#that ep was like four weeks ago i’m not tagging it spoilers . at this point it’s survival of the fittest
three--rings · 2 years
Okay fine, guess I’m gonna talk about Kinnporsche now.
This isn’t a review or a rec post so much as, My Thoughts on KinnPorsche, let me show you them.  (Anyone?  Appropriate extremely dated reference is appropriate.)
So despite my love of many danmei and danmei-sourced media, I don’t do a lot of BL series.  I dipped my toe in the yaoi and BL manga pool a while (like a decade?) ago and just never got grabbed by it. 
And BL series have several points that generally count against them for me: one is the amount of them that feature very young characters/actors and focus on school stories.  Look, I’m in my 40s.  That starts to feel creepy real quick, as well as just being boring to me.  I don’t like a lot of modern drama PERIOD because it bores me, I much prefer historical/fantasy/etc.
Secondly, the style of humor that tends to be used in BL involves a lot of second hand embarrassment and that shit is LETHAL to me.  Like I physically cannot watch it.  So while I’ve been curious about various BL series, especially Taiwanese and Thai series, I’ve rarely actually decided to watch them.  (Really the exception was Cherry Magic, which was fine but didn’t do a huge amount for me because it was so sickly sweet and also so embarrassing.)
Okay, but Kinnporsche had a huge amount of hype around it and I was like, what’s up with this and how is it different?  And first of all, the fact the two mains are Entire Adults was a big draw.  (The actors are 27 and 30, thank god for adults.)  So I watched ep 1 (motivated mostly by a gifset of the fight scene cause yes, I’m that messy thank you).  And I liked it a lot.  Like, it felt a little like a guilty pleasure, a fantasy mafia fanfic world where all the men are allergic to shirt buttons but very compelling in its way.
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I guess, if you don’t know, I’ll briefly talk about the plot.  Kinn is the heir to a mafia family and his life is saved by Porsche, a bartender, who is recruited to be his new bodyguard thanks to him paying off a large family debt.  Porsche is an entire disaster of a person, addicted to getting drunk and screwing women in alleys and fucking things up a lot, but has a heart of gold.  Kinn is extremely gay and really pissed about how attracted he is to this dumbass. 
So anyway, then the second episode dropped and I HATED EVERY SECOND OF IT and nearly quit the show entirely and also nearly posted a long rant about it.  The second episode is pretty much entirely Porsche being embarrassed and embarrassing as he’s introduced to the EXTREMELY unrealistic world of Being a Bodyguard for Kinn’s Family.  (I would just like to say that if I were going to adapt this story, I’d set it in a near-future sci-fi world because that would explain the amount that it resembles anything the least bit believable or realistic.) 
But so I spent like a week wondering why everyone seemed to love this show so much and didn’t seem to have the same problems with it I did.  Like, for real, I was in the tags like...Explain To Me, and I guess that’s why I watched ep 3.  And..it wasn’t as bad.  Part of what I didn’t like in ep 2 was the character of Kinn’s older brother Tankhun and getting into that would be a long conversation, but he’s...an extremely quirky, very effeminate apparently queer person who is “crazy” and....yeah.  But he improved once I saw he wasn’t just a joke or meant to be an antagonist.  (Cause he felt kinda like the “evil Wrong Kind of gay” to contrast with Kinn’s “right” kind of gay, but that’s not where it went really, so okay, fine.)
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And to be clear, the show continued to have Moments.  Like the chemistry of the leads is Insane and the nature of the relationship is totally My Kind of Thing. 
Then episode four...well upped the stakes.  By getting quite a bit more problematic, but also...in a way that...had my attention.  (More on this a little later, I’m avoiding spoilers now.)
And episode five showed more skill in the way the story was told and ALSO telegraphed their intention to handle the problematic elements seriously, which made me tentatively back on the show’s side.  (Okay, I was really enjoying it by this point, ngl.)
And then they dropped episode six on us.  Episode six.  In which, our two heroes are handcuffed together and lost in the jungle For Plot Reasons and have to Work Together to Survive and also Work Our Their Shit.  And omg omg omg.  It was literally the best thing. Like, tropey, sure, the whole show is, but omg it was done so well and so skillfully and beautifully acted.  The whole episode is just...adorable and touching and moving and you get to watch these two really fall in love For Real and also I fell in love with them at the same time. 
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And episode seven continued to give me confidence in this show’s ability to both surprise and handle complicated material a mature and thoughtful way.  There are so many episodes left, and wtf is this show going to do to us? 
