#that people would pair off (or form groups or whatever) because a compatible person(s) can be a very special thing!!
wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
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minijenn · 5 years
In More Ways Than One (Commission Oneshot)
AN-Heyyoooo! Finally finished my first writing commission! And boy I really loved working on this one. It was SO much fun and honestly its a huge fluff fest. Just so you know going in, this is a Poly MK oneshot, so if that’s not you’re thing then you may not be into this. Either way, I’d like to give an anonymous thanks to the person who commissioned this! Like I said it was a delight to write. So... enjoy!
“Alright, everyone. I’ve gathered you all here this afternoon for a very important matter,” Ford paused, taking stock of the aptly concerned expressions his brother and the Gems were sending his way. “I have reason to believe that something… might be wrong with the children.”
A beat of silence followed at this, the gathered group exchanging brief, bewildered glances before Pearl finally cut in with a loud sigh of relief. “Oh thank goodness, I’m not the only one to think the same thing! The four of them have been acting strange for weeks now! Please tell me you three have noticed it too, haven’t you?”
“Eh, normally I’d think you and Sixer are being paranoid, as usual,” Stan remarked, crossing his arms. “But those kids have been more out there than usual lately. Heck, just the other day I saw Mabel knitting a sweater-”
“That’s hardly out of the ordinary, Stanley,” Ford noted. “Mabel knits sweaters almost constantly.”
“Yeah, but when does she ever knit a sweater like this before?” Stan held up said sweater, clearly larger than the articles Mabel usually knitted for herself, though what was by far the most peculiar thing about it was the large heart stitched onto its center, a bold ‘S + M” carefully embroidered right over it. “If this doesn’t prove who Mabel’s latest crush of the week is, then I don’t know what does.”
“Oohhhhh man…” Amethyst looked genuinely anxious as she stared at the sweater. “That’s… gonna be pretty awkward for Mabel, especially when she finds out about Steven and Connie…”
“Why?” Pearl asked, confused. “What’s going on between them?”
“Uh, isn’t it obvious, P? They’re totally nuts for each other! I didn’t wanna say anything, mostly cause I don’t really like getting into Steven’s personal biz like that, but yesterday I saw Connie give him a kiss on the cheek! The cheek, you guys! That’s like, something I thought was gonna happen forever ago, but hey, at least its happening, even if they are pretty late to the party…”
“Oh, Amethyst, don’t be absurd!” Pearl huffed, doubtful. “As… admittedly adorable of a couple as Steven and Connie would make, a-and Steven and Mabel for that matter, I’m afraid its just plain to see that he’s not interested in either of them that way,”
“Oh yeah?” Amethyst challenged. “Then who is Steven crushing on?”
“Dipper, of course,” Pearl concluded, firm in her answer.
“What?!” Amethyst, Stan, and Ford exclaimed in surprised unison.
“Oh come now, don’t tell me none of you have noticed the obvious attraction between those boys,” Pearl frowned. “The sheer devotion and dedication Steven and Dipper consistently show for each other should be proof enough alone that their feelings towards each other are more than merely platonic. But there’s even more to it than that; last week, I happened to walk in on them forming Stepper sheerly for the sake of their own enjoyment. They tried to play it off as more than that, but I could tell by the look in Stepper’s eyes that he was loving every second the two of them were together.”
“Well, if your… theory is correct, Pearl,” Ford said, clearly uncomfortable with so much discussion of a topic like romance. “Then what of Mabel and Connie?”
“Well… who’s to say they don’t feel the same way towards each other?” Pearl shrugged. “They have been spending much more time than usual as of late anyway. And there’s no denying they have, what humans typically call ‘biology’ with each other.”
“You mean ‘chemistry’?” Stan corrected, dryly.
“What? No. That doesn’t make any sense, people can’t share chemistry, most chemicals are typically dangerous to humans anyway, right?”
“Anyway,” Ford interjected. “Speaking of chemistry—or ‘biology’ or whatever you’d prefer to call it, if any of the kids shares that sort of compatible dynamic, then clearly its Dipper and Connie. As respectably intellectually minded as they both are, they’d easily make a perfect pair.”
