freyawritesffxv · 7 years
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@lunyxweek Day 5: Let’s Switch/Fateswap
In which Lunafreya puts on the ring and dies at dawn, leaving Nyx to deliver the ring to Noctis.
(Original art by Square Enix)
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
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scary movie
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
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This is everything sitting in my inbox right now in terms of  FFXV requests! In the mess of moving things around my different blogs, some older requests may have been lost. If you had a request and you don’t see it here, please feel free to request again!
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
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500 years later, I finally get to your prompt, @zadyalyss x.x
The original prompt for this drabble was from this headcanon --
It had been a long day for Prompto. There had been talk that they would soon be leaving Insomnia to accompany the Prince of Lucis to Altissia where the former Princess of Tenebrae awaited him. It was still in the early stages of planning, but it was starting to sound like they’d be departing sooner and sooner. This meant that Gladio and Ignis were training him extra hard to make sure he was prepared for what awaited them beyond the borders of Insomnia.
He shook the thoughts from his head. There was no need to worry over it yet. He still had plenty of time ahead of him, he was sure.
Turning the corner, he approached the large apartment building that he’d been living in for the past few years. It had been lonely for so long… but now…
His might wandered to you.
You had just been his neighbor at first. He’d been nervous to even approach you since the apartment complex housed mostly wealthy people who held close ties with the royal family. While Prompto held ties with the royal family, he never saw himself as the “wealthy” type and mostly kept his head down when it came to the people in the building and on his particular floor. You, though… You were something different.
The day you met, you both arrived at your doors from opposite directions. Prompto mostly focused on fumbling for his keys, but he turned his gaze to look at you for just a second. That second was long enough to catch your eye and you offered him a smile and a small “Hey.” Prompto immediately flushed red, managed to stutter out a “Hello,” in response, and then quickly slammed his keys into the door knob before fleeing inside.
But that didn’t deter you in the slightest, and it had soon become routine for you two to greet one another.
A few months later and you two had started dating.
Coming home never felt so sweet until he had something to look forward to.
He made his way up to the floor that you two lived on and made for his apartment first to change out of his gross workout clothes and take a quick shower. Once he was fresh and clean, he dressed himself and made for your apartment. Out of courtesy, he knocked on the door. Normally, you’d call for him to come in almost right away… but this time, he was met with silence. He raised an eyebrow, but shook his head and just knocked again.
He heard some sort of sound, but it hardly sounded like a greeting. His hand dropped down to the door knob and he was surprised to find it unlocked. You had to be home then, right?
He stepped inside, shutting the door quietly behind him. The apartment was too quiet for comfort. You normally had some music playing or the television on in the background while you did your daily routine. This time, though, no sounds echoed warmly through the room.
Instead, he heard the soft groan come from the bathroom. With a frown, Prompto approached the bathroom door but hesitated. He wasn’t about to open the door, but instead reached a hand up and gently knocked.
“(Y/N)?” he called through the door.
He was greeted with a groan before he heard the familiar sounds of dry heaving. Then he heard a splash of water. He waited and heard the sound of the toilet flushing before the sink came on. He bounced from one foot to the other nervously, shifting his weight back and forth. He let out an anxious breath once the door finally clicked and opened.
You stood there, hair disheveled and skin slick and pale.
“(Y/N)?” he said again, his tone becoming immediately concerned as his eyes widened.
“I think I ate something bad,” you groaned as you leaned heavily against the door frame. Your hand shifted to your stomach and you winced as another wave hit you. It wasn’t enough to send you back to the toilet, but it wasn’t rainbows and sunshine either.
“Oh, honey.” Prompto stepped forward and pulled you against him, hugging you close. He pressed his face against your hair despite your protests and squeezed you gently before drawing back “Let’s get you to the couch.”
He led you back into your living room and helped you get settled in the middle of the couch. When he noticed you shiver, he quickly turned and disappeared into your bedroom. He wasn’t there long before returning with your comforter. When you went to reach out, he shook his head.
“Ah ah, you stay put,” he said.
You raised an eyebrow but sat back against the couch as Prompto stepped up to you with the comforter. He then proceeded to wrap the comforter around you to create a small little nest. It mainly pooled around your lap, but there was plenty of slack that you could pull it all the way up and over your head if you wanted to. You were content with keeping it warmly tucked around your lap, your hands toying with the edges.
“You stay right here. Unless you need to go to the bathroom again.”