I will say this show is very much not for everyone.  It’s pretty violent and not really ashamed of its violence.  It’s a mafia story and gets fairly dark in that regard, not always condemning the violence either.  It’s not gory or like Gross about it.  But still.  Must enjoy morally grey characters.  (Probably ESPECIALLY since the main series villain is also one of the secondary romantic couple?  Which I’m personally not looking forward to because I’d like him to burn in a fire, but we’ll see.)
It’s NOT a show for anyone who, say, finds the work of MXTX too morally impure.  Like, do we have some consent issues?  Yup, we sure do.  But big trigger warning for sexual assault and impaired consent and the aftermath of those things.  Which I think is actually handled pretty damn well ultimately, but YMMV so be warned. 
Discussion of sexual assault below the cut, also spoilers.
So to get at my feelings about ep 4, etc.  In ep 4, for anyone who hasn’t seen the show, Porsche is drugged by the villain character who attempts to rape him.  Kinn finds him in time and insists on being alone with him, and no one else taking care of him.  Porsche throws up on both of them, which leads to them getting mostly undressed, and is very intoxicated by the drug and comes onto Kinn STRONG.  Kinn tries to resist but eventually gives in and they have sex.  The morning after, he is pretty closed off about the whole thing.  Porsche reacts like...someone who has been sexually assaulted, mostly.  They don’t directly address it with each other until ep 6, when they explicitly do and it’s really well done, IMO.
This pairing is obviously messy and what happens in ep 4 was clearly crossing a line, but the narrative TREATS it as such.  Porsche struggles with the aftermath, both being seemingly rejected by Kinn but also pretty clearly in the smoking the bathroom scene, with the fact of having been assaulted by Kinn.  But so does Kinn, who very obviously KNOWS he did wrong and fucked up and is having a hard time dealing with it and honestly this all felt real to me.  A lot of it is in the performances which, these two DON’T stop impressing me.
Ep 7 has a little bit of the same messiness.  I don’t think Porsche is actually (that) drunk at the end, I think he was faking it.  But there’s a little bit of toxicity in the beginning of the scene with him and Kinn, from both sides.  (Understandably from Porsche’s part.)  And working it out through sex isn’t top of the Relationship Therapy Guidebook.
But also, it feels Real to me.  Like, real relationships, especially sexually intense ones, can be very messy at the beginning in just this way.  And I’m honestly happy to see this kind of messiness portrayed because there’s so much out there that is sanitized into perfection, in which fictional characters aren’t allowed to do anything imperfect at all. 
On the other hand I’m way less enthused about the prospect of Vegas getting a redemption/romance arc.  And not very happy with the other romance with Chay and Kim, though I don’t know if that’s going to be a thing or what, but...err, it makes me squirm both for embarrassment reasons and for Kim being ethically dubious AF.
Like I’m enjoying Kinn and Porsche so much because they can take each other’s shit, yanno?  Porsche, for all his sad puppy eyes, and Kinn for all his fragility, they can both take and dish it.  I feel like they are on the same level in a great way.  The other pairs?  Not convinced, gulp.
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Moving On
Fandom: How To Get Away With Murder
Pairing: Frank Delfino x Reader, Frank Delfino x Laurel Castillo
Characters: Frank Delfino, Reader, Laurel Castillo, Christopher Castillo-Anderson
Word Count: 1030 // Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Frank Starts to move on
Tags/ Warnings: hurt, old relationships, new friendships, kids, nannies, HTGAWM SEASON 4 SPOILERS, 
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'There you go little man,’ Frank said as he placed Christopher in the sandpit and allowed him to grapple for the small toys he had placed there just a moment ago. He watched him for a moment before moving backwards and sitting down on the bench less than a meter away. Christopher watched him move for a moment before becoming engrossed in the toys in front of him. Frank checked his messages quickly before placing his phone in his pocket and watching the child in front of him play. It was about five minutes before he became distracted as a young blonde came up to the bench, pushing a stroller in front of her and sat down on the bench beside him. A toddler he hadn’t seen, as it had been hiding on the other side of the stroller, emerged from behind the pram and waddled over to the sandpit toppling into it with his own toys in hand opposite Christopher who giggled at this new arrival. She stationed the double stroller beside her before leaning into it for a moment fussing over another child before leaning back against the bench and looking around the park, doing a quick head count of children.
She smiled at Frank, who smiled back. She was very pretty, with a lovely figure and he noticed himself glancing at her every few seconds taking her in. Their eyes caught each other’s gaze a couple of times and they shared flirtatious smiles once more before Frank broke the ice and said ‘hi.’
