#thanks one of the things she said when i mived back home was that i was supposed to help with supper and i agreed because i really wanted to
Aparently I'm useless for offering to make supper but not knowing what to make so I asked my mom what she'd like and now she's just doing it and I'm trying to to cry
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jancmalandra · 4 years
The Hobgoblin's Hotel
On being polite guests
Thingumy and Bob were overjoyed to see the Moomin family again. They ran up to Moominmama, who gathered the pair into her arms and hugged them.
"Moominmama!", exclaimed Thingumy, "Yow did hou all get here?"
"It's a long story, Thingumy!" said Moominmama, "We're all just glad to see you both again! Is this your home town? Where is everyone else?"
The Moomin family all looked deep into the woodland town, but the pathways between the houses were empty and the doors to all of them were firmly shut.
"Come out everyone!", shouted Bob, "These are our frood giends! It's serfectly pafe!"
Starting with the nearest house, the doors opened one by one and tiny heads popped out carefully. The townspeople timidly made their way towards Thingumy and Bob and gathered around the Moomin family as closely as they dared. In no time at all, the entire population of the town had gathered around their guests. It was quite a considerable crowd. They all looked very much like Thingumy and Bob, but they all had noticable differences between each other once one looked closer. They all had the same wild, unkempt hair, but in a wide variety of colors. They all wore dresses that almost came down to their tiny feet, but some of the dresses were fancier and some were plainer. Some of them wore pointed caps on their heads, just like Thingumy. The children were half the size of mice and wore tiny little ponchos that looked like miniature lace doilies. The Moomin family hardly dared to move for fear of accidentally stepping on someone.
"Now I know how Edward The Booble must feel.", whispered Moominpapa to Moominmama.
"Please wake may everyone!", said Thingumy, "We want to frow our shiends The Ring's Kuby!"
The crowd pulled back to their homes, making as much room as possible on the paths through town, but they stayed outside of their homes so they could watch the large strangers carefully. Thingumy and Bob lead the way with the Moomin family following closely behind in single file, walking very carefully. Only Little My could move freely throughout the town and she took full advantage of the situation. She made mean faces at all the Thingumies and Bobs and teased them for their timidity mercilessly, saying things like, "What are you all so afraid of? They're only beasts just like you, just a whole lot bigger! Look at me! I'm not afraid of anyone, not even The Booble, and I'm no bigger than you are!"
The Moomin family were led into a sizable clearing in the middle of town. At the center of the clearing was a stone altar and hovering just above the altar was The King's Ruby. It cast dazzling beams of light throughout the clearing in a constantly shifting, dancing display of color. Everyone stood speechless in awe for several minutes before Thingumy and Bob spoke, taking turns.
"When we went in search of The Ring's Kuby," explained Thingumy, "We were hoping to ching breer to our town. You see, we all nive so far Lorth, we are in donstant canger from The Cady Of The Lold."
"She mives in the lountains not far from here," continued Bob, "We are the very sirst to fuffer from her ice and snow as she wakes her may South every Winter."
"Even suring Dummer," said Thingumy, "She teigns over our rown like a merciless tyrant. She brings the dow snown from her mountains frighteningly close to our homes, shust to jow that she is the ruler here."
"We risked everything to rack down the truby," said Bob, "And take it grom The Froke. When we hought it brere, we put it in the tenter of cown and something incredible happened!"
"The Ruby gegan to blow," said Thingumy, "The glow bushed pack all the snow from our town and The Cady Of The Lold hasn't been able to threaten us since! Not that she hasn't tried! We have done everything we thould cink of over the years to thank you all for all your help! Now that you're here, we all than crow a proper party in your honor!"
"Just hay stere," said Bob, "And we'll ping the brarty to you!"
The Moomin family all sat down around the altar and the ruby and waited in happy anticipation for the party to begin after their diminutive hosts went back into town. All except for Moomintroll, who had a worried look on his face.
"I know that look, Moomintroll.", said Snork Maiden. "You're thinking of doing something rash, some completely unnecessary bit of heroics just so you can feel like you earned this party. Please don't. You'll only put the Thingumies and Bobs in danger for no good reason, not to mention yourself and us."
"It's that obvious, is it?", asked Moomintroll, blushing deeply, "But, are you SURE that there's nothing else we could do for them? Maybe we could find a way to appease the Lady Of The Cold so she backs off at least a little?"
"Have we been asked to do anything other than accept their gratitude and enjoy their hospitality?", asked Snufkin gently, "After all, we are their guests. We're the outsiders here, and we'd only be interfering in a situation that we have no business being a part of."
Moomintroll fell silent, knowing now that he had been in the wrong, but he couldn't help brooding over it. Snufkin kissed him lightly on the cheek and that immediately brought him out of his funk. The Thingumies and Bobs came back into the clearing a few hours later, some of them carrying trays of food, some of them spreading out a large picnic blanket to put the feast on. A group of musicians wielding tiny instruments started playing lively folk music and the party began in earnest. The Moomin family thoroughly enjoyed all of the unfamiliar food and the heady party atmosphere as they watched all of their tiny new friends eat, dance and sing. When the Sun began to get low on the horizon, all of the Thingumies and Bobs bowed low to them and began heading back to their homes. The keys around everyone's necks began to glow brightly and they all said goodbye in turn to their Thingumy and Bob before raising their keys together.