You nodded in response and Prompto disappeared out the front door. You raised an eyebrow but there wasn’t much else you could do or say until he returned.
The first time he returned, he had a bag full of things. From it, he withdrew a small stack of DVD cases that he set on your coffee table.
“Hope you like comedy,” he joked as he popped open one of the cases. He popped the DVD into the player and got everything set up on the television so the movie could start up. He turned the volume down a bit, still enough that you could hear it without it being overwhelming.
“I don’t think we’d be dating if I didn’t,” you joked in reply, to which the blond haired man laughed.
“True,” he said with a grin.
He turned and moved toward your attached kitchen. He rummaged through the cabinets for a moment until he found what he was looking for. He pulled down a bowl and a can of soup. After prepping it, he popped it in the microwave and leaned against the counter while the timer counted down. His eyes wandered over to where you were watching the movie.
He never expected to fall for you. Even more than that, he never expected you to fall for him. He never saw anything worth wanting from him. He was just a low-class jokester who didn’t really belong surrounded by people like Noctis, Gladio, Ignis, and you… Yet here he was. It made his chest feel warm to know that there were people out there who were able to see beyond the flaws he knew he had.
Even sick and disheveled, Prompto thought you were the most beautiful person he’d ever met. He wasn’t sure which astral to thank, but he knew that it had to be an intervention of the gods that led you to him.
He jumped at the sound of the microwave beeping. He hadn’t realized he’d gotten so lost in his own thoughts. A smile touched at his lips as he turned to work on the soup. He used a small towel on the counter to help him get the bowl out and he stirred it in the bowl on the counter before letting it sit for a moment to cool.
A thought hit him and he started looking through cabinets again until he found a package of saltine crackers. He pulled the package down and shut the cabinet before turning to find a small dinner tray near your dining room. Putting it all together, he brought it carefully back to the couch where you waited and helped settle the tray so it wouldn’t get jostled on your lap.
He reached for the spoon and scooped up some noodles and broth.
“Say aaaahhhhh,” he cooed.
You giggled, but complied, opening your mouth to allow him to feed you some soup. The warm broth felt so good on your aching throat.
“I added some extra salt to it, too. It should help,” he said as he dropped the spoon back into the soup to get some more.
You two talked quietly while watching the movie. Prompto spoon fed you a few more times before you switched to dipping a few crackers in the broth. Though your stomach was still a little iffy, the soup really helped sooth the aches you felt from your earlier session in the bathroom. Not to mention Prompto was just being super sweet overall, which left your heart warm and fluttering.
Once the soup had been finished, Prompto took point to move the tray back onto the coffee table so that you could move freely again. You shifted in your seat to get more comfortable before leaning up against Prompto’s side. Though he blushed profusely, he moved naturally to wrap his arm around you. His hand drew up into your hair and he started to work small circles against your scalp.
You swore that if you were cat, you’d be purring in that moment. The one thing you loved most about Prompto was his amazing scalp massages. They easily drew away all the stresses of the day no matter how stressful. You let out a soft hum and your eyes fluttered shut as you focused on the feeling of his fingers in your hair.
He smiled. “You like that?” he asked.
“Mmm, yes, of course,” you replied, a smile touching your lips.
Prompto smiled as well, pulling you closer as he continued to gently massage your scalp and play with your hair. The movie continued to play on in the background and you started to feel yourself growing drowsy.
You opened your eyes. Had you fallen asleep?
Prompto hadn’t moved, so if you had fallen asleep it must not have been for long.
“I think I might have one more trick up my sleeve to make you feel better,” he said.
You raised an eyebrow and turned your head to look up at him. He grinned down at you before reaching for the bag he’d brought with him. He reached inside it and pulled out the chocobo plush he’d won months ago at your first date. Your eyes lit up as he set the chocobo plush in your lap.
Your arms wrapped around the yellow bird and you squeezed it against you as Prompto squeezed you against him.
“There. Now you can get some rest, and Chocobo will make sure you have all the best dreams,” he said.
Your eyes drifted shut again, but a wide smile stayed on your lips as you leaned into Prompto.
“You’re simply the best, Prompto,” you said quietly, your voice happy and content.
“I try,” he replied with a chuckle, turning his face so he could press a soft kiss against your temple.
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
This is my rebranded FFXV writing blog! This blog will be dedicated to headcanons, prompts, drabbles, and fics for Final Fantasy XV.
