#that doesn't mean they get my votes based on what they THINK they're being judged on
redwinterroses · 2 years
You’re right about what defines a tumblr sexyman, but so many content creators are taking it as a ‘who tumblr thinks is the prettiest Minecraft character’ that I feel like I have to give my vote to Sausage.
if Bruce Wayne entered a chiropterologist contest, you'd vote for him.
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foundfamilyhq · 1 year
Welcome + Rules
Welcome to the Tumblr Found Family HQ! Here, we present your blorbos to the masses to have them vote upon whether they should be added to the collective tumblr found family or not. Submit your blorbos here:
See which blorbos have already joined the found family HERE! To avoid seeing the results posts, mute "ff results" The rules are: 1. Play nice; be respectful to others 2. Blorbos can be of any age, since a found family can be just that. So feel free to submit a one-day old infant or a ten thousand year old tree, if those are your blorbos 3. No Harry Potter (or other titles associated to this series or the author) 4. No real people (might make an exception if it's funny) 5. "No real people" includes no individual tumblr users, youtubers or streamers (this might seem obvious, but there were still a lot of them submitted) 6. No OCs. All your OCs are great and I'd feel sad if they got rejected from the found family F.A.Q. under readmore:
Q. When are submissions opening? (Pinning this one to the top, because it's by far the question we get the most) Short answer... I don't know, sorry! Long answer... Because of the way the blog is set up, it's very hard for me to figure that out. Basically, each fandom gets one poll a week, but as there are often multiple characters from some fandoms in the submissions form, it's a pain to figure out exactly how many characters are left to add new polls for when you factor out the repeat fandoms (and also, if a repeat fandom's poll would end before submissions are opened, then a new character from that fandom will be polled before submissions are opened, meaning I'd need to work that out as well). There are often about 200 characters in the submissions form, so you can understand this is too much for me to figure out manually, especially since I'm a full-time shift worker, so my schedule doesn't give me a lot of free time. I don't even like to give a ball park estimate to this question, because with being a shift worker, if I have to do a lot of extra work at short notice and can't meet when I said I'd open submissions, I feel like I'e let you all down and that feeling sucks However, when I do open submissions I try to vary it so that one round will be open at roughly 7-10am GMT and the next round will be open at roughly 7-10pm GMT, to try to catch as many people possible. I know that's not ideal for everyone and people have expressed disapointment about this in the past, but those are all the hours I'm able to give :(
Q. How does this work? A. A post featuring a blorbo shall be made, stating who they are and their source material. A poll will be attached set to one week, asking if the blorbo should join the tumblr found family. At the end of the week, based on the result, I will announce if the blorbo has joined or not Q. What is a found family? A. A found family is a family you find for yourself. It is a term often used in fandom to describe a group of characters who aren't related by blood (although a few members might be) but have come to think of each other as a family through circumstance. Alternatively, they might not be officially recognised as a found family in canon, but wider fanon regards them as such Q. Is this a tournament bracket? A. Nope, blorbos aren't competing against each other, they're only here to be judged by you. We are here enternally submitting blorbos (at least until I run out of steam or pass away lol) Q. I'm not sure if my blorbo counts because of ___ reason? A. If it's not any of the reasons mentioned in the rules, then feel free to send an ask. Or just submit them anyway and I'll decide Q. I submitted a blorbo and they haven't been posted. Did you get them? A. Again, feel free to send an ask. I don't have a regular schedule for posting these. Somedays there'll be batches of polls, others there'll be one or none Q. My blorbos are a duo/trio/etc., who cannot be separated. Can I submit them as a group? A. While I would prefer to stick to individual characters, if you have some who absolutely cannot be separated, I might make exceptions. Most likely, I'll make a poll asking if they should be judged as a group or individually, since there's a lot of media I won't be familiar with Q. My blorbo didn't get voted into the found family! Fuck you! A. Friend, as a fan of Theseus from Hades Game, I understand what it's like to have your fave hated by fandom. Anything decided on this blog can never affect your personal headcanons, so go in peace with your middle finger held high Q. What are your icon and header? A. The icon is of the Pokemon Bouffalant and Natu, based on a series of trading card art where Bouffalant finds two Natu and rescues them - the true spirit of found family. The header is a group of characters called the Black Ravens from the Professor Layton series - a group of ragtag working-class kids who make a black market together Q. I wrote some propaganda on the submission form, can you post it or send it back to me? A. Submissions are deleted as the polls are posted, so I can keep track of how many I have left to post, which means I can't do this. Please save your propaganda for the post and not the submissions form Q. Did you know you used fan art on ___ poll? A. Unless I'd mentioned getting permission from the artist, then please assume that I did not know and let me know. I hate art theft and wouldn't want to partake in that, but I'm just not familiar with a good 80% of the series submitted, so sometimes it might slip through the cracks Q. Can I submit a character who isn't my blorbo? A. Also fine! I enjoy it when people submit controversial characters to see how they'll do Q. What happens if there's a tie? A. The blorbo in question becomes an occassional family member who appears with our found family for some important cutscenes, but isn't officially considered part of the found family
Q. No, but seriously, my blorbo got ditched. Do they get another chance? A. At the beginning of each year we host a Redemption Event, where any past blorbos who were submitted get another chance. Because of the high volume of ditched characters, to be included in the event, your character will need to be submitted with propaganda via a form that will be released about a month before the event Q. I think the image used is a big reason why my blorbo got ditched. Why did you use that image? A. If an image hasn't been submitted, I will just grab one from an image search result in most cases. You know your blorbos best, so if you have a specific (non-fan art) image that you think shows them in their best light, please do submit it when you submit them Q. Did you mean the book version or movie version of that character? A. Whichever version of the blorbo that gets submitted, that'll be the one I use. If no specific version is mentioned, I'll just post that blorbo in general and use whatever image is most common when I look them up, unless an image has been submitted or a book cover has been requested to be used Q. My blorbo is a character played by a youtuber and/or streamer, not the youtuber or streamer themselves, is that okay? A. If it's a character, then it's fine. But please mention this on the submission. Because if I look them up and the result looks to be just some real person, that won't be included. I am largely unfamiliar with these kind of fandoms and will always err on the side of caution about their inclusion Q. What counts as a "sweep"? A. Any character who gets 90% or higher in either joining or not joining is counted as a sweep. This doesn't give them anything extra, it's just for bragging rights Q. What counts as a "close call"? A. Any character who's poll results are within the 49%-51% range for join/don't join is counted as a close call Q. How many characters can I submit at a time? A. There's no hard rule, since the form doesn't track emails, but please be considerate to others and try not to submit more than 10 characters per submission period. See next question for more details Q. How many characters from the same series can I submit at a time? A. Four (4) characters per series per submission period. I'll be lenient for if they've been submitted by multiple people, but from my experience running this blog, it's only the current Hot New Thing that'll be submitted by multiple people and anything else is usually one person submitting one character after another. I used to allow more, but people took this for granted and submitted 50+ from the same series, so now 4 is the cap Q. You missed a tag from that poll! Can it be added? A. Sure! Tags are either provided by the submitter or where left blank, I'll use my best guess. At minimum, you'll get the name of the character and series as they've been submitted. If you know more, let me know and I'll add them to the post during the voting period. Please note: The polls themselves cannot be edited after being posted, only the tags Q. Can fictional characters based on real people be submitted? A. Fictional characters that are inspired by real people (e.g. Steven Universe being inspired by Rebecca Sugar's brother) are generally fine. But characters that are basically just some real celebrity making a cameo somewhere (e.g. Simon Cowell appearing on the Simpsons), are a no. Q. I don't understand what this blog is A. Don't worry about it, friend. Just keep driving and whatever you do, don't wind down the window. We'll be safe soon :) Q. Didn't this blog used to be called the Found Family Adoption Agency? A. It did, but I were made aware that the language used on the blog could be seen as potentially harmful to real life adoptees, so I changed the name of the blog and made some edits to try to avoid using such language. Posts made prior to 5th May 2024 will still contain references to adopt/ditching, so tread with caution on older posts
368 notes · View notes
boysplanetrecaps · 7 months
Build Up, Ep 4 Recap: Don’t Forget v I Don’t Love You
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Welcome back to the project everyone deals with waiting two weeks for -- my MNET Build Up Recaps! In the previous one, a bunch of my favorites -- Kim Minseo, Bain, Lee Gwangsuk, and Kim Sungjung -- went head to head. Ah, that was a good one! In this one, we’ll see the other member of Just B, Geonu, and Chicago’s pride Soomin take on former BDC member Hong Seong Jun and musical actor Kim Seohyung. It’s also a good one! Let’s dive in. 
