#that mccarthy fucker
trmpt · 6 months
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randomhuman45 · 1 year
While we are on the 15th vote
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keystonewarrior · 8 months
If McCarthy and the neoconfederacy shit down the US Government only so they can cause us all harm, then we all ought to sue them in small claims court for being the ass chancres they are.
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fandomsandfeminism · 8 months
Jordan Reverses Himself and Will Push for a Third Speaker Vote
Here is the recap-
Republicans, continuing their tradition of playing stupid games and being shocked when they win stupid prizes, kicked Kevin McCarthy out of his post of Speaker of the House.
For context, Kevin McCarthy had a fucking awful time getting the job back in January, needing like 15 tries and a bunch of stupid placating and bootlicking the MAGA nuts. An incredible moment in US history. So many memes. Republicans almost getting into fist fights on the floor on the House. Embarrassing Chaos. and they STILL FUCKING KICKED MCCARTHY OUT. AFTER ALL THAT. (Probably because he compromised with Democrats to temporarily fund the government while they argued about the budget) Embarrassing.
They fire McCarthy with no backup plan. To be clear, this is intentional. The MAGA fuckers want to break the government. Also no one wants to be Speaker. It's an awful job.
Ok, so then they have to decide who will be the new speaker. Trump suggests Jim Jordan. There is a secret republican ballot. Jordan loses to some other guy (Scalise.) Ha.
Once it's time for the real vote (with the democrats and all)- unity shatters and Scalise can't carry the vote. He says he doesn't want it anymore.
So fine, Jim Jordan. Let's go.
He loses.
A bunch of Republicans hate him. He is suuuuper implicated in Jan 6 and is a scumbag.
He tries again.
He loses. Again. Worse than the first time. Hilarious. Humiliating.
Everyone is like "not this shit again. Can we just let the temporary speaker be the speaker until January so the House can like...function while the Republicans figure their shit out?"
Jim Jordan says he'll go along with this plan on TV. Because publically losing the Speaker vote multiple times is humiliating.
The MAGAs loose their FUCKING MINDS because this was a Democrat idea so its BAD. How DARE YOU WE JUST FIRED MCARTHY FOR COMPROMISING WITH THE DEMS.
Jim Jordan says FINE, I take it back. I'll try again.
We don't have a third vote scheduled.
It'd be funnier if the clowns weren't running OUR circus, ya know?
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hyperbali · 1 year
I need everybody to know that the final vote for the Speaker of the House tonight lay squarely on the shoulders of Matt 'Actual Sex Trafficker' Gaetz
And that squirrelly little fucker voted Present
Which means McCarthy just lost again for THE FOURTEENTH TIME
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Meanwhile, the Democrats are clearly Beyond Done with this entire affair on day 3, popcorn starting to get stale
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sebstan2020 · 4 months
Red Ties
Chapter 23
Mary, a sweet Christian girl living in the city of Brooklyn as a nurse had a simple life. She loved her work, her friends and attending church every Sunday and helping Reverend McCarthy. Her life was nothing out of the ordinary. However, it all changed one day when she bumps into the intriguing and intimidating James Barnes, Brooklyn’s notorious mafia boss and is introduced to a world of guns, lust and dominance.
Warnings: BDSM, Dom/Sub, Mafia, Violence, Gang, SMUT, Sex, Possessive Bucky, Overprotectiveness, Bondage, Sexual Themes, Dark Themes, Guns, Drugs, Gang Violence
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James had had a shitty night. It did not go as planned as he wanted it to, and now he was seething. Zemo was supposed to meet him at the docks for a shipment coming in, and he was now an hour behind schedule. James was not the kind of man you kept waiting for, and the more minutes ticked by, the more frustrated he was getting. He paced back and forth, enough to drive a hole into the floor, and growled when he didn't see a single sign of him turning up.
"Where the fuck is he?" He groaned at Steve and Sam, who were leaning against the metal bars of the docks.
"He'll be here," Steve assured, and another half an hour ticked by, and James had enough.
"Let's go; he's not coming," he ordered, and Steve was about to argue back, but Sam shook his head, silently telling him not to go there. The boss was already pissed, and there was no point in making him angry.
"Let's go check on that kid that owes us money; maybe he'll have another payment," Steve suggested as they stormed back to the car. At this rate, James would do anything to forget the fact that Zemo had fucked him over. The next time he sees him, he's going to wish he had turned up on time. James sighed heavily and agreed, letting Steve drive to the apartment of some kid who owes him money. a typical crackhead wanting some extra dolar so he can fulfil his daily hit.
but that didn't go to plan either. He wasn't at his apartment, and James was getting frustrated when he didn't answer his phone. The night was a terrible one, and he was ready to go home.
