#thanks for the ted talk ignore these tags op
alanbates · 6 months
have you seen king of hearts? I don't remember enjoying it per se but I liked the bits where alan bates was running around confused in a kilt 👍
Hiii! Not yet, I still have a few movies missing from his filmography (don't think I'll look for them all because some of them aren't really worth watching afaik) but thanks for the info!! :3
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werewolf-cuddles · 5 years
You know what, fuck it, I’ve got nothing better to do right now, let’s actually dissect this bullshit
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“first of all, my response to this post was directed @ berserkincorrect. my tag was about u”
Yeah, no shit. Hence why I was responding to the tag specifically.
“i dont like posts like yours because of what they’re used to defend. that in that people use it to defend pedophillia, incest, abuse, etc in fiction”
How? How does “A character doesn’t have to be a good person to be a good character” defend any of those things? That logic makes absolutely no sense.
“my seeing that you’re an anti-anti cements that your post has the intention of making excuses for characters guilty of the aforementioned characteristics (abusers, pedophiles, etc).”
Again, “A character doesn’t have to be a good person to be a good character” is not excusing a fictional character’s actions. If I said something like, for example, “The Joker did nothing wrong”, THEN I would be excusing his abuse towards Harley Quinn.
But that’s not what I’m saying. A fictional character can do absolutely reprehensible things, and still be a good character. The fact that you somehow managed to interpret that as an excuse for a character’s vile actions is astounding to me.
“i tend to ignore posts like these for the most part unless i see op is like you, a freak.”
Understanding the difference between works of fiction and the real world makes me a “freak”? Okay, I guess.
“pewdiepie has said the n-word”
Once. And he apologized for it.
“is an anti-semite”
False. He has made jokes about it in the past, but has since apologized and stopped making them for the most part.
“and is friends with white nationalists, nazis and right-wingers”
Citation needed. Also, one of these things is not like the others.
“so if it’s not obvious to you why pewdiepie is an irrelevant sack of shit, you need a lobotomy”
Okay, but what does me liking Pewdiepie’s videos have to do with my original post? How does “A character doesn’t have to be a good person to be a good character” relate to Pewdiepie in any way? Felix isn’t a fictional character, he’s a real person.
“anyway, you’re welcome for taking time out of my day to explain this to you. have fun staying blocked. “Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.” uwu”
And thank you for being too much of a coward to comment on my posts without immediately blocking me so I can’t respond.
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Ten Facts Game
tagged by @odyacrosstheoceansoflife  and unlike her i actually do my homework and also break has been super busy so i didn’t get to it till now.
Rules from OP: “Oooook everyone, I think we all have to get to know each other a little more. That’s why I decided to start this game. Write ten facts about you and tag ten people!” 
My Ten Facts
1. i had the best night last night. i danced, i drank a lot (possibly more than i should have but whatever), i may have kissed a girl...
2. i actually had an okay christmas unlike a lot of my queer friends. my parents are decently chill with me being gay (((or at least they are now, it’s taken a while))) and i mostly ignore the rest of my family when we see them. 
3. i am currently wearing a miniskirt even though it’s the middle of the night and it is the best feeling.
4. tbh i’m actually enjoying break but also i want some intellectual stimulus, which i am not getting much of so i might join a gaming group or something just so i can be distracted from boredom during the days.
5. i actually love the narnia books/movies and lucy was gay ok thanks for coming to my ted talk.
6. i have never been as excited for anything as to finally have a woman doctor. i am such a space lesbian.
7.  i had a dream last night where i was swimming in a sea of pink and yellow clouds and it was the most aesthetic thing i’ve ever wished i actually did
8. i’m considering dyeing my hair again but i can’t decide between purple and red so it may be a while.
9. i am a gemini if that means anything to you
10. uhhhhhh... i ate some really good tacos earlier?
i’m tagging @ghostqueenappreciation cause i want to know you better. can’t think of anyone else rn so just do it if you want to?
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