#that atrium is perfect for music -- good sight lines and sound on every floor
simply-sithel · 1 year
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Back in early March the main SF library hosted its "Night of Ideas" event -- 7pm to 1am. Had a joyous time, the music was great and the talks interesting. I stayed till closing because the chance to just sit in the stacks and read past midnight-- while listening to a live band playing was.... 🙏 magical 🙏
Came away from it with sketches, a "bracelet" from a knot demo/talk, a pin!, and the chance to have visited the children's section (normally off limits to a childless Grown Up like me)
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kogiopsis · 4 years
That ways to say I love you post: if you have time, I would love to see 4 for Kalarin or 6 for Shadolin. Thanks!
Okay, I did #4 for Kalarin first and I am absolutely gonna do #6 for Shadolin ‘cause it’s perfect for them, but I want to post this one now. It’s almost 12:30 a.m. here and I stayed up later than I should have to finish it.
4. Instead of “thank you” or “see you soon” or “drive safe.” Because no matter what you say it’ll mean the same thing.
Setting: Canon setting, but to avoid spoilers this is set between OB and RoW. I have fudged some elements, including the obvious fact that they have not gotten together in canon. No actual spoilers, though there are some vague hints tying into events which unfold in RoW, just to make it feel more anchored in the timeline.
Practice spears clacked together in a chaotic rhythm that was somehow still musical to Kaladin’s ears. He paced along the double line of sparring Windrunner recruits, adjusting stances and grips where necessary, offering praise where merited. They were doing well, these eager soldiers; Skar and Teft had been training them for a few weeks and weeding out those who had come with dreams of effortless elevation. Those who remained were willing to work hard, dedicated to something bigger than themselves. Almighty willing, the honorspren would see that in them too.
Syl darted through the tangle of spears, twirling around them as a ribbon of light, and met Kaladin at one end of the line to perch on his shoulder.
“We’re a long way from the chasms of the Shattered Plains, aren’t we?” Kaladin said, glancing at her. “And yet it doesn’t feel so far away at all.”
“Several miles higher up,” she said lightly. “And I rather liked going back to the Plains to train. There was always something to see.”
“We’ll go back eventually.” With Ialai Sadeas expanding her control of the former warcamps, Dalinar had decided it was too dangerous to take raw recruits to the Shattered Plains for the time being, so the Windrunners had taken over a stretch of Urithiru’s first-level terrace to train instead. The views of the mountains around them were dramatic, but it wasn’t the same.
From the direction of the tower came Rock’s booming laugh, carrying easily across the intervening space, and Kaladin turned to see the Horneater approaching, accompanied by Sigzil and a distinctive figure with a slim build and mixed blond-and-black hair. Renarin Kholin, wearing a rare open and unguarded smile. Heat rose in Kaladin’s cheeks at the sight.
Renarin raised a hand to waive as they drew closer, and Kaladin waived back before turning to the recruits and calling a rest break. They offered the Bridge Four salute, and then dispersed, and he turned to his approaching friends and… Renarin.
It was new, this thing between them. Drehy liked to insist that he call it ‘courting’, but that word didn’t feel quite right to Kaladin. Courting seemed more formal, stiff - traditional. The word reminded him of escorting Adolin and Shallan on outings together. That wasn’t what he and Renarin were doing - the closest they came to promenading about on walks was exploring as-yet uninhabited tiers of Urithiru, talking in quiet places far from the increasing hubbub of the lower floors and atrium. They didn’t exchange gifts, either, unless bringing each other food for the occasional missed meal counted. Courting had always been a dance to which Kaladin never knew the steps. What he had with Renarin… well, sometimes what scared him was how comfortable it felt.
“How are they, Captain?” Sigzil asked, gesturing at the trainees. Kaladin shrugged.
“Teft and Skar have done well with them. Worst outcome, even if the honorspren are choosy, we’ll have a good crop of spearmen here.” And spearwomen? The Windrunners didn’t discriminate by gender, but Kaladin wasn’t sure what the right word should be.
“Basic sparring drills, right? Rock and I will take them through the next set.”
“Your prince, he has something to say,” Rock added, with a grin. “We will tell them where to put their feet so you may have privacy for this thing.” Though he never fought himself, Rock had a knack for spotting unsteady stances, and seemed to enjoy showing recruits their errors by pushing them over. 
