#that receptionist hated me so bad i ruined her day and she was not afraid to say so
julesblackthorns · 1 year
horrific news besties. i was told to book an eye test online so i did and i was told via the website to wear contact lenses so i was like 'okay cool it's a contact lens appointment' so i arrived for my appointment and was told i was not due for a contact lens appointment that day, that i wasn't due for months (and i should really know that), and that i shouldn't have worn contacts. and so then i had to go back find the other desk and take out my contacts in the waiting room while thinking i was the stupidest person alive for wearing contacts to an appointment i was told to wear contacts to
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ybangtannies · 3 years
Hiiii I am new t the whole requesting thing so first for everything 🥰 So, here it goes A scenario for yandere namjoon where there’s lawyer y/n who’s hardworking and mature x businessman namjoon who is corrupt in his business ways 👉👈 I dunno if this is okay 🤡
Word count: 3.1k
“I don’t get it, why don’t we just throw them off and stop having them as our clients? This could end so bad for us, the whole law firm could be affected by their- his antics.”
“We have already talked about this,” your friend sighed not sparing you a look, eyes focused on her phone, “yes, it’s a well-known secret that Mr. Kim’s business is corrupt, and he surely doesn’t make the most legal negotiations but,” now she did look at you, her brown eyes showing the tiredness of having to have this conversation with you, again, “we don’t really have the liberty of saying no to him. A lot of tabloids would be up in no time if we decided to stop representing them which would lead to him surely making declarations against us and that wouldn’t surely end up being beneficial for us. We’re already a small firm, Mr. Kim being our client is a huge deal, most of our - including yours- income comes from his business.”
You sighed, about to reply that yes, you understand her point but maybe if you made public those documents that prove his corrupt ways, the whole scene could be different for the firm and you’d be able to turn the tables, but she beat you and added, “plus, he’s a whole snack, girl, why are you even complaining?”
Not even bothering to answer, you rolled your eyes and let out a groan, taking your cup of coffee and going back to your office. On your way there, you saw your boss, “Good morning, y/n,” he said with a smile, “please remember that Mr. Kim is coming later to discuss some things with you.”
The smile you previously had on your face faltered a little, surely you decided it was better to erase that from your mind and was hoping -in vain- that another thing would have come up so Namjoon couldn’t make it to the meeting. “Of course, Mr. Min, I already have prepared the files he asked me about and possible solutions.”
“Good, it’s wonderful to see how hard you work, y/n. Keep it like that, and you’ll make it big.” With that and another polite smile, Mr. Min walked away from you.
You sighed heavily and finally arrived at your office. It seems that these days the only thing you do is sigh and feel frustrated. Of course, you knew that being a lawyer in a firm meant that you won’t always be working for people you like but you didn’t think that it would entail working with a corrupt businessman without any chance of exposing him or just putting a halt to your contract with him. You knew the risks of doing that, of course, and that it would most likely mean you being fired alongside all your co-workers and put on a blacklist for all the other law firms to know that you weren’t trustworthy. However, that didn’t shake the guiltiness and rage you felt when thinking about how hard you have worked all your life to get where you are now just to risk it all for an asshole that was incompetent enough to do dangerous deals with people he shouldn’t.
You were wrong, though, Namjoon wasn’t an incompetent, quite the contrary actually. He was a very clever man indeed, knowing that having a law firm by his side would most likely help him cover his back in case something was to happen, especially if said firm is small and he is the main source of income.
“Mr. Kim is here” said the receptionist through the phone.
“Okay, send him up here.”
You collected your thoughts and breathed deep, praying you won’t snap at him like it had happened some other times before. It wasn’t just that you didn’t like the way he was managing his company but his personality and overall aura… you didn’t like it, not one bit. No matter how handsome and attractive he was.
A knock was heard in your office, followed by a voice “It’s Kim Namjoon, Mrs. y/s, may I come in?”
You arched your brow looking at him through the glass windows your office had, seeing his dimples showing because of the smile he had on his face.
“You may, Mr. Kim” you spoke in a monotonous voice, focusing again on the screen of your computer.
Namjoon’s smile turned to be more amused seeing your reaction, the one as always: trying your best not to look at him. He opened the door and walked in, closing it after him and taking a seat in a chair in front of your desk, not waiting for you to ask him to do it. You probably wouldn’t, anyways.
Of course, he knew the animosity you felt towards him and while at first that made him a little miserable and he almost lost his mind, with time he started finding it more amusing than anything and viewed it as a challenge to finally get on your good side. Naturally, the desire of taking you with him to keep you in his house was always at the back of his mind and he knew that sooner or later he would have to resort to that if he wanted you to be finally his, which of course he did. Until that moment, though, he would enjoy you being feisty towards him, it was amusing and kind of endearing seeing you struggling and fighting against yourself to not give in.
“How are you feeling on this beautiful day, Mrs. y/s?” Namjoon asked with a grin, if you didn’t know better, you’d think he’s actually interested in your answer.
He’s so hot, y/n! And the fact that he’s going against the law and with your help at that, only succeeds at making the situation even hotter.
That’s the message your friend sent you merely minutes ago, probably when she saw Namjoon was on his way to your office. Message you, of course, decided to ignore.
“It’s been good so far but I’m afraid that a big black cloud has just appeared to ruin it” you answered with a fake smile and felt pride at seeing how his smile faltered. You almost felt bad if it wasn’t for the fact that he was a criminal.
Namjoon cleared his throat, clearly ready to say one of the numerous flirty lines he’s been trying to use on you since the very beginning, but you were faster than him and asked about what it was that he needed help with this time.
“Ah, you see, there’s this huge deal I’m about to sign in two days so I thought that it would be a good idea for us both to go through the contract together and also, I wanted you to redact a confidential agreement.” You hated the way in which he said it, like if everything were okay, as if it was just a normal deal and there was nothing fishy about it. You also hated knowing that he could very much do this with his own men -it wouldn’t be the first time- but still decided to come here to torment you.
That was how time passed: you both going through the contract, making sure everything was in order -or as in order as it could considering there were definitely some fishy things that needed to be disguised or be described in a very vaguely-, you trying to dodge every attempt from Namjoon part at flirting with you and him finding it both amusing and adorable.
You danced in your interior once everything was done and it was finally time for him to leave, looking into your watch you realised it was almost time for you to go home as well and mentally sighed in relief. You got over another day.
“If that was all, Mr. Kim, you’re free to go now,” you said with a tired smile that Namjoon noticed didn’t reach your eyes. He so desperately wanted to make you smile for real, be the one on the receiving end of the cheerfulness he knew you had in you; he’d make sure he was the only one getting it one day. “I’ll send you the confidential agreement tomorrow before lunchtime so you can go through it in case there is something else that needs to be changed for the day of the signing.”
“Just one more thing, miss” he said, getting up from the chair he occupied for almost two hours in your office, “I think it’ll be better if you came to me with the agreement in person instead of just sending it to me.” Namjoon saw the protest and confusion on your face and before you could give him a negative, he talked again “there had been several attempts these past few weeks at hacking my accounts as well as the one of my other employers so I’d prefer it if the agreement could me better in my hands rather than on my email. We’re working on it, but until I’m sure there would be no possibility for a cyber-attack...an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”
As much as you wanted to say, ‘fuck no, not in a million years I’m going to see you more than was needed’, you obviously couldn’t, and there was no good reason for you to deny his request.
“Sure, I understand it. I’ll be there tomorrow.” Your answer came more tense than you wanted to, but you wanted Namjoon to know of your discomfort at the premise of having to spend more time with him.
“I’ll send a car for you, darling, there’s no need for you to go anywhere.”
With that and a wink, Namjoon abandoned your office, leaving you there hanging, you wanted to refute that there is no need for him to send a car for you, that you can very happily go on your own and have a car that works very well but, of course, he always has to have the last words. You rolled your eyes and groaned, touching the bridge of your nose. Tomorrow was going to be a very long day.
As Namjoon said, a car was sent your way to the law firm you worked at to take you to his office, or at least that was where you supposed you were going to meet him. But upon seeing the car taking a completely different direction from where it should go, your uneasiness started growing.
“Excuse me,” you called for the attention of the chauffeur, “aren’t we going to Mr. Kim’s office?”
“No, Ms. y/s, I was told to take you to Mr. Kim’s place of residence.”
That fucker, you muttered under your breath. Once you arrived, you couldn’t help but gawk at Namjoon’s place of residence. You were expecting it to be huge and over the top, that’s the kind of house that Namjoon required to have considering the way he carried himself, but this was something else. A whole family could live here, and they wouldn’t even have to see each other if they didn’t want to -and you were referring to a family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, and kids.
The chauffeur opened the door of the car for you and was the one leading the way into Namjoon’s mansion as well. The interior was even more dazzling if that was possible: it was decorated in a minimalistic and modern way but there was a hint of old fashioned in some of the furniture. It was exquisite. You were guided all through the mansion until you arrived at the front of two huge mahogany doors, the chauffeur -you felt bad you didn’t ask for his name, he seemed nice- knocked on one of them and from the other side you could hear Namjoon’s voice ordering whoever was at the other side to come in, immediately he opened the door and made you a gesture with his hands for you to go in. You nodded your head and muttered a ‘thank you’ before entering the room. The door closed right behind you.
Namjoon looked up from his computer and a smile quickly found its way to his face upon seeing you right there in the middle of his office. He got up from his chair and moved around his massive table. “Y/n, it’s a pleasure to see you, please come and take a seat,” you did as tell and came near him, smiling slightly when Namjoon moved the chair so you could sit, “I apologize for the inconvenience I may have caused you with coming all the way here, some problems came up this morning and I wasn’t able to make it to my building.”
“Is everything okay, Mr. Kim?” You asked more out of courtesy than because you were actually concerned or interested in what his answer would be.
“Nothing you have to worry about, darling,” the paternalistic tone he used made you almost roll your eyes even if you were secretly grateful, he didn’t bother you with the problems of his corrupt business, “since it’s almost lunchtime, I asked my service to bring us the meal here later so we can eat together.”
“There was no need for that, Mr. Kim, I won’t be here much, you’re just required to go through the agreement and then I’ll be on my way to work again.”
Namjoon only hummed and went back to his chair in front of you. Without any further distractions you both proceeded to went through the document and, right as you stated, it didn’t take much time and since Namjoon didn’t really have any objections, you wrapped it up in no more than an hour but, much to your dismay, by that time the food has already been brought up to his office and you didn’t have it in you to deny it when it looked and smelled as delicious as it did.
“Please, try it,” Namjoon encouraged you, both of you have moved to one of the sofas on his office, and he took advantage of it and was now right next to you, “I didn’t know what you enjoy, so tell me if you don’t like this and I’ll ask for the chefs to make you something different.”
Now, that was a lie, Namjoon already knew everything there was to know about you, having made an exhaustive study of your life himself two days after seeing you for the first time; he knew the name of all your relatives, how many times you’d moved, the college you attended, the marks you got, hell, he even knew the name of all your ex-boyfriends and friends that were no longer in your life. You were fascinating to him, and he couldn't wait until he could uncover every single secret you kept to yourself.
“This looks amazing, I’m sure it’ll taste just the same” you said almost salivating, it’s been a long time since you last ate a proper home cooked meal. You could feel the intense gaze of Namjoon on you while you took the fork on your mouth and swallowed the food, you couldn’t help but make a sound of satisfaction at the taste and it was only in that moment that he averted his eyes from you at the sight, clearing his throat and taking a sip of the wine that was brought alongside the meal. “This is amazing! Thank you so much, Namjoon.”
You didn’t even notice you called him by his name or the real smile that was on your face and directed at him. But he did, and he could feel his heart galloping in his chest like crazy, feeling already addicted to hearing his name rolling on your tone without an annoyed tone to it and being on the receiving end of your more than beautiful smile.
