#that beautiful mess of a ship. :)
thirdeyeblue · 4 months
“Nine would have treated Martha better than Ten did”
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I need to talk about this argument that never seems to stop circulating.
Note: Not a venomous/anti post. There’s more than enough of that across fandom spaces as is, and this is supposed to be a place for ✨sweet, blissful escapism✨
When making this argument, people seem to envision a scenario in which Nine never met Rose.
While I can appreciate a good hypothetical, recognizing Rose's significance to the Doctor (Nine and Ten) is essential to understanding why things with Martha played out the way they did in the first place.
In the third series, the Doctor is grieving. This grief is deliberately threaded into nearly every script, whether spoken aloud or not (and these are just a few examples):
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He's burning in Rose’s wake the entire time Martha travels with him, which is why it’s so frequently called upon: It’s 100% deliberate in framing his grief. He grieved as Nine too, of course— having been fresh on the heels of the Time War — but then he met Rose, which changed everything.
Back then, he was still a rude, traumatized pain in the ass, but we watch Rose soften more of those jagged edges with every episode as they grow closer; as he lets his guard down and forms a deep connection with her.
He falls in love (against his better judgment) and it's game over.
And yes: provided S1E1 had been titled 'Martha', one can realistically assume things might have unfolded similarly to how they did with Rose. However, it wouldn’t have been that way just because the Doctor was Nine and “Nine was different” — it would be because he wasn’t already in love with someone else. The same can't be said for the start of S3.
Think of it like this: if Rose AND Martha had been in that cellar — if Nine had taken both of them along with him in S1 — we’d eventually be looking at the most melodramatic love triangle ever, what with him living in close quarters with two brilliant, gorgeous, compassionate young women... But Doctor Who is plenty “soap opera” as is with just one woman in the TARDIS.
(I certainly wouldn’t object to reading that fic, though)
Now, regarding the unrequited elephant in the room…
His inability to be romantic with Martha isn’t because he thinks her lesser, nor is it for lack of compatibility. It isn't because Rose is any better than her. It certainly isn’t just because he’s Ten.
It’s really only for one reason, which can't be denied — and now I’m a broken record:
He is still in love with Rose.
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(cut from a tenrosedaily gif)
Nine is Ten, and Ten is only such a mess in S3 because he’s just lost the love of his life. Martha merely got caught in the crosshairs of a volatile Time Lord in mourning, and yes — it sucks. Absolutely.
But it also feels dismissive to chalk Ten and Martha’s relationship up to little more than some sort of mindless dance of pining, jealousy, and toxicity.
Ten trusted Martha with his life over and over again — and hers, with him. He constantly praised her brilliance, happily carting her around time and space with no intention of letting her go. In the BBC’s extended universe of novels/comics/cartoons/etc, there’s so much depth to their relationship: love and trust and trauma and sacrifice. They had their own special bond as mates, their own complexities — so it’s a bummer that it's forever overshadowed by the other things.
I’m not denying that there was a lot of stuff that sucked/was for sure toxic about Ten's S3 behavior, but so many of the things I've seen him catching flak for can be directly attributed to being A Clueless Fucking Alien Idiot (not a trait that’s unique to Ten) — as well as his flat-out obliviousness to Martha’s feelings.
So yes, I agree: if Rose never existed, he would have treated Martha differently as Nine. He also would have treated her differently as Ten. Certainly.
But Rose did exist, and when discussing canon, it matters.
“He tells me that he absolutely, 100% loves Rose... He tells me how my daughter; my wonderful, beautiful, clever little girl saved him from himself before… And he says that’s all because of me! I made her into the Rose Tyler that saved him.”
-Jackie Tyler, Flight Into Hull!
Martha got the short end of the stick in S3. She came round at the wrong place and time, but that doesn't mean it was all bad. It doesn't mean the Doctor didn’t adore her. It certainly doesn't mean the time they spent together was wasted or worthless. They were brilliant!
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Sure, he could be a twat, but let it be known that he was a twat with Rose as well, both as Nine and Ten. I’m sure Tentoo can be plenty infuriating, too. So while I'll defend Ten (and Tentoo) into the ground forever and ever and ever, I'll concede that he's fucked up.
The Doctor is a certified Pain In The Ass. It’s one of the things I love so much about this character — dynamics.
But never forget that Martha was goddamn tough as nails and overcame every bit of it. She moved on with her life, and the Doctor moved on with his. One can only pray that, when they inevitably drag her back onto the show (which feels inevitable if I'm honest), we see at once that she's been living her best life for all these years.
