#that only exists in your brain/friend group and the ppl actually making shows (or watching them) dgaf about
lord-squiggletits · 5 months
Man there's nothing wrong with genderbends as a concept but there's something lowkey infuriating about this fandom's tendency to take canonically gay (or at least, MLM) male characters and genderbend them into women like. Is that not at least a little bit uncomfortable for anyone else here or is it just me
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yeocult · 4 years
ATEEZ as students studying
king of self-care! but studies for 15 minutes then take a 2 hour break and calls it self-care (omg he thinks he’s me or smth)
has power naps every single day at least 30 mins because he’s Stressed
always thinking of ways to drop out during the middle of lectures
that one kid that talks to nobody & sits at the back of the class with his hood on to hide his airpods
doesn’t do it anymore bc one time it disconnected and “there’s some whores in this house” blasted out loud & now he’s paranoid
shows up to group studies but lets the group carry him,,, but he puts out One Really good idea to get his name on the paper
only cares about topics he’s interested in, other than that he’s just astral projecting
“yo can you send me your answers so i can compare mine?” but he copies it and says “we got the same answers” (all men do is lie</3)
calculates his marks; “ok so i need at least a 80 on this...oh wait no, a 95...damn okay...”
the type to arrives late with ice coffee
wakes up at 5 am to study instead of staying up
scented candles and lofi music for the ~studying mood~
a linguistic learner
learns best by teaching others so he’ll do group studies often to help other people
teaches people without making them feel dumb
uses grammarly for his emails with 3 paragraphs asking 1 question with a proper greeting and a ‘sincerely, park seonghwa’
professor: ok - sent from iphone
you’ll never see him during exams week, he’s Gone
a loyal user of the outline method
his desk must be cleared at all times! a clean workspace makes it easier to focus
brings extra pencil just in case anyone needs them bc he’s the sweetest person ever (he’s fully aware that he’ll never get them back but it’s okay bc sharing is caring)
does his readings on time (you’ll never catch him slacking)
actually has his shit together for the most part 1/2
writes “i love you” or “sorry” at the end of his tests (that he bombed)
the type to ask you to print “just one thing real quick” and it’s 15 page and at 2 am
uses emojis like :D & \(^o^)/ when sending emails to his professors
has a bad habit of copying word for word on the slide and he doesn’t actually understand/learn anything
goes to the library bc he thinks that’ll help him be in the ~studying vibe~
it doesn’t. ends up texting or watching youtube gameplay
has never heard of the colour-coding system in his entire life and ends up with a page filled with neon highlight
snacks breaks are the only thing keeping him Normal
leaves himself an encouraging note at the end of the reading page so when he’s finished he feels good !!
friends with all of the professors and uses all office hours
strongest points are his guessing skills in multiple-choice questions (process of elimination ftw!)
he tries his best, doesn’t care about marks that much because he knows it doesn’t determine him (and he’s right!)
probably runs a studyblr/gram
has the cutest note ever, his handwriting is so pretty!!
he thinks that buying an ipad pro & apple pencil will make him smarter
likes it bc he can doodle on it then erase them easily :”)
has to wear blue ray glasses because of how he looks at a screen so much
mildliners, muji 0.38 gel pen, 6 ring binder, minimal planner, washi tapes, you name it! he visits muji and daiso every other week
buys wayyy too many planners and notebooks which he never ends up using
only uses pastel mildliners because they’re easy on the eyes. cringes every time he sees yunho’s highlighters v_v
his flaw is that he spends 10 mins writing his header with brush tip pens
mutes the group project gc but gets his part done like the good classmate he is
sweats every time he gets an assignment back, takes a whole ten minute to mentally prepare himself
a visual learner; makes mind maps, flow charts, etc
actually has a working printer that he uses pretty often to prints lessons before class just to be Extra prepare
tells everyone he slept well but his bullet journal habit tracker for sleep says otherwise (plz rest!!)
exclusively uses college ruled paper like the sane person he is
uses wide-ruled paper (unfortunately not everyone is perfect</3)
starts off very positive, motivated, and organized
then everything goes downhill by the second week
will definitely set byeol on top of his keyboard, take a picture, and send it to his professor as an ‘excuse’ as why he needs an extension (it works)
can’t sit still for any longer than 30 mins, his legs are always bouncing or fidgeting with pen
flashcard king! spends a lot of time on them but it’s worth it
a utensil chewer (always willing to share his pencil but when ppl saw the bite marks they’re like No Thanks >_>)
can’t study well with groups or himself bc he’ll be distracted,,, so he needs one person that can ground him bc when they’re in the zone, he will too be on his x game mode
sends his assignment at 11:58 pm hoping his professor will take the Hint (plz don’t be afraid to ask for help u_u)
prefers listening to ghibli studio soundtracks but then he either gets emotional or sleepy
sometimes forget to mute his mic and we just hear him groaning in frustration
“haha sorry i just stubbed my toe...”
then mutes his mic and goes back to his mental breakdown
the only person that studies every single day just to get his brain used to the information and running
probably listens to anime op or edm music for that Energy Boost
everyone either hates or love him because...