You both kept eating and eventually started talking about everything and anything. It surprised you how you found yourself having a good time and enjoying Namjoon’s company more than what you thought you’d ever do. He was still an asshole in your eyes, and you didn’t like not one bit the way he made business, but you couldn’t deny that he gave you an interesting conversation and was funny even when he wasn’t trying to. Eventually though, you started to feel more and more dizzy, and a migraine was starting to form in your head.
“Is everything okay, darling? You’re getting paler by the second” you heard Namjoon voiced next to you, he sounded concerned and was closer to you than a minute before, one of his hands almost resting on your knee.
“Yeah...no, do you happen to have any pills? My head is starting to kill me…” your voice sounded estranged even to yourself and the strength was quickly leaving your body.
Before you could try to fight it, darkness consumed your every sense and the last thing you could feel or hear was Namjoon’s body pressed against yours and his smooth voice calling your name.
After twenty minutes or so, Namjoon finally decided that it was time to lead you to his room and rest your body on his bed. He’s been admiring your face, being this the first time, he has had the chance to do it from such a close distance, delighting himself in how perfect your body felt pressed to his and how from this day on, he’d be able to feel this way for the rest of his life.
He closed the door from his bedroom and locked it just in case, though he doubted you’ll wake up until tomorrow. On his way to the door, he made a call.
“What’s up, Namjoon?”
“I’m going there now, Yoongi. She’s already in my bed resting.”
Nothing more needed to be exchanged between the two men and Namjoon hung up right when he got into his car. Yoongi and Namjoon have been friends since they were both teenagers, having gone through a lot together. When Namjoon received an email with several photos of you he hadn’t order to take and a simple message saying, ‘we are keeping an eye on her too’, he knew he had to do something to keep you safe and it was actually Yoongi’s idea to lead you to Namjoon’s house, drug you and keep you there finally with him. They still had to figure out who the fuck had guessed Namjoon favoured you, but now that you were going to be safe by his side, he couldn’t help but smile silly all the way up to Yoongi’s building.
He knew he had a long way ahead of him until you fell in love with the same intensity, he had fallen for you, but he was sure you’d both get there and be the perfect couple he’d been dreaming of for so long.
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mandelene · 4 years
PLEASE.... give us more asthmatic Matthew!!! I love seeing family dote over him ;^;
Okay, I’ve tortured Matthew some more. 😅  I HOPE YOU’RE ALL HAPPY NOW. Poor Matthew lmao. He didn’t deserve this. 
Breathtaking  Word count: 1504
Gym class is the bane of his existence and always has been. For years, Matthew has been suffering through "physical education," and he doesn't feel as though he's learned anything in all of that time except how to despise his gym teachers. He has track this marking period, which means non-stop running for thirty-minutes with the rest of his class. Although he has presented his teacher with a doctor’s note stating he has asthma and needs to be given breaks when needed, his teacher this term isn’t too keen on giving him those breaks. Ms. Johnson seems to be convinced that Matthew’s exaggerating and told him during last class she has “plenty of other students who have asthma and they’re all fine with running.” 
He’s tried to get out of gym class entirely, but Dad has repeatedly told him no. “Just try your best, love, and rest when you need to. It’s important that you still try to exercise with your classmates.” 
And so, Matthew suffers in silence because he doesn’t want his teacher to give him a bad grade if he stops too many times — it would ruin his GPA. Even when his lungs burn and he can feel himself wheezing, he pushes onward. Ms. Johnson insists that asthma isn’t an excuse and that he must finish his laps even if he has to stop to use his inhaler. Even if the rest of the class has already finished long before him, Ms. Johnson will wait for him to walk his laps before she lets up and he can go to his next class.
Twice already, Matthew has shown up to his history class in tears, exhausted from running on the track. Alfred tells him he should go to Dad or Papa because Ms. Johnson is being too strict, but Matthew doesn’t want his parents to worry. He doesn’t want them going out of their way and taking time out of their busy schedules to talk to Ms. Johnson. He’s also afraid that if his parents say something to her (as they most certainly would) that she’ll use it as fuel to pick on him even more. 
But one Monday, everything comes crashing down.
He’s having an off day — his allergies were bothering him this morning, so his lungs are already irritated. He starts the run with the rest of the class, but by the fourth lap, he feels himself gasping for breath and mucus starts filling his chest and throat. He stops for just a second to take his inhaler and keeps going, but then, the wheezing starts. He tries to continue at a gentle jog, but his chest tightens mercilessly, and he feels as though he’s going to faint.  
And then, he falls to his knees.
“Mattie!” Alfred shouts, breaking away from the rest of the class and bolting over to him. “You okay, dude?”
“N-No,” Matthew mumbles back, and he can’t stop the sob that escapes his throat. He’s fourteen — that’s too old to be crying over an asthma attack, but he can’t help it. Everything hurts, and he can feel the stares of all of his classmates on his back. It’s humiliating. He wants to disappear. 
Ms. Johnson comes over as well, and Matthew really wants to disappear. She puts a hand on his shoulder, looks at Alfred, and says, “Take him to the nurse’s office.” 
Alfred doesn’t need to be told twice. He helps Matthew up and walks him away from the track and back into the school building. “It’s gonna be okay, Mattie. You’ve got your inhaler with you, right…? Good.” 
Tears rush freely down Matthew’s face now, and Alfred does his best to try to cheer him up as they walk down the hallway.
“I guess you could say this was a real breathtaking experience, huh?” his brother tries to joke. 
“N-Not helping.” 
“Sorry. You wanna take some more puffs of your inhaler? You’re still breathing weird.” 
Matthew coughs against the thick mucus now lining his airways and whispers, “I hate myself.” 
“Don’t say that. Papa or Dad will come to pick you up and you’ll feel a lot better. Come on, almost there,” Alfred says before stepping ahead of him to open the door to the nurse’s office. “This is your stop, bro. Nurse Cathy’s real nice. She helped me when I started puking after drinking some bad cafeteria milk.” 
Nurse Cathy has him sit in a chair and takes his vitals. As Alfred suspected, she says she’s going to call his parents, and then, she sends Alfred back to class, much to his brother’s chagrin.
Papa is the one who arrives, and he immediately strokes a hand through Matthew’s hair and looks him over, visibly shaken. “My poor cher. I’ll take you straight to your father’s office so he can have a look at you, okay? I’ve already called him — he’s very concerned.” 
Oh, no. That’s exactly what he didn’t want.
But there’s no sense in arguing now because Matthew has clearly already lost this battle. Papa signs him out, escorts him to the car, and rushes him downtown. It’s not that serious. He’s pretty sure he’ll be fine, but that doesn’t stop Papa from fretting and saying things like, “My heart just about stopped when I heard you collapsed during class!” 
“I didn’t collapse —” Matthew tries to explain. His knees buckled beneath him but he didn’t fully pass out and lose consciousness, so it doesn’t count.
Having a doctor for a dad has its pros and cons. One of the massive cons is being fussed over like he’s dying as soon as something’s wrong with him. The minute the receptionist at the front desk sees him, she tells him which exam room to go to, and he walks in with Papa on his heels.
He sits himself on the exam table, and barely five minutes go by before Dad invites himself in and says in a hurried breath, “Matthew, what happened?” 
“I was running in gym class and had an asthma attack.” 
“I heard you collapsed.” 
“I didn’t. Not really. I fell to my knees but —” 
“My goodness,” Dad remarks before putting on his stethoscope and placing the cold diaphragm on Matthew’s chest with one hand and bracing his back with the other. “Breathe deeply.”
“I’m feeling better now…” 
Matthew sighs, and Dad moves his stethoscope to his back, still listening. It isn’t worth all of this fussing! Sure, he had a minor incident and was upset, but now that he’s had some time to sit and rest and he took his inhaler, he’s okay, and he doesn’t want everyone to make such a scene. Dad should go back and tend to people who actually need his help.
“You’re wheezing a little. I’ll give you a nebulizer treatment. I also want to check your blood pressure since you collapsed. Then, we’ll do a spirometry test.”
“I didn’t collapse,” Matthew weakly protests again, but no one is listening to him anymore.
Dad puts some albuterol into a nebulizer, puts a mask over Matthew’s nose and mouth, and turns the nebulizer on. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay?” 
“I’m fine,” he replies, voice muffled. 
“Yes, yes, you’re always fine,” Dad huffs before squeezing his shoulder reassuringly and pressing a worried kiss against his forehead. “I’m going to have a word with this gym teacher of yours — this is absolutely unacceptable. My child shouldn’t be collapsing!” 
“I didn’t colla —”
“Did you ask for a break?” Papa cuts in. 
“Well, no…I don’t like asking for breaks because the teacher…She tells me to stop exaggerating…” 
“Exaggerating?” Dad asks in disbelief. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner? Oh, now I’m going to have to speak to her in person to have this sorted.” 
“Dad, no…” 
“I’ll handle this. Don’t you worry about a thing. She’s never going to give you a hard time again,” Dad vows before stepping out of the exam room for a moment.
Matthew hunches his shoulders and wearily breathes in the vapor from the nebulizer. He appreciates that his parents care so much, but he also hates making them go out of their way for him. This is not his first asthma attack, and it definitely won’t be his last. He knows how to care for himself.
“When we get home, I’ll give you some of the tarte Tatin I baked today — dessert can cure just about anything,” Papa says with a wink.
Matthew’s pretty sure that isn’t true, nor is it evidence-based practice, but he simply nods his head and goes along with it.
And when Dad returns a couple of minutes later, fusses over him some more, and deems him okay to continue about his day, Matthew accepts the hug he gives him and manages his first genuine smile of the day, finally giving in to their hysterics. They’re too good to him. 
“Thanks, guys. I love you.”  “We love you more,” Papa and Dad say in unison.
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anip-ocs · 5 years
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A Visit
Short fic below!
TW: Parent death, mild suicide ideation
The sun hung low in the sky, streaks of pink and orange beginning to paint their way across the sky. Darkened silhouettes of large trees blocked out parts of the sky, old branches hanging, craggly with time, above rows and rows of tombstones. The field was silent, save for the quiet footsteps of a visitor. His dark cloak hung around him, dark as if made from the shadows themselves, tattered red converse scuffing against the grass. Across his back, a bow and a quiver of arrows glowed, pulsing with a gentle orange light. Had anyone else been present in the graveyard, they would have easily recognized the hero, Shadow. Though, at the moment, his hood was off, and he didn’t look all too heroic cradling a bouquet of flowers to his chest. Of course, none can be too heroic standing amongst the remnants of the dead. And though he wore his hero attire, Shane Parker wasn’t here to be a hero. He was here to be alone. But not quite alone, all the same.
As he approached his destination, he took a breath, the plastic wrap around the flowers crinkling as he shifted his arms a bit. “Hey, Mom.” he said, his voice so shaky and quiet he himself could barely hear it. He could feel he was about to cry if he stayed a moment longer, but if there was ever a place to cry this was certainly it. “I was in the area, so I thought I’d drop by.” a bit louder this time. He lifted his gaze to look at his mother’s gravestone head on, lifting an arm to wipe at his tears as he tried to smile. “I brought your favorites.” he kneeled down and set the pink and white carnations before the grave, before taking a seat next to it. He wasn’t too embarrassed to admit the grass where he sat was worn away a bit.
A moment of silence hung in the air, as he tried to get a grip on the stuttering in his chest. This was a one-sided conversation between him and the two month old corpse of his mother, and the tiniest part of him felt stupid for almost expecting her to say something, expecting her to sit up and hug him to her and promise everything would be okay. Hell, his mother hadn’t been able to sit up in almost a year now, let alone hug anyone. Now was not the time to be craving something impossible to get.
