#that like makes their family differentiate one from the other and i was like awn im not hiding dat
mira0000000-blog · 7 months
not sure yet and not very sonic but im thinking about itflo
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
A Dream In Red Ch15
Monday morning came upon you softly, the sun lazily streaming through your windows. You laid awake in your bed, enjoying the clarity sleep had brought you. Your mind was truly empty this morning- something that was welcome compared to the tempest of feelings you had been battling with.
With a stretch, you urged yourself from your bed. You quickly freshened up in your bathroom, deciding Mondays were going to be your lazy days in terms of getting ready. An oversized hoodie and some shorts were good enough.
You double-checked your belongings before locking your door. You wouldn’t be caught unaware two weeks in a row and forget your wallet or keys. You stifled a yawn as you stumbled into the common area. The smell of breakfast was already wafting from the kitchen, so you decided to take a page from Kaminari’s book.
Speaking of the blond seemed to will him into existence. You watched as he shuffled to a chair and slid himself in. His head hit the table shortly after. You slipped into the seat next to him, crossing your arms across his back and laying your head in them.
“Morning, ‘Minari,” you mumbled into your arm. He grumbled a response and the two of you laid there contentedly. The clattering of plates in front of you compelled you to open your heavy eyes. Kirishima stood in front of you, placing a simple breakfast in front of you and Kaminari. The usually bubbly feeling he gave off was missing. A stormy look crossed his face instead. He looked at Kaminari intensely, his face growing more somber as you watched. You tried to tap into his head, just to get an idea of why. You didn’t remember anything going wrong between the boys, and you were sure you were the last person to see Kaminari last night.
The salt of Kirishima’s sadness sat on your tongue. You pushed a bit deeper, trying to get a glimpse of his thoughts.
Of course, his thoughts floated to you softly, he’s everything that I’m not. He’s funny and flashy, he’s forward. He’s not afraid to take a chance.
The hurt in your friend’s thoughts seemed to cut you, and you wanted to push all those thoughts from his head.
“He’s also not afraid to make a fool of himself.” Kirishima’s face flushed as you answered his thoughts. “He may have a bunch of good traits, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have them too. I think you’re quite funny. I also think you’re kind and thoughtful. You think of how things will affect people besides yourself. It’s a noble trait to have.” You slipped your arm out from under your head and reached across the table to take Kirishima’s hand. He nodded softly but wouldn’t meet your eyes.
Before you could feel hurt about that slight, Kaminari spoke from underneath you. You felt his gravelly morning voice rumble through his back.
“If we’re sharing what we like about each other, do me next.” He didn’t even lift his head. A smirk crossed your face.
“I like how you’re the butt of endless jokes, ‘Minari.” You giggled as he tried to shake you off of his back. Sitting up in your chair, you thanked Kirishima for the food and slowly ate. It seemed like it was just the three of you this morning.
“So how was your trip, princess?” Kirishima asked, a shadow of his usual smile on his face. You were going to have to figure out what was up with him once the two of you had some time alone. For now, you smiled at him.
“It was great. I miss my parents. That’s kind of a lame thing to say at our age, huh?” You felt a bit meek at this confession. Kirishima shook his head.
“I think it’s nice. It shows that you’re family-oriented. A lot of people forget about their parents once they start a life of their own.”
“Well… thanks. I even talked with my mom about Inasa. I’m not ready yet, but I think we could be friends again someday. And guess who I found on the train back home? Our little ‘Minari, on his walk of shame home.” You nudged Kaminari with your elbow, who groaned in response. “They grow up so fast.” You wiped a fake tear from your face, drawing a more genuine laugh from Kirishima.
You quickly cleaned up the mess from breakfast. Kaminari had left ahead of you and Kirishima, which you thanked. With Kaminari gone, you could finally talk to Kirishima. You grabbed his arm as he turned to walk out of the dorms.
“Kiri… what’s wrong?” You felt a flash apprehension from the redhead. You dipped into his thoughts, trying to send him reassuring thoughts. Unbeknownst to you, he was trying to find a way to explain without scaring you off.
“I just… everyone just seems so much better than me. I know I can be a good hero, but… I hesitate. I don’t have anything that stands out. I’m not the top student or the class clown, I’m just middle-of-the-road, that guy everyone kinda knows. Average.” You wrapped your arms around him softly.
