#found it online and couldnt find the source
holmesillustrations · 3 months
hello! first of all, i love the concept of an illustration tournament! all of the illustrations add a more in depth feeling to doyle's stories, and there's something about those crisp lines. it's wonderful good to see there's someone engaging with them and taking the time for this poll! i myself have been looking for different illustrations of hutchinson's and paget's but i haven't found any good scans like the ones you post on your page. i was wondering if they were your scans or perhaps you had found them somewhere? i would love to know where to find them! cheers!
hi! thank you so much!! i really do think the illustrations are such an important element of the stories and it has been so cool to see how much fun people are having with the tournament <3
i definitely dont have any original scans unfortunately (i do have a 1912 strand annual at home but alas, no holmes stories that year 😔) but i have a few sources i got illustrations for the bracket from, plus just editing/cleaning up what i could of the ones that i couldnt find in better quality. i'v said a bit of this before but i havent actually gone through with links/explanations so:
Sources for Holmes Illustrations
Wikisource-UK Strand Holmes Portal - missing most of the Return collection for some reason, but a great source for Adventures, Memoirs, and Casebook, plus HOUN. generally good quality resolution but a bunch are edited to have transparent backgrounds which can be annoying depending on how you're trying to use it. (probably your best bet if you love those crisp-lined paget ones from Memoirs, which are also a lot of my favourites dskfdk)
And then more generally you can find a lot of stuff just clicking around the individual stories' pages on wikisource and wikimedia commons, im not gonna link to all those for the sake of brevity but theyre easy to find
ACD Encyclopedia - im linking directly to STUD so you can see the page format but at the bottom of each story's page is a more or less full list of known illustrations, these are not always great quality but its a good place for reference and there are a few where this was the only source i could find at all (the Steele piece for DYIN comes to mind)
Archive.org: Strand // Collier's // Hearst's Intl etc . The strand scans are pretty comprehensive but vary wildly in quality from some of the best ive found to ones so covered in moiree artifacts that they were not even salvagable. But especially for the later stories with Wiles and Elcock, it was often the only reliable source. Collier's is missing a lot of issues but you can sometimes find things and at least the covers are usually good. Hearst's i can only find for 1923 but its a rly good scan so if anyone can find the 21, 22, and 24 from the same source im 👀.
and I have had no luck at all locating online resources for the other magazines but i love seeing the pages in their original context so im kind of passively looking all the time lmao
I thinkk that covers where i got everything, obviously its been a while since i was doing all this so i might have missed something and there may be other places i never found, but these were the major sources i used at the time. Im not sure if this will help with Hutchinson since i was focusing on first publications only and im pretty sure he was only on book collections iirc? But i think his are on wikimedia at least.
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King in Yellow Reading List
This is just the basic origins of the core King in Yellow lore as far as i could find, and i’m sure i missed some things. The main thing i couldnt find is a single origin point for the idea of the kiy as an aspect/avatar of the more powerful god hastur, or even just those two as alternate names of one entity. The closest i found for that was actually the Call of Cthulhu ttrpg, which may very well be the source tbh. In terms of Classic Cosmic Horror i could find copies of online though, i think this covers it.
The King in Yellow Robert W. Chambers Collection of short stories, the first four of which feature the apocryphal ‘King in Yellow’ play, and are introduced with excerpts from it.
An Inhabitant of Carcosa Ambrose Bierce Short story, origin of the city of Carcosa and Lake Hali, both used by Chambers in the King in Yellow play.
Haita the Shepherd Ambrose Bierce Short story, origin of the name ‘Hastur’ here used as a god but borrowed by Chambers as a city name.
The Whisperer in Darkness HPL Novellette, more explicitly links Hastur with the yellow sign, and thus the King in Yellow. Also brings the KIY/Hastur into the cthulhu mythos in general.
The Return of Hastur August Derleth Short story, reintroduced ‘Hastur’ as a god rather than a city.
More Light James Blish Short Story, Reconstruction of the King in Yellow play inside a narrative framing device.
Apart from the stories listed here, The Hastur Cycle edited by Robert M Price is a great collection that includes most of these as well as context and introductions for each story so thats a great resource, i just couldnt find a link that wasnt a pdf download.
Additionally, its not made explicit and its just one small scene so i didnt include it in the main list but I think the King in Yellow appears in the Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath, and in terms of lore for Malevolent fans the dreamlands are definitely relevent and a lot of what happens in that book in general is paralleled in season 2 which is fun.
