#that contrast thoooo
claudiaheitner · 2 years
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okaaaaaaay but who is SHE, tho???? the red and the blue ooooooo
who knows!! wip *untitled
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kirayamidemon · 11 months
I would like your permission to punch those shitty anons in the face. Sorry you're going through this. Some people seem to forget or they are not capable of realizing that fiction is not reality, and it shouldn't be taken too seriously.
I personally love how short and adorable shrimpy Yuu is~ Makes for a good contrast against the tweels. Height differences for the win~!
Sadly nothing you can do bout it esp with how worse theyre getting each gen, needing to assign morality n irl standards for every single little thing
But thank you thoooo, you're always so sweet ;;;;
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cero-sleep · 2 years
I MUST know everything you got on Polar bruh EVERYTHING. Anything you’ve got written down for them I WILL READ. Anything else you have brainstormed for them I WILL ALSO READ. You have fr hooked me with just the design alone. No pressure thoooo
Finally sat down and compiled what I have!
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Ok!! So Polaris
Adding this right here as well
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As I mentioned before, they ocuppied what would have been the role of the Y/N (fun fact, they were going to be the Y/N of the au, but became an OC instead heh), working with Sun and Moon and getting close to them, until one day after their shift, they're running late and, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, happen to catch Vanny doing smth, who in turn kills them, but isn't able to get rid of the body in time
Bc their death was really traumatic and they weren't ready to move on, they accidentally and unknowingly possessed a new animatronic body that was in development and basically got stuck that way, bc, when they woke up, they couldn't recall much of anything, memories a mess, so they no longer knew who they were and just kinda went along with stuff
Not very long after Polaris' death, a new animatronic, Star, is introduced as an assistant and extra pair of hands for the daycare
Sun and Moon aren't thrilled, as they're still mourning and it feels like they are replacing their friend
So they act distant, their relationship being purely professional
I imagine Star would struggle with some stuff that is second nature to humans, but not even close to that to animatronics, getting restless at night, especially at first, bc of being unable to/or just not sleeping (and also anxious bc, for some reason, they never feel entirely safe in the Pizzaplex) and at some point even panicking bc they feel like they can't breathe
I imagine that, probs the first night, Sun and Moon would suggest drawing as a way for them to distract themselves and leave it at that
So, they end up drawing those weird... memories??? maybe to try to figure out what they mean, or a pattern or, unconsciously, just to try to find some sort of closure
Sun and Moon would mostly keep to themselves, but maybe one day they'll notice that some of the stuff they're drawing... looks familiar... but how could they...?
They'd pay more attention to them after that
Still feeling iffy abt them and now having some new found questions, and they'd start to notice more things that they didn't really pay much attention to before, but that don't make much sense, like stuff they might say or be familiar with
I imagine that, eventually, they'd start talking abt it and Sun and Moon would probably figure it out first (still doubtful however)
Eventually, all three would realize what happened (partly) and Polar would remember who they are, at least more so than before, memories still kinda fussy
After they have had time to come to terms with all this and become closer again, being on more stable ground so to say, a Y/N would actually be introduced bc of complaints from the parents of the lack of an actual human person watching over their kids
Polar's relationship with them would be kinda complicated
They would be nice to them and mean it, Y/N is a good person afterall and they like them, but sometimes they'd also need to step away for a min or two bc of it all becoming too much of a reminder of themselves and all that happened
They couldn't help but worry abt Y/N either bc, what if they also end up getting murdered? They aren't safe here
At first, Sun, Moon and Polar would agree not to tell Y/N anything, keeping it to themselves, but eventually, after they get closer and enough trust is built, they'd actually talk to them abt it
This is mostly it! Security Breach like events would most likely take place, leading to the Plex burning down and the group getting out
Also, I imagine that their more calm and chill energy contrasts with the DCA's more energetic and/or chaotic one (still unsure if Sun and Moon would be together or separate for this)
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kinetoscoped · 7 years
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The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
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taegyuun · 3 years
s/o stealing their clothes
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genre: fluff
word count: 1k
paring: enhypen x reader
note: i wrote this in about 10 mins so it’s not that great but i think it’s pretty cute
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he does like a triple take-
mans has to look and then looks again in disbelief before rubbing his eyes and leaning forward like some old man and look again
once he renders what was actually happening hes go s o r e d
pls bully him for it it’d be so funny
you’re just standing there like🧍‍♀️ “yo what” and hes like “my? hello! is- mine- woah- good lord- hi yeah-“ and you’re like is he good
you literally ask him if he can smell toast bc you were that worried to the point of thinking he was having a stroke
nah hes just malfunctioning BC YOU LOOK SO GOD DAMN CUTE
once he kinda regains his consciousness he cannot stop cooing over how cute you are
rest of the boys under the cut !