Heads up, it has been a little while since I’ve last picked up FFXV, so I haven’t played Episode Gladiolus or Episode Prompto, so if you have requests that are based off of these sections, it may be some time before I can accurately write them. But we shall see :)
ANYHOOZLE. I’m reopening requests, so please feel free to request something! My master list and about sections will give you an idea what I write about. They can be found under the roman numerals in my sidebar.
To those who followed me before, welcome back!
To those who are new to following me, welcome!
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
Hay! Anon from the sister ask again, thank you so much! I hope you don't mind, but can you do a part two? Thanks again really! Bye! See ya!
I really love your blog! I read your HCs for the chocobros if they had a younger sister (another one in Gladdy’s case), I was wondering, how would they react to the fall of Insomnia, knowing that their sister(s) were probably still in the city? Also how would the eventual reunion with said sister go down? Keep writing! You’re really good! :)
Hey Nonnys!
I’m going to do these ones in the form of mini-drabbles, similar to the scenario portions of the previous request.
Also, for those who want it, here’s a link to Part I (the headcanons): https://freyaluciscaelum.tumblr.com/post/156641734374/yo-whats-up-how-you-doing-i-love-your-blog-and
Though I am writing this from the third person POV, I’m still using the ( Y / N ) name for the sister character… mostly because I’m too lazy right now to come up with a name for her whoops.
Warning: Spoilers
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
What about Prompto trying really hard to impress his crush by winning them a stuffed chocobo from one of those carnival games where you have to shoot the moving targets? (Who says Noct is the only one who gets to enjoy the Moogle Chocobo Carnival?!) His crush loves the plush, but tells him that he's still their favorite chocobo. (Maybe they even kiss his cheek?)
Eeep! I’ve been super excited to do this one since it’s a oneshot request~
And plus, Sunshine Chocobo is adorbs
No special warnings or spoilers (unless you consider the Carnival a spoiler?)
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
Hello! I just discovered your tumblr and I love your headcanons and writings and I was wondering if you had time, you could maybe write a oneshot or hcs about the chocobros s/o having amnesia (with some angst maybe...?) Have a great day/night~
Oh yes hello! I’m glad that you like them!!
Yaaas! I can does the thing! I’m going to make them like… sorta mini-oneshots? I guess you’ll figure out what I mean under the cut ‘cause I don’t know how to really explain it XD
Warning: Spoilers!
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
The boys have an s/o who is very adverse to showing skin or being touched. They're very secretive about their body, constantly wearing what appears to be heavy clothing that hides their figure. But one day they come out with the reason why. Stripping off their top they reveal they have wings. Huge, flight ready ones due to experiments. The last time they were brave enough to reveal their secret someone tried to remove them forcibly.
Omg it took me forever to finally be able to get back to these. Sorry for the delay, nonny!!
The prompt is really cool :) It would probably have been easier to one-shot it with a single character, but since the request is for the boys as a whole, I’ll just do some quick headcanon information. If we want it expanded upon for any particular boy, lemme know~
I’m sorry if any of these come off as derpy ahahaha >_>;; And I did sliiiightly deviate from the original prompt, but still stayed pretty true, I think. :D
Warning: Total spoilers.
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
Hiya :3 if its alright could u do like a oneshot version of the ravus nsfw? It was so well written and Im so thirsty for him hahaha. Thank you
Yaaaas hello!
Warnings: NSFW and possible spoilers (mostly the NSFW part tho)
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
Hey, not sure if u have any like this but could u do some h/c (or if it ends up as drabbles that totally fine) of the boys looking after a sick s/o? I recently got over the flu and was sitting there the whole time wishing i had noct to cuddle with.
I have not done one like this!