"Fuck this, we're going home," he ordered, and Sam and Steve looked at each other, raising their brows and following James like the good henchmen they were, and didn't speak a word as James aggressively drove back home. but it wasn't just the whole night contributing to his frustration. He couldn't help but think of Mary being alone in Peter's apartment. If that fucker even tried anything with her, he wouldn't hesitate to go down there and teach him a lesson. His jealousy was taking over, and his hand gripped the wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
Sighing heavily as he reached his bedroom, he threw his suit across the room, not caring to fold it or place it in the wash bin, and headed to the bathroom. He splashed his face with cold water, waking him up and bringing him back to the surface. The anger was washing out. He was realising how much of a hold Mary had on him.
one night away from her, and his bad side was coming out. but it made him think. There was going to have to be a time when he'd have to tell Mary about all this. the power and money that he had in this city. Right now, all she believed was that he was a good accountant and worked for the government, and the guilt was starting to settle inside him. He huffed, leaning against the sink with his arms wide and his head hanging down, as little droplets of water splashed from his hair into the sink.
He didn't want to tell her; he wanted to live in this sweet honeymoon stage of their relationship, but he couldn't run from it, and putting it off would make it harder for him to tell her. He'd rather she know the true him than fake it his whole life. His phone buzzed, and he immediately looked at it, seeing a sweet text from her wishing him a goodnight, and he smiled. She's too good for him.
but that wasn't all that he had to tell her. How the fuck was he going to tell her he enjoys tying women up, spanking them, and having them call him Sir when this girl was the sweet virgin Mary herself? Would she even know what all this was? He doubted it, which meant it was going to most likely scare her off. but again, there was no hiding from it.
James decided to hit bed early, and after a quick hot shower, he jumped into bed. The bed felt so empty without Mary there and cold without her body pressing against his. He nearly forgot to text her back and quickly sent her a message, remembering that she had that little mark right on her neck, and it made him relax, knowing that a small part of him was there with her. Tomorrow, he was going to have to face something he didn't want to.
"That was an amazing sermon, reverend." Mary complimented him as she gathered the bibles into a large stack, handing them to him. She always stayed behind to help clean up, and he was very thankful for it.
"Thank you, Mary, although I think a couple of people were falling asleep to my voice; perhaps I'm getting too old for this," he joked, and Mary scoffed.
"Of course not; you're the best reverend this church has had." She smiled, and he chuckled.
"I wouldn't go that far, but it's nice to hear that. So, what are you doing this evening? How is that man you've been seeing—James, is it?" He asked, and Mary blushed at just the mention of his name.
"Well, I'm actually going over there now; we've been getting along really well, and I think... I think I like him," she said nervously, like a school kid with their first crush. There was no denying that James had captured her heart, and every second she spent with him was just wonderful. For the first time in her life, she liked someone who made her feel special.
"Well, that's wonderful, Mary. I'll be excited to meet him one day." John grinned, hugging her tightly.
"He's just such a gentleman and always makes me feel special, and I've never had that with someone before," she said quietly, and she couldn't help but smile as she thought about him.
"Well, I'm glad he's looking after you; if there is anything you need, don't hesitate to call me," he said with a serious note in his voice, and she nodded.
"Yes, absolutely," she nodded. Reverend McCarthy was always there for her, and she knew she could count on him to give her good advice when she needed it. For the first time in a while, Mary drove to James's house. Normally, he would come pick her up, but she had driven to church anyway, so he told him he didn't need to come and pick her up. He was insistent, but she was too tough to say no.
The whole drive there, she was giddy with excitement, and when she pulled up to the mansion, she practically skipped to the front door, knocking as if she were a child. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress, tight to her body, with boots. Her hair was blown out with curls, and she had a light layer of makeup on. The door opened, revealing Steve, who grinned as he welcomed her in.
"Hey Mary, who had a little lamb," he joked with big, welcoming arms, and Mary giggled, shaking her head at the terrible choice of name he had given her.
"Hi Steve," she said, and he chuckled.
"Sorry, that was terrible. How are you?" He said it as if he hadn't just seen her a couple days ago.
"I'm good; how are you?".
"Eh, I can't complain," he shrugged. Steve really did have nothing to complain about. His life was easy compared to most. Mary giggled softly, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Where's James?" As soon as she said his name, he came shuffling out of the hallway.
"Oh, speak of the devil." If only Mary knew how true that was. She turned and smiled instantly as he walked to her. He was looking exceptionally handsome today, dressed in a tight-fitting suit, and he smiled instantly, leaning down to peck her to taste her sweetness off her lips.
"Hi," he whispered. She whispered a hi-back as well, and when he pulled back, he looked up at Steve.
"I hope he wasn't talking too much about me," he said, and Steve snorted, throwing a hand in the air.
"Of course I wasn't Buck; I would never," he shurgged, and James scoffed.
"Of course you wouldn't," he said, knowing Steve probably wasn't talking shit about him, but the two couldn't help a bit of banter between them. His arm instantly went around Mary's, pulling her close, and he ushered her to go upstairs. "How was your day?" he asked as he led her into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him, and she sighed with exhaustion, throwing herself on the bed.
"It was good. I went to church this morning and listened to John's sermon. He's so wise and knows so much that it amazes me sometimes, and then I..." Her voice blurred as James's mind was elsewhere, and he found himself having to pull himself back to reality as he stared off into space. Mary hadn't a clue that he wasn't really listening, and he hummed with a smile as she ranted on about her day. She was so relaxed and confident around him now that she didn't know when to stop talking.
"How about you?" she asked, and he sighed softly.
"Yeah, it was fine," was all he could conjure up, and he walked his way over to her, sitting down next to her and taking her hand in his.