“So what, you’re saying they belong together cause they’re both huge nerds?” Stan asked, sending his brother a critical look.
“N-no!” Ford quickly backpedaled, flustered. “I have proof; a few days ago, I saw the two of them… w-well, they were—ugh, I suppose the only way to say it as that they were ‘holding hands’ as they walked down to the house from the temple. Just the two of them. Alone.”
“Pfft, so? That doesn’t prove anything!” Amethyst scoffed.
“I-I’d say it proves quite a bit!” the author exclaimed defensively. “Its further than I ever got with a girl, after all.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’ve got no charm, Ford,” Stan remarked, sending his brother a playfully teasing jab. “Then again, Dipper doesn’t really make much charm either, which it’d be an easy bet that both you and Pearl are wrong about Connie or Steven bein’ into him.”
“Well, if that’s the case, then your idea of Steven and Mabel being an item is every bit as preposterous,” Pearl remarked. “They’re close, yes, but Steven and Dipper are much closer.”
“Uh, no, Steven and Connie are, duh,” Amethyst cut in.
“But that doesn’t work because Connie’s already with Mabel!” Pearl countered, hands on her hips.
“Who, might I remind you, is actually with Steven,” Stan pointed out, exasperated.
“Which is fine because Connie and Dipper are both speaking for each other anyway,” Ford noted, resolute.
“You mean they’re spoken for, poindexter,” Stan corrected once more. “Geez, you nerds don’t know anything about this whole romance thing.”
“Well, then why don’t we ask someone who does?” Pearl retorted, turning to the sole member of the group who had yet to weigh in on the matter. “Garnet, what do think about all this?”
So far, Garnet’s expression had remained largely neutral as ever as she sat apace from the others, apparently not interested in engaging in on the conversation whatsoever. But as she finally turned to Pearl to give her thoughts, she was unable to keep her reaction to their ongoing speculation in any longer. A reaction that was, at least as far as the others were concerned, the very last thing any of them could have expected.
She laughed.
In fact, she laughed so hard that she was practically hysterical, a fact that genuinely unnerved the others as they were so used to the Gem leader’s steady sense of calm. Which was why, as baffled as they all were, they quickly pressed for an explanation behind it.
“Hey! What’s so funny, shades?” Stan asked, somewhat cross.
Garnet didn’t answer right away, instead slamming her first down on the table as she laughed even harder. When she finally did regain her composure enough to respond, she was still chuckling to herself all the while. “You’re all wrong.”
“What do you mean, we’re wrong?” Ford scoffed, aptly confused.
“Yeah, what are you saying, G, that none of the kids are into each other?” Amethyst asked, not following.
“Because I find that incredibly hard to believe, all things considered,” Pearl added, shaking her head.
“No,” Garnet said, still laughing. “Its exactly the opposite, really.”
“…Ok, now I really don’t get it,” Amethyst said, exchanging a lost glance with Pearl, Stan, and Ford. “G, what are you talking about here?”
“It’s actually really simple,” Garnet smiled brightly, clearly elated over something, even if none of the others knew what that something was. “Which is why I should let them explain it for themselves.”
The Gem leader nodded over to the shack’s front door as it opened at that exact moment, all four of the kids entering in. None of them apparently knew of the company gathered in the den as they conversed casually, a conversation that, when paired with their clear body language, provided more than enough of an explanation as to exactly what was going on.
“You know, we really should think of how we’re gonna break this to everyone…” Dipper noted with something of a worried frown.
“What, you mean the whole thing about the four of us all dating each other?” Steven asked rather bluntly and blatantly. “Because I think we should—oh….”
The young Gem immediately stopped short as all four of the kids noticed they had a captive audience in the den listening in. As if plainly stating it wasn’t enough, their relatively new interconnected relationships were all but proven by just how closely they all lingered to each other. Mabel was holding hands with Steven’s, his free arm resting on Connie’s shoulder while his fingers were interlaced with Dipper’s, who also had an arm wrapped around Connie as she did the same for him. Their expressions were awash in the same sort of mutual surprise that the adults in the room all shared, save for Mabel, who simply shrugged in blithe acceptance over being discovered like this.
