#thank youuu for the roses my dearest MWAH <3
sighonaraa · 22 days
thank you my lovely lovely em!! here's a lil wippet from the upcoming chapter (ACTUALLY upcoming now that i'm finally done with finals) of the sun is only a God if you learn to starve:
Sam prevaricates; he’s not sure why, isn’t even sure how to put the uncomfortable tangle in his stomach to words. All he knows is that the wrongness which has made this last month an intolerable cloud has worsened—grown darker, heavier, closer. It’s on the verge of breaking, he just can’t put his finger on when, or where, or, as Dani’s wondering, why. “Boot room,” he eventually decides on, pressing the heels of his palms to the grass. The itch of it is a welcome irritation. It returns him to his own body. “Lunch.” “No Jamie?” “No,” Sam says, exasperated. “We can’t talk about him in front of him.” The curve of Dani’s bent spine slumps even further, like his strings have been cut. “Oh.” “It’s for a good cause,” says Sam, though he understands the disappointment lancing through Dani’s muscles, the shame. It feels awful, to discuss Jamie behind his back. A betrayal of sorts. A secret that he doesn’t mean to keep. But he can’t figure out a way to bring any of this up to Jamie without ruining all the rest of it. “It’s for making Jamie un-sad.”
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