#that reacharound tho
ex0rin · 1 year
me, desperately trying to focus on Bucky reaching for Walker's gun while making this gif:
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also me: 🍑🍑🍑
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Asks Comp 13/4
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I think he's behind that door. The platform bears his symbol, and it's his final chance to show up in-game.
The best theory I have is that Bilious Slick is the god of Sgrub, and he only appears to a party of Players who have truly proven themselves. Given that Sgrub's endgame involves the creation of a universe, his role probably relates to this in some way.
Maybe he's the one who grants the Players the 'seed' - or whatever else is mechanically required to alchemize a universe.
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The thought has occurred to me, too! I've been skimming some old posts while writing asks, and a couple of things have stood out to me.
We still don't know who the pen pal is. I'm still convinced he has something to do with Grandpa Harley, and my best guess is that he's someone who contains Grandpa as an alchemical component.
The session monitor in Skaianet's lab has a new meaning now. Every single one of those sessions could spawn a universe. And it's been implied that every planet with intelligent life will eventually spawn Sburb sessions. If you do the maths, it's clear that each universe should spawn billions of sessions. Just how many 'children' does each universe produce?
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Ooh, yes, let's think about the implications of all this on my 'sonas!
If we assume that the kidsona was on comic-canon Earth, then she's in the universe created by the Zodiac trolls. The universe that she and the trollsona could create could be a completely new one!
...that is, if they create a universe at all. There's nothing saying you have to use that grist on a universe, and they might have other plans...
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I was actually thinking about Tinkers when I made that post!
I read Worm a couple of years ago. In retrospect, it would also have made pretty good liveblogging material, although probably not quite as good as Homestuck. There's some great stuff in Worm, but a lot of what I really like about it doesn't show up until close to the end.
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I initially assumed that the Psychic Double Reacharound was a contingency plan that she'd prepared earlier, since she couldn't possibly have come up with something so elaborate in the heat of the moment, while bleeding out on the ground.
But then I remembered she came up with the Sollux/Mind Honey plan seemingly on the spot, and now I'm not so sure. God damn, Vriska.
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This is genuinely super flattering. I hope the inconsistency isn't too much of an issue - and, yes, I note the irony of saying this immediately after a four-month hiatus!
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If was clear from early on that things in Homestuck weren't always what they seemed. Hell, sometimes they're not even what we're shown.
We have to assume some of what we're being told is true, or else we wouldn't have a story - but we always have to remember who's telling the story.
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[Lol I love this fic. lots of **GIANT** spoilers tho, just because of the nature of the fic. For example, big ones starting at 16, 55 and 57 - C]
Recommended, and does apparently contain spoilers - but this is one I'm particularly looking forward to.
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It's kind of a funny question, isn't it?
From Davesprite's perspective, he did change the future - his future. John died, but he 'changed things' - and now John's alive, even though he was dead 'before'.
But if you zoom out a little, you can see that this change was predetermined by the Alpha Timeline, which always depended on these events. Davesprite changed the first-order future - but the meta-future was always set in stone.
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The Medium's timeline is so weird, isn't it? Its retroactive existence is difficult to puzzle out.
I don't think you could see the history of your Land by travelling back before you entered. All physical evidence of that history is there, but it's generated in a single instance when you Enter, and can't be accessed. It's analogous to read-only-memory.
After all, John, Rose and Dave are in the past with respect to LOJADE, but they're never going to see its 'history' - and Jade's Entry isn't going to insert it into the Medium retroactively. It won't have been 'there all along' when John was flying around earlier on his jetpack - it'll only ever have been there from Jade's Entry onwards.
As for getting into Earth's past, I think Karkat had it right, when he described the kids' original universe as 'a set of points to choose from'. You can't get into Earth's past by time-travelling around the Medium, but that doesn't really matter, since you can open portals into any point in its history, as long as you have the gear.
They're fascinating questions, aren't they?
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Pre-Exile, she was the Tradition Wrangler - a Prospitian lawyer who struggled to interpret the Medium's archaic laws!
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DD is a man of action, and I'm sure he approves of any Player who acts decisively themselves.
Plus, I'm sure he can emphasize with Aradia's situation. After all, it sucks to be bossed around by someone whose motivations make no goddamn sense half the time.
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Common Terezi W.
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True - she didn't need to hold her there for long. The laser pointer thing is a better analogy, blinding her almost instantly. I don't think it's any less fucked-up - it's more like a different flavor of fucked-up.
That's a pretty impressive robotics feat for Equius, actually. I wonder what Aradiabot is actually made of?
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Tracing the source of alchemy gear is one of my favorite Homestuck 'minigames'.
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Hivebent's art is fantastic! I really see why the comic blew up around this time. It's really coming into its own, stylistically. Of particular note is the art of Make Her Pay, and the art accompanying Aradia's final monologue. I can't wait to see more!