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You’re so much more than you think. I don’t know what I would have done this past week without you. I don’t know what I’d do without you now. You hesitate? Good. We have enough people who rush in. Who cares if you’re on the honor roll or if you goof off? You’re not compromising yourself to fit into a role that’s already laid out for you. You are unabashedly yourself, and you help me do the same.” You untangled your arms from around him and took his hand. “Wanna play hooky?”
To your surprise, he nodded. The two of you abandoned your homework on a table and headed out of the dorm, hand in hand.
Two figures huddled in the shadow of the dorm doors, pressed together from their sudden need of a hiding place.
“Is that what we were like?” The first eavesdropper whispered to the second. The second took advantage of their position to suck a deep purple into the first’s neck.
“I don’t know, but it’s painful to watch. We should do something about it.” The second’s voice was laden with mischief. “But first, we should do something about you.” The second’s hand dipped in between them, causing the first’s breath to catch in their throat.
The two of you walked hand in hand through the early morning streets. The town seemed almost barren, both business and school hours drawing the bulk of the city away from the streets. The good weather that had graced your first week was waning, clouds blew in quickly, bringing the famous spring showers. The parched asphalt swallowed the first drops from the sky and those that hit you brought a bracing cold. Kirishima quickly pulled you closer, ducking under awnings as you searched for a place that you could spend some time hiding from the sudden rain.
You ducked into a door, pulling Kirishima behind you. The arcade you had found was nearly empty, a few other patrons near the door waiting out the spring rains. Unlike them, you were happy to gravitate to the many multicolored machines.
“Seems like we found a place to waste some time?” You cocked your eyebrow at Kirishima. He met your gaze with a stunning smile. It was one of the many mysteries you wanted to solve about this boy- how he could both make you freeze up yet feel so warm inside.
The two of you spent hours going head to head on the games you found. From old school action games to ski ball, to crane machines. A friendly rivalry coursed between the two of you. One of the few games you had yet to play was the basketball hoop. You weren’t very sports inclined, and you could already picture the gloating face once Kirishima decimated you on one of the last games.
He went first, scoring nearly every time. You watched apprehensively as his score racked up. Too soon, it was your turn. You stepped up to the game and threw the first ball… which seemed like it was possessed. It bounced off the walls, nearly hitting you in the face as it ricocheted. Kirishima’s hand shot in front of your face, snatching the ball out of the air.
Instead of the gloating and mockery you expected, you were once again reminded of Kirishima’s soft personality. He softly moved you into a better position, telling you how to stand and how to bend your knees. His breath fluttered softly against your neck as he instructed you on how to hold your arms and let go of the ball. The words seemed to slip through your consciousness, your body was only concerned with his proximity and how right it felt with his hands on your hips.
You felt the ball fall from your hands as you drug Kirishima to the photo booth in the corner. You quickly slipped money in the slot and pushed him inside. He laughed at you then.
“Trying to get out of the game?” You shushed him and crawled into the booth, placing yourself closer than needed. The prompts started to countdown on the screen. You couldn’t help yourself, you felt like a woman possessed. You clambered into his lap, throwing your arms around his neck as the first flash went off.
He met your eyes with confusion. So many emotions seemed to swirl in his eyes, and you wondered if his eyes were just reflecting your own. Another flash. You felt your body move without your command. Your head was angling closer to his. His lips were just a few moments away.
But you couldn’t. There was no excuse this time, no drinking or games or peer pressure. Just you and your feelings. You weren’t ready to confront your feelings. You quickly detoured, planting your lips delicately on Kirishima’s cheek, just in time for the last flash.
The two of you took a beat to calm down, and you busied yourself with looking through the decorating options. These pictures were embarrassing, but you wanted them so badly. Looking at the way Kirishima stared at you in the pictures, maybe one day you could convince yourself that he might like you too.
Kirishima watched as you bypassed all of the hearts and ‘I love you’s on the decorating options, more confused than he’d ever been. It was becoming harder for him to differentiate your usual affections for more. He watched as you settled on a simple border with the date. This morning, he could barely look you in the eye for fear that he’d see your feelings for another person. Now, he couldn’t tear his eyes away.
He wasn’t sure how he’d ever survive if you didn’t like him too.
You and Kirishima walked slowly from the arcade. The street seemed flooded with puddles, and you went out of your way to splash in each one that seemed clean enough. Soon enough Kirishima joined you, splashing back and forth. You would have to change before going to your afternoon classes. Tucked inside the pocket of your hoodie was half of the pictures taken earlier. Nestled safely in his wallet, Kirishima carried his own.