‘Hi,’ she replied before joking, ‘I’m hoping you’re here with a kid.’ ‘I am,’ he chuckled, ‘I’m looking after Christopher here.’ Frank pointed to the child who was interacting with her toddler in the sandpit. ‘Good,’ she said, ‘you can never be too careful. I’m Y/N by the way.’ ‘Frank, Frank Delfino.’
Her name was Y/N and she had four kids. In her care that is. Like Frank, she was a nanny, though hers was her official job whilst he was freelance not that he minded. Over the next week or so Frank found himself frequenting the park more often than before. She was pretty sure, and if he wasn’t still hung up on Laurel she would be his type. But that wasn’t what he liked about her. She had excellent tips for helping him with Christopher. She was funny and brought flapjacks to die for but most importantly she listened to him. He aired all his dirty laundry, well not all of it otherwise she would have run for the hills, mostly he gave her the clean version of what happened between him and Laurel and she gave him advice.
‘Hey Frank,’ she said as he appeared at the park that day sitting in their usual spot near their favourite sandpit. She liked it because it had a great vantage point of the whole park so she could watch all of her kids and he liked it because she was there.
‘Hey,’ he said sliding into the seat next to her with Christopher still in tow. Though he had brought him to the park he didn’t want to let him go and play. After all, he didn’t know how long he would have left with him. Laurel was pulling away and that meant the happy family dynamic he had been clinging to was soon to disappear. Even more so now he had proposed.
‘What’s with the long face?’ she asked in what he wasn’t entirely convinced was a baby voice. ‘Nothing,’ he said entertaining Christopher as best he could as he was beginning to become antsy wanting to play. ‘Try again sailor,’ she said quirking an eyebrow. ‘I proposed to Laurel.’ ‘Oh,’ she said, ‘and from your tone, I’m guessing that it didn’t go too good?’ ‘She said no.’ ‘Ouch…maybe it’s a good thing?’ she said trying to force as much optimism into her voice as he could but there was nothing she could do to disguise the pity. ‘Doubt it.’ ‘Frank, did you ever think about it properly?’ ‘Properly? I love that girl so much and you don’t know the whole story.’ ‘From what I can tell it’s pretty twisted and I’m not against the idea of you two but maybe…maybe it’s for the best. She’s a mother now, it’s not as simple as it was before. That kid loves you, sure, but maybe a single mom is better than a dysfunctional family.’ ‘I love her so much, I’d do anything for them.’ ‘I know…maybe she’s only remembering the bad things that happen between you two and she’s trying to shelter him from that.’ ‘Maybe, maybe I’ve changed since then.’ ‘Maybe things are too far gone to salvage from that.’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Or….’ ‘Or what?’
‘Nothing nevermind,’ she said squirming in her seat slightly before picking up the baby that had chosen the perfect time to interrupt by crying. ‘No go on,’ he said turning to face her watching as she bounced the baby on her knee and tried to soothe him. His tone was irate though he knew what she was saying wasn’t that intentionally mean. ‘I just…erm, maybe she’s moved on…I’m not saying she doesn’t love you. I mean the fact that she was willing to sleep with you means there’s got to be something there but maybe it’s not love anymore. Maybe Wes stopped that and maybe having Christopher reinforces it. It’s not you.’ ‘It’s not you it’s me huh?’ he chuckled sadly. ‘Frank,’ she sighed before placing her hand on his bicep, ‘I’m sorry…’ ‘Why? It’s not your fault.’ ‘I know, doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck.’ ‘Yeah,’ he sighed enjoying the feel of his dainty hand on his arm, the absence of physical contact in the past few days hitting him like a truck. ‘You know if I didn’t have the kids I’d suggest that we go for a drink to drown your sorrow.’ ‘I guess a bottle of milk will have to do for now,’ Frank chuckled, ‘until Friday maybe, say 6 o'clock Joe’s bar?’ ‘I get off at half past so say 7,’ she said with a coy smile.
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silverfae16 · 6 years
Thoughts/Review: Beyblade Burst ChouZ episode 43 (hi yes I didn’t ask for that)
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Hooh boy... This episode was so, so good. The tension was in the right place and honestly, that battle was one of if not the best battle of the series thus far.
Spoilers ahead so under the cut we go~
So this ep focused on the Flee vs Phi fight, plus we get some idea of what Aiga is gonna do in response to the result of the fight. 