“Thanks,” Kaladin said with a nod. Rock cast a glance at Syl, still perched on Kaladin’s shoulder, and she zipped off to circle Rock’s head instead, following him back towards the trainees. Kaladin allowed himself to look directly at Renarin for the first time. It made him oddly nervous, despite the time they’d spent together, to let his gaze linger on the other man’s wind-ruffled hair and soft skin. Even though he’d touched that skin, run his fingers through that hair-
“I wanted to tell you,” Renarin said, “I’m going to Azir. It’s mostly diplomatic, but Father is concerned about the Emuli border and wants someone with Regrowth there in case - in case anything happens.”
“When? How long?” Kaladin was trying not to think about ‘in case anything happens’. Between Regrowth and Stormlight, Renarin was practically indestructible - Kaladin had heard about him taking on a Thunderclast at the Battle of Thaylen City - but the idea of him being in danger still sent a shock of fear down Kaladin’s spine. They hadn’t fought in the same battle since this relationship had started, and that was probably for the best. 
“Tomorrow. We aren’t sure. At least a week.” Renarin met his eyes briefly and then looked away, though he reached out to brush Kaladin’s hand. “Maybe longer depending on what the Azish need. I don’t… expect… anything untoward.” A circumspect way of saying he had seen nothing in his strange future-visions, though Renarin would be the first to admit that his visions could be wrong, and certainly didn’t account for every potential tragedy.
“Alright. I… thank you for telling me.” No, that was wrong. Too rigid. Kaladin grunted, frustrated at his own inadequacy. Why was this so hard? It was so easy to be with Renarin, and so difficult to talk about what they were to each other. He caught Renarin’s hand in his, tangled their fingers together and squeezed, hoping that would say more than his awkward words. Renarin squeezed back.
“Listen, Kaladin… I hope - I mean, I know we haven’t been together for very long but… I’ll miss you.” It sounded like an admission of some kind, a confession, and Renarin’s face was flushed as he spoke. 
If they had been in private, Kaladin could have pulled him in close and kissed him along those high Kholin cheekbones, savoring their warmth and saying with his actions what he couldn’t put into words. He gave in slightly to the temptation, reaching out with his free hand to run a thumb along Renarin’s jaw and tilt the prince’s head up a little bit. Cautiously, treading the fine line of public display, Kaladin pressed his forehead to Renarin’s, their noses just brushing, exhaled breath mingling.
I’ll miss you too, he thought, and Stay safe, and Come back soon. But when he opened his mouth to speak, what came out surprised them both.
“I love you,” he said softly, and then froze. He hadn’t meant to say it - but did he mean it? In a still moment of shock, Kaladin considered. Renarin was careful, but not cowardly; quiet, considered, and observant; always striving to be and do more. He didn’t stand on ceremony or rank, or cling to lighteyed pride, and Kaladin had found that that open, curious mind meant he often had some interesting observation of events or people, provided one was willing to listen. And most of all: he didn’t seem to need Kaladin to be anything more than what he was, even when he was in one of his gray, melancholy moods. They could sit in silence together, and Kaladin never had to pretend he was okay.
He let the words hang between them, waiting, feeling his heartbeat down to the tips of his fingers.
Renarin said, “Oh,” and even in that syllable Kaladin could hear a smile in his voice. “Oh, yes, me too - Kaladin - I love you too-” He tugged on their joined hands and pulled Kaladin forward into an embrace, a tight hug with his fingers splayed across Kaladin’s back, and Kaladin wrapped his arms firmly around Renarin in return. The blue leaves of joyspren twirled around them, and he was almost certain the recruits would be watching… and in that moment, he didn’t care.
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Dedicated to my sweet family
I’ve been on my fair share of cruises – Hawaii, Caribbean, and another Alaskan cruise by Holland Cruise lines – and thus, I think I can safely say that I have had enough comparison to write a pretty good review on a cruise ship. The Bliss is the newest and biggest ship to sail the Alaskan waters and I will say it definitely lives up to its ship name. But before I go into the ship, let me give you a snapshot of beautiful Alaska.
Cerulean blue waters with hints of green flow around the gorgeous state of Alaska. The skies alternate between clear blue and a light gray and there is a chill in the air that is a profound welcomed relief from the humid heat of Texas (where I’m from). The air is devoid of heavy pollution and car traffic fumes and every city has its quiet charm. Salmon in every shape and color climb the salmon ladders while bald eagles dominate the skies.
The cold air is contrasted by a hot cup of chowder in chilled hands. One of the little things in life is having your insides immediately warmed by sip of a hot latte. Or being in the middle of a forest surrounded by trees connected together by fairy lights while roasting marshmallows over a large fire.