#I'm paranoid af about posting this but also feel like maybe two people will read it so perhaps I'm safe#doctor who#tenth doctor#ninth doctor#rose tyler#martha jones#baby's first meta#dw meta#I hope this wasn't just a mess of discombobulated stream-of-consciousness chatter#try as I may to avoid it#I'm somehow still aware of the sea of bad fandom vibes surrounding almost every character mentioned#besides Nine - who for some reason seems to be above reproach#there's a painful absence of civil discourse#especially where shipping is concerned#but let me tell you#I've vibed with T/M people about T/R and T/R people about T/M and it is a beautiful thing#I wish we could all just get along#also I've got so many more thoughts about this topic#like an embarrassingly long list of thoughts#I tried to scale it down as best I could while also being as inoffensive as possible#gonna crawl back under my rock now#also you should all go read Peacemaker#best DW novel since the Stone Rose#belated tag added way after the fact but:#for some reason I’ve yielded so much hate mail since originally posting this#because I suppose some people have only cottoned on to my enjoyment of T/M#but please note that I’ve been writing my T/M series since 2022#it’s had no bearing whatsoever on my love of T/R+T2/R aka the OTP of all time#but I’m also a grown-ass woman in my thirties and we are all playing with dolls here#I just wanna spread love and write smut and I do this for fun so if you can’t be nice - then I don’t want you reading anyway
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final-milf-ratchet · 8 months
Not the magnus anon, consider, ultra magnus orgy with Predaking, Optimus, and Wheeljack.
Maybe he gets sparked 👀
Big, heavy, refineries. Also babies. Full of babies. Between Optimus' breeding kink and Predakings probable breeding kink(at the very leat repopulating his species) and wheeljack definitely being a kinmy fucker. He is fucked out and full of transfluid.
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Who r u and how TF did you get my notes app!!!!! 🫣🫣🫣 Akkslqkakskwwaaa Am I that obvious!?!??! 😭 Breeding kink so strong it shines through da goddamn blog 😔😔
Okay but idea: instead of Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack and Predaking fighting, it devolves into an orgy 😳😳 maybe predakings in rut or something, he's obv pissed at losing the rest of the predacons, but luckily for him he's got a nice big bot in front of him perfect for breeding.
They do fight of course, well, Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus think they're fighting but Predakings trying to get a perceived rival (Wheeljack) out of the way long enough for him to claim Ultra Magnus. Wheeljack gets thrown into the wall and gets back up just in time to see Predaking fingering Ultra Magnus open, just enough prep so Ultra Magnus can take the heads of both of his spikes.
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^wheeljack trying to figure what he's supposed to do, he just gained respect for Ultra Magnus and now realized he ALSO wants to fuck him
Maybe fucking you mate on top of your defeated 'rival' is some kinda instinctive predacon thing 🤭🤭
Optimus comes back to check on them and make sure Wheeljack and UM are okay, and instead walks in on Ultra Magnus being spit roasted, covered in paint transfers that make it clear Wheeljack and Predaking have both fucked him multiple times. Optimus and ultra Magnus have been dancing around a whole 'thing' since Magnus landed on earth, so of course he's going to want Optimus to take a turn filling him up with transfluid.
They ground bridge back to base later like "surprise! New dragon autobot :)" and the kids are distracted enough by a cool ass dragon transformers they don't notice Ultra Magnus hiding away until the transfluid bump goes away. But it turns out with three attentive sires, the bump doesn't go away. In fact, Ultra Magnus just gets bigger as the sparklings of a prime and a huge predacon (and Wheeljack's tiny bitty that was kinda a surprise cause she was hiding behind her siblings in the scans) grow inside him. Poor Magnus 🤭🤭🤭
(also poor fowler, having to deal with these horny robots having BABIES. Maybe him and June can have a nice date night to make up for it lol)
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crippling-pages · 2 months
reasons to ship Tiana (tam and biana) <3
@innereverblaze You asked to be convinced on which ship (Tiana or Dexiana) you should ship, and I am here convincing you to ship Tiana. This is also there for anyone else wondering why I ship Tiana or why YOU should ship Tiana. Thank you.
*cracks neck* Okay lets do this
Tiana is the pairing between Tam and Biana, and their ship is AMAZINGGG. These are just a few of the tropes in their ship
Opposites Attract
These are their main tropes, though there are a ton of other smaller tropes too! (Ex: Rain/Sunshine, Sun/Moon, Talks A Lot/Will Listen (for me, I hc that that one can go for both).
Moving on to moments in the book; it's a fact that all the boys (Dex, Keefe, and Fitz) had/has a crush on Sophie. One after another, they each picked Sophie. All three of them. But, when we meet Tam, instead of falling for Sophie like the others, he notices Biana. The moment being when Keefe says, "The Foster Fan club is closed" or something like that, Tam blushes says he isn't interested, then proceeding to glance at Biana,which shows that he may be interested in Biana, not Sophie. He doesn't like Sophie right away like the others did, he sees Biana and he likes Biana. And Biana has always had a problem, not being noticed or seen. She was the 3rd child of a famous family; Alvar was the oldest and already doing great things (to their knowledge), and Fitz was a super powerful Telepath. And she was just Biana, at the time. When people saw her, it was for her status or her brother. And when Sophie came along (wanna be clear that I'm not blaming Sophie; forever a Sophie stan), everyone started to talk about Sophie, including her own brother and former crush. Now it seemed like one of the few parts of recognition she got was given to Sophie, the mysterious and multi-abilities girl with humorous talent, and everyone was thinking about her. And then we meet Tam. Like I said before, Tam takes interest into Biana. Before the crew officially meets Tam and Linh, Tam contacts Biana this time, to contact the others. He could've chosen any of the others, expect he chose Biana. And since then, he's always been Biana > Sophie.