“Welp, I guess this is one way to tell ‘em, huh?” she said, grinning over to her brother and her partners.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait,” Pearl cut in before any of the others could, getting up from her seat to approach the kids. “You four are actually…?”
“Um… yeah, we sort of are…” Connie admitted, shifting nervously a bit. Even so, both Steven and Dipper quietly steadied her, their respective grips on her tightening protectively ever so slightly.
“And this has been going on for…?” Ford trailed off, aptly curious.
“A few weeks, at least,” Steven replied, unable to hold back a fond smile as he glanced over at Mabel, Connie, and Dipper. “Though I guess we always kinda felt this way deep down…”
“Ok, am I the only one who has about a billion questions about… all of this?” Stan said, generally gesturing to all four of the kids.
“Yeah, we… kinda figured you guys would,” Dipper remarked with a plaintiff shrug. “Which is sorta why we decided to not tell any of you about it until we figured out the best way to.”
“But now it looks like we don’t have a choice!” Mabel quipped, clearly more excited that they had been found out than the others. “So… fire away! Who’s up first with question number one!?”
“Uh, I guess I am?” Amethyst raised her hand. “What I wanna know is just how the hey all this happened? What made you guys decide you wanted to, ya know, make it official?”
“Actually, its kind of a crazy story,” Connie said with a somewhat forced laugh. “We all kind of realized our, uh, feelings for each other at different times and in different ways…”
Connie sighed contently, basking in the warm sun reflecting off the lake as Steven finished off the last few notes of a peaceful ukulele tune beside her. Rare was the moment shared between just the two of them, but she was grateful for this moment all the same. Especially one as blissfully sweet and calm as this.
Even so, she did sit up a bit when the young Gem’s simple song came to an end. “That’s a new one,” she noted with a smile. “Did you write it yourself?”
“Heh, yeah…” Steven glanced away, somewhat bashful. “It’s just… something special I’ve been working on for awhile now for, uh… for someone.”
“Oh?” Connie asked, intrigued. “For who?”
“Oh, uh, y-you know,” the young Gem shrugged. He hardly ever got this flustered but it was clear that was the case now, much to Connie’s growing confusion.
“Um, no, I don’t know,” she chuckled. “You haven’t told me that part yet, Steven.”
“Oh, right…” Steven laughed as well, albeit a bit forced. “Uh, a-actually, Connie, I…  I wrote that song for… I-I mean, I wrote it as… k-kind of… a love song, I… I guess.”
“A love song?” Connie raised an eyebrow at this, not sure of what to make of it. Though for some reason, unknown worry and excitement rushed through her all at the same time. “W-well, who’s the lucky, uh, girl?”
Steven hesitated, deeply blushing as he glanced away from her with an anxious, yet elated smile. Connie jolted in surprise as she felt his hand lightly skim over hers. Time seemed to stop as he leaned in closer to her until, both very suddenly and incredibly slowly, their lips met at the exact same time. The kiss only lasted for the briefest of moments before they both parted out of nerves alone. Even so, neither of them could back out of it without wearing the largest of smiles over the line they had finally, finally crossed.
“T-think you can take a guess?” Steven asked quietly, leaning his head against Connie’s slightly.
“Yeah…” Connie’s smile deepened as she stole another kiss from him, this time on the cheek, though it was no less sweet and satisfying then their first. “I think I can.”
It wasn’t a rare occurrence for Dipper and Connie to practice their sword fighting together outside of their weekly lessons with Pearl. The two would often head out to an open, yet private clearing in the woods, to go head to head against each other in friendly spars to sharpen their skills. Though lately, their training sessions had shifted focus somewhat. They would spend about an hour or so clashing their blades, though they’d pass even more of their time together simply sitting within the peace of the forest engaged in deep, but pleasant conversation. Today however, they had agreed to focus their efforts on their training, their swords clanging in a constant rhythm as they did their best to outmaneuver each other.
“Remember what Pearl keeps telling you, Dipper!” Connie called with a playful smirk as she came in for another broad swing. “You gotta keep yourself covered!”
