#that fandom poll being posted on today of all days really did a number on me
gentil-minou · 1 year
I wanna ask the wlw wangxian girlies what we think about height differences with our lesbians 👉🏽👈🏽
because it's 2 am and I can't stop thinking about short girl Wei Ying who's short and spry and a star on the wrestling team with tall girl Lan Zhan who's on the women's volleyball team and wears the tiniest short shorts to practice that leaves an expanse of skin that makes Wei Ying go absolutely nuts because is she really allowed to see all this in the cafeteria everyday??
Anyways, I just like the thought of Wei Ying being like 5 foot 2 and the perfect height to smother herself in Lan Zhan's chest and just running over to her after another grueling practice and crashing into her for a much needed hug and getting a face full of lovely sweat boobehs
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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hillerskalibrary · 1 year
This is my first time being in a fandom so I don't really know - do you think people writing YR fanfiction will die down quickly after the end of the show? I am already super sad about the show ending but no more new fanfiction about these two might be even worse 🙃
Do you maybe have experience from other fandoms? 🧡
Hey anon! To you, as well, apologies for the late reply, especially since this question is clearly important to you - and no doubt to many others.
Now, should I have attempted to write a heartfelt answer on how the YR fandom will indeed probably slowly fade away but that's okay because the important thing is the joy it gave you while it lasted? Yes, yes I should have.
Did I spend half an hour making a graph in Excel instead? ... also yes.
look I may be a failed scientist but I'm still a scientist and you came to my inbox so...
Behold! My beautiful and not-at-all questionable graph of the number of YR posted per month since the release of S1.
Tumblr media
Now, first the good news: as you can see, the general trend of fic goes UP! ;) I think it's been clear that S2 has drawn in lots of new fans, and that reflects in the number of fics - not only are there more writers, but more readers = more interaction = more motivation for writers.
Now, what does this tell us about fic numbers after S3?
... absolutely nothing. No, seriously, it is impossible to extrapolate any of this into the future :D. I mean, it is likely the peak will be even higher for the S3 release, and it's safe to say that then it will go down. But how fast, or how low, is hard to tell...
Now, I can see how this may make you sad. And I would like to offer two counterpoints.
ONE It's not done yet. This may seem obvious but- the time to be sad is not here yet. Suppose the sun shines today, and the forecast predicts rain for tomorrow. What are you going to do? Go out and enjoy every ray of sun while you can? Or spend the day inside, sad because you won't be able to go out tomorrow? Look - don't get me wrong, I don't wanna dismiss your feelings. It's just- we'll have time to be sad about it later, you know? Right now fandom is active: great fic is being published, thought provoking discussions are being had, ... . Let's enjoy that!
TWO Whether fandom lives or dies after the show, is partly up to you. I mean it! A fandom lives by grace of its active members. So write fic. Prompt other authors if you can't (and even if you can!). Organize events, challenges, polls, ... There are so many things you can do to keep the fandom going, but it's going to require time and effort. And no, success is not guaranteed. But it's worth it.
Lastly though, as you say yourself: this is your first fandom. A first fandom is always a little special, but after a first... comes a second. Always. It may seem hard to believe, and it may not even be something you necessarily want, but very often, that's how it goes. Fandoms come and go - and that's fine. It sucks too, of course, sometimes. But it's fine. It has to be, because the alternative is for nothing to ever change, and that would suck even harder. So enjoy this wonderful fandom we have, gush about it all with your mutuals, and trust that a new blorbo will find you ;).
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Mon 11 Jan ‘21
Turns out there is no Zayn zoom call, it was faked by fans, but Zayn heard us all crying about just wanting to hear him talking and did one better anyway; he tweeted a phone number (1 323 991-ZAYN) for us ALL to call him! The number has a recording of Zayn (“yo Zayn heah!” yesss thank you) inviting us to press numbers between 1 and 9 to hear a preview of the 9 songs on the album that we have not yet heard so we can GET EXCITED and pick our faves. And then after you call it “he” sends you a fully skeezy text asking for your deets “so we can stay in touch” so if you ever dreamed about Zayn sliding into your DMs here's your chance to pretend (in a more wholesome way than faking it to make other fans feel bad.)