So we start off pretty much as usual, with the guys taking the stage, accompanied by some musical soundtrack. This time the editors have chosen a driving beat with rock and dub step elements so it's really powerful sounding, which makes it a little comical when we see the guys and how they're dressed. 
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Soomin is wearing a pretty fabulous s w e a t e r but Geonu has decided to raid the wardrobe of an old grampa for some reason. You know I love a good sweater but... this ain't it, fam. It's about three sizes too big and looks like it would smell like cigarettes for some reason. And paired with loose white slacks? Nope, I'm out. 
The other team is dressed in button down shirts, which is fine, I guess. Hong Seongjun has one of those thin bow ties that hangs down limply, and Kim Seohyung's shirt is tightly pleated in the front, as if it's made of crepe paper. They look perfectly nice but it seems absurd that they'd be accompanied by dub-rock! It should be more like... James Taylor. Or Sarah McLachlan. 
VCG looks at the teams and says, "Ohh, Chicago!" Because, of course, Soomin is from Chicago. (I wonder what his American name is? Because I feel like he probably doesn’t go by Soomin back in the US.) We're reminded of his lovely performance in Ditto in the first round. 
Soomin and Geonu have joined their names into "Soo-u" and do a little thing and it's, like, whatever, because they forget to use their mics. They're besties with a personal joke that’s funny to them, even if it’s not that funny to us.  
Dahee asks the other team to introduce themselves, and Seohyung says hello. His natural speaking voice is very low and pleasant and the judges react like, wow! Then he and Seongjung give a weird intro that also doesn't go so well so let's just move on. 
The teams do a bit of smack talk and it actually doesn't really feel that good natured. Eeep. 
We flashback back to the rival choosing moment, when Geonu and Soomin were chosen to go the RCPA (Rival Choosing Platform Area). Several teams begin whispering about possibly taking them on, but then Soomin, in his continuing effort to make Americans look bad, addresses the other teams rudely, not using proper honorifics even though they're all older than them. This is extremely insulting to a Korean person in ways that I know I don't fully understand, so if I get it wrong and you are Korean or have specialized knowledge, I welcome your input.
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Despite my incomplete knowledge, I do know enough to know that (a) Soomin is probably being playful and doesn't truly mean to offend and also (b) it is likely that many other contestants, and many Korean viewers will be offended anyway. I really do worry about the way Soomin is presenting himself on this show. Korean culture is so specific about what you should and shouldn't do and if you piss off the voting base, it can be really hard to win them back. It’s not impossible, but… it can be tough. As an American myself I can sympathize -- we often are perceived of as rude by people from other cultures when we do things that would be acceptable, even celebrated, in our own culture. I really like Soomin's voice and I think he could have a career singing, as long as he doesn't alienate the Korean public!!
So yeah, Soomin tries to provoke one of the younger teams to challenge his team -- he comes across as really disdainful of some of the older contestants, which rubs me the wrong way, to be honest. Team Seohyung x Seongjun (I’ll call them Team S&S) seem to be the ones they're calling to, so the rivalry is formed. 
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"Since you invited us here, we'll see you off," says Seohyung, in a vague attempt at smack talk. Then Soomin does a dumb thing where he acts like his hand is a phone, with a call from the taxi driver who is here for the other team, and it's super hacky and cringey but Soomin and Geonu are so proud of it. Sigh. But Seohyung takes it all in stride. He seems like a cheerful, lovable dude, doesn't he?  Some time later, Team S&S is meeting to choose a song and stuff, and Seohyung is wearing a black mock turtleneck with a gray hoodie over it and black coat over that. What is with Korean heating systems? Seongjun is wearing a fleece sweatshirt, so no proper sweaters here.
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Anyway, they're talking strategy. Seongjun was on the same team as Geonu for the first round, singing If You, and he thinks it's obvious that Geonu will want to perform a western R&B pop song. Seohyung points out that since Soomin is from the USA, Soomin also probably will want to sing a Western song. 
Mentioning this really sets off Seongjun, who says, "He only speaks in English. I get sick when I'm next to him." 
Ok, I know that could be a Korean figure of speech and maybe it's not as harsh as it sounds, but woah, dude. Yes, of course, it would be annoying to be around these ostentatious English speakers. I can only imagine how it might feel as a Korean person who is being bombarded daily with more and more English all the time; it would be irritating to have your own language being supplanted by another language, especially if it feels like maybe your own culture is being displaced as well. Also, it would just be annoying to have someone around refusing to speak the language you both speak, regardless of like, geopolitical issues.
But even so, I'm not sure it’s a cute look for Seongjun to say that it makes him feel sick to be around it. When you factor in the obvious animosity that he displayed in earlier episodes on the topic of successful idols like Yeo One or Seokhwa or Woong being on this show, you get a picture of someone who seems bitter and irritable. That's not necessarily who he IS, but it's how he's looking. 