And Biana does similar to Tam. When Sophie and Fitz go to visit Tam and Linh in the beginning of the book during Lodestar, they come back and Biana complains, saying that they were lucky and this implies that she wanted to see Tam again too. Later in the book, when Sophie, Dex, Fitz, and Biana go to visit Wylie, they spot Tam reading in the sitting area, and Biana changes her mind and goes to sit next to Tam. She smiles, and then says, I quote, "Plus, I haven't seen you in forever!" Note the fact that she says "you," not "you and Linh." Biana was excited to see Tam again that she decided to say there with him instead of doing what their original objective was. Tam replies to this, smiling shyly. After all, no one has ever wanted to be with him before. He was a twin and a shade as a child, and both were taken as bad things, so he probably was very alone as a child, with no friends or anyone other than Linh to talk too. But now, he sees Biana wanting to talk to him, choosing to sit down and catch up, saying upfront that she missed him. None of the other people in the group have really directly talked to Tam before (for the whole series, if I may add) that isn't for Neverseen or Black Swan related purposes. Continuing on, Tam replies to Biana (again, smiling shyly), "I hear we'll be seeing more of each other soon." (That could be recognized as flirting but I don't think Tam knows what flirting is during this moment of time so it's probably not). This suggests that he is actually excited and eager to see Biana more often, and as we know form Tam, he doesn't that excited often. From these moments and interactions, we can confirm that both Biana and Tam, ever since first meeting, find interest in each other and want to learn more about the other and want to see each other more, are are excited when they get to be together.
There are another handful of moments in Lodestar between them, but there are two more that stand out to me the most. (Three, technically). One is the oh so famous scene when the group is at the Exilium training area, and they're talking about Marella, and the Biana points out that Marella is staring at Tam. There are a few other comments by the others. Tam himself is surprised, by this, and simply says "Okay" and lets the topic go. Biana, however, does not. She says something along the lines of, "Okay? That's it? That's all you have to say?" implying that she's shocked that Tam doesn't have another say on this, and he starts blushing at Biana questions, since they hint that she's eager to know what he really thinks. This can also be seen as possibly jealousy; She sees Marella staring at Tam, and giving him a flirty smile; she'd want to know if Tam finds her cute in return, or that he might be interested in her, and the thought of that makes her jealous. Tam is saved from responding, because Linh speaks up and says "He doesn't like her. He likes brunettes." She says this smirking, and directing it at Biana. This may mean that she's trying to subtly tell Biana that Tam finds her cute, or pretty. Tam then says, "Gross, why do you know that?" Note that he isn't denying it. He isn't saying that he doesn't like them, he's asking why Linh knows this. Linh then says, "Because you aren't as sly as you think you are." This could mean that Linh has noticed how Tam acts around Biana. She noticed how he looked at her in Neverseen after being asked about joining the Foster Fan Club, then denying it. Maybe Tam has looked at Biana other times that weren't noticed by Sophie, but by Linh.
Another moment is when Biana tells Sophie that she and Tam found something in the Silver Towers. Sophie asks what she meant by her and Tam, since to Sophie's knowledge, only Tam was was working there, and Biana explains that she went to visit Tam early that day. This suggests that Biana wanted to see Tam again. As I said earlier, Biana was and is eager to see Tam again, and this is another moment being proof of it. Along with this bit, Tam had to spend hours in the Silvers Towers per day, so that means that Biana got to spend hours alone with Tam, and they probably had learned much more about each other and had gotten closer. Later, when they're in the Silver Towers, Biana says to Tam, I quote, "Go on. Show them how cool you are." Tam blushes at this. As the statement says, Biana thinks Tam cool, and that matches up with Biana wanting to spend more time with him. This is also another time Biana has complimented him (she once complimented him about his ability in Neverseen ,calling it an 'anti-vanish'). Tam is insecure about ability, hence likely being judge a lot as a kid and his parents being disgusted, and with Biana constantly telling him its impressive and cool, he starts to feel less bad about it and left insecure.
There are a few more moments in Lodestar, but for now I shall be moving onto Nightfall, quite possibly the book with the most Tiana moments, and I'll be doing them in bullet points so I don't have to write anymore paragraphs so it'll be easier for you to read. (Hence there are a lot, we'll be doing the biggest and my personal favorites)
Nightfall Moments (With page numbers)
On page 217, when Forkle takes about sending Tam and Linh back into Foxfire, Biana squeals and gets excited, saying that they'd see each other more, hang out during study hall and team up in PE. This is another moment showing that Biana gets happy and excited at the thought of spending more time with Tam.
