#that is an immense insult not just to his manhood but his pride as a warrior
eclipseshotel · 1 month
Me watching Elder Predator in repose while he’s sprawled out on his furs beside me and I decide to check to see if he’s feigning slumber (he appears knocked out)
Me: “I love you…”
Elder Predator: ……
Me: “I’m pregnant…”
Elder Predator: ……
Me: “You’re terrible in bed…”
Elder Predator: ……
Me: “You can’t hunt for shit…”
Elder Predator: ……
Me: “Your trophy rack is way too small and—”
Elder Predator:
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aureoledawning · 6 years
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Compliant, Subservient or Oppressed.
I’ve struggled with who I am all my life. I have tried too much to fit in, until I just stopped trying to fit in. It wasn’t that suddenly I found this new sense of confidence about me. I just walked back to the sidelines of life and stayed there. Not like I was a nothing, I just never knew how to be a something, or more so, I never knew how to be me. I was very used to this state of uncertainty because I never knew how to act in the world. This confusion was a result from the constant abuse and the disparaging insults throughout my childhood. My father was a bully that pushed me around, he wanted me to be submissive and to be afraid of him. He needed to prove what an almighty conqueror he was. He thought that he was so victorious in his battle with his daughter, less than ten years old, a girl and he used the colour of my skin as his choice of weapon. Quite a defeat. Unfortunately his only victorious battles were in the confines of the family home. He was only this great bravado with his wife and daughter, because in the outside world, when he tried to show just how macho he was, he got beaten up. It is such a tragic display of males not knowing their manhood. So they have to act like neanderthals to prove their dominance. How tragic in present day times that there are individuals who are still fused to the primitive mind. How tragic that there are individuals in society and in leadership roles that cannot differentiate between their position and the shrewd mind of dominance.  When will our species understand that it is not about making the people around us compliant to every whim and feckless demand we have. Human beings do not understand the mind enough to make these demands upon others. This is where dominance and control overtakes all rational thought and intelligence. It turns the minds into a conceited, ignorant brute. The dismal result of this is that the individual is nothing but a tyrant and an arrogant dictator, that intimidates the people around them until they become subservient and indeed a slave to the tyrants demands. The people around them are literally scared into oppression. They fear for their own lives and their safety, so they cower to avoid the vicious assails by the tyrant. What people are failing to see is that whilst the tyrant is wailing and screaming for their own way, we the people have more of a position that we realise. We do not have to be subservient to a pompous puffed up pin pong ball, that cannot differentiate between an exaggerated notion of one’s self and the true grace and deportment of a human being.  Every human has been given a measure of a life. To walk this very earth with the dignity and respect. This is our rite of passage. Let this now be our creed for humanity. 
We walk with Honour, It’s our Measure of Energy.
What a tyrant knows too well is the incessant level of aggression, violence and fear will cause much disturbance to the human mind that it will have lasting effects. As this disturbance will alter the natural path of development and disorient people’s understanding of themselves. The natural path of development is to connect with the physical body and develop its potentiality. Meaning there is much to learn about our human selves, that we are being kept away from developing. Human beings have streams or reservoirs of knowledge within the body, in the Eastern Cultures they are known as Chakras or Centres of Spiritual Powers. When we connect with these energy centres we are capable of generating much power and energy that can help us understand the truth of our existence. Somewhere in our species we have overlooked the importance of holding a steadfast character of dignity, self-respect and self-worth. These qualities shouldn’t be a passing phrase that leaves the mind as soon as it enters. It should be a lasting impression that is embossed in the physical body. To know the quality of self-respect and dignity, a person needs to place this understanding in the physical body, in order to produce a living value or a living expression of self-respect. This is where the Chakras hold immense potential, when we merge with the energy (of the Chakras) combined with the Measure of Energy that we were born with. We become a potent force for what is true, for our true expression of ourselves. These energies are incredibly powerful and can produce results. What I am talking about here is to reclaim our earth for the true purpose of humanity. We can rebalance the injustices, replenish our forests and restore the correct balances for nature. Perhaps this may sound like I’ve been on a chocolate cake bender, because this may sound like this is so far removed from the world we live in now. This may be true.  We are in a never ending struggle with people that want to control, dominate and stir up so much fear and hatred, it keeps humanity in a never ending cycle of survival. Indeed this serves these dictators and these authoritarians own agendas. When there is people that can do the laborious work, only to pay excessive amounts just for day to day living, this is the working class that supports the rich. These people who have vested interested to keep the people oppressed, so there is little if no chance to change the situation. What if this suppression, this subservient conditions can be altered. Altered to serve our purpose for our own wellbeing, success and for the good of humanity. 
Just for a Moment hold that thought in your body.  
Thoughts are indeed a fleeting moment in time or a troublesome curse that stays in our mind for days and weeks. No one can save us from ourselves, but ourselves. My father berated me so much that I grew in a fog of worthlessness. I truly believed that I was inferior because I have dark skin. That was not true, the truth was that I was never taught the value of dignity and self-respect. Dignity is a pride that a person holds as a worth in their physical self. It is built as an understanding and poise in character and what I have understood about this is cannot be kept as a post-it note in the mind. Because the physical self has held this memory of shrinking or cowering when ever something reminds them of a traumatic event. We have to build the body just as if we were at the gym. To strengthen and vitalise the body of a bold and imposing energy. I say imposing because it is an acceptance of who I am in this world. Who ever was my father to say I was worthless because I had black skin. I am here on this earth and wherever I stand I am surrounded by a dignity and self-worth. Just for a moment should I hold this thought in my body as a value, I feel something. I feel noble. I feel a distinction that holds me to an honour of myself. If I am to understand anything about our species it is that no person was ever meant to live on our knees. Nor to serve the arrogant demands of an undeveloped mind. We are dignified and proud in our quest of development. The more we advance ourselves in a refined manner, our culture will dispense with the futile system of authority that this world is governed by. The archaic Master and Servant will be an absurd notion from the past.
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