1. loves him bc he always comes clutched with study guides (and willing to share if he likes you enough)
2. he’s good at everything even if he’s not paying attention/doing it last minute
just naturally good at retaining information and applying them
asks Big Brain question that even the professors are shook
sometimes he gets super into the topic and wants to know Everything
“i’ve never failed an exam in my life” and he’s right! big brain mingi
fetal flaw is that he forgets easily (hence why the last minute) and has to write on his palm as a reminder
clicks his pens All the time so he switched to pens with caps just to keep others from jumping him
takes naps 10 mins before classes
actually has his shit together for the post part 2/2
“if no one got me, i know khan academy and quizlet got me. can i get an amen”
y’all know that one mf that doesn’t have a pencil?
yea he’s been using the same one someone lend to him before a test and never returned it
it’s been two months and it’s still working well and they’re never going to get it back
a minimalist,,,, but in a bad way</3 bc he carries his stolen pencil and paper that he spilled his energy drink over and that’s about it
just throw loose papers in his bag and forgets about their existence
doesn’t do binders or notebooks, just crumbled up paper
sometimes carries a textbook just to show everyone that he’s got his life together
really noisy for No reason, always wants to know other’s marks
a kinesthetic learner
hides his screen with he gets the kahoot questions wrong (you’ll never catch him slippin)
plays coolmathgames.com during class
doesn’t really know what to study/prioritize so he overwhelms himself with every single topic ever
thinks he’s god by pulling an all-nighter to look at the 60+ slides last minute
Swears he’ll change and do better next semester,,,</3
goes to the cafe, takes pictures of his notes & laptop, post it on his story, then leaves
thrives off of red bull and ice americanos
gets notes and study guides from his upperclassmen because everyone loves jongho
an audio learner so he’ll probably work out or go on a jog while listening to lessons/audiobook
never pulls all-nighters bc it messes up his sleep schedule and says he’ll do it in the morning but he never does
doesn’t even own a highlighter, he’ll circle or underline stuff with a red or black pen
has never touched a textbook in his life
only the study guides and slides, his textbook is collecting dust rn
his notes are literally Only for him because his handwriting only makes sense to him
has questionable handwriting,,, it’s like decoding
multitasks a lot but it ends up taking a lot longer than he wanted to (bc it’s a myth)
very spontaneous; he’ll grind for 5 hours straight but sometimes he won’t even touch a pencil
works best when he talks about the work in groups and share information with each other, like having a convo about the topic
unmutes his mic Once after the lesson to say “bye”
does his work right after the lessons but then takes a short break & doesn’t even Look back for the rest of the night
a/n: tag yourself ! i’m a bit of hohong (i projected myself on all of them in some way lmaooo)
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euphoriecs · 5 years
11/11/11 tag !!!
thank u sm for tagging me @yikescomma​, @buckaroowrites​ nd @yikeskimi​ !!!
rules: answer 11 questions, write your own 11, tag 11 people !
under the cut bc its a Lotta questions KSKSKSHK
yikescomma’s questions!!
1. what’s your favourite place to write?
oh this is ?? kind of a tough one bc i feel like i never Branched out in my spaces when it comes 2 being productive,, like a lot of my work is done in my bedroom just bc my desk is there and it’s the most convenient,,,, honestly im jus gonna say my favorite place to write would be from . my desk . bc it faces the window :-)
2. which character(s) from your wip(s) is your favourite?
since i only have wtsf confidently worked out ,, i’ll use those ocs !! but i think , quite Honestlie ,,, that wendy is my favorite character !! im rly in love with how she progresses as a person nd also she’s jsut . she gets it u know .
3. what are some inspirations for your wip(s)?
I TALKED ABT THIS BEFORE but b/ts’ hyyh series, my neighborhood, spring day by b/ts are a few inspirations for wtsf !!! 
4. how did you start writing?
my dad got me hooked on reading when i was really really young !! and being able to read abt all these huge worlds nd being given an opportunity 2 fall in love w them rly inspired me to want to write worlds of my own . plus , i watch a lot of different shows nd animes that feed into my daydreams nd sometimes im like ‘yo,,, that was a good daydream,,,,, time 2 story it’ .
5. which of your ocs is most difficult to write?
uHGHHGHGS ARTHUR ...... trying to capture this like . enigmatic feeling while keeping close 2 his reasons for acting That way is actually ,, rly hard?? hes a tough cookie 2 crack but i will crack it .
6. what aesthetic do you associate with your wip(s)?
for wtsf ,,, quiet towns , lonely beaches , sunset nd sunrise ,,, running through the streets ?? 
7. do you like planning?
YEA !! i see it more as like . being able to explore ur wip and what directions it can take nd its also jsut rly helpful to have a solid foundation .