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Vampire Eugene
Eugene sits upon his throne of bone, gazing at the gathered ladies from a nearby village. For some reason, about forty years ago, the villagers around his dwelling had come up with the idea that offering him a virgin female every once in a while would appease his hunger and protect them from his fangs. Though Eugene still hunted several of their townsfolk if it pleased him, he wasn’t going to disabuse them of the notion. Female flesh and blood was particularly sweet and supple, especially from the younger women. Being fed pleased him, even if it didn’t entirely satisfy him.
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The women tremble before him, as the village translator does his best to calm them down. He almost never spoke to the townsfolk, and those who heard his voice were never alive for long. However, ten years ago, he’d spoken English and found the confusion and terror of the people hilarious. It had become his greatest entertainment. In response, they had hired a young man who was fluent in Western Languages two years ago. To Eugene’s horror, the young man was witty and smart. Enough that even an old vampire like Eugene couldn’t help but grow fond of the silver-tongued boy. Gwansoo had grown comfortable to an almost insulting degree around Eugene, but he was under no false impression as to the true nature of his Master. He had been witness to enough of the vampire’s feedings to avoid feeling any kind of sense of security around the ancient creature. He knew that whoever was selected among the ladies would be promptly torn to shreds. If they were lucky, of course. Sometimes, his Master was perverse enough to play with his food.
Gwansoo had only seen it once. Eugene now did him the courtesy of asking him to leave if he was in a cat-and-mouse mood.
Still Gwansoo does his best to calm them down. His master does not like hysterical women. In one instance the villagers cannot forget, the women had been so vocal and upset, Eugene had slashed the throat of the lot in anger. All twenty women, they said, dead in a flash. Gwansoo has been calmly talking to them about nonsensical things for the past few minutes, as his Master lounged and watched them all behind hooded eyes.
Now, his Master stood, his head slightly cocked to the side. Gwansoo follows his Master’s golden gaze, which falls upon a lady who sits at the very edge of the group. She stands apart in her finery, sitting upright and primly on the cold wooden floor. It’s the granddaughter of the wealthiest man in the village. Most of the nobles have sent their daughters off to “study abroad”, but Lord Go believed in no such things. Lady Go Aeshin must have turned seventeen this year, for her to be offered to the vampire. She sits with her hands folded in her lap, her gaze fixed on the wall just beyond the throne of bones. She doesn’t even flinch when Eugene comes to stand before her, his cloak pooling like a shadow barely an inch from her knees.
When Eugene points at the loudly wailing woman, then waves his hand, Gwansoo obeys. He’s made his choice.
The rest of the women are escorted out by wan, unhappy slaves, but Lady Go Aeshin stays kneeling. The Master is still standing before her, and it would be rude if she should exit without being directly dismissed. Gwansoo, as he ties the now screaming woman, wonders if good manners have ever been the death of anyone. His eyes search his Master’s face, but Eugene is inscrutable. Bowing, he makes his exit, dragging Guidan out. She will be locked and fed properly until it pleased his Master to feed on her.
Eugene continues to stare at this defiant young woman, interested in spite himself. There have been many women over the course of his existence. Some have approached him, seeking to share his eternal youth. Others have begged him to be their lovers, hoping his hunger would be appeased by sexual favors. He had killed every single one of them. As all of them, without exception, had stank of fear.
This lady, though, sat entirely devoid of fear.
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He crouches before her, seeking her gaze. She meets his eyes, then demurely lowers hers. She is behaving as though he were simply a human noble. Perhaps she doesn’t understand his nature? His lips curl in distaste, wondering if her bravery is based on idiocy or ignorance.
Gwansoo is already at the door. “Gwansoo, bring her here,” he says in English, his eyes glowing faintly. The lady’s eyes slide up to his and she starts in surprise. His golden eyes are luminous as he allows for his hunger to show. His fangs elongate at the prospect of a meal, and he relishes in the way her eyes round in terror. To her credit, she doesn’t flinch away from him, standing her ground as she watches him. Gwansoo brings the screaming victim to his Master, but merely leaves her halfway across the throne room. He knows Eugene well enough that, once the feeding starts, the vampire will be unable to differentiate between friend or foe. At least, until he is sated. However, Eugene doesn’t instantly dive for his victim, staring at Guidan as she squirms where Gwansoo made her kneel. He jerks his head toward the lady, “make her watch.”
