#that is if i even get to them uhhhuh
lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 6 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 7
Summary : You come face to face with another god.
Warning: kissing, subbish loki behaviour, soft loki is way too soft
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"Thor, Are you going to tell me where this brother of yours is finally?" Thor glared at Tony as he questioned him. Again.
"I told you, i do not know of his whereabouts"
"Uhhhuh? So tell me about this heimdall person, i learned that he can see everything and he can find Loki no matter where in the galaxy he is" Tony said
"And where did you learn this completely untrue information from? " Thor asked him, not that stark was wrong but he couldn't have told him the truth just yet.
"Doctor selvig" Ofcourse.
"Look if I had any inkling where Loki was I'd go get him right this moment" Thor answered him so Tony sighed before he walked away.
"I love kissing you" you giggled as you pressed a small fleeting kiss on his lips again. He smiled and tucked your hair behind your ears, he really was enjoying having you on top of him on the sofa, maybe the dream wasn't so far from the reality after all.
"That's nothing, you should do other activities with me" you chuckled as he said that. He was so cute you just wanted to keep hugging and kissing him
"Mmmm i thought we were going to take things slow"
"This is me taking it slow sweetheart, if we were on Asgard we would already be a couple of naked friends"
"Godd you're cute" you giggled again and it made him smile.
Last night you thought waking up in the morning after that intense kiss would make you feel awkward with him, that's usually what happened before, guys used to get too sexual too fast and you never even felt the heat with them, most of the time you would just indulge them so you'd be done with the sex stuff and get back to them being nice to you for no reason. But Things didn't feel weird with Loki at all.
You woke up and he was in the kitchen trying to make you a cup of tea first thing in the morning, your heart soared at the sight of him and it made you feel so emotional about him, after that he sat down with you and you both had a conversation about this thing between you two. He had made it clear that he didn't want just sex with you and you didn't feel used by him, you felt so comfortable with him that it just all came naturally to you, the urge to coddle him was intense but at the same time it didn't make you feel as if you were annoying him with the constant affection that wasn't purely sexual in nature.
"So are you sweet princess..I wish you didn't have to go" he mumbled as he kissed you again.
"I know I'm sorry but mommy gotta work so she can spoil you rotten with fancy stuff you know" you joked but it probably went over his head because his cheeks were flushed to the max, you hadn't seen such rosy cheeks before "I was kidding lo" he nodded as you said that, he was finally able to breathe. As you got off his lap, he tilted his head to look at you. Why were you so beautiful?
"Don't you feel bored here? All alone? Maybe you can come with me sometimes, you just have to look like a different person" you said to him as you packed your bag for the work.
"I don't know, I mean i really want to but I'm afraid the tesseract would make it easier for them to find me wherever I go" you looked at him confused as he told you that.
"How? I mean, isn't it hidden in your vault?"
"It is but ..I will explain someday whenever you are free"
"Okay.. anytime I'm home..you can talk to me you know that right? I don't have to be the one to talk all the time" He smiled as you said that
"You do not talk enough, if you have been told otherwise before, it's simply just untrue" he mumbled sincerely so you walked towards him and kissed his forehead. The way he just knew whenever your words were hiding your insecurities was impeccable.
"You're becoming my best friend, you know that right? Am I yours? And Do you have other best friends because they have a competition now" he chuckled as you said that.
"I do not have many people I can even consider as my acquaintances, let alone by my friend"
"That's a shame because you're one of the best things to exist"
"You are so cute" he mimicked your accent so you kissed his forehead one more time and then you finally managed to get out of the apartment. You really wished you didn't have to work.
You were locking the door from outside when you heard Mrs Geller's voice. That can't be good? Did she want to be a spy or something?
"Y/n i haven't seen you in so long" You turned around to look at her and smiled,
"Hello Mrs Geller, actually you did, we met on my birthday remember, i brought the cake for you?" You reminded her so she placed her hand on her head.
"Ohh yess yess silly old me, so how's that boyfriend of yours? your mother told me he was very handsome" she asked excitedly
"Uhhhh actually we broke up" you pretended to look sad so she stepped towards you and hugged you.
"Awnn hhoney I'm so sorry..are you seeing someone new now because I heard voices last night" Your heart sped up as she said that, you were stuck to your door when all that kissing happened.
"Ahhhh yess ummm..it's the guy from the gym. Chase yeahh" you mumbled nervously so she smiled.
"Well I hope he's the good one and the one for you" you nodded and excused yourself as you really had to be at work on time. Okay No more press me against the door while we are kissing for the two of you.
Your day went by normally, there was this unwanted tension between you and Chase, you knew he was talking shit about you to everyone so you glared at him everytime your eyes met with him. Serves you right for going on a date with a coworker.
The only thing getting you through the day was knowing that the sexiest guy in all of universe was cooped up in your apartment at the moment.
After your shift ended you walked out of the gym and there were a few girls clicking pictures with some guy a few feet away from you, you had seen a local celebrity or two before so it really didn't shock you, what shocked you was that he was no local celebrity but a Fucking Avenger. Holy crap.