8. what is your favourite quote from your wip(s)?
i pulled this from my drabbles but: “Slow down.” Wendy grabbed Arthur’s wrist, pulling him down to sit on the sand. “This world can’t keep up with you.”
9. do you like to listen to music while you write?
yes and no ?? im very particular to the kind of music im listening to nd more often than not, i write in complete silence ,,, but sometimes i’ll find a song that i feel rly fits the vibe of what im writing nd i just put it on repeat HGSHJK
10. what do you like most about your own writing?
i think i like the descriptive aspects of it ?? like how i describe places nd feelings ,,,, :-) !
11. what are/were/would be your ocs favourite subjects in school?
everyone except piper in wtsf is graduated from high school but ,, wendy liked english class the best bc it was fun nd she got good grades !! rafael definitely loved psychology nd took it at an ap level ,, arthur liked math nd chemistry .. chemistry he liked More bc he got 2 blow stuff up SKKSKSEH and piper likes world history!! tho shes not good at it . but she likes it!!
buckaroowrites’ questions!!
what is your favorite subgenre to write? to read?
i lov urban fantasy and low fantasy JGHDSHGJKS like its my favorite to write nd read bc like .. o heck ?? ghosts nd ghouls nd just overall supernatural stuff irl ?? that’s the way 2 go
if you had to be trapped on a desert island with any of your ocs, who would it be and why?
if i had 2 be trapped on a desert island ...... i’d probably choose rafael . honestlie he just seems like he always knows what’s up nd my chances of survival would increase w him JHGJKSJKS
what is your favorite medium to write?
definitely novels !! its a format i’ve pretty much grown up w and im more comfortable w this medium than any others GHSHJKS but i’d love to explore like ,, screenplays nd see where that takes me
who was your first oc?
HYLLY SHITTTT THIS BRINGS ME BACK SJHJHJGJKS i used to draw a lot back when i was younger nd so i had this oc JHJS his name was ian and he was meant for the maximum ride universe but he was a dumb dude who was 2% cat . nd he had an adopted sister ,, i forgot her name but she was part bird .
what was your first wip about?
world end club is supposed 2 be abt a group of teens who work together 2 take down a corporation that wants 2 essentially control the artificial island they live on thru engineered soldiers . ITS A CONCEPT ,, nd it requires a little Too Much for my one brain cell to think abt
thoughts on shakespeare?
uhhh no thots bc i never read his work in high school i jus know macbeth is cursed .... wow i rly dont know anything abt shakespeare huh .
poetry or prose?
o this is TOUGH i rly adore both .......... im gonna . im gonna go w prose . i lvoe poetry so much sometimes there are lines that just rly fucken punch u in the face but im gonna go w prose bc its familiar !!
would you ever co-write a story?
nO ..... i wouldnt b able 2 compromise i’d jus b like oH ACTUALLY SKSKKS MY IDEA’S DUMB LETS JUST DO URS 
write what you want to write or write what you want to read/watch?
oh . fuc .... i feel like its important to have a good balance of both but . honestlie im very partial to what i want to read/watch ..
do you like to write violence?
i dont Like 2 write it but its In My Wips !
what is your favorite trope?
oH ,, probably ‘fire forged friends’ or like . mutual pining ... i have too many favorite tropes nd somehow im gonna incorporate them all .
yikeskimi’s questions!!
Tell us about the main character(s) in your current WIP!
oKAY SO im gonna try to not make this too long SJKHJGS !! wendy is a very like . prickly character . shes like a cactus . nd she’s not too fond of letting ppl get close, but the ppl who do manage to get close to her are happie 2 learn she would actually die for them . loyalty is a Huge Huge part of her character, and she cares very deeply abt the people she calls family . shes also v sarcastic nd like . ‘open ur eyes dummy’ .
arthur is a kind of person who lives heavily on false pretenses . like he projects this image bc its an image that he can control nd he jsut Rolls w it , but hes actually someone who likes 2 tease his friends nd be friendly to them ,, hes got Issuez nd is very much the type of person to be like ‘o lol im ok :-)...’ nd prioritize the needs of others 
rafael is , in all honesty , just babey . he studied a lot during high school nd rly pushed himself beyond his limits bc he wants to be able 2 go 2 a good college on scholarship nd get a job 2 support his family , nd hes just ?? very responsible nd sweet but that can also manifest into him taking on more than he should nd burning out . 
piper is a very ,, honestlie kinda sad character kjHGJSJ she spends a lot of time just trying 2 appeal to other ppl bc she knows her interest in the supernatural make her a ‘weird’ person nd she wants to be able 2 have real friends ,, but when she learns 2 let go of this she’s very silly nd always making jokes During The Right time ..
Do you have an all time favorite OC? Tell us about them!
hMMMM i dont think i do ??? my memory of my ocs is rly bad JHSJ so more often than not i just ,, rip i dont remember them </3
If you could be best friends with one of your OCs, who would it be and why?
ms piper chaiyathan !!!! shes a very open nd kind individual nd i feel like our humor nd joking style would match V v v well !!!