Gwansoo runs across the room, sliding in place and apologizing as he forces Lady Go Aeshin to turn and look as Eugene circles hungrily. “He wants to you watch, my lady,” he whispers urgently, wanting the lady to understand how important this is. This isn’t the first time Eugene has taken two victims, forcing one to watch as the other dies. It is a particular game the vampire enjoyed. And should the second victim look away, that victim suffered a long, agonizing death. “You must watch. If you don’t, he’ll make you pay dearly for it.”
Go Aeshin’s eyes are wide, but there’s a determined light to them that gives Gwansoo hope.
Together they watch in abject horror as the feeding begins, the throne room echoing with the terrified screams of Eugene’s victim. She thrashes where she kneels and Gwansoo knows his Master is being particularly vicious this time. Sometimes, he’s kind to his victims, giving them an instant and painless death. Guidan seems to have awoken something primal in him and the vampire feasts with a warped pleasure as he feeds on her flesh, blood and pain. The crunch of bone makes Gwansoo flinch and a tremor run through Go Aeshin’s body where she still kneels.
Eugene rises, his eyes still glowing somewhat as his hunger recedes. It’s rare for the vampire to finish the entire body in a single sitting. Eugene stalks with deadly grace toward his crouching translator and kneeling guest, his cloak sweeping behind him and soaked in blood. Eugene rarely eats messily, but his face, white chemise and chest are all covered in bloodstains. His tongue darts out across his bottom lip, catching the beads of blood that remained in a single swipe. He smiles, his fingers curling outwards, signaling for Gwansoo to get away from his guest. Gwansoo jerks to his feet and bows, beating a hasty retreat.
Eugene comes so close that his cloak brushes the lady’s knees. Her hands are still on her lap, but clenched around her skirt. Eugene observes her with interest, crouching once more to seek out her gaze. She meets his eyes just as fearlessly as before. Though she does have a scent about her that speaks of fear, it doesn’t have the same rank odor Eugene knows.
“You are not afraid,” he remarks in Korean, the words perfectly fluent, natural and understandable.
She blinks, clearly not expecting him to speak in Korean, but rallies admirably. “No.”
“Why?” he asks, his bloody hand reaching out. She leans back a bit, but manages to stop herself from retreating. There’s no disgust on her face, but she doesn’t look pleased as he stains her cheek almost perversely. A budding desire blossoms in Eugene’s bosom, something foreign, but not unwelcome.
“I am angry, rather,” she confesses, if a little unwisely. “But I’m not afraid of you… of death.”
Eugene isn’t sure if that’s heroic or stupid. He tells her so, and smirks when her incensed gaze pierces him. Not even Gwansoo dares to look him in the eye like this. “I see,” he says, mockingly. “And why aren’t you afraid?”
Aeshin stops, thinking her answer through. Her brow furrows and Eugene finally puts a word to the desire in his cold, rotten heart.
“Noble ladies live lives like flowers,” she says softly, touching the delicate pattern on her skirt. They’re peonies, and Eugene wants to touch them. He stops himself, remembering the state of his hands. He might have wanted to taint her cheek and skin, but he respects her clothes. They’re a symbol of her status and her virtue; he would not destroy that. “I will live like a flame, instead.”
Noting her word game, he smiles faintly. “Flare, then go out?” he asks, wiping his hands on his cloak. She nods slightly, and he stands, offering his now clean hand. She stares at it, wondering at the elegance of a hand which had, not too long ago, torn a woman apart with ease. Aeshin takes his hand and he pulls her to her feet, gently leading her to the door. She stands at the threshold of his throne room, appropriated from the Joseon king well over a century ago. He smiles at her again, and Aeshin breathes deeply. Reminding herself of the scent of blood that shrouds him like a shadow.
“Come back tomorrow, my lady,” he invites. Aeshin wonders if she really has a choice. His grip on her hand tightens, evaporating the idea of free will. “Please.”
Aeshin nods, hiding her small smile. The vampire’s interest, at least, would discourage her grandfather’s recent attempts at forming an alliance with the Kim Family. His invitation has marked her, one way or another, and Aeshin wonders what his interest in her will bring.