He looked at you and started to walk towards you so you turned around and walked the other way.
"Lady, wait up" you heard his voice and it made you halt in your place unwillingly. Yup that's definitely his brother, that was Thor. You turned around to look at him as he approached you. Maybe you should have continued to walk.
"Are you talking to me?" You asked him, he was in earth people clothes but that shaggy jacket resembled something a homeless person would have worn out of compulsion.
"Yes my lady" he smiled
"Wait you're Thor right?" You pretended to be surprised and he smiled again, this time you could count all the teeths he had in his mouth.
"I had hoped the disguise would camouflage me and make me look like a proper midgardian" he chuckled as he fixed his jacket.
"Yeahh only if all the midgardians loved to dress up like a hooligan ..why did you ummm what do you want from me?" You tried to keep your tone as polite as you could, you knew this was something to do with Loki because there was no way an Avenger had just seen you on the road and wanted to talk to you for no reason. Things like that didn't just happen to you out of nowhere.
"I am assuming you may have a clue what all of this is about" you crossed your arms as he said that.
"What? I don't know what you're talking about" Maybe instead of canoodling and kissing you should have learned the art of lie from the god of lies and mischief.
"Pardon me lady uhhh-"
"Lady y/n, my brother Loki is a very dangerous man, I do not know what he has been telling you but half of those things are just lies"
"I think you're confusing me for somebody else, who is Loki?" The whole nation knew who Loki was at this point, you duffer.
"All I want to say is, I have known about this for a while now but I just can not figure out why he's hiding and what he's planning on doing next" you gulped as he said that.
"Again i literally have no idea what you're talking about, so if you don't mind please excuse me, i have to go home" And then you should probably die. You turned around to leave but he spoke again,
"You should have informed us, you do not know my brother as well as you think you do, how many days has it been? Mere few weeks? I have known him all my life, he's not someone you can trust" You didn't respond but kept walking away from him but you jumped on your spot as he whirled around his hammer to fly away, he scared you a little, well he scared you alot, if he knew already why didn't the Avengers come for him?
You were worried about Loki now, what if you go home and he's not there? You didn't want them to take him away and hurt him the way they had done before, granted he started a fucking war but still, he didn't do it because he wanted to hurt people, he did it because he had no choice.
"Okay I have some very bad news to share" you mumbled as you locked the apartment door from the inside, as if that would stop the god of thunder from breaking in if he was determined to do that.
"Did you see Thor?" He asked you so you looked at him shocked.
"How did you know? Wait let me just move away from the door" you mumbled. You feared the spy.
"I heard the thundering" Well he wasn't freaking out for some reason
"And that is not worrying you because?"
"Because I had a hunch that he must have known" he mumbled. He seemed too calm for some reason.
"How?" You sat on the couch next to him so he put his book down and smiled
"Can I kiss you first?" You gave him a little smile so he leaned in and grabbed your chin with his fingers before he kissed you, you thought it would be a touch and go sort of kiss but nope he almost sucked your soul into him in the very best way. You were breathless and you almost didn't remember anything about Thor for a few moments.
"Ohh wow God you're a good kisser"
"So are you princess " your face flushed at the remark, he was holding your chin with his fingers so he pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. Damn if you didn't love them forehead kisses more than anything.
"Ummm we need to talk about this Thor situation, also I saw his hammer, the big hammer everyone talks about" Gee he indeed hoped you meant mjolnir and not the other hammer.
"yeah that...mobonil..umm I'm freaking out here, how did you know that he knew?"
"Heimdall, must have informed him"
"Sorry ummm Who is Handle?"
He chuckled as you said that
"Heimdall, the protector of bifrost, but I deem him the loyal snitch of Asgard" He seemed so proud of himself for that remark.
"Okay that's the guy you froze right because he went against you?"
"Yes And i enjoyed it tremendously" you cupped his cheeks as he said that.
"You're so cute" you pecked his lips and he smiled "Wait so he knew you were here?"
"He can see everything, everywhere, all at once" you nodded as he said that. That would make a good movie title.
"That must be exhaustive, I'm so confused if they know already then why the Avengers aren't here yet?"
"Well I'm assuming my oaf brother hasn't revealed this information to his band of heroes just yet"
"Why would he do that? Am I asking too many questions?"
"No. You're perfect my darling " he pecked your lips again before he answered you "Perhaps he is attempting to figure out what am I planning further, it must wound him, me not causing mischief around the globe"
"Or maybe he misses you" you mumbled as you got up and he shook his head, you were in a dire need of a shower, you were sweating profusely on the way back home because of the meeting with Thor but talking to Loki had put your heart at ease a little bit.
However now Loki was stressed out of his mind. Why did Thor keep this to himself? What was he doing?
"What did he tell you? May i know?" He questioned you when you came out of the bathroom.
"Ummmm he said that i shouldn't have believed anything you had told me and that you are a liar and a very dangerous man" a frown appeared on his face as you said that so you walked towards the couch and sat down on his lap.