“...everything seems so weird now, with you gone.” Shane said quietly. “Before, I could… I could keep going because I thought you’d get better someday, and we could be a normal family again, y’know? I think we all were hoping for that. Or maybe I was just naive. But now… its so hard. I mean, i-its always been hard, but everything feels like its piling on.”
He sighed, glancing at the grave, at the stems of the flowers he’d brought. Pink and white.
“...Alice got kicked out of ballet, and it's all my fault. I know you really wanted her to do ballet, and she loves it so much, I just… I couldn’t afford it. Haven’t been able to pay the studio in almost a year now, and they’d let it slide, but…” but enough had been enough, he supposed. But they didn’t have to be so cruel about it, did they?
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t pay this month, but I promise--” he stammered out, quiet and weak under the glare of the receptionist.
“What, you ‘promise’ to pay next month? You’ve been singing this song and dance for a year now, and I’m having a hard time believing you!” she said, tapping her pen against the record book with a scowl.
“I know, and I’m sorry, I just--I’m working as hard as I can, but--”
“If you can’t afford dance lessons, then don’t come get dance lessons!”
“If it were just for me, then I’d do it, but it's for Alice, I have to, she--”
“Well, then.” the receptionist’s voice suddenly went cold, her glare icy through her dark-framed glasses. She stood from her desk, the pen clattering to the floor. “I’m officially terminating her lessons with Miss Anne. Starting now.”
It felt like his heart skipped a beat, and for a moment he was frozen as the receptionist came around the other end of the desk and marched for the practice rooms. Then his brain kicked back into gear as he realized what she was about to do. “W-Wait, you can’t!! She has a recital in two weeks, she’s worked so hard, please--!!”
“Oh, the big recital?! Swan Lake?! In order to participate she’d need a new tutu, new slippers, new tights, a new leotard in order to match the other dancers, and you, sir, can’t even afford for her to be here! There’s certainly no way she’s going to ruin the big recital, especially if she should’ve been out of here a year ago!”
“M-Miss Greenwich, please, you have to believe I’m trying--”
Before he could try and get another word in, the receptionist threw open the door to the practice room, three dozen little faces stopping what they were doing to turn and see what was going on one by one. Forcing her way through the sea of children, she picked out a frizzy-haired little girl and grabbed her by the arm. Alice let out a shout as her nails scratched at her arm and she was yanked out of the room.
“What’s going on here, we’re in the middle of--” the ballet instructor began, pausing the music and turning to address the receptionist.
“Alice Parker hasn’t been paying the studio fees in almost a year now, Miss Anne, so her time in this class is over. Hopefully she didn’t have too big of a part, though I can’t imagine she would.” Miss Greenwich barely even turned her head as she continued her way across the room, grabbing Shane by his sleeve and dragging them both out of the dance studio entirely, practically tossing the two onto the sidewalk.
“Miss Greenwich, please--” Shane began, only to be cut off once more.
“You’re lucky I’m not calling the authorities! Your girl’s not welcome in here ever again until you can actually afford tuition, and to repay twelve months of it too! Now get off of our property before I do call the authorities, cheapskate!” and then she slammed the door in their faces, her form walking off through the frosted glass. Shane felt like time had frozen for a moment, his brain still trying to process that that had just happened, until he heard Alice start to cry beside him. He picked her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her back to their beat down pickup truck, her tears beginning to wet his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Alice.” he mumbled, hugging her tight a moment as a heavy weight bore onto his shoulders.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
He pulled at the sleeve of his cloak, just thinking about what happened made him feel incredibly… small. “She was heartbroken. But honestly, the only thing worse is that now she feels like she has to worry.” he let out a sigh. “She stopped using the lunch money I gave her… she stopped eating lunch for two weeks before I found out, she said she didn’t want to use up money we need for something else. It’s taken me forever to even convince her that it's okay for her to eat, I don’t know what to do anymore! I’m working as many jobs as I can, but with Disillusions I... “
He laid back in the grass, the bow and arrow fading into sparks of light. “Its… selfish of me, isn’t it. I could be working so much more, but I have to take off to fight villains and monsters and go to team meetings… one of my jobs even threatened to fire me if I took another unauthorized break. I can’t blame them, but I just… Disillusions is one of the only other places I feel like I’m doing something. I could stop, but… I guess I just don’t want to.” he sighed. “Stupid, right?”
Of course, he could get help through Disillusions. Ken was rich, loaded rich--his father owned one of the largest technological corporations on the globe, and sent him $500 allowances that the boy barely used. All he had to do was tell him just how bad the situation really was and Ken was near-guaranteed to throw enough money at the problem to make it not a problem anymore. He’d helped Maddi a ton already, paying to rebuild her entire treehouse home when it was destroyed in a storm and even buying her groceries every other week.
But… he was too afraid to ask. Maybe he was just too prideful to admit that he was struggling, especially to someone who’d been raised in opulent captivity for so long he barely understood what middle class even looked like. Yet… that wasn’t quite it. Honestly? He was just kind of scared of Ken.
It wasn’t hard to be. With his dark black eyes and icy demeanor, most people shied away upon seeing him. Seeing him dressed in a cloak, big angel wings out for all to see, grinning as he sliced the head off the thirtieth little monster that day only solidified the fear. Ken was typically so stoic, it was hard to tell how he felt about… almost anyone. Shane wasn’t even sure if Ken liked him--he didn’t want to ask for help from someone who possibly hated him.
But he did need help. And soon.
“If we could just join the city’s program, that’d make things so much easier, but we can’t. The Independence program only allows one person per home, and Alice is still too young to apply for her own little place through the program. If we want to stay together, we’d have to go to the orphanage… I don’t think I want to do that.” he sighed.
“...I think I’m cursed. Well, I know I’m cursed, but I think it's reaching farther than I thought.” he rested an arm over his eyes and let out yet another sigh. The curse. He’d been cursed with immortality, which gave him an interesting sideset of powers but came with the weight of knowing he’d outlive everyone he’d ever cared for. He’d never imagined he’d lose his mother so soon, but she’d gotten ill and never improved. Only declined. It had started about a year after he’d been cursed in the first place, almost to the day. Since then? It had all gone downhill, until now Shane was struggling to pay utilities on the apartment and everything around him was falling apart.
A fresh set of tears welled up in him, and he wiped at his eyes. “I don’t know if I can do this, Mom…” someone his age was never meant to go through all of this alone--hell, he felt like no one should have to go through all of this at all, let alone on their own. Everything was piling up, and it was a guarantee that the problems would keep piling on his chest as everyone fell around him until he was alone carrying the weight of lifetimes of issues. Part of him wanted to just lay there beside his mother’s grave for eternity, through wind and rain, heat or cold, let himself be buried alongside her until he didn’t have to worry about anything anymore. The life of the dead (or lack thereof) seemed rather peaceful, after all.
But he couldn’t. He had to keep going, if for nothing else, for Alice. He was all she had left, and she desperately needed him to keep going so she could even dare hope for a future of her own. He’d sworn to himself that, if nothing else kept him going, that he’d keep going for his little sister. Even if it meant running on fumes, on bare remnants of energy and self. As long as she stayed happy, he could be a bit happy too.
But he still missed his mother, desperately. It was a constant ache in his chest, like a hand was squeezing at his heart. It sucked the life, the joy out of… everything. The burning determination he felt to care for his sister and those he cared about was nearly swallowed up by a dark void of nothingness. Sometimes he wanted to just fall backwards into it, watch everything fade to black and--
No. He couldn’t think like that. Shane sat up, biting his lip, gripping the grass in hands tight. He had to stick around. He had to. He could grieve, yes, but he had to keep living. Not because he didn’t have much choice, but because he had his reasons to want to. He felt a fire burn in his heart, and knew he could find the strength, the means to go on. His fingertips glowed, orange and hot. If he was strong enough and capable enough to fight hordes of giant monsters, he could find a way out of this mess they were in.
He fought monsters with a team, didn’t he? Maybe what he needed here was a team too. He just had to ask for help. Even if it meant facing down Ken Shinigami himself, he’d do what it takes.
He stood up, turning to face the gravestone again. Aziza Parker, it read, 1978--2019. The doctors had sworn to him that she’d never stopped fighting her illness for even an instant. His mother was headstrong and determined, had been as long as he remembered, and he couldn’t help but feel like she’d just shared a bit of that strength with him. He managed the smallest of smiles, took a deep breath. “Thank you, Mom. I’ll make you proud.”
Then he teleported, vanishing in a flash of orange sparks, bright against the dying light of the sun as the stars began their reign over the sky.
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Married AgentReign gets a baby?
It happens out of the blue. Sam is sitting at work, twirling around in her chair, waiting for a call. When her phone rings, she assumes it’s Mark from accounting, but it’s not. Instead, it’s a social worker named Tina. Sam stops twirling, she holds the phone tight, concern washing over her face. “Oh god, is everything okay with Ruby?” Because this isn’t the first time Sam has dealt with social workers. When she’d first gotten pregnant, she’d dealt with them a lot. Their looks of disbelief when she’d informed them that she did plan on having the baby, and she would be okay. They suggested maternity homes, adoption, anything and everything except what Sam wanted: to be the mother she knew she could be. So now, with Tina on the phone, all Sam can think about is someone calling her to tell her that she was doing something wrong. Again. 
“Ruby? Oh, I’m sorry, is this…is this Sam Arias?” 
“Yes.” Sam’s phone is flashing, there’s another call waiting, she ignores it. 
“Great, glad I could reach you. We’ve had a hectic day here, and…I know it’s sudden, but we have a child for you. Not like “for you”, that sounds weird. More like…available? No, that’s just as bad-.”
“Tina, can you just…”
“Oh, right. We have a child here, he needs to be placed in a home, but none of our emergency foster care parents are available. This is an a…delicate situation. Usually, we’d go with a home or another method of care, but it looks like he might be needing something more permanent.” Tina sounds exhausted but hopeful. Sam is more than surprised. She’d expected this call much later. She’d expected to be able to plan ahead and get things organized. She didn’t know what to say. 
“Permanent. Like adoption?” 
“Precisely.” Sam listens as Tina shuffles around a few papers. “We’d need you and your wife to come down to CPS tonight. I know it’s sudden…”
“No, it’s…don’t worry, we’ll be there.” Sam sounds much more confident than she actually feels. She hangs up and suddenly, she’s at a complete loss for what to do next. She has to get Ruby. They have to wash sheets and remove Ruby’s equipment from the guest room. She should probably talk to Alex too, that was the main thing. Sam grabs her jacket and jogs out of her office, right to Lena’s. She throws open the door and skids to a stop right in front of Lena’s desk. “We might be getting a baby, I need you to pick up Ruby.” 
“Holy shit.” Lena grins. “I’m on it. Call me if you need anything.” Sam couldn’t love Lena more. Sam waves to Jess on her way to the elevator and she can feel her heart rate increasing all the way down to the parking garage. What if they’re not ready for this? They’ve only been married for two years, what if Alex is only good with Ruby? What if Sam has forgotten how to deal with a baby. They were both busy people, this would change everything for them. 
When the elevator doors open, Alex is standing there. Sam latches onto her like a leech. She feels like one too. Soaking in all of Alex’s warmth, that breezy smell that always accompanies her wife after she’s driven her bike; all is good at that moment. Everything is calm and Sam isn’t afraid anymore, just giddy, and ready. “They called me too.” Alex doesn’t sound frightened. Sam can’t seem to find it in herself to let Alex go. “I can’t believe it. It’s so soon.” Sam does let go now, she needs to look at Alex’s face, to ask her the one thing that’s been plaguing her joy. 
