s praise and attention, she somehow knows deep down that she is simply clinging onto false hope that she is going to win someday. It’s absurd to even think she has a chance, especially since Monika’s already Sayori’s girlfriend, so that’s an automatic point in her favour, and an advantage in everything she does to impress her. But nevertheless, Ako still wants to try, as hard as she can, to be in Sayori’s spotlight for once.
    “But… I still wonder how Monika keeps doing this…” Ako sighs, rolling onto her back and staring up at her gray ceiling, “She ought to have some secret that keeps letting her win like this, and I have to find out what her advantage is. She’s always spending free time at school working on… something, in an empty classroom, and that’s really suspicious… I must stay after literature club tomorrow, and find out her secret!”
    With a burning new resolve to do whatever she can to win against Monika for once in her life, Ako goes to sleep, eager for the next day.
    The next morning, when Ako arrived at school a few minutes before school started, she’s approached by Sayori, who gives her a bright smile and an energetic “good morning!”, to which she responds with the usual monotone but still nevertheless enthusiastic, “good morning”.
    “Ako, have you heard about the new museum that opened last night!?” Sayori says excitedly, seeming to have gathered from Ako’s confusion that she in fact had not. “It’s soooo cool! Monika took me there for a date right after its opening, and it’s so amazing! I never thought I’d have an appreciation for fine arts!”
    Argh, of course, Monika once again beats Ako to the punch, bringing Sayori to yet another new location that opened in town. Something just doesn’t add up though. Ako’s been keeping tabs on new events in town so she could find an opening, but she’s never heard news of any fine arts museums being built, and yet this just appeared out of nowhere last night. That doesn’t make any sense at all, and it’s so suspicious that Monika would right be there at the opening to take Sayori on a date there.
    “Oh, really? I don’t believe I have ever seen much of fine arts before. Perhaps you could take me there sometimes?” Ako asks in her usual coy and inquisitive tone, not that she’s purposely trying to be coy, that’s just how she is. “I would like to find inspiration to further improve my own art skills.”
    “That would be soooo fun!” Sayori squeals, already going through her calendar on her phone to try to find the best time for she and Ako to hang out at the museum together.
    Ako’s attention isn’t completely trained on Sayori though. Rather, she is keeping her eyes on Monika, seated a few seats from her, giving her weird stares that Ako has gotten far too used to. Ako stares at her back, as if to challenge her. She is going to find out Monika’s secret today, no matter what.
    “So, we can go… oh wait! Class is starting!” Sayori exclaims, clumsily putting her phone away. “We’ll finish making plans later, okay Ako?”
    Ako nods, “Yes, we can do that. I look forward to it.”
    “Me too!” Sayori sure is excited.
    After school, after the literature club, Ako lingers behind, after having pretended to head home. She stalks around the empty classrooms, waiting for the opportune moment to spy on Monika and find out whatever she does on her laptop. Maybe secret intel on the town’s newest events before they even happen? Contracting companies to build new landmarks in secret with her parents’ money? Monika, what’s your secret!
    Once Ako has ensured that she is in prime position to eavesdrop and spy on Monika without being detected, she starts listening in.
    “Hmm, what else can I add to this town…” Monika mumbles to herself as she tic-tacs away on her laptop, typing something to which Ako is still ignorant. Her words do seem odd though, ‘add to this town’? What is this, Sims 3? “I’ve already done the mall, the carnival, the museum…”
    Strange, Ako knows those to be the new landmarks that just popped up out of nowhere. What could Monika have done with those?
    “Maybe instead of adding new attractions, I should consider other kind of objects I can add. Maybe… ooh, maybe regular nightfairs. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Monika starts clicking and typing again, Ako finding her words stranger and stranger. “Man, coding complex object files really is a task though, I still haven’t really memorized all of the codes for complex objects yet. Maybe… yeah, it can’t hurt to consult her file again. This is purely for coding consultation, nothing more. …There she is, Ako.obj.”
    …What? “Ako.obj”? Ako suddenly feels a weird chill running up her spine. What… what could this possibly mean? Could this really…? No, that’s impossible, that can’t possibly be true. This doesn’t make any sense.