“Oh, I’ll keep myself covered,” Dipper taunted back just as wryly. “As long as you keep your footing steady.”
Connie noted his attempt to knock her down by sidestepping out of the path of his sword before going in for another attack. “Uh, speaking of steady….” She began a bit leadingly as their swords clanged. They kept on each other, pressing against their respective swords as their faces drew in close amidst the tension. “I was wondering…”
Dipper easily caught her drift, his cheeks suddenly lighting red in as his pressure wavered somewhat. “O-oh yeah? Wondering what?”
Connie took the opportunity as she saw it, elbowing him hard enough to send him plummeting hard to the grassy ground. Dipper flinched as her sword slammed into the ground right next to his head as she leaned down over him, smirking with both confidence and apprehension at the same exact time. “I-I was just wondering if you’d like to, uh… go there. W-with… with me?”
For a moment, the most Dipper could do was stare up at her in shock as she continued to hover over him. But then, acting on a burst of boldness that was far more than the kind he usually carried, he leaned upwards, giving her a small, short, but soft kiss on the cheek. “Of course,” he said with a joyous laugh he was powerless to contain. “Of course, I would love to.”
“And I’d love it if you did that again,” Connie grinned just as warmly.
“Well, since you won this round, how can I say no?” he complied, meeting her halfway as they came together in another kiss, equally matched in both their skill with a blade and their affection for one another.
“Ok, Steven, are you ready for… the lightning round?!” Mabel asked with daring grin.
“Lightning round?” the young Gem asked, intrigued. The two of them had spent the past several hours engaged in a rousing game that they had come up with all on their own. It didn’t have any official name, but the basic rules involved going back and forth on cards of personality-based questions they had come up with earlier. They were randomly selected, which of course, added another layer of fun and excitement to an already unpredictable game as it was.
“Yeah! No thinking about your answers, you just gotta blurt ‘em out as soon as you hear the question,” Mabel explained. “Are you game, Universe?”
“You bet I am!” Steven grinned enthusiastically as he drew the first question card. “Ok, you’re up first. If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?”
“Easy, Belgium, I heard their chocolate is the best, ever!” Mabel took another card to pose a question to the young Gem. “Who would win in a fight, Lonely Blade or Tiger First?”
“Tiger Fist! He’s got punches to spare! Next question, who do you have a crush on?”
“You!” Mabel gasped, realizing that she truly had answered the very question she had written without a single thought whatsoever. Which, of course, was why she immediately attempted to backpedal out of embarrassment alone. “I-I… I mean-”
“Wait… really?” Steven asked, putting his card down as he looked to her with wide eyes. “Mabel, y-you… have a crush on me?”
Though her hands were still tightly pressed against her mouth, Mabel nodded, feeling as though her heart was crashing and burning at an alarming rate. For so, so long now she had done everything she could to keep her feelings a secret from the young Gem. But now that she had voiced them aloud, however accidental, there was no taking them back.
“S-since… when?” Steven asked, still trying to wrap his head around the idea.
“Since the first time we formed Maven,” Mabel admitted with a long, relenting sigh.
“That long? W-well… why haven’t you told me until now?”
“B-because!” Mabel huffed, throwing an arm over her eyes as she flopped back onto the couch. “I didn’t want it to ruin everything! I mean, you’re probably the first guy I’ve ever really really liked! All of those other boys were just dumb flings that I tried to distract myself with but you’ve always been different! Y-you’re… your special. But now that you know…”
“Now that I know,” Steven caught Mabel by surprise taking her hand and offering her a bright, reassuring smile. “I think its time you knew that… I-I think I feel the same way.”
Mabel froze, as if her entire world had been turned upside down at this news. In all the best of ways. “W-what?”
“Yeah, of course, I do!” Steven said, still beaming. “We have so much in common, and you’re always so much fun to hang out with. Not to mention you’re already one of my best friends, so who says we can’t we be more than that if we want to?”
“Y-yeah,” Mabel happily agreed, still in a state of delighted disbelief as she found herself falling into Steven’s open arms. “Who says we can’t?”