Noctis -
- Noctis isn’t actually sure what to do at first- He actually ends up calling Ignis while s/o is in the other room- After getting proper instruction from Ignis, Noctis will come wrap s/o up in blankets on his bed with a box of tissues, a trashcan, and a big glass of water.- He hurries down the street to the store- Ends up having to call Ignis again to ask him which foods to get and what medicine to get- Probably ends up spending way too much money, but doesn’t care- Rushes back home to s/o’s side- Brings s/o a bowl of canned soup, orange juice, and medicine- Constantly asks if there’s anything he can do for s/o- Eventually s/o tells him to shut up and cuddle them- He’ll change into his PJs and crawl under the blankets with them- Holy wow s/o is hella warm, but he’ll tough it out… by taking his shirt off.- Plays with his s/o’s hair while they suffer in bed- Inevitably ends up sick himself, but it’s worth it for his s/o to feel better with him there
Prompto -
- Prompto is actually very experienced with caring for sick people- Mostly because he took care of himself a lot when he was growing up (my poor sunshine baby)- Sets up a warm nest of blankets on the couch for his s/o to curl up in- Gets a collection of movies to pop in to have as soft background noise and as a distraction from feeling like poo- Feeds them crackers with soup if their stomach is upset; otherwise, if their stomach is okay, he’ll go out and get them their favorite food- Gives their s/o a scalp massage because he’s so amazing at them (see my massage post – https://freyaluciscaelum.tumblr.com/post/156568391189/yoooo-loving-the-blog-so-far-okay-okay-since-we )- Watches movies with them and keeps the air light and positive- Anything s/o asks for, they’re gonna get. Sunshine chocobo will make sure of it- Speaking of Sunshine Chocobo, Prompto will bring you his big Chocobo plush (from this prompt – https://freyaluciscaelum.tumblr.com/post/156639132349/hi-again-p-could-u-do-some-first-date-hcs-for )- Fat chocobo plush makes everything better- So many cuddles. ALL the cuddles.
Gladio -
- Gladio refuses to let s/o lift even a single finger.- He gives his s/o one of his t-shirts to wear and it nearly swallows them- He closes the curtains and dims the lights in the bedroom and wraps them up in a million blankets- He makes them a cup o’ noodles with some beef in it- Cup o’ Noodles is the cure to everything- When s/o starts to get cold, he crawls under the blankets and plays human furnace- Hell, he’ll be human body pillow- So many big Gladdy cuddles- He’ll read to his s/o from the book he’s been into lately to give them something to do while they’re sick in bed- Imagine, laying on Gladio, sitting between his legs, his arms wrapped around you, a book in front of you guys and him reading quietly against your ear.
Ignis -
- First, Ignis will start his s/o a nice, hot bath- He’ll toss in some bath salts as well- While the bath is running, he’ll also brew some hot tea with honey and lemon for his s/o to drink in the tub- He’ll sit on the edge of the tub and slowly rub their shoulders while they relax and soak and drink their tea- Once they’re done with their tea and the water in the bath has cooled, he’ll make sure to bring out all his fluffy towels- Wraps his s/o in towels and takes them to bed- Gives his s/o a t-shirt and a pair of sweats to cuddle up in- Wraps them up in a bunch of blankets and makes them another cup of tea- While they work on this cup of tea, Ignis will move to the kitchen- He’ll make something spicy to help clear his s/o’s sinuses so they can breathe a little more easily- Then he’ll make some comfort food, like biscuits and gravy- Once food has been devoured, it’s cuddle time where Ignis will lay next to his s/o, outside the blanket, and run his fingers through their hair until they fall asleep. 
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
I still want to eventually write this, so putting this on the new blog as a reminder
Imagine request story: Whilst camping nearby, a nighttime stroll for Noctis turns into a rescue mission when he discovers the reader, a young female, injured. Upon bringing her to the camp he promises her that Ignis will safely escort her home. Ignis and the reader clash during their travels to her home and she mocks his cooking. He realises he cares deeply for her when she escapes a camp break to fight once again to ensure he doesn't have to.
I really really like this idea! And my brain is already trying to make it a multi-part thing… SO! I’m going to respond to let you know I got the request and I have copied it over to my Google Docs and given it its own folder and everything :D 
I’m gonna knock some headcanons and some oneshots out while I plot this one out and then start into it within the next few days.
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
Hello! I love your blog! :3 You write so well ^-^ I hope it's okay I make a request? ^^; If it's alright, may I request for Iggy? Like, his s/o can somehow heal his blindness in exchange for her losing her sight but she didn't tell him that before she heals him? Sorry if this sounds weird, I had a dream similar to this o.o I hope you have a lovely day! ^^
Oh hello! :D I’m so glad you like, and thank you so much!!! I feel like such a flustered mess and hope that I’m doing these men some realistic justice /sob
Yaaaaasssss! Make ALL the requests!
One angsty Iggy oneshot coming riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight up!
Warning: Obvious spoilers
Additional note: You’ll start to probably notice a pattern, but I make my s/o (“Reader”) characters a mage that uses both white and black magic (per the FF-universe). So that will be mentioned in here as well.
Also, sorry if this feels rushed at all? I wanted to keep it one-shot length while still trying to get certain information in there. I hope you still like it, though, @@queenchocohoe !