    “Man, I’m still impressed at how complex her file is. I never knew an object file could reference so many sprites like that to the point where she’s actually animated beyond just a silhouette. And the personality codes and stuff too, just like an actual character file…“ Monika giggles a bit, “To think, all of the new landmarks in town have her coding as their ‘parent’…”
    No… no that’s not right. Ako feels her entire body tensing up, and her breathing becomes constricted. This isn’t right. She’s just an object file…? Not a character file…? And Monika is… coding everything in this reality? On a laptop? And she can read everything about her?
    “…I really shouldn’t, but I kinda wonder about the newest change logs.” Monika pauses and ponders a bit, before going, “Nah, just a peak can’t hurt. I doubt there’s anything there I don’t already know about anyways. Went to school… learned about the museum… making plans… …just found out she’s a–”
    Even whilst cowering and no longer looking at Monika, Ako could feel Monika’s horrified stare in her direction, the… programmer god or something having found out she’s been listening the entire time. Her heart’s pounding, her vision blurry, with Monika’s stare trained on her, Ako feels like her heart’s about to burst from her chest. Not being able to take this anymore, she bolts away from her hiding place, and runs away.
    How is this possible? How can this be? This doesn’t make any sense, and yet it’s the reality. Ako’s just… an object, in a completely fictional world, in a world where there’s… who knows how many real people there are. Maybe it’s just the literature club? It would explain why every random passerby she sees from the top of the old abandoned building suddenly seem like black silhouettes rather than real people. None of them are real either. They’re all objects, just like her. The only ones who has any kind of colour and… life, are the four at the literature club. Ako doesn’t count, she’s not alive.
    Just… why does she even bother? She’s never ever going to win Sayori like that. She’s not even alive, and Monika is… some kind of a freaking god or something, she literally programs this entire world and everyone in it. She can literally delete her file at any moment and just erase her from existence. What makes Ako think she can have any chance of winning Sayori? That’s just… that’s just plain delusion. It’s not like she had a chance to begin with anyways, Monika’s already her girlfriend. Just why even bother…?
    Ako looks down the abandoned building again. She’s never had a fear of heights, but she can still feel the thrill of vertigo running up her spine as she looks down at how high up she is right now. She once read somewhere that if one wants to commit suicide, jumping from the 4th story guarantees a death. She should be sufficiently high up enough to guarantee a swift death. It’ll just be a quick, painful moment, and then it’ll be all over.
    There’s nothing to fear about death. Ako isn’t even alive to begin with. She’s just an object. What happens to an .obj file when it dies? An object is not a real person, an object wouldn’t have an afterlife. Not that a fictitious world would have one to begin with. Taking off her shoes and leaving them behind, Ako’s about to find out what happens after death.
    “Wait-! Please, don’t!”
    Ako stops, just before she steps off the edge of the building, when she hears Sayori’s voice. She had a feeling she was going to try and stop her.
    Still panting from having run so much to catch up to her, Sayori says exasperatedly, “Please, don’t jump, Ako-! Just… please, don’t do this…”
    Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Ako asks solemnly, “Sayori, why do you care? I’m not a real person. I’m just an object. You should save your energy for someone who actually deserves it.”
    “Ako, don’t… don’t say that…” Sayori cries, desperation in her voice, “You’re… you’re my friend, Ako, and I really don’t have many! I don’t want to see you go, not like this…!”
    “Sayori, I know the truth.” Ako says, her voice depressed, “I’m an object file. I’m not a character file, I’m not a living being, I never was. I don’t belong in… in the literature club. It doesn’t matter if I’m gone, nothing is going to change.”
    “That’s not true at all! It matters to me, to Natsuki, to Yuri, to Monika! It matters to me, and all of our friends!”
    “Monika?” Ako turns around and glares sharply, her expression finally changed from indifference to anger, “Sayori, you know as well as I she’s never going to accept me, that she’s always going to have your affections. She’s not just your girlfriend, she has freaking god powers, Sayori, and I’m just a fucking object. There’s nothing, not a fucking thing I can ever do that’s ever going to deserve your… your love, Sayori…!”