Due to Connie’s somewhat sheltered upbringing, she hadn’t had the chance to see too many “classic” movies, which was why Mabel had decided to make it her responsibility to introduce her to all of her favorites. They had dubbed the new tradition “Movie Mondays”, and on a rainy, dour Monday like this, staying in with warm blankets and a sweeping romantic comedy, it was a perfect way to pass the time. But what neither of the girls had been expecting was for this particular film to strike such an emotional cord with both of them.
Connie found herself tearing up as the couple on screen confronted each other in the rain, the dramatic orchestral score saying far more than mere words ever could. However, as the pair raced towards each other in a deep, loving embrace, she found herself glancing over at Mabel instead. She was, simply put, weeping, her sobs soft and deeply impacted as she burrowed her face into the collar of her sweater. For a moment, Connie watched her, dumbfounded, until, acting on impulse alone, she found her own hand slowly gripping Mabel’s beside her.
And from there, the girls’ attention turned away from the movie… and towards each other instead.
As soon as their eyes met, that was where they stayed: solely on each other and nothing else. Maybe it was the gentle pattering of rain on the shack’s roof, maybe it was the movie’s romantic music soaring to a triumphant peak, or maybe it was something else entirely. But, as if pulled by magic or magnetism or something else entirely, they came together in a kiss, soft, slow, and so, so sweet.
And when they finally parted, they were equally matched in satisfaction and confusion.
“M-Mabel…” Connie whispered, skimming her own lips with her fingertips. “Y-you… I didn’t know you were… o-or even that I was-”
“M-me either…” Mabel blushed deeply. “W-what a way to find out, huh?”
“Y-yeah, but… I don’t know if I really understand. No offense, but you’ve had so many crushes before, s-so… why am I the one who… y-you know.”
“Gosh, there’s so many reasons, where do I even start?!” Mabel smiled brightly, warming Connie’s heart even more than it already was. “You’re so smart and brave and pretty and like, a million other great things! Yeah, I’ve had a lot of crushes before, but none of them have been anywhere near as amazing as you are, Connie!”
“N-no one’s… ever… I-I’ve never…” Connie stopped herself, far too overwhelmed by joy and affection to really say anything else. So instead, she decided to let her actions do the talking. She took both of Mabel’s hands this time, offering her the happiest smile she could muster before pulling her in close. Mabel reciprocated by tossing a nearby blanket over them both, shrouding them in warmth and comfort as they drew to kiss once more.
They all but missed the end of the movie, but neither of them minded. After all, they had just found a much better pastime to enjoy together instead.
“I’m so glad we decided to do this more often,” Stepper smiled as he settled into his fused form, reclining out on the grassy ground to watch the lofty clouds above him. “So am I, being together like this feels… so nice. Yeah… it really does…”
The fusion sighed quietly, closing his eyes to enjoy the warm peace of the afternoon. However, that peace was soon broken as both his birthmark and gemstone flashed with a single, simple thought that both of his halves happened to share with each other at the exact same time.
“I wish we could always be together…”
Stepper darted upright with a gasp, his face warm and his heart and mind both racing. And yet, somehow, despite his shock, he remained, Steven and Dipper still united by their mutual apparent affection for one another. “I-I… you really feel the same way? You really feel the same way!” As torn between dumbfounded and elated as the fusion was, he couldn’t hold back a small, tight laugh as he ran a hand through his hair.
“I-I mean…. I’ve I think I’ve been feeling it every time we fuse…” he said to himself, his lower arms holding him in a lose hug of sorts. “So have I. Its… warm, and bright, and… amazing.”
Stepper lay back in the grass once more, his upper arms returning the very same hug his lower arms were providing him. “If we really want to stay together, then why don’t we? Even when we’re apart? Wait… do you mean…? Yeah, I do…. I-is that ok?  No, its even better than ok,” He paused, practically brimming over with far too many wonderful emotions to even count, all of which sustained him, steadied him, solidified the strong bond that composed his very being.
“For the longest time I-I didn’t want to tell you about this because I had no idea what it even really was….” Stepper closed his eyes, savoring this moment for all it was worth and wishing that it would never have to end. “But now I know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, exactly what this feeling is. So do i…”
His gem and birthmark shimmered once more as the fusion spoke, both halves of his whole confirming exactly what they were to each other, and all that entailed. “It’s love.”
