#thanks cheeseater2
superiorsturgeon · 4 months
How would your favorite ship react if Adrian didn't like them?
Adrain: 😭
Pyrrha: Oh, I’m so sorry! It’s okay…! *gently bouncing Adrian in her arms*
Adrian: *continues to scream/fuss*
Pyrrha: Oh dear…please stop crying, it’s okay…!
Terra: He’s not great with unfamiliar people. Here, let me take him back. *accepts her son*
Adrian: *immediately settles down against his mother*
Pyrrha: 😕
Jaune: *puts an arm around Pyrrha’s shoulder* Don’t worry, Pyr, he’ll warm up to you once he gets used to seeing you around!
Pyrrha: …yes…I suppose you’re right…
Pyrrha: It’s just that…😥
Jaune: Pyrrha? What’s wrong?
Pyrrha: …well…you see, I don’t…I’ve never really… 😢
Jaune: Never what? Never had someone not immediately like you before?
Pyrrha: 🙁
Jaune: …oh my gods, you’ve really never not been liked before, have you?!
Pyrrha: It’s true! Even those awful jerks from team CRDL were nice to me at first! Why does my boyfriend’s baby nephew hate me?! I’m terrible! 😭
Jaune: *hugs Pyrrha, trying not to chuckle* 🤭
Pyrrha: Jaaaaaaauuuuunee…! Please don’t laugh! I want your family to like me…! 😣
Jaune: Sorry! Sorry, it’s just that every time I think I’ve seen what a pure cinnamon roll you can be, you always find a way to reach new heights of pureness! 😆
Pyrrha: *shoves Jaune off the couch* 😤
Adrian warmed up to Pyrrha after she discovered how to play with his toy bullhead using her semblance. Now she’s in his top ten favorite aunties!
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superiorsturgeon · 4 months
You know what would be funny? What if Adrian was a big fan of the Rusted Knight but hated the Curious Cat when read the story "The Girl Who Fell Though The World". I don't know if could write anything with that I just wanted to share the thought.
I actually once did an ask about that bastard cat, but that time it was Adrian’s favorite character from the story book.
Jaune was unamused, and told his sister to take Terra upstairs and make another kid because the first one had turned to evil. (In a reblog someone wrote a continuation where Adrian’s favorite Halloween costume was the Rusted Knight)
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superiorsturgeon · 4 months
How would your favorite jaune ship react to Adrian crawling onto their laps and calling them auntie?
Pyrrha: *wearing a nice dress and politely sitting on the couch in the Cotta-Arc residence as her hosts prepare tea/snacks*
Pyrrha: *blows out a big breath* Okay, so far so good! I’ve met Jaune’s sister and her wife, I’m wearing my nice-but-casual dress, and I haven’t made any mistakes or said anything embarrassing! 😮‍💨
Pyrrha: *feels something touch her knee*
Pyrrha: *looks down* 😕 ???
Adrian: *sitting on the floor beside the couch, sizing up the strange red-hair lady who came to visit with his uncle*
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Pyrrha: Um…h-hello, little boy…?
Pyrrha: Oh, I hoped Jaune or his sister or her wife would be here when I met his nephew! I feel so awkward! 😰
Adrian: *raises his little hands and looks Pyrrha in the eye* 🤨
Pyrrha: Do…do you want up…?
Adrian: 🥺
Pyrrha: Um…okay, let me just…? *uncomfortably lifts Adrian under his arms and sets him on the couch beside her*
Pyrrha: T-that’s what you wanted, r-right?
Adrian: 😠
Adrian: *determinedly crawls into Pyrrha’s lap* Aun-ee!
Pyrrha: …wait…
Pyrrha: …did you just say…?
Adrian: *nestles into Pyrrha and grabs at her hand with his little fingers* Aun-ee! 😃
Pyrrha: 🫢
Jaune: *in the Cotta-Arc kitchen, arranging snacks on a tray* Thanks for being chill with Pyrrha, Saph. Don’t tell her I told you, but she was so nervous on the way here that she almost made herself sick.
Saphron: No problem, baby bro! I know it’s scary meeting the family! *takes tray and steps through the kitchen door*
Saphron: *stops short*
Saphron: *leans back to the kitchen* Psst, Jaune! Come see what your girlfriend is doing!
Jaune: *looks over Saphron’s shoulder*
Pyrrha: *sitting on the couch with Adrian in her lap* Good job! Can you say it again? 😄
Adrian: Aun-ee! Aun-ee Py-ah! 😆
Pyrrha: That’s right! I’m your auntie Pyrrha! You’re so smart! Want me to make the bullhead fly again? *her hand glows black and Adrian’s toy bullhead lifts up and floats around*
Adrian: *squeals with laughter*
Jaune: *filming on his scroll* Oh my GODS…!
@cheeseater2 thanks for the ask! This is an especially fun one for me because I just met my infant nephew for the first time this week and, like Pyrrha, I was SUPER awkward at first! We’ve reached an understanding now!
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