“I’ll be here,” she says, stepping out. The slaves usher her down the dark courtyard, leading her back out the palace walls. She looks back only once at the pale figure still standing beneath the awning, almost hidden entirely from view under his black cloak.
Eugene watches her go, as the feeling curling in his gut spikes.
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Do You Need A Van You Can Stand Up In?
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A common question when looking for a camper van is “how important is it to stand up in your van?” If you’re coming to this post looking for a yes or no answer, prepare for disappointment! Like anything in van life, whether or not you should buy a van you can stand up in is a combination of your goals and finances. With that qualifier, there are a few points to go over that should make your decision easier.
Things To Take Into Account
Where are you taking your van?
If you plan on spending a lot of time in nature, having a short van might not be that big of a deal. You’ll be more likely to spend time outdoors if you are boondocking or camping. Standing outside to stretch out before bed or to put a jacket on are easier when you aren’t in a crowded area and confined to the van interior.
Planning to live in a city? You probably don’t want to hang around cooking your morning eggs on the sidewalk with an outdoor kitchen. When city dwelling, you’ll likely be doing more chores and activities within the confines of your vehicle and will feel more restrained with a short roof.
Are you trying to be stealth?
This one works both ways. Vans with a standard height generally draw less attention than high top ones. That said, a taller van will allow to stay in your vehicle longer without being noticed.
Weather conditions
Spending time outdoors is only fun when the weather is nice. Consider how much control you have over these conditions. If you’re stuck in Seattle, that rain is going to constrain you to your vehicle more. Being forced to hunch over for days on end gets tiring.
Alternatively, if you have the flexibility to follow the weather you should take advantage of it. A short van will be less noticeable when you have the ability to avoid rain and snow.
If you’re van dwelling on the cheap, you’ll find that low top vans are cheaper and more abundant. Because they’re easier to find, you are more likely to grab one in good condition for a reasonable price.
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Benefits Of A High-Top Van
I’m not going to go into as much detail on the benefits of a high-top vehicle because most of these are obvious. Here are a few advantages:
You can stand!
Easier to get dressed and cook ect.
More storage space all around
Possibility of adding bunk beds or more sleeping areas for families
You can sleep further away from the celling
Roof solar panels and vents are more stealth
Rest assured, even if you are 6’2” there are vehicles out there that you can stand in (but it will cost you).
Benefits Of A Standard Height Van
You can build it in a garage
Depending on where you live, being able to build out a conversion van in a climate-controlled garage can be a huge plus. We built our van on an unshaded driveway during July in Phoenix, AZ and I can guarantee you it contributed to a number of arguments and poor construction decisions.
If you plan on building a sprinter van outside during a Minnesota winter you’re going to have a rough time.
Parking structures
Some cities are better about this than others. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to find a parking space for a tall van somewhere unfamiliar.
Be forewarned, some parking structures will tell you the limit is 8ft. tall and as soon as you drive through the pay window the ceiling will magically drop to 6ft.
Drive-throughs and Car Washes
Just like parking structures, drive-throughs and car washes are something people rarely consider when planning their road trip. A tall vehicle will limit you in some situations. You will constantly have to be on the lookout for height limits during travel.
Easier to pack things on the roof
I’m sure this is not on everyone’s list, but once you hit the road – trying to secure a kayak or paddle board to your roof becomes a huge pain! We’ve also seen more than one high-top van with a rooftop cargo box and I bet I can count on one hand how often those cases are opened!
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The ability to articulate solar
If you’ve read any of our solar posts, you know that angling panels directly at the sun can give you an advantage when it comes to power. With a short van you have the ability to add articulating frames beneath your solar panels. (I know you can do that this with a high top as well) but the ability to climb up high and adjust panels twice a day reduced.
Tips To Make Your Standard Height Van More Comfortable
Spend time outdoors
The less time you spend in the van, the less you’re going to notice the height of your ceiling.
Get an awning
Adding an awning to the outside of your van will make spending time outdoors significantly more comfortable. An awning can block the sun, rain and snow opening up the indoor space. Bonus points if you travel with a folding chair that packs down small.
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Make a space where you can sit up straight in the van
Perhaps the number one differentiator to your comfort level is the ability to sit up straight. If you can’t stand in your van, you should try to construct an area where you won’t have to lean over to use a laptop or read. This way at least your back can have proper posture for times when you’re confined to the van for long periods of time.