"How was your night with your friends?" He tried to distract himself, but he realised perhaps that topic wasn't the best.
"It was good; we all brought something to Peter's and watched the game. Anya ended up having too much to drink, so she was hungover this morning, but I was fine being the good girl that I am." She smiled, and James chuckled, narrowing his eyes slightly.
"Did you stay over?" he asked, and she nodded. He wished he hadn't asked that, as now his jealousy had pounced back. The thought of Peter being in the next room to her and having easy access while he slept alone last night made his blood boil, and he had to think about not clenching his fists so hard.
"Peter's apartment is so nice; I hope maybe I can get a place like that one day." James wanted to scoff, as he hoped that one day she'd be living here with him in his mansion, which was way better than Peter's apartment.
"Well, I'm glad you had a good time," he said softly, and Mary leaned up to kiss him, her hand reaching up to his chest as James deepened it. Mary was in the mood, and as she leaned up closer for more, it wasn't like her to be this frisky, and James was enjoying it. But he couldn't help but pull back, as his mind was screaming at him to get on with it. Regardless of how much he wanted to throw her on the bed, kiss every inch of her body, and make her moan like she had every night last week, his mind and conscience were stopping him. He sighed softly, looking down for a minute before lifting his eyes back to hers.
"There is something I need to tell you," he said seriously and quietly, and Mary pulled back slightly in surprise.
"Okay," she nodded, biting her lip nervously. It wasn't like James was being this nervous or quiet.
James opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to find the right words to say, but he wasn't sure where to start until he looked up and spotted the door.
"Come here," he whispered, taking her hand and pulling her off the bed, leading her to the closed door. Mary was confused, wondering why he was taking her to his closet.
"The other day you asked me what this was, and I said it's my closet. Well, it isn't." Mary folded her arms over her chest, almost hugging herself as she stood nervously and quietly. James let out a breathy laugh, realising what he had said.
"Well, it is, but not what you think." He couldn't help but laugh nervously, and instead of trying to find the words to explain it all, he pulled out a silver key from his pocket, unlocked the door with a loud click, and pushed the door open. A flick of a switch and bright, warm lights illuminated the room. James stood aside, looking for Mary to step over, and she took a single step in front of the room, peaking inside.
Chapter 24
I KNOW YOU'RE GOING TO HATE ME FOR LEAVING IT ON A CLIFFHANGER. I hope you like this chapter. What do you think James is going to tell her first, let me know what you think in the comments
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ariadnethedragon · 4 months
HOFAS thoughts as I read it: (SPOILERS below)
All that t*rture in the dungeons, Ruhn’s piercing and tattoos. Baxian’s tattoo. The wings. “How strong is your bite?” Sarahhhhh!!!!! Stop! That was more than I could handle😫
The Middengard Wyrm😖. Nesta dealt with it brilliantly but it just makes you appreciate how impossible it was that human Feyre managed to kill this thing by herself with no decent weapons.
Azriel hugging Nesta and stroking her hair after she took the Mask off🥺
Bryce’s wallpaper being Hunt and the photo of her friends in the phone case—that made me tear up
Imagining the inner circle all surrounding Bryce’s phone trying to figure out how it works is hilarious. Also Nesta being jealous of Bryce’s music collection, “THOUSAND?”
The nightbright angst KILLED me💔💔💔
Hunt just dreaming of Bryce. She’s the only thing pulling him through, “He’d wanted so many things with her. A normal, happy life. Children.” HE BETTER GET EVERY SINGLE ONE IF THOSE THINGS OR HANDS WILL BE THROWN!
Silene. The Daglan. My theories were true😁😁
Sigrid. I had so much hope for her story but I was disappointed. Hopefully it’ll get better
Ariadne!! I wanted to see more of her😕
Ruhn’s bedroom. The burn cream😭😭😭
Lidia FUCKING Cervos. That breakout scene. Magnificent.
Jesiba and Ithan’s dynamic. Librarian Ithan and the fact that Jesiba is a Parthos priestess!!! Also JellyJubilee being the computer password😂
Bryce using the mating bond to teleport to Hunt😭😭😭
Bran and Ace. Lidia giving them her ruby ring for tuition as a goodbye💔
Hunt and Bryce got married?!!! WHEN?
Cloudberry crown sounds funny idk why
If I had a penny every time SJM included a set of unhinged/partly unhinged fae twins (yes connall I’m looking at you) in her series, I’d have three pennies bc it happens every single time
So the astronomer is basically a Voldemort 2.0
Flynn and dec going crazy for waffles on the mer ship
“I never had anyone fight for me” Oh Lidia my love😭😭
Guess I’m shipping Tharion and Sathia now🤷‍♀️
Lidia being turned on by Ruhn lighting a fire—girl, I get it.
“Because I’m yours, Day. I’m fucking yours.” Screaming crying throwing up
Lidia: “I want you all the time”😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩💗💗💗
Idk why but I am disappointed in the Autumn King, I thought there would be some redemption for him for some reason
Ruhn: “I am going to live and I am going to live well without you”😭😭
Bryce was always a queen but now she a queen Queen👀
Avallen becoming all green again.