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
What about a prompto fluff where he's feeling super insecure/worthless and his s/o cheers him up by kissing his freckles/stretch marks and a tickle war
Eeeeeeeeeep, I love this~
I’m going to write this as a one-shot since it’s a single character request!
This one did take a bit of a turn from the original request… but I still like how it turned out overall :) I hope you like it!!!!
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
Yo, what's up, how you doing? I love your blog and was hoping you could do a hc about the Chocobros with a little sister that's in like her early teens. I've just been thinking about it to much and it's just to cute, it may get kill me. Well anyways, keep up the good work! See ya! Bye!
EEEP! That sounds so cute!!! Let’s do it~
[Please excuse my inability to figure out which formatting I like for my headcanons ahahahaha /sob]
Also, Warning: Spoilers (particularly in Prompto’s section)
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
Hi again :P could u do some first date h/cs for the boys? They're all so cute >w
Hello hello, my dearest!
I have this really bad tendency to let my headcanons get away from me, turning them into full on drabbles or oneshots rather than just some basic headcanons… So I’m going to give it a shot just doing the normal “headcanon” format and see what happens :D
…This still turned out hella long omg
Noctis -
- Noctis is a mess.- He’s never actually been out on a date, much less a date with a girl he’s liked since middle school- Ends up asking Prompto how one actually dates a girl- With Prompto’s advice, he takes you through the streets of Insomnia- You start at a nice dinner. No wine since you guys are still a bit too young, but he makes sure it’s got the fancy bread and the candlelight atmosphere- Stutters and stumbles over his words a bit during dinner, thankful there is bread to shove in his face- After dinner, he takes you on a walk through the city streets, and eventually to the park- He leads you to his favorite fishing spot. It’s too late to fish, but you two sit at the edge of the pond and talk- Noctis feels much more relaxed now what it’s the two of you.- You talk for hours, not even noticing the time go by- The sun starts to rise and you two quickly scramble to head back into city proper- Noctis accompanies you to your house- While he’s ready to go inside and explain to your family, you tell him not to worry, that they’re likely sleeping- He awkwardly stands at your side, waiting for you to head inside.- You roll your eyes and lean up to gently kiss his cheek, letting him know you had a great time.- Noctis is too much of a nervous mess to give you a proper kiss… this time. But he’ll learn for next time- He leaves with a big grin on his face.
Prompto -- Prompto is ecstatic at the idea of getting to take you out on a date- He picks very specific dates, like right in the middle of a Thursday afternoon.- He brings you to an amusement park, letting you know Thursday afternoons are the times when the park sees the least amount of people, which means ride ALL the rides ALL the time!- You guys literally ride the same roller coaster, like…. easily 50 times. - Prompto nearly buys every single picture from the end of rides. You have to eventually convince him to limit it to one per ride.- After riding nearly every ride at least once, he drags you through the park’s game area.- Spots all the two player games in the arcade area. Uses all his quarters.- Sees a shooting game with the grand prize of a 3-foot tall fat baby Chocobo.- HE NEEDS THIS FAT BABY CHOCOBO IN HIS LIFE- He earns a perfect score- Happily hugs the fat baby chocobo as you guys walk to another game- Spots a Moogle plush the same size as his fat baby chocobo.- Plays and wins that game too and gives you the Moogle.- “Now our children can have play dates!” he jokes- As the sun sets, he hurriedly pulls you along- Brings you to the ferris wheel and hurries you into a cart.- Sits fat baby chocobo and Moogle across from you.- When your cart reaches the very top and sits there for a bit, that’s when the fireworks show starts.- Once the finale starts, Prompto reaches to gently take your hand and looks at you.- “I’ve had the best time of my life with you here,” he says with a goofy little smile- You can’t help but kiss him, which turns into a little makeout session as the ferris wheel begins its descent- Prompto walks beside you, one arm holding fat baby chocobo and the other holding your hand- Walks you home and kisses you at the door before telling you to be ready for another adventure on Saturday at 10:00 AM sharp.