Last line you’ve written in your WIP?
Wendy, unlike her brothers Adam and Nate, had inherited her father’s rough touch, and that made them both unwanted in the high stakes setting of a diner kitchen.
If you have a chosen title for your WIP, were there any titles you considered before it? And if not, what are some titles you’re thinking of?
when the sun falls went through SO many titles nd i actually have them all here: where the sun goes / fever dreams / above the sun / where the sun follows / the drowned sun ... as u can see the sun was smth i Needed .
What is an important element in the world your WIP takes place in?
uHHHH the supernatural element is . Very important but i cant be too specific about it but i will tell u it involves a dead tree on the beach .
Tell us an out of context spoiler.
arthur gets a cool new set of eyes.
Any power couples/ships in your WIP?
wendy nd arthur babey ,,,,,, bat nd molotov cocktail duo ,,,, last name central until the important moment nd THEN they use each other’s first names ..
Any music you like listening to while you write?
uHHHH specifically for wtsf i listen 2 a lot of hozier, lorde, conan gray, khalid nd halsey :-)
What would your main character(s) favorite song be?
oH okay i got this in the BAG ... wendy’s favorite song would Absolutely be work place by hozier or more than sorrow by a-lin ,,, arthur would definitely b listening 2 like . free spirit by khalid .. piper, since she p much spent all of middle school nd 2 years of high school in thailand ,, i think she’
Which character in your WIP could you relate to the most?
honestly? all of them !!! a lot of the characters in wtsf have little bits nd pieces of me bc thats how all my ocs come into existence nd theres no One character thats like “oh,,, das me”
and here are my 11 questions !!
Which one of your OCs do you think could survive a zombie apocalypse? Why?
What’s something you’ve been itching to write about?
Share the last paragraph you wrote!
Do you prefer coming up with plots or characters? Why?
Do you have any abandoned WIPs? Tell us about them!
What are some favorite themes/tropes to write about?
How do you get into the zone for writing?
Tell us a random fact for any of your OCs !!!
Are you someone who needs a visual for your WIPs?
What are some influences to your writing style?
If you had to be a character in one of your WIPs, which WIP would it be and what role would you play?
i’m gonna tag @babyreeds @holotones @alejandroistyping @noloumna @faerisms @omniawrites @aslanwrites @ashesconstellation @thegrievingyoung @glittcrpeach @syposium !!! no pressure to do it if u dont want to tho <3
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foxyatlas · 7 years
Thanks to @trashofdoom for tagging me :P
1. Are you more feminine or masculine? More feminine 2. Are you tall or short? Tall (a little under 5'10") 3. What’s your favorite color? I’m impartial to light pinks and turquoise blues 4. What do you love about yourself? My creativity, the way my brain works, and my work ethic 5. What’s your greatest flaw? It takes me a while to get comfortable with a group of ppl 6. Do you see yourself differently than other people describe you? Depends on the person. I’m definitely different from how casual peers or family would describe me, but i feel that my friends see me pretty closely to how I actually am. 7. What are you really, really good at? Creative shit. I don’t like recreating something that’s been done a million times before, and I don’t like making things (art, writing, skits, etc) that I wouldn’t want to watch/read myself. 8. What’s something you’re bad at, but love? Making people’s days 9. What’s something people have tried to force you to do? Shut up. It hasn’t worked yet. 10. How do you spend your free time? Writing (so fucking much, I publish minimum of 15k words a month @Dansphlevels waddup spon, and last month I published closer to 50k words). I also do art, watch Fraiser and Shameless, and keep up to date with dapper and papper. 11. Describe the way you dress in one sentence. I dress in a way that I’m able to look good, but if necessary I could get in a fight or run from the cops without my clothes hindering me. 12. Have you ever gotten your nails professionally painted? Yes, I’m a certified girl now. 13. What is the most insulting thing anyone has said to you? I’m sure a few people have told me I’m stupid before. So much of my identity has always been in the fact that I’m Smart(TM) (I’m GT in reading, math, and visual arts, kinda really wanna retake the test for writing since I’ve written so much the past few years), that being called dumb is a genuine blow. 14. Favorite game? Sometimes truth or dare, when it’s actually good Questions. Other times, cards against humanity or Parcheesi (it’s like Sorry but better). 15. What color is your hair? Dark blonde.