Hunt being a demonic test tube baby😂😂
Dec being the first to look for service. Typical😂
Ithan x Perry???? Cinnamon and strawberry? I start getting suspicious when they notice all the nuances of that person’s scent. I think they’d be cute though
Nooooo, the prime—I keep thinking of him as master oogway from king fu panda and it makes me sad
Sabines finally dead🥳🥳
Ithan is prime now? Okay okay pop offf!!
Hunt finally breaking free of his halo and freeing Isaiah as well❤️
Is the under king from the ToG universe??? Valg??
Connor💔💔💔😭😭😭 The bullet. Memento mori
Sathia and Colin McCarthy. This will be interesting
Commando Hunt. The underwear was too small🤭🫨🫨
Morven guest room having red lace thongs😂😂
Okay tharion and sathia are really growing on me🥰🥰🥰
‘She’s my mate you fucker’ SCREAAMMING
Ace finally calling Lidia Mom😭❤️
Lidia is the descendant of Brannon. The fire, the hind/sacred stag. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!
Pollux being incinerated☺️☺️☺️
The sprites and Irithys💗
The kill switch, the godslayer rifle. Bryce just blackholing the Asteri. She is so brilliant and cunning and clever and I love her.
Danika and the pack. Light it up Bryce. I SOBBED
Jesiba crying and then her sacrifice😭😭😭💔💔
Ember and Randal going to Prythian. Randal bonding with Rhys but more importantly Ember and Nesta—I want to cryyyy🥹🥹🥹
Starsword/Gwydion back in Prythian…whats going to happen in ACOTAR 5???
The princes of Hel—you gotta love em
Lidia and Ruhn finally having that beer
Flynn x Perry? Jealous Ithan😏
Syrinx running for his life when Hunt and Bryce share a heated look. It’s nothing new but it cracks me up all the time
Pegasuses in Avallen🥰🥰
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silver-grasp · 1 year
I just read a CNN article that made me foam at the mouth lmao this dipshit analyst was like “the obvious solution here is to come to a bipartisan consensus - Democrats should join with Republicans to elect a moderate Republican Speaker :)” no you fucker the Democrats have a plurality of votes right now! Jeffries is ahead of McCarthy! Why should they concede anything? It’s moderate Republicans who should be working with Democrats to find acceptable terms for electing Jeffries as Speaker!
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homomenhommes · 1 month
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … April 27
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1906 – Friedrich-Paul von Groszheim (d.circa 2003), born in Lübeck, Germany was an ordinary German man who was imprisoned by the Nazis for the (then) crime of homosexuality under Germany's now-repealed Paragraph 175.
Von Groszheim was one of 230 men arrested in Lübeck on suspicion of being gay by the SS in January 1937 under paragraph 175, which outlawed homosexuality. He was imprisoned for ten months, during which he had to wear a badge emblazoned with a capital A, for Arschficker (arse-fucker):
They beat us to a pulp. I couldn't lie down...my whole back (was) bloody. You were beaten until you finally named names.
Von Groszheim was held in a cell with no heating, very little food, and no toilet facilities. Freed, he was rearrested in 1938 and tortured. Von Groszheim was eventually offered the 'alternative' of castration or Sachsenhausen concentration camp. He 'chose' castration. Terrible as it may seem, it was a decision that probably saved his life. He was then released.
Because of the castration, von Groszheim was rejected as physically unfit for military service in 1940. In 1943 he was arrested a third time, this time as a supporter of the former Kaiser Wilhelm II, and imprisoned as a political prisoner at Neuengamme concentration camp.
After the war, he settled in Hamburg.
Von Groszheim was never acknowledged as a victim of the Nazi regime, and due to on-going persecution of homosexuals in Germany, it took nearly half a century before he broke his silence. Eventually he explained why he began to speak out: 'I'm living proof that Hitler didn't win. I'm aware of that every day. If I don't tell my story, who will know the truth?.' He only told his story in 1992, on We Were Marked with a Big "A", a film in German with English subtitles.
In 1995, he was one of eight signers to a declaration given to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. that called for the "memorializing and documenting of Nazi atrocities against homosexuals and others."
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Jack Cole rehearsing Marilyn Monroe
1911 – Jack Cole (d.1974) was an American dancer, choreographer, and theatre director known as the father of theatrical jazz dance. He developed an entirely personal mode of jazz-ethnic-ballet that prevails as the dominant look of and technique for dancing in today's musicals, films, nightclub revues, television commercials and music videos.
Jack Cole, a student of Ravi Shankar's older brother Uday (who popularized East Indian dance in the West), danced with the staid orientalist Denishawn troupe, and invented jazz dance by applying what he knew of Indian dance to jazz music.
He stripped in Broadway's Ziegfield Follies Of 1943, opened New York's Rainbow Room, and formed a troupe that eroticized the Radio City Music Hall, Roxy, Ciro's, and the Fairmont and Dunes hotels.
His Hollywood entrance didn't go well: his specialty number for Fox's Moon Over Miami (1941) was cut as too sexy and he was fired by Arthur Freed from MGM's Ziegfield Follies (1946), for "griping about all the 'queen bees' like Cedric Gibbons and Roger Edens." Minnelli, Gibbons, et al, worked within the MGM closet, but Cole was a rebel and didn't hide his gayness.