The two guys go on to talk about how Geonu also speaks in English a lot and we get a little montage of Geonu and Soomin speaking English together. (And later on we find out that Geonu introduced himself in English on the first day, which is weird. More on that later....)
In any case, since Geonu and Soomin are probably going to sing R&B, Team S&S decide to go for a more sentimental song. 
Then Seohyung gives a funny little smile and reveals his musical taste, which is all sappy songs that came out in the 1970s. You can tell that Seongjung isn't quite sure what to make of this weird partner. 
We flash back to the duo-formation moment and find out that despite Seongjung assumptions, he is actually two years older than his old fashioned -- and tall -- partner. 
Seongjung tells Seohyung, "You look like an upright man," and Seohyung says he gets that a lot. He doesn't mind, either, because people also tell him he's handsome apparently. We flash back to a pre production meeting, and a staff member points out that he's very tall. He says he drank a lot of milk. He also says he enjoys watching "car documentaries." What? Are there enough documentaries about cars for this to constitute a genre? I guess so!
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He also doesn't know his MBTI, which for a young Korean person is very unusual. He does seem to be a very specific person, doesn't he? Calm, polite, cheerful, sweet. I like him. I feel like he's someone Lisa Simpson would have a crush on, you know? Like he's quiet and enjoys puzzles?
Anyway, back to song selection. Seohyung suggests "I Don't Love You" by a group called Urban Zakapa. Per Wikipedia: 
"Urban Zakapa is a South Korean R&B singer-songwriter group formed in 2009 by Fluxus Music. ....The group's name is an abbreviation for Urban, Zappy, Kaleidoscopic, and Passionate.... Although the group debuted in 2009 as a nine-piece with four vocalists and five instrumentalists, there are currently only three vocalists due to artistic differences."  
Ooh, sounds like some hot gossip there! 
Anyway, the song went to number 1 in 2016, so even though it's not super recent, it would probably be familiar to the judging panel. Like at least 101% of Korean ballads, it's about a breakup. I wonder how Koreans even have time to fall in love in the first place when they're breaking up so often!
Sample lyrics:
What should I say? / Where do I start? / I’m only hanging my head / You’re looking at me  / In this awkward silence
I don’t love you / I’m sure you already know / Even when I see you shedding tears / My heart doesn’t ache anymore
I don’t love you / There’s no other reason / I don’t even want to say / I’m sorry or forgive me
That’s all / This is how I really feel / I don’t love you / I don’t love you
The original song featured both male and female voices, which helps break up the repetitive monotony a bit. But it really is just saying over and over “I don’t love you” -- without a hint of irony or sarcasm that maybe the singer really *does* love the listener, that they’re just saying it because they’re hurt. You know, like the song Abittipsy by Youhua, where she tries to sound cheery and like she’s fine, but then she admits that she *might* cry later. Nope, this song seems to be straightforward, just “I don’t love you,” periodt.  
Seongjung likes the idea of this song because it would allow them to show off their low pitches, their high pitches, and their "sentiments."
They rehearse in a variety of locations, holding water bottles to be their microphones (cracks me up how they do that). 
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s w e a t e r s
They're confident; practice never lets you down. Hmm… I hear the ghost of my middle school band teacher murmuring, "Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect." 
Did they practice perfectly? I guess we'll find out!
It’s performance day! As they prepare to sing, kindly hyung Seongjung reaches out to Seohyung for a fist bump and says, Let's have fun.
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"Oh, a fist bump! I read an article about this youthful behavior in the printed newspaper I read in the mornings while I drink healthy tea and eat fiber cereal. I return your fist bump in a friendly manner!" -- Seohyung, probably
The judges are like, this song is hard. Uh oh...
Full version without reactions
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My thoughts:
That was nice. It's not really my jam, but the singing was pretty and their harmonies sounded great.
Seohyung has that musical theater voice, with a lot of emotion in his tone. Toward the beginning and again at the end, he almost verges on sing-talking, which again is very musical theater of him. I don't know if ballad-fans like that kind of thing or not. 
Though he has a lovely upper mix, he appears to be a bass, which is kind of cool to find in a field that preferences tenors. A deep voice can add a special color to a group. I mean, what would Stray Kids be without Felix? What would ONF be without Wyatt? Or even Dreamcatcher without Dami, or G-Idle without Yuqi? Those special voices help make their teams a little special. 
Overall I actually like Seohyung's voice more than I would have thought. It's hard to deny his range and the variety of vocal tones he can do. I think the biggest problem in his performance is the way he holds his body and his facial expressions. 
If you have an hour or two to spare, you should watch Jenny Nicholson's amazing take down of Dear Evan Hanson. One thing she points out is that the way you act on stage is different from the way you act for the camera. On stage, it makes sense to bug out your eyes and jut out your chin, because someone at the back of the theater needs to see you. But for the camera, it's just too much. And that’s kind of what we see with Seohyung here. He’s Acting, rather than just living through the song, and it’s a bit too much. 
Also, he hunches his shoulders a lot, which might be a habit of his because he's shy and tall, but it doesn't come off well on stage. 
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Seongjung isn't quite as powerful of a singer, but he's still really good. He appears to be a tenor, so the lowest notes are maybe a little harder for him, but he ends up hitting them ok. He has a slight nasality to his tone, and his upper range is a bit thin sounding sometimes, but I still think he sounds pretty. Also, his full on belts are excellent. He used to be in an idol group (BDC) and he knows how to look into the camera and sell it, but he doesn't vary up his expressions much.
Overall, the whole thing is oddly lacking even though there's nothing at all wrong with it. Doesn't seem fair, but here we are.
I really think the song choice is partly to blame. For one thing, singing about not loving someone is kind of… I don’t know. If you were a judge listening to people sing about not loving someone, would you get immersed in the emotions of it the way you would if you were listening to people talking about being in love? But the other problem is Seohyung’s over-acting. He’s really throwing himself into it, and contrasting with Seongjung’s more natural performance, it feels kind of off. The vocals aren’t the problem at all, though. 
My favorite part of the performance was the harmony right after the key change. Good stuff.
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“I mean, there’s emotions, and then there’s this!” -- Jenny Nicholson
The MNET edit is a bit confusing. Right at the beginning, Eunkwang says of Seohyung’s singing, “ah, he removed a lot of the musical tone.” I think he’s referring to Seohyung’s semi-sing-talking. 
But VCG likes it.
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We get a lot of reactions from other contestants backstage saying that it's really good, and we get the judges smiling and nodding, but we also get the judges making weird faces. 
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I don’t think they’re enjoying it, but seriously you never know. 
There don't seem to be any instant replays. 