"He is not wrong, i have participated in multitude of transgressions
"Yeah? You're a dangerous man..very very dangerous?" Your pitch got high and it curved the corner of his mouth into a small smile.
"I can be"
"I know..you're too powerful "
"That I am"
"But I also know that you could have hurt me the day you met me and you could have manipulated me–"
"How do you know I have not done just that, maybe all of this just an act to fool you" well you never even thought about that even though it could have been a possibility.
"It's not"
"How are you so sure?"
"I am not, i have been lied to and been hurt before and surely have been fooled more than twice so shame on me" you chuckled, making his brows scrunch in that adorable manner "But I'm choosing to believe you because I like to believe that these past two months has been as nice for you as it has been for me and that you love being my friend and my…best friend and–" his eyes teared up so you kissed his forehead. You were about to get up from his lap but he grabbed onto your hips, making you nervous all of a sudden, the ball kept rolling back and forth.
"I would never want to be someone who makes you feel like that darling but I am not like you, you're perfect, in every way and i am full of flaws, i have done reckless things that I regret now, i have hurt people who may or may not have cared about me, I am not the person you believe me to be" his voice sounded so small and it made your heart render for him.
"And that's okay, nobody is perfect, I am not either but the way you are choosing to ignore all my flaws or maybe choosing to accept me with those flaws because you care about me is exactly how I feel too, I care about you lo, and I want you to know that what you have done before isn't going to change that for me" he placed his head down on on your chest and hugged you tightly, your fingers caressed his scalp in a gentle manner and that's all he needed in the moment.
He has never had anyone put so much of their belief in him, you trusted him to not hurt you but he was Loki, he fucked up even when he didn't want to, he got punished even when he made no mistakes, he just knew someday he'd do something that would make you run away from him. He hadn't even showed you his real self just yet, that hideous monster was not someone you'd ever want to hold and cuddle.
"What would you like for dinner lo?" You asked him softly so pulled away to look at you
"Whatever you feed me would be generous" you smiled as he said that.
"Soooo cuteee"
There it was, the intense need to coddle him and then it hit you, he had become the man you have been looking for all your life, the only problem was you couldn't tell anyone about him, you couldn't share how gorgeous your boyfriend was because nobody can know about him.
After dinner, he wanted to take a shower so you laid down on the bed and waited for him. You felt extremely anxious, if his brother knew then there was a possibility they'd come get him anytime they wanted, the thought scared you, they'd probably take him back to NYC, Or worse Asgard. There is no way you'd be able to handle another long distance relationship, especially not an interplanetary relationship. Did you two even have a relationship?
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even feel him getting into the bed, he was right on top of you, the cold water dripping from his hair made you shiver as they hit your bare skin. Also, he didn't have a shirt on. He did not have a shirt on.
"Hiiii" you giggled nervously so he leaned down to kiss you
"Is this fine? I can put a shirt on if you'd want me to" you bit on your lower lips as he said that.
"It's fine lo" you mumbled as your fingers brushed over his chest, he wasn't a hairy guy in general, maybe it was the frost giant genes because his brother seemed hairy but Loki did have soft little curls of hair on his chest, they were as soft as the hair on his head "Have you ever been told how pretty you are?" he gulped as you said that. He has been called handsome before but never pretty.
"Not after I matured, no" you brushed hair behind his shoulders and you could feel him shivering with the touch.
"Would you mind if I call you pretty?"
"Why would I mind?"
"Well guys..some men don't like that.. "
He smiled as you said that and leaned down to kiss you,
"You can call me anything you want"
"Why??" Because he desperately wanted to be beneath you while you'd call him pretty and kiss his forehead.
"Because I cherish it whenever you're being this way with me" you smiled as he said that.
"Well I cherish you and you're the prettiest man I have ever known" the charm he was using to keep his cock from having an erection was exhausting him, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable, you wanted things slow and he wanted to learn more about you before he takes that step with you, besides his life was so unpredictable these days, having sex with you didn't seem like the brightest idea but it has been so long and every time you touched him or praised him it made him want to hump himself against you.
"Thank you, so are you princess. Well not the prettiest man but the opposite of it, well not the opposite of pretty.. opposite of men" you giggled as he rambled, you just made the silvertongue ramble so you were pretty proud of yourself. He laid down next to you so you turned towards him, his body was so cold but you were getting used to the feeling.
You truly wished that the night had gone by smoothly with him snuggling in your arms but the sound of loud thundering awakened you both and it wasn't supposed to rain today so you knew what you feared was about to happen. His brother was there to take him away.