Page 384, when Sophie, Fitz, Tam, Biana, Livvy and Grady are in the Forbidden Cities, Biana points out that a bunch of girls are staring at Tam. This is similar to what she did when Marella was looking at Tam.
Page 387, Biana tells Sophie that she and Tam didn't find anything in Candleshade; Candleshade is big, with hundreds of floors; it would take hours and many days to search, so that would mean that Biana and Tam would have spent even more time together, just the two of them alone. Again. Multiply times. During these times, they've definitely have gotten much closer and know much more about each other. (At this point, I feel like they've definitely gotta a crush on each other.)
Page 397; when Biana, Sophie and Tam are talking about what they should wear when sneaking into Nightfall, Sophie says "What about Tam?" and Biana replies saying that he'll be alright if he "ditches his shirt." This implies that Biana wants to see what Tam looks like without a shirt on; this is also likely Biana subtly flirting with Tam. Tam is embarrassed, and says that he'll get cold, ever the oblivious.
Page 442; Marella says that Biana is possessive of her brother, and Biana replies that she isn't possessive, and that she doesn't like it girls use her to get to her brother, since to them, Fitz is the best looking boy in the school. She then says to Tam, "Linh must know how that feels." And that suggests that Biana thinks that it is very good looking, or just as good looking as Fitz, and that a lot of girls would go up to Linh because they would want to get closer to Tam. This again, could be Biana subtly flirting.
Page 447; I feel like people sleep on this one a lot. It's when they're trying to figure out where to put Alvar after finding him in Nightfall. Tam says that Choralmere could work, since it be unexpected and the Neverseen wouldn't expect it. It's basically Tam subtly saying to Biana "I'll bring your almost dead brother to my abusive home for you even if I really don't want to go see my parents and house again but it okay because your more important and I care about you."
Pages 451-452; Possibly the most underrated Tiana moment in the series, and it's when Tam and Biana talk about the the cruelty of Tam and Linh's parents, and what their parents did to the them. Biana brings up how screwed society is, and how she feels bad about how her life is/was almost perfect, and that it's that way because of the "Vacker Legacy." She said that she wished she could like others in bad situations, like in the one Tam and Linh were in. Tam comforts her, telling her that she doesn't need to feel bad, saying that it wasn't her fault. He said that she didn't know how bad the world was, that not a lot of people do. This makes Biana feel a lot better, thanks to Tam. (Not gonna lie, Sophie third wheeled in this scene.)
Page 457; Another minor one, but while they were talking about Alvar, Biana's eyes start to tear up and she moves to go look at the portrait of Tam. She was in a room full of art, with many pieces and decorations, yet she decided to look at the painting of Tam.
Page 474; This is my favorite moment in the series (I made a post about it, you should check it out!). It's when Tam stops and notices that his portrait was re-painted, and Biana says that she did it. It shows how Biana disliked the portrait, and that she didn't believe it represented Tam right. Even though it wasn't hers, and that it belonged to Tam's mother, she spent time and repainted it. I feel this says a lot about what Biana thinks of Tam. (It was basically was: Biana: *repaints the picture of you your mom made because I didn't like it and because it wasn't truly you and you're amazing and should be recognized as you are now not as you were before or like how your abusive parents see you as*). Physic/Livvy also says "not to spoil the moment" implying that Tam and Biana were having a moment.
There are a few other, smaller moments in the book, but these are the biggest and main moments. To my memory, Flashback has two moments and they're minor, but still say a lot.
It's when someone says that Tam should look in Everglen for clues and stuff, but Fitz says that his parents might not let him because of Alvar. Tam replies saying, "Don't worry. Biana would let me in." That means, despite the Alvar situation, Biana would still let Tam inside Everglen to search around. She also decided to help him.
Around the end of the book, when they're fighting the Neverseen, Umber shoots an arrow of shadowflux at Biana. Not Linh, who we knows means a lot to Tam. Not Linh, who Tam would sacrifice his life for. Umber didn't shoot the arrow at Linh, but at Biana. This could mean that Umber sensed how much Biana meant to Tam, and that he might've cared for her as much as he did for Linh.
Flashback was more of a Sophitz/Sokeefe book, so there wasn't a lot. Moving on to Legacy, there were a surprising about of moments, despite Tam not even being there. (Note that I haven't read Legacy, and that it's my least favorite book in the series, followed by Stellarlune.) I don't remember much from Legacy, but I do now some vague moments, but otherwise these won't be that good and that accurate.
Biana has mentioned, a handful of times, about getting Tam back. When she can, she brings up Tam. This means that even when he's not there, she thinks about him.
There was a few scenes in the book where Biana says that she misses Tam.
There's this one scene, and it's when Sophie and Biana are talking, and Sophie's "Happy Shadow Thoughts" t-shirt is brought up. Biana says how she really wanted to get one. This suggests Biana saying that she wanted to have the shirt because it was about/related to Tam. (She trails off, after saying that she wanted a shirt of her own, a look of longing and sadness appear son her face.) Biana and Sophie also talk about Tam's kidnapping, and Sophie comforts her.