mans pretends like he does not see 🧑‍🦯
sir we all know you purposely left that in a very totally not obvious place and acted like you forgot it 😐✋
you ain’t slick
also pretends like hes not blushing LMAOOO
kids ears are redder than your stove and i think that says enough
tries to act all cool and chic and what not as if hes totally unaffected but hes stuttering every two words and tripping over every other object that isn’t even remotely in his way 💀
but once he got used to it he literally physically shoves his jackets or shirts or what not into your arms when youre choosing outfits bc he just LOVES it that much
red and malfunctioning pt. 2
but instead of acting as if hes having a stroke
homeboy just stands there like a sim with no task-
you can literally see the loading circle thing above his head
once it finally clicks omg... he just SQUEALS like a little boy and runs over to you before hugging you so tightly
hes like “you’re so cute :(( i love you so so sk so much :((( you’re so so so cute :(( how can you be so cute :(((“ he overused the word cute so many times in that first sighting that you forced him to give you $5 every time he said it
no but hes already pretty clingy but when you wear his clothes... gawd dayum
he doubles in clingines
never lets you go and always has the brightest smile on his face
mf is so chill 😐
he acts super nonchalant about it but the second you were out the room he falls flat into the couch and squeals into one of the pillows while kicking his legs up an down
cannot keep his cool when he sees you wearing his clothes jesus-
if you ever catch him doing his “theyre so cute i’m about to implode” ritual, he’ll go back to his cool facade and try and play it off as if he stubbed his toe or sumn and is just in great amount of pain
homeboy doesn’t realise you were standing at the doorframe and saw the whole thing happen 💀✋
but yeah he loves it a lot just tries to act like it doesn’t affect him but we all know better
hes 100% the one to be like “oh yeah that one is so cute on you i love it pls wear it as often as you can- actually just keep it- wait no i still like it.... we can share!!” but then he’ll also be like “no that one makes you look weird don’t wear it 🙄” LMAOO
mr. fashionable or sumn up in here
99% of the time loves what you wear from his wardrobe and he just loves how his style matches yours or the way it contrast yet you still manage to look adorable
loves choosing outfits for you
he gives me the vibe of like loving to have matching socks-
but that’s off topic
if he sees you wear his hat or something he will take it off your head, try it on himself and if it doesn’t fit with his outfit he gives it back to you
if it does fit... well too bad i guess
stops, stares, acts like everything is all good
hes like a mix of jake and sunghoon where he malfunctions for a bit before trying not to lose his cool y’know
it’s like that meme of that dog in a burning room and hes like “i’m fine,,, this is fine” LMAOO
nah bb is losing his mind
he kinda gives up on being nonchalant and what not and just pulls you in a FAT hug and tells you how pretty you look wearing his clothes
may tease you for the choice as well
he’ll say stuff like “omg that’s my favourite one” or “could’ve chosen a better one y/n... but oh well still look cute 🙄” LMAOO
if you’re sitting on the couch or actually scrap that
hell just constantly have his hands playing with the seams of the sleeves or the bottom of the hoodie bc he just finds you that cute
blushes but plays it off like it’s fine and teases you
hes teasing you about wearing his clothes and being so obsessed with him 🙄
hes saying that as if hes not losing it on the inside and definitely doesn’t have bright pink cheeks yeah totally riki you’re so slick
no but when you guys cuddle you can see how much he genuinely loves when you wear his clothes bc he just cuddles into the fabric and always inhales just a bit deeper
he loves yours and his scents combined together
after a while, he’d probably start to randomly hand you hoodies or jackets out of nowhere
youll open your mouth to say you’re cold and before you can even breathe out hes already handing you a hoodie and you’re like
“where tf did you get that from ??” and hes just like “don’t ask. wear”
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
A Subpar Guide To Unine
I was inspired by this video, their new album coming out on May 6, 2020, and also yanjuniverse saying something about not knowing them and wondering if there was a guide or something so yeah!
anyway please enjoy my nonsense it’s fun and there are a lot of songs and performances that I recommend looking at!
if anything is unclear, send me a message or something!  i just want everyone to love Unine
Unine is the second nine member group to be created by Idol Producer/Youth With You/QCYN/whatever you want to call the competition show.  The group is made up of Li Wenhan, Li Zhenning, Yao Mingming, Guanyue or Guan Yue, Jiayi, Hu Chunyang, Xia Hanyu, Chen Youwei, and He Changxi.