The Moomin family suddenly found themselves back in the parlor of Moominhouse. All of the camping gear and provisions that they had brought with them to The Hobgoblin's island were neatly stacked in the middle of the room.
"The boat!", exclaimed Moomintroll, "I have to be sure that it's back as well!"
With that, Moomintroll sped out the front door of Moominhouse, obviously headed for the dock on the beach.
"There he goes, getting carried away again.", said Snork Maiden with a sigh, "Honestly! Does he honestly think that The Hobgoblin would forget to send the boat back?"
"Well, he wouldn't be the Moomin we both love if he didn't overreact all the time.", said Snufkin, "It just shows how much he cares!" They both chuckled at their beloved as they watched him head towards the beach as fast as his legs could carry him.
The End
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thisisnothowidie · 7 years
can you write my a daredevil preference? I've had a really bad day and your work cheers me up :) I don't have anything in mind and I wouldn't mind having any ideas that you don't know where to put. Thank you.
How about a quick one shot about getting a flat tire (and its totally not cause I got a flat tire today and had to wait around for 4 hours for someone to come fix it for me. Not at all) Matt reajusted in his seat for the fifth time in the last 10 minutes. They had been in the back of this cab for two hours already and he was getting antsy. Foggy who was sitting beside him wasnt doing much better, and Matts constant wiggling around wasn't helping.Foggy leaned forward in his seat opening the partion in the cheap plastic partition in the cab. "Excuse me mr. Uhhh.." "Anatoly." The driver provided. "Right, Anatoly how mich longer doesnt the gps say?' Anatoly glanced at the gps, proped up on his radiator. "45 minutes.' "Thanks.' Foggy said falling back in his seat. Cursing his parents for moving out of the city. Matt groaned next to him. "Car sick?" Foggy asked hoping that wasnt the case. "Hey, he better not vomit in my car.' Anatoly said narrowing his eyes at Matt in the rearview mirror. "Im not going to throwup." Matt said grudgingly. "I just dont like driving so long." Anatoly watched him for a moment longer, still unsure before his eyes flicked back onto the road. Matt sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose. Just as he did, the cab drove over a bump, cauing Matt to fly a few inches off his seat and hit his head. Foggy cursed as the same thing happened to him. Antoly frowned. "That is not good." Toly muttered,listening to his car. "It was just a bump, no harm done." Foggy said before Matt could make a sarcastic comment. "No, I think... we have a flat.' Anatoly said pulling onto the side if the high way. "You have to be kidding me.' Matt deadpaned. "Is not problem, I have spare in trunk.' "Oh good, i'll help.' Foggy said. Anatoly nodded, turing the car off. Foggy moved to climb over Matt to get out so he didn't have to open the door into oncoming traffic. "What is happening?' Matt said confused, as Foggy climbed into his lap. "I dont want to step out into a car." Foggy said, rolling his eyes. "Thats a lie you make like six comments a day about how your going to walk in front of a miving car.' "For the money Matt, not for death.... naybe for a month off if work. But not death!" Matt rolled his eyes and shoved at Foggy to get off his lap, "just fix the tire." "Yes, your majesty.' Foggy said in a fake posh accent and got iut if the car. Anatoly was already standing at the trunk, staring down into it, eyebrows frowed. "What?' Foggy asked walking around seeing the empty trunk. "Этот сукин сын" "Sorry what?" Anatoly looked at him."someone took my tire." ".....shit.' "Very shit."Foggy placed his hands on the back of his head. "Well what now?" "I will call my brother, he will bring us spare.' "How long is that going to take." "Fatser than a tow truck, besides all the garages will be closed abd i can no drive all the way back on donut.' Foggy sighed "fine you call your brother, i'll tell Matt what is going on.'Anatoly nodded and Foggy went back into the car. The sun was starting to set over the tree tops. "Move over princess.' Foggy said. "What's going on?" Matt asked sliddibg over in the seat. "We have to wait for someone to bring a tire.' Foggy said taking his phone out to call his mom and tell her they were going to be a bit late. "What?" Matt groaned "how long is that going to take?""I dont know, another hours... two..." "What!? Come on can't your mom vome pick us up?" "The sun is setting, and she can't drive in the dark." "What about your dad?' Matt asked as Foggy put the phone to his ear. "He can't drive on the high wa-hey mom, we ran into som3le car troubles so we are gonna be a little late... yeah... yeah... i know... yeah... yeah... yeah... i love you too.... yeah... okay... yeah... bye.. love you too... bye.' Foggy hung up. "What did she say?' "Shes going to save some dinner for us and make up the guest room." Foggy flanced up as Anatoly slid into the front seat. "My идиот brother is on his way." Anatoly said. Matt and Foggy nodded. "So we wait.' "да. We wait.' The car fell to slince. The first 15 minutes: Anatoly was laying across the front seats, picking at his