Right at the end, Seohyung sings unaccompanied and everyone seems really touched. Then there's a moment of silence, and then soft applause. The singers hug each other, and Seohyung almost rests his head on his older teammate's shoulder. Seongjung has a lot more stage experience and probably helped Seohyung a lot when they were preparing.
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The judges applaud kind of quietly. Backstage, the guys say they think it was really good. 
I paused it here and asked myself, how do the judges feel? And I had no idea. I'm not sure even they know. They had to watch 20 performances over what had to be at least a five hour period, maybe much longer, so maybe at some point they low-key stopped caring. They are still taking it seriously though and are checking their previous scores to make sure they're giving as fair a grade as possible.
Backstage, Choi Suhwan (who sang Sherlock at the beginning of the round) says “They didn’t form harmony. They didn’t sound like a team.” I don’t know if I agree with that -- I thought their voices sounded nice together. 
Sunyoul, who is sitting right by Suhwan and probably heard him, wonders out loud if maybe they picked the song because “they couldn’t form harmony.” I think maybe Sunyoul is referring to the fact that Seohyung is a bass and Seongjung is a tenor. I still think that’s fine for a duet, but what do I know?
The scores are revealed. Their high score is 92, from Solar, and their low score is 80, from, of course, Jaehwan. The scores aren't super low or anything, so they're a bit relieved, but they had probably been hoping for a few 100s. I mean, who doesn’t hope?
Solar says, “You both have nice voices. You can both sing. It was flawless.” VCG agrees. “But… I couldn’t stop thinking that it was ordinary.”
There’s this amazing split screen of Seohyung singing so hard his face is about to fall off, while Solar is just sort of… looking. 
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She goes on, “I was just thinking to myself, ‘Oh, this is the song they’re singing.’ You should pick a song that shows your charms more next time. But this was flawless. I liked it.” So their 92 score came with a mixed review. 
Jaehwan says “Let me tell you this first: This is a very high score for me.” The guys kind of laugh -- a bit of the pressure is relieved. He goes on to talk about how since Seohyung is a musical actor, he sang like he was reading lines. “You made it sound ordinary,” Jaehwan says. “Thank you for telling me,” Seohyung says, with a nice smile. 
Backstage, Sunyoul is still chatting with Jeup and Suhwan, even though the latter team beat him in the rivalry. 
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Donghun looks like he might burst into tears any second. Will someone hug that man, stat? Thanks!
Sunyoul theorizes that it must be hard to change from a musical theater style of performance to a pop style. That’s interesting, because I don’t think any of the musical actors have been particularly successful on the show so far. I’ll have to run the numbers on that later. 
Thinking of sad Donghun reminds me to say, please check out A.C.E.’s new song, My Girl. It’s got a smooth, city-pop/retro vibe, kind of like Cupid by Fifty Fifty or Maniac by Viviz. I like it! Though I do think it was weird to show them singing to really young girls at the end when the A.C.E. is increasingly looking like a group of guys in their late 20s/early 30s. 
Anyway, back to the judging. VCG tells Seohyung, “You have a very nice voice. You build that voice to become a musical actor. So what you need to change is the way you sing. You don’t need to change your voice.” It’s hard to tell from the translation, but I think what VCG means is the way that Seohyung was doing that kind of sing-talk stuff, and the over-emoting that I noticed. “It’s very nice to have a bass like him on the team,” he says, tapping into my brain again, and all the judges agree. “It’s reassuring,” says Baekho. “Yes, the bass completes it,” says VCG. “You must protect your voice!” 
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Seohyung seems to appreciate the helpful feedback.  
Meanwhile, poor Seongjung doesn’t get a ton of feedback that we see. I bet they did say stuff to him, though -- it’s just that the show doesn’t care, I guess. 
Anyway, it’s time for the other team, Geonu and Soomin, who are committed to being “happy charms” on stage. The other guys waiting backstage seem to be looking forward to Soomin’s performance. 
We find out that both of them chose each other as the person they most wanted to work with on the show. That should be really cute to me, and you know I love friendship on these shows, but…
Ok, I’m going to be honest with you guys: I find these guys a bit irritating. I know that’s not cool, but I figure it’s better to just be honest about my reaction to them. I’m aware that (1) I don’t know them in real life (2) this is all editing (3) they’re not doing anything really that bad. Despite all that, I find them irritating. So, I’m going to do my best to be honest about what I see, and I apologize in advance if either of these two is your favorite. It's not fair of me to just find them annoying for almost no reason, but it's hard to control an emotional response. Ok! Let's get back to it.
So, we jump back to the duet-choosing moment. 
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We can see that 20 guys are standing on the top tier, meaning that all ten top tier guys chose a mid or lower tier member to work with. Now it’s time for the mid tiers to choose a duet partner. 
The other guys sort of shuffle around a little, but Soomin goes right up to Geonu. “What kind of music does Hyung like to do?” he asks, and Geonu’s face lights up, first with surprise, then with happiness. 
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Bain also approaches, and kind of stands there awkwardly, which makes me feel kind of sad. Here’s the thing: Bain probably went over to Geonu at least in part because Bain didn’t want Geonu to not get picked. Geonu was Low Tier, and Bain was Mid tier, so he may have thought “I’ll rescue my teammate.” (They’re both on Just B together.) Bain and Geonu are the same age, which often gives people a feeling of connection in Korean culture (from what I can gleen). 
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Bain says he’s looking for someone to do a pop song with, and what’s weird is that not only does Geonu not even seem to want to make eye contact with Bain, or say something like “Oh, thanks for the offer, but I think it’s better for us to show our individual colors,” he just ignores poor Bain, who stands there all tall and orange and awkward until he wanders away, and it makes me sad. Maybe this is where my irritation began, with Geonu sort of letting Bain hang in the wind like that. And for all I know Geonu did in fact talk to Bain and it was edited out. IDK. 
Meanwhile, Soomin suggests that they sing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You,” which was the song he did in the Voice Check. Seems odd to suggest it. 
We get a flashback to Geonu introducing himself in English:
“What’s good guys, I’m Geonu, and I’m here to sing my soul out. Vamos!” He doesn’t mention that he’s from Just B in his intro, either, which is also… interesting. Per his online info, his mother is an English teacher, which is how he learned to speak English well. Not sure where he got the Spanish, but hey, a lot of Spanish speakers listen to Kpop so it’s not crazy. 
So I guess the thing is, I can understand how he knows English so well but I do wonder why he would speak it to a group of Korean speakers. Everyone there knows Korean, including Jay, Soomin, and Wumuti, so why not choose Korean as the common language? It just seems like a weird flex, but ok. Imagine if Wumuti had just decided to speak Chinese…? 
