#that macys is literally terrifying i can never return
clumsyclifford · 4 years
some writing prompts from stuff that’s happened to myself or my friends in college
you’re my new roommate and you seem really fun and you suggest that we go exploring across campus…do you know it’s 1am? yes? okay cool let’s do it
we started watching america’s next top model together as a joke but now we’re both super invested
we were both kinda drunk and flirting after this party so i walked you back to your dorm and kissed you but now you won’t talk to me and i’m very confused about these mixed signals
we’re like the only two people who ever talk in class and when we disagree we go all out but when we agree we are an unstoppable force
you talk a lot in this class and the teacher is really chill and you EXUDE BDE you put your feet on the chair in front of you and i’m so intimidated you seem so cool but it turns out you’re actually really friendly
just joined the all-male/all-female acappella group on campus and…wow everyone here is really pretty…i thought you were all straight but it turns out most of you are gay and that’s a lot
i’m your RA and i live next-door to you and listen, it’s not that i don’t like hearing you play guitar, i just don’t like it at two in the morning please i really don’t want to have to keep coming over here asking you to quiet down
two-packs of red bull just appeared on everyone’s doorknob during finals week and i don’t drink red bull but you do and you come knocking asking if you can have mine
you’re making tea in the communal kitchen, i come in for something else and you ask if i want to try some. have we met before? no? …okay, sure, i’ll try some
bonus: holy shit this tea is good please make me some more
we met by chance at school and it turns out we’re from the same city and now we hang out when we go home for breaks
i work at [a dining location] on campus and you are here…with concerning frequency at very late hours. why do you keep needing pizza at 1am
i thought my sleep schedule was bad but you go to bed at 5am and sleep til 5pm how did i suddenly become the responsible roommate
of fucking course i get the dorm right underneath the people who are always banging. also the roommate who keeps weed in our room. i’m not saying i mind but you could have asked
you’ve been flirting with me over snap for like two weeks. when i asked you, you said you weren’t, but trust me, i know flirting when i see it, and you definitely were.
you’re my roommate for orientation and wow we have a lot in common and you’re really cute and oh hey, good news! we’re living on the same floor of the same residence hall
yes i do think you’re cute. no i still will not get high with you
just matched with the entire acappella group’s collective tinder account so i jokingly swiped right and they did too and now i need to figure out who runs this group’s tinder
you’re my best friend’s roommate and i don’t know you super well but we have similar taste in music so we regularly text each other playlists and song recs and it makes me happy
it’s super late and im about to go to bed when you call me crying and in a state of panic and i have to go help you right now what’s wrong babe
how many ways can starbucks misspell my name
this can go any number of ways but i’m fond of “every time they mess up my name i text you the new version of my name and you think i’m funny so i keep doing it”
we’ve been wandering around for like an hour trying to locate a party that’s allegedly happening and we haven’t found it but we did have a lot of fun looking. wanna get pizza and talk about life?
you’re my roommate and you have this great group of friends and you guys do game night like every week and you always invite me but i always say no, thank you you’re so sweet sorry i’m such an introvert
came into the campus dunkin and the place is full but you’re sitting at a table and you invite me to join you even though you’re clearly waiting on someone, wow that’s so nice i love you
it’s your first time getting drunk. you take five shots, say you feel dizzy and kinda weird, then go back to your dorm and immediately fall asleep
bonus: i sit outside on the steps with you for like twenty minutes chatting about nonsense because you seem like you need the fresh air even though it’s drizzling out
we’re in an acting class and we get a scene that’s supposed to end with a passionate kiss. hey, professor? hello? are we supposed to actually kiss, or……???
you’re my roommate’s friend and you recently injured yourself so you’re in a wheelchair and my roommate is supposed to take you to your class this morning but they are still asleep it’s fine i can take you, no problem
we came into the city with the class but stayed after they went back to campus and decided to go to the macys near penn station and holy fuck this macys is so big and scary where is the exit why cant we find the exit they keep saying it’s half an hour to closing and we just want to pay and leave but there is not a single cashier in sight why the fuck is this macys so big
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