Going into this, I had four main predictions of what could happen. I knew that Flee wasn’t going to win this, just based on the pattern of “new bey almost always wins their first battle”, but the question was “would Fafnir break?”. 
Honestly, I loved the Flee vs Phi fight. I loved that Flee was the one to push Phi to show off all that he had in store, reminding us why Flee was such a good blader two years ago. You still got this idea that Phi was toying with Flee a little bit, but this could have gone a lot worse (i.e. a Burst finish right out of the gate, and Fafnir breaking anyway). Valt even brings up after the second round that Phi could have ended it there, but didn’t. Dead Stinger is a fun attack to watch, although it can’t be fun to be on the receiving end of that.
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I don’t think we’ve seen Flee go full power like that before, not even against Lui! If this battle had lasted any longer, Flee would have most likely broken something in his arm (again) due to the power he was exerting. (Also this makes me re-evaluate my opinion in this ask re a Lui vs Phi fight. It would still be a close fight...just it wouldn’t be so even-stevens anymore.)
While this was an awesome battle to watch, it wasn’t exactly a fun one. With Phi being determined to break things now, there is no “fun” involved. This isn’t what Beyblade is supposed to be about (as Valt very much pointed out). A battle where one person only seeks to overwhelm the other isn’t a true battle; we know this from last season. Beyblade is supposed to fun, y’know. And of course, the ending was heartbreaking since Flee didn’t deserve that. (As a side note, I love (ha) how the destruction has just been worse each time a bey has been broken. Hooh boy)
Also, you know a situation is fcked up when another character tells the unfortunate victim to get the hell out of there. (I’m 90% sure this is the first time I’ve heard someone in Burst tell another character to run in a battle scenario, but I could be wrong)
One thing that struck me as I was watching the episode was that Phi definitely seems way more aggressive than he did before. He’s also gone from having a superiority complex to having a god complex if this episode is any indication. Oh, his defeat will be wonderful~
The anime seemed to hint via visual cue that Shu is going to be Phi’s next target since Phi is leaving Valt ‘til last. But we’ll have to wait and see. I wouldn’t be surprised if Phi is going to take down all the strong ones. 
So afterwards, I guess Aiga realised he needed to step up his game, hence he’s going on this training journey. I can understand why, given what they just saw, and while I get why he’s going on his own...I’m too used to someone tagging along (whether that be Naru or Ranjiro), so it looks odd.
I’m curious as to how the anime will handle these remaining eps, since there seems to be a dual-focus of Aiga prepping to fight Phi again, vs Phi setting out on a destructive rampage. This should be interesting ^^
Next week brings us... Xhan! Aiga goes off to train with Xhan, so that’ll be fun. I’m mostly looking forward to it because we’ll see how Xhan has grown since we last saw him~ And hey, we get to see Xhan in his home environment, instead of just outside of it.
Overall: Really good episode, probably one of the best of the season.
See ya next week <3 
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weiwuxiian · 5 years
The Untamed / Chenqing Ling Episode 6-8
I’m sorry for all the spamming !!! I didn’t expect to be so into the live action but it just gets more interesting ; O ;  Also slowly getting a crush on Wang Yibo/LWJ’s actor. Last POST I SWEAR !!! until the episodes next week... AS ALWAYS, SPOILERS INCOMING !!!
Ep 6
NHS is late for the party because he wanted peanuts. The boys barricaded their doors and place a silencing talisman over it. WWX teases JC about his ‘criteria’ for a wife and got banned by the whole cultivational world. They fool around as JC tries to murder WWX and NHS is trying to protect him. LWJ walks in, while WWX takes the lead, JC and NHS feigned drunk and ran away when WWX gave the cue. WWX placed a talisman on LWJ and made him obey him and call him ‘Wei-gege’. But when WWX wants to touch his forehead ribbon, LWJ snaps awake and says only family members and his wife are allowed to touch it. WWX is like,  “Pfff wife, your Lan sect has so many rules I doubt any girl would was to marry into the Lan Sect.” LWJ is like, “I am fine with that.” and WWX gets awkward... tries to joke and say, “Since you’re a lil fuddy daddy, and your dad is a big fuddy daddy. Does that mean your mother is very ridiculous? (since LWJ called him ridiculous).” and LWJ is like, “I do not have a mother.” and WWX immediately feels bad and offers LWJ his own story too, saying he lost his mother at the age of 4 and cant even remember how they look like. His earliest memories were only being chased by dogs. 
The next day, a Gusu disciple reported to LQR and LXC that WWX and co were caught drinking alcohol in the CR. LXC chuckles good-naturedly but spits out his wine when the Gusu disciple says LWJ is also involved, and LXC is like “What?!”