“Are we ready for this?” She hadn’t been ready for Ruby. She struggled more than she cares to admit. She had friends who were her crutch, she didn’t take care of herself in the ways that she wanted to. She didn’t want to feel that way again. 
“We want this so bad, Sam, but I wouldn’t put our needs in front of a child’s. I’ve got enough vacation time to significantly cut my work hours, Ruby will love helping out. This kid is going to have the most loving family in all of history. We are ready for this.” All Sam needs is that reassurance before they get into her car and start driving to CPS. “I should be saying thank you. To you and Ruby.” 
“You both taught me so much about what it means to be a parent. It’s tough, but it’s also the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
“It comes naturally to you, Alex.”
Things get quiet for a moment. Alex drumming her fingers against the dashboard and Sam trying not to combust. They’ll laugh about how quiet and shy they are about this whole thing later, but for now, possibilities are running through their minds like wildfire and neither of them really seems like they know how to much out loud. “Ready?” Sam asks Alex as they park. The lot is half empty, and it seems crazy that the only thing standing between them and a new child in their lives is a tall office building in the middle of the city. Alex nods and they get out of the car. 
Sam holds Alex’s hand as they walk toward the building. Sam suddenly feels this gut-wrenching fear about maybe…not being good enough. What if this kid hates her? What if they do something wrong and ruin everything? Sam has to remind herself, that they aren’t getting a kid, they’re getting a baby, and that’s a good place to start. 
Then they enter CPS and it’s buzzing. Alex is about to go up to the receptionist and ask where they can find Tina, but Sam has already found her. She’s sitting down a hallway sharing gummy worms with a boy. Not a baby. A boy. Probably, eight or nine. Sam’s brain short circuits, but Alex nudges her side and gives her the most loving smile in the world. “Oh my god, isn’t he just perfect!” And he is. Tina waves them over, she looks every bit as tired as she sounded on the phone, but this boy doesn’t. He actually looks thrilled to see new people and he immediately holds out the package of gummy worms toward Alex and Sam. “I’m Toby, do you want gummies?” Alex would never say no to sweets and neither would Sam, so while Tina is rushing to her office to grab the paperwork, Sam, Alex, and Toby sit in the middle of the dingy hallway eating gummy worms and trading smiles. 
It’s the most ridiculous situation Sam has ever been in, and also one of the best. Toby looks between them for a second. “Are you gonna be my new family?” 
Sam and Alex look at each other. This is new. A fresh beginning that’s going to be full of surprises and a chaotic mess of paperwork and clothes shopping and teaching Ruby how to set a good example for the newest member of their family. It’s going to be more friend dates with James, Winn, and J’onn to show Toby what it means to be a good man. It’s going to be late night hot chocolate and cuddles on the couch. It’s going to be wonderful. “Yes, yes we are.” 
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tydelwve · 6 years
Spend It All On You {ch. 4}
Pairing: Calum Hood x fem! reader
Word Count: 2163
Warnings: nun too deep lmao fluff
Series Summary: what happens when one of the hottest bass players in the world offers to be your sugar daddy?
Author’s Note: you knew it’s a collab w my girl faye ( @thesensationalcalum ) Feedback is always appreciated! enjoy xx
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•Calum’s POV•
I couldn’t wipe the grin off of my face when I got home yesterday. Y/N was amazing. Just spending those few hours with her made my entire day. As soon as I walked out of my bedroom, I noticed Ashton laying on my couch.
I walked to the kitchen, made a cup of coffee, and asked, “What are you even doing here?”
“You left early at the club, you weren’t here yesterday, and it’s noon now. I’m just making sure you’re alive,” he joked.
I rolled my eyes and plopped on the couch near him. “I was out with Y/N.”
“Y/N? The girl from the club?”
I looked down with a grin on my face and nodded.
Ashton leaned forward, excitedly questioning, “Do you like her? Are you going to be a thing?”
“We’re just friends, Ashton. She made that clear yesterday.”
Ashton shrugged, “That doesn’t mean it can’t turn into more.”
“We’re leaving on Thursday, Ashton. I doubt I’d ever see her again once we get back home,” I sighed and ran a frustrated hand through my hair.
“Call her. Hang out with her tomorrow. Tell her that you don’t want your friendship or whatever it is to end. I know you, Calum; and, you’re going to regret not taking a chance with her.”
Ashton was right. If I left without at least trying to maintain our friendship, I would probably hate myself next week.
She’s like no one I’ve ever met before. Somehow she’s still single. This angel is walking among earth with no one on her arm. What made her chose to stay single? I’d be lying if I said I didn’t notice the guys that would ogle at her whenever she walked by.
I was one of them. I just had the courage to talk to her unlike the others.
I pulled out my phone and called her as my heart pounded in my chest.
“Hello?” She questioned.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m actually going to be heading back to California soon-- by soon, I mean Thursday. I was wondering if you’d like to get lunch again before I go?” I rambled. Ashton softly chuckled, and I shot him a look to shut up.
“Uhm, yeah sure. What time is good for you?”
“How does tomorrow sound?”
“Tomorrow is great, I'm guessing you’re gonna pick me up?”
I laughed, “Of course, I am. Chivalry isn’t dead, yet, Y/N.”
She giggled, “Okay, see ya then.”
We both hung up as Ashton raised an eyebrow at me. “You did something. You just look like you planned something. What did you do?”
“I just ordered her some flowers and a fruit assortment. Nothing too major.”
“Nothing too major? Calum, you’ve never done that for any of your exes. She’s special. Admit it.” ~~~ I hit the buzzer for her room and she answered,“Yes?”
“Hey, its Calum.” I didn’t notice how nervous I was until it became too hard for me to say my own name.
“Okay, come on up.” She hit the button to give me access to her floor. I was let in by Alex. It wasn’t hard to tell the she was extremely drunk and even more flirty.
“She will be right out, can i get you something?” Alex questioned.
I gave her a small smile, shook my head, and leaned up against the kitchen counter, “No, I'm good. thank you though.” As I looked around at the apartment, I could definitely tell it was a girls apartment. Purple walls, their fridge decorated with magnets, and the decoration surrounding the walls. It was a warm and welcoming environment.
I guess I could say that their home had its own personality. I felt at home there, safe and comforted by the stillness and soft hum of the buzzing streets. I glance around the kitchen and notice  the stack of money that I left the first night I was here.
I tilted my head, trying to make sense of why it was still there. Maybe I was too forward.
Did she take it the wrong way? Was she insulted by it?
I didn’t mean to make her mad. I just wanted to do something nice and take care of her.
I couldn’t register what emotions were going through me. Part of me was disappointed, but another part was confused as to why it hadn’t been spent. “Hey! you ready?” she asked, walking over to the kitchen table to grab her purse.
She was stunning. She didn’t even have to try to take my breath away. Sometimes I wondered how someone as beautiful as her existed. I snapped out of my daze and responded,  “Yes! And you look very good today.”
She blushed at my comment, and I couldn’t help the sense of pride I felt to have an affect on her. “Bye lex!” She shouted, turned around, and closed the door. “So, where would you like to go?”
We  started to make our way towards the stairs, “I was thinking that we could go to that new sandwich place a couple blocks down? I passed by and i thought you would like it.” “Oh! Are you talking about Wally’s?” She waves to Sandy and they walk out into the crisp fall wind.
I nodded,  “Yeah, Michael says it’s great. He took Crystal there on one of their first dates. Not that- this is a date. Or, anything,” I rambled. My cheeks heated up as Y/n giggled at my words. It was like i was a teenager all over again. I didn’t like it one bit. No girl has had this affect on me in a long time.
As we stood in line, she slightly turned to ask me, “What are you thinking of order-“
“You’re Calum Hood, aren’t you?” She was cut off from a random voice off to the right.
I let out a sigh of a little annoyance.
Could I get just one day of peace? I just want to go out in public and not get mobbed nor bombarded by fans.I love all of my fans. I just wish sometimes i got the quiet moments in public.
I took a picture with the fan and requested, “Hey, could you not, tell anyone about this? We’re just friends but i don't want this getting out of hand.” The fan nodded, and I hoped she understood.
Saying that we were just friends out loud made me realize how slim of a chance that I had to make this anything more.
“Of course, thanks again for the picture!” I kindly smiled and turned my full attention to Y/N.
“Sorry about that.” I quickly apologized and pulled out my wallet.
“I’ll pay for mine, don't worry.” She protested.
I shook my head and smiled,  “No its fine. Let me, we probably aren't gonna see each other for a while. What do you want?”
She quickly scanned the menu and answered, “Just get me a BLT, no mayo. I’m gonna go find us a table.”
I nodded as she walked away and stepped towards the counter. “What can I get for you, sir?”
“Just two BLTs . Both with a side of fries please.”
“That’ll be $16.42. Can I get a name for the order?”
“Hood.” I handed her a twenty out of my wallet and let her keep the change. After getting the receipt, I walked over to the booth Y/N chose. I slid into the other side of the booth and awkwardly smiled as she looked up at me. “So..”
The both of us bursted into fits of laughter to break the awkwardness. “So i don't really know that much, about you. i mean, we did have sort of a date yesterday, but i think i did all the talking. Like I'm doing right now.” There I go again, rambling like an idiot.
She smiled, looking down at her hands. I made her do that. I was the reason she felt flustered.
I’ll mark that off my mental checklist again.
“Okay, well. There isn't that much to know if I'm being honest. I am not that interesting,” she softly replied.
I rested my chin on my hand, “Come on. There has to be something.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “Well. I’m from Queens, i’m an only child, uhh, i went to NYU, and now i work at central perk, and I'm a receptionist at Taylor and Hill day spa.” She tapped her fingers on the wooden table,
I playfully rolled my eyes, “When you put it like that, it sounds way boring. C’mon, just tell me a few stories.” They called my name for the order, and i went to receive it and bring it back to the booth. I placed both of our sandwiches down before getting rid of the tray and sliding across from her. “Okay. Story time. You tell one, i tell one,” I announced.
Y/n took a bite of her sandwich and sighed. “Oh! well, when i was seven, i was going to my aunt’s house, and up to this point i had really wanted a turtle. So, we were driving and there was a huge turtle in the middle of the road. So, we pulled over, found a box in the back of our car and we kept it. And three days later, it ran away.”  
“You’re lying. How could a turtle run away? They can’t even run!” I argued.
She ate another fry and shrugged her shoulders, “I don't know! One day Tina was there, and the next Tina was gone.”
I laughed and muttered, “Tina the turtle, that is amazing.” I dipped a fry in ketchup and sighed, “Well, before i tell you a story, i have a question. Were you offended about the money?” She took a swig of her water and sat it down.
“I saw it laying on your counter.” She sighed. I could tell that she didn’t know how to answer my question.
“Well, I wasn't offended, i was just… caught off guard, i guess. I didn't expect you to give me twelve thousand dollars. Who would though?”
I nodded. She had a point. I’d probably be caught of guard if a person I just met gave me a lump sum of money the same night. “You're right. But do with it as you please.” I suggested.
I wish I could have avoided the silence that followed. I’m a fucking idiot. Why didn’t I think of how sketchy it would be to receive money from someone who is basically a stranger?
“That’s the thing, i don't know what to do with it. I personally, would feel wrong using it. Because in a way, you gave it to me out of pity. So that’s where I am. I know for sure Alex wouldn't have a problem using it.”
“Why would you feel wrong using it?” Calum asked, slightly intrigued.
That’s what I am afraid of-- turning her way and making her not want to hang out with me. I may have single handedly ruined any chance I have with Y/N. I don’t want to lose her over this money bullshit.