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daovihi · 11 months
rewatched barans explanation for how dragon knights came to be via infinity strash, and i noticed something thats been bugging me for a while
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the darklings depicted in his explanation dont look anything like the darklings in the show. in fact, they look more like a lesser demon monster, which first appeared in dq6
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and, just to be sure, i pulled up the manga online via a fan translation and found this page, which is the only one that depicts darklings during barans explanation, which ive put cropped pieces of cuz the darklings were kinda hard to find
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i also checked the old anime, and in that, the darklings look the same as depicted in the manga, except for the god of darklings being explicitly shown to look like the darklings in the flashback. i couldnt figure out which exact monster they were based off of, cuz there were multiple monsters that fit the bill, but the point is they look more like demon-family monsters than darklings
which brings me to my next point. until the 2020 anime came out, darklings were referred to as demons (and it might still be the case in the japanese version of it). however, darklings are treated as a singular species within aod. and although there are humanoid demon monsters, they dont quite match darklings. this leads me to 2 conclusions: either riku sanjo meant demons in general within the flashback, or darklings evolved to the point they stopped looking like their ancestors. and if its the latter case, since they look more like humans than demons, there is a possibility that the darklings we see in the show are actually descended from humans as well
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shadow-schemer · 4 months
Your tags on this are completely correct!!!
Ive seen so many arguments for children being allowed on the internet (but lets be real its social media thats actually the problem) so that kids can find "safe spaces" they couldnt irl, such as if their parents are abusive or their community isnt supportive, they "need" to be online so they can get that support
And while i can see why people would think thats a good thing
The pros do not outweigh the cons. Children being groomed is too much of a risk. Strangers are not responsible for raising a child and its too risky that those "safe adults" just want to manipulate those kids
I will admit ive met a lot of people who "found a family" so to speak, of adult friends they made online and actually left to live with those people, either as a teen or adult, kicked out or just ran away, and turned out better than they would have without them and staying with their biological family
Sometimes these good outcomes do happen and im always glad for these people
But this cannot be encouraged. The risk is too great, especially if it WERE to become more common, predators would take more advantage of this. This is a good way to get trafficked its scary.
But so many kids think they are immune to grooming, that they know better and can outsmart these people, that the risk is ALWAYS worth it.
In the early internet days this was common knowledge, or at least with everyone ive ever known, and its terrifying to think that these children actually truly believe they are safe and invincible on the internet. That nothing bad could ever happen to them.
There is zero guarantee that the other person you are talking to actually has your best interests in mind.
So many people think that by not allowing kids on social media we are trying to inhibit their learning about other people, and ways of the world
But they can do that WITHOUT directly communicating with people. And "learning about people" and such is not worth risking grooming.
Thats just what people dont get
No matter what a child thinks they want, it is not worth the potential dangers that come with being on social media.
And those dangers are downplayed so so so much that people think its not really anything to worry about
The days of stranger danger are almost if not completely in the past
I was from the era where the Internet was a super new thing in school and the first thing we were taught is still "Stranger Danger" and to never give out your private information online no matter who asks.
There were websites intended for children yes (such as Neopets and Jumpstart) but it required the parents' email address before navigation was allowed. Overall, sites required the parents' consent first.
People could argue about "found family" all they like but entrusting your life to a total stranger you haven't seen the face of is just too much risk especially if one is running from an abusive situation.
Also, this trend of pushing adults out of fandom is so weird. Fandom was never a children's space! Stop turning the bar into a daycare! Adults built the place and they have the right to call for order.
Personal Take: If you consider yourself a "child" and you went out of your way to ask or demand or steal the passwords for a gated adult community, you forfeit your right to protest.
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thedeathwitchescats · 11 months
Ive said it before and Ill say it again, learning witchcraft solely through tiktok is a detriment to your practice. Your gonna get lemon hexes and love spells with your pads. I promise you, it is better to research on your own. You have tiktok which means you have the internet. Go forth and find better sources. Read. There are books online. There are books at libraries. Find peoples blogs. My introduction to blood magic started on a random blog abt a girl and her partner wearing each others blood in a necklace. It wasnt a tumblr blog either. It was a random blog post I found from like 2002 on a random blog. I couldnt find it again if I tried probably. Ask your deities, ask your ancestors, as the spirits around you. And yes, use tiktok to find ideas, but dont ONLY use tiktok please Im begging you
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autumn tries to research a difficult hobby.
i decided to try to research this topic as a whole, so i tried to use some resources from my uni's library. lemme tell u, for a hobby like this where most of the interesting things come from hands-on experience, its really difficult to find books about older technology from eyes of a younger person with a passion and interest for these kinds of things. instead i had to look up generalized search terms, like "technology" and "steve jobs" or something. i was, however, interested in the other options that they had. one of the sources that i found specifically spoke about some of the older generation keeping the old technology that they had lying around, although i couldnt get a hold of a copy because it wouldnt get here in time.
it gets difficult to find actual library sources for a niche hobby like this because its hard to write about it like many other hobbies. i hope as i write more on the blog i can contribute my interests and findings with this fun hobby. i am able to get primary sources from other places online such as online forums, subreddits, youtube channels, twitter accounts, and things of that nature. technically i could call myself a primary source considering that i myself have a lot of the older technologies that i talk about.
