#that elf alcohol post drives me insane
arachnofiend · 4 months
People who are like "ugh ELVES don't get enough credit" are genuinely the swifties of fantasy
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jawritter · 4 years
Twelve Days Of Christmas
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Summary: Dean never realized that Y/N missed Christmas until he turned off an annoying Christmas song on the radio on the way home from a hunt, now he will make it his personal mission to give her the Christmas he misses so much, and if he plays his cards right, maybe he will give her what he has wanted to give her for so many years, himself.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​​​​
Square Field: Christmas Pajamas
Word Count: 1963
Warnings: Fluff, Dean on Ice Skates, lol. Fluff
A/N: This is to help me catch up on my SPN Christmas Bingo card lol Chapter 6 will post tomorrow! I knew chapter will post every day until Christmas! I know I’m insane lol. This is a real time fic collection and all mistakes will be my own! Please do not copy my work! Hope you all enjoy these!!
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Hibbing, Minnesota was a small town that had an almost rustic, old-time feel to it. The old stores that lined the streets downtown spared no expense in decking themselves out for the holiday season, and you could have sworn that you had taken a step back in time as soon as Dean turned Baby onto the main street in the town where most everything was located. 
You could even see Dean out of the corner of your eye looking around excitedly as he drove down the street. Pedestrians were walking around with bags and in their warmest winter attire. You could hear the faint ding of the Salvation Army bells ringing from the corners. If you listened hard enough you could even hear the kids you just passed laughing as they launched snowballs at each other from around the old light post in the street. 
Dean smiled to himself as he watched you take in the sights around you. The smile that graced your face makes his world seem all the more brighter. In the dark world that he had been thrust into at such a young age, when you found the slightest little bit of light you tend to cling to it. His hand twitched on the steering wheel, and for just a moment he almost took your hand in his before he caught himself. He didn’t want to move too fast. 
You weren’t just some quick fuck to him, you weren’t just something to do. You had come to mean the world to Dean, and even though his feelings for you were a big driving force in all this he was doing for you, he wanted to make sure for the first time he did it the right way, and not in some rushed hurry in some truck stop bathroom or a motel quickie. He wanted you to fall for him the way he’d fallen for you if that was possible. Even if it was selfish to want you, he did, and there wasn’t any changing that. He was tired of trying to stay away from you.
Finally, Baby’s wheels came to a crunching stop in the middle of the street at a little shop, and before you could get out of the car Dean grabbed your shoulder, stopping you. 
“Stay here Sweetheart,” he tells you before jetting out of the car before you had time to argue. You watch with intense curiosity through Baby’s frost kissed windows as Dean made his way to the counter to talk to the elderly gentleman that was working there. 
The older man disappeared into a small room that you couldn’t see and returned with two boxes in his hands, passing them to Dean, as well as a bag, before Dean paid the man, and made his way back to Baby, throwing the bag in the back seat before passing your box to you, and shutting the car door against the bitter chill of the wind outside. 
“Open it,” he said excitedly.
You would have normally given him hell about how Hallmark this was, but those bright green eyes left no room for kidding, so you gingerly pulled the lid off of the box on to your lap. Finding a brand new pair of Ice Skates will be in their protective paper wrapping. 
You were smiling like an idiot, and you knew it, but the fact that he’d gone through his much planning and preparation made your heart feel like it was going to fly out of your chest and flutter around the room. 
“Dean, are we going ice skating?” you asked excitedly as he put Baby in drive, and began to slowly pull away from the curb. 
“Yep, I remember you saying you used to go with our dad when you were a little girl. Every year Donna said they open up an outdoor ice rink for everyone in town, and I just had to bring you.”
You could have cried on the spot, your eyes and heart were swimming with so many emotions as Dean smiled a little while he drove down the road towards your destination. You couldn’t believe he paid that much attention to you, much less remember everything you had told him about your life before hunting the way he was slowly revealing he did. 
When the car parked out in the parking lot, you leaned over in a moment of bravery and placed a kiss to his stubbled covered cheek, and threw your arms around his neck the best you could in the car with a box of skates in your lap. He never hesitated or pushed you away, he just wrapped his arm around you, hugging you back like his life depended on it.
“Thank you for this Dean, it means the world to me,” you tell him, and you could have sworn he placed a kiss on the top of your hate covered head, but it was so fast that you couldn't be sure. 
“Anything for you Y/N/N, you know that.”