“And from there, we just figured we all might as well just be together,” Connie finished off the lengthy round of romantic anecdotes. “That’s not… weird to you guys, is it?”
“B-because this really is how we feel about each other!” Dipper interjected almost defensively. “Yeah, its… sort of unconventional, but… it just… works for us.”
“And we’re loving ever second of it!” Mabel grinned, raising her and Steven’s held hands up high.
“And… we’re hoping you guys will respect that,” Steven said as he looked to the adults hopefully. “So…? What do you think?”
At first, none of them said a single word, all of them looking to the kids with rather unreadable expressions. Though at last, Pearl spoke, breaking the heavy silence. “Well… you’re not wrong about it being ‘unconventional’…”
“But who cares?” Amethyst asked, reclining back in her seat. “If it makes you dorks happy, then hey, why not go for it?”
“Yeah, exactly,” Stan agreed with a bit of a grin. “You runts are always together anyway, might as well be together together, you know?”
“Yes, I suppose there’s no harm in it,” Ford smiled with a supportive nod. “After all, the bonds between the four of you are quite admirable. Though, um… Dipper, Mabel, isn’t it a bit… odd for you two to be sharing the same significant others like this?”
“Eh, we’re getting used to it,” Dipper shrugged.
“It’s not like there’s plenty of both Steven and Connie to go around!” Mabel quipped, sending a fond smile towards the pair, which they readily returned.
“Well, as long as you kids know what you’re doing,” Pearl concluded. “We wouldn’t any want you to get hurt if… if things go wrong.”
“I don’t think that’s something they’ll have to worry about,” Garnet said, offering the kids a profoundly proud smile. “After all, when love is as strong as the kind they have for each other, it always finds a way to survive. I know that from experience.”
The Gem leader lowered her shades, winking her third eye at the kids, filling them with all of the mutual hope they could have needed that their newfound interconnected relationships with each other were destined to last. Now that everything was out in the open, a bit more casual conversation over said relationships continued, though the support towards them on all sides was quite clear. With their worries of rejection and disapproval cleared away, the kids were able to slip away from the impromptu meeting feeling a shared sense of happiness and relief, one that wasn’t bound to fade away too quickly.
“Well, that went way better than I ever thought it would,” Dipper noted as the four of them lay down together on the attic floor later on.
“Yeah, it did….” Steven smiled. “See, I told you guys that it would all be ok when we told them!”
“Heh, you did have a point,” Connie smirked as she stole a small kiss on the cheek from him.
“So…” Mabel chimed in with daring grin. “When do you think we should tell them that we’re all dating Pacifica too?”
“Uh… maybe let’s save that bombshell for after the dust from this one settles,” Dipper said, somewhat apprehensive.
“Still, for now, everyone finally knowing about us is… really nice,” Steven sighed contentedly, feeling Dipper and Connie’s respective grips on his hands tighten as Mabel sent him a flirtatious wink. It was as though the sheer amount of love and devotion shared between all four of them (technically five of them) couldn’t be contained. And for Steven, Mabel, Dipper, and Connie alike, that was just fine. “In more ways than one…”
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studying-mostly · 5 years
Who do u ship ur mutual s with question mark ALSO WAIT WHY ARE THERE NEW POSTS ON UR BLOG I HAVENT SEEN YET
Alright, this took me,,,,,way too long because I figured, I might as well be thorough
So, DISCLAIMER: i changed the ask a bit; instead of who I ship you with, because I only know their stage personalities and the image they present, I instead went with who i think your vibe would get along really well with. You’ll see me using phrases like “someone like (name)” to help emphasize that this is rlly based off of the image they present ALSO in some cases, I didn’t pair you with your bias and that’s because, while I think you’d get along with your bias, I thought that you’d be more compatible (romantically or platonically) with someone else (sharpen your pitchforks elsewhere, these are the hills i choose to die on)
SECOND DISCLAIMER: I separated this into two categories; since most of my mutuals are my mutuals through Ateez, I’ll do one “ship” with someone in Ateez, and then an additional “ship” with someone else (all based on groups I know, so it’s a bit limited; if you want me to look into girl groups for you to see what I find, I’m more than willing to do that!) And, this is mainly for the mutuals that I interact with mainly because I’m able to give a more confident answer on who I think they should gravitate towards, I’ll probably update this post as I interact more (if you want to be added, msg me!)