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kinetoscoped · 7 years
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The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
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a year in the books - 8/9/22
It always just amazes me how much can change from the previous time I write here. I have definitely neglected this space for quite some time (longer than usual) as its been almost a YEAR! It’s always so insane to see how much has changed and where i am now from where i was in the last post. I truly don’t even know where to begin, but I guess i will just state the fact that tomorrow is my one year anniversary of living in NYC.... HOWWW?! So much has happened over the past year. New friendships, self growth, hurt, feeling lost, finding myself, you name it its happened. Its crazy to read my last post and see how un settled this city made me feel. I can now leave my apartment and get just about anywhere by memory. I have so much to say and update on so I guess we shall start with a big part of my last post. D. 
Wowow i don’t know what to say but girlllll you were just getting started with this heartbreak. To say being in a toxic relationship is difficult is just an understatement. Its definitely been one of the biggest struggles from the past year. I have been hurt countless times, but yet i still find myself stuck in the same place. From where I was a year ago, I’ve been back and forth and pulled in every direct. From a genuine relationship to a hook up to a toxic friendship to friends to enemies and back, we still gravitate towards one another. Our relationship makes zero sense to me, but id like to think my mental state of the relationship has begun to take positive steps out of the toxicity. It’s hard to say what the future looks like but all I can hope is that I find a way through this muddy path. I know I am capable and I hope to continue to work on finding my way out... I guess thats all I can really say.
other than THAT! lol so so so much good has happened. Sometime after this post I pushed myself out of my comfortzone to make nyc MY city with MY friends. It took some trial and error, but through a literal friend dating app I found my best friends who I now could not imagine life without. Were literally going on our second trip together this weekend like thats how freaking amazing they are. They make NYC home and I couldnt be more grateful. Not only do I have them, but ive been able to connect with people who I barely knew im college, I have molly and her friends and I even had brooke (who unfortunately just moved back to LA) for so much of the past year. Once i got out of my comfort zone this city really openned up to me. My friends here are the reason I love new york as much as I do and for that I am forever grateful.
Not only have my relationships changed, but MY JOB changed. This I never thought I’d be saying a year ago, mostly because I thought my job was going to be the coolest thing ever. It was at first, dont get my wrong, but once things set into place i realized the scam that is reality TV lol. I am now at a new job that has been one of the most challenging ones yet. Hold onto your seat bc you wont believe this... I AM SO BUSY. I thought i was cursed w boring jobs hahah but not the case anymore!! I really really struggled the first few weeks, but id like to think im getting the hang of it now. Its still in influener marketing which I enjoy, but now i do everything from sourcing talent to contracting to runnning a full campaign. I hope to stay in this role for a bit and grow at the company because it definitely seems like there is a ton of room for it. Im excited to see what the future holds w this career path.
Another big thing is I started therapy this year! It is something ive always been so scared to do, but something i really needed. I am so good at venting to an online portal, but actually seeking a mental health outlet has been so good for me. Sometimes i doubt my progress, but ive been able to open up a lot more and id like to think its made me more overall healthy. 
I feel like thats a pretty lengthy update on the life status for now, but i hope to come back soon w even more life  wins and not go so long without writing here! I am so so excited to see what the future holds, how my nyc life will progress, and what new challenges will come my way to make me even stronger. 
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gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
HENTAI || sub!leviathan x hard!femdom!reader
tags ; @luxxlillies
words ; 1.5k+
warnings ; curse words, a bit of pain involvement on levi, hard!femdom!reader, making levi beg, dick sucking
a/n : so help me if i get hated on again, for making this w/ a dom!slight sadist!fem!reader, im not going to be happy. btw, this is my last obey me related content i make. im not taking requests or matchups for obey me anymore. though i will take it for other fandoms. just look at my masterlist & the rules for what fandoms ill do. kinda cringe so beware
boredom had settled over me. it was the weekend, meaning i was free from homework. but, if anything, it gets boring pretty easily. though, it gives me time to think.
does levi have hentai mangas? does he look at hentai? i mean, maybe i do, but, does he? its probably more on the heterosexual hentai side, since he doesnt seem like the type to look at yaoi hentai. though, i don't mind that. should i check if he does have hentai?
        hell yeah. i can disguise it as looking for a manga to read, and search through his collection.
        after having the otaku demon let me in, buying my excuse of wanting to read one of his mangas. though, he had to lecture me. saying not to dirty or ruin them, etc etc. after he had lectured me, i was free to go.