    As much as Ako wanted to keep her angry disposition, in an attempt to intimidate Sayori into backing off and leaving her to die alone, as she finally admits to her true desires, her voice breaks and her tears well up. She didn’t want Sayori to realize her weakness, she didn’t want Sayori to care so she could just leave everything behind, and she’s so angry at Sayori for giving her second thoughts about dying.
    “Ako, that’s… that’s not true…” Sayori tears up herself, finally seeming to realize Ako’s true feelings beyond just her words, “Ako, you’re my best friend, you don’t need to compete with her like this. I know… I know that she’s still being difficult about accepting you, but Ako, that doesn’t mean I love you any less…! I don’t care if you’re an .obj file or a .chr file, you’re my best friend, and I care for you so deeply! Like, there’s just…Ako, you… you and Monika are the two closest people to me in my life, I can’t bear losing you…!”
    “Sayori…” Ako reaches up and wipes away her tears, just as they start to roll down her cheeks. Even now, she doesn’t want to show any weakness to Sayori, wishing she would just leave her alone already. “But why…? I’m not… I’m not even alive, I’m just… I’m just a silhouette given an image… why did you even approach me that day at the library…?”
    “I… I don’t know why I did, but I don’t care.” Sayori sniffs, and blows her nose into her handkerchief before continuing, “Nothing… this entire world is just a game with complex programming anyways, nothing’s real, not even me, Ako. I’m… I’m ultimately just a file too, but I don’t care.. You’ve made my life so much better ever since you came into my life, you’ve been such a friend, even through our ups and downs, and we’ve shared so many beautiful moments together. So I don’t… I don’t ever want to lose you, Ako… “
    Unable to hold herself back any longer, Ako hugs Sayori tightly, sobbing out all of the tumultuous emotions that has festered within her all day, as her best friend does the same, holding onto her tightly and crying into her shoulder. Although she’s still shaky and vulnerable, Ako finds comfort and solace in her best friend’s arms. And, for the moment, finally feels as if all is at ease.
    “Ako, I want to apologize for having mistreated you all this time.” Monika sighs, her laptop closed, “I haven’t been handling my jealousy well at all, and have just been really unfair to you, even going as far as violating your privacy by using your file as a guide. I’m sorry.”
    “…It’s fine.” Ako says nonchalantly, seeming to have returned to her usual monotone, the only signs of emotions on her being the redness around her eyes after having bawled her eyes out. “You just wanted to make a beautiful world for your girlfriend.”
    “Ako…” Sayori frowns and pouts. As flattered as she is to hear that, since it very much is true that Monika has been generating new content for her sake, she doesn’t really want Ako to just resign like this.
    “No, like I said, this isn’t fair to you.” Monika says firmly, and adds, “I promise I won’t open your file again, and that if I really want to start learning to program more complex objects, I’ll learn through legitimate means rather than just copy and pasting parts of your file. In fact, if you want, I’ll even ask Sayori to put a password on your file so I can’t access it-”
    “That won’t be necessary.” Ako says, smiling a bit. “I appreciate the sentiment though.”
    For a moment, Monika eyes up Ako’s smile a bit, seeming to interpret it as a smug smile at having won against her for once, before Sayori suddenly steps in and says, “Okay, the both of you, from now on, no more competing over me, okay?”
    Ako and Monika both turn their attention to Sayori, a curious look on their faces. Sayori continues, “These… these little competitions were nice and all, but now they’re amounting to nothing more than causing trouble. Monika, you’re my girlfriend, and you know I’m always going to love you romantically as my girlfriend. Ako, you’re my best friend, and you are as important to me as Monika is. So just please, stop competing for my attention, okay-? I’m always going to love the both of you a lot, and I’m always going to want to spend more time with the both of you. So just please, get along-?”
    “Yeah, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”
    “Very well, I won’t.”
    Sayori gives a small smile, and pulls Ako and Monika both in for a tight hug. “Seriously, I love you two so much, you two have brought more meaning to my life than anything else, and I never, ever want to let you go.”
    “Sayori… I love you too.” Monika returns the hug, putting her arms around both Sayori and Ako, although at first hesitant about being so close to Ako. “I’ll work on my issues more so they’ll stop causing trouble.”
    “Sayori…” Ako says quietly, and returns the hug as well, hugging Monika as well. “…Thank you. Thank you so much…”
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