Tag list (if you want to be tagged or removed let me know.. also I’m not able to tag some of you, please check your settings)
@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72
@nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @huntress-artemiss @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @hyperlokilover @vickie5446 @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @tallseaweed @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @flashhxn-lights @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @nyxxharmonia @elthreetimes @grufteila @thenotoriouserg @optimisticyouthdefender @mcuhplover @greep215 @yallgotkik
@obscureenigmatic @janineb86 @sflame15-blog @nyxlaufeyson @lokidokieokie
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ivyithink · 2 years
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Alfred: holds gently, doesn’t mind the bites and scratches
Uhtred: carries his pup around like a sack of potatoes
me, continuing to draw daemon(?)!au: haha, obviously i am drawing alfred and uhtred cause they are my faves and NOT because a dog and a raven are the only animals i can kind of sketch without reference, hahha, obviously
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babbushka · 4 years
For sinday can I request some sexy shoulder holster porn with Flip please? Preferably he has you pinned up against a wall and you’re having to hold on for dear life! There has to be a way to make that more Valentineish, but I’m sure your ideas would be better than mine! Thank you :D
Anonymous said: For sinday I’d like to request some sexy possessive action with Flip or one of the Kylos wanting to knock you up please (like actually trying as part of a plan or just the sexy talk would be fun but not breeding kink) for Valentine’s Day and just keep you full of come and inside their arms. Thank you for taking requests!
~2k, NSFW (holster fun, trying for a baby/trying for pregnancy, wall sex, PIV, implied masturbation & edging, cockwarming, comedump)
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For once in his life, Flip is in a good mood. It’s Valentine’s Day and boy oh fuckin’ boy is he in love with you. Has he somehow fucked up every single Valentine’s Day for the past seven years that you’ve been married? Yes. But that only made him that much more determined to go all out for you this time. He figured 8th time’s the charm, as he whistles a jovial tune, taking the front porch steps two at a time, big bouquet of red roses tucked safely against his chest.
“Ketsl, baby I’m home – ” He’s got a smile in his voice as he turns the lock and pushes open the door.
But when you throw yourself into his arms and have a look of wide-eyed panic on your pretty face, his mood immediately sours, fearing for the worst.
“Flip!” You gasp, tears in your eyes, sending his panic skyrocketing, dropping the bouquet of roses right onto the floor as he kicks the door closed.
“Is everything okay? Are you alright?” Flip steadies you with his strong palms, searches your eyes.
“You need to fuck me, now.” You insist, tears of an altogether different kind clinging to your lashes, and all at once his adrenaline turns to something far more jittery jumpy wonderful.
You’d been trying for a little while now, to have another baby. You had brought it up back around New Year’s, and only now did things feel like it was really the right time. Getting the timing right was tricky though, and even though Flip fucked you just about every day anyway, now it felt more important.
“Oh! Are you – is it?” Flip struggles to get everything put away, assuming that this must be peak ovulation time for you, and not wanting to waste anymore of the day than he already had just by being at work.
As he shucks off his sherpa coat and throws it in the mudcloset, working as fast as he can to not trip over his cowboy boots as he steps out of them, he finally takes stock of what you’re wearing.
“According to the calendar, yeah, this is the best chance, please Flip? Please fuck me?” Your robe is barely hanging on around your shoulders, the sash tied loosely.
“I’m workin’ on it, I’m workin’ on it honey-bunny – aw fuck it, c’mere.” Your tits are practically out, chest heaving, and he can see the sheen of sweat that tells of you fingering yourself for who the fuck knows how long, and that thought on top of everything else makes Flip’s impatience rev up tenfold, and he forgoes stripping down, instead yanking his jeans down far enough to pull his cock out.
He scoops you up in his arms and shoves you against the wall right there in the foyer, your ass resting on the credenza, sending whatever was on it clattering to the floor without a care. Your robe falls away, and your legs wrap around his waist, your glistening pussy warm and inviting.
Flip thrusts himself into you in one thick long hard push, his cock sinking deep deep deep into your cunt, proving his suspicions correct. You’re relaxed enough to take him without any prep from himself, your pussy dripping wet all on your own, your sticky fingers clutching harshly at the leather straps for purchase.
“Have I ever told you – oh, fuck right there – how much I love this holster?” You gasp as he immediately starts a brutal pace that has you knocking against the wall, the credenza shaking underneath you. Your voice wobbles and you gasp, “How they wrap around your strong shoulders so well?”
“Just for you to hold onto baby,” Flip kisses you all over, all across your face and your neck, something primal and feral bubbling up inside his chest, “All for you, grab on tight.”
He wants this, fuck he’s never wanted anything more in his whole life, than to bury his cock into your sweet pussy. Your tongue laves over the pulse in his throat, as you let yourself be fucked rough and fast, trying to get him to come as fast as possible. Sucking on his neck and clenching around his cock, you moan moan moan, wound up and desperate.
“I – I – I’ve been waiting for you to come home, kept myself stretched and ready for you, fuck, you took so long Phil!” You whine, and Flip thrusts faster, jostling you and the credenza, the antique creaking under you.
Flip winces, not wanting to break the damn thing, so he pauses just long enough to lift you off the wall and carry you to the conversation pit in the living room, where it’s plush and carpeted, before dropping you back down and climbing on top of you. You grin, and Flip can’t get that possessive bubble to stop rising, he’s so fucking in love with you, with the family you’re building together.