The official fandom name is Nano.  Unine debuted with their EP 《UNLOCK》 on May 6, 2019.  Their album 《U-Night Flight》 will be coming out on their one year anniversary May 6, 2020.
As someone commented on YouTube under one of their videos, I can’t remember which one please don’t ask, they are a more vocal line leaning group whereas Nine Percent was more rap line leaning.  I think it’s neat to see the contrast between what people want to see in any given year and how different their music styles are.
Some members have been in or are currently in other groups as well, so you may see some familiar names if you don’t know Unine (yet ;})
Li Wenhan
Final Rank: 1
Leader, Center, Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper, Face of the Group
‘94 Liner
A Cancer with his birthday being July 22
Yuehua Entertainment boy
Representative Animal: Shiba Inu
A member of the Sino-Korean boygroup Uniq
There his position is Vocalist
He is fluent in Chinese, Korean, and English
His nickname is Hanhan
He is also an actor and owns 2 cats and a corgi
He says that every time he’s working on a new project he adopts another cat or dog
He is very caring towards his younger trainees and is always looking out for them
Neighboring Tarzan was a good performance of his and it also contains 5/9 Unine members so that’s pretty frickin cool tbh
His audition stage was Uniq’s “Monster” and it was a great performance like Minghao and Jolin were jamming along to it
also the flower petals at the end that they then had to clean up killed me it was a beautiful effect but ill planned with the consequences
“gui-ze” meme stemmed from this performance
please let this tired man rest
He studied in the US but then left to focus on his music career
He has a great singing voice and is always ready to help his members and he is just a good leader wow
Li Zhenning
Final Rank: 2
Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Face of the Group
‘95 Liner
He is a Scorpio (like me!!) with his birthday being November 5
BG Project boy
Representative Animal: Koala
Nicknames include Shenshen and Black Pearl due to his tanned skin
He has a cat named Aoao who is a little over a year old now I think maybe?
He didn’t get noticed until his Retreat performance where he pulls his tie
He used to be one of those people who was like “this person is actually quite good; nothing’s wrong with him, but I can’t remember him” and like he considered himself like that and him debuting at the no. 2 spot was really well deserved and i am so proud
This is also the performance where he rapped and he spent so much time practicing for it and it was successful and I am just really proud of him bc he leans more as a vocal and was really struggling and wanted to make sure he did it right and i’m jsut really proud i love himso mcuh
His dancing in this stage was unmatched by anyone else there (and this sounds biased because i am)
Li Zhenning vs Li Shenshen
on stage mans is focused and completely undaunted and carries sexier concepts well
off stage mans is baby boy. baby.  he’s goofy and adorable and i love hiim so much
compares himself to a koala because “especially [his] nose shape is similar…and [his] eyes look blurred…[and he’s] sleepy all the time”
we stan a short king (he’s 5′9 which yeah, is taller than me, but still)
He dances so well and just owns any stage he is on
Rebuild is one of my favorite stages hes done and coincidentally has 5/9 members of Unine in it, though they didn’t know at the time of course
He was incredible during this stage like ugh i didn’t have a bias bc he was there, Mingming was there, Changxi was there, i had no way of surviving
Hair Color King
He had a blue-lavender color during Rebuilt, in Unine’s Set It Off mv he had blue, he’s had black and blond and he’s rocked all of them
Yao Mingming
Final Rank: 3
Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Sub Rapper
‘97 Liner
He is a Capricorn with his birthday being January 5
One Cool Jasco Entertainment boy
Representative Animal: Cat
He had been a trainee for six, almost 7 years, when he debuted with Unine
He had several near debuts including with Seventeen
Speaks Chinese and Korean
Because of this, he was very closed off at first with the other trainees and eventually had to have a talk with Zhang Yixing PD
The gist of the conversation was that Mingming was sort of…doubting, I guess you could say, his talents and Yixing told him to treat the show as if he were a new trainee
This led to Mingming becoming more open with the other trainees and more confident in his talents and skills and it really showed and I was really happy he was able to debut bc he deffo deserved it
Mingming’s gray and floral suit in the Rebuild stage is something i think about on a weekly basis at least it’s a really good look for him guys
also just the confidence and cockiness he has during this stage i love to see it
He also has an opportunity to really show off his dancing skills and i loved it for him