After everyone walks up from being knocked out during Keefe's transformation, Sophie says that Tam will help them, and when Biana wakes up, the first thing she says is "Tam?" Since we already know that Biana missed Tam a ton, one can only assume that one of the first things she did after Sophie left was go and hug Tam...
And that's that for Legacy. (I swear that only good parents in Legacy was when it was about Tam).
Moving on, we have Unlocked and Stellarlune. Unlocked has this one moment (though it is a VERY important one), while Stellarlune doesn't have any Tiana (or Dexiana) moments. Let's do Unlocked.
In Unlocked, on page 676, Fitz teases Biana for rushing up the stairs to Solreef. He says that "she's dying to see Tam" and then stage-whispers to Sophie "My sister' a fan of silver bangs." While this is two facts for the price of one (that Biana missed Tam a whole lot, and that Biana finds Tam cute and likes his bangs), what Biana says next is "Really, Fitz? You want to talk about crushes?" And this is important, because Biana, sweetheart, when the hell did Fitz mention ANYTHING about crushes??? Hmm? When?? *proceeds to jump up and down because this literally confirms that Biana has a crush on Tam* (Biana also then blushes bright red after what Fitz said, and I quote from Sophie, "which was either embarrassment or confirmation. Or both." And we all know that when an author says "or both" 98% of the time, it is both.)
And that is that. All (almost all) of the Tam and Biana moments in the series, along with in-depth analysis for each.
Furthermore (yes, I'm not done), let's talk about the characters themselves.
Tam's character is shown as the stoic, quiet, and 'emo' character (he isn't actually emo, though. He's just seen that way because of stereotypes). Biana is the sparkly, bright, and the princess of the series. Their opposites. But they also have a ton in common!
Both have siblings (trust me, you can relate about siblings)
Both have expectations from society and their parents
Both have once been hated on (Biana with the Alvar situation, and Tam... in general.)
Both are underrated and underappreciated people.
Both can be snarky at times.
Both are stereotyped (Tam being a Shade and people automatically assuming he's evil/not a good person; Biana being a spoiled princess because she's the daughter of a powerful family.)
Both are important and valuable people.
Literal icons. They're so icon.
BAMF duo.
There are other kinds of similarities between the two, but these are the main ones.
Either way, both would bring out the best in each other. Biana's brightness would bring out Tam's, and Tam would help Biana become more confident with herself. They would help each other with their trauma, comfort each other, and just help each be the best they can be. Tam would be able to talk to her about the Neverseen, and his parents, and Biana could talk to Tam about her scars, and Alvar. They even each other out and help each other be better. All in all, they're good for each other and would make each very happy.
And finally, here are some my Tiana headcanons to show you how cute they are <3
Biana buys Tam bouquets or flowers. One time, Tam mentioned that he liked flowers, and the next day, she arrived at Solreef, blushing a very bright red, and handed Tam a bouquet. Linh had to deal with a happily dazed and swooning Tam for a full 15 minutes.
They have movie nights at Solreef. (Solreef has a mini theater for when they watch human movies.) They'll cuddle up on the couch together, laughing and having fun, and falling asleep.
They are the MOST competitive people you will ever meet. On their own, they're competitive, but together, oh boy is it dangerous to be on the other side. Almost everything is a competition. Sometimes they've had to sit out in Base Quest because they made it too much of a deal. Sometimes the crew does Tam and Biana vs. Everyone else (Tam and Biana almost always win).
Tam's ticklish. Like, really ticklish. Biana's one of two people who knows (the other is Linh, though she doesn't really acknowledge it anymore) and she 100% uses it to her advantage. If she wants to go shopping but Tam's being a bit lazy, she'll just carefully graze her fingers on his side... Or sometimes she just wants to see Tam laugh. It makes her feel good. She loves him laughing, and smiling, and giggling. She gets all warm and fuzzy inside. ...Or when she's just bored.
Tam designs and makes clothing for Biana. (I headcanon that he's obsessed with clothing and fashion, like Biana is.) After Biana got her scars, he promised her that he'd show her that they can and are beautiful. A few weeks later, he comes to Everglen, and hands Biana one of the most gorgeous dresses she's ever seen. It was because of seeing how beautiful she looked in the dress did she start realizing that her scars were a part of her now.
Physical touch is probably their biggest love language. Like, no matter where they are, they need to be in some kind of contact. Walking in Atlantis? Arm around waist. Black Swan meeting? Hand holding. Lunch with the crew? Hand on knee/thigh.
Tam has very unnoticeable freckles around his cheeks, and sometimes Biana will just stare at Tam from across the room, counting them. (To be fair, she'd stare at him either way.)
Biana gives Tam a ton of compliments. He's never really been complimented as a child, or even now, so when they start dating, Biana's 10x more open about complimenting Tam. She'll start casually calling him "pretty" or "amazing" or "literally the best person in the entire world" etc etc. And since Tam isn't used to it, he almost always gets all blushy and shy and giggly about it.