Alright, so let’s get started
1) Ateez ship: (drum roll please) WOOYOUNG : Okay so hear me out. I thought about someone like Jongho but honestly, I think you’d fit better with someone like Wooyoung. Someone a little bit more playful without being shy, and caring in a way that matches yours. You're both emotional people, but whereas for some pairings that'd be problematic, it's something that I think is crucial: someone emotional would understand you. The best example for why I chose Wooyoung was the mafia vlive, where he was tapping San's hand and being mischievous, and that fits you really well. For some people, I’ve paired them with someone who is a bit of their opposite, but I feel like you’d be most comfortable with someone who’s like you, someone who gets you without much worry and I think the person Wooyoung projects to be matches that really well, with just enough difference to keep it as a “match” rather than a “mirror”. 
2) Misc: Jeno from NCT ; so this is a little bit more of your opposite, but I have the gut feeling that if you were to find someone like Jeno, you guys would get along really well ; he seems to be a little bit more on the quiet side which balances you out, while still being aware of those around him, which matches you quite a bit. It’s still someone similar to you, but with a little bit of variance (But out of these, I think someone like Wooyoung fits you much better)
1) Ateez ship : (she’s gonna kill me) Yeosang!  I think that you would get along amazingly with someone like Yunho, so I definitely want you to know that I absolutely see you with someone like him, but I think in terms of compatibility, you’ll feel at ease with someone like Yeosang. His bit of shyness would keep yours in check without feeling like you have to do something grand to prove yourself. Also there’s that little bit of opposites with his “quietness”, but he’s still playful enough that I don’t think it’d alienate you. At the end of the day, someone like Yeosang and Yunho came in at a tie, so I think it really depends on what type of person you’re looking for at that moment: someone a little quieter, or someone a little bit more goofy
2) Misc ship: Juyeon from the The Boyz: So, I already told her this, but it’s gonna be the hill I die on. Whereas with jongholover above, I said that the Ateez ship fit better, I’m saying that someone like Juyeon fits better than Yunho or Yeosang. He’s again on the quieter side while still having a sense of humor, which I think is crucial for you, but he also has a steadiness that I think you would pair really well with. Someone like Juyeon I think is bound to motivate/inspire/enamor you in some way or form. The simplest answer is that his vibe may not mirror yours, but it’s one that pairs really well with yours anyway. I also feel like you’d do best with someone “steady” without them being a leader, per se, and that’s exactly where Juyeon is. Passionate without being extremely in your face passionate, and more of a tempered sense of humor; I will die on this hill but find someone like Juyeon and prove me right
1) Ateez ship: Yunho! So here was another ship where, instead of going with someone of your opposite, I’m going with someone that more matches you. I think that honestly, you’d feel best and fit best with someone bubbly and goofy and bright and in ateez, that’s Yunho hands down. But he’s not the only sunshine of the group so lemme explain ; Yunho is very bubbly and playful without it being “”savage””, and his type of humor fits yours extremely well. Also, big heart needs another big heart; someone like you with someone like Yunho is basically the sunshine pair
2) Misc ship: (i’m gonna cheat here because lbr,,,what else was I going to put) Shinwon from Pentagon!  This was a no-brainer. Yunho might actually be too bubbly/bright for you, and that’s where someone like Shinwon comes in. Another sunshine, but definitely more on the caring side. And when I say caring side I mean heart bigger than body ; you guys literally care so much about the people around you while still being so passionate about what you believe in. There's a lot of overlap regarding wanting to improve the lives of others (whether through music or education) and that's something that I think you gravitate towards; you need someone with a heart as big as yours, without it being overwhelming. When I think of Shinwon, I think of a big heart and an endless amount of care for those close to him and that matches you perfectly! Again, I think you’d be most comfortable with someone like you, and Shinwon is it (there are some differences, but it’s more in terms of balancing rather than polar-opposites). Overall, he’s someone that fits you pretty damn well (also catch the endless giggling and quiet moments but also,,,hmmm,,, concert dates?) so my advice; find someone like Shinwon!!