Geonu seems to like everything about Soomin, including his hat and the way he sat on the stool, and Soomin seems to like everything about Geonu, so it’s a match made in heaven. They’re very like… I don’t know, like the way two best friends act in 7th grade. This seems to be objectively cute. I don’t know why it bugs me! Am I on crack? 
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Some time later, Geonu’s hair is longer and less pink, and he and Soomin are meeting in what looks to be the same conference room as the one Bain used in another segment, complete with the map on the wall. So I guess it’s safe to assume that they’re at Bluedot Entertainment 
Geonu lists some of his favorite musical artists, including M*ch**l J*cks*n and Chr*s Br*wn, and, thankfully, at least one unproblematic fave, Taeyang. He likes R&B, and Soomin likes pop, so they decide that Pop-R&B, like a song by Crush, would be ideal. They seem to quickly decide on “Don’t Forget” by Crush featuring Taeyeon (a tiny bit). (I say “seem to” because I suspect they discussed this first via texting or something and then recreated the song choice for the cameras later.) 
The song itself is perfectly pleasant, the kind of song you’d put on to listen to in the background while you’re doing something else, but it’s hard to imagine someone being like, “oh yeah, this is my favorite song in the whole world.” The lyrics talk about the singer’s hope for his relationship for the future, that even if they break up, that they’d never forget each other. 
If you and me become estranged someday / If we could never see each other / Don’t forget, Don’t lose / Even if you are holding someone else’s hand / If you are somewhere I cannot go to /  Don’t forget, Don’t lose 
The lyrics keep repeating 잊어버리지마 잃어버리지마, ijeobeorijima ilheobeorijima, which means “Don’t forget, don’t lose”. (See, that’s the -jima ending for a negative command again! We’ll all become fluent in Korean eventually!) 
Once they’ve chosen the song, they take a break and make up an elaborate handshake. Soomin says he doesn’t have a hyung, and Geonu feels like his real hyung. That’s sweet! I know intellectually that that’s sweet! 
Then Soomin has to leave to go back to Chicago for a bit, and then after he comes back they’ll have ten more days to practice. So this gives us a hint of the timeline. Based on both their hair, I’d say at least two weeks has gone by since the Pre-4 mission taping day when they’re meeting in the office. Then Soomin is going to go back to Chicago for some period of time and then when he gets back they have another ten days. This suggests that maybe a much as month went by between the Pre-4 Mission and the 2 vs 2 Rival Mission. 
They chat via video call, and even do their handshake virtually. They’re both excited about the arrangement of the song that was made for them, and practice a little bit. Soomin says he can tell how much Geonu has been practicing. They’re speaking Korean together, which is again kind of interesting given that when they’re around other people, they choose English. Maybe they were just deliberately speaking English to speak more privately around the other people…?
When Soomin gets back, Geonu says he smells like Chicago, which is not the compliment he may think it is, and they get to do their handshake thing. They seem really happy as they rehearse together and just sort of hang out saying SOOUUUU! 
And that brings us the performance!
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Full performance without reactions
My thoughts:
I should note, first off, that normally, when I hear a song over and over I start liking it more, almost against my will, but the more I hear this song the more boring it is to me. And maybe if I liked the song more I’d be more forgiving of the performance overall. Again, I’m just being honest. 
This was an ok performance, but I’ve heard both of these guys sing better than they sang this time.
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Soomin was on his s w e a t e r game, for sure, and he really has a lovely voice. But here he sounds a lot breathier than he had been before, and maybe even a tiny bit hoarse. It didn’t sound bad, don’t get me wrong. I think it sounded lovely. Just maybe he wasn’t in the best condition when they taped? I still am interested in what he’s going to perform next. 
Geonu really didn’t float my boat with his performance. I’ve heard him sing much better than this, so I’m not sure what happened. His first few notes sounded nice, but as it went on, to me, he sounded nasal, slightly shrill, a bit pitchy, and almost like his throat was clenching down as he was trying to sing. It just didn’t sound right. I think his worst moment vocally is at about 0:47 in to the Youtube version of the performance. It’s almost like he has something caught in his throat. 
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Also, um, the dancing. Not sure about that.
I remember liking Geonu on I-land, and I’ve heard him sing better than this, so I guess maybe he was nervous about performing well with his new American dongsae/friend, and/or just nervous in general about staying on the show. I think Geonu might benefit from some targeted vocal lessons because he does strange things with his throat and upper palette. His natural vocal color is so nice that if he just had some more training on how note to sabotage himself vocally, he’d be wonderful to listen to. 
Their harmonies sounded nice -- those were some precise harmonies, and they must have practiced a long time to get them right -- but I also am not sure I loved the contrast between their voices when they took turns singing. Geonu’s voice has a sharpness to it and Soomin’s is so smooth that it makes Geonu’s voice sound worse in contrast.
Which of the two duets should win -- this one, or Team S&S from earlier? In the end, I didn’t love either of them, so it’s hard to say. Of the four voices, I continue to like Soomin’s the best, but if I had to listen to one of the two performances over, I think I’d rather listen to the boring ballad performance instead of the boring R&B song performance, and I think the problem is Geonu. That’s such a bummer because I’ve been converted into a big Bain fan and I want to cheer for Just B. Hopefully, Geonu will win back my good opinion in the future! I’m certainly not committed to hating him or anything like that. 
In the MNET edit, everyone seems to really love Soomin’s voice and no one thinks he sounds hoarse or strange, so maybe it’s just me. Soomin gets some instant replays, and they both get happy judge reactions.
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Eunkwang may or may not be enjoying the song.
The last line of the song is “Don’t forget this song,” which is why everyone reacts by saying “I can’t forget it!” 
Everyone seems to particularly love Soomin’s voice, but the overall vibe is positive. Backstage, poor Seongjung mutters, “I don’t want to go home.” 
The judges key in their votes, and we find out their highest and lowest votes: 95 (Solar) and 86 (Baekho). 
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They’re so happy and surprised that I want to be happy for them, but it’s tough. I can’t help but be a little annoyed at this. I don’t think it’s really right that this team should win over the first team. There was nothing at all wrong with the way the first team sang, while Geonu’s performance was, in my informed opinion, pretty flawed. I know he’s capable of better, but he didn’t sing super well on the day they recorded this performance. I know Soomin sounded nice despite his hoarseness, but it just feels like favoritism. 
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The guys back stage don’t look thrilled, either. Bain doesn’t seem happy for his teammate particularly. Kim Seongjeong, the leaping lizard, and his teammate Gwangseok, look irritated or at least incredulous. Jeong Inseong from KNK, front row with the maroon hair, has a thousand-yard stare that doesn’t seem happy. Jung Intae, front row right in the white shirt, looks a little disgusted. Maybe you interpret their expressions differently than I do, but they don’t look happy, and the guys generally seem pretty happy to cheer for one another when someone does well. I just get the impression that they think the performance wasn’t really that great.