        looking through the shelves of different mangas, i couldn't find any that seemed to be hentai. i looked at the covers, trying to find any source that he just so happens. finding nothing, i moved to the next manga, taking it out of its place.
        i was about to just call it a day when a small piece of paper was sticking out of the manga. looking back at levi, then at the paper, then back at him. he was busy with games, so he wouldn't notice i've touched the paper. taking it out of its place in the book, i read what message it had written on it.
it was a small list of online hentai comic strips and manga. though, the sites that were written down were not very good sites. they weren't very secured, nor did the manga they have was in high quality. well, except fakku. fakku was probably one of the best places to go to read online hentai.
        though, knowing that levi did look at hentai, answered my question. but the fact that he actually looks at it and not just has it just because.
        it made me wonder what he'd be like in bed. i mean, its confirmed that hes a switch, but mainly a bottom. what were to happen if i dominated him?
those thoughts alone were enough to get me in such mood. smirking, i stood up and walked towards levi, holding the paper in his hands. "hey, levi?" i asked, standing right beside his chair. i looked towards the screen, watching as he had played some sort of shooting game, kind of like call of duty. "did you find what manga you were looking for?" he asked, not pealing his eyes away from the screen.
        "no, not really, but i found something i have a question about." i said. he had just got a headshot, and soon the game had ended. he turned his head towards me, giving me his full attention. "what is it?"
        handing him the small piece of paper, his eyes scanned over the writing and widened. he looked up to me, ready to make an excuse. but, i wasn't going to allow him to.
        "never thought you'd be into hentai, levi. though, that should've been expected for someone such as you." i turned his chair a bit so i had more access, sitting down on his lap. his face exploded with shades of red. "though, i must say, for searching human world sites, you've picked out some weak sites."
i stared into his sunset-like eyes, seeing the emotion they held. embarrassment, excitement, nervousness, and lust. licking my lips, my hand reached down and palmed him through his pants. i could feel the bulge forming, causing excitement to arise within me. small, breathy gasps escaped his mouth, his grip around the piece of paper tightening.
"already that excited?" i whispered into his ear. i could see him gulp from the corner of my eye, having me chuckle softly.
"tell me what you want, levi." i whispered again, palming him harder. his mouth opened, but nothing came out, instead his words were replaced with breathy gasps and small moans. "(y/n)-" he was cut off with my mouth meeting his.
switching my position so i was straddling his hips, i grind against him, feeling him moan into my mouth. my lips met his in a heated kiss, moving against one another and colliding with such passion. i bit at his bottom lip, having him open his mouth and give me access. sliding my tongue in, i could feel his warm tongue against mine. my hands were settled against his chest, my eyes wide and staring into his.
i could feel my panties start to dampen. moving my mouth away from his, i moved my body to where i was kneeling on the ground, my hands placed on his thighs. i tugged his pants down, getting a better clear at his bulge. moving my hands from his pants towards his underwear, i tugged them down.
damn, levi had been packing. i knew of his abs, but damn he's bigger than what i expected.
taking his length in my hands, i started to pump him, a bit of pre cum spilling from his tip. my thumb rub against it gently, adding stimulation there. his breathy gasps turned into grunts and loud moans.
"ahh~ (y/n)~"
i smirked and leaned forward, giving his tip kitten licks. i could see his face darken as his eyes shut. his hands were gripping the handles of the spinning chair, his head thrown back as his moans flowed out. i licked from the bottom of his length and up towards the top, teasing him. i made sure to put pressure on the veins, hearing his groans becoming louder.
giving into his silent pleas, i took his length in my mouth, bobbing my head up and down as i sucked against him. i watched as his grip on the chair grew tighter and tighter, his fingers turning white from how hard he was gripping it. his hips bucked up, meeting my mouth. his length was shoved farther into my throat. letting out a low growl, my hands moved from his length and towards his hips, holding them down. i glared up at the demon, seeing his eyes open as i stopped.
lifting my head up from his saliva covered length, i glared at him. i didn't say anything, as my actions were enough to for him to understand. "change into your demon form." i ordered. with no time waisted, his set of horns and tail had appeared. the diamond like scales were visible against his neck. pleased that he had obeyed, i made quick work to stripping him free of his clothes, with his help.
        stripping myself of my own clothes, i sat in his lap once more. my heat just above his cock. slowly, i lowered myself onto him, my tightness engulfing his thick cock. he groaned, his hands finding there way to my hips. angered, i hit them, and he retracted them as soon as they were there. confused, he stared at me.
"you won't control my actions, leviathan." i growled, slamming myself down on him. his eyes widened, his mouth agape. a loud moan came from his throat.
