#thanks kelsey it was fun 😊
bethanyactually · 1 year
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Nancy Drew + text posts (31/?)
4.06 || The Web of Yesterdays (1/2)
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Hello Kelsey!!!!! I hope you're doing well!!
For the anything your followers want question, are you a mountain vacation or beach vacation person?
Hi Jinn! 💜
I'm not much of a vacation person to begin with, but I think I would pick mountains!
Swimming isn't as exciting as it was as a kid and I burn too easily. (Also you know sand...ick 😉) I do like walking through the woods and staying in a cute little cabin sounds fun!
Thanks for the ask 😊
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bsidez · 7 years
tagged by @ksotastic literally ages ago and i finally just got the energy to finish it! rules, answer the questions, then post 11 new ones & tag ppl to answer
1. What’s your current hyper fixation? Boku no hero academia!!! I’d seen a few friends posting about it, but it took me a while to read it. and seriously nothing has captured my attention so thoroughly in quite a long time, its really nice and refreshing!! and im happy that quite a few of my friends have gotten into it to. -- i started this meme a few weeks ago and now its currently animal crossing pc
2. How many glasses of water do you drink per day? I have a 54 oz water bottle that I take to work with me and drink every day, and then a 20 oz reusable cup that I drink multiple times so... i dont know what that comes out to. peeing a lot.
3. When’s the last time you said “Fuck it” and why? I’m not sure if this means literally or figuratively so I’ll answer both. literal “Fuck it” was this morning when i was trying to put my duvet cover back on and couldnt. figurative fuck it was this past sunday when I decided that I really dont give a fuck if someone is going to complain about being lonely, when I’ve made a huge effort to be there for them and gotten nothing in return :) 
4. Do you have any short term goals for this month (what do you plan to accomplish, etc)? Set boundaries between my personal and my work life. This is something I go through ever few months. Also maintain my personal interests!! heading into the holidays is really rough on me and I’m determined for november to not be a total nightmare this year.
5. What’s something that you keep going back to (fandom, movie, book) and crying “I just don’t know how to quit you”? hmm, I have a solid list of series that I repeatedly go back and rotate through!! but usually its naruto
6. It’s 3am. Your stomach is growling. What do you eat? saltines. or cherry tomatoes. or i just take the chocolate syrup bottle and squeeze straight into my mouth. 
7. Current favorite album (or song) and why? (Sell me on it) I Know by Aly and AJ, its off their new EP (which is also great). the whole album is super chill and kind of 80s synthopop mixed with indie mellow vibes. But this song in particular i love for the lyrics bc it’s super relatable for me, especially during this time of year. “It's a state of mind that's bringing you down / So tell me what will get you out / You haven't left your bed in days / And I know we've all seen better days”
8. What kind of toothpaste do you use? sensodyne!! I have sensitive teeth
9. How many blankets do you sleep with when you go to bed? in the summer, 4!! in the winter more like 6 or 7
10. What’s something you always keep with you besides your phone? my bullet journal. It goes with me everywhere and I purposely shop for bags with the intention that it needs to be able to fit comfortable in it. The times that I on a whim decided not to bring it are ALWAYS days where I’ve needed it for something. 
11. How many languages do you know (and can possibly hold a conversation in)? English, Spanish, German and Italian!! and that is also in order of my proficiency at each of them. I really would like to get better at all of them, but I somehow manage to convince myself every time that it would be pointless because I’d never improve and never use them. 
1. name a type of houseplant you love. 2. what are your go-to shoes? 3. give me your current favorite album! 4. painted nails or painted toes? 5. is there any jewelry you wear all the time? 6. what’s the last thing you got upset about? 7. do you wear hats? 8. what do you take pictures of the most? 9. how do you distract yourself? 10. last book you read? 11. Describe your most comfortable outfit.
tagging: @occasionalginger @megane-thirst @childishgalluzzo @sarahsmileslikeshedontcare @roseymoseyberry @cyclohellane @miriellesandthegiantpeach @bobbinsky and anyone else!!
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bethanyactually · 1 year
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Nancy Drew + text posts (32/?)
4.06 || The Web of Yesterdays (2/2)
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