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*PHILOSOPHY*~✧』 16. Do you believe in god? Yes 17. Is men’s rights a thing? Look around, how many people do you think are systematically oppressed because they’re men? 18. Does love really exist? Yes 19. Can science explain everything, eventually? In theory. But there’s also things that we literally can’t comprehend, so maybe not. 20. Are we raised into what we love, or do we come to love it based on how we were raised? We decide what we love based on how it’s made us feel in the past and how it makes us feel in the present. 21. How do you feel about the school system? It can always be improved. 22. Do you believe in fate/destiny? I believe that there is a perfect plan so we shouldn’t worry too much bc no matter what we do, we make the choice that will put us on the path we need to take. 23. What is art? Riddle me this: what isn’t art? 24. Do we define ourselves, or does our past? We aren’t defined. We are just blobs with no black edges that can define ourselves as much as we want, but that doesn’t change what we actually are. 25. What happens after we die? I believe in the heaven/hell shenanigans. 26. Do humans matter? Yes. Do humans matter more than other creatures? Debatable. 28. Is there good in everyone? yes. 29. Does apathy really exist? Yes. 29. Is human life only valuable because our society makes it? Nah, human life has intrinsic value, not just instrumental. 30. How do you feel about society, the vague “they” blamed for everything? Im too tired for this.
31. What gender do you prefer? Dudes, but I’m not picky. 32. What’s the first thing you notice about someone? Confidence 33. Could you love someone you found ugly? I think that I can’t find someone ugly whom I love because beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, and I don’t think I could care so deeply for someone and dislike their outer appearance at the same time. 34. Favorite hair color? Depends on the person. 35. Favorite eye color? Depends on the person. 36. Ideal height? For a dude that’s a potential mate, taller than 5'10" is ideal. But height doesn’t matter than much. 37. Describe, personality-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like? Someone who I genuinely want to talk to and be around and who feels the same way towards me. 38. Describe, appearance-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like? In general I’m more attracted to people who are leaner, but I’d prefer good conversation over looks. 39. What do you look for–brains or looks? Brains, more emotional intelligence than book smarts, but I love being around smart ppl. They make you really think. 40. Could you fall in love online? Platonically, but I’m not interested in an online romantic relationship. Physical affection is important to me if I’m dating someone.   41. How much of an age cap can you handle? In my life, I’d say up to 5 years older or 1 year younger. I usually go for older guys, I relate to them better. But that’ll change as I grow older, because after people hit a certain age most people are at about the same maturity level. 42. How would you introduce yourself on a blind date? Depends on the person. But in general, I love to write, I prefer people are completely upfront with me instead of skirting around my feelings or lying, and I think the most important thing when it comes to dating someone is that you want to be around them. 43. Could you forgive a cheater? Could I? Yes. Would I? Meh. 44. Is lying about something serious as bad as cheating? Both are emotional abuse. 45. Right now, you could call the person you like/love (if you aren’t dating/engaged/married already), or show up at their front door, and just confess or kiss them or whatever. What’s stopping you? He's probably in a relationship with Phil Lester.
Sorry for the cringe.
But generally there’s no one in my life that I want to date right now, but people like Dan remind me that there are people like that out there. I admire him and have a similar sense of humor, and think that in a different life, we could genuinely be friends.
If you want to do this, then do it! I officially tag you. Go out and make the world a more informed place of your particular breed of weird. 
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theday · 7 years
hide and seek, fireworks, my style, coloured, your love, dream might (romantic or platonic? i love options), i'll be there, because it's you ((((:, you smile, with you, and better with you!!!!
thank you so much for aksing falen i love these and it also got super long lmao rip
Hide & Seek: what’s the first thing you notice when you meet someone new?
in real life, its probably their shoes/socks?????? LMAO and then their appearance but im trying 2 not let their appearance stop me from becoming friends with them :-o
online, i usually??? read ppl’s abouts first???? but idk like when it comes to actually talking to them i guess itd be their typing style?? and their use of emojis/the gif function (jenny) helps me to assess them although i do know that the way they type =/= how they are as a person but thats just what i notice first
Fireworks: name something astro’s done that has made your heart explode
falen u rly had 2 do it to me? ????? but hrm…. whenever they post selcas and when they just laugh every time myungjun laughs thats the shit that gets me the most bc its so/???? pur??e??? i love them a lot theyre always so happie and theyre all smiles every time they do a vlive it makes me happie
My Style: what do you usually wear out?
clothes not 2 sound like a loner but. i rarely go outside bc i only go outside when my family eat out and thats only on like weekends and if im hanging out with pals so i always get the chance to wear the same shirt, shorts and shoes lmao 
but its a black cat shirt (used to be a button up thing but singapore is 2 hot 4 me) and blue shorts and white converse 
Coloured: favourite MV aesthetic? 
ok real talk all of their mvs are so pretty and everything??? but my favourite has to be baby or csc
Your Love: top three astro songs
o w0rm
every minute 
Dream Night: describe a dream date with anyone
idk?? smth ive always wanted 2 do with anyone is just walk through a park or just walk when the weather is not 2 hot or 2 cold (ike what binuki did in their recent vlive) 
if we’re getting more romantic mayb just??? cuddling???? idk i rly cant see this happening tbh 
I’ll Be There: fave astro vlive you’d watch over and over again?