At Columbia, then a minor studio, he lasted from 1944 until the McCarthy hearings of 1948, when most of his dancers fled to Europe. His first Columbia film was Cover Girl (1944) with Rita Hayworth, working with Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen, and Felix. He worked with Ann Miller and thrice more with Hayworth, his eroticism transferred almost intact to her in the 'Put the Blame on Mame' number in Gilda (1946), his homoeroticism most pronounced in the satirical 'Greek Ballet' in Down To Earth (1947). When Gilda describing herself stops in midsentence, the next word could be "stripper," for Cole based her movements on striptease.
At Fox, Cole vitalized Gwen Verdon in On The Riviera, revitalized Betty Grable in Meet Me After The Show (both 1951), surrounded Mitzi Gaynor with slinky catmen in The I Don't Care Girl (1953) and became Marilyn Monroe's dance guru from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) until the end of her life, surrounding her with musclemen in There's No Business Like Show Business (1954).
He returned to Metro for Vincente Minnelli's Kismet (1955; he had done the Broadway show and the 1944 film); Designing Woman; and, with Gene Kelly, Les Girls (1957).
Back at Columbia, he gave Betty Grable a male harem in Three For The Show (1955). His gayness was hidden within his Orientalism, suggesting to Shirley McLean that "masculinity and gay identity" are not necessarily antithetical, erasing gender (unlike true oriental dance), and sought after by female dancers.
But "for gay audiences, the classic Cole number" is 'Is There Anyone Here For Love?' in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, featuring Physique Pictorial-type gymnasts oblivious to Jane Russell's charms: they even pump "their buttocks up and down in rhythm, an outrageous simulation of gay sex."
Cole lived openly in a mansion with his lover, David Gray. Their pool parties were "very naughty and very gay," with Gray on a diving board in high heels. At a 1974 memorial for Cole, Jane Russell reminisced about Cole's penchant for gay porn.
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1951 – Luis Zapata Quiroz is Mexico's most prominent gay author. He rose to popularity in the 1970s with books about the youth subculture of Mexico City. His novels examine the connection between daily life and the popular culture of radio, television, and film.
Born into an upper middle-class family in rural Mexico, Zapata escaped the restrictions of his background by losing himself in the cinema. Popular culture, cinema, melodrama and soap opera have all played a significant influence on his writing.
Unusually for a Mexican writer, most of his novels, and stories feature gay and bisexual characters prominently. Where heterosexual characters appear they are usually within the context of the family and there is some element of hypocrisy and concealment, so the happiness of the normal social order is in some way seen as a smokescreen for more interesting goings on beneath the surface - as is the case with much popular drama and soap opera. His style is very heavily reliant on representing convincing dialogue and conversation - often between people of different social classes.
His work includes Hasta en las mejores familias (Even in the Best Families, 1975), Las aventuras, desventuras y sueños de Adonis García, el vampiro de la colonia Roma ( The Aventures, Misadventures, and Dreams of Adonis Garcia, Vampire of the Roman Colony, 1979), Melodrama (1983), En jirones (In Shreds, 1985) and La hermana secreta de Angélica María (The Secret Sister of Angelica María, 1989)
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1953 – President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs Executive Order 10450 which establishes grounds for investigation and dismissal:  "Any criminal, infamous, dishonest, immoral, or notoriously disgraceful conduct, habitual use of intoxicants to excess, drug addiction, or sexual perversion." Without explicitly referring to homosexuality, the executive order responded to several years of charges that the presence of homosexual employees in the State Department posed blackmail risks. As a result, more than 640 federal employees lose their jobs over the next year and a half.
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1963 – Today's the birthday of Russell T. Davies (born Steven Russell Davies). Davies is a Welsh television producer and writer and the prolific writer best known for controversial drama serials such as Queer as Folk and The Second Coming. He's also garnered major Geek love for spearheading the revival of the popular science-fiction television series Doctor Who, and the spin-off Torchwood. Although Doctor Who always had serious levels of camp, Davies really stretched the series into a much more inclusive and sexually playful character.
Born in Swansea, Davies aspired to work as a comic artist in his adult life, until a careers advisor at his school suggested that he study English literature; he consequently focused on a career of play- and screen-writing. After he graduated from Oxford University, Davies joined the BBC's children's department on a part-time basis in 1985 and worked in varying positions, including writing and producing two series, Dark Season and Century Falls. He left the BBC in the early 1990s to work for Granada Television and later became a freelance writer.
Davies moved into writing adult television dramas in 1994. His early scripts generally explored concepts of religion and sexuality among various backdrops: Revelations was a soap opera about organised religion and featured a lesbian vicar; Springhill was a soap drama about a Catholic family in contemporary Liverpool; The Grand explored society's opinion of subjects such as prostitution, abortion, and homosexuality during the interwar period; and Queer as Folk, his first prolific series, recreated his experiences in the Manchester gay scene. His later series include Bob & Rose, which portrayed a gay man who fell in love with a woman; The Second Coming, which focused on the second coming and deicide of Jesus Christ; Mine All Mine, a comedy about a family who discover they owned the entire city of Swansea; and Casanova, an adaptation of the Venetian lover's complete memoirs.