Spotify restored the “This is Louis Tomlinson” playlist (he finally got one when Walls came out and he had enough solo songs, but then it quickly disappeared, until now)- Spotify says “we made it! sorry this took so long to fix” which explains nothing but there ya go. An intrepid detective connected the dots between an old picture of Dianna Agron from Glee in the Pride tent at 2019 Glastonbury with the picture of Louis from Glasto that was found a year after the fact (on some guy's tinder)-- he was also in the big rainbow colored gay tent. And present day Louis (today!) liked a post that was both inspirational and about football, regular Louis catnip; “Really moving! Best of luck to him!” he said about the guy's story.
Lottie apparently felt like riling up the fandom today and ran a “favorite fruit” emoji poll which, I'm not saying Harry OWNS FRUIT now or anything but she sure wasn't steering away from people going there, least of all when she commented oooh gosh kiwis sure seem popular how about that, or when she then said her favorite 1D song was “I have loved you since we were 18” against a cherry backdrop, and Veeps pulled it back from a typo on a post about Liam singing a 1D fave with an excellent “cause you make me Trong” follow up post.
Meanwhile even the entertainment press, desperate to make sense of it all, are plaintively asking “So who should we believe?” in headlines about the Holivia timeline and posting whole articles about the contradictions; when Harry said “time is irrelevant” in his 2015 song 'Olivia' he was sending a message to the future about exactly this, clearly! Tragically the hilarious 'Harry turns detective to try to puzzle out who told the press about Holivia' angle seems to have been dropped, though presumably not for being too stupid to believe because, well...*gestures...*
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In today’s episode we talk about Vincent’s sequel and maybe getting Joel’s soon-ish.
As per usual, the video is hardsubbed in English, but here’s a full transcript under the cut
Hello everyone, welcome to Royal Magic Academy Radio, a podcast about Wizardess Heart. I’m your host, Mari. I’ve finally emerged from my haze that came with Fire Emblem: Three Houses coming out and now that I’m like 60 hours into that game, it’s time to focus on my other emotional support game *laughs*. But in all seriousness. So some housekeeping things: I’m going to make this podcast biweekly so episodes are a bit longer and I’ve got more time to prepare for them. I’m also wanting to branch back into my older interests as well as make more otome content, so this podcast being biweekly will also give me more time to work on those other projects. But yeah, that’s it. So without further ado, let’s get started.
In gaming news, a new star collection event debuted. The Pit of Curiosities is circus-themed, and yes, Caesar’s in it, which I have to admit made me nervous laugh when I first saw it because. You know. Apparently he’s not re-traumatized though, so it’s fine. I’m saying apparently because I haven’t read it. To be honest, I haven’t read any of the stories because I’m just really not feeling this line-up. I also don’t have a huge nostalgic soft spot for circuses and fairs like a lot of people do, so I guess that’s also feeding into my apathy for this event. My mom never let me on rides at the fair and I was never really into the carnival games or food so I just. Never went that often and never developed a love for fairs or circuses. 
The Seasonal Slot: Blue Ocean is back, and it’s running until September which is a blessing considering it has a lot of items and it’s 1,000 Romance Points per spin. I wasn’t playing when this slot first came out so I’m glad I have a chance to play it. 
Before I say a quick word about Joel, I want to give a heads up that the sequels mechanic is a little different now from when it first debuted. You have to spend at least one story ticket on the dude’s main story in order to read the sequel, and thank you to tumblr user einhornaufzuchtstation for the tip about only spending one ticket, and also I’m sorry if I just butched your url. But yeah, you can’t go straight into the sequel anymore. 
And finally, Joel’s early bird is being reran! It’s not a super long period, but it’s something.
So let’s talk about Joel for a moment in a more speculative way. If we all recall, Joel was number 1 on the sequel poll results Solmare did back in December. I’m kinda thinking this rerun may mean we’ll be getting the sequels fairly soon, or at least we’ll be getting Joel’s soon. I calculated the average time between a route’s rerun and the sequel release day, and it’s an average of 32 days, meaning theoretically, we could have Joel’s sequel around September 1. However, I wouldn’t hold my breath for it. Solmare’s been inconsistent because, remember, they reran Elias and then hurriedly reran Vincent and didn’t release Elias’ sequel for another couple months. But I do think this is a sign that the next batch of sequels is coming soon. I mean, we are going to get them eventually.