but theres so many :-( but possibly all of eunwoo’s just 10 minutes with binnie :-0 the shrek vlive with the ice cream made me laugh so hard though mmMM
Because It’s You: why do you love your astro bias?
ur rly gna make me do all 6 members falen??????? ill try 2 keep it short
myungjun; binnie said he was sure mj wouldnt make it into astro and im assuming its because he was the one who was a trainee the shortest but??? look at him now with his strong vocals and even stronger personality!!! astro mightve done fine without mj but listen.. their vlives, appearance on variety shows, etc. would never be able to be as funny because mj is the reason for everyones laughter and it makes me so happy??? mj has that ability to crack anybody up with his laugh and the shit he says and does is so funny too pleaseth and i just?? appreciate mj for being there so fucking  much because he really resolves any tension in the atmosphere so easily and as the oldest member im so glad to see he doesnt find anything awkward AND despite the age gap between him and sanha, theyre like the closest?? lets not forget on that one radio thing yesterday they (astro) were asked who they were most comfy with in the dorm and 3/5 answered myungjun :_) im just happy myungjun exists? thank u mj i love u mister 777
PARK JINWOO; jinjin is the one of the sweetest leaders out there and i know every group has a great leader but jinjin is really that leader to me because as the rest of astro have mentioned before, jinwoo really buys them shit and they have said that he is the sweetest?? remember in the fan made fanmeeting i dont know what its called but i linked it and just??? jinjin is literally an angel!!! the one vlive he did with dogs? my heart melted off!!!!!! he really went and learnt the names of all the dogs present in the dog cafe!!!! he stopped the black dog which was biting hard on the table bc he was scared it’d injure itself/get in trouble and just??? jinwoo is so fucking nice just ??? if u look in the dictionary park jinwoo will appear as a synonym believe me ok and jinjin is part of dance line everybody lets not forget that he dances to release stress and that amaizng intro to again he did with rocky for their dream pt2 showcase because that was fucking so ?? i love talent and! AND i will never shut up but as a leader jinwoo takes care of his members so much and he also knows how to have fun with them and he jsut!!!!! i love him a lot
cha! eu! nwoo! (dongmin); i know 4 a fact that this will get so long lmao rip but first i just wanted to say that i am so proud of dongmin and how far he has come as a dancer and vocalist in astro ok so obviously i dont know the real hard facts tm and i can never tell the difference in anything so i dont know how accurate i really am but last year (and even now) i know eunwoo had a lot of personal schedules and he barely had time to practice? ?? i really dont know but im p sure that was it???? idk but dongmin has had to work so hard the whole of last year with the amount of comebacks astro did and i jus??? im so proud of eunwoo for being able to work hard for astro and still attend all those other schedules at the same time??? like i said idk how much time he did have/didnt have but i know it mustve been little with how late it would be whenever he arrived back at the dorm after his stuff and??? eunwoo had to practice his lines and the dance (astro’s choreography looks hard as shit and its tiring too) in time for their comeback promotions ??? and!! dongmin used to be that member (now its all of astro) who would constantly do vlives for arohas and lets not forget his just one 10 minutes where he would do vlives that were always over 10 minutes where he just talks to fans im eternally grateful for all the work dongmin puts in for astro and arohas and im sure he puts in more than 100% effort when it comes to his personal schedules too!!!! dongmin deserves the best and ive seen someone say b4 that he’d probably feel bad if he had more lines bc he was already “stealing” the spotlight by being a “face genius” and i just!! youre righ??t???? eunwoo is incredibly selfless and its easy 2 assume these kinda things tbh lee dongmin is so much more than his face and visuals he is a hardworker and!!! he loves his members and fans so damn much im !!! i love eunwoo so much i hope he knows how much we love him 
binnie; god with bin there isnt somethiing that made me love him??? all he did was go :) and my brain decided i was gonna love him forever ok but……hrm….. i guess i love him because hes such a dork?? like. .. when he laughs he just snorts and its so funny lmao i believe bin’s a good friend too well no shit ?? uMMm moon bin has a cute smile yall…… whenever he smiles my heart explodes hes just that powerful and also!!! bin has been a trainee for 7 years now and im just !! he made it!! like what the post i reblogged earlier said, he probably had other dreams but he still stuck with being an idol ??? in the end and that !!! im sad he didnt get to pursue the things he couldve liked better but im also happy hes managed to find a dream he likes and that hes basically living the dream right now??? and im so happy for him because 7 years may not be a lot to some but bin’s still young his childhood was basically training??? im just!!!!!!!!!!! so proud of him and now hes on the same kind of music shows his faves are on too nd it makes me rly proud (idk any other words my vocabulary is so fucking weak oh my god) he is having the time of his life with astro and arohas right now im so glad i forgot what i wanted 2 say im sorry bin i did u dirty im2 tense rn but i love u and i love bin bc of how much hes done and the amt of scarifies he has 2 have made in order 2 get 2 where he is tdy 
