#that gardener Ash story is happening this year tho dammit 👽
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
1 and 6 and 9 - 🦭
Thank you 💙
1. is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
I've had a specific arc for Gardener!Ash plotted out for about a year now and have started on it several times but keep stalling out on it. I think it's partly what I discussed earlier, about not feeling like I'm in optimum condition to write it (which again, is silly) and partly that it's a lot of work, there's a lot of set up to get to the pay off I envision. I'm obviously excited to tell the story I want to tell but I think it just seems daunting to me when I think about it so I keep putting it off.
6. something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
This turned into a much longer and much more negative answer than felt right for this fun lil ask game (lmao) so I've deleted my extended answer and will just leave it at: I don't know that it's "too late" necessarily but I do often wonder if writing in 2nd person POV was/is the right choice for me.
9. what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
I generally try to write everyday since there's always something to work on and on the days I'm having trouble getting into it, I've found what helps inspire me the most is either reading back some of my older work or talking fic with a friend (99% of the time it's Cass lbr) Whether we're talking thru my WIP or hers, it gets the creative brain flowing and helps me feel excited and motivated to get things done.
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