Take it from us, sitting on your bed with your legs propped out straight in front of you is not going to cut it long-term. A swivel chair is an excellent way to add seating without taking up space. On a lower budget, a folding camp chair is all it takes to have comfortable seating. We keep a short 12×12” ottoman on-board that doubles as a garbage can and stool.
Keep foam padding handy so you can kneel on it
Similar to having seating in a van, being able to hold different positions for longer periods of time makes you feel less restricted in your movement and living space. Inexpensive foam padding from Home Depot or Lowe’s will help save your knees.
Don’t Forget About Pop-Top Vehicles
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With a pop-top vehicle you can get some benefits of both worlds. If you’ve got solar or a roof box, it’s easier to access the roof. If not, you are basically at normal height for vehicles and can fit in most garages. They also neatly store your bet away above your head so that you can use valuable floor space for seating and storage.
Pop-tops are certainly the least stealthy of the options, but they do great in the outdoors. There’s nothing better for sleeping in the summer than an elevated, breathable elevated mesh room!
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selectautoglassplus · 4 years
RV Tips - How to Prepare Your RV for Summer
It's almost that time again to pull the family RV out of moth balls and go have some fun!
As April approaches, the calls to me begin stacking up from concerned RVers. I'm a mobile RV Tech and every spring I encounter the same question from RVers across the country - "What can I do to get my unit ready for camping season?" So I want to pass on some RV information and a few simple tips to, hopefully, save you some time and money and help you get your rig ready to roll!
On a sunny day, extend your awning to air it out. Trapped moisture may have caused mildew which will damage and stain the fabric, so use a hose to rinse it off. You can scrub down a vinyl fabric with mild dish detergent; for canvas or cloth, your favorite RV Dealer can supply you with an appropriate cleaner. Allow it to dry thoroughly before retracting.
Run the awning in and out a few times to ensure smooth operation and check that the travel locks work and that all hardware is secure.
Propane System
This is a good time to fill your bottles or tanks and check for leaks. Spray a leak detector (available at hardware stores) or soapy water around the connections and regulator. If you see bubbles (or smell propane at anytime), you should have the system tested. Don't take chances with your propane system - it's not worth it!
Never overfill your propane tanks. Propane expands and contracts drastically with temperature changes. Any vessel holding propane should not be filled more than 80% to allow for expansion.
A major problem arising from overfilled tanks is this: all appliances on RVs use the propane vapor (not the liquid) from the tank and propane contains a certain amount of oil. If a tank is over filled, the liquid (and oil) can get into the system and do some real nasty things. I often see the oil ruining regulators and any oil getting past the regulator can clog the lines on the coach. If you ever see a 'pulsing' flame on your stove top, or if your furnace works great on a warm night but not on a cold one, you may have oil in the lines!
Batteries are finicky things. Some last for years and others crater soon after being installed. After charging the batteries, I use a hydrometer to check the specific gravity. Any auto parts store sells easy-to-use hydrometers. Follow the instructions and test your batteries. Remember: a 25 point differential between cells means you have a bad cell and the battery is "kaput"!
If the batteries check out OK, clean the connections, make sure they're snug and apply an anti-corrosion spray.
DC Electrical System
After the batteries are hooked up, check your DC accessories and lights. If not working, check the fuses and connections. If you find a blown fuse, you need to investigate. Mice, squirrels and other critters can build nests, chew wires and cause all kinds of problems that you'll need to correct. Never increase the value of the fuse; you could turn a small problem into a big one!
If all appears well, ensure the converter is working properly. Do this by using a voltmeter to check the battery voltage. When a battery is fully charged it should read about 12.6 volts. When you plug in to shore power and the converter starts working, you should see 1 to 1.5 volt increase and if the lights in the coach get a little brighter, you should be good to go.
A/C Electrical System
With the coach plugged into shore power you can check the electrical outlets with a hair dryer which puts a good testing load on the system. Check the GFCI, (Ground fault circuit interrupter). It's that little button you play with (usually while sitting down) in the bathroom. Push the test button and the reset button should pop out. If it does, push the reset button back in until it clicks. If it doesn't, you have a problem and need to have it repaired. Don't run with a defective GFCI. These little gizmos save a lot of lives every year! They're there to protect you and your family.
Sewer Valves
These are one of the most over looked items on an RV. Before you run any water into the tanks, check to make sure the valves all move freely. Anything other than medium pressure to operate them might suggest it's time for new ones. A broken black tank sewer valve is an RV Tech's nightmare and a big expense for the customer. These valves are under 10 dollars and are usually quite easy to replace.