Solar, who gave the 95, begins by praising Soomin’s voice and “vibe.” She tells Geonu that when he’s by himself he seems ordinary, but when he’s on a team, his presences is special. I don’t know how I’d feel about being given feedback like that.  
Seungkwan from Seventeen agrees with pretty much everything Solar says. He says that Soomin is so good, it’s a little annoying, and adds, “This calm and languid charm comes across as sexy when he sings.”
Hey, child who told me to KMS because I referred to Gunwook from Boys Planet as “sexy”, are you going to write hate letters to Seungkwan? Because Soomin is the same age now as Gunwook was then. Yep, I’m petty. I do not like being told to KMS. I will hold a grudge against anyone who tells me to KMS. 
Ok, sorry, deep breath. 
Anyway, it’s impossible for me to think of Soomin as sexy, because I have met waaaayyyy too many guys like him at youth hostels across the world, but I guess maybe he would be to someone else. I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide for yourself. 
Seungkwan tells Geonu that he likes Geonu’s dancing-like gestures. But low-scorer Baekho disagrees -- disharmony on Team Pledis! -- saying, “The reason why I gave the lowest score is that I thought that Geonu’s gestures were a bit… too much.”
Eunkwang’s feedback is a little confusing, I think mostly due to translation issues.  I think what he was saying was basically that Geonu was a bit out control -- not just with the gestures, but the whole vocal performance as well. He didn’t have good breath control, so the pitch suffered. The edit highlights the exact portion that I picked out as Geonu’s worst moment as well. Hey Eunkwang, if you noticed that like I did, why did you give a score higher than 86? 
It’s time to find out who won the round, and the first team comes back out on stage. Everyone says the scores are close, but they’re not really that close. It seems obvious that Geonu and Soomin won, and they have, 636, to 601. 
If you do the math and remove the highest and lowest scores from each group’s total, and find the average of the remaining five scores, Team Geonu x Soomin had an average score of 91, while Team S&S had an average score of 86. As Wendy says, “Ah, my heart hurts.” 
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Soomin and Geonu do a cool-guy handshake thing to celebrate.  
Dahee asks Team S&S to say something about the fact that they’re up for elimination. 
Seungjung says, “I’m the one who chose Seohyung, and since we’ve lost, I feel….”
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“... I’m so sorry to Seohyung. I’m a little sad for myself as well.” 
The judges reassure him that he did a good job.
Seohyung, ever cheerful, says, 
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“Whenever I perform on stage, my belief always is, ‘It won’t be perfect, but let’s have no regrets.’ Today, the stage was not perfect at all. But I put everything into it, so I have no regrets. I’ll remember all the good things you’ve said, and continue.” Awww! That's great. He's a charming dude, isn't he?
The judges tell him he’s well spoken, and then he and Seungjung walk off stage arm in arm, with Seungjung still apologizing.
“I’m sorry…”
Backstage, Seongjung starts to beat himself up again -- “I could have done better…” -- when he interrupts himself and says firmly, “No, we did a great job!” Nice! Love that. 
And that’s basically the end of the episode! We see a preview of the next round, featuring a distressing lack of sweaters but a lot of other fashion statements, and get the current voting standings. The top five is the same as last week, and the top 9 has been the same 9 people since voting started. The only major changes this week compared to last week is that Yoon Inhwan is up 8 spots and Taewoo is down 7 spots. But nobody has changed to a different zone of the list, if that makes sense. People who were part of a losing 2x2 rivalry team are marked with a *. People who haven’t performed yet in the 2x2 rivalry mission are in italics. 
Jay Chang* ⊖
Donghun* ⊖
Wumuti ⊖
Seunghun* ⊖
Seokhwa* ⊖
Hwanhee ▲1
Yeo One ⛛ 1
Park Jeup ▲1
Jeon Woong* ⛛ 1
Bitsaeon* ▲3
Taehwan  ⛛ 1
Geonu  ⛛ 2
Jeong Inseong ⛛ 1
Sunyoul* ⊖
Kang Hayoon ▲2
Neon* ⊖
Hong Seongjun* ▲2
Lee Gwangsuk*  ▲3
Bain ⛛ 1
Jung Soomin ⊖
Hyukjin ⛛ 2
Park Joo Hee ▲1
Yoon Inhwan ▲8
Kim Minseo  ⊖
Hong Sung Won ⛛ 3
Kim Seohyung*  ⛛ 1
Choi Su Hwan ▲2
Lim Sang Hyun ⊖
Lee Min Wook ⛛ 3
Hwang In Hyuk ⊖
Kim Sungjung* ⛛ 4
Ma Jaekyung  ▲1
Kwon Eui Bin ▲5
Jang In Tae ▲6
Jo Hwan Ji ⛛ 1
Choi Ha Ram  ⛛ 1
Lim Jun Hyeok ▲2
Jeong Yunseo ⛛ 2
Taewoo ⛛ 7
Ji Yeonwoo ⛛ 3
Ok, gang, that’s a wrap on episode 4! I finished it before Episode 6 came out, which means I’m actually catching up a little. I’ll see you in the next one, when we dive into Episode 5. The first performance will include Yeo One from Pentagon, if that sweetens the deal. See you then! 
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tuiyla · 2 years
Your thoughts on how popularity is supposed to trump all trauma, and so Quinn and Santana need to just shut up and be grateful is maybe why Promasaurus is so frustrating to me. Because it's like the writers pick and choose when popularity matters. Sometimes a desire for it deserves to be punished, sometimes it's true, heartwarming validation. Quinn is evil two years in a row for caring about it, despite both times being in a mental state where it actually makes a TON of sense for her to crave that reassurance. But then Rachel is given the honor despite zero narrative set-up for it, and we're not only expected to think it's earned because of HER "hardships" (sorry, I cannot even take her S3 arc seriously considering the writers knew full well the entire time none of it was going to matter), but we're supposed to view Santana as a bad guy for stripping her of the illusion of what it actually meant 2 seasons later. I mean, honestly, being given Prom Queen by her two ex-rivals who truly know her, could arguably be seen as MORE meaningful than just a bunch of hypothetical votes from people who just voted for her because they were already voting for her bf. But nope, NOW that validation from strangers matters and is okay to care about. But when Santana and Quinn cared in S2-3, for, quite frankly, WAY more understandable reasons? THEN it was proof of shallowness.