His most notable achievement is reviving and running the science fiction series Doctor Who after a sixteen year hiatus, with Christopher Eccleston, and later David Tennant, Matt Smith, and Peter Capaldi in the title role of the Doctor. Davies was awarded an OBE in 2008 for services to drama, which coincided with his announcement that he would step down from as the show's executive producer with his final script, The End of Time (2009-10). Davies moved to Los Angeles, California, to oversee production of Torchwood: Miracle Day and, before the death of Elisabeth Sladen, series five of The Sarah Jane Adventures.He has since returned to Manchester.
His latest show, Cucumber, a spiritual successor to Queer as Folk focuses on middle-aged gay men in the Manchester gay scene, and is accompanied with Banana, an E4 anthology series featuring younger characters across the LGBT spectrum on the periphery of the Cucumber narrative, and Tofu, an online documentary series available on 4oD discussing modern sex, sexuality and issues arisen during the show with the cast and public. The three names reference a urological scale categorising the male erection by hardness from tofu to cucumber, and are used to symbolise differences in sexual attitudes and behaviour between the two generations. Although Cucumber is designed as a self-contained serial focusing on the life of one man, Davies envisions Banana as open-ended and believes it could continue after its sister series finishes.
Davies' next project after Cucumber and Banana will be The Boys, a Channel 4 series about the HIV/AIDS crisis during the 1980s. The Boys will be a dramatised retrospective of the crisis which focuses on the men "living in the bedsits" during the 1980s as opposed to films such as Pride which focus on gay activists; Davies notes that the stories regarding the politics of the crisis and the virus itself has been told, but not those regarding the early victims of the virus itself. Davies describes The Boys as a way of "coming to terms" with his own actions during the 1980s, when the shock of the crisis prevented him from properly mourning the deaths of his close friends. After The Boys, Davies plans to write a series about sextortion that draws inspiration from real-life incidents of blackmail that resulted in suicide.
Davies is openly gay and has been with his partner, customs officer Andrew Smith, since 1999.
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1992 – James Duke Mason is an American politician, writer, and political activist. He is the son of singer Belinda Carlisle and film producer Morgan Mason, and the grandson of the late British actor James Mason. In 2010, The Advocate listed Mason as one of the most influential young LGBT Americans in their "Forty Under 40" issue. He was named in OUT magazine's 2011 "Out 100" issue as one of the 100 most influential LGBT people in the world.
Born in Los Angeles, Mason moved to Europe with his parents as a child. In an Attitude Magazine interview, Mason stated that he is openly gay and that he came out to his family and friends at the age of 14 in 2006. After graduating from Mougins School, an international school in the south of France in July 2010, Mason moved back to the U.S. to study Political Science at California Lutheran University. After a year he moved to West Hollywood, California to focus on his efforts in grassroots advocacy.
He was appointed to serve as a Page in the U.S. House of Representatives during the summer of 2008, and also worked as a volunteer for Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic primaries. He has appeared on TV shows such as Dr. Phil, Nancy Grace, and Politicking with Larry King to discuss LGBT issues, has written articles for websites such as The Huffington Post and The Advocate, and did a YouTube video to back the It Gets Better campaign.
In December 2011 it was announced that Mason was appointed to the board of directors of Outfest, making him the youngest member in the organization's 30-year history. He began his term in January 2012.
He served as an official surrogate for the campaign of Barack Obama in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election. He had a small acting role in the film What Happens Next, which screened as part of the Hollywood Film Festival. He was a candidate for the West Hollywood City Council in the March 3, 2015 election.
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1998 – Ghislaine Landry is a Canadian rugby union player. She won a gold medal at the 2015 Pan American Games as a member of the Canadian women's rugby sevens team. During the 2016-17 season, Landry succeeded Jen Kish as captain of the national sevens. On 20 October 2018, Landry became the first woman to hit the 1,000 point milestone in the women's sevens World Series.
In 2016, Landry was named to Canada's first ever women's rugby sevens Olympic team, which won the bronze medal in a match against Great Britain. In 2017, Landry moved into first place all-time in HSBC World Rugby Women's Sevens Series scoring with 706 points. In June 2021, Landry was named to Canada's 2020 Summer Olympics team.
Landry attended Saint Francis Xavier University.
She came out as homosexual in 2006 and married her partner in 2018.
In 2021, she announced her retirement from the sport, hanging up the boots at the age of 33 after an illustrious international career that spanned a decade.
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2009 – Iowa becomes the third state to allow same-sex marriage.
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hidetothink · 11 months
How did you and the boyfriend met? <3
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We set the scene:
I'm living in my no-bedroom studio made of cinder blocks. I literally bake in a brick oven every day. It's hell, and I have a lot of laundry from sweating like a very sweaty thing
Solution: L
L is this guy I knew and fooled around with from time to time. But he's noncommittal, a horrible communicator, and routinely passes out when I come over after the first 5 minutes through the door. But hey, I'm not riding his ability to text back in a timely manner
One day, I asked to do laundry at his place. My apartment complex hadn't fixed the ONE AND ONLY WASHER, so he says yes. I come over, start laundry, and we smoke. I decide to go hard since I'm stuck there with laundry anyway
Then...Player 3 enters
The FUCKER MADE A BOOTY CALL AND IM ZONKED OUT OF MY MIND ON HIS COUCH WITH GOD DAMN LAUNDRY IN THE MACHINE!? So I decided "honestly fuck both of you, I'm doing my laundry and smoking even more. Screw your hookup."