Gamzee is just too high to be rendered in a less symbolic manner.
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Sollux is broken, and probably another mutant. The Sgrub trolls don't seem surprised by his level of power - but considering their circle includes other absurd espers like Aradia and Vriska, they probably aren't the best people to ask about what's normal.
Damn, I wish we could have seen more of Alternia. I know some of the spin-offs dig into this, but I hope we get more in canon, too.
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Terezi's dream self is blind, because that's the version of herself she identifies most with. There's very little doubt in my mind that your dream self would reflect your self-perception in other ways, too. Skaia is clearly an ally - thank you, king.
You could imagine a Player whose dream self changes after they realize - or conversely, a Player whose dream self cracked their eggy loking thign. I'd be surprised if there weren't many fanfictions where this is a plot point - and depending on how things shake out in the comic itself, I'm not ruling it out.
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In asking about magic, Kanaya really does start to sound like the young child that she is. It's easy to forget, but heartbreaking when you remember.
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A few people have talked about this, so I added all of my 'immediate reaction' posts to the liveblog tag! I think it got them all - other than LOLCAT, which I missed and will add now - but if there are others, let me know!
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I guess Matespritship isn't explicitly described in terms of romantic love. It's described as a close analogue of human romance, which is 'rooted in strongly positive emotions'. I've been assuming, based on that, that Red Romance is effectively interchangeable with the human concept of romantic love - but I suppose that's not necessarily the case.
I do think you're hitting on a very good point, here, too, which is that the quadrant system itself is described as something that trolls need. I think the 'need' for these categories is enforced, artificially, for the benefit of the Empire. It wouldn't be the first institution to pull something like this.
Either way, it'll be interesting to see how the troll/human ships end up shaking out. It's going to be a challenge to merge their respective relationship frameworks. The best solution, of course, is for them to experience their own relationships without any cultural baggage, but I don't think I'm just speaking for myself when I say that that's easier said than done!
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pissiskris · 1 year
Is Ausu a buttstuff type and could I eat his ass and give him a reacharound well enough to get him to blast an embarrassing and frankly ludicrous amount of rope
AUSU DOES NOT LIKE BUTT STUFF SADLY... tho idk I think a rimjob wouldn't be out of the question...
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loverdude · 3 years
I miss Flash games so much. -_-
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gorefemme · 6 years
Bruh I love that I can see your art on my dash and recognize it as Your Art before I even check the fuckin url, shine on you goddamned beautiful diamond
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clairelutra · 7 years
callmekate08 replied to your post “so i’m trying to keep this blog as much miraculous ladybug as i can...”
Claire: this blog here with the generic name is my ml blog, this other blog with "ladybug" in the title is my generic blog (lmao)
this is my Brand™ blog |D
the one with ‘ladybug’ in the name is For The Irony™ (in reference to ‘team jacob/team edward’)
i did notice that too tho fdfdhgf
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fruitytrollroll · 4 years
Okay but what if the Newton Wolves just assume that wolves are actually aggressive with eachother, and that betas will try to fight the alphas for the position as leaders. What if this has actually lead to Billion and Billikns getting in fights with members of their pack in a fight for leadership? What if the reason their pack seems to high class and obedient is cause theyve used aggression in the past to 'keep them in line' cause that's how they think packs are supposed to work.
in a weird doublethink mobius reacharound of things that are Actually Instincts and Maybe Erroneously Believed To Be Instincts, the newton wolves have forsaken a lot of the things they think are instincts, because they're "evolved". so even if they thought that's what wolves are supposed to do they might avoid it BECAUSE they think it's what wolves are supposed to do... you know?
granted they partake in "dessert hunts" which are arguably an outlet for those instincts, and it's entirely possible they seek out other outlets for aggression, too!
in actuality we know very little about how newton wolves behave on like, a daily basis, and rad sechrist said "if it's off-screen it's fair game" so conceivably anything about this could be true!
i will say my read on the newton wolves and how they perform "alpha-ing" strikes me as more authoritarian than being a position that welcomes frequent challenges to that authority (dave scolding kipo for speaking out of turn and billions & billions nodding in sympathy when he solicits their commiseration stands out). respect and fear play a large part in many mute gangs' leadership structures, tho an exception that stands out to me is the beloved yumyan. so they achieve dominance in whatever form of competition pleases them, and then maintain that dominance for however long the residual respect from their last dominance display holds. maybe fighting is one of those displays!!
anyway im soft for billions and billions being protective of each other and not abiding challenges like that, so im probably biased
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theclampdown · 4 years
actually my real first date was even weirder than that so my friend asked me out and I said yes on a dumb impulse (middle school was bad for me) and we go to his house to watch the princess bride and I get there and I'm thinking why am I here. why are we doing this. so we got pizza and were sitting on the couch awkwardly watching the movie (not even the princess bride could save us the awkwardness of this 7th grade date) and he tries the old yawn reacharound trick on me and I freak out and go and get more pizza even tho I'm completely full and then sit on the complete opposite side of the couch from him. after the movie we play ticket to ride in silence. anyways were really close now (we work together and weve been training partners in karate for like 2.5 years) and he's a bisexual furry now. it's a good time
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bananonbinary · 4 years
god i love dirk so much hes so obviously faking sincerity behind ACTUAL vulnerability and like, honestly mood its like when you say “i love you” to someone but u say it in a funny voice to pretend that its facetious even tho you both know it isnt. except like, in reverse, dirk is saying real shit in a real way in a stupid reverse-double-reacharound where he doesnt let on that vulnerability scares the shit out of him. idiot son.