Every time Biana hears Keefe joke about Tam being 'shady' and 'darkness in the flesh' she's smirking to herself because the Tam she knows is literally the cutest, funniest, and most adorable thing she's ever seen.
Tam's 6'2 and Biana's just about 5'5 (when they're completely grown). Tam teases her about being short.
Tam takes Biana out on dates in Atlantis often. He knows how much she loves shopping, so they'll go to a few shops and look around, and he'll get her a few things.
They're the biggest on cuddles. It's the most important thing EVER to them. They won't (intentionally) do it when others are around. Neither of big fans of that much PDA. But when its just them, CUDDLES <3
Tam's ace, so kisses are rare coming from him, and it makes Biana flustered. Sometimes, he'll kiss her just to see her blush.
They secretly date for the longest time ever, and at one point, they just don't care anymore and are way more open about their relationship in front of everyone. And obviously, they don't tell anyone about the sudden switch, so everyone's like "??? What??? When did they get so close??"
They love each other so freaking much and I ship them so hard I could EXPLODE
And you have it <3 Why I ship Tiana, and why YOU should too <3 thank you.
(tagging because I can): @keefe--sencen @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @frizzle-mcshizzle @theleopardstalker )
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Lol Christmas is near peeps 😏🎄
Yeah this dumb idea is all I can think of on drawing something to celebrating this holiday. 😅
Last few weeks has been chaotic 🥲
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serenpedac · 2 months
“We belong to the Earth and the sea, you belong to the stars.”
— Zhang Beihai (The Dark Forest - Cixin Liu)
#quote#three body problem#the dark forest spoilers#i initially wrote down this quote because of how beautiful it is#at the time it only seemed like an observation of how much humanity has changed over time#but now i can't help but think about what he does later on...#saying he is a defeatist or escapist doesn't feel like it captures his motivations#he realised they changed and knows they will have to change even more#his motivation is not simply catastrophising or fleeing but rather *developing*#if that makes sense?#to him going into space was the only logical next step for humanity to survive#making this quote as much an observation as it is a prediction#which is beautifully done#also thinking about his thought later on of how instead of finding a habitable planet they might be travelling in space forever#but that this generation wasn't ready yet to consider that#of course his ship had to be called Natural Selection lol not very subtle there#also:#the phrasing 'we' against 'you' makes me think that he knew he wouldn't be a part of this in the end#for someone who thinks things through as much as he does#some part of him must have realised there would be no place for him in this new version of humanity#ah i'm having many feels over here#(still not a fan of someone acting all by themselves and justifying all their actions with 'duty'#but i find him a lot more interesting than expected and also like him a lot more)#...this may have worked better as an actual text post rather than this mess of tags but here we are#zhang beihai#the dark forest
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pain-is-too-tired · 27 days
Is my main otp still Jake/Michael, yes
Do I 100% see the appeal of Percy/Michael tho?
Oh without a doubt.
1. Their ship name could be Mercy, which is exactly what you be begging for if you mess with both of them-
2. Percy is absolutely devastated when Michael isn't on the bridge, and the fact that Rick just drops that emotion afterwards is so dumb.
That boy was ready to call Blackjack,until he knew Annabeth needed medical help severely he was ready to search every nook and crany for Michael. Even if seeing it as platonic, he obviously cares for Michael. Especially if they been working together in any fashion since the previous summer. I mean Percy just shoves Michael at one point and we don't even hear a complaint. Gods bless them.
Like, both Charles and Silena's death continue to weigh on not just the rest of the book they died in, but also leaking into the next book.
But Michael, who literally sacrifices himself to stop Kronos advancing as well, doesn't even get any scene where anyone outside of Percy is clearly distraught. Breaking the bridge was his idea. He was ready to fight Kronos with just one arrow. Give us people grieving for him Rick- please 😭
3. They would both be too much sass/attitude for the gods to handle. Real reason Michael was killed/j
Anyway. We were at least robbed of their friendship. They'd be absolute menaces.
Actually, a Jake/ Michael/ Percy/ Annabeth ship in some form is very funny to imagine.
Because Jake gonna be the chillest out of them and gods bless his heart. Michael, Percy and Annabeth gonna somehow start arguing with a god(probably Hera-) and Jake's gonna be in full panic trying to get them to shut up.
Also. So many of the Hephaestus kids are so chill- like I think Leo is the only really chaotic one(I mean, other than Harley. But he's a little kid and idk how much that should count gsgd)
So. Nice. Hephaestus just really have some the coolest kids ironically.
