#that and Aziraphale pulling off the magic switch in 1941 and saying 'I got it right the time it mattered' haunts my dreams
lillotte17 · 1 year
A few scattered thoughts for the day (all Good Omens related bc i live here now):
A) I think I really want to do more for the GO fic I wrote, even though the reception it got was lukewarm at best because I apparently enjoy making myself suffer with one half of the OTP not remembering the other. BUT I can't settle on the next point in time I want to put the new scene in, so I'm just languishing in Writer Hell. ToT
B) It just struck me that it is super weird that apparently NO ONE in Heaven thought check the security footage of Gabriel leaving? I mean, like IMMEDIATELY, when they couldn't find his memory and realized he was gone. It would have been obvious that he got off the elevator at Earth, though it might have been harder to tell WHERE on Earth he had ended up. He must have actually meant to hit the button to go all the way down to Hell instead, which would have been kind of hilarious, honestly. The part of me wearing a tinfoil hat sort of wants to blame the whole thing on the Metatron. Obviously, he couldn't plan for Gabriel and Beelzebub falling in love, but once it became apparent that Gabriel was not going to play ball anymore, he became a useful pawn for something else that the Metatron wants to get rid of before the second coming (Crowley and Aziraphale's partnership). I mean, really? Of all places, Gabriel just HAPPENS to end up going to Aziraphale? He doesn't even like him! He tried to kill him!! The Metatron never seems surprised or even upset that Gabriel "got away." I think he used Gabriel to get Aziraphale "in trouble" so that he could show up at the last minute and "save" him from the other angels. Maybe. As I said, tinfoil hat. XD
C) I am back on my bullshit for the final 15 and I'm taking you all down with me. After Crowley walks out, Aziraphale turns away from the door to try and contain how upset he is, and when the Metatron comes in, he turns around SO FAST, because for half a second he thinks Crowley came back. And when he sees that it isn't him, he has to turn away to collect himself again. :'))) After I noticed that, it was so clear how badly Aziraphale did not want to go to Heaven. At least, not without Crowley. He's just staring out the window at him, he's choked up when he talks, his face is full of panic and longing. He actually chases after the Metatron for a few steps when he leaves, shaking his head, and nearly throwing the whole deal out. There are still tears in his eyes when he shakes himself out of it and puts on that big fake smile and says "nothing at all."
But he still does it. He still goes. Because he clearly thinks that he has to. And he doesn't even know about the second coming yet, so it's not to prevent that. Is it really just "making a difference"? I mean, he didn't even seem interested until being with Crowley was on the table, so "making a difference" didn't seem to matter that much until he thought they could also be together. Which would make one assume that if Crowley wasn't interested in going, Aziraphale would also lose interest in going, since that was the carrot that allegedly walked him through the door on that totally legit and non-threatening deal.
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ineffablenlghtingales · 3 months
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So it starts off with Aziraphale driving back from Edinburgh in Crowley’s Bentley. He keeps passing this random hitchhiker and is eventually forced to stop.
It turns out to be Shax. (She's weird, I don't really like her). She tells Aziraphale that she is taking over Crowley’s job, and she wants to know where Gabriel is. Aziraphale denies any knowledge of this, but he lets the truth slip by accident.
Then we get fantastic flashbacks to 1941 (remember Crowley scrambling into the church and rescuing his angel? Then the bomb going off?) Also, hello Mark Gatiss and co as zombie Nazis.
The Nazis are registered by the demon Furfur. (His hair gets an honorable mention. He sort of reminded of some undead German composer and eww creepy is an understatement with that guy).
Furfur grants the three Nazis a temporary license to be able to go back to Earth as zombies for 24 hours to gather proof of Crowley's cooperation with Aziraphale. If they can prove Crowley and Aziraphale are working together, then they will be granted freedom from damnation. To help them with this, Furfur hands them a miracle blocker.
Then begins the silliness of Azi insisting and really trying very hard to work the magician gig. Crowley and he arrive at a theatre and Crowley makes a delivery of alcohol? But all the bottles are broken because well-p, he was right next to a bomb that went off, whoops. The poor old woman who made the order is not happy, complaining that the magician who was supposed to perform that night won't come. Azi decides to take his place.
The two of them step into a magic shop for inspiration for some phantasmic trick to pull off. Aziraphale is looking for a showstopper and comes across the bullet catch trick. The shop owner discourages Aziraphale from purchasing the trick bc Aziraphale has shown just how much of a hand he has for real magic tricks (sarcasm, to clarify).
Okay and the bit where Crowley sits there, watching Aziraphale practice and pretends to be an old man waiting to be impressed. Oh my god, David. I was laughing. But I really loved the bit where Crowley tells him that if he's going to be performing at West End, then it must mean that he's good enough for it (or something like that, to paraphrase. Demon's trying to encourage his angel. I love it.)
At the West End, Aziraphale nervously takes to the stage. (Then I got to thinking about the miracle blocker. Did the two of them intend to pull of the trick with a miracle? Like Crowley'd fire the gun but somehow miracle it to not actually discorporate Aziraphale or whatever?) Anyway if they did, those hopes are dashed because Furfur initiates the miracle blocker, meaning Aziraphale’s first magic trick fails spectacularly.
Also I died when Aziraphale calls out in the crowd, asking for anyone with experience with a gun. ALL the young men in the crowd raise their hands, Crowley does not. I could hear him saying "Nope. Angel, no. I'm going to be honest with you, I don't have experience with a gun. No, no. no." The angel picks a volunteer at random, choosing Crowley out of the crowd.
The poor boys! Crowley goes up on stage, and they greet each other, saying behind their smiles, "My miracles aren't working!"
The trick is a success, Crowley fires and misses Aziraphale’s head. I love how, in the midst of the success, Crowley's basically like "No paperwork! :D" Where as Aziraphale's like "Yes! We did it!" Haha is the paperwork for discorporation really that bad??? They celebrate afterward in their dressing room. Furfur confronts them, showing Crowley the evidence that he’s just snapped the two together.
Crowley denies the allegations, saying it is just a coincidence. Again, Mr. Dramatic just doesn't give a shit and decides to take a nap on the couch. Aziraphale asks to look at the photograph and genius that he is, secretly switch the picture with a flyer.
Back in the present day, Shax is determined to lead an army and attack Aziraphale’s bookshop to kidnap Gabriel. Beelzebub agrees with Shax’s plan and she now has permission to get Gabriel by any means necessary.
Meanwhile, in London, Aziraphale and Crowley reunite, and the demon tells Azi his attempt to make Maggie and Nina fall in love failed, so now it's up to Azi to play matchmaker.
I loved, loved, loved this episode.
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