#that being said i have seen a lot of valid critisims
coolguycy · 2 years
oh my god i love seeing people having the worst takes and bad faith criticism on the things i enjoy. it is. so fun.
semi rant in tags
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avatarconner · 6 years
My ‘Problem’ With Blake.
I’m not entirely sure of this is a problem or a Critisim on my part. It being a problem if I have no validity to my statement and is based purely on my personal feelings, while it would be a critisim if it can be seen as reasonable despite my personal feelings.
Now first off, I want to say that I by no means hate Blake Belladonna, the ship known as bumblebee, or have any real gripe with her that aren’t just harmless rips on her. I love all the menebers of Team RWBY bit of I had to rank them in any order, and total honestly the margin between them is so close its subatomic, it would probably go Yang, Weiss, Ruby, and Blake.
The only reason Blake’s 4th is because I personally haven’t felt a connection with her but that could change any episode now. And I also want to say that I really do love the show and find what they’re doing with Blake and Yang’s relationship interning, this is, putting it bluntly, just what I wanted and expected to see. Just because I haven’t gotten it doesn’t mean I hate the show or anything because of it.
What my ‘problem’ with Blake is......she left yang. Now look I know that she’s only human......well not really I guess....only Faunus? Is that the correct term? Never mind point is, she made a mistake and I got no problem with that, everyone does. No need to damn them for it, it’s only natural.
But Blake leaving Yang is different because, like she said herself in Volume 2, that’s all she tends to do when things get rough. She ran from the White Fang, she ran when they found out she was a Faunus, and she ran when yang got hurt.
Now obviously Yang’s injury isn’t her fault, I’m not saying that or implying it. But everything that happened after? That is entirely Blake’s responsibility, it was her own choice to leave without talking to anyone or explaining anything. She just bolted when things got out of hand.
And I don’t blame her for that either, that can be a natural response......but here’s what my gripe is. She’s done it before.
When we make a mistake, we learn from it. Voluntarily or not, but Blake keeps making the SAME mistake. But instead of being called out on it like Yang does initially, Weiss and Ruby reason that she has a good reason for it.
Now I get why they say this, for one thing Blake does have a reason for it but calling it a ‘good’ one can be debated. I mean Adam simply could have finished off yang just to spite Blake but that’s just a ‘what if’. But Yang’s reaction, that anger, is completely understandable.
Yang opened up to Blake and told her about Raven, how her leaving effected her so negatively. But in spite of that she still left.
And yet a talk with Weiss about loneliness (which I love btw) and suddenly she’s not as mad anymore? I understand talking about things helps out and it more often than not does but......it doesn’t change anything.
Look I’m not saying that I dislike what the shoe is doing with these characters, I love RWBY, hell i want to animate on rwby one day. But when I sit down and think of Blake and yang this just pops in my head and it gets me a little pissed.
And honestly it could be that I don’t understand how complicated the relationship is, I have trouble with social quest and such, so if I sound just plain spiteful then please tell me why I’m sleeping so I can try and understand.
But Blake still left, she feels guilty about it but that doesn’t absolve her of what she did. She left, knowing that Yang has been hurt by it before, and instead of staying and trying not to make the same mistakes she’s done before, she repeats them. And that just frustrates me because no one calls her out on it.
If if this sounds biased towards Yang’s side, that’s sort of the point. Could you say that if you where in Yang’s shoes that you wouldn’t be as mad, or that you would be on the same sort of ground as she is with Blake now?
I just want to keep in mind that this could very well change with any episode now. With how well they’ve been handling the tension between Blake and Yang I can’t wait to see the talk they share. Hopefully it’s soon too.
I really do love this show and it means a lot to me, Yang esoically because her story of picking herself up after a personal tragedy really hits close to home for me. That and we’re both older siblings.....not to a girl though, god I don’t know how I could handle that.
Finally I do want to say that I’m perfectly fine with not seeing any of this, it’s not like I’ll quit the show if it doesn’t happen. I’m honestly just used to people in Blake’s situation to just defy their ‘adam’ and stay anyway. But Blake’s story isn’t that, it’s one about abuse and how manipulation can affect someone and it’s great in its own right. And for how well these four stories weave into one overall narrative is amazing, bit this small part just kinda clases. Again that’s my personal opinion.
If you disagree I totally respect it, I just hope you treat me the same way. And if not......well....um....ok then.
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