#that and i have the content creator role so id be easy to identify
pkselfship · 2 years
Sorta kinda vent in the tags just need to express thoughts about people not on here
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multigender-exist · 6 years
There are 280 responses on this little survey. So let’s take a look at the representation transgender people want according to the current results.
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The first question is not required, but it helps to get an idea of which group is best represented in the results. So far every person has answered.
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The second question allows multiple choices. An overwhelming 89% choose “all of the above” (life action & animated movies and series, comics, books, video games).
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Nearly half (47,5%) of the respondents thinks the script of a story with a transgender character should at least be reviewed by several transgender people.
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A cis person with the gender the character was assigned at birth: 3,5% A cis person with the gender the character identifies as: 25,9% A transgender person: 44% A transgender person with the same identity as the character: 70,2% Anyone who does research on their character's identity: 39%
This question allowed multiple answers.
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44,7% wants to be represented in stories that don’t focus on the gender of the transgender character, but also have a few stories about transitioning. (second place goes to both in equal amounts, with 29,1%
The last question was optional, “is there anything you would like to add?” I will put the answers under the cut.
- honestly we need more stories of non-binary people transitioning in the media also people who are non-binary amab and maybe femme ftm and butch mtf and gsd in the poc community
- Being represented as genderfluid is not easy but so far I have been satisfied with webcomic representation... good luck on doing a better job other medias!
- Humans. Human characters.
- Accurate representation is good representation
- I prefer and encourage trans people writing and reviewing trans content, but I think it's better to have any content at all than none. There definitely shouldn't be cis men playing trans women or cis women playing trans men, because that's just fucked up and leads to violence and transphobia. Cis women playing trans women is fine. Trans women playing trans women is best.
- Please I just want to see someone like me
- More representation for nonbinary individuals would be amazing. That's pretty much non-existent in the media
- I'm a demigirl and demiboy and I go by bunself pronouns it would be nice to see someone like me represented on a movie!
- happy endings? something that wouldn't make us feel like there's no hope and we're gonna die/be miserable/be rejected? i feel like there is much more media showing us in the worst position and never getting away from it :/ btw, congrats for this iniciative, it's cool, and hopefully it will work :)
- I think educating one's self about what it's like to be transgender would really help people make transgender media. As it turns out, transgender people are honest to goodness just like every other human. It just happens that trans people prefer different pronouns and might go through some hormone therapy or surgery. However, they're still just human beings like anyone else, and I think it'd be nice to see trans people casually represented that way.
- Give Us The Sci Fi Trans People Blease
- A cis actor who identifies as the gender a character is assigned at birth is okay, but only if they extensively familiarize themself with trans people talking about their own experiences.
- I want representation for MOGAI identities as well, perhaps some episode of something where they talk about identities that are "weird" and people educate others about MOGAI.
- I feel like we are a mystery to society, so maybe in stories that are about transitioning, also try to target cis people with it and educate them. Let trans people play trans characters otherwise it's not proper trans representation.
- More genderfluid characters!
- Imagine it.... trans characters... who are also not straight
- i think more their should be more representation in at least most media if not all media. non-binary should have more representation.
- Character I really relate to in terms of gender are always incredible to see and make me exponentially more comfortable and secure feeling.
- I'd like to see not sad stuff
- I think it'd be really nice to see stories that focus on gender and trans people's gender identity, but not necessarily specifically on the process of transitioning, if it makes sense.
- Try and be nice, though not all trans people are necessarily good.
- I’d like there to be less “controversy” with trans characters. By that I mean turning trans characters into controversy and pointing it out as an oddity. The goal of trans inclusion should be to normalize it in my opinion. The example that comes to mind is poison in Street Fighter. Almost every gamer knows the story of poison. Instead of putting a rest to the speculations or theories the fire has only had fuel added to it. I wish there was a definitive word on the matter that was respectful and posted well so people would be aware of the resolution in the Cannon. Also I would appreciate if Pre op in Japan and Post op in everywhere else wasn’t an issue.
- Do to lack of representation right now any representation would be great, but if we ever get a fair amount of representation I would like to see representation move further away from transitioning and more to just every day life.
- @ Cis people: stop equating trans women with men, or trans men with women.