“Because…you felt bad because of my situation and because you do have lots of money, you decided to give me some. Don’t feel bad, please. I can’t stand it when people feel bad, especially when i am on the other end of it.” In all honesty, I didn’t know how to respond to that. I would love to say that she wasn’t right, but a part of me knew that she was a little. I did feel bad, but that wasn’t the only reason I gave it to her.
“I gave you that money because you don’t deserve to be swamped with bills. Y/N, you’re brilliant, beautiful, and a lot of other amazing adjectives. You deserve to live happy and carefree. Or at least spend a little money on yourself.” I tried to explain.
“Well. thank you for the offer, but I don’t want it. Yes, I may be struggling, but that doesn’t change what makes me happy. It actually makes me value the good times more. Maybe you should try it,” she shrugged.
I snorted, “Try it? What do you mean?”
She leaned forward. “You’ve been on the scene for a while, Calum. You’re used to buying expensive things and extravagant gifts. If you can go a month without buying anything extremely overpriced, then I’ll consider using the money. Life’s about the moments.”
She had to be crazy. I’m not obsessed with money. Sure, it’s nice to not have to worry about how much something is, but I definitely don’t have an attachment to it.
Me, being the cocky bitch I thought I was, responded, “I can definitely do that. I’ll send you cheap little gifts to prove it.”
She smirked and leaned back, “oh, this’ll be fun.”
If only I knew how fun it was actually going to be.
tags: @yuki01 @friendly-neighborhood-michelle @cosmixcalum @calum-hoodwinked-me @babylonshood @monster-among-michael @ashtxns-hxe @d3adrxses @annas-flat-ass @cocktail-calum @hopelessxcynic @cinnabearice @cgizzleswizzles @the-girl-criedwolf @uncrowned-cal @youngblood199456 @therainydays4 @alotof1dlove @calumamongmen @lmao5sosimagines
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jjakhosh · 6 years
Chapter 8
Word count: 1.1k
Today we managed to take down the respected empire of the Ohs. I guess they aren’t very respected now. Seungcheol threw, yet another, party to celebrate our latest infiltration but as always, it was only celebrated by the thirteen of us. The Ohs are facing much outrage and backlash in the public; they deserved it, though. Mistreatment of employees and land grabbing—they deserve it all. I’m glad we took them down.
The Shinhwa group of company is by far the hardest to infiltrate. They have the latest and high end maximum security that Wonwoo couldn’t even hack in hours. It took him a week and I can tell that it hurt his pride. Seungcheol was very hot-headed during this operation; always putting his anger out on us but mostly on poor Chan. Sometimes, when he gets too much, I’d stand up for Chan. However, as always, we succeeded no matter how hard they are to infiltrate. From the many years that we have been doing this, there is one thing that we know: even the strongest dragon has a weakness.
I met this girl. Her name is Y/N. She reminds me of my mother and that’s why I feel so protective of her. She’s on my mind a lot, lately and the gang has been noticing it. Sometimes, they would leave me alone but other times, they would ask me what’s wrong. I couldn’t tell them about Y/N otherwise they would interfere and make her life miserable than it already is (hopefully, I am wrong about my assumptions and her life isn’t miserable). Even just thinking about her brings her into grave danger as I am breaking rule number two: do not get distracted. But I can’t control my thoughts and they would always drift towards her.
If there is one family I hated the most than mine, it would have to be the Mins. I just hate them so much for everything they do. Their fake affection towards the public and all the dirt behind their prestige. Fucking finally we are ruining them. Sometimes, I would feel guilty about our infiltrations but with them? To hell with guilt; I wanna ruin them so badly. And their heir? Yoongi? Well, he will surely have the time of his life once he learns that there will be no company to preside over nor balls to throw every year. The Mins is our latest infiltration and I am ready to crush them.
Soonyoung is in distress. He could not find his diary. It wasn’t in his suitcase when he left the hotel and he could have sworn that he brought it to the hotel when he stayed there and packed it along with his clothes. Yet, it is nowhere to be seen.
He has already destroyed, for the lack of better term, his apartment trying to look for the black leather bound diary but there is no sign. Then, it dawns upon him that maybe, maybe, he left it at the hotel. The possibility makes him yell in frustration. It can’t be—it just can’t! That diary holds his every thought about their infiltrations and if someone takes ahold of it, Young Gods and not only him will be doomed. Sure, since they came from wealthy backgrounds, they could easily deny it but how will that differ them from those they have struck?
Soonyoung punches the wall out of anger. You’re so fucking stupid, Soonyoung!
He needs his diary back. Something stirs inside him. He needs his diary back and he is willing to do anything to get it back and protect their organization.
You stayed up all night reading the entries in Soonyoung’s diary. With every flip of page, you felt guilty. Those were Soonyoung’s thoughts and you felt so bad invading them.
But it wasn’t even half as evil as Soonyoung and his friends’ doing, a voice in your mind says.
You can’t help but feel disappointed. It never crossed your mind that someone like Soonyoung would be part of Young God aka the most feared mafia in Asia but here his diary, in your lap, spilling everything about the organization. You sigh, closing the diary and rubbing your face with your hands in exhaustion. Thank god it’s your day off and Sohye’s at work.
The Min ball!
Soonyoung’s last entry was about them. They are their latest infiltration. You guess that they are probably going to do it during the ball.
Suddenly, you feel scared and the diary becomes heavy on your lap. You could easily report them to the police but why? In some twisted way, you actually understand their goal: they want the public to know the truth behind these big corporations, their dirt and you understand that. Hell, you are even thankful. In your mind, you picture them as Robin Hood.
But there are so many other ways to expose them, to reveal the truth...
But how?
You thought you’d finally have a peaceful life, a new life but here you are, stuck in the middle of something you never wished for and it’s all because of that damned Kwon Soonyoung.
I deserve peace, you tell yourself. I deserve to start a new life.
And with the newfound courage, you get up from your bed and borrow one of Sohye’s many coats, wear and it and head out of the door, clutching Soonyoung’s diary close to your chest.
You aren’t going to put yourself in this mess.
Soonyoung marches towards the reception desk. “Hi, Kwon Soonyoung and I need a key to Room 1489. I left something very important there.”
The receptionist is stunned at the sight of the heir of the Kwon Group. However, she is fast over the starstruck and replies, “I’m sorry but I’m afraid that someone is already occupying that room.”
Soonyoung chuckles darkly. “I really have no time so just give me the damn key and I’ll leave a generous amount of money for you, sweetie.”
The receptionist scoffs. “I’m sorry but no amount of money will make me give you the key to Room 1489, Mr. Kwon. Have a good day.”
Soonyoung clenches his jaw. He leans forward. “Listen,” He reads her name tag. “Sohye, sweetie, you really want to give that key to me or else I have to do it the hard way.”
Sohye smiles sweetly at him. “I do like a challenge, sir.”
“Y/N! Will you please go and fetch our Manager and security.”
Soonyoung’s eyes widen and he turns around. Their eyes met and for a moment, his heart jumps at the sight of you but when he starts taking in all of you, he sees something that makes his blood boil—his diary in your hand.
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kinetic-empathy · 6 years
At The Pleasure of the President
I did it. I wrote the Oval Office Nine-Nine AU. 
If I’m being honest, I wrote this really quickly and haven’t actually read through it, so there is a chance that its trash and out of character, but hey, I wrote it, and that’s what counts.
This is really just supposed to serve as the introduction to the AU; hopefully, if I’m actually motivated to continue, I can work more with the characters and make them more, well... in character.
Well, with no further ado, I give you all the first entry of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine West Wing AU that literally nobody asked for.
It was the yogurt. That was the only explanation. The day could have been great had it started with a cup of yogurt.
             But no, Terry Jeffords, Chief of Staff to the President of the United States of America, had no yogurt to start out the day with, and really, it all went downhill from there. Between trying to get Cagney and Lacey to school, making sure Sharon had her coffee before she had the opportunity to kill anyone, trying to ignore whatever mess his deputy had gotten himself into, and not having any damn yogurt, there was one thing that really set the ball rolling on this downhill, horrible day.
             Terry’s pager, which had to have been out just to mock him, went off, giving one horrible, dreaded message:
 Velvet Thunder in fencing accident. Come to office.
               “Jake, Jake, Jake,” the woman said, walking up to the counter at Starbucks. “You need more finesse. You need more pizzazz. You need to give the press the ol’ Razzle Dazzle to really get them on your good side. And as much as I love you, you just don’t have that Ol’ Razzle Dazzle. Grande Iced Latte with extra whip for me and a venti black coffee with five sugars for this sad sack of boring,” she finished to the barista.
             Jake opened his mouth to respond, but the woman cut him off. “Jakey-poo, you may try and dazzle everyone, but you just haven’t learned how yet. And that’s why you’re just the Deputy Chief of Staff, and I’m Gina Linetti, Press Secretary extraordinaire.”
             “Just the Deputy Chief of Staff?” Jake exclaimed, taking his coffee from the barista. “Well excuse me, Miss Linetti, lets not forget who got you the job as Press Secretary extraordinaire. Just the Deputy Chief of Staff,” he pouted.
             Gina took it all in stride. “Hon, you got me a job on the campaign trail for a nobody Senator from New York. Without me, you all were nothing.”
             For a moment, Jake stuttered over an attempted response (“Lacking the Razzle-Dazzle, there,” Gina commented), but both were interrupted by the shrill beeps of their pagers.
             “Well, it looks like it’s time for me to give the press the Ol’ Razzle Dazzle,” Gina said, taking off ahead of Jake, destination set. When she was on a mission, there was no stopping her.
             Jake, taking longer to read, process, and react than Gina, was left behind, spluttering out responses to three different statements.
             “He’s not – I did – I do too have Razzle Dazzle! I can definitely Razzle Dazzle them! I can Razzle Dazzle them ALL!”
               A typo.
             There was a typo. In the New York Times.
             And it wasn’t just an article in the New York Times, no.
             It was a typo in the crossword puzzle of the New York Times.
             And Amy Santiago was not having it.
             “Do you know who you’re talking to? Do you know who I am? I don’t care if you’re ‘just a receptionist,’ I don’t care if you have nothing to do with the editing of the paper, I am the Deputy Communications Director of the White House, yes, that White House, and I assure you, mister, I can track you down, and I will make sure you never – oh, please hang on one second.”
Amy groaned as she read the message that was just sent to her pager.
Picking up the phone again, she stated, “I apologize for my inability to finish this phone call right now, as I have to go deal with an emergency at The White House, where I work, with the President of the United States, but I assure you, this is not the last you will be hearing from me. Thank you for your time.”
Velvet Thunder was in a fencing accident, and that, for the moment, was more important than a typo in the New York Times crossword puzzle.
               Rosa’s not sure if it’s the nature of her job, or if it’s just her as a human being, but whatever it is that makes everyone leap out of her way in fear as she strides through the hallways of the White House, she’s very grateful for it. Moving forward at a pace much faster than anyone who didn’t work for the Federal Government would consider walking, she makes her way up to her target.
             “A fencing accident?” She asks. “Really?”
             Terry just sighs, falling into step alongside his Communications Director.
             “That’s what he’s saying it is, but after all, it is Holt.”
             “Yeah, he could’ve been stabbed through the wrist with a machete and still be referring to it as a ‘fencing accident’,” another voice chimed in as Jake met up with Terry and Rosa. “What’s our official statement on this, anyway?”
             The group turned the corner into Rosa’s office, where she immediately sat down and started typing.
             “Well first of all, it’s not our statement,” she said, “it’s mine and Gina’s, and you’re not allowed anywhere near it, less you decide that you need to punch someone in the face again. Don’t even try to defend yourself,” she added as Jake opened his mouth to do just that. Terry’s face was saying that same thing that Rosa’s words were.