It had been years since you had been on a pair of skates, and Dean said he’d only ever did it once or twice in his entire life, but you found your footing quickly. It really was almost like riding a bike. Dean was taking it a little slower, but cat-like reflexes he’d developed as a hunter had him moving pretty well after only falling on his butt three times. 
Dean was surprisingly more graceful than people ever gave him credit for. Years of fighting had taught him how to move in a way that made him limber and almost fluid. You could see it in the way he moved now next to you as the pair of you glided alone in a circle with the rest of the moving crowd. You laughed harder than you had in years when Dean collided with the ice the first time, and the second, and this third, each time growling out an adorable “son of a bitch”, but he was determined, and now you would think he’d been doing this for years.
You were so distracting watching him move next to you that when a group of teenagers sped past you it knocked you off of your balance, but before you could actually collide with the ice Dean’s strong arms wrapped around you, leaning against the makeshift wall they had placed as a barricade around the ring to balance the pair of you. His breath fogging out in front of him and mingling with your own as you repositioned yourself. 
His eyes scanned your face, as his gloved hand came up to brush the hair away from your face that had fallen when you lost your balance, his piercing green eyes boring into yours as your heart pounded away against your ribcage, which had nothing to do with the near-fall you almost took, and everything to do with the fact that this Adonis of a man still hand his arms securely around you even after you regained your footing. 
“You okay,” he asked, his breath coming out of his parted pink lips in white puffs. He was so close to you smell the gum he’d been chewing. Your entire body tingled with excitement, for just a moment you thought he was going to kiss you, but just before he would have followed through he straightened and laced his fingers with you. 
Blushing furiously you cleared your throat and smiled at him, nodding because there was no way in hell your throat was going to allow you to speak. It felt like it had literally caved in on itself the moment you realize just how close Dean was to you. 
Dean’s eyes searched you over like a protective mother hen, still worried, always worried. 
“Your cold Y/N/N, your shivering,” he stated, taking his top layer coat off of his body and draping it over your shoulders. “We’ve been out here for a few hours. What do you say we head back, take a hot shower, and make something hot and laced with alcohol.”
You blink a few times as the scent of his cologne laced in his jacket clouded your sense, and his hand rejoined your own. 
“Yeah, that sounds great.”
Dean helped you from the ice and out of your skates before getting his own and placing them in the back seat, turning up Baby’s heater to warm you. The drive to the cabin back through town was peaceful. You hadn’t noticed that you had been out most of the day, but the sun sinking pink behind the clouds added an enchanted feel to the little town as you went. Day 9 had by far been the best yet, and if today was the last day you’d cherish this time with Dean forever. 
Still, Dean wasn’t done, far from it. 
Once you got back to the cabin, he grabbed your arm, stopping you from going to the shower with the bag you had all but forgotten from earlier in his hand, holding it out for you to take. 
You took the bag suspiciously in hopes of getting that full-body laugh from him again that he did the other day, and it worked to your surprise. 
“What’s the suspicious look for sweetheart, it’s not gonna bite! Open it! You’re gonna need it before you take a shower!” 
You pulled the tissue paper from the top of the bag, and two pairs of Christmas pajamas, complete with socks, were waiting for you. One for you, and one for Dean. 
“Oh my God! You’re actually gonna wear Christmas pajamas?” you asked him in disbelief, pulling out your Elf pajamas as well as Dean’s which proudly declared “Merry Christmas you filthy animal,” across the front. 
“What can I say, they looked warm, and it’s a classic,” he said, taking his pair from you. “Now if any pictures of this rare occurrence surface once we’re back at the bunker just know I might have to kill you.”
You snort out a laugh, hugging him again, and enjoying the way he all but melted against you. His hand going to your hair to play with your hair as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“Now, you know I make not promise Winchester,” you tease him when you finally force yourself to let go of him.
His eyes narrow at you playfully. 
“You better go take that shower Sweetheart, or else I’m gonna go first and use all the hot water,” he teases you, snatching up his pajamas and making his way into the kitchen to start on some hot chocolate for the two of you. 
You grin your way towards the small bathroom, mind swearing with events from earlier today. You would have never guessed this side of Dean existed. You definitely weren’t going to be ready to get back to reality once Christmas was over. Even as you sat tucked safely into his side with his arm around you later that night, several cups of adult hot chocolate in, and about three episodes of Dr. Sexy M.D. deep you still couldn’t believe just how lucky you were that he would care enough to do this for you. 