“Sorry ketsl I wanted to surprise you with – fuck do that again – with some flowers.” He halfway remembers the roses that are on the floor by the front door, as he groans and thrusts steadily, drooling into your mouth through clenched teeth as he grunts, “Shit this pussy’s begging to be filled with my come, huh? Squeezing my cock so tight, I’ll give it to you, I’ll give you what you want, ketsl.”
“Yes! Oh yes right there, knock me up Flip, pleasepleaseplease!” You beg, tugging on the holsters, the heels of your feet digging into his thighs, wanting him close.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Flip thinks you must’ve been edging yourself this whole time, waiting for him, and he decides he’s going to make it worth all that effort.
“Are you close?” Flip demands, his detective voice coming through, and through a hiccupped moan you laugh, because even getting fucked out of your mind, you still can’t pass up an opportunity to tease him.
“MMmmyeahh,” Your mouth is dropped open, back arching up off the floor as you moan, “Yes, yeah I’m – oh! I’m close, but don’t stop, whatever you do don’t stop -- !” Flip drops a hand to your clit and your body shakes rattles rolls convulses under him as your face pinches up and you come, a ragged gasp sucking down air from the force of it.
Flip grunts out his first orgasm of the evening, driven by the sheer overwhelming lust and love for you, the way your body wraps around his in the most complete way. He’s sweating something fierce, still in his jeans, flannel, and of course the harness that your nails have left permanent crescents into – but that’s not important.
He can get naked in a minute, first, he needs to make sure you’re taken care of.
“Knees up,” He blinks through his pleasure, reaches blindly around for a throw pillow off the couch to push under your hips. “I don’t want any of this leakin’ out. You hear me? Gotta keep this safe inside your perfect cunt, okay?”
“Uhhhuh.” You beam up at him, head lolling to the side as you shiver and tremble from your orgasm, eyes glassy.
Flip cups your cheeks in his big sweaty palms and kisses you sweetly. You’ve got a case of the giggles, something that’s almost infectious, almost, because he’s still not over the sight of you naked and marked up and all his.
“Fuck I’m – ugh I’m going to come again, just a little more, you can take a little more.” Flip licks his lips, pries your knees apart just long enough to slide his cock back into your pulsing cunt.
“I want it, I want all of it.” You nod, reaching for him, holding him close as Flip thrusts much slower, lazily, pumping another hot load of come into you, willing it to take hold.
“I’m always gonna give you what you want baby,” He bites and licks at your lips, at the edge of your teeth, the corner of your mouth until you’re laughing and swatting at his shoulders, “Always.”
Flip rolls the both of you onto your sides, one of your legs slung over his hip, his cock still nestled inside your cunt. He could live here, and maybe he will, maybe just maybe he will.
“Do you think it worked?” You smile softly, your pleasure weak hands pushing the holster off his shoulders, slowly working to undo the many buttons on his flannel.
“I hope so.” Flip leans in to press a gentle kiss to the side of your nose, bumping his forehead against yours. “I really hope so.”
You shift around a little bit, making him groan as you squeeze his cock with your pussy in the process. Trying to get him naked while not letting him pull out was something you’ve sort of mastered over the years, and he lets out a big relieved sigh when you tug the undershirt over his head, the air hitting his skin.
“Did you have a nice day at work?” You ask sweetly, one of your hands rubbing at his bicep.
“Yeah, was real quiet, I missed you mostly.” Flip admits, before ducking his head down for another kiss, because really he could never get enough of kissing you.
Tongues sliding slowly against one another, there’s nothing but the sound of your breathing. Flip groans a little in the back of his throat, thinking about the reservations he had worked pretty damn hard to get for tonight. But none of that matters, when you crane your neck up to look over at the front door, before looking back at him and chuckling.
“Thank you for the flowers honey, they’re beautiful.” You smile sheepishly, “I didn’t mean to jump you like that, sorry.”
“Don’t you dare be sorry. I had plans for you for tonight, you know. I was gonna take you out to someplace real fancy, but now all I want to do is keep you right here and fuck you until you can’t walk.” Flip pulls out a cigarette from his back pocket, thrusts into you a little deeper from the effort, and another little moan falls from your lips.
“Yeah?” You waggle an eyebrow at him, clenching around his cock in return.
He strikes up a match and you cup around the cigarette end so the flame doesn’t jump around. Flip sucks down a steadying breath, tucks your head under his chin.
“Yeah, get you up to our big soft bed and knock you up.” He smirks.
“Oh shit.” You gasp then, and Flip pinches at your nose questioningly, playfully.
“What, pretty girl?”
“I just realized that if it works, they’ll be a scorpio.” You look up at him in horror for a moment.
And even though the two of you are exhausted, you have enough frame of mind to burst into laughter, happy tears of hope pricking the corners of your eyes.
Oh well, Flip thinks not regretting it in the least, there’s always next year for the perfect date night.