             “Gina’s going to brief the Press in about 2 minutes. Amy’s going to be in with meetings all morning to fix your mess with Brogan and the rest of his people,” Terry shot at Jake, “You get to go figure out why the FDA is taking so long to get the new food pyramid drafted, and Terry is going to go clean up all of the messes that you crazy kids keep getting yourself into!”
             For his part, Jake at least had the notion to look vaguely embarrassed at that, even if Jimmy Brogan had deserved what he got.
             “Everyone, get to work. Try not to punch any other important committee leaders in the face until the President gets back.”
               Gina Linetti is great at a lot of things, and she’s definitely not afraid to say that. And the White House Press Room? That is her jam. She has great hair, and she loves spinning the truth in her favor; she was made for this job. For all of the work, all of the scandals, all of the general insanity that a job at the White House entails, there is nothing that any woman could love more than getting up behind that podium and giving the Press Corps the most important quality for any Press Secretary to have: the ol’ Razzle Dazzle.
             “The President, while at his home in New York, was doing a routine fencing practice in which he just so happened to twist his wrist. After a brief visit to the Doctor’s, I can tell you that it is no more than a sprain, and President Holt will be back to blow your minds faster than you can write your little articles on how long he’ll be out. Questions? Yes, Diane.”
             “Will the President’s injury interfere with his ability to do his job?”
             “Well Diane, seeing as the President is ambidextrous, and we have these wonderful inventions called computers, I do believe that, barring any more epees coming in his direction, he will still be able to do his job far better than you’re able to do yours. Next question?”
               Razzle Dazzle ‘em.
 “Jake! Jake! Did you hear about the President? Is he okay? Oh, I hope he’s okay, because if he’s not that would make everyone’s jobs a whole lot harder, especially yours. And then the country would fall into a state of ruin and we’ll be invaded by Canada and I’ll have to sell my dogs in order to afford maple syrup and-”
             “Charles. Chill.”
             Jake Peralta and Charles Boyle went way back. They really were best friends, and there was no one else that Jake would trust to be his “Deputy’s Deputy.” But sometimes, it was a little much.
             “Obviously, the President got his head stuck in a guillotine and the entire country is in a state of panic. It’s why everyone is freaking out so much,” Jake said, gesturing to the surprisingly calm bullpen.
             Charles nodded in understanding.
             “Right, you’re right, I’m overreacting. But a fencing accident? President Holt seems far too well-toned and agile to do something so silly as to twist his wrist while fencing.”
             As Jake nodded in agreement, Charles added, “by the way, Amy was looking for you. Something about a meeting with Jimmy Brogan?”
               Jimmy Brogan was about as much of a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, any other type of phobic, gun-toting, capitalism-loving, women-hating, antisemitic Republican as you could get.
             It never ceased to impress the Staff that this man was the Chair of the House Ethics Committee.
             And Amy was dealing with the aftermath of him having been punched in the face by none other than the Deputy Chief of Staff himself.
             The incident had, for the most part, been taken care of. At this point, Amy was just trying to clear up any final misconceptions, which was turning out to be a lot more difficult than it should have been as she was facing stubborn pig-headedness from both sides of the argument.
             “You know, Peralta” Amy said, “had you been able to get your head out of your ass just this once, you could have avoided a whole slough of problems for The President. And myself, for that matter. But no, you just had to overreact, and now we’re trying to convince the entire Right Wing that we’re not a bunch of hot-headed idiots who think with our fists instead of our heads.”
             “Pssh, says the girl who traumatized the receptionist and the New York Times this morning,” Jake responded.
             “There was a typo! It was unprofessional, unacceptable, and irredeemable!”
             “Unprofessional, unacceptable, and irredeemable, title of your sex tape.”
             “Yes, okay, coolcoolcool, I get it. Punching the guy was a bad move.”
             “A bad move? You’re lucky you still have a job, Jake!”
             “And I am incredibly grateful towards Terry for not firing me, Amy, I really am, but do I really have to work out a compromise with this guy? He used about four different slurs in one statement.”
             Amy sank back into her desk chair and put her head in her hands.
             “I wanted a job at the White House, and instead I’m working with infants,” she muttered. “Yes Jake, you have to work out a compromise with this guy. He’s not pressing charges, you still have a job, and really, it’s not even a compromise, you just have to apologize to him. I have a binder for the entire process right here.”
             “A binder?” Jake laughed. “You have a binder, that you already had prepared, for what the hypothetical process would be if a member of the President’s Senior Staff was to punch an asshole Republican in the face.”
             “It never hurts to be prepared,” Amy replied. “I like binders. And if the President has binders for everything, why can’t I?”
               “Yo, Charles, where’s Jake?”
             Charles jumped in surprise, but quickly pulled himself together as he responded, “Oh hi, Rosa! I was so busy organizing Jake’s messages that I didn’t see you coming!”
             “Yeah, that doesn’t answer my question,” Rosa replied. “Where is he?”
             “He’s in a meeting with Amy. Something about Jimmy Brogan, I guess they’re still going on with that? They must have a meeting with him later today, I bet Jake’s going to… okay, bye Rosa!”
               “He punched me in the face!”
             Amy tried to repress another sigh; Jake wasn’t even trying to stop looking smug.
             “Yes, Mr. Brogan, he did do that,” Amy said, “but he, as well as every member of the President’s Senior Staff, has apologized multiple times, and we will continue to express just how sorry we are for Mr. Peralta’s actions. However, as you were spewing profanities about the President at the time, your office already agreed not to press charges of any sort.”
             Jake snorted. “Spewing profanities is a bit of an understatement, is it not?”
             This, of course, just made Brogan angrier than he was before.
             “I’m being punished for speaking my mind?” he shouted, spit spewing across the room. Jake couldn’t help but think that this is the kind of man who existed purely to help political cartoonists make a living. “I don’t know what your mamby-pamby, soft-hearted, safe-space needing President has taught you, but we have this little thing called the First Amendment. Do you know what that says?”
“’Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” a new, powerful voice said, “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.’ Unless, of course, my 8th grade Social Studies teacher taught me incorrectly, in which case, I believe we need to place more emphasis on our country’s education. Do you agree, Amy?”
As the President walked into the room, the entire atmosphere changed. Raymond Holt was a man who could command a room before saying a word. He was a leader in all possible ways, and even with his arm in a sling, he emanated more power than any average man could even imagine to behold.
As Amy nodded in response to his question, Holt continued.
“Now, Mr. Brogan, if I’m correct, you’re referring to the Freedom of Speech part of this amendment. A great addition, if I do say so myself. It is nice to know that neither I nor you can be imprisoned due to something that we say, no matter how vile or insulting it may be. Now, it is an insult to this beautiful amendment to paint it in the sort of light that it allows someone to, for lack of a better term, be as ass to another person. Freedom of Speech does not excuse the offensive verbiage that flows out of your mouth, it only makes it so you cannot be imprisoned for it.
Now, as far as I’m concerned Mr. Peralta and Ms. Santiago have already apologized profusely on not just their own behalves, but on mine as well. And if you want to avoid the President of the United States filing a lawsuit for slander, I believe it would be in your best interest to accept the apology and leave it at that. Am I clear?”
“Yes, Mr. President, sir,” Brogan responded.
“Well,” Jake said, not even attempting to disguise the look of joy on his face, “I do believe that everyone here is a-okay good to go, so uh… see you never, Jimbo!”
“Jacob,” Holt reprimanded.
“Yeah, sorry again. Have a good day!”
After quite literally showing Brogan and his people the door, Holt took a seat and addressed the two staffers in the room.
“Amy, thank you for seeing this through. If you would please let Terry know that the situation has been taken care of, that would be appreciated.”
Amy jumped to her feet, proclaiming, “Sir, yes sir!”
“Unnecessary, Santiago.”
“Yes, sir, sorry, sir,” Amy responded, tripping over her feet as she ran out of the room, leaving Jake and the President behind, one laughing, and the other merely watching her leave with a blank expression on his face.
As Jake finished laughing, the President prepared himself for what he was going to say next. He had always admired Jake’s ability to have fun and still get the job done incredibly well, but sometimes, his lack of professionalism severely damaged the image that those who may not know him as well have of him.
As Raymond was just about to start speaking, Jake beat him to the punch.
“Sir, I really am sorry about what went down. I was very wrong to hit him like that, I just…I don’t know. The way he was talking about you like you were just some gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe, and then the slurs he was using, I just… I couldn’t take it anymore. I’m sorry, sir.”
For as goofy as laid back as Jake Peralta could be, Holt also knew that he was one of the most emotional people he had ever met. And as draining as that could be, it was something that he would always appreciate about his Deputy Chief of Staff.
“Jake,” he said, “you don’t need to apologize to me. I want to thank you for doing what you did. It’s people like you who are going to spark the change that this country needs.”
“Well sir,” Jake said, “that’s how we do it in the West Wing. Make the country a better place, and look good doing it.”
               “Jacob, one more thing.”
             “Yes, sir?”
             “Do you want to know how I really hurt my wrist?”
             “I was hula-hooping. The First Gentleman and I attend a class for fitness and for fun.”
             “Oh my God.”
             “I’ve mastered all the moves. The pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion, the oopsie-doodle.”
             “Why are you telling me this?”
             “Because no one will ever believe you.”
             “…you sick son of a bitch.”
             “That’s President Sick Son of a Bitch to you.”
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justmyluckff · 7 years
Chapter 45: You’re The One
“We’ve had our ups and downs but I gotta have you around.” (Third person perspective)
Christopher and Amber walked in the towering building hand in hand. They were greeted by a blonde haired receptionist.
“Hi Amber you must be here to see Dr Graham?”
Amber simply nods her head before following the young lady down the narrow hallway. The group of three make a left turn at the end of the hallway and walk into an office decorated with plaques and prestigious awards. The couple is told to be seated.
Christopher is becoming nervous at this point. He hasn’t been to a therapist in over three years. The first time he saw one was under his mother’s orders. He was really depressed when Amber vanished and he didn’t know how to cope.
“Are you ok baby?” Amber strokes the top of his exposed knees.
This is his moment to tell the truth about everything he’s had bottled up for years. The resentment he had towards her was evident but no one truly knew to what extent it traveled.
“I’m fine Giselle.”
Dr. Graham walks in humming a cheerful tone. He shakes the hand of Christopher and gives Amber a friendly nod.
“Chris I’m glad that you are joining us today. You are always the primary topic of conversation and the cause of majority of her pain.”
Chris shifts in his seat uncomfortably. He didn’t like the vibe of Dr. Graham or what he was insinuating about their relationship.
“You don’t know shit about me.” Chris defends himself from his accusations.
“I only know what she’s told me. So help me understand who you are.”
“If she’s been in here for months acting like all I’ve done is hurt her than she’s full of shit and lies. I love her more than I love my damn self.”
“I never said you didn’t love me I was just unsure at times.”
“What the hell were you were unsure about? Please help me understand.”
“I think what she’s saying is that at times your behavior confused her.” The therapist grants clarification Chris didn’t ask for.
“I’m not talking to you homey she can speak for her damn self.”
Chris turns to face Amber. She sees the pain lingering in his big brown eyes.
“I just feel like you hurt me a lot baby. Sometimes you did it with no remorse.”
“And you didn’t hurt me over the years? You’ve been perfect patty through this whole fucking ordeal?”
Chris releases a mocking laugh as he sways his head back and forth. Pain is all she’s caused him hell that she be in her middle name.
“You have this man thinking I ruined your life or something when all I did was love you from day one. Since day one of guiding light my life has been all about you with zero complaints but of course I get no credit for that.
You caused people to hate me, my fans turned their backs on me and I never gave a fuck. You want to talk about Pain? I carried your burdens and mines since the beginning. I never allowed you to take ownership for the shit you did. I took everything to the chin from my heart. You abandoned me and killed my child.