No no see what you don't get Anon is that when Rachel enjoys popularity and actively envies it she's Valid and it's a good thing to want and she deserves that moment of glory. When Finn caves to peer pressure because he's desperate to retain his position it's understandable really, don't be so hard on the guy he's trying his best and is really good at heart even when he doesn't lift a finger to stop bullies. When Quinn and Santana want popularity and are desperate to maintain it? Bad! Bad bad people, look how rotten they are in their single-minded pursuit. Never mind that Quinn's fall from grace is brutal and people keep reinforcing that she's only worth anything as a pretty face, and never mind that Santana's need for validation comes from a deep fear of people finding out she's queer and therefore inevitably an outsider. Never mind that both of their desires come from deeply fucked up familial backgrounds and the general need to be loved. As much as Rachel's or Finn's needs. But when they want it they're good and righteous and the people who don't like them can suck, whereas Quinntana are bad bad shallow people, ew why do you wanna be liked and accepted? Pathetic. Hope this helps!
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Give me one valid reason for your double standard Glee I'm begging you. Give me one reason not to judge Finn "faggy lamp" Hudson as harshly for caving under peer pressure as you want me to judge Quinn for obsessing over Prom Queen. Give me one reason why Rachel's allowed the eternal underdog narrative where her "winning" Prom Queen is triumphant but Santana seeking validation while being a queer Latina woman in a bigoted environment that has only ever seen her as a whore, that makes her shallow. And I don't even think Glee is always judging Quinntana, for example the portrayal of the three-way gay lovers scene in Prom Queen is surprisingly sympathetic. Wait, what, it wasn't supposed to be a montage of three gays freaking out and their lovers reassuring them? Huh. Okay, anyway.
It generally is a character-based double standard. When our "baddies" want to conform to the high school social hierarchy they're weak-willed and rather pathetic, really, but the Good Underdogs are allowed simultaneous martyr and superiority complexes. And when they are validated by the mainstream? That's a sign of their awesomeness, of course. My eventual Glee magnum opus will be tearing this underdog obsession a new one because it drives me crazy how unaware this show is that all these kids and the conventionally attractive aren't any less traumatized. I mean that's just another big aspect of this.
You know who the only character above all this high school nonsense is who actually keeps their integrity even when getting the upper hand? Mercedes Jones. But idk if y'all are ready for that conversation.
On the note of Santana's big blow to Rachel during 100 being the Prom reveal, holy shit I think you really tapped into something there Anon. Obviously Santana was meant to be and succeeded in being cruel but I never vibed with people pretending that it was oh so big a deal that she told Rachel. To be clear, yeah it was a dick move but my god can you stop pretending it was the most evil thing. After the Pezberry feud dust settled, I really hope Rachel investigated what that revelation meant, exactly. Because you're so right, what means more? A bunch of random peers voting for her, for no reason really (how did she believe it was real) OR two girls who had once bullied her but learned to love and appreciate her giving up their own pursuit of this mighty title and deciding to give it to her. Rachel literally says "do you not understand what you mean to me" to Quinn JUST before the coronation happens and goes on a whole spiel about Quinn's friendship meaning the most out of anything to her. Girl. If it really meant that much to be able to form that connection then surely it should be at least just bittersweet instead of devastating that a bunch of randos didn't, in fact, randomly vote for you. It was the two girls you have endeared yourself to. And again, Santana was being a jerk and cruel on purpose and boo that sucks, whatever, jail for Santana. But it's not like Rachel didn't still come out as a winner of that situation. It's not like she was the victim of a cruel prank like Kurt and Tina at their proms.
Whatever lmao let's not digress into a whole Prom-asaurus/Pezberry feud rant. (watch "and another thing!" this later)
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genderqueer-miharu · 1 year
Talking more about yuno's situation, the whole abortion thing doesn't really make sense to me because if that's really what she did then it'd be really...boring??? I mean compared to every other prisoner yuno already feels out of place here but in a good way, she's observant, she's more self aware than anyone else, she's great at reading all the other prisoners she was the first one to say "fuck you" to everything in milgram, which is already such an interesting stance and direction for a character to take in a project like this, so why would they waste such a good and interesting concept like this if her "murder" was just abortion.
Not only that but like, every other character in milgram has done really bad things, like outside of their murders every other character has done something terrible too. Haruka killed a bunch of animals, fuuta was harrassing people online, mu bullied people at school, kotoko was beating people for fun, amane is here trying to start a cult again, shidou stole people's organs for god sake, compared to them what did yuno do? Like she was a sex worker and...had an abortion??? That's it?? It just doesn't track. From a narrative perspective and from everything that milgram is trying to do it doesn't make sense for yuno's murder to be an abortion.
But aside from all of that her reaction and behaviour in this trial makes more sense to me if she really did kill someone. She is annoyed at the audience for seeing her as a poor naive little girl who didn't know what she was getting into so then she went "i knew very well what i was getting into i chose all of this you think i'm some victim you really don't understand anything about me right?" And she literally said "innocent? I'm so not that" does this mean she wanted to be guilty? Not necessarily, she just doesn't want to be judged or psychoanalyzed like that. She hates people making assumptions and speculating about her, but unfortunately this is the way milgram works, which is why she mentioned in her audio drama that she hates milgram, the position she took goes against the way milgram works, it's like she's opposing the entire system. I don't think she would've been happy with either result, she already told us "Don't weigh me, meassure me against your morality", she doesn't need our opinion and she doesn't need our validation, she doesn't want the opinion of someone who doesn't know her, she doesn't need someone else to choose wether she's forgiven or not.
To me her reaction doesn't just say "stop telling me i'm innocent because i want to be guilty" but rather "stop trying to judge me and my actions based on the idealized fake version of me you've created in your head". She's not just angry that she was voted innocent, that's part of it but at the end of the day i don't think she cares either way, she's mad that she was voted innocent AND that people are going out of their way to make false assumptions and incorrect theories about her, this includes her abortion being her "murder". She's mad because people who don't even know her are judging her based on things that are just not true, or at least not the full story. This is why in Tear Drop she destroys that luxurious and elegant room she was in, that she was forced to be in, this is why she jumps towards us tearing the curtains apart at the end, she wants us to see her true self, she jumps in front of us in a way we can't ignore. This is why she says: "If you want 'me', come marco i'll polo" along with the reference to Umbilical right after this, she wants to be caught, she gave us the clues already, they're there in her first mv, it's up to us now to find out what she did, to find her true self, after all that's what we're here to do right?
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Film festivals are not always so festive.
That’s a wrap! It’s in the can! Where’s the cast party?
Your film is finally done. You’ve spent three months scripting, filming and editing your Opus. It came in under budget, the actors all received their free pizza and you have a burned DVD-R wet with the sweat from your brow. What’s next?
Film Festivals! The chance for all your peers to see you work! Red carpets, interviews and trophies await!
Do I sound upbeat and positive? In a perfect world, I should be. But as we know, the world isn’t so perfect.