rocky swag (minhyuk); minhyuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him because !! hes so awkward but he tries his best for arohas!!!!!!!!!! in that first vlive he did alone he was so nervous but he managed to warm up and in the next vlive he did alone he did something that he was comfortable with (dance) and im glad he’s able to do vlives normally now even if there isnt any recent solo vlives i can see how much more comfortable he is on vlive now !!!!!! my love for minhyuk is similar to bin’s bc all he did was smile and suddenly????? im in love???? its the swag lmao but seriousy tho after finding out rocky did all sorts of dance i found him really??? respectable??? because he was able to learn so many types of dance and isnt that the coolest thing ever???? lets not forget how well he can sing???? im happy and so proud (jesus) that he sang on the recent album since previously he said that he didnt hvae any plans of singing in the albums so!!!! now!! hes singing!!!!!!!!!!! although the songs dont do him justice tbh its ok we all know how lovely he sounds when he sings especially in the binuki vlive where he sang wyls i swer my ear drums were blessed?? park minhyuk can do anything get urself a legend like rocky so basiclaly i love rocky aka park minhyuk bc hes just!!!!! outstanding???? hes handsome, he can dance really fucking well, he can sing and rap !!!!!!!!!!!!! and?? hes just a fool??? he’s warming up to doing vlives and just being himself and its the greatest thing ever i love him a lot
sanha; YOON SANHA!!!!!!!!! Love of my LIFE the baby i will protect for the rest of my LIFe??????? he is DAT boi .. the boy i love so much with my whole heart!! sanha is so cute and he just!! hes always making fun and bullying the older members i love it so much but ofc everyones weak 4 sanha bc b*tch is 2 cute honestly can relate if sanha punched or stole my money ill let him off bc hes just that cute . lets not forget he learnt how 2 play the guitar all by himslef jae is shaking ok and sanha is such a nice voice?????? every time he screams i lose my hearing its ok id do anything 4 this boy???? and to think hes only (1) year older than me is kinda??? wowie???? sanha is rly out here being a superstar and a student @ the same time and hes doing an awesome job @ being amazing !!! sanha is so cute and just?????? he loves his other members and family so much i love sanha a lot and i hope nobody will ever make him cry (sad tears) bc i will personally go to that person and we’ll have a nice chat :-) i cant think of anything atm but sh loves arohas so much and hes always doing aegyo 4 us idk its just . … thakn u young prince
You Smile: name three things that have made you smile in the past week
ok easy
mx comeback
daily astro vlives (its okay if they dont do vlives everyday they have 2 rESt)
becoming friends with lovely mbbs :_) 
with you: talk about a mutual without using their name
how long is this answer gonna be oh w0rm.. but here we go this is abt someone who ive never talked about but do talk 2 p often and theyre the other online person i am most comfortable with talking 2!!!!! 
theyre great tbh and rly good @ art and i know theyve gone through so many shit things in their life but im so glad theyre still hanging on even if their sleep schedule is totally wack still love u tho lmao at least theyre getting more than enough sleep!! theyre cute when they see sanha and it makes me soft seeing them go soft bc theyre never that warm??? when it comes 2 other ppl (kihyun crying) and im just so glad i managed to help them get (further) into astro!! being able to talk to somebody about astro has helped me so much and then i became friends with jen but im still so thankful to have a friend like [redacted] and im happy we’re friends!!!!!!!! i love them so much and i hope their days are filled with happiness even if it doesnt last for long i hope they have at least (1) happy time each day bc they deserve the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! 
even when i was still a young myday they helped me by providing links and everything just telling me where everything was and i was so :_) bc!!! they !! a bigger account was helping me someone who didnt even have 20 followers at that time and without them i wouldve never found anything tbh!!! even now when im the one whos been into astro longer, they still manage to find things so much faster than me and imlike?????? wow thats amaizng???? theyre amazing and i appreciate their presence on my tl/dash and in my dms so much thats one of the reasons why i thought they were older bc of how mature and just?? the older vibe they gave off was strong with they way they help people and whenever they comment on my tweets or someone else’s tweets im like !!!!!!!!! you’re doing amazing sweetie 
theyre so easy to talk to and even though our humor was something i thought was very different we manage to make each other laugh so much and i jsut!!! happiness!!!!!!! 
ok this was abt bell and i dnt think they’ll ever see this but if u do i love u a lot bell thank u for being alive ur so funnie and cute just thank u so mch!!! for everything
better with you: your favourite memory related to astro?
every time i watch them on vlive live i get so happy and thats my favourite memory
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shut-up-im-jay · 5 years
This is a post about death
Hello peeps, some of you might have read my post on pain? Well, buckle up friends, because this week’s conferences are about DEATH
Or more precisely, our way of relating to death.
Let’s dive into it!
(lecture by dr M. Marceau)
For an anthropologic study of death, the question of the day is: are we free of our death?