I smoke enough to see God and she is Mellisa McCarthy. Why? Because it turns out me and this complete stranger both like her movies. How do we know this?
Somehow, through 69 layers of high, we manage to communicate that we both like MC and decide to watch the one spy movie she was in. The movie plays, we talk, I come down some. He's chill about it and we laugh about having an unconscious L buffering us
At some point we put on another movie, talk through the whole thing, don't remember a thing outside being too high to shut up lol
Eventually, L wakes up and Player 3 says he really should get going. My laundry is done, so I'm getting out of this fever dream lmao. Before I leave tho, Player 3 gets my snapchat
The next day, Player 3 texts about having trouble building his new desk. He's just moved into the apartment, and everything is still packed. I offer to bring my tools and help
Our second anniversary is this Sep 😂
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stele3 · 8 months
Me: *waiting to post Destiel Daily Digest in case Kevin McCarthy gets ousted*
Me: hurry up you fuckers
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trmpt · 10 months
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moregraceful · 1 year
tapping the glass SO hard rasky robbie crossfaded hookups !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much anonymous Sierra, I am so appreciative of you
I very rapidly lost control of this!! sorry
When you get older, your wild heart will live for younger days / think of me whenever you’re afraid
The first time it happens, they’re crossfaded after the Halloween party, collapsed against each other on their shitty too-small couch, watching the female Ghostbusters. Buchi disappeared into their room hours ago because he’s one of those early-to-bed, early-to-rise fuckers, but Adam isn’t really feeling bedtime when he’s this fucked up.
He draws a hand up the inside of Tristen’s thigh experimentally. Tristen is drinking wine from a chipped mug Adam stole from the trainer’s room in the SAP Center; he’s as stoned as Adam. He watches Adam’s hand slide higher and higher on his thigh with a bemused expression.
“Wow,” he says when Adam’s knuckles are touching his dick over the soft fabric of his boxers.
“Can you even feel that?” Adam asks.
Tristen pauses. He frowns. “No. Kind of? No. Actually, hold on.” He sets his wine aside and shimmies out of his shorts. He slumps back against the couch. “Okay, try now.”
Adam touches his dick. It’s very soft. He hasn’t touched anyone else’s dick before, but he’s so fucking drunk that it doesn’t even seem like they’re having a moment.
Kinda fun, though, touching a dick. It’s not like his. Tristen’s breath is shuddery when Adam leans in to kiss him, but he smiles.
It kind of happens kind of more than once after that. Watching movies. Drunk, then not drunk, then stone-cold sober most of the time. Once when one of Adam’s buddies back home sends him extremely weird porn, and Adam makes Tristen watch it with him, both of them getting increasingly horrified and increasingly hot. Once on their beds after a game when Buchi went out with the boys, then a couple of times like that, then a lot.
Tristen makes up an excuse to carpool with Adam, both of them fucking around after a game until almost everyone is gone, then touching each other in the team shower, the thrill of being caught by cleaning staff keeping them hot and frantic. Only once, though, because when they walk out of the building, the coach is leaving his office by himself, looking worn out.
“Jesus, what are you still doing here?” he asks. He frowns. “Everything all right?”
Adam glances at Tristen, his curly hair in tangles because Adam had been pulling on it. Tristen’s smile is so sugary it could catch honeybees. “Yeah, we came back because I forgot my phone.”
McCarthy clearly doesn’t believe them, but he lets it go.
There’s not much to do in San Jose when you’re a broke hockey player. There’s, like, good food. Hiking. A couple of cheap museums. The train. Adam doesn’t like any of those things. American trains are gross.
Tristen drags him onto the train on an off day to get pie in San Mateo. Adam doesn’t complain about it because he wants pie. They sit in two seats facing each other on the upper deck, staring out the window at graffitied fences and buildings, laughing at the funny names of niche shops on El Camino as the train passes.
Neither of them is all that tall, but their knees are pressed against each other. It’s probably on purpose, Adam thinks. Well, it is for him. The way Tristen looks on the train, bright and happy, gets him a little hot under the collar.
The pie is worth the gross American train. Adam is kind of neutral on pie, but he also hadn’t left San Jose except for hockey in several weeks, and it’s good to stretch his legs in a suburban town in the rain. They sit outside on a park bench and share a slice of boysenberry pie while Adam holds an umbrella over them. Then they go back and buy a whole chocolate cream pie to share with Buchi, who caught them making out on the sofa and got mad at them because he knows them too well. He knew that if they were making out, they had also been doing everything else on the sofa.
On the train ride back, Adam presses his knees against Tristen’s. “Not a date, right?”
Tristen frowns thoughtfully. “No, I was just bored.”
“Okay, good,” says Adam. “Me too.”
Tristen grins. “Okay, but if you ever want to, let me know.”