It’s time for Fandom History! Originally for this segment, I was gonna talk about Klaus 2 Electric Boogaloo, but since we potentially  have the sequels coming up, I think it’d be fun to talk about the sequels and the mystery of what the hell happened with Vincent’s sequel. So I guess we’re really molding Fandom History with Wizcourse, Fandom Chat, and Theory Time. 
The year is 2018. Klaus and Yukiya’s sequels have been released and we’ve had reruns of Klaus, Elias, Yukiya, and Vincent’s main routes. We know there’s a sequel on the way and most people think it’s Elias’ since his main route was reran literally right after Klaus’ back in October 2017. And since we’d already gotten Klaus and Yukiya’s sequels, the fandom figured he was next. But we were in for a rude awakening. 
Ultimately, we figured out Vincent’s sequel was being released first and the Tumblr fandom wasn’t exactly happy. A lot of people were confused how Vincent ranked in the top 5 anyway, but it felt like Solmare was skipping over Elias, which yeah, they kinda were. If we’d gotten the sequels in main route rerun order, we would’ve gotten Elias’ sequel before Yukiya’s, but obviously that didn’t happen. People were kind of lukewarm to Veincent’s sequel. 
But then something happened that surprised everyone. There was an actual, real leak of Vincent’s sequel CGs on Tumblr. Now, our fandom uses the word “leak” as a blanket word sometimes, but when I mean leak, I really do mean it was a leak. All the CGs were posted before his sequel was released. And unfortunately, I can’t find this original post. I’ve searched for it before and I still can’t find any trace of it.
And as you can imagine, a lot of people were shocked that one, this happened, and two, to see Tsukasa Kuze in these CGs. A lot of people, myself included, who weren’t going to play Vincent’s sequel, were now going to play it for Tsukasa. And tbh that’s something I hear a lot that people who played his sequel either actually like Vincent or they played it for Tsukasa. So when his sequel dropped, people flocked to it and. Well. 
I can say with certainty that no one was expecting Vincent’s sequel to be like that. It’s still considered one of the worst sequels, if not the worst and one of the worst routes in the game. The plot was all over the place, it felt rushed, and it wasn’t a satisfying read. Also they took away my precious baby boy from me AGAIN so that didn’t make me happy. But anyway, it was a hot mess and people were curious as to why.
Klaus’ sequel wasn’t perfect, the deus ex machina in it was a bit on the nose, but it was still a fun read and satisfying. Yukiya’s sequel was quite literally amazing and incredibly well-done and it still holds up today. So for Vincent’s sequel to flop so badly was a huge shock. So naturally we did what any fandom does in times like this: try and think of a reason why this happened.
There’s the possibility Solmare was just trying to do too many ideas at once and they got caught up in it. You have the Philosopher’s stone drama, Devi, Tsukasa, Vincent’s job at the ministry, the school trip, the wedding planning. There was a LOT packed into Vincent’s sequel. 
There’s also the possibility that Vincent’s sequel wasn’t supposed to drop so early, but something happened with development and it got pushed forward and as a result, was rushed and the writers weren’t able to fully develop the story.
In the end, we’re never really going to know what happened with Vincent’s sequel, but it’s definitely going to be a memorable part of our fandom history.
It’s that time again! It’s time to crown another Darling of the Month! Now, I was originally going to wait to showcase this dude and have him be our December Darling, but it’s 4am and I’m feeling self-indulgent so this month’s darling is Sigurd! Anyone who comments about pasta will be BLOCKED and REPORTED! Sigurd is a sweetheart and a flirt and and all-around great guy. He’s also a good tutor and very nice to look at. Not to mention he’s so encouraging. Sigurd’s honest-to-God boyfriend material. Congrats Sigurd on being bumped up like a whole bunch of months! Next episode will have a route review.
That’ll do it for us this week! Next time we’re doing the call and response I PROMISE, I won’t forget to put the prompt on Tumblr this time. And with that, it’s time for me to return to Fodlan and my new video game husbands Dimitri and Felix. This is Mari, signing off. 
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gumshoegeek · 8 years
January 8, 2017 Update
Happy New Year! Hope you guys had a good holiday!