He can do imitations really well and likes to imitate Hanyu a lot
think Yesungie and Eunhyuk except accurate
He has very feline features
this has nothing to do with anything he’s just really really pretty
is it because i am biased?  perhaps
Guan Yue
Final Rank: 4
Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Sub Rapper
‘94 Liner
He’s a Capricorn with his birthday being January 16
Cast Planet Entertainment boy
Representative Animal: Rabbit
The leader of XII Constellations as a whole and the subunit The Wind
12C is a CPE group with a concept of having four 3-member units, each focusing on a different music style
The Wind focuses on bright and upbeat music and was the first to debut in 2017
Currently there are only six members of 12C
He knows sign language as both of his parents are deaf and when the trainees are allowed to call home, we see him talking with his mother
He has a lot of love and respect for his mother and it shows
His goal in life is to make enough money to support his family so they don’t have to work
I love Guan Yue’s “Turn Up” stage like the cockyness and confidence he has is fantastic i love to see it
his costume is also pretty good esp considering what the trainees sometimes have to wear
also Shenshen and Mingming are in it as well
His performance in Ugly Beauty was incredible also
I loved his Neighboring Tarzan performance bc he was able to include his dialect in his rap part and I love when trainees are able to bring more of themselves into a performance
I want him and Chen Linong to collab bc he was essentially idp2′s Nongnong with the infectious smile and incredible stage presence
the cutie, sweetie, angel, sweetheart, etc. of the group and of the show’s run
Final Rank: 5
Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper, Lead Vocalist, Visual
‘98 Liner
He’s a Cancer with his birthday being July 14
Star Master Entertainment boy
Representative Animal: Bear
Is a member of Mr. Tyger
There he held the roles of Visual, Lead Vocalist, Sub Rapper, and Youngest
One of his nicknames is Little Star
He can play the saxophone
His favorite part of his body are his eyebrows, which, valid
Jolin Tsai’s Xukun
So like y’kno how Yixing was a fan of Xukun the moment he saw him?  Jolin was a fan of Jiayi the minute she saw him
The “Ugly Beauty” performance was certainly something to witness
Jiayi as a blond was a fantastic look and i miss it.  a lot.
like Neighboring Tarzan was very good look for him even tho the stage costumes were a little a lot extra
his dance was great and bitch got them body rolls on lock
Jiayi vs Huang Jiaxin
on stage focused, determined, owns it
off stage he’s a giant goofball and i love him so much
hes like unfairly handsome but thankfully likes to make dumb faces
somehow he still stays pretty its upsetting at times
Hu Chunyang
Final Rank: 6
Main Raper, Sub Vocalist, Youngest
‘99 Liner (like me!!)
He’s an Aquarius with his birthday being February 5
Yuehua boy
Representative Animal: Golden Retriever
Nickname is Yangyang
Was one of those nerds who would rather stay behind in class and finish their work than go and eat or whatever
Mad respect tho bc i am too when i am at campus dkfja;lsdk
At his audition stage, he covered Wang Yibo’s rap in Uniq’s “Monster” and honestly who is doing it better than him?
I want to see him and Justin interact so bad they had to have they’re both YH boys
@ YueHua let me please have this
Yangyang in the Neighboring Tarzan performance really emphasized how great he is at rapping
he seems at first like a shy and introverted guy but is a mean and grouchy little man when you get to know him
i love to see it
older trainees were always looking out for him
he has a really stable rap voice
Xia Hanyu
Final Rank: 7
Main Vocalist, Sub Rapper
‘97 Liner
Gemini as his birthday is June 11
Show City Times boy
Representative Animal: Wolf
He can play the piano incredibly well and also plays the guitar
His first impression was that of “the big bad wolf
However when he gets more comfortable with the group, he becomes a big softie and his smile compels me to smile
Still uses his dark looks to his advantage thoooo
he was being dramatic and mean once and then like after saying his ‘insult’ immediately cracked and started laughing and hiding his face
shenshen in response to a performance said he immediately got goosebumps
Neighboring Tarzan was a great way for him to show off his high notes imo
He had red hair one time and I miss it a lot bc it looked good
Chen Youwei
Final Rank: 8
Lead Rapper, Visual, Sub Vocalist
‘98 Liner
He is a Cancer with his birthday being July 7
Ciwen Media boy
Representative Animal: Pig
Attended Zhejiang Sci-Tech University and majored in fashion
He can play the guitar
He modeled and is also an actor, having been in several cdramas
The most notable of these is “Story of Yanxi Palace” where he played 5th Prince
He was greeted as such by the other trainees when he walked into the room