Dean, on the other hand, was just as surprised that you were willing to do this with him at all, and didn’t tell him to fuck off the moment he bought the present on night 12. He didn’t think it was even possible, but somehow, right here with you tucked safely against him for the first time he could see himself with a happy ending, and that was a gift enough for him this year. 
He was sure you were all he’d ever need.
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Twelve Days Of Christmas Tag List: 
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from the HCs... Annie Edison and Britta Perry!
Ahh 2 of my favs! Here goes (I have A Lot of thoughts about them as you can probably guess from all the Brittannie and Annie-centric fics lol)
Annie Edison
1. I feel like in my little curated corner of Community Tumblr, it’s largely accepted that Annie is a thriving lesbian. To confirm, she’s gay as fuck. 
2. Piggybacking off 1, my HC for how she realizes is that she takes a course titled something like “Introduction to Human Sexuality and Desire in Media” as a dual social sciences and humanities course with Abed in S4 or S5 and it helps everything (“i’m comfortable being uncomfortable with my sexuality,” comphet driving her to try and get with guys Britta’s been with as a socially acceptable proxy for pursuing Britta herself, trying to kiss Britta, the elf maiden thing, etc.) click into place for her. Also, Britta’s her first girl-to-girl kiss because she wants to know what it’s like to kiss a woman before she starts trying to date one, because otherwise she’ll think/worry too much about it. 
3. Her fav. part of living with Troy and Abed, besides getting a chance to enjoy the childhood/young adulthood she never really had, is getting to make meals together. Her family dinners were usually fraught with awkward/tense silences, so she enjoys the generally upbeat dynamic in the apartment, even if the boys aren’t always the best cooks.
4. Her music taste gradually shifts from straight-up pop to being a bit of an amalgamation of the group’s.
5. She and Shirley bond over baking non-denominational cutout cookies for their winter parties.
6. She and Britta occasionally wax poetic about the joys of kissing women when they’re drunk if Jeff’s not attending whatever party they’re at. Drunk!Annie will also competitively challenge just about anyone to a rap battle. She’s actually pretty good and has a surprising knowledge of Drake and Mac Miller songs, but if someone makes her start laughing while she’s trying to rap, she’s toast.
7. She works part-time in the produce dept. of a nearby Whole Foods to earn rent money (idk where this idea came from, but I inserted it into a Trobedison fic a while ago and it’s always stuck with me).
8. The group keeps up with each other via a group chat, but Annie has special ways to stay in contact with some of them. She, Troy, and Abed send each other postcards, even when Troy’s back and settled with Abed in LA, and she and Frankie are pen pals.
9. She eventually makes peace with the fact that she can’t really reconcile with her parents.
10. She only works for the FBI for 3-4 years before realizing it’s too straight-laced for her following all the insanity of Greendale, and she doesn’t like mostly being a desk jockey. She slowly transitions into becoming a full-time private investigator a la Jessica Jones (minus the superpowers and alcoholism).
Britta Perry
1. She vacillates between being a functional bisexual and a disaster bisexual.
2. The group’s treatment of her in S3 fucked her up more than she’ll ever admit to anyone besides Jeff (more on them later) and she ended up smoking a ton of weed that year to cope.
3. Her relationship with Troy wasn’t necessarily the best (cause he was in love with Abed THE WHOLE TIME lmao what was S4) but being his first, both sexually and with serious relationships in general, kind of helped Britta realize her self-worth, in terms of being able to teach others things and having her input valued and appreciated.
4. That experience helps her realize she can use her empathy in her job/career path and she starts shifting from thinking about just being a psychologist to going into therapy as a more specific specialization. Also, we stan a sex-positive queen who’s very open about discussing consent, safe sex, etc.
5. She volunteers at a local animal shelter at least once every month, depending on her schedule, even though Suzie B. and, later, Daniel become aloof toward her after she returns home from said volunteering.
6. She and Troy watch random dance recitals on YouTube together from time to time.
7. Britta deleted Jeff’s drunk voicemail after she got to the ten minute mark because she thought listening to the rest of it would hurt too much.
8. She’s the most likely study group member to instigate snowball fights.
9. Post-Greendale, Britta eventually leaves her job at the Vatican to work in Greendale Hospital’s Dept. of Mental Health Services as a therapist. She also volunteers with the city’s local LGBTQ+ youth support group once or twice a month to offer her services there. 
10. She and Jeff eventually get their shit together in post-canon and develop their friendship into a legitimate relationship. When they eventually announce their engagement, they both swear up and down that they’re only getting married for tax purposes. No one believes them.
Thanks for the ask!
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