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minsugay · 8 years
college!au bts yoongi
majors in fine arts
he’s usually always seen at a desk in the corner of the library drawing sketches in his notebook while listening to music
and most of the time, he spends his whole day in there without getting up at all
and he’s completely okay with working the entire time if it means no social interactions with anyone at school and lmao everyone knows this
the only people he’s ever gotten close with are seokjin and hoseok and even then, he still sometimes gets annoyed with their presence
he’s heavily committed to his major, constantly creating dozens of new ideas and immediately sketching them in his notebook no matter where he’s at or what he’s doing
his fav classes are drawing and painting bc he thinks they help him express and manage himself in this ever-changing chaotic world that he lives in
and let me tell you, when he’s drawing he ends up in a trance like state and to him it's a fascinating, intoxicating, and relaxing feeling
he gets a lot of inspirations from the different people, events, and basically anything he sees everyday
like when he’s walking from his 8am class to the library, he’ll notice that oh? the cherry blossom are blooming?? wow spring already,,,?
so when he sits in his usual area in the library, he’ll just have those cherry blossom trees in mind and sketch a fucking landscape
and he’ll think about painting it the next day for fun lol
but how do you meet him exactly? well you were walking to the library with multiple books in your hand and you weren’t even looking ahead you were on your phone
so you didn’t even realize that you were about to run into an urgent and messy haired yoongi
and lmao he wasn’t even looking ahead either, at that moment he was wondering like “why did i ever thought it was such a good idea to have an 8am class when i never even wake up. and now see i’m late again!1!!”
now books are flying everywhere bc you two didn’t see each other
and you’re like omg i’m so sorry i’m such a klutz and he just drops to his knees to help pick up your books in a hurry and he’s like uh no i should apologize i was in such a hurry i wasn’t looking in front of me
you get on your knees too to gather up the books and you just say “omg you don’t need to help me these are mine anyway” and he’s like dude its cool i got it
while you two are picking up the books, you ended up brushing your hand against his and oh my goodness he pauses for a sec and lifts his head up 
and wow this is the first time your eyes meet with his and you just think “hUUhhH this guy is so attractive,,??”
but like he thinks the same way towards you......? and he feels his face burning up so he picks up the last book before getting up and “here you go, i’m running a little late and i apologize for all of this” before he literally runs to class and you’re just like “......thanks..?”
this may sound cliche but this is how you two meet ok
no matter how much yoongi loves his class, he couldn’t help but keep thinking about his little run in to you. how soft your hand felt, how beautiful your eyes were, and just the sound of your voice he couldn’t get out of his mind. but by the end of class, he’ll brush it all off bc “that’s probably the only time i’ll see them”
the next day he’s in the library, as usual, but this time after studying for a while he looks around his surroundings and the first thing that his eyes land on is you,,? and you’re only sitting at the table right across from his and he’s just like oh lord
without even thinking twice, he opens his notebook and sketches your whole outline while etching your entire image in his head, not forgetting a single detail
when he looks up from his notebook though, you were staring at him and he just froze lmao 
but then you smile and start heading to his table and he’s like oMG 
and you just “oh you’re the guy from yesterday right? it’s nice seeing you not in such a hurry” and he doesn’t know what to say,,?/
but then you look down at his notebook and ask “oh are you an art major?”
and lol for a sec he forgets that it was you that he was sketching and closes his notebook shut and be like “ oh uH yeah i am haha that wasn’t you in my notebook just now haha”
and you just get so excited like wow “i don’t take art but i appreciate it so much” and you have a full on conversation with him about these different artists you love and about all the history you know. and you two didn’t even realize how much time passed by until they announce that they’re closing the library soon 
and before you two head out in your own rooms, he’s like “i’m yoongi btw” and you tell him your name and he’ll just give you the most adorable smile and you’re just like “uhhhuh he really is attractive”
for the next couple of weeks you two would always meet in the library or have coffee together and soon enough you two are exchanging numbers. and he’s like “when did we ever get so close”
seokjin and hoseok tease him a lot when it comes to you. “I am so proud of you, you’re finally talking to someone that’s not us” and yoongi’s like sHUTUP YOU TWO WILL YOU
“yoongi you need to ask them out already”
and yoongi will be like pfftt what are you talking about? i don’t even like them like that. i have so much work to do i don’t have time to date anyone”
literally at that moment, he gets a text from you asking where you two are gonna meet today aND he’ll be smiling at his phone the entire time while seokjin and hoseok are like uhuh sure you don’t like them
one day you two decided to have an adventure out in the city so here you two were out in the busy streets. and when he looks up at the sky with all the tall skyscrapers he couldn’t help but take his notebook out and draw a little
you didn’t mind but there was a page in the notebook that caught your attention and you’re like ???? wait yoongi can you go back to that page aND he’ll know exactly what you’re talking about lol
and you’re like pls and all he says is hUhh
so when he does turn back to the page of a sketch of you you’ll be like “is that suppose to be ???