He’s also a scholar and this was shown in a rap he had created during the show
mans is the donghae of unine
in that they’re teased for how they speak
his mandarin is bad and donghae’s korean is bad
his rapping is good and he seems like a real sweetheart
mans also likes to munch, saying he can eat 5 meals a day
He Changxi
Final Rank: 9
Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
‘97 Liner
He is a Sagittarius with his birthday being November 24
OACA Entertainment boy
Representative Animal: Lesser, or Red, Panda
His English name is Jerry and I deeply hate how much it fits him
His nicknames include Xixi and Yong Ri Didi
He loves a good ginger foot bath
Like it was such a well known fact that Yixing even asked him about it once
He wasn’t really noticed until his performance in Fire which is especially impressive considering that his performance wasn’t filmed in front of an audience but instead one of the practice rooms
there was a competition between two teams for each song and the winning team would get to perform on stage in front of the youth producers
Xixi really looked so fierce and confident in the Rebuild stage I was so proud
He also did a dance cover of EXO’s “Love Shot” and if you’ve been following me for a minute you know that i love EXO’s music and it was great to see
his killing part was also a reoccuring meme
Mingming loves teasing him and it’s so funny
Suggested Videos of their IDP Days: (flashing lights warning)
Wenhan and Chunyang’s Audition Stage
Wenhan + Mingming React to “gui-ze” Trainee Compilation
《后退 Retreat》  – Zhenning Focus
《后退 Retreat》  – Stage Performance  
《重塑 Rebuild》  – Zhenning Focus
《重塑 Rebuild》  – Concept Evaluation
《重塑 Rebuild》 – Mingming Focus
Mingming + Yixing’s Talk
Mingming + Impressions
《 青春有你 Turn Up》 – Guan Yue Focus
《 青春有你 Turn Up》 – Stage Performance
Jolin Tsai + Her Favorite Trainee
《怪美的 Ugly Beauty》 – Mentor Stage
《隔壁泰山 Neighboring Tarzan》 – Stage Performance
Hanyu’s Audition Stage
Hanyu’s Introduction Video
Hanyu Playing Guitar + Singing
《一笑倾城 One Alluring Smile》 – Stage Performance
EXO “Love Shot” Dance Cover – Changxi
《 骑士精神 Chivalry》 – Changxi Focus
《火 Fire》 – Changxi Focus
UNINE Videos: (flashing lights warning)
《春日記憶 Memories of Spring》 – My favorite song by them, this is the lyrics video in Chi/Pinyin/Eng
《春日記憶 Memories of Spring》 – This is the performance from their fan meeting I believe.  The choreo is so beautiful and I want an MV like last week.
《春日記憶 Memories of Spring》 – This is their performance from the Reedit Stage.
《SET IT OFF》 – official MV.  There’s a lot of jumping out of windows, Guan Yue has purple hair, Shenshen has blue hair, and Jiayi and Xixi look great.  The song is a bop, there’s a nautical theme, what more could you ask for?  A coherent plot for an MV???  Overrated.  It’s essentially Unine’s 《RULE BREAKER》.  It’s from their second mini album “Unusual”.
《SET IT OFF》 – This is a live performance at the Mnet Asian Music Awards.  I have a bone or two to pick with the sound editor of the video  but they deliver a fantastic performance.  I like their choreo a lot and it’s more clearly able to be seen on the live stage.
《BOMBA》 – official MV.  Their first single I believe.  Very colorful and fun, the song matches the vibe of the MV.  Mingming’s iconic holding a geometric hanging light like a pear is from this MV.  Hanyu also spends half the MV wrecking my bias.  If I had more braincells I would do an analysis of the MV but alas.
《BOMBA》 – From the Reedit Stage.
《官方直拍 Like A Gentleman》  – Live performance from their fan meeting.  I really like this song and the costumes for stage are stripey and I love stripes.  The lights and screen in the background are in neons and it kind of gives the performance a nostalgic feeling and it’s just a really cute song.
《官方直拍 Like A Gentleman》 – The lyrics video in Chi/Pinyin/English.  The song is really cute you guys and Changxi and Mingming are great in it.
Videos From the Other Groups the Members Are In:
《 爱的就是你 Love Is You》 – XII Constellations: The Wind ft. Liu Jia
《 燃烧吧,拳头 Burn, Fists》 – XII Constellations: The Fire [flashing lights warning]
Note: this doesn’t have Guan Yue but I decided to put it in here to really exemplify the concept that 12C is about.  Also the song lowkey pops off and reminds me of my emo phase
《Monster》 – Uniq (Chinese version)
《EOEO》 – Uniq (Chinese version) [flashing lights warning]
《 钛戈 》 – Mr. Tyger [flashing lights warning]
《夜空悬浮》 – Mr. Tyger [flashing lights warning]
Sources: KProfiles, [Eng Sub] Intro to UNINE Members, various performances, and the show itself.  If I have given any incorrect information, please let me know and I will rectify it immediately.
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fcknerd21-blog · 7 years
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I love when the birds move like this
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