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glitterandsalt · 5 years
mobius-double-reacharound replied to your post “@mobius-double-reacharound daaww! Your ask got cut off bc apparently...”
Tumblr being a functioning website? Too unrealistic ALSO YOU HUSH YOURE ADORABLE AND A GREMLIN AND I WANNA SQUISH UR CHEEKS AND TELL YOU HOW MUCH YOUVE GROWN LIke some weird grandparent, christ I'm getting old
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no lie tho, that’s totally how i feel about some of my mutuals of multiple years like yay, yay us growing and keeping on lookit us gooooo! i would also squish cheeks if i could. 
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cryingovershance · 6 years
okay that got a bit more reception than i thought!! so i guess this means...
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anyway heres notes:
i read through the first two acts for this (not just for this). for now, the thing would just be about what that first post was saying though if it continued id have to look into stuff, things that i havent yet done
like. their god titles. their planets. actual plot like who rezzes the new universe via frog and who has the ecto babies. their denizens. their riddles. blah blah blah
and then there are the trolls. *coughs* i mean alteans. im thinking while we love coran, we probably arent going to be thinking all too much of him, so if anything he could be a guardian (and on that note we are probably thinking not a lot on the whole. yknow. ....you know. with them. lets leave dark matters to be had with actual hs thanks)
so lots of ways i could go with this. but top two atm are; allura wanting to play the game, posibly even about to enlist coran, but lotor and his crew of nerds are like “heard you playin the game... seems we need one more player for some reason... so.... wanna join us?” like shady ass dealers and she kind of goes bc she needs someone to connect to (AND ITD BE LIKE A HALF DOUBLE REACHAROUND) OR; allura and lotor are maybe closer friends or smth. (i was thinking its more a modern au -- though theyre still aliens -- so i can do what i what) so they connect to each other. (this could also include the nerd crew but havent decided 100% on anything yet)
oh, and speaking of lotor. no matter what relationship he has with allura, friend or foe, hes gonna be a Pining Bitch™. he just wants to talk with her about cool altean tech and see her smile and maybe touch her hair once if she lets him that would be cool
and allura and lance would TOTALLY be broing it up in here. but whether they go pink diamond official or what is a question (so is if i use troll relationship logic tbh tho i love it)
back the humans. i dont know if theyre already friends. or if somehow tehy enlist each other. how their server connections would go. (though im thinking already that pidge connects to lances client, already). but all five are there. bc. why otherwise.
its probably gonna be 2nd person pov (ie “It might not be your birthday, but boy, are you looking forward to this game.) simply bc this gives me the excuse to write like that again. not a high chance of including the commands though. 
it will defeinitely include up to 2nd tier prototying. whether shiro finds out about it or not is up to debate. but it definitely means there is a reference to this iconic moment (and oh my god reading through that chat is not important at all to the image but holy shit that asshole was SUCH a dork and so so obVIOUS)
but that was also amazingly illustrated, here
i at least have a lot of music to choose from. lots of uh... broadway.... artists...
i will in no way touch any sort of other timeline shit. i mean the troll conversations are one thing but fucking with the other versions of themselves/their kids in the other versions is like. brain meltdown moment for me, thanks. 
and if i remember more, than i shall add, but that was a lot for you guys to read, so kudos to you for making it to the end
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zenzen-dame-da · 7 years
50 Days of Homestuck: Day 11-12
(pages 3373-3699, act 4)
terezi dropping some important Game Knowledge on us mobius double reacharounds and paradox space and exiles and our first look at god tier titles. man i totally forgot that the first rly big expo dump from the trolls is from terezi to rose of all people
god its only kanayas second pesterlog and yet shes Clearly in doki w/ rose already im glad
[s] accelerate was my favorite flash for a long time even tho i was super confused by the suddent time jump but wow calsprite was a bad idea
tbh one of the most depressing conceits in homestuck is how time travel results in a whole lot of dead and abandoned timelines whos remnants have a hopeless future like rose in the calsprite timeline
the first instance of terezi flirting w/ dave is actually w/ davesprite who knew
[s] jack: ascend still holds up remarkably well?? also END OF YEAR 1 just 6 more years to go,,, haa hahaha,, ,ha
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