The first time I submitted a film to festivals, I didn’t have enough stamps and padded envelopes to contain my enthusiasm. Weekly trips to the post office with a car seat full of parcels ensued, not to mention all the festivals I submitted to online through Withoutabox and FilmFreeway.
All told, I entered into 32 festivals at an average cost of $25 per entry. Pull up the calculator app: that’s $800 of hard-earned cash that could go toward another credit of college tuition!
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What did I get for my efforts? The film was accepted by four festivals. Math was never my strong suit, but I could tell that was a low percentage. Wave goodbye to your $700 donation to the all the festivals’ prize funds, none of which you will ever see.
I don’t mean to be depressing, but that’s reality. You might think your creation is important and worthy of viewership, but there are many obstacles your film must overcome.
First, your film will be going up against thousands of other entries from all over the world. Festival curators are faced with hundreds of DVDs that flood their desks each festival cycle and yours will just be a speck in the deluge.
Second, your film will be judged against preconceived notions of what is “en vouge.” To this point, when the film “Reservoir Dogs” was popular, everyone I knew in filmmakers’ circles wanted to make similar-storied films and I was no different.
When I decided to submit my crime-based film, I recall reading a phrase in a particular festival’s submission rules: “Please do not send us films that show suited men sporting goatees and firing guns in parking lots.” Apparently there was a glut of such films to which the festivals were reacting.
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Third, your film is often viewed by a panel of judges, anyone of which could cast the a “no” vote for any reason; maybe they didn’t like the subject matter, or perhaps, as a filmmaker themselves, your film was better than anything they've ever created and they're ego prevented them from being upstaged.
Then, there are the times you might receive the nefarious response, “Due to the overwhelming number of submissions, we couldn’t include your film in this year’s cycle” which can be interpreted as “sorry, but your film doesn't measure up to our standards.”
Everyone has an opinion, but if you believe in your film and what you created, then ignore it, refocus and carry on.
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So, if you think submitting to festivals is a lost cause, let not your hopes be ruined like opening a can of unexposed film in a lighted room. With a few simple strategies, you can still get your film shown.
If this is your first time submitting to festivals, shy away from any that list themselves as “international.” This indicates that the festival receives films from every crevasse of the big blue marble. Unless you think your film is an award contender, you’ll be burning Benjamins trying to compete against sheer volume. And since festivals rent theaters or meeting halls for a finite time period such as a few days, not every film they receive can be shown in the time period allotted.
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Instead, you should start out sending your film to local festivals, such as on the town or state level. The largest concern of any festival is attendance, so if you’re local, a festival is more likely to accept your film because they assume you will likely bring friends and family along to see your premiere. In fact, some festivals actually ask how many of your peeps will be in attendance!
Remember, festivals are economically driven and incur costs, so a healthy turnout is critical for them to survive. Further, the local strategy is also two-fold: it gets your film shown, but it also allows you to place Award Laurels on your film which will increase its credibility at international festivals in the future.
Festivals also list mission statements that define the types of films they are interested in to promote a particular cause, theme or agenda. They range anywhere from LGBT to environmental to Christian, and they can be further categorized by genre such as horror, action and science fiction. With the increasing popularity of film festivals, branding has become necessary to set them apart from the competition, which in turn also helps them limit the overwhelming amount of submissions they receive.
Therefore, if your film is a horror story, send it to horror film festivals. If it has an environmental theme, send it to a festival that highlights environmental awareness, and so on. This will increase your chances of being accepted dramatically.
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Create a plan of action for submitting your film. Start small, gain notoriety and buzz, then slowly target larger venues. If you encounter rejection, remember that it’s just someone else’s opinion. Believe in what you created and don't let yourself be discouraged. Get up, dust yourself off and forge ahead!
0 notes
This is my honest opinion about the future of abortion rights in the United States: when the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will announce a bill to protect the right to an abortion, and it will FAIL SPECTACULARLY, going down in flames! It'll pass the House by a razor thin margin, but it'll be rejected by the Senate. It will die in committee, or it will be tabled (in most countries tabling a bill means to push it forward, but in the US it means the exact opposite, it means to postpone it indefinitely, and it only takes one senator objection to table it), or Schumer will put it up to a vote and let it die on the floor without 60 yeas. There will be half-hearted talks about maybe nuking the filibuster, but it'll never go through; the Democrats don't have 50 votes for it. Joe Manchin will NEVER nuke the fillibuster; he won't come right out and say he supports an abortion ban, he'll say "we don't want to be too hasty, we don't want to retaliate tit for tat on every issue, banning and unbanning and rebanning based on political ideology instead of the constitution. I'm not gonna blindly vote one way or the other, I want to see a comprehensive bipartisan bill, and then I'll make my decision," which is kinda like asking to see a leprechaun blowing a unicorn. The Democrats will run on a midterm platform of abortion rights, and Joe Manchin will let all the wind out of their sails, sabotaging the entire party by refusing to commit to anything Schumer or Pelosi or Biden want to do, and they'll let him because they don't want to hurt his feelings and push him to become an Independent and caucus with the Republicans. The Democrats have power now, and are blowing it, and they think that they're gonna be rewarded with more power come November?!? Oh, I have no doubt that the base will be energized, but it's gonna be focused almost entirely in safe states where they already hold majorities because of Republican fuckery with the election maps and voting rights; the Democrats will win the nationwide popular vote, I guarantee it, but they will lose seats and the media will blame them for it for being "too radical." And even though the Republicans are the ones causing the problem, they will make huge gains because they are seen as more conpetent and unified than the Democrats; Republicans in power give Republicans what they want, but Democrats think their voters are babies who don't know what they want and have to be spoonfed the same decades old neoliberal bullshit because the party leaders don't want to shift one fucking nanometer back to the left. Abortion rights will evaporate this summer, and then we all get to grit our teeth and clench our fists until our knuckles turn white in the hopes that the midterms don't fuck us even more; best case scenario, the status quo is maintained, Democrats hold congress and continue to do nothing because a handful of conservatives among them want a compromise where none exists. More likely, the Democrats lose one or both houses of congress and then Biden becomes a lame duck whose only job is to veto Republican bills (and he'll never seat another judge for the rest of his term; McConnell will hold every single nomination hostage again, just like he did to Obama, and Biden will either not be allowed to make recess appointments or he will choose not to because he doesn't want to set the precedent that the president can put people on the bench without Senate approval, even temporarily, though we all know Republicans will have no such qualms should the tides ever turn against them like this).
We are witnessing a tragedy in slow motion. The ship hit an iceberg years ago, and the qater has been rising this whole time, but everyone in power has to pretend like everything is okay because they don't want passengers to freak out yet.
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