#thanks again for the kind words !! hope u have the loveliest day <33
reunitedinterlude · 4 months
completely genuine and earnest question - how do you remember / keep track of everything dnp have ever said or done in their videos??? your compilation gifsets astound me sometimes i'm ngl. it's very iconic of you!
- @fryday ✨️
hii !! this is so kind, thank you so much omggg 😭💙 like my memory alone is v questionable, so a lot of the time it’s down to something ringing a bell and me doing some searches on certain tumblr blogs or twitter or youtube transcripts to find the actual moment!! like sometimes i might remember the vid or a specific phrase/caption, which helps narrow things down :’)
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popponn · 9 months
popon my loveliest "grandma", here is my submission for ur event—which is as cute as u 😽:
one. my chosen fandom is blue lock, and my favourite is ofc, mikage reo <33
two. yes to au, and i choose high school au !
three. my chosen tropes are childhood friends to lovers and mutual pining
four. my name is saki, and i am a cancer and infj ! i'd like to add emphasis to my mbti bc i am super introverted irl, and i come off as a rly shy individual at first. but once i've gotten comfortable w u, i am rly talkative, and quite loud too ! i'm also super honest, but at the same time, i can filter the things i say in order to "people please". i'm also pretty sensitive when it comes to the things others say—for example, if someone accidentally insults me, i do think ab it for the rest of the day and do feel pretty hurt. i'm also an overthinker, and i tend to overanalyse certain situations. i think i am pretty caring, since i act like the "therapist" and "mother" of my friendship group, and i'm a realist.
i like and love hanging out w my friends, and i also love shopping (for my own things lol). i also like dressing up for special events (like a fancy dinner party or smth), and i like reading/writing. drawing and painting is also a fun activity for me, but i don't do it as much anymore bc i don't have the time to do so 😞 other things i like are letters written to me by my friends, cute stationery (motivates me to study hehe), pretty hair accessories, rice (i am a true asian), dark chocolate and iced lattes <3
things i don't like include onions (MAJOR EW), some fish, narcissists, selfish people, pick-me people🧍🏻‍♀️, wet humid weather, school-assigned texts (legit hating the one i have to read rn), insects, cramped spaces, people who like to show off (like bro actually stfu 💀)
i don't rly have favourite movies so i'll list my favourite k-dramas and anime hehe: 18 again, twenty-five twenty-one, twinkling watermelon, shooting stars, fruits basket, kimi ni todoke, attack on titan (☹️) and your lie in april <33
my love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch !! i tend to be v affectionate w those i'm close to, and i would wanna receive love in the same ways plus acts of service hehe
five. yes yes !! any language is fine, as long as if u can also incorporate some english songs too 🤍
six. GIRL THIS IS LWKY A HARD CHOICE but i choose fluff <3 unless u can do a combo of both but if not i choose full fluff (thanks !!)
optional question. i love reo's looks. literally i love his hair and ik u don't like it 😭 BUT I LOVE IT and i also love how reo is so charismatic and affectionate hehe <3 he's also so ambitious and hard-working and that is smth that i admire,, AND HE'S SMART ?!?!! smart men are so hot omfg !!!! his wealth is a good bonus but idrc ab these things <3 😸
i hope that's everything u need popon <33 lmk if i need to add more details !! I LOVE U SO SO MUCH and good luck w the event 🫂 MWAH MWAH thank u saur saur much 😽😽
a tune, an image, and a story of... ⋆。˚
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“so?” seeing his friend raising an eyebrow in challenge, or in question, reo uncharacteristically rubs the back of his neck. this topic has always been an odd one for him—it’s one that brings everything into a halt and makes it feel heavy to breathe, yet perhaps because it has to do with you, reo could never think of it as unpleasant. “you know i can’t just…” reo glances towards your direction, talking happily with your friends on the other side of the classroom, “…you know. it’s kind of complicated.” chigiri makes a face that would get him the role of a disappointed mother in a tv drama. “it’s not. you do realize the two of you got more matching things than my sister and her boyfriend, right? and those two are shameless. what the hell are you afraid of?” reo honestly could give chigiri a list there and then. but, with a part of his brain focusing solely on your smile, he merely leans against the window frame and sighs, “…yeah. i wonder.” it’s so simple that it has become the furthest thing from one—reo, unreasonably and consciously, tries to reason.