But what is anthropology? It’s a science that allows us to study, analyse and think about the human race.
In health care, anthropology can help us in how to be, think and act better, to be more aware of the singularity of each patient 
“What a doctor perceives isn’t something, it’s someone” 
What is death? usually, end of life. Medically, death is linked to brain activity: someone is legally dead once their EEG flat lines. Philosophically, there have been several definitions of death, sometimes defined as the non-existence of the human, sometimes the soul gets in the definition.
Death as a concept is a death in ‘third person’, ie it’s not the same as the death of an individual, because then it’s the end of someone real. My death isn’t the same as your death. For me, it’s a very big event (lmao yeah) but for others it isn’t so much. Second person death can lead to the greatest pains.
It can be a social death or physical death, we tell from someone not communicating that he plays dead, right? 
Historically, death is usually a social and mental construct more than a fact itself. It is intimately linked to religion as well.
Death is also an event. It’s not supposed to be a common fact, it’s usually a rare thing. It isn’t just ‘minus one human’ or ‘end of comm’ but it’s also the total end of an individual, of a character, of a way of thinking.
Death is still a very fleeting concept. We could think death in itself as an external event, but no one knows really what it is. As we die, we don’t belong to ourself: the living are the one dealing with the aftermath, for all we know.
And today, death isn’t considered as a part of life anymore. It’s often a frightening fact, as we can't really rationally think about our own death, what happens after......
the question here isn’t why, but how do we die, as ‘anthropologist’. Idk when bc I didn’t catch the date, but basically, we used to be very close with the idea of death (before the 12th century) and then life became more cherished.
Today, death isn’t our friend anymore. It used to be tamed, now it is a savage and feared fight. We don’t want to think about death.
In different societies, death isn’t considered as a passage, just ‘crossing the line’. In France, it’s only since 2008 that babies that are born dead (idk the exact word, sorry) are allowed to exist legally. 
Death rites often have steps, it is almost like a passage rite. And often, there is a physical way of showing it in religious or cultural rites.
Death is a social event, memory is a social object. We remember the life of the deads, and we usually consider them as social subjects, the two worlds being permeable. It brings up a lot of social and political issues as well
 Now death rites, what are them? It’s usually a link between two worlds, it allows the living to establish a new life without those they lost and the new status of the deceased. Culture is the building of the meaning of life without them. Rites benefit the livings more than the deads. Death rites are like a theater, that we all play together.
Rites are first for the one dying, it’s the first step. In Burkina Faso, the rites allow us to kill the dead by breaking affection links. Then there is a need to construct a new link, a new connection. It allows to take care of the body left behind and helps people to settle down with their feelings. It brings the community together and allows the living to face death and their own mortality and to heal. It’s almost like a therapy.
How do we take care of a body (no it’s not a guide, though you can have some ideas):
-destruction, by incineration or eating it (or feeding it to animals) -hiding, by burial or isolation -conservating it by embalmment, freezing it, or displaying it
there is a lot of cultural symbolics behind every and each way of dying and disposing of a dead person. In the orient, fire is liberating. Western ppl tend to see it more of a punishment, but nowadays it is returning to a more neutral signification.
If death is still a part of life, the dead aren’t. We don’t see the dead, we consider them as a spirit, an evocation, not as corpses anymore. There aren’t bodies laying around if they died on the spot. 
Today, death is more private. It isn’t something the kids are really exposed to, unless via video games (that woman is very much a boomer so you get the idea) Wow, now a fabulous take on the church that helped to link people together, now the social groups aren’t linked the same way.
Anyway. she is kinda patronizing? oof. talking about death and being patronizing. Great.
What is our link to death then? Well, we’re afraid of death, but also of the fear of death. and rites can help us to achieve peace.
Are we free of our death?
Usually, suicide is considered as a bad thing (committing suicide, same as committing a crime), but sometimes (Buddhism) it is not as bad as murder, sometimes it is an act of courage.
Legally, what about acompagnied death? The problem here is that we have to write DNRs before we are in the situation we thought about, and people have a lot of change of hearts. 
Blablabla she’s a Christian, okay, I knew that bc she’s very patronizing about death and suicide, anyway the idea is that even if you decide to die, your after-life doesn’t quite belong to you, as it is a definitive social event and technically no one has to do what you wanted, even tho we glorify last wishes.
And in medical care? tough subject, no one wants to be facing death, we have to accept and even reaccept death, because there is a definite gap between theory and actually being confronted with death. We often think of death as the biggest enemy, but sometimes it is inevitable and we have to reinvent death in our cares. 
Accepting death is a very important way of feeling more alive. It allows patients to relax, liberate themselves from those morbid anxieties.
“As long as we’re here, death isn’t”
------------- Overall, interesting topic, a take a bit too controversial maybe. Now we’re gonna watch a video and I’ll give you some feedbacks
I’ll make another post for the next subject, reflexions on suicide, to put a new trigger warning
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