"i'll control you. and if you're good, i'll make sure to treat you." leaning in, my hand slithered down, grabbing ahold of his tail and gripping it gently within my palm. my fingers caressed against the scales, adding intense pleasure. "but, if you're bad, i'll make sure to punish you."
with that, i let go of his tail and lifted myself off of him. "who do you belong to, leviathan?" i asked, making sure to use his whole name. his face was beet red, he uttered out a response. "y-you.." it was a whisper, barely audible. "what was that? i couldnt hear you~" i cooed, before hearing him shout. "YOU! I BELONG TO YOU!"
slamming my hips to his, his length fit fully inside me. his tip hit my g-spot, a loud moan coming from me. he groaned, as well. "that's right, you belong to me."
giving into both of our silent pleas, i started to ride the demon. my hips meeting his in a face manner, his tip hitting that special spot every time. my hands gripped ahold of his horns, in result to him moaning loudly. rubbing and gripping them harshly, my chest rubbed against his. my breasts were bouncing and pushing against his skin.
his tail made its way to toy with my clit, gently rubbing it, adding more waves of pleasure to course throughout my body. tears pricked at my eyes, wanting to spill out.
"i-i'm about to c-" i cut off levi, smashing my lips to his and slipping my tongue in. our warm muscles glided against each other, my hands harshly gripping on his horns.
slamming my hips on his, his seed shot inside of me whilst i experienced my own orgasm. panting, my grip ahold of his horns weakened, my body weakening and giving out. collapsing against his chest, i tried to catch my breathe. "that was..."
"AMAZING!" he cried out. "idiot," i chuckled. "i never said you could cum."
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mikuedits · 4 years
mod rin’s handy-dandy websites list!!
ive been doing this whole kin aesthetic thing for a while now, and i figure ive got some resources to share!! so heres a list of websites that are useful for this type of thing.
i hope these help!! if you use em could you please reblog to share? i wanna make sure these get around tumblr a bit if they’re actually useful.
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remove.bg : removes backgrounds from images!! the algorithm works insanely well, big recommend from me.
www8.lunapic.com/editor/ : too many options to list here. an extremely useful tool for all sorts of things!!
pinetools.com/invert-image-colors : inverts colors!! i dont think it works on gifs, but ive got another website for that stuff. i used this cuz i couldnt find a white 3x3 grid anywhere,,,
resizeimage.net : the url says it all. instructions are laid out on the website so just follow those and viola!
ezgif.com : all sorts of fun features for editing gifs!! it mutes the colors a bit but for simple edits it works wonders.
photomosh.com : glitch effects!! its fun its easy and its free.
pixabay.com : stock images!!! great for aesthetics n stuff. im fine with using google images myself, but i know some people arent. its also just a good website to look around if ur out of ideas!!
coolsymbol.com/cool-fancy-text-generator.html : fonts!! its exactly what it says on the tin. a few popups every once and a while but nothing virus-y and not frequently enough to get annoying.
alt-codes.net : copy/paste symbols!! works for stimboard credits, plain aesthetic text, and pretty much everything in between. from what i can tell these show up on most devices. there are TONS of em so check it out!!
aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Aesthetics_Wiki : very helpful if you’re out of requests. hit random page and find an aesthetic to work off of!!
tineye.com : find the source of images/gifs/whatever. i especially recommend this if you want to find the source for fanart you found online!!!
incontrolclothing.com : FASHION SETS!!!! new clothes added every week and old ones constantly restocked, so your selection is fresh for whenever you need it!! plus its just super cute if you want something for yourself too.
piccollage.com : this is an app btw!! it sounds informal and it usually is but hear me out... tbh, its a great place to start. hell i use it for the majority of my requests, and they look no different than the photoshop ones!! long as u use the freestyle thing and make ur edit juuuust above the watermark so u can crop it out. only annoying thing is the shadows but thats easy to work around.
picrew.me : need ideas for editing tricks and add-ons? new artists to check out? a base for fashion sets? then i suggest checking out picrew!! not only is it a super fun character creator website, but its also a goldmine for inspiration!! ngl ive made 1350 of these and saved them all to my phone,,
some helpful images that can be hard to find,
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... and thats about it!! i hope you find these helpful. feel free to add on with your own resources!! ill check em out and other people could benefit from em too.