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riddlerosehearts · 11 months
i know it's past halloween when i'm posting this, but as a vildia shipper i've been thinking a lot about what vil and idia would do together for halloween--ignoring the existence of the halloween event that we already have--and since i imagine them getting together post-book 6, when ortho has joined the film club and idia is trying to be a better brother to him and be less of a shut-in overall, i think it's a lot of fun to imagine the two of them taking him trick-or-treating!!
i think ortho has tried to get idia to take him trick-or-treating before, but every year idia always says no because he thinks going around to a bunch of rando's houses to get candy is scary, lame, and pointless (they can literally just buy candy at the store, after all!) and he has too many special halloween events to play in his video games anyway. so one day during a film club meeting a few weeks before halloween, ortho offhandedly mentions this, saying he's always wished idia would take him trick-or-treating, and vil decides to talk to idia about it. it actually doesn't take much for idia to agree that yes, it is wrong of him to stay in his room all day when his little brother wants to spend time with him on a holiday, and he absolutely should do it this year, no matter how nervous the thought of it makes him.
he asks vil to come with them, and vil initially says no because as much as he enjoys the aesthetic of halloween, he has a certain reputation and image as a celebrity that does not include doing such childish activities at the age of 18. but idia gets him to change his mind by convincing him that, actually, a lot of his fans would love to see photos and videos of him taking a little kid trick-or-treating because it would be gap moe! a term which vil understands without explanation thanks to idia--and he can see how such a thing just might actually be good for his image, simply by making him seem less otherworldly and unrelatable. so, he agrees, and the three of them spend the next several weeks trying to make their costumes absolutely perfect.
they really go all out, and they have a ton of fun with it. idia's costume has a mask that he keeps on at pretty much all times, so that keeps him from being nearly as nervous as he thought he'd be... except for when ortho gets so excited that he tries to just blast off from house to house without him or vil. but, he and vil both are incredibly happy to see that ortho is so happy, and throughout the night idia's ego gets inflated from all the compliments the three of them get on their costumes, and he and vil constantly exchange snarky comments under their breath about the quality and craftsmanship, or lack thereof, of the costumes and decorations they come across. they collect tons of candy and idia makes sure to add a special attachment to ortho's gear to allow him to actually eat it. vil started thinking he was too old for trick-or-treating a long time ago, but he ends up being pretty glad he went, especially when he sees all of the positive reactions from his fans on magicam.
i also think that before and after the trick-or-treating, ortho would hang out and do halloween stuff with his fellow first years while idia and vil take some time for themselves! the first thing they would do is that idia would introduce vil to one of his favorite survival horror video games, one that has a 2-player co-op mode, and vil might take a bit to get the hang of it but would ultimately really enjoy playing the game with idia.
later at night, they cuddle up and have a bit of a halloween movie marathon. based on idia's love of pumpkin hollow, he's definitely into horror movies, and i also think vil is as well, since he was directing a gothic horror for the film club in silver's PE uniform vignette and then based pomefiore's halloween costumes on gothic horror aesthetics. so, vil would get idia to watch his favorite classic gothic horror film, idia would force vil to watch pumpkin hollow (which vil did not think he would enjoy based on idia's description of its story, but by the end, while he still found it a bit silly, he was able to admire its craftsmanship and creativity and see why idia loved it so much), and then they decide to wind down and watch something more lighthearted. they pick howl's moving castle and idia compares howl to vil several times during the movie, which vil briefly gets annoyed by but then uses as an opportunity to tease idia back.
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murdleandmarot · 5 months
platoria or demelurina for the ship bingo? ^_^
Platoria!! 🤍🎀🌹🩰
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Good lord do they drive me fucking insane. Plato is a gorgeous gorgeous deer boy cat with eyeliner and pretty hair for days and Vicci is the jellicle moon the stars the universe the baby ballerina of all timeee. The original ‘she’s everything. He’s just Ken.’ Daphne and Fred. Mrs. Piggy and Kermit. I promise I’m not trying to be pretentious or anything but these two are like if Romeo and Juliet wasn’t tragedy. If they were doomed and there wasn’t an age gap. Platoria is that. To me. And also holyyyy shit they’re both gorgeoussss. Truly the best to ever do it. No notes. 10/10.
Deme and Bomba are under the cut :)
Demelurina!! ♥️🧡💋🍷
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RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY MAKE ME CRAZY!!!!!! Not in the same way as Platoria but like….different. Their personalities are so different but they love each other so much….i love it when they go crazy during Macavity or completely body the harmonies in Grizabella the Glamour cat. Gillian Lynne has a vision, and I see and understand and want to eat the vision. Their shared trauma with Macavity makes their dynamic really interesting, because Demeter was clearly the one more hurt by the whole ordeal, so the way they parallel and contrast each other during the song is ACTUALLY insane. When I sing Macavity for fun, there’s always a very noticeable difference between the tones, and the way the two of them ebb and flow with their voices. Actual ear candy. Stunning.
Revivals need to get SO MUCH MORE INTENSE AND INTIMATE WITH THE CHOREO. I’d never thought I’d say that about fictional characters, but PLEASE let them interact more. This is a DUET!!!! LET THEM TOUCH EACH OTHER AND ACKNOWLEDGE THE OTHER ON THE STAGE!!!!