If you haven't already, please check out the 12 Days Giveway I'm holding. The rules are explained in this LINK, and it is also the masterpost for the 12 items that are being given away. The deadline to enter the giveaway has been extended to Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 9:00 PM PST. On to the update. I thought I had sent an update out, but apparently it was never emailed out to you guys. I'm sorry for that. It was, however, posted on my Tumblr and the Website Blog. Here we go:
I finally received more envelopes and labels today so more shipping this week. I'm supposed to get the January shipment Heda's Helm of Awe coins tomorrow so those should go out soon too. When the coins ship, you will get an email notification. If you're located outside of the US, you'll also get a tracking number.
I've sold out of The Flame/Chip coin, so I've created a pre-order for a second batch. You can pre-order them here (LINK). I need at least 50 orders by January 19, 2017 to actually place a second order; otherwise, it won't be done. (I'm also close to running out of the Lexa Defense Squad Coin and the Heda's Helm, so let me know if I need to order more.) If the pre-order goal is reached, then an order will be placed and I should have the coins in hand mid-February. FYI, as of right now, there's 23 pre-orders received.  
For those who ordered coins before November 18, 2016, thank you for your patience. Please look in your package for details regarding thanking you for your patience (it's a free gift coupon code; terms apply).
I'm working on a CNC machined Flame/Chip coin that's made completely out of steel. It'll be more accurate (and more expensive). It'll probably be limited in number. Additionally, I'm working on Fleimkepa cases as well. I'm also trying to make a Heda's Helm Coin from either Titanium, MokuTi or Damascus metal (yes, this will be extremely expensive).
If you have a chance, please fill out this poll (LINK) whether I should keep the design of the Flame/Chip Coin, changed it slightly, or change it drastically.
Sigh. Okay, so remember how we struggled to reach the goal I had set in the beginning? And that to get it conditionally backed, I'd have to raise prices? Well, because our order was the bare minimum (the company likes each design to be 144 pieces), we were put on the lower priority. I was told November-December. Obviously, it's now January and no hats. I've asked why; and it's because they ran the less complicated and high order values first. Additionally, the hats are made in China. So they have the usual holidays as well as Chinese New Year; therefore production slow down, and sometimes halt,  during that time (some factories close down fully). They've told me that they expect to get it to me mid-March (after Clexacon). That was unacceptable to me as you guys have ordered this months ago, I placed this order months ago, and I was counting on the extras I ordered for Clexacon. So what did I do? I broke our contract, got the money back, and found a different company. I've been dealing with them last week. They still have Chinese New Year celebrations, but they have promised me end of February for the hats or our money back. (And yes, to grease the wheels, so to say, I paid more out of my pocket to get this expedited.) So, I'm really sorry for this delay; if you would like to cancel your order and get a refund, please let me know. It's understandable. But if you're patient and stay with me, you will get rewarded for your patience. Also, because of constant delays, I am considering changing the model on how I do the hats now. I'm thinking of designing them, getting them made with my own money and when I have them in hand, I will sell them. But because I won't take pre-orders, it'll essentially be a limited edition. It'll be a first come, first served situation. Probably 24 hats and that's it. There's also a good probability that the price will be higher (because as I stated the more orders, the less expensive the price). TL:DR re HATS
Hats are now expected end of February (around Clexacon). I'm sorry for the delays. If you'd like to cancel and get a refund, please let me know.
For those who are still with me and who placed an order for hats before November 29, 2016, thank you again for your patience. I'll be placing extra item(s) in your order when they ship. (Hint: Pins.)
If you have an urgent need to get the hats as soon as possible, please contact me. I can either get you prototypes or release Round 1 snapback stock from my private collection (which were reserved for when I attend cons).
@immochiball and I are still working on them. Your cards will not be charged yet.
If you want to pick up orders in San Diego, when I announce that I will start shipping out items, email me your orders and say you want to pick up in San Diego. We shall make arrangements and then when we do meet up, I will refund your shipping payment. As of right now, only the coins and Round 1 hats are available for shipping/pick-up.
Not attending Unity Days. 80% attending Survival Con. Clexacon and Wondercon applications have been submitted.
Trying to see if I can hold a photography contest; basically I need photos of the products you've gotten from me (you being in the photo is optional, but would be awesome). Your photos could be featured on the website.
I believe I’ve answered all emails and messages so if I missed one, please let know.
Been working hard on future products. Pins. Patches. Hats/Beanies. Shirts. Jackets/Hoodies. Vinyl figures. Art books by certain artists. ;) We’ll see. Been also trying to expand to different fandoms.
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