LQR and LXC go out to bestow punishment. LWJ and WWX gets 300 beating each, JC and NHS gets 50. WWX and JC makes JYL baby them and cook mutton stew for them. They meet LXC on the way, LXC telling WWX that LQR and Cangse Sanren used to be classmates, so he was annoyed easily by WWX. He tells WWX to go to the fountain to heal. 
WWX goes to the fountain and meets LWJ. They both fell into a cave with a mysterious guqin and a bunch of rabbits. LWJ is like “Why is that rabbit wearing a forehead ribbon.” The guqin starts attacking WWX and it appears to attack anyone who isn’t a Lan. WWX sees the rabbit with the forehead ribbon and asks LWJ to give him his forehead ribbon. LWJ flies over and ties his forehead ribbon around WWX’s wrist.
LWJ performs Inquiry on the guqin and summons Lan Yi. Lan Yi tells them a story:
A long time ago in the Burial Mounds there lived a tyrant called Xue Conghai (Xue Yang’s ancestor??) who as a pet Xuanwu and crafted the Demonic Metal, using human sacrifice to feed it. The Five great sects including Wen Mao, rose up against him and killed Xue Conghai. They spilt the metal into 4 pieces and sealed them away. Lan Yi thought she could use the metal for good and tried to unseal it. Her best friend at that time is Baoshan Sanren, who tried to stop her, but Lan Yi ceases to listen. So she realized her mistake after that, uses her powers to seal the last piece of the Demonic Metal in the cave for hundreds of years. However, her powers are slowly fading and she could no longer uphold it. LWJ swears an oath that he will find the Demonic Metal and destroys it. WWX also pledges before Lan Yi. LWJ is like, “This doesn’t concern you, you are not a Lan.” WWX is like, “Im not heartless. Even though I’m from Yunmeng Jiang, we help each other when the other is in need.” Lan Yi is pleasantly surprised to find that WWX is the son of one of Baoshan Sanren’s disciple and says he reflects Baoshan’s teachings. She gives them the last piece of Demonic Metal and vanishes.
LWJ and WWX returns and finds that they have been gone for almost one day and night. They gave the metal to LQR and LXC, and finds that they already knew about it. Only all leaders of the Lan Sect from generation to generation knew about this secret.  
LQR and LXC made WWX swore not to tell anyone. On their way out, NHS came to to ask after WWX and asked what happened, LWJ almost told him, but WWX stopped him, bullshit about a big snake trying to eat them and scares NHS off. 
WRH sends XY off to Yueyang to retrieve one piece of the Demonic Metal. WC is jealous that he isn’t chosen and seems to have plotted something. 
They make lanterns. JZX and JYL ship is thick here. WWX asks LWJ is they want to set the lantern off together. Lwj says he’s used to being alone, but WWX pushes on and says habits can be changed and he doesn’t need to be alone, besides, he made the lantern with LWJ in mind and shows him his lantern with a golden-eyed rabbit. LWJ smiles fainted and it made WWX laugh, saying “You smiled!” LWJ immediately gets nervous and picks up Bichen, WWX is scared off and accidentally pushes NHS’ lantern into the fire. They set off the lanterns and made wishes:
NHS wished that he could pass the exam.  JC steals a glance at WQ as she wishes that WN would live a life of good health. LWJ steals a glance at WWX and was impressed when WWX wished that he could help all the weak and poor and that there would be no injustice in the world.
WWX asks JYL what she wished about and guessed that it’s about marrying into a good family. JZX walks off, WWX runs after him and ask that it mean... etc etc they got into a fight. JFM and JGS comes to Gusu and after settling the matter, LQR retains JFM to tell him about the Demonic Metal. JFM tells LQR and LXC about WRH receiving a guest with the surname ‘Xue’ and they were shocked. 
WWX tries to cheer up JYL by sending a paper man into her room and she could guess it’s him. WWX tries to run away but was caught by her and he asked her to scold him, but she says it’s not his fault. With JC, they approach LQR and LQR to take their leave back to Yunmeng. On their way out, WWX caught LXC saying “Have a safe journey.” to LWJ and concludes that LWJ might be going to retrieve the Demonic Metal alone.
WWX visits a place and it’s discovered that he took all of Lan Yi’s rabbits and tried to raise them outside of the CR. WWX talks to the rabbits, asking if they’re fine and etc, and he wants to bring them back to Yunmeng but feels like LWJ would be lonely without them. 