and all he says is yup, yeah, yes it is and omg i apologize i know its weird
and you cut him off like “i knew you were good at art, but yoongi this is really nice !!” and he’s just dumbfounded
and at that moment he couldn’t help it, he gave you a light peck on the lips and “gOD i really like you ok”
and your face starts burning up like “yoongi,,,,, i like you too” before kissing him back
and that’s how you two started dating
and honestly he appreciates and loves you so much for loving every part of him you basically just bring out the best in him
but you know he cant express his feelings to you vocally, but his actions speak just as much and you’re completely ok with it
and he’s constantly always drawing your figure at the most unexpected times. like when you have coffee with him, he’ll take his notebook out. when you cuddle in his dorm, he’ll also take his notebook out
and you don’t think it’s weird but you think its just really cute
bc you’re in love with him
and he’s in love with you
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ezlebe · 7 years
get to know me meme (tagged by @tothehounds)
rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: Hannah (...is just my name)/discospec(twitch/twitter/xbox/bnet)
Zodiac sign: Aquarius 
Height: 5′5
Last Thing You Googled: dva police because it’s so cute - also if anyone wants a hots buddy, i do play #discospec1998
Favourite Music Artists: uuh, hm. Mindless Self Indulgence, Nicki Minaj, Mariana and the Diamonds... these are just my pandora playlists. 
Song Stuck In My Head: “the losts woods” from zelda apparently, which i actually had to call and ask someone what it was called I DONT EVEN PLAY THIS GAME
Last Movie you watched: Dredd, BUT ALSO coincidentally “hunt for the wilderpeople” AND “what we do in the shadows” because i was making a friend watch taika waititi movies because Thor
What are you wearing right now: cap pajama pants and a tauntaun hoodie.
Why did you choose your URL: ezle - rogue, be - blood elf, but IN MY DEFENSE it was like 2006 when i first came up with it 
Do you have any other blogs : technically yes, but i hardly use them.
What did your last relationship teach you: hah
Religious or spiritual: um...
Favorite color: purple? OD green? ...also black. 90% of my clothes are black
Average hours of sleep: fitbit says 5.5 
Lucky Number: uhhhuh 0124
Favorite Characters: Darth Vader/ Finn/ Ventress/ Kylo and Master Chief and Tulip O’Hare and D.Va... :/ I like pretty much anyone in anything I’m watching/playing though 
How many blankets do you sleep with: 2 in summer, 3 in winter, and mountain of pillows
Dream Job: .....writing? I don’t know, anything with enough money to live comfortably. 
20 (way too many, I’m also bad at tagging people AND DONT FEEL REQUIRED) @claricechiarasorcha @sarufish​ or anyone else who wants to claim
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babbushka · 4 years
If you can manage it, can I get 30) “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?” 9) “I don’t care how good it feels you’d better not cum until I tell you to.” 26) “Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me.” 15) “You take my fingers so well don’t you?” If you can't fit all four that's fine, its just that this combo made me think of so many filthy things. Maybe with biker!Kylo, we haven't seen him in a while. 🥰🥰
(1.5k NSFW [big mean dom!kylo, fingering & dirty talk])
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Kylo’s just about finished with one of the bikes he’s working on, when the little bell chimes at the front door. Perfect timing, he hums as he washes his hands, mistakenly thinking that it’s the client here to pick up the hog. He’s pleasantly surprised then, when instead, leaning up against the counter with your tits practically falling out of your tight tight shirt, he sees you.
“Hey baby girl, what are you doing here?” He eyes you up and down, and you preen under the attention.
“I missed you.” You shrug easily, giving Kylo the same treatment.
He’s exactly how you like him – filthy. Covered in sweat and motor oil, grease smeared against his vibrant tattoos, Kylo reeks and is in desperate need of a shower. Your thighs rub together, loving how in his element he is, how capable he is. Kylo loves how he can practically smell the wetness between your legs. Checking to make sure no one is around to bother you, licks his lips and smirks,
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you step into my office, and let me see how much.”
You’re eager to follow, rushing ahead of him where he can pinch and smack at your ass in your short skirt, as he chases you through the garage. The office is a small room just off the large floor, away from the heavy machinery and all the noise. It’s got a window, but Kylo quickly pulls the shade, a safety precaution.
“Come sit on my lap sweets, I’ll give you what you need.” Kylo makes his way to the little couch that he only really reserved for taking naps and fucking you on, pats at his thigh.
Grinning, you straddle his wide hips and immediately shiver as his broad palms smooth up the back of your thighs. His hands are the only part of him that’s clean, and you’re glad, because when he rubs at the wet fabric of your panties, you don’t want him to stop for anything – especially when he ever so gently pulls the scrap of cotton to the side, and teases right at your slit.
“Oh please, please Kylo?” You push yourself against him, your hands cupping his cheeks, kissing him hot and sloppy on the mouth, whining against his tongue.
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?” Tsking the roof of his mouth, Kylo pulls his fingers away and instead grabs a handful of your jaw with it.
“Like I said, I missed you.” You pout, your cheeks squishing under his hold.