And even then I still loved you. I tried to fucking kill myself because you were gone. Do you know how many fucking nights Mijo found me passed out from trying to take my life? I thought if you didn’t want me I had no purpose in this world. Don’t tell me shit about pain. You had this man thinking I just broke you when I’m the one who’s broken and needs saving.
Do you know it got so bad that I couldn’t work, eat or sleep. After everything I tried to hate you but I couldn't because I loved you that much. You will always occupy the space in my heart. I’ll fucking die for you and sometimes it scares me because I don’t know if you’ll do the same.
If this man pulled out a gun right now I would rise up but I think that you will take a few seconds to ponder on your decision. I love you without logic reasoning I’ll go to the end of the fucking earth for you even after everything so when you question my love that bothers me baby.”
Chris nose is flaring and tears are escaping his eyes. Tears that he’s held in for years. Tears he was always afraid to shed because he wanted to be strong for both parties involved. He was the hero in this love story the men wearing armor have no time for tears. Amber stares at him with an apologetic glare she never knew he felt those things.
She never took his feelings into consideration. Deep down she felt he had an obligation to her because he made it that way from day one. He was everything to her and she wasn’t even half of that.
“I’m sorry Maurice. I never meant to cause you pain and damage you the way I did. I don’t deserve you.”
“You do deserve me you’re my better half.”
“How am I your better half after everything I did?” She sniffles.
Chris grabs a few tissues and begins dabbing at her reddened eyes. Dr. Graham is impressed at the selfless behavior Chris displays. This young man truly loves this woman.
“You are a mirror reflection of me. You are the mother of my child. And though you’ve made mistakes you are amazing. You have been supportive since day one. You were there for me during trials in my life when I needed a friend. You love me in spite of my flaws.
We will never be perfect but we’re perfect for each other. It seems like a very complicated love but its only meant for us to understand. Just because you’re hurt doesn’t mean love automatically flies out of the window. That’s not how love works baby. You have amazing qualities I see my future in your eyes.”
Dr. Graham snakes his head towards the ticking clock on his wall. It appears time for this couple’s session has run it’s course.
“Hey guys time has run out but if you two like we can make this a regular thing.”
Chris looks to Amber who’s staring out in space.
“Yes we’d like that.”
Chris response shocks Amber. He wasn’t lying when he said he was in it to win it this time. They needed everything to be placed on the table before the little one arrived.
Over the course of the next few months Chris and Amber frequented therapy, each time felt better than the last. Those sessions not only made them stronger as a couple but also tested their relationship. After many sessions as a couple with Chris she had a different outlook on certain things.
She thought if she could forgive Chris and vice versa she could forgive her father. She set up a lunch with him to hash things out. She would soon be a parent and it was only right to release all baggage she carried from her childhood. After the outing Amber became comfortable with her old man. The two had many similarities and the budding connection made Rita happy. Things were finally looking up for the once broken girl. She was now a grown ass woman in control.
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pisati · 5 years
I don’t want to jump the gun here, but I’m nervous.
could be I’m just intimidated by the learning curve. I’m not familiar with procedure yet and everything is uncomfortable. I answered the phone the right way today but couldn’t hear the person on the line and of course it was busy and both the other receptionists were doing something and I had to awkwardly put them on hold and ugh
that’s not what’s making me nervous. it’s that I’ve only been there for two days, at half the amount of time I’m going to be working in a few weeks, and I’m already exhausted. 
it’s a lot to keep up with. I’ve had zero experience with our scheduling software and it’s complicated. I don’t know procedure at the clinic yet, and I don’t know how to navigate anything. I’m still learning what buttons to click. there’s so much they’re having me watch and, bless them, they’re explaining all of it, but I can’t absorb much of it. I’m still trying to learn people’s names. meanwhile I’m watching the receptionist that’s training me answering the phone no sweat, pulling up a search box, typing in the person’s name (sometimes it’s already being typed in as she’s answering because she saw the caller ID), taking a glance at the profile and without a pause asking about the pet by name, scrolling through the log of interactions and noting what vaccines and tests they’ve had and what they’re due for and what the doctors said, typing in notes about the call with abbreviations and details about everything, knowing where to right-click to pull up other boxes and add new notes or prescription requests, knowing which buttons to press for estimates and invoices and knowing what things look like when those things are ready and the charges are accurate... I know that’s what happens when you’ve had years of experience with it, and I shouldn’t be so intimidated as a newbie, but it really is intimidating. I still barely know what I’m looking at, let alone what half the vaccines are for. so I guess in that way it could be exhausting. just trying to process everything. maybe once it becomes more routine it’ll be less taxing.
everyone’s confident I’ll learn, and they’ve been really encouraging. I know eventually I’ll get it. I’m always nervous about messing up, but it is what it is. I know it’s going to happen. I’m glad everyone’s being so supportive, and I’m trying to get over my anxieties in a productive way. like I asked if we could maybe write down some generic scripts for making/answering different types of phone calls, because that I think is the biggest one I’m nervous about. I don’t know what to even say half the time. they wanted me to make an “easy” call earlier, and I know it was pretty easy (they just wanted to ask an owner if they could possibly come in 10 minutes earlier because the online appointment they booked overlapped with another appointment), but I had no idea how to even... what do you say? or, rather, how do I relay that information and also remember to introduce myself and the clinic and say everything else that needed to be said without rambling or stopping to look for the right words? I tried to remember how the girl training me phrased it so I could write it down, but I think she started a text document after that and is going to write down some basic scripts for me. and also for the training manual she wants to write, because they don’t even have one (??). she wrote the manual for the clinic she worked at in california, so she wants to start writing one for this clinic too. I’m just surprised it hasn’t been done yet. they might’ve had old training manuals, but.. they’re old now. might be good to write up a new one now, so I can be the guinea pig as a totally blank slate, lmao
anyways I’m just nervous about my energy levels. I’ve got two closing shifts tomorrow and friday, 12:30-7 and then 2-7, and I’m afraid tomorrow might actually kill me. I’ve only done 4 hours these last two days and it’s been hard. I crashed hard yesterday and today, even though I tried not to nap. it’s not even 8 hours tomorrow but I just know I’m going to leave that clinic, get in my car, be too tired to make dinner when I get home, and just want to go straight to bed. it reminds me of my last job, and I don’t like that at all. as much as it Sucks getting up at 6am, I think I’d much rather have morning shifts. I can be out in the afternoon, be able to do shopping if I need to, and it’ll still be daylight when I get home. I told them I didn’t have a preference as far as schedules, but I think I might. I didn’t want to say I preferred mornings because I never have, but I think now I’d rather have more time in my day than more time to sleep in and lay in bed feeling useless and tired til it’s time to go in, then close and go home just to go straight back to bed.
maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to tell the clinic manager that. she did want to sit down with me and go over things. for now I’m okay being flexible, and I might need flexibility since I have doctor appointments on scattered mornings. I guess I’ll see. 
other than that, it was a pretty good day today. relaxed, though it was a little busy; we had two emergency appointments we had to fit in in the morning, one dog who’d been throwing up all night and another who’d had a new kind of treat and the owner thought a piece of it might’ve gotten stuck. we had another come in with a bad cough later in the day. there were only two of us opening, and one of them was me and I’m basically useless lmao. so it was a little crazy, but we managed. 
the other receptionist I’ve been working with (the one who’s leaving soon) wasn’t there today, and I guess she’s the one who usually puts on music, so the one that’s training me put on spotify on her phone. I asked if she’d heard of noah gundersen, because some of the songs on her playlist reminded me of him, and she said she had! that was a surprise to me; literally nobody I know has heard of him. I only knew about him because he opened for city & colour a few years ago. turns out we have a lot of overlapping indie tastes, and some of hers are even more obscure than mine. so that’s really cool. I wasn’t sure if she was joking when she said “we should totally go!!” when I told her noah gundersen was touring in DC in october, but if I win that ticket contest I might ask if she wants to go. I already asked charlotte, so she’s got first dibs, but knowing her she’ll be too busy. even if I don’t win, I’ll probably want to buy tickets anyway. she told me about this artist she discovered a while back and played a song of his for me; he’d done a gorgeous cover of city & colour’s Waiting (she loves C&C too!!). and on his first tour to the US she talked to him, went to both of his shows in SF and LA, I think. she said she lived 2 hours north of LA and 4 hours south of SF, and she road tripped to both because she just liked his music that much. she says the artist knows her and her mom at this point and loves them both; he didn’t feel like flying to LA from SF so he apparently asked if he could road trip with them and she said it was a great time. that’s such a cool experience to have. 
so it was nice being able to bond with the coworkers a little, to have something in common to talk about. I didn’t have that at my last job. the one person nearest in age to me was almost 10 years older, so I didn’t have much to talk about with anyone. I didn’t follow sports or watch anything on tv that my all-male coworkers did, so all the pop culture references went right over my head (except one time when my coworker happened to also have watched Flint Town, the mini docuseries about Flint, MI, and we actually had a decent discussion about it). my supervisor and I basically just had the fact that we were women in common, lmao. the only two in the company, by the time I left. we’d joke about men sometimes, and she was cool to talk to when we needed a conversation break from work, but I still never felt all that comfortable there. the expectation was more... head down, work 8 straight hours, limit chit-chat, go home. 
of course at the clinic the expectation is work first, but it’s only human to talk to each other in between tasks. and it’s easy enough; most of our interruptions are phone calls and clients coming in, and all of us know to drop what we’re doing and attend to those first. it’s just nice to be able to relax a little and feel like a person, to be able to talk to other humans to get through the day and not feel guilty for having personal conversations because you know you’re still getting your work done in between. I don’t have to cram my fuzzy-socked feet into uncomfortable ballet flats or sit in the same seat for 8 straight hours, ruining my jaw propping my head up at my desk; I get to wear the comfy sneakers I got at walmart, scrubs, and yoga pants (for now-- I think they want us to wear scrub pants but I don’t have any in my size yet). I get to get up every once in a while, to check in patients and let the techs know the appointments are there, get medications, so on. I’m nervous for plenty of reasons, but I still definitely appreciate the environment at this clinic a hell of a lot. I’m sure it’ll help me feel more comfortable and more confident in myself in a work environment, especially once I start actually learning the ropes. I’ve been burned a lot with jobs that have been just beyond my capacity and I think I just need to rebuild that confidence. maybe if my health situation improves I’ll start being able to expand my capacity again. I feel like I definitely backslid, but I guess that’s just what happens when your health hasn’t been great for 10+ years. 