Water Systems
If your unit was winterized with good quality antifreeze, your water lines might be sufficiently sanitized, but filling the holding tank and using bleach tablets or other sanitizing product is a good idea. I flush mine every year. It's good practice, especially if you use a variety of watering stations throughout the season.
Another thing often overlooked while de-winterizing is changing the position of the water heater by-pass valve. There are a few different types of bypass valves so get to know how yours works. Valves in the wrong position will cause a lot of grief and may give you the impression the water heater isn't working properly.
The water pump is one of the best tools to alert you to a leak in your water system. Pressure up the system and listen for a few minutes. If the pump remains quiet and doesn't kick in and out, quite likely the system is ok. If it runs on and off, get your flashlight and check the lines and water accessories for leaks. The only two things I know of that will make the pump burp on and off is a water leak or a defective switch on the pump.
**An air compressor is a handy thing to have for the next few tips ...
Water Heater (Pilot Model)
On a pilot light model (one that is lit manually), blow any debris out of the chimney (the opening where the fire is lit) and out of the burner assembly. Even a spider web in the burner assembly can shut down your water heater, so make sure it's clean! Wear safety glasses and stand aside while doing so.
Next, make sure the water heater is full and light the pilot light. If it lights quickly and stays lit after the button is released, great! However, if the flame is small, the orifice might need cleaning. If the flame is good but it won't stay lit, unfortunately you may need an RV Tech to install a new thermocouple or gas valve.
If all is well, turn the gas valve to "ON". With all propane appliances we are looking for a nice, blue flame. Allow the water heater to get to temperature and run some hot water until the heater re-lights. If it does, you're set to go!
Water Heater (Auto Light or DSI Direct Spark Ignition)
As with pilot models, clean thoroughly with air. Make sure there is water in the tank and the switch is in the "OFF" position.
The only real owner-serviceable part on this water heater is the electrode - the gismo that sparks when lighting. Check the gap between the electrode and ground (most units require the gap to be 3/16 ths of an inch). If the gap needs adjusting, you may want to replace it. You can adjust it yourself, but use caution not to break the porcelain around the electrode. If you do, you'll definitely need a new one.
Turn the heater "ON". When it reaches temperature and shuts off, run some hot water. If the heater re-lights, the flame is a nice blue, the water is reheated and it shuts off again, you're good to go.
If you turn the water heater on and it struggles to light or lights and quickly goes out again, you'll probably need to contact a technician.
There are really no owner-serviceable parts on today's furnaces. One thing I suggest is to fire it up and cycle it a few times to see if it lights and shuts down on demand. At the first of the season, I run mine for about 10 minutes with the door and windows open. This gives the furnace a bit of a workout and airs out the vents in case little critters are raising a family in there!
Again not many owner-serviceable parts but there are some things we can do to ensure it's working properly. When fridges operate on propane, the chimney becomes coated with a brown, flakey soot that, if not removed, can fall onto the burner assembly and shut down the fridge.
You'll need to remove the lower outside cover to get to the burner assembly. With the fridge "OFF", use your air compressor to blow upwards into the chimney to remove any soot. Thoroughly blow out the burner assembly. While you're there, look up inside the fridge compartment for any blockages. During long periods of disuse, squirrels, birds and other critters can make nests up there and block the airway. It's critical to keep this area clear - if the fridge can't breathe, it won't work properly.
AC Units
On the roof, visually inspect the condition of the cover and the fins on the back side of the Air Conditioner. If the cover is cracked or broken, change it right away. If it breaks apart while you're driving, it can cause severe damage to the internal working parts of the A/C (not to mention the problems created when it lands!)
Weather often damages the radiator on the back of the A/C unit. Like fridges, these units need to breathe, so if the aluminum fins are flattened or pushed in they need to be straightened. There are inexpensive kits you can buy to do this; it just requires a nice day and a bit of patience.
If you have a good power supply going to your RV, turn on the air conditioner and run it for 10 or 15 minutes to ensure that it is cooling.
Wheels and Brakes
Every year someone unnecessarily burns a wheel bearing off of their unit and it's very expensive to fix! The standard I preach with great conviction is this: "Have your bearings and brakes serviced every 2 years or 10,000 miles." If you follow that rule you will, in most situations, be safe from harm.
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