“Alright alright, no sad eyes.” He relents, making you drop the sad act and preen once again, the most spoiled brat in the entire world. He can’t blame you though, not when you’re so pretty, not when he loves you so much, “Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me.”
Your eyes close as your mouth drops open, accepting two of his fingers to suck and lick, giving attention to each and every one of them, knowing that this is for show, this is just for him – you’re wet enough to not need it. But he likes it when you suck on him, whether that’s his cock his tongue or his fingers, and you want to give him what he likes.
He rewards you by tugging aside your panties again, and this time instead of teasing right at your folds, he pushes up into you, all the way up up up, your pussy swallowing his fingers down. He doesn’t like this position though, so he manhandles you onto the couch a little better, a different angle so he can keep his thumb on your clit and rub it steadily as his fingers pump in and out of your cunt.
You’re reclined back against the couch cushions, one of your legs thrown over Kylo’s thighs, the other planted on the floor. You’re spread open beautifully, and you moan with how slow and careful he is about this, how he is about you.
“Ah, fuck you’re so big.” Your back arches a little, hips rocking down onto his fingers, breathing heavy and moaning, “Don’t you want to fuck me?”
“Yeah but I’m gonna take you apart just like this for now.” Kylo leans over to kiss you, presses little chaste smooches against the corner of your mouth, “And then I’ll bring you back home and blow your back out, okay?”
He crooks his fingers and brushes against your gspot with them, and your thighs tremble, your toes curling inside your shoes. He wishes he could have you naked, but there’s something extra perverted about having you just like this – skirt shucked up enough that he can gets your legs spread, panties sopping wet as his fingers squelch in and out of you.  
“Uhhhuh.” Grinding down against him, your hands wrap around his strong forearm, his wrist, keeping him from going anywhere, feeling the muscles flex and moaning about it.
“Damn you’re really worked up aren’t you sweets? Be good and relax for me.” Kylo chuckles when your hips raise up off the sofa just a little, chasing the feeling of him.
“It – oh fuck – it feels so good, Kylo,” You whine, music to his ears. You’re biting and licking at your lips making them go all swollen, and Kylo just rubs little zigzags against your clit for all your effort, the stimulation and light friction not nearly enough for you, he’s being mean, being a tease.
“I don’t care how good it feels, you’d better not come until I tell you to.” Voice low and deep in your ear, your cunt clenches around him, squeezes his fingers so tight as you start to pant, breath coming out in little shallow bursts as you swallow down your groans.
“I won’t -- can I have another one? Please let me have another one.” You’re too pretty for him to deny you, so he doesn’t, nudges a third finger up into your pussy and lets you moan around it as you relax and suck him up.
“You take my fingers so well, don’t you?” He begins to move a little faster, his arm flexing a little harder, as he harshly yanks your hips back onto his lap, your legs falling over the arm rest of the couch, moaning loud like a whore. His other hand has a strong grip on your thigh, keeping your legs spread enough for him to really move, “Love being stuffed full, is that it? I bet you’d let me shove anything up in there to keep you stretched, wouldn’t you?”
“Kylo!” The image of him maybe fucking you with one of his wrenches, or the handle to his screwdrivers or anything like that makes your body shake, makes you writhe under the slow and careful attention he gives you.
“Shh, shh princess you’re okay, I’ve got you.” Kylo’s hot in his clothes, sweating, he feels dirty – but you’re dirty too, you’re filthy in an altogether different way, a way that makes his cock throb and ache as he thrusts his fingers in and out of you a little faster, a little rougher.
You’re so pliant and wet for him that those three fingers don’t feel like enough, so he captures your mouth in a heated kiss as he shoves his pinky up into you too, all his fingers aside from his thumb that’s still rubbing rubbing rubbing at your clit now buried inside you, making you sloppy, making you hiccup and cry from the overstimulation.
“Go ahead and come, you’ve earned it.” He grunts against your mouth, wanting you to feel so good, wanting you to finish so he can get you in his bed and fill you up with his come.
Your whole body moves and convulses for him, and he can feel the way you clamp down on his hand when you come, your calves tense, your back arching, head lolling to one side as pleasure wracks through your body. Kylo fingers you through it, those big thick fingers of his plugging you up, massaging and stroking your gspot as you shake shake shake, nothing but a litany of yespleasekylopleasesogooddontstop drips from your tongue.
He eventually slows his thrusts to a halt, lets you catch your breath, lets you get reacclimated to the real world, as the buzz of pleasure bounces around in your skull. He doesn’t pull out yet, not yet, because his thumb still can’t stop stimulating your clit, little circles this time, and he swallows down your moans and tears with a hot open mouthed kiss.
“Need me to carry you to the car?” Kylo whispers against your cheek as he kisses you there, kisses the corner of your eyes.
You nod, a great big smug grin forming across your face that makes him roll his eyes, knowing that even if you could walk, there’s no way in hell your legs would work by the time he’s done with you, as you leave the shop behind.
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