Adam thinks about it. “There’s not anything to do in San Jose. Like, where do you go on dates.”
“We could go hiking,” says Tristen. Adam wrinkles his nose. Tristen laughs. “Whatever, I don’t want to date you either.”
Buchi accepts their apology pie, and the three of them eat it standing up in the kitchen after their next game a few days later, a hard-fought game that left them all hungry for the next one.
“Just, like,” says Buchi. He sighs. “Whatever, it’s too late to tell you not to fuck on the couch, right.”
“I mean, we’ve never fucked,” says Tristen. “Like nothing in anyone. Except for my mouth. And his. Oh, and one time his fingers.”
Buchi makes a shocked face.
“You think I want my first time to be with him?” Adam says scornfully. “Montana, please.”
“First time,” Tristen says with a snort. “You wish.”
“Okay, well,” says Buchi. He sounds strained. “Just don’t do anything that would leave a stain. You know? Like, we have to resell it.”
Out of respect for Buchi, they set down a towel the next time they jerk each other off.
The season winds down slowly. Everyone gets injured on both teams and the GM signs like ten different ATOs that Adam tries hard to learn the names of. The two of them get called up, and Tristen leans over to whisper in his ear after practice one day, giggling like a maniac, to ask if Adam thinks they could get off the SAP center shower.
Bordy overhears them and looks jealous, which is enough for Adam to say no.
The last game of the season is a dumbass win in Tucson. The old guys are tired and want to go home to see their wives; the young guys are tired of Tucson and want to go home to get drunk while packing.
On the bus ride back, Tristen jams himself against Adam’s side and whispers secrets in his ear while Adam puts a hand on his thigh. They don’t get off because they don’t actively have a death wish in a cramped bus on a 12-hour trip back to San Jose, but it’s a nice way to end the season, Adam’s hand curled against the soft fabric of Tristen’s sweats, his thumb crooked against the fold of Tristen’s hip. Tristen lists off everything he’s afraid of with his lips almost touching Adam’s ear: not making the show, losing his mom, animals with rabies, dying by himself and not being found for three days, junkyards at night, the brief moment when the power goes out in a snowstorm and he remembers how much bigger the world is, how small his place is within it.
“You got a big place right here,” says Adam. He pats his heart. Tristen makes a humming noise and presses his lips against the shell of Adam’s ear.
Tristen is also afraid of dying in an electric chair and sentient ants feeling pain and the idea that he might someday forget how to read. Adam presses his hand against his thigh, and Tristen sighs.
Packing is so stupid. Like, who invented packing. Most of their shit, they’re just throwing out because they don’t have time to resell it. However, Buchi is determined to sell the furniture and somehow manages to get rid of the couch while Adam and Tristen are throwing out kitchenware in the big dumpster out back. They were gone for, like, ten minutes. The whole couch is gone when they open the front door.
“You didn’t even give us a chance to say goodbye!” says Adam, outraged.
“That was on purpose,” says Buchi wearily.
Tristen goes up to him and wraps his arms around Buchi’s stomach. He lifts Buchi off the ground. “No matter what happens in the offseason, bro,” he says, “you’ll always be my favorite in this apartment.”
“What,” says Adam. “After all the times I sucked your dick!”
“I don’t want to be your favorite,” says Buchi. “Put me down. Augh.”
Tristen sets him down. “Gonna miss you two,” he says to them. He puts his hands on his hips. “I’m so fucking bored of packing. Do you guys want to get pie?”
They’re almost done. It’s mostly just taking out trash at this point and selling the furniture. Buchi’s got buyers lined up and everything. The three of them are spending tonight at a cheap airport hotel before they dip for their respective countries for the summer. It’s not looking good for Montana returning next season, and they all know it.
“Yeah, sure,” says Adam.
Buchi waves them off.
Tristen drives them up to San Mateo because they didn’t time it right for the train. He parks on the street. Adam honestly does not know how this guy never got ticketed, but it’s not like he’s any better, so.
They get out of the car and go to the pie store. Tristen pauses with his hand on the door handle. “You’re actually my favorite,” he says to Adam.
“Aw,” says Adam. “You’re my favorite too.”
“Roommates against next year?” Tristen asks.
“Fuck, obviously.”
“Okay,” says Tristen. He gets a sweet little smile on his face, bright like the flowers that have been exploding out of cracks in the pavement all over the Bay Area this spring. “Okay, good.”
Adam kisses his cheek. Tristen’s smile gets bigger. He opens the door, and they get pie.
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bighermie · 8 months
BREAKING: RINOS WIN! Jim Jordan Withdraws from Current Speaker's Race - Pledges to Support McCarthy Ally Patrick McHenry as Interim Speaker for 'Three Months' | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Primary each one of those fuckers!!!
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intothewildsstuff · 1 year
Tucker Carlson ripped by Capitol Police, GOP senators for mischaracterizing Jan. 6 - POLITICO
McCarthy should be publicly flogged for sharing this with only Fucker Carlson.
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sullustangin · 8 months
I’m watching the vote to table the motion to oust McCarthy, and they are stabbing on the way out. Caesar would feel bad for this guy cuz it’s all 200+ fuckers taking shots. Caesar only got 20 or 30.
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