- mod rin
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naturalbornlesbian7 · 4 years
I could definitely predict anything but this: the end of 2020 brought me a pleasant surprise. My first ever girlfriend. My visualisations and manifesting has worked. However, next time I gotta be more precise. Our relationship is long distance😭So it means I wont even be able to experience my first date, kiss,sex any time soon. We truly hope to meet in 2021 and I know it will happen. We just gotta do our best to make it happen💕 i know i have to be grateful for what I have, bc before, I couldnt even dare to dream about having someone being attracted to me even if its online. And its mutual wow😯Double surprise. She is the butch I desribed in my visualisation journal, she corresponds to all of the traits that I wanted in my futyre gf❤
I still have mixed feelings. Maybe I just dont believe yet that its not a dream. I have been dreaming about it since i was a little girl and now I am still shocked like so what am I suppoosed to do now? No crying at night anymore bc I have never had a gf?😂Because now I have one..Its that easy???I am not used to it, it means no longing and venting anymore? My problems solved...wow thanks universe💕 I didnt even had to force anything she found me herself. Magic...
Except for now i have to find out how to meet her irl and all...But this is a problem for a future me😂 Anyways, if only by the end of 2020 I found a stable source of income for myself, then I would be free from all the worries, it would be just chef's kiss. (Universe, I am not hinting at anything but😏)
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Hey do you have any good texts on the relationship between liberalism & imperialism
hm. i cant think of anything that specifically focuses on liberalism but i have a lot about imperialism and culture, militarism, cultural hegemony and how empire is justified which i think is relevant for understanding the extent and sources of liberal imperialism. these are mostly u.s. specific
against empire- michael parenti
the hollywood war machine: U.S. militarism and popular culture
rethinking america: the imperial homeland in the 21st century (had to read this for a class and i cant find it for free online but if u do find it or are able to buy it i really recommend it, its one of my favorite books)
the good, the bad, and the benevolent interventionist: U.S. press and intellectual distortions of the latin american left
women of color veterans on war, militarism and feminism
manifest domesticity- amy kaplan
violent belongings and the question of empire today- amy kaplan
where is guantanamo- amy kaplan
hunt the devil: a demonology of U.S. war culture 
militarizing women as mothers, soldiers, feminists and fashion designers
sex and death in the rational world of defense intellectuals
dr strangelove: nightmare comedy and the ideology of liberal consensus
vietnam: the logic of withdrawal- howard zinn
technomuscularity and the boy eternal: from the quagmire to the gulf from gendering war talk
young american males and filibustering in the age of manifest destiny: the U.S. army as a cultural mirror
killing hope: U.S. military and cia interventions since world war 2
the cia’s greatest hits
imperialism and hegemonic information in latin america: the media coup in venezuela vs. the criminalization of protest in mexico
the sorrows of empire: militarism, secrecy, and the end of the republic
was looking for the backroom boys by chomsky which is about rationalization of imperialism in vietnam but couldnt find it, but this chomsky reader i just found covers the same thing really
i have a lot of other articles and books and shit bc i have university access to jstor and other academic sites. so i have a lot of other material on imperialism, race, critical race theory, settler colonialism, militarism, fascism, etc. if ur looking for anything else specific lmk 😅
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azandynofansub · 6 years
I ask because I am curious... what is your opinion on using pirated RAWs (as in using RAWs uploaded on a website for free when the original needs to be bought) ? ?
Heyo Anon! I liked this ask really much so i made some of my staff answering this:Nucha: I’m against pirated raws of any kind, the least we can do is buy our own copy.Yukio: If we're talking about pirated raws, I obviously wouldn't recommend using it. If there is an official site, it's only natural that we buy it. I won't say I'm a saint, the only time I would probably say yes to pirated raws is if there is no other official site hosting the manga.Egg:  it depends on the manga eg. If its DJ or out of publication  I’d think not buying the free raws is more permissable. I think the key concern is if it affects the authors income. That is my principle.  Gotya: If you look it at scanlation as a whole, it's actually something that's not fair for the author. And yes ofc they get some fame and some will buy some stuff supporting the author. But I dont believe that this is in the majority of the cases and the majority usually dont support the author someway. So buying it from a website isn't really helping the author a lot.Havin said that I do believe that we should buy it as all the bits help.Min: I'm 99% against it but there is 1% for some situation that would leave me no choice but to use illegal raws 
1. a GOOD manga that can't be found anywhere else or out of stock that can only be found from that illegal raws source 
2. very very very expensive manga that i can't afford but somebody donate or gimme the raws, so why not take it? 
3. manga that i can't buy even if it's still in stock cuz i might go to jail (it's yaoi or porn) i love myself more 
4. the boss give it to me 
-webtoon (manhwa or manhua)100% against it. no and never. find a way to get it bish or dont even dream of doing itdone
And now my opinion:  (I’m Zero btw)We are actually using pirate raws (those that you can find online) and it’s something i dont do in a proud way, we do it because we had no other way. If we didnt have these raws, we couldnt have worked on them. 
