#that picture is absolutely sending me thank u liz
jessicawhitlys · 10 months
just saw that DW post you reblogged and it reminded me that this is still your contact picture in my phone
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DKGHFDJHGDJFHG i'm CACKLING this is my favorite thing !!
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rowdywarrior85 · 5 years
KAREN: Come on, Joyce he’s had enough.
(Jonathan and Karen pull Joyce off a bruised and bloodied Neil.)
NEIL: (groaning, coughing) You crazy bitch. You make me bleed on the goddamn street?
(Nancy nods at the deputies, giving them a signal that only they and she know. The deputies make their way to Neil.)
CALLAHAN: Neil Hargrove?
NEIL: What?!
CALLAHAN: We have a warrant for your arrest.
NEIL: What are you talking about? You should be arresting that psycho bitch that damn near killed me.
POWELL: Oh, the warrant’s definitely for your ass. Besides, we have a rule here in Hawkins. Never, ever cross the mama bear. By that, I mean Joyce Byers.
(Powell winks at Joyce, who smiles at the deputies.)
Your under arrest for the charges of domestic violence, battery, and civil unrest. We also have a tape recording delivered to us after the shit that went down at the Starcourt. It details your tirade at the Wheeler residence.
(Neil looks up to Nancy, who scratches her head with her middle finger, intentionally flipping him the bird.)
POWELL: Callahan, stand his ass up, cuff him and read him his rights.
(Callahan stands Neil up and starts to cuff him. He gets one hand, but before he could get the other hand, Neil rear headbutts him, turns to take his revolver, knocks Callahan out then turns to aim it at Nancy.)
POWELL: Drop the gun now!
(Powell tries to get his gun out, as Neil thumbs back the hammer. Jonathan shields Nancy.)
(Suddenly, Neil’s hands are unexpectedly sliced off. He and the crowd tries to figure out what just happened, then he feels a strong stab in his stomach. He looks down, and sees the point of a blade materialize out of thin air, which gives way to a sword, held by hands, which give way to Kali standing behind her. He falls to his knees.)
KALI: Bet you didn’t see that coming, did ya, prick?
WILL: (whispers to Mike) I did.
NEIL: (choking on his blood) Who the fuck are you?
(Kali twists the cutting edge upward and slides the blade up to the heart, cleaving it in half. She inches to Neil’s ear.)
KALI: Me? I’m the Goddess of Death, bitch.
(Kali twists the sword again, and pulls it out. A geyser of blood blasts out the entry and exit wounds. She walks beside Neil as he leans forward. By the time he leans 10°, she proceeds to lop his head off, sending it flying as she walks forward. She catches the head by the time she flicks the blood off her sword and sheathes it. She stares at Powell and Callahan.)
POWELL: Hey, honey. I didn’t see shit, aight? RIGHT, CALLAHAN?
CALLAHAN: Yeah, not a goddamn thing.
(Kali smiles at the deputies, and walks on. She then walks by Max and Susan.)
SUSAN: Th-Thank you.
(Kali looks to Susan, winks at her, and continues to walk on to the casket. She approaches the Billy’s casket and places the head right in the middle, right on the crack.)
(Japanese) Rest easy, Billy. May you find the peace that evaded you your whole life.
(She bows to the casket, then walks away. But not before looking to El, with a look of momentary horror over what just happened.)
(English) Oh, don’t give me that. You would’ve fucked him up even worse if you were up to par.
(El nods at Kali in agreement. Kali goes to Will in comfort, while Joyce, Karen and Susan look at the carnage.)
KAREN: Sweet Jesus.
JOYCE: Trust me, I’ve seen much worse.
LIZ: Yo, Byers.
(The moms look to the Mom Squad as they approach her. Liz goes to shake Joyce’s hand in respect.)
On behalf of of the ladies, I congratulate you in your sense of womanhood.
JOYCE: Oh, thank you.
BLONDIE: Listen, we’re getting together at the bar after the reception. Karen can bring you and Susan along.
JOYCE: I appreciate it, girls. But… there’s still one more funeral I must attend to.
(At Hopper’s mobile homestead, the Party and a few others listen to Kali reading Hopper’s pep talk that never happened. Joyce sits beside Will, Mike and El. Nancy stands by Jonathan, Lucas by Max, Dustin by Erica, Steve and Robin, even Powell by Callahan. Most shed tears during Kali’s reading, until she gets to even more of Hopper’s note, which acts a request to El in the years to come.)
KALI: (reading) Feelings. The truth is, for so long, I’ve forgotten what those even were. I’ve been stuck in one place, in a cave, you unearthly might say. A deep, dark cave. And then, I left some Eggos out in the woods, and you came into my life and for the first time in a long time, I started to feeling things again. I started to feel happy. But lately, I guess I’ve been feeling distant from you. Like you’re pulling away from me or something. I miss playing board games every night, making triple-decker Eggo extravaganzas at sunrise, watching westerns together before we doze off. But I know you’re getting older. Growing. Changing. And I guess, if I’m being really honest, that’s what scares me. I don’t want things to change. So, I think maybe that’s why I came in here, to maybe stop that change. To turn back the clock. To make things go back to how they were. And yeah, sometimes it’s painful. Sometimes it’s sad. And sometimes, it’s surprising. Happy. So, you know what? Keep on growing up, kid. Don’t let me stop you. Make mistakes, learn from ‘em, and when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means you’re out of that cave. But, please, if you don’t mind, for the sake of your poor old dad,…
(Mike chuckles as he folds up the speech, looking to El.)
…keep the door open three inches.
