#thankfully i have tomorrow off.
belle--ofthebrawl · 11 months
I am very, very curious about the whole world is your phantom limb 👀👀👀
In a lot of fics, I see it mentioned how Aether is "extra empathetic" or can "pull away exhaustion" and while I love to see other people's interpretations of quintessence magic...I began thinking about how something like that might realistically affect a person. What carrying around other people's pain does when all you want to do is help but maybe don't have the best way of setting boundaries or taking care of yourself. Especially in a universe where magic is involved.
I mention in "exalt and praise his name" how Aeon cures Sunny of a sprain but is warned he has to get rid of that very quickly before it latches onto him or somebody else. How the grass withers and dies just from that little bit of pain.
What would it look like if someone held onto it instead? It's just a little bit of hurt, they can handle it. They're better equipped for it and their friends deserve to be happy. Only it keeps happening and that little ball of pain turns into something very large very quickly.
Thankfully, Omega has been keeping an eye on Aether ever since the last tour. He knows Aether is a grown ghoul and can handle himself but something isn't quite right this time around.
Anyway, he daddies Aether like no one has ever daddied Aether before.
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violetbudd · 9 months
working in retail is basically being tortured every day of your life
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missmungoe · 7 months
Hi! Hope you're enjoying your time in Japan (welcome! sorry it's so warm) so please don't feel obliged to answer this.
I read Heed the Siren's Call on ff.net many many years ago and it 1) was my comfort fic, and 2) introduced me to OP (yes, I read the fic before reading the manga cause I loved your writing and I'd finished all the FT/HTTYD fics). I only just discovered the whole Sea Shanties series on AO3 so I've been devouring it with great delight (and many tears - so many tears).
I just wanted to thank you for your fics, for introducing me to my one of my favourite mangas, for showing a lonely teenager a heartrending picture of love and family and that a gentle heart can be as strong as any pistol punch. And because OP was a big part of my partner and I becoming friends - helping me find my own Shanks, of sorts.
Ngl, I debated sending this for a long time cause it feels pretty self-indulgent. But I'm getting married in 6 months so I'm in an oddly sentimental mood. Anyway I hope it is some encouragement to hear of the impact your stories have had on people! ❤️
I got this a few days ago and have been thinking about it ever since. I don't even know which part hit me the hardest, although "showing a lonely teenager a heartrending picture of love and family and that a gentle heart can be as strong as any pistol punch" is one hell of a contender. And ahhh congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!! I love hearing about people finding each other, and hearing that I had even a tiny part in you finding your partner makes me unreasonably happy :')
I'm so glad you decided to send me this, because getting it meant everything<3
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melamegalon · 1 month
Chapter 2 of Tomorrow Is Another Chance has been posted <3
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hella1975 · 9 months
my mum picking me up this morning: you're not as hungover as i thought you'd be
me, just yacked in an alleyway: yeah haha
#it's 3pm now and i still cant believe that happened that was. an experience#basically my mate's 21st coincided with her sister's 30th so they both had this big joint Event last night#where they literally rented out a farm house and the field nearby and set up a whole campsite and barbeque and everything#it was really random but also really good esp bc ive been friends with this girl since we were super young#and our mums were friends so ive just got. lots of connections to her family and it was nice seeing them all again#but there was fully like 60 people at this thing and i DID drink more than i meant to but i wasn't paralytic which is good#and my hangover ISNT that bad in terms of how bad my hangovers can get#it's just that my mate's dad picked us both up at 9am this morning which was already going to be... rough#and then proceeded to do the bumpiest drive down the country lanes ive ever experienced#i was literally grinding my teeth like i am NOT about to throw up in this man's car please if there is a god do not let me throw up#and i didn't! my mum picked me up from this (thankfully very quiet) road that has this rickety old alley coming off it#and i had the very humbling moment of 'im actually going to be sick aren't i' and had to WAIT FOR AN OLD WOMAN#TO FUCKING MEANDER OUT OF THE ALLEY AND WALK FAR AWAY ENOUGH FOR ME TO AT LEAST HAVE A SHRED OF DIGNITY#and proceeded to throw up. in a public alleyway. at 9:30am on a sunday. so of course i needed to tell you guys about it#im now force feeding myself garlic bread. im going to manchester tomorrow. i have a flight at the crack of dawn on tuesday#what is even going on anymore#also fully did just do nos last night with some 30 year olds. i cannot express how fucking odd a thing that is for me to do#actually no i can express it bc youse know that im funny about drugs so for me to not even be that drunk#and get offered a fucking balloon of all things and be like 'yeah why not!' is.... odd#i know i inhaled wrong though bc it didn't do a thing which honestly im happy about <3#hella goes home
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bewitching-666 · 3 months
me agreeing to do a 10 hour shift tomorrow cause $ but knowing I’m going to want to d*e by the end of it🥲 rip
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brittlebutch · 9 months
ok. we are now over 40k words and wrapping up the final draft. i think the first chapter will get posted on sunday :3c
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live-laugh-lenney · 5 months
absolute waffle going on in the tags.
ignore (or read if you're that interested).
i just wanna speak but have no one to speak too so my tumblr tags are basically just nothing but my internal thoughts needing to come out.
love to you all. x
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ughscara · 6 months
aiya .. another week of abrupt disappearance — my sincerest apologies everyone ^-^
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they actually invented an assignment so noxious it makes me want to work on grad school apps instead of doing it
didn't think it was possible but boy did they do it
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bumpintheroad · 1 year
i think i’m getting sick again 🤒
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bass-alien · 1 year
my cramps & chronic pain are kicking my ass today as well as this nausea so I picked up some much needed cbd flower which I will be smoking multiple bowls of tonight lmao
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femme-malewife · 2 years
LOVE&KISS more like LOVE&KISS the fuckin homies amirite
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poptartmochi · 1 year
i hate phoenix point grrr
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cannibalisticskittles · 10 months
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yeah! i might be bruisy tomorrow -- looking more likely the longer the ache lingers, but who can say for sure at this stage -- but the kid who punched me targeted my arms and not my face or head or torso, so that coulda been way worse
just bizarre! bizarre. bizarre! i don't know what set the kid off. i can pinpoint possibilities, but this kid's M.O. is usually to flee situations they don't like, or to threaten people (tho this happened in previous classrooms, before they came to me as part of an intervention, the kid would threaten to stab other teachers with a pencil apparently, and things like that), or to like, give a kid a whack -- singular -- bc they don't like to use their words to communicate that they want to be left alone, even after facing consequences for that specific scenario a few times
but they, at one point, saw me across the campus and screamed my name and fucking BOOKED IT to where i was, then started yelling "back off!! back away from me!!!" while actively pursuing me to wail on me
strange and concerning!
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orcelito · 1 year
A testament to how fucking Awful my post-hiking soreness has been. I got out of bed & had a moment of like "Wow! That wasn't verging on agonizing to do! My muscles Must be getting better!"
Then as I walked to the bathroom, I had a moment of "... 🤨 you're still limping, though."
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