The most brilliant sharp icy blue glaciers and its pieces float enchantingly and menacingly in the waters. Whales swim by, peaking their heads and showing off their tails as cruisers lean over, awed, with binoculars. Waterfalls bloom out of the sides of mountains with the force of the water creating a thunderous sound.
This state is so breathtaking in every way.
Time of Travel: July Type of Travel: Family
Size: While Bliss is definitely not the biggest cruise ship in the world, it definitely appears like the biggest ship on the Alaskan waters when all the ships are parked next to each other at the ports. It’s impressive to see from afar and to walk up to when returning from the city.
We saw so many whales from our cruise ship windows! Not the best photo but I got too excited and eventually put away my camera to just enjoy the magnificent sights
Exterior Décor: The front of the ship is beautifully decorated and my brother and I joked that the artwork definitely invited all the whales to swim up near our ship. I was honestly so surprised by how many whales I saw on the cruise – definitely more than the last time I was in Alaska. The front of the ship is illustrated with the wildlife of the ocean – whales, turtles, and rays. It’s the perfect artwork for a cruise ship.
Interior Décor: The inside of the ship is also tastefully ornamented. In the center of the ship is a gorgeous glass-appearing staircase that wraps around and glitters in the light. The hot tubs are purposefully placed at the tail end of the ship and on the sides so there is a clear view of the ocean. Every room is carefully constructed to its theme.
Service: The staff on the ship is 5/5 stars. They are so incredibly friendly and accommodating and always willing to strike up a good conversation with you but they also know when to leave you alone as well. They always have a smile for you and their response to everything is quick. They all come from different countries around the world and it is fascinating to hear their stories and everywhere they have traveled!
Observation Lounge: Located at the front of the ship, this area was one of my favorite areas on the ship. Decked out in large windows showcasing the beauty of Alaska, the lounge is full of comfy arm chairs and the best part? The bar in the middle as well as two buffets of tea time food fully stocked with finger sandwiches, salads, and desserts. On the days at sea, it’s the perfect area to chill with family and friends, play cards, and observe the Alaskan magnificence without being in the cold.
The Pool and Aqua Park: On one of the top decks of the ship is the pool and the incredible water slides on the ship. There is one water slide where you slide down in rafts and there is one thrilling slide that literally hangs over the ocean! There is a fun area where the kids congregate and hot tubs that dot the sides of the ship as well as the rear end. I highly recommend chilling in the hot tubs at the rear so you can see the full view of the ocean behind you as the ship sails.
Race Track: Yes, this ship has a whole level dedicated to a race track where you can race your family and friends either in a single cart or a double seater cart.
TIP: Book your reservations before you get onto the ship! My family and I did not realize that seats were limited so we did not get to try out this part of the cruise.
It does cost a small fee per drive
Mini Golf
Laser Tag: a small fee
Bliss Casino
Video Arcade
Bowling Alley: a small two lane bowling alley. It gets busy really fast! A small fee
Entourage Teen Club: a haven away from the parents – this place has video games, music, movies!
Fitness Center: this fitness center is legit. There is a running track outside and every machine and weight you could possibly need for a week long cruise.
Guppies: A great area for parents and their kids. Many interactive activities
Hair Salon
Plenty of Spas
Mandara Spa and Salon
Spa Salt Room – natural salt caves – halotherapy
Spa Snow Room – an ice cold arctic environment
Spa Thermal Suite
My favorite thing about cruises is the kind of night time entertainment the ship provides meaning the evening shows. I would say my review for this ship’s shows is probably a 4/5 stars in comparison to the other ships I’ve been on. The best shows I’ve seen on a ship still goes to Allure of the Seas, but this ship definitely provides a great entertainment and truly hats off to the hard working actresses and actors!
Happy Hour Prohibition: The Musical – $30 per person. This musical is set in a speakeasy and set in the Prohibition Era. My family and I chose not to see this one just because there was a fee and plenty of other free shows to see
Jersey Boys – such a great show about Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons
Havana – set at The Palace of Lights, this show brings you the beat and culture of Cuba (takes me back to my time in the Cuban capital!)
The great bands on the ship that play across different bars and lounges
Plenty of comedy shows – make sure you book when you get on the ship!