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you peer toward reo discreetly. sitting across him just like this for the nth time, even after so so many years, you still find your heart skipping a beat and three each time you see him. it’s not hard to like reo. he has good looks, smart, talented, friendly, bright, and is still very much a hard worker despite his family upbringing. it truly makes so much sense why he is so well-liked and popular. you could give your own testament to that, after all.  from the very first day when he offered his hand and name to you, you have known that reo has a brilliance that only few could rival–and even then you would confidently say that no one could ever truly outshine reo in your eyes. you have shared many years with him, growing up with him almost like a confidant to a prince. you have seen many parts of reo and–at moments where he laughs victoriously and at moments where frustration gnaws at him–to every single piece of those, your eyes could only gaze at them fondly. and you are more than aware that being so close to reo, being able to see all of those, is not a privilege given to anyone. it’s because you stand behind the line called ‘a childhood friend’, never stepping on them even out of your selfish feelings, that you could have that privilege. and if, by any means, you could stay beside reo for a long, long time, by keeping those feelings silenced then– “hey,” a pen taps your book lightly, reo’s voice following along with a question, “did you find a question you’re stuck on?”
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“i know you don't want to see me,” reo says to the phone—to you, still panting heavily as he leans against your door, “but at least—please listen to me.” you sit quietly on the other side of the door. your eyes still sting and you know you still don’t really want to see his face. you know you should just hang up. “okay, so,” reo begins, pausing for a moment, taking a deep breath. loudly and confidently he says, “i like you too.” you blink at that. not knowing how to react as your eyes widened. “what—” “i know you probably think i am a pathetic piece of turd right now but at least, i want to say this before everything else,” he continues on, fully relying on his heart and his teammates’ advice—going against every principle of calm businessman hammered into his brain. “i like it whenever we do something together, since long ago. i like it when we talk, i like listening to you, i like being listened to by you, i like it when we walk to school together—actually, can we keep all those even after this? i might actually go bald if we don’t. you still like my hair right—” “reo—” “i…” as if just realizing that he can no longer turn back, reo takes in a deep and sharp breath. after a loud embarrassed gulp, he repeats “…i like you. really like you. as a lover. please go out with me.” for someone who has been on the receiving end of many confessions, reo feels like a newborn baby fish. after all these years, it surely takes a lot of guts and courage—also a fucking stupid fight with you that he should immediately apologize for after this—just for him to spit all those words.
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notes: @yoisami sakiii!! i hope u like this. i tried to potray it in a familiar, soft way that is kind of shoujo esque, i hope i succeeded. also purple and yellow because it's the color of the dawn, and hey reo's hair is purple which contrasts nicely with yellow haha .if it's just a bit entertaining for you it will be more than enough! :> i hope the angst is enough darling even tho it's only implied lolol thank you so much for joining my lil event babe, also happy new year! i wish u many many happiness ahead ₊˚⊹♡
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rushipedia · 2 years
i just discovered ur blog today and i just needed you to know that i love the way you write sm! <33 especially ur recent Gorou HC, i’ve been re-reading it about it 3 times already aaa
i’d love to request a gorou x gn reader wherein he falls in love at first sight but acts all tsundere about it but then , comes to terms with his feelings in the end and we get a cute confession? thank you so much! i’m always looking forward to ur posts <33 have the loveliest of days!
– 🩰
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Won't Say I'm in Love!
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This one might seem rather rushed, there's kind of a time skip to a few weeks later at an awkward spot, and it might be hard to miss..hehe sorry..
I hope his tsundere isn't too subtle. It kind of turned into a shield for the self-doubt he was having... sorry I kind of went astray!!!
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Pairing: Tsundere!Gorou x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff!!!?!?!? ANGST?!? IDK it's mostly him just pining over you without knowing it.
Word Count: 1475
Warnings: Lots of self doubt from Gorou ummm yah nothing too unusual from my regular fics. I just can't help going there all. the. time
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The army general. For the High Priestess, Kokomi Sangonomiya, no less. The "pointy-eared-general". He was someone a lot of his comrades looked up to, though sometimes he couldn't really figure out why.
He always thought his life would be simple. When it came to love, he didn't think something like that would benefit him. Not that benefit was something he was after all the time. He just didn't want something like that to weigh him down. He had far too many responsibilities.
And then he saw you.
All you were doing was speaking with the High Priestess Kokomi, but it felt like you were doing so much more. Your face was focused and you were discussing strategies for battle. He had never seen you before, but you seemed well-versed in the particular art of war. Someone scarred by the effects of it in one way or another.
He supposed that everyone in this region of Teyvat was. It would be selfish to wallow in self-pity over something like that, though. He stopped gawking as soon as he caught himself and straightened himself up again, entering his lady's camp with the feigned stupor of being completely calm and collected.
Though standing next to his lady now, with you looking at him with such curious eyes, he couldn't keep still. He felt like a child with a crush. Jittery and unable to keep his eyes off you. Though when yours met his, they would flit away instantly.
Embarrassed and confused, every day that he accompanies the two of you in his lady's tent, he tries to remain composed. And though eventually, you start to warm up to him, you were ignorant to the fact that he'd already warmed up to you long before.
Slowly but surely, the two of you ended up with each other more often than not. Running errands for kokomi- though it was much unbecoming of an army general like himself- he didn't mind if he was with you.