LXC and LWJ watches them leave and LXC is like “the CR would be quiet again without Master Wei... I wonder how long it will last.” He asks if LWJ wants to tell WWX about his trip, but LWJ says it doesn’t matter.
JFM, JYL, JC, and WWX set off to go back home to Yunmeng. On their way, they stop by WWX’s rabbits. As they patted the rabbits, JC is like “Why did you have so many rabbits?” and WWX says he picked them up from the road because he couldn’t tell him he’s seen Lan Yi. JC then, “Could it be that you wanted to eat rabbit meat?” and WWX quickly covers the rabbit’s ears, “JC!! You can let rabbits hear something like that!! They baby...” (I found this so cute!!!)  After they left, LWJ passed by the same passage. He greets the rabbits and says he hopes they’ll meet again.
Back in LXC’s place, WC visits him and asks for the Demonic Metal. LXC tells WC go to home. WC threatens him and says he knows that LWJ just descended the CR this morning, and laughs when LXC is shocked. LXC prays for LWJ to be safe.
Back with the Jiangs, JFM found a letter with a smiley face left to him by WWX. JC is mad that WWX left without forewarning and says he’ll catch him back, but JFM says it’s fine. JYL tells JC that if WWX left, it must be because it’s something important. 
WWX and LWJ gets a random change of (more attractive) clothes. WWX runs after LWJ and annoys him, LWJ calls him ridiculous but lets him onto the boat anyways. WC is seen stalking them.
LWJ is moving too fast and WWX asks him to wait for him, but LWJ ignores him, so WWX creates a string using an array so that he and LWJ are tied together and couldn’t stray apart from each other further than 2meters. It just ends with LWJ dragging WWX across the mountains. They arrive in a city and met NHS. 
JC leaves Yunmeng to find WWX. JYL caught him, but lets him and tells him to be careful. JC appreciates that she’s supportive of his decision.
WWX and NHS fooled around before WWX noticed LWJ is interested in a crowd of people and asks why he isn’t approaching them to see what’s up. LWJ comments that there are too many people and he doesn’t want to crowd. WWX takes LWJ’s hand and runs into the crowd regardless, NHS tags along. They notice they were all crowding upon a sign that says [novel reference] if you recite a poem correctly a beautiful fae would appear and show herself to you. They bask in flower petals for a while then later finds out that WC had came earlier and took a piece of the Demonic Metal from the fae, so she’s gone.
On the road, NHS starts associating himself with them as WWX tells him about their quest. WWX begins to get a little annoyed that NHS is being too intimidate with them. NHS was like “So if we’re holding one piece of the Demonic Metal, wouldn’t that be dangerous?” and WWX responds, “What ‘we’? It’s just me,” points at LWJ, “and him!! There is no ‘we’ !! you just tagged along from nowhere!!” 
WC scene again.  WQ tells WC that they should go to Yueyang to aid Xue Yang, but WQ says he knows that WQ is prevent him from getting near WWX and LWJ and warns her not to use WRH to threaten him. Here WC reveals that WQ’s family (Granny, A-Yuan, Uncle Four) were all from Dafan mountain and WQ says WRH promised not to hurt her family. WC laughs and says he is going to awaken a man-eating beast (hint: goddess).
JC runs into WQ in a coffee shop. WQ purposely picks a fight with him by copying all his orders and actions, and uses the opportunity to tell JC that WWX is in trouble in Dafan Mountain. JC thanked her and runs away to WWX’s aid.
WWX, LWJ, and NHS meet an old lady on the road (suspect to be A-Yuan’s Granny). Granny seems to be mumbling about a goddess coming to life as WWX asks for a place to sleep. She leads them to a cave. Uncle Four walks out and tells him that the goddess was originally a rock who developed a face after receiving prayers from many, but was sealed/controlled by someone powerful. WWX saw the cenotaph in his hands having a ‘Wen’ character and asks if that someone ‘powerful’ is from the Wen sect, Uncle Four insist that he doesn’t remember. 
At night as they slept, NHS had a nightmare and woke LWJ and WWX up screaming. The goddess suddenly comes to life. WWX and LWJ teamed up to fight her. In the process, the goddess was mainly attacking LWJ persistently so WWX asks LWJ if he thought she fancied him, and LWJ asks him to shut his mouth. After that, WWX and LWJ sealed the goddess, but a bunch of walking corpses suddenly appeared and started attacking them. WC’s black phantom bird appears and NHS points it out. WWX is like ‘stupid bird.’
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