#that boi was THICCCCC and heavy as FUCK. imagine getting just bashed in the head with this basically text book ass nerd fuckin shit
seraphicalsuccubus · 21 days
I have never read the princess bride but have seen the movie and it's one of the greatest films of all time.
Your story about the book just is beautiful I hope you enjoy carefully reading it
I strongly encourage you to read it !!! it’s such a good fucking story, my god. it’s been my favorite book and film for over 20 years, ever since I first saw it as a child and then begged my mom to let me read her copy of it when I was a little older and could understand more of it.
I fell in love with the story so fast. like, the film is obviously fucking stellar just absolute PRIME and a love story for the ages, like total fucking fairytale fucking elegance. but the book ??? my god. it’s on par with the Hobbit, my other all time favorite singular book, and the Dragonlance Chronicles. at least, the main trilogy of the Chronicles. I actually used to have a GIANT, like we’re talking a little over 1,300 pages, almost FOUR FUCKING POUNDS OF BOOK THAT’S LIKE 3 INCHES WIDE with nearly 10 inch tall pages packed full of small font that is also annotated by both authors, has a bunch of not only full color but also glossy like photo-esque illustrated pages, and was even signed by Tracy Hickman himself because one of my mother’s good friends bought and got it signed for me at a convention he went to just because he knew how much I loved those books and how often I begged my mother to let me read the three she had on her bookshelf so he bought me my own special collector’s kinda copy. and I don’t know what happened to it 😭😭😭 I have to buy a fucking new one and it won’t be signed anymore and I’m so sad about that. I think it’s up in my mother’s attic with all the rest of my books from when I read like non-stop every day so I’ll never see that or my red leather bound with a red leather box sleeve, a huge fold out and very detailed map at the back, LOTR 1976 collectors edition that was given to me by my grandmother on my father’s side again either lmao 😢😩 (just looked online for prices on both those books and I’m 😭😭😭 because Chronicles is like $95 for the hardcover on Amazon, and the correct 1976 LOTR red leather edition is up for auction with bids starting at fucking $250 with considerable amounts of wear and tear from use/heavy reading. it was definitely a well loved book, but I’m not willing to spend that much on a damaged edition of it, so I will not be getting my hands on that version again. maybe the Chronicles though, one day 🥺)
but, anyways, I do still REALLY wanna read the series him and Margaret Weiss made of the twins. I just NEED to learn more about Raistlin and his Test™️ and Caramon and everything that goes into their backstory more because I never got around to getting my hands on that collection of Dragonlance books.
ANYWAYS wow i fucking RAMBLED I’m SO SORRY omfg ASJDKDHSJD if you read all this, I feel bad btw if you did lol, but I hope you’re having a good day and that this weekend wasn’t too bad for you at least !!! ☺️
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