Anyhow I love them so so much and they’re beautiful and great. Bomba baby, Demeter honey, I love you both <33333
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clumsycapitolunicorn · 10 months
it's been nearly 6 months since the ted lasso finale and im still pretty much:
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#ted lasso#messing with us tedbecca shippers and giving rebecca some rando...ruining a canon ship...trying to girl boss a character-#-who you didn't even let have her own work plot when it was time...#making two men who had a beautiful relationship growth fight last minute over said girlboss and making them grossly misogynistic#leaving one of your characters in an ab*s*ve relationship was an awful woman and all the mentioned ab*s*ve moments were-#-just for sh*ts and giggles#ohhh and also making it mandatory to forgive even the sh*tty people when it's ok not to#taking your lead away from a place he was most stable and maybe or maybe not having him get back with his ex who told him he was too much..#-got with their therapist (and you never dig deep into that mess) and maybe cheated...#yes to be with his son but there were options for him to stay in london and bring his kid and ex so they could both parent or show a-#representation of these kind of situations and maybe have henry living with each parent 6 months each and getting the best of both worlds#also your boss is more rich than she started and was providing for you your kid and ex#instead we get ted only deciding to leave after his mother told him his kid missed him (as if that isn't obvious) such a weak way to go-#-about it and tbh ted leaving his kid far away to go to london instead of like half an hour way is kind of stupid all round really#they wanted a mary poppins situation except mary poppins made some roots of her own and had connections so it didn'twork#yeah i am still...feeling a lot
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fenny-self-ships · 1 year
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I got this gorgeous commission from @zipperqwerty and I absolutely ADORE it- LOOK AT MY BOYS 🥺🥺
I believe his commissions are open right now, so if ur curious go check him out!!
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krispyjb · 6 months
Ah fuck I’m thinking about Water 7/Enies Lobby arc again
Whoops I wrote an essay in the tags
#one piece#one piece spoilers#particularly a line that Franky says to Robin that really stuck with me#‘no one is born into this world to be alone’#god just the entire central theme of this arc being that you always have a place in this world#even if it doesn’t seem like it#the entire goddamn rooftop scene#the straw hats finally learn the extent of robin’s trauma and why she feels like she needs to leave them to turn herself in#and in response they DECLARE WAR ON THE WORLD#because Robin is their family#and god help anyone who messes with their family#and as if it wasn’t enough that the arc has that whole beautiful storyline#everything else about it is top notch too!#Usopp’s own arc where he learns to let go of his pride and realizes that he can focus on what he brings to the straw hats#Franky facing his own past and finding his place with the straw hats as their newest member#and the fights with cipher pol giving everyone a chance to shine!#nami and chopper get to actually Do Shit!#Luffy’s entire fight with Rob Lucci#Robin snapping Spandam’s spine after everything he did to her#anyway one piece is ultimately a story about found family and in no arc is that clearer than Enies Lobby#oh and don’t even get me started on everything with the Going Merry!#edit: okay so I misremembered something#it was Saul who told Robin that#but also Franky telling her outright that her existence isn’t a sin#aaaaaaahhhh my heart#I’m not really a frobin shipper (I don’t really ship anything from one piece aside from maybe namivivi)#but like. I think I get it
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juusasu4evagrrl · 2 years
So I’ve been arguing for days now with a random sasusaku shipper (I know I know) in the comments of a yt sasukarin ship video of all places and at first his responses were sooo funny so please enjoy
I’m rosie with the lavender pfp duh
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The following three are one comment
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I really thought I did something with that essay of a comment I thought eyes we're about to be opened and hearts changed but it just devolves into more homophobia from here 🙄
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So I kind of just left it here because we were both taking Ls like why am was I putting so much thought into this I have no clue I felt like I was really in the wrong though cause the more we talked the more it became clear to me that this was a teenager and I should not have said anything about pegging so fat L for me there anyway I just thought this whole spectacle was hilarious and I wanted to share moral of the story is that Sasuke fans are always crazy (and I wear this as a badge of honor but😌) Sasuke fan boys are just crazy TERRIFYING.
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lootsofathousandsworld · 10 months
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quick mess sketch before bed. :')
Yesterday and today has been stressful I need to draw something for myself 💖
welp night lad/lass!
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didsomeonesayventus · 2 years
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long time no art post unfortunately creative juices as far as a nice illustration goes are pretty dry but I did manage to squeeze out an assortment of wlw rarepair doodles to infect your dash with oooooooooo you wanna ship them so badddddd
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makshu · 2 years
I found an art blog that I was enjoying and I saved some stuff but... it was a BLmatsu shiper :'(
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I really wish this guy recording would stop talking over the cutscenes and booing Eggman so I could post them. like shush I'm trying to listen to my man speak smh the nerve lol. but EGGMAN SOUNDS SO GREAT AND LOOKS SO HANDSOME OF COURSE, MY HEART IS FULL OF LOVE AHSUFISBSBKGSBFJSH 🥰💕💗💜💖💘💜
I'm so happy to see and hear more of him, though it's only three mins worth from what I've found and compiled so far for my personal viewing pleasure hehe. this is what I needed all along to be more interested and excited for the game than worried like I've been at the same time. now I'm feeling a lot more excitement and joy 🤩
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