- Ideally both the director and the screenwriter should be Trans. Failing that, the director should have several Trans consultants of color. We are in desperate need of Trans stories of color.
- Stories focused on transition and gender stories absolutely must be written by a trans person; stories including trans people not as much.
- In response to what type of actor, I think it would be so cool to have cis people, potentially of either the assigned or the identified gender, but at present? I just don't trust any cis person to get it right
- Intersectionality, both how it relates to transitioning and just intersectionality in characters that doesn’t define the plot.
- Rep in kids shows
- I just want them to exist in stories and tv, I don’t need them to be the focus or to even have more than 1 line, just to exist in a few stories
- I would like to also see more trans and nb characters have some background roles, I struggle to see myself as a main character and I generally find a background character I like more so a secondary character that is trans or nb would be amazing💖
- I would rather creators get stuff wrong in an effort to be inclusive than not try at all. Don't make a big deal out of the identity; just be like "this is a thing and here's the next thing now"
- /Maybe/ a cis person who is the character's gender they ID as playing them, but it would be a little iffy
- LGB trans people as well
- I want to see a character. Just a normal character. I don't want it focused on their gender or sexuality. Just a normal character being like every other character. Because that's what we are. Like everybody else.
- i want trans magical girls
- I answered that a trans person must at least co-write it but that is more about telling our stories. Having a few trans people review and the script would work for me for like a side character or something but like one of the mains... I do not think cis are capable of doing that at present. They at least do not seem to be able to.
- I think in some circumstances, a cis person could play a trans character, but honestly, it should definitely be offered to a trans actor first and foremost. I think that matters less when it comes to just voice acting though.
- I need representation so desperately tbh. It hits me sometimes that there’s really nothing with someone like me and it makes me feel so sad and alone.
- Just normalize trans women. I don't want a lot of focus on the trans part but just making it normal (and accurate) I'd all I want. Transitioning makes for interesting storytelling, but the focus should be on just making more trans side and main characters that are being portrayed as normal. So people see that we're not the punchline of some joke. That we are just normal people.
- I would like to see more trans characters NOT suffering and/or dying. We get too much of that shit in real life. I also want trans characters in stoner comedies whose transness is not a punchline and who aren't cis actors in fucking transface. I also would like to see more trans characters supporting other trans characters because cis saviors are bullshit. Also, trans characters punching Nazis would be pretty inspiring. Generally, badass trans femme characters that don't hesitate to throw down and fight is kinda badass.
- More Trans women in Sci-fi/Fantasy!
- Sense8 handled a trans woman better than anything else I've seen. Use that show as a role model
- Butch trans women. Also, movies and tv could be more accessible; most new ones trigger migraines if not seizures.
- I would like to see more human nonbinary representation in particular, since a lot of nonbinary characters are things like robots or creatures, and while I suppose that's nice enough, it's a little alienating.
- Representation should include non binary trans people too
- Nothing excessively "dominating" just show we are normal people.
- We deserve to fight robots, fall in love, learn magic, escape from deserted islands, and save the universe too! All without our gender or our transition status being the "most important thing" in the book or otherwise treated as such. We deserve to be treated like white men characters, without having to justify or explain in several pages why we deserve to be in the text. We deserve to just show up and be the protagonist without having to have a convoluted reason for our simple existence, let alone being the protagonist. White cisgender men don't have to justify their existence or being the protagonist. Why should we?
- I don't ever want to see someone who isn't a trans woman play a trans woman ever again, and I don't want to see trans roles written by cis people ever again. They always end up being transmisogynistic, even if the writer's heart is in the right place.
- I'd love to see the normalization of trans people in the media, like it's not some Dramatic Reveal (*cough cough* pretty little liars and charlotte...) or all about their transition (those are important stories, but those should be told by trans people themselves). Just include trans people more! Diverse trans characters, like how actual trans people are!
- It can’t just be white trans people
- I feel like I wish trans characters were always played by trans actors but I know that as of right now that’s probably not going to happen so I’m okay with cis people playing trans people as long as it is respectful and well done.
And a shoutout to the people who simply thanked me, and to those who cracked a joke or said no. Thanks to everyone who responded, you all make my day.
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