(El laughs at the closing remark. Afterwards, they all go outback. Joyce carries a funeral wreath with Hopper’s picture in the middle. In the background, Dustin starts singing a slow, bluesy version of Jim Croce’s YOU DON’T MESS WITH JIM with Robin plucking away at an acoustic guitar. As the wreath floats down the pond in the backyard, the camera pans down the funeral line as Dustin sings the chorus. Starting with El, Mike and Joyce with Powell and Callahan embracing each other. Kali holding Will in a warm comfort, as are Nancy and Jonathan, and Lucas and Max. We see Dustin blasting the chorus a second time with soul, Erica at his side, with Steve and a guitar-toting Robin. We also see Marissa, Hopper’s former paramour. We see Murray, standing at ease. And of course, standing over the line on the deck, is Dr. Owens. Afterwards, the Party have their snacks and drinks. Joyce notices Murray looking to the pond, so she goes to him.)
MURRAY: (sniffling) You know, I wish… there was some way… I can tell Alexei that… that we did it. We won.
(Joyce places her hand on Murray’s shoulder.)
JOYCE: I’m sure he knows, Murray. They both know.
(Murray gives a tearful smiles to Joyce as they hug. Dr. Owens walks in.)
OWENS: Mr. Bauman, Joyce.
JOYCE: Dr. Owens.
OWENS: I wish to give my condolences to the both of you. Your Russian friend, Alexei, his death has been informed via the Russian Embassy to his family in Moscow, at to your request, Mr. Bauman. Jim was the best of all of us, Joyce. I want you to know that.
JOYCE: Thank you.
MURRAY: Joyce, I’ll be seeing ya. Doc.
OWENS: Mr. Bauman. By the way, Joyce, I see El has a “sister”.
(Joyce and Owens see El and Kali conversating.)
JOYCE: Yes, she was very instrumental in helping us in this “Starcourt” incident. Plus, she’s the closest thing to family she’s got, other than us.
OWENS: Hmm, I think I know what you’re about to ask me.
(Joyce looks to Owens.)
I’ll make the preparations before your big move.
JOYCE: Thanks.
(3 months later. Moving Day has arrived for the Byers Family. The Party help Joyce, Jonathan, Will and El load the U-HAUL. Lucas and Max give Dustin shit about the NEVERENDING STORY song sung over the radio during the BATTLE OF STARCOURT, Mike and El have their final moments of quality time, and Will finds Kali in his empty bedroom.)
KALI: So, this is it, eh?
WILL: Yeah. You know, you could come with us.
KALI: William, we’ve been through this already.
(Joyce listens in on the conversation.)
I don’t do families. The last closest thing to one I had was taken from me. I don’t want to be responsible from destroying yours, just for staying for you. Besides, I’d be better off alone.
JOYCE: You don’t have to be, sweetheart.
(Kali and Will turn to Joyce, who has an envelope.)
Dr. Owens gave Jim custody over El, so he wanted you to have this.
(Joyce give Kali an envelope, she opens it, revealing a custody paper, giving her a new identity of KALI BYERS.)
Owens said this gives me custody over you. You can finally live a normal life, this way you can be with El, and you and Will can still be together. Providing you don’t use your abilities in any way for a year. So, does that sound something you can be interested in, “daughter”?
(Kali slowly smiles at this opportunity presented to her. Later, the U-HAUL is packed, along with the cars. The Byers and El say their goodbyes to the Party, leaving Kali to give the final send-off.)
KALI: Maxie.
MAX: It’s been great knowing you.
KALI: By the way, I have something to give you. I wanted to give you this before the shit hit the fan, but now would be a good time.
(Kali gives Max a wallet-sized photo of her inscribed by her father.)
I was about to leave LA when he gave me this. He misses you very much.
(Max starts weeping and hugs Kali.)
MAX: (tearfully) Thank you.
(They both kiss each others’ cheeks. Kali then goes to Lucas, and they hug.)
KALI: Don’t ever let go of her, Lucas.
LUCAS: Girl, I don’t intend to. Besides, I think we’re gonna be okay, thanks to you.
(Kali winks to the couple, then goes to hug Dustin.)
KALI: Well, Dustin, hopefully the next time we meet, we’ll finally meet this Suzie of yours.
DUSTIN: Oh, totally, absolutely.
(She then goes to hug Nancy.)
KALI: Not to worry, Nancy. I’ll keep Jonathan clean for you.
NANCY: Thanks for everything.
(They kiss each others’ cheeks, then Kali finally makes for Mike.)
MIKE: I honestly don’t know what to say to you.
KALI: Some things are better left unsaid.
(Mike extends his hand to shake Kali’s, and they do. Suddenly, Mike judo throws Kali to the ground. Kali laughs at this move.)
(laughing) I knew that was going to happen.
MIKE: Had to be done.
(Mike helps Kali up, then they hug.)
Don’t let anything happen to El, Kali.
KALI: Consider it done.
(Kali gives one last look to the Party before boarding Jonathan’s car.)
It’s been a honor rolling with you, mates. Right! Let’s roll on then, shall we?
(Kali boards Jonathan’s car with Will, and follow Joyce and El in the U-HAUL, driving away from Mike and the gang. El and Joyce drive tearfully to wherever the future leads, while in Jonathan’s car, Jonathan deals with his little brother making out with the newest addition of the family.)
KALI: So, where do we go from here?
JONATHAN: Well, Mom’s last boyfriend left her a house in Maine. So, that’s where we’re going.
KALI: But, what does that mean to me?
WILL: Don’t worry, you’re part of a family now, Kali. That means we’re never gonna give up on you, “I’m” never gonna give up on you.
KALI: Now, don’t you go promises you can’t keep, darling.
(The newly christened couple continue kissing, as the Byers Express drives onto the horizon, pass the sign that says YOU ARE NOW LEAVING HAWKINS. COME BACK AGAIN SOON.)
The End…?
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