My family of four booked two separate rooms without ocean views. I always encourage people that if you go on a cruise, try to book rooms with ocean views but obviously if it’s not affordable or available, then it is definitely not the end of the world. I only encourage ocean views for two reasons. One, I think it really helps with orientation to time and feeling as though you are not holed up on the ship. A window or a balcony brings light, views, and a breath of fresh air.
But like I said before, if you can’t get a room with ocean views, then it is completely okay too! My family got non-ocean view rooms and we were completely satisfied. The rooms were on the smaller side (but to be expected with cruise ships), but they were clean. The beds were super comfortable and could be put together or turned into two beds. The TV has a huge list of movies to buy but also a great select of TV channels that plays a cycle of movies depending on genre (action, romance, drama).
Nothing better than opening the door to your room and finding complimentary champagne!
There are so many bars and lounges on the ship and they are all excellent. So many options to choose from that I didn’t even get a chance to make it to all of them
Atrium Bar: This is the center of the ship and where a lot of the main ship’s entertainment occurs. There is a stage area and a movie screen where there are nightly movies and hilarious game shows.
Horizon Lounge
Humidor Cigar Lounge
Maltings Whiskey Bar
Mixx Bar
Skyline Bar
Social Comedy and Night Club
Spice H2O – the pool bar
Sugarcane Mojito Bar
The A-List Bar
The Cavern Club
The District Brew House
Vide Beach Club
The Local: The 24hr pub experience! The two pros of this place is that it is open 24 hrs, the food is free, and there is a great view of the Atrium Bar stage meaning you can eat and watch entertainment one floor below
The Dining Rooms: There are three dining rooms on the ship that you can eat lunch and dinner at. Unlike the other cruises I’ve been on where you had to make reservations ahead of time and to eat at an assigned time, this cruise gives you the liberty to go whenever you would like. Because there are several dining rooms, there is always plenty of space at any time and thus you can dine on your own schedule.
Every day, there is a menu posted outside the dining rooms. You don’t have to look at each of the dining rooms’ menus because they are all the same. The menu does change for lunch and dinner every day
My mom was a bit disappointed that there was no true formal night with a lobster dish as we have found on other cruise ships
The Garden Café Buffet: I have to say that usually I am not a fan of the cruise buffets. The food usually is sub-par, but I have to say I was mildly impressed with the menu at this buffet. My family and I actually ended up eating here more than the dining rooms because of the expansive options and the ever changing menu.
There are hamburger/hot dog stations, Indian food station, a hot food station that changes every day according to the theme, Italian station, cold cuts station, Asian food station, salad station, and a huge dessert station
For drinks, there is a bar and non-alcoholic beverages such as tea, coffee, and different flavored waters
Room Service: This is complimentary and 24hrs a day but there is a service fee!
Restaurants (not complementary)
Ocean Blue – Seafood
Los Lobos – Mexican
Food Republic – Fusion
Cagney’s Steakhouse
Coco’s – Chocolate, Crepes
Dolce Gelato
Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville at Sea
La Cucina – Italian
Le Bistro – French
Q – Texas BBQ
The Bake Shop
Tea Time Snacks
Room service juice with my champagne to make mimosas
The last Alaskan cruise I went on seemed catered to adults, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that this cruise really catered to family and the young kids.
Flexible dining room schedule
Plenty of activities on the ship
Friendly staff
Entertaining game shows that allows most of the ship guests to interact with each other
The buffet food is better than the other cruise ships I’ve sailed with
They have a package that every room gets on the ship – meaning that your price of the cruise comes with every ship getting a certain amount off at each excursion per port or a drinking ticket in which all the alcoholic beverages were free
They were also very big on hygiene and sanitizers
No main lobster dish
Not a true formal night on the ship (this is a pro or con depending on what your opinion of this is)
Most of the activities on the ship came with a small fee
The room service food was definitely not as good in quality as the rest of the food on the ship
Detailed itineraries on how to do each port coming soon!
Seattle, Washington
Ketchikan, Alaska
Juneau, Alaska
Skagway, Alaska
Victoria, BC
Basically, I highly recommend this cruise as your first way of exploring Alaska!
Happy Traveling!
— Monica
The Bliss Alaskan Cruise by Norwegian Cruise Line – The Full Review: Following the Whales #travel #travelblog #wander #travelblogger #alaska #alaskancruise #ncl Dedicated to my sweet family SET THE SCENE I’ve been on my fair share of cruises – Hawaii, Caribbean, and another Alaskan cruise by Holland Cruise lines – and thus, I think I can safely say that I have had enough comparison to write a pretty good review on a cruise ship.
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