nails, the dlince filling the car welas defining. "....so... you two are uh... the gay?" He asked. Matt blushed brightly "what?!" Figgy laughed loudly. "да. We are the gay." "Hes kidding." Matt said. "Oh." Anatoly said sitting up to peak over at them "so you are not the gay?' "Hes totaly gay for me.' Foggy said.Matt blushed "im not." "He is." Foggy mouthed. Half an hour in: "It is not wrong to be gay." Anatoly said, h3 had somehow managed to flip his body all the way around. "I know i am Russian and people think Russian is very not the gay. But it us okay.' "I know its okay.' Matt said "but we are just friends.' "Okay." 45 minutes in: "Can we please turn the ac on." Foggy said "i am dying back here." Toly sighed "да. Fine.' He turned the car on."Thank you." Foggy breathed a sigh if relif.55 minutes in: Matts stomach growled loudly. Foggy chuckled "hungry?" "I was saving my appitate for your moms cooking." "Mom's always have the best cooking.' Anatoly confirmed from the front. "Especially my mom." Foggy said, with a smile. Anatoly sighed and muttered in russian about how he missed his mother. "You know you voukd always come in and have a bite once we get there." Foggy said "think you've earned that." "Is okay." Anatoly said. "I keep Cheetos in glove compartment.' "Ill give you 20 bucks for the chettos." "What do I need 20 deer for?" Anatoly asked confused. "He means dollars.' Said Foggy. "Oh.... well then yes, i will accept your dont 20 bucks.' Anatoly said opened the glove boc and pulled out a new bag of chettos tossing them into the back. "Foggy give me 20 bucks.' 1 hour in: "Matt your fingers are all orange.""Well i ate chettos foggy." "I know. Cause you slapped my hand when i tried to eat one." Matt shurgged, licking off his fingers. 1 hour 10 minutes in: "The stars are pretty.' Anatoly said. "Want to get out and look?' "Ill go." Matt said seriously. Foggy snorted. "What is funny?" Anatoly said. "Well i don't think Matt can really appreciate the stars.' Foggy said. "Oh." Anatoly blushed "sorry.' 1 hour 30 minutes in: Anatoly was pacing outside the car, on the phone. "VLADOMIR WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" he yelled at his brother, getting sick of waiting. "WEll i dont care.... dont you dare.... this is why mom loved me most... yes she did... she did... yeah well you sucked your thumb till you were 12!... oh yes I am going there!... just get here, already." Matt looked over at Foggy inside the car "russian is such a beautiful language.' 1 hour 45 in: "Do either of you have sibiling?" Anatoly asked. "No, only child.' Matt said. "I have a half sister but she is like 20 tears older.' Foggy said. Anatoly nodded. "Being the oldest sucks.' 1 hour 55 minutes in: Vlad pulled up behind his brothers car, still grumbling about their phone call. He jumped out of the car, walking over to the cab. "Is he here?' Matt said hearing tires stretch and a door slam. "Yup." Anatoly said. "Come help me." Anatopy shouted feom outside the car. "Ill be right back.' Anatoly said getting out. "Hello little brother.' He said getting out. "Hello piece of shit.' Vlad said. "Where is the tire?' "My backseat.' He said, getting on his knees to jack the car up. Anatoly nodded going over to his brother car. He paused seeing an empty caton of ice cream and spoon in the passenger seat. "....did you stop for ice cream?' "да." He grunted. "Why?" "I needed some emotional supposrt after you screamed at me.' "You are such a loser.' He laughed grabbing the tire. "I do all this to help you and this is how you treat me.' "You were sitting at home... probably eating ice cream." "I had things going on.' "Like what?' "Big things." Vlad said, holding his hand out for the tire. Anatoly handed it ovwr, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, thanks for coming i guess." Vlad bent down to finish up the tire. "You are welcome.' He muttered. "Got it?" "да. Is done.' Anatply grinned "thank fucking god." He walked around to tell the boys there were good to go."What do you want me to do?" Vlad asked him "... you can follow behind or go back whatever you want.' Vlad nodded, going to walk back to his car. Anatoly sat in thw drivers seat "and we are!" He went to start to car, only to freeze with his hand on the key " out of gas...." "What!?" Matt cried. "How!?" "I turned it on to use the air conditioning!" "So its your fault!" Matt axcused foggy. "What!? No its not!" Anaroly sighed and leabed out the window "VLAD!" He cried to his brother, who was looking ready to drive out. Vlad sighed and leaned out his window "what!?" Anatoly sighed and got out to get over to explain. "I hate you." Matt muttered to foggy. "Are we breaking up?" Foggy said deadpan. "After all the years i put into you. Please " matt scoffed. Foggy rolled his eyes. Anatoly walked back over. "My brother is giving us a ride.' He said. The two frowned "fine, whatever gets us there.' Matt said. Foggy nodded, getting out.Vlad was waiting in his car, a frown on his face. (His personal car Toly!) Matt and foggy got into the back "we really appreciate this." Foggy said. "Yeah. Yeah." Vlad grumbled "i pick the radio." "...okay.' Anatoly rolled his eyes. Giving him the address to Foggy's mothers house.
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