1) Ateez ship: Hongjoong! So this one was super difficult, because while I think you’d get along with all of them really really well, in terms of who I think matches you best,,,,it gave me a lot to think about, but I finally settled on Hongjoong and I think someone like him would fit really well. I can hear the confusion already ; at first, I hesitated putting you with a leader because of a variety of factors, but I think his passion and quiet determination would be a really good match for you; not quite your opposite. This is a pairing where I think both you and someone like him would come out a little bit different than before you met, in the best way. Ultimately, what made my decision was how caring he is towards his members, and how supportive and that’s something that I think fits really well with you overall ; find someone who matches how much you care, whether they’re your opposite or you’re mirror and I think it’ll be a really good match
2) Misc ship: I.M. Monsta X / Vernon Seventeen ; okay so, i’m pretty you’re the only mutual who i gave three ships and that’s because I really could not decide between Wonwoo or I.M. I think it genuinely comes down to whatever you’re looking for at that moment, but it was important to me to pair you with someone outspoken, has a little bit of “edge” to them, and someone extremely passionate, despite being a little quiet. Someone like that, who both IM and Vernon tend to present as, would fit really, really well with you. The outspokenness is critically important for how active you are in your community and you are literally so, so passionate that it was crucial to find someone who seems just as passionate ; the little bit of edge comes into, what i think might be, your personal preference. Pairing you with someone like the sunshine member, or the cutesy type was an absolute no-no for you. Additionally, I.M. and Vernon both tend to present as sort of the quiet types (lol Vernon, quiet, but stick with me, he also has that dry wit that i think would pair really well with yours) but they’re also readily able to be totally silly in a way that fits yours silliness rather than say someone like Jinyoung from GOT7 and that’s something that I think would balance well with you
1) Ateez ship: Mingi! Honestly, I debated pairing you with someone like San but this is one of those occasions where I’m going with your bias. In all honesty, Mingi’s sense of humor definitely fits yours; a little less wit per se and little bit more genuinely comedic and silly ; your sense of humor is one that I really wanted to match because it’s literally the first thing i think of when I think of you and finding someone ready to laugh at a moment’s notice was a must ; someone like Mingi with you would be more of the pairing that joking poke fun at each other rather than say how you actually feel and it works (that’s less Mingi and more what i genuinely see you for but whatever) another really important quality to me was his determination. it’s a little less intense than Hongjoong’s. I think putting you with someone determined is important because I can see that being a pairing that inspires/motivates you
2) Misc ship: Mark from NCT ; Laughy 99liner boy!! I think that honestly,,,,you’d work better with someone like Mark than with someone like Mingi. The humorous personalities match up and I can see this being a pairing that’s basically like being best friends. Pairing you in a more best friend dynamic i think fits perfectly, and mark has that vibe of working rlly well with you; you’re both so ready to laugh and have a good time, but in a brighter way than say, Lucas. I think Lucas might be a little bit too much for you, but anyway, back to Mark. Additionally, his determination and hard work!! Going back to the points above, that’s something that I think you’d gravitate towards, whether because you see yourself reflected in it or because that’s something you aspire to be, either way, i see this working out rlly rlly well. He’s also a leader, from dream, without being a Leader (like Taeyong) and having that middle ground between still being playful and childish without the vast responsibility and seriousness from being a full-time leader would keep the serious side of him from alienating you. Hopefully this has made sense so far, but find someone like Mark! I think it’d work really well!
Alright! so those are the mutuals I’ve had a lot of interaction with, and as I’ve said at the beginning of the post, I’m totally willing to keep this updated! (and, if you’d want a girl group pairing, just msg me and I’ll do some research!)
@jongholover this literally took me so many days to think about and mull over and y’all best appreciate my deep thoughts into basically the type of person I think you’d work well with
(remember me fondly, i typed so much)
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