I’m my opinnion, I would like to buy every manga and webtoon we are working (and we are doing it with lots of them)  and we are basically not doing it with EVERY project we have because we have no raw providers (aside @la-cruciatus who has been kindly giving us some raws) or the way to get them with a good quality.Zero~
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retrogameessays · 6 years
Living the Life of a Horror Hero in Zombies Ate My Neighbors
25 Years Later, Zombies Ate My Neighbors still provides a unique take on horror
LucasArts, founded as Lucasfilm Games in 1982, didn't make its first Star Wars game until Star Wars for the NES in February of 1991. The primary reason for the delay was that the Star Wars brand had been licensed to other development companies (Atari had the rights to Star Wars in 1982). The more romantic perspective is that George Lucas didn't want his company to just make games based on the Star Wars and Indiana Jones properties, but to make more ambitious, technologically advanced works. The early efforts of Lucasfilm Games support this point of view. Habitat, in particular, was released in 1986 and was a way-ahead-of-its-time, graphical, massively-multiplayer online game, that allowed for customization of player avatars, bartering for resources, marriage, and even player-versus-player violence. Either way, the fact that Lucasfilm Games was unable to make Star Wars titles opened the door for the slew of critically-acclaimed adventure games the company became known for. In his keynote speech at Pax Australia 2013, Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert said that, “Had we been able to make Star Wars games, I’m sure that’s all we would have made. Not being able to make those games creatively freed us in ways I don’t think we understood at the time. Without that freedom, there would be no Maniac Mansion, or Grim Fandango, or Monkey Island, or Loom.”
Zombies Ate My Neighbors for Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis is very much cut from the same creative cloth as those titles, and yet serves as proof that adventure games were not necessarily the mandate at LucasArts. It's difficult to even say exactly what kind of game Zombies is. It's a top-down, free-scrolling shooter wherein the player must rescue at least one and as many as ten “neighbors” per level from (usually) infinitely spawning monsters. If a monster touches a neighbor before the player does, the neighbor dies. As with a player's lives, the number of neighbors saved carries over to the next level. If the player runs out of lives or neighbors, the game is over. Zombies is similar to Gauntlet in that it's an action game with maze-like level layouts, but also contains shades of Defender in that it's a shooter that requires the player to save victims while defending themselves against an endless onslaught of monsters.
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I find your lack of panic disturbing
The game that specifically inspired Zombies Ate My Neighbors' creator, Michael Ebert, was an obscure arcade title named Kyros from Alpha Denshi Corp (better known as ADK and for their collaborations with SNK). Kyros is a top-down, vertically scrolling arcade brawler in which the player must fight through endlessly spawning hordes of monsters to reach the top of a haunted mansion. The visual resemblance is striking; both games use the same perspective and contrast a horror-movie theme with a bright color palette. The gameplay differs greatly in that Kyros is a fairly straightforward brawler while Zombies is a shooter with victims to rescue, but both games include power-ups to augment the player's abilities and fast-paced, relentless action.
In addition to being influenced by Kyros, Ebert told Gamasutra in 2007 that Robotron and Smash TV, which were also arcade titles, were two of his favorite games. The influence of these two games may not be as direct, but both were critically-acclaimed shooters and Robotron included saving humans as a play-mechanic. Action games dominated arcades in the late eighties, so it was only natural that as consoles began to take off in the early nineties, game designers like Ebert would try to replicate those experiences for the home market.
The influence of these arcade games is evident not only in Zombies Ate My Neighbors' play mechanics, but in the game's difficulty. Most monsters spawn indefinitely and randomly, making it virtually impossible to get through any one level unscathed. Enemies will occasionally even spawn near a neighbor that the player cannot reach, making them impossible to save. In arcade games, intentionally random design conventions are meant to coax more quarters out of patrons, but without some way to balance out the randomness, they can be frustrating for console gamers who have already invested 200 or more quarters in buying a game at retail price.
Zombies' designers balanced the game's difficulty by using another relic of arcade games, the player's score. For every 40,000 points scored, the player gets another neighbor to replace any that have been lost, and if the player already has the maximum of 10 neighbors, they receive an extra life. The concept of a score had become less relevant in console games of the time because beating the game had become the point of playing rather than earning a high-score. Zombies brilliantly takes a somewhat outdated concept and makes it relevant again by weaving it into the fiber of the game's design, and in doing so created a risk-reward cycle that adds depth. Exploring every corner of a level can yield bonus point pick-ups and more ammo, but at the risk of taking too much damage or wasting too much ammo in defense.
While the arcade influence is somewhat subtle, the influence of classic horror movies is overt. Every bit of the game's visuals and audio pay homage to horror. Level titles are often parodies of classic horror titles (“Evening of the Undead” vs. Night of the Living Dead), enemies include both classic Universal Pictures monsters and more modern frights (ax-throwing dolls reminiscent of Child's Play and a chainsaw-wielding maniac that combines Leatherface with Jason Vorhees' hockey mask), and the music uses surf guitar and howling theremin samples to evoke a spooky-sixties atmosphere. (Incidentally, if there is a connection between Star Wars and Zombies, it's that Peter Cushing, who played Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars, appeared in a number of the British Hammer Horror Films.)