It seemed the two of you could talk for hours if it didn't get in the way of both your duties. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to get closer to you.
Then one day, he sat down to write answers for his advice column, and a question stood out to him.
"I met someone recently. He's very cute and seems to like me a lot. His tail wags whenever he sees me! He seems rather nervous, though, and I wouldn't want to drive him away with my feelings. However, I do like him a lot. How should I go about letting him know, Miss Hina?"
Recently. Wagging tail. He was thinking of you again.
Thump, thump, thump, thump-
He looked in the direction of the sudden noise. His tail. It really was wagging. He didn't know what else to do now. Was this question really from you?
It was extremely embarrassing and improper for someone in as high a position as him to be daydreaming about someone. He had far more important responsibilities to attend to, but still, he found you always at the top of his list.
He thought back to when the traveler had assisted Kokomi with some of her work so that she may rest and indulge herself in some of her personal hobbies for a little while.
The wind blew through his hair as he sat under the sakura tree. Not many people were out, and he enjoyed the tranquility at times like these.
He went to work writing a thoughtful response. It took up most of the column in the end. And though he prayed day and night until the next issue was released that the inquiry really was from you and that you were speaking about him.
But as the release date became closer, he started to regret the things he'd written. No, regret wasn't the word. He'd mulled over it for too long. He really did feel something for you, but could it really be love?
He lay in bed, unable to put his mind at ease as these thoughts seemed to conjure themselves.
Maybe he just admired you or looked up to you. No.
He thought about the way the light sometimes hit your eyes and how you always greeted him with a smile and his face felt hot. There was no mistaking the pounding of his heart and the beating of his tail against his bedding as he lay there alongside the rest of his comrades.
'As per your inquiry, they seem to like you a lot, don't they? Maybe you should decide first whether or not they simply admire you or maybe something more. If they act that way around you though, you probably have no doubt in your mind about the answer. Just say what you want to say to him. If they're so dedicated to being around you, something like that probably wouldn't drive them away so easily-"
As stated before, the answer continues. It took up more than half the column. He could only answer two questions this week. Yae Miko had no inquiries about his decision, so he didn't think about how much he'd written.
Somewhere in the tent, he heard shuffling, and he quickly stopped his movements and shut his eyes. The morning came.
Rumors unfolded quickly on Inazuma's main islands about the unfolding love story in Miss Hina's most recent advice column. Those that whispered of love confessions were overjoyed. He didn't really understand how people could be so infatuated with the lives of others, wouldn't they rather focus on their own?
But then again, he was the one who didn't think his "love story" was worth being interested in.
"Gorou!" He heard you call for him, and the wind whipped at his hair the way it had that night as he wrote his reply to, who he was certain now, was you. You were impossibly beautiful when he turned around to see you and your eyes met his bright ones.
"The High Priestess would like us to meet with her later today. I spoke to her earlier this morning. I was hoping I'd catch you here, let's go look at the sakura blossoms afterward, okay?" Time seemed to slow down. Even the beauty of the newly-bloomed sakura couldn't compare to you at that moment.
It was then that he became ashamed of his arrogance.
"Okay, let's have fun." Gorou smiled, though it could never be on par with your bright one, it seemed that he felt happiest by your side as always.
"Let's go get something to eat first." You hummed, letting out a small laugh before you reached out to grab his hand. He went stiff and you pulled him along. The heat he'd felt so many times before returned to his face, and people turned to look.
He became extremely aware of their whisperings from before, and even continuing now once again. What were they saying?
He glanced around.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed before he could even think about it. More heads turned now. You turned to look at him curiously, the two of you still connected where your hand grasped his wrist. He slipped his hand in to yours all the way and held it tightly.
"Right now." The tone of his voice was much softer, "You look beautiful."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and your mouth opened as if to say something, but he cut you off and continued.
"You're quite a determined person, and- having you by my side gives me so much confidence and self-doubt at the same time. But, despite that, I've come to realize that I'm happiest when I'm around you!" The confidence returned to his voice as he continued to speak.
"I think that. I lo- like you. A lot. So isn't it normal for me to doubt myself then...?" The last part was mostly to himself. Trying to justify his feelings. Though it was hard to admit to you, especially with so many eyes on the two of you, it felt right.
You simply smiled at him and continued to pull him along.
"I feel the same way. I even wrote to Miss Hina about it. You plagued my mind so much, I had to do something about it." You hummed, not looking back at him as you spoke. However, he could feel the way your hand trembled in his. You, no doubt, felt the same familiar heat that stretched up to your face and down your neck whenever he thought of you.
Except, you were thinking about him. Someone was worked up. Over him.
"Tell me again after we look at the cherry blossoms, please. When nobody is looking." You said, your voice quivering with your unusually quiet tone.
"O-Okay..." He said, smiling softly as he looked down at where your hands were linked together.
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rushipedia ☆ 2022
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