Gladio - - Gladio’s a bit nervous about his first date with you- He tries to take Iggy’s advice of taking you to a nice restaurant- You can tell he’s clearly not digging the vibe- You keep pretending you can’t figure out what you want every time the waiter comes by- You finally sigh and drop your menu. “There’s nothing good here.”- He laughs, agreeing.- “You know, I heard there’s this amazing ramen cart around the corner…”- Gladio immediately grabs your hand and drags you out of the restaurant.- You two sit together on a bench, happily slurping away at the best noodles in town- “This is way better than some ol’ snooty restaurant,” you say- He laughs, agreeing again- Once you finish your cup noodles, you two start down the street- He’s way too nervous to try to hold your hand, but he playfully offers you his arm and you happily accept, taking his arm with both hands.- You two walk for a while until coming up in the movie theatre.- “Movie sounds fun” you both agree- New fighting movie that Gladio has been dying to see is out, but so is one of the year’s most popular chick flicks.- “You choose, hun,” he encourages (though he’s dying inside)- You pick the fighting movie- He nearly drops down on one knee in front of you- You two go inside and get settled in.- You spend most of the movie criticizing the fight scenes together, Gladio happily impressed that you know your stuff- Your criticism somehow starts to move into suggestive innuendos that move into straight up flirting.- No longer interested in the movie, you lean over to whisper in his ear, “You know… we could probably makeout the entire rest of this movie and still know what’s happening when we get to the end.”- You don’t have to tell him twice.- Gladio’s a great kisser. Surprisingly soft lips. Powerful jaw. And oh god, that tongue.- You two walk out of the movie glowing.- You hold onto his arm as he walks you back across town to your home.- Gladio starts to lean in for a simple kiss, trying to be somewhat of a gentleman, but you’ll have none of that- You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in deeper.- You end up pressed against the wall next to your door, wrists pinned against the wall next to your head, a knee pressed between your legs- “Maybe if you impress me next time, I’ll invite you in,” you tease suggestively- “Plan on it, sweetheart,” he says, voice low and rough.
Ignis -- Ignis prefers the intimate setting of his apartment- He has most of the lights dimmed, and even a few scented candles lit in strategic places to provide excellent lighting along with an alluring smell- He requests that you both dress up nice. He, himself, is dressed in a dress shirt, a pair of slacks, and some matching suspenders, his hair combed perfectly in place.- When you arrive, he hangs up your jacket and motions for you to take a seat at the counter across from where he’s working- He’s been prepping this dinner all day and now all that’s left is just to get it put in the oven.- While you wait for it to cook, he leans against the counter and starts asking about you- Asking about your day, your week, your hobbies, your passions, favorite color, favorite place in Insomnia, etc. He doesn’t offer anything in return unless asked since he wants to make sure he is focusing on you and committing your answers to memory to be used at a later date.- His eyes are constantly on you, watching you. He only ever glances away to check the timer on the oven before his full attention is back on you.- When the food is ready, he pulls it out of the oven and serves it on two plates- He pulls out a bottle of wine he’d been saving for basically forever- You two enjoy a nice romantic dinner at his dining room table. Table has candles and place mats and everything- He continues to ask you about yourself while the two of you enjoy dinner.- Once dinner is complete, he urges you to go to the living room and pick from one of the movies he left on the coffee table while he does dishes- You insist on helping with dishes instead, which he can’t argue with- You two work together on the dishes and, at one point, he reaches up to gently tap your nose with a soapy hand.- You let out a fake-offended gasp and reach out to smear some soap on his cheek- Soap wars- Soap war soon turns into your lower back being pressed against the counter while his hands rest on either side of the counter to trap you between him and the counter- You use this opportunity to grab his face with wet, soapy hands and pull him down into a heated kiss- Heated kiss eventually leads to you sitting on the counter with your legs wrapped around his waist.- You don’t take it any further than this before he chuckles and wipes some soap off your cheek with his thumb- Your clothes are wet and cold now from the soap wars- Ignis lets you borrow a t-shirt and pants to wear and changes in his bedroom while you change in the bathroom- Wearing now comfy clothing, you two head into the living room to cuddle on the couch and watch every movie that Ignis set out on the coffee table until you fall asleep.- You leave the next morning with promises that you’ll cook for him next time.- He definitely looks forward to it.
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freyawritesffxv · 7 years
Hiya :3 could u do some headcannons for Ravus? (If u do nsfw could it be that? Its cool if u dont, i couldnt find if u have any rules or stuff) or Ardyn? (I dont know why but im so in love with the bad guys)
Hiya, Nonny!
And yes, I do do NSFW! I have some suuuuper basic stuff on my About page, but I do do NSFW upon request or when it just… happens LOL
WITH THAT SAID: Warning, nsfw beneath the cut. I feel dirty and it’s amazing ahahahaha
Also, probably spoilers.
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