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More childhood nostalgia: mowing the lawn
The combination of Ebert's nostalgia for eighties arcade games and horror films create a uniquely terrifying experience. The aforementioned difficulty in saving all the neighbors is part of the game's horror atmosphere. There should be a sense of anxiety and loss because that is indeed what happens in a horror movie; people die. Victims are even assigned point values based (subjectively) on how likely a movie-going audience would be to sympathize with their death. Cheerleaders, babies, and dogs are at the top of the list, while men and schoolteachers are at the bottom. In Zombies Ate My Neighbors, the player becomes the protagonist of a horror film. Monsters appear from unexpected places, weapons are fashioned from household items, and sometimes a victim just can't be saved.
George Lucas has always had a talent for creating experiences that connect with people and capture their imaginations, often by riffing on the films and shows that captured his own imagination in the past. Whether it was by his influence or coincidence (or perhaps a bit of both) the game studio that he founded has had a similar knack for capturing gamers' imaginations. If there is a connection between Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Lucas' two most famous franchises, its that they were all born of their creators' nostalgia. In the same way that Star Wars was Lucas doing Flash Gordon and Indiana Jones was Lucas and Spielberg modernizing the movie serials of the '30s and 40's, Zombies was Mike Ebert combining his love for arcade brawlers and shooters of the '80s with horror film nostalgia. It is a testament to the importance of history and shared experiences in pop culture. Someone who plays Zombies may not have the same affection that Mike Ebert has for horror films and eighties arcade games (and almost certainly has not played Kyros), but Ebert's experiences, like Lucas' love for Flash Gordon, are passed along through his art.
Kalata, Kurt (October 19, 2012) Kyros/Desolator/Kyros no Yakata. Retrieved from https://hg101.kontek.net/kyros/kyros.htm
Kuchera, Ben (July 19, 2013) Adventure Games Took Off Because Ron Gilbert Couldn't Make Star Wars Games. Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20130721093143/http://www.penny-arcade.com/report/article/ron-gilbert-was-saved-because-he-couldnt-make-star-wars-games
Szczepaniak, John and Derboo, Sam (October 19, 2012) Zombies Ate My Neighbors Legacy. Retrieved from https://hg101.kontek.net/zamn/zamn1.htm
Wallis, Alistair (January 11, 2007) Playing Catch Up: Zombies Ate My Neighbors' Mike Ebert. Retrieved from http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=12360
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canislatverius · 3 years
They weren’t allowed to graduate if they couldn’t do it. They were obligated to step in and provide emergency maintenance to any damaged or broken Doombot they found. Every Latverian citizen knew how they worked, or at least how to get them operational enough to transport themselves back to someone who could truly fix them-- it was all part of an effort to keep Latverian technology securely in the hands of Latverians and safely away from those who may eventually use it against them. 
But finding a powered down, rusted over and defunctional Doombot in a public park of all places was the last thing Milovar expected to ever find in New York City. Sure it was a smaller one, more out of the way and hardly the bustling centre like Central Park, but it surprised him very much that no one else seemed to have found it yet. Maybe locals were scared to approach it?
The fact that it gave off no warmth and did not immediately open its chest plate upon being touched told him that it was certainly not Doom himself, and had been sitting away for quite a long time. An older model, surely. That’s fine; it’ll be easier to get in working order with the simpler, older mechanics.
It took prying and a good deal of effort, but he did manage eventually to get the shell to creak open and reveal the inner machinery. All at once and for the first time since leaving home, he felt okay. He was falling into a familiar pattern of comparing what was before him with memorised schematics and testing various connections - far easier when there was no power coursing through it to create an arc that might severely burn a finger.
Whatever happened to knock this particular Doombot out of commission, it seemed to only actually damage the connection between motherboard and the actual power supply. This particular model was old enough it couldnt draw power from local sources wirelessly, and apparently ran out of power before it could repair the battery connection. They were likely drained at this point, but kick starting it off with a drawn to life battery once he’s restored the connections would give it just enough power to kick in the internal generator.
All he needed to do before that happened was break off the GPS system and hope he could make himself scarce before the ‘bot processed where exactly it was. With a deeply held breath, a slight buzz of electricity beginning to flow, and almost immediately the cold metal started to feel warm under his fingertips. 
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Now his mission was to access programming and see if he had a chance at shutting down communications within the thing before Doom himself noticed a long lost ‘bot coming back online.
Semi-Plotted Starter || @doctorxdoom​
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