I emailed my psychiatrist’s office to ask if they’d gotten my EKG results 2 days after I’d gotten it done (my primary said I could even call that day because they were going to fax them right away), but they emailed me back saying they hadn’t gotten them. I should’ve called my primary days ago to ask them to actually send it, but I hate calling people (cool that I’m working as a receptionist now,,,). so today I went into my patient portal and looked for the results; I hadn’t been able to see them before because I guess they started using a new service or something? but whenever I tried to log in on chrome it’d just give me a spinny wheel and wouldn’t actually log me in. I thought to try safari today, because I remembered my bank had been giving me a similar issue for a while, and it worked. they’d uploaded my actual EKG chart to my profile, so I just downloaded it and emailed it to my psych’s office myself. I explained that my primary said it was totally normal and I’m cleared for adderall. hopefully that’s enough for my doc. we were kind of hoping that I’d be able to try the adderall before I started work, but I guess being part-time for 2 weeks isn’t the worst time to try it either. if my sending it to her is ok, maybe she’ll be able to send out the prescrip tomorrow. the hope is that, since it’s a stimulant, it’ll give me enough of an energy kick to be able to get through work days and be able to focus and retain a little more information. I hope that’s the end result, anyway. god knows I need the energy.
it’s good for me to get the anxieties out now. it actually does feel a little better to get them out and see them written out, because looking at them written down, from the outside, I do look like I’m hyperbolizing a bit. just worrying, worrying, worrying. I’m glad it’s just nagging worries and not actual anxiety, but I do wish my brain would shut up and let me do things. it’d be cool if I didn’t get so self-deprecating over little mistakes too, but one thing at a time. nervous, definitely, but I just need time. everything’s working out so far; got charlotte’s wedding on the calendar already just to get that definitely squared away. my sleep med doctor appointment is on a morning when I’m scheduled after noon. at least for the next few weeks I don’t have any problems or conflicts so that’s real nice. I think this week might be a pay week, so I’ll have to see if I’m getting paid yet; my first paycheck’s going to be really small but it’ll be something, and something is more than I’ve been getting for the last year, so. I can’t complain. I fixed an issue I had with my investment money yesterday, and I was really proud of myself for making a scary phone call and actually adulting, lol. I got that issue all sorted out thanks to the nice guy at the investment company who had to put some puzzle pieces together bc the guy that helped me do the transaction fucked up and I couldn’t figure out how (because I did this 4 months ago and only looked at it now 🙄). I’m just glad to have it sorted, and I’m meeting with my mom’s financial advisor on monday to talk about all of this too, so hopefully that’ll ease my mind some, just knowing that my financial situation is being taken care of. maybe I’ll start getting some sense of where I’m at relative to what I need for the things I want in the next few years, and I’ll be getting some guidance on how to get the most out of what I have. I don’t know anything about money and I’m terrible at numbers; I would rather not have any kind of involvement in the stock market at all. it’s too confusing and anything involving even a little bit of math makes me want to barf. but it’s the smartest move at this point and I know it. I’m just glad I have help. knowing that, knowing that things are generally okay, even if I’m still not in the best shape... I just feel balanced. I haven’t been able to feel that in a long-ass time, and god am I happy to be there. 
I just want to keep this calmness going. 
0 notes
May 4th, 2019 - Saturday
I’ve never been very good with introductions, but here we go. This is going to be the start of my personal blog, where I’ll be documenting my life as kind of like a digital journal. I do have a physical one that I keep, but I’ve been having a hard time hand-writing stuff down, so I figured a digital one will be better since I can type better than I can write. As far as names and places go, I will censor for just in case something were to happen with the privacy settings. I’ll write them down somewhere so that I can remember what names I gave everyone, since I have the memory of a sad goldfish. (I’ll go back and make double-check to make sure everything is secure. This blog is not for anyone but myself.)
So where to begin? Maybe a little bit more about myself or should I just go right into what’s been going on? I suppose for the sake of posterity, I’ll go ahead and give a little bit of background about myself. My name is Alissa Mead, born to Carl and Penny Mead. I was born on February 3rd, 1993 in Utah and grew up most of my life in Kaysville, a once very small suburban town in Utah that’s grown exponentially over the years I’ve lived there. It wasn’t until about two or three years ago that we started to experience heavy traffic on main street. Though there is a lot I tend to complain about my little hometown, I have to admit that it’s a pretty neat little place to live, mostly because the architecture still has that “old-timey” vibe. I’ll post a couple of really cool old black-and-white photos I found off of google. It’s weird to see how much it’s changed since 1913, what was dated on one of the photos I’ve found. I actually only just found out too that Kaysville was settled back in 1868. That’s cool.
Anyway, I come from a fairly large family. We have 8 in total, including me and my parents. I have three sisters and two brothers, the oldest being Amber, and the rest, in order being Ryan, Ashley, Me, Quetin, and Alaina. I grew up in a little home, about 1,000 square feet, just a couple blocks away from main street. It’s a little brick home with three bedrooms and one bathroom. It sounds crazy that we managed to cram 8 people into that little box, but we did it and I feel like we all turned out okay. Most of my siblings are moved out and have families, minus me and my little brother, Quetin. Amber has married a funny and large man by the name of Jason and have five kids, four of them being twins. You have Abby and Own, (twins,) Oliver, and then Ira and Elis, (who are also twins.) They’re all very social and very hilarious kids. They’re not afraid to speak their minds and ask you endless amounts of questions. They’re quite the handful, so I commend Amber and her husband for being able to handle them on the daily. I do love them though.
Ryan is married to a cute Latina girl names Candice. We don’t see them much, and as much as I hate to say it, I don’t mind that. Ryan has always left a foul taste in everyone’s mouth, since he doesn’t exactly have the best track record with anyone in my family. He’s managed to fuck everyone over in some way or another. From maxing out every credit card my mom had ever owned, to stealing Amber’s social security and ruining her credit score badly enough that it took her years to bounce back from it, and stealing nearly $2,000 from me because I stupidly let him have access to my bank account when I willing helped him out with buying a birthday present for his little girl, Maylee, who was born from another marriage before he and his first were divorced, due to Ryan’s bad habits and compulsive lying. However, that didn’t mean his first wife wasn’t just as scummy. Actually, no. Whitney wasn’t a bad person, her mother was. But that will perhaps be another tale for another day, since it’s a rather long one. Anyway, how Ryan managed to keep from being thrown into jail will always be a mystery to me, but because of all the shit he has pulled, everyone has been very careful as to what they say and bring to family events we know he is going to. It may be surprising to a lot of people, but we’ve never excommunicated him from our family. Why? Because he’s family, regardless of what he’s done. I still call him my brother, but that doesn’t mean I trust him. At all.
Ashley is married a man named Walter, who I would say is my favorite in-law just because I get along with him the best. He’s quiet, and comes off very grumpy and a bit stuck-up since he doesn’t talk to anyone much, but that’s just because he’s shy and is still a little uncomfortable around our family. Ashley and I had a conversation about this, and we think it might be because of the strict religious values my family holds. (That I do not anymore. I’ll explain this later.) Walter grew up in a very non-LDS home, so I guess he just feels a little out-of-place with us since we behave in a way that he’s not, I guess, familiar with? Even though he’s LDS himself. It’s kind of a weird and complicated situation to explain, but I can completely understand where he’s coming from. He and I bonded over video-games and other nerdy things, which is why I think we got along so well the first time we met. He’s even invited me to some of his works games nights, where they sit around and play video games. And no, before anyone assumes anything, (you fucking nasty,) nothing fishy is going on. He loves Ashley with all his heart, and treats her like a queen. I’m just the cool in-law he likes to hang with. Plus, Ashley has always been present whenever we’d meet up. She and Walter don’t have kids, even though Ashley really wants them. Maybe we’ll see some little Steeds running around here within a few years, but who knows.
Quentin is still living at home with my dad. He’s newly “returned” as an LDS missionary and I would consider to be my very best friend out of all of my siblings. He served a service mission here at home because of his Addison’s Disease (also known as primary adrenal insufficiency and hypocortisolism, is a long-term endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones. Symptoms generally come on slowly and may include abdominal pain, weakness, and weight loss. According to Google.)  It’s also an auto-immune disorder that assaults the adrenal gland and, basically, renders your fight-or-flight reflex obsolete. We actually didn’t know he had this until just a few years ago, when he quite literally almost died because of it. It’s an extremely rare disease that his doctors were comically were so excited to diagnose, just because of how uncommon it was.
Quentin is an awkward nerdy kid who has an obsession with cars and Pokemon. He also has an ungodly talent for comedic timing. I don’t know how that kid does it, but he can make the most mundane sentence into pure comedy gold. I’m extremely jealous of it. As I said, he’s living at home with my sweet papa and working 9 to 5 job at the DI, or Deseret Industry.
Last of my siblings is Alaina, who is married to a complete sweetheart who is named Braden. They have a cute little daughter named Della who has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. (Which is a respiratory disease.) Alaina is a very sweet and head-strong little lady whom I haven’t been able to get along with very well. We don’t exactly fight very often, and she has never done anything that would warrant any bad blood between us, we just don’t exactly get each other. She’s very much one way, and I’m just the exact opposite. Ashley and I have talked about this, and she feels the same way. Alaina is just very much her own person and has a very set way of how she does things, and we just can’t quite get on the same wave-length. I think Amber and Quentin have managed to get passed the barrier, but Ashley and I haven’t. Neither has Ryan.
As for me, I’m about as much of a bachelorette as they come. I’m currently living in my hometown with a roommate in her grandmother’s basement. It’s a strange situation, I know, but I’m totally for it since the rent is free and her grandma doesn’t bother us much. For the year we’ve lived there, I think I can only think of maybe one time that she did something that really upset me. (She walked in on me while I was bare-naked and trying to get ready to go out. In my bedroom. I wasn’t happy.) So I can’t complain too much!
I’ve been working for the same retirement facility for about four years now, who of them being a server when I first started out. My third and fourth being with the department I’m in now, which the official title is “night security,” but I’m more of a night time receptionist and housekeeper, so it isn’t as cool as it sounds. I quite honestly hate my job. The hours are long (12 hours each shift, and I usually work three in a row, 8 to 8,) I don’t get to see the sun much, and I get to miss out on a lot of day-time activities because I’m either too tired or I have to work that night. It’s also started to really effect my physical and mental health. I’ve noticed that my depression and anxiety has been getting worse, my body is constantly aching and in pain because I sleep too much, and I’ve started to hallucinate a little bit. It’s nothing too intense, I just see weird shapes and people out of the corner of my eye for a couple seconds and then they’re gone, but it happens pretty often. I’m hoping that something that I really want to do will come up and I can apply to that, but after working this job and knowing how miserable I am doing it, I really want to find a job that I’ll like. The problem is that I don’t really know where that would be, and if the pay will be the same. I’m currently making about $11.75 an hour where I am, and I don’t think I’d be willing to go any lower. I know for some places, that isn’t a lot, but here in Utah, we don’t have the new “standard minimum wage” which is like $12 or something . . . Personally, I think that’s outrageous because you’re not suppose to live off of minimum wage. The minimum wage is suppose to be a starting point for people who are just starting out in the work force, and work their way up to a higher pay grade, but America is America and they made a big stink about that quite a few years back. (I can’t remember exactly when, but I know that California has implemented it. What a little bitch.)
I’m mostly just living life, trying to experience new things, and making an effort to try and meet new people. Since I work nights and most of my friends are either married or are complete hermits, (like my dear roommate,) it’s been pretty hard for me to get out there and see people, as well as find someone to date. So, to combat that, I’ve sucked up my pride and lowered my standards to sign up for an online dating site called Tinder. I’ve gone on a couple of dates, and for the most part they have been pretty good. (Minus maybe the first one, because it ended up crashing and burning after the second date, but more on that later because it still upsets me when I think about it. Listen to your gut kids. You’ll thank yourself later.) I’ve been talking with a couple of people and I might go on a date with some of them, but it’s been hard because since I work nights, I’m really bad at responding to them in a more consistent way, which is a huge flaw I need to work on.
I’m sorry to cut this off in a really weird spot, but I’m just now checking the clock and I need to get to work. I’ll be sure to continue this again tomorrow! Until then, cheers!
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vvv12fa-blog · 7 years
Daniel Wank DDS is the worst dentist in NYC
My mission is to share my story on as many platforms as possible and contact my local Dental Society in order to prevent Dr. Wank from performing malpractice and ruining the teeth of his trusting patients. I want to ensure that no one has to go through this time-consuming, painful and expensive experience as I had.
Below I copied-pasted some other stories from Yelp and Google users. That’s many, but can you imagine how many people just didn’t find the time to tell their stories?
Yelp Users:
– Bad experience! Daniel Wank is an unprofessional dentist who instead of fixing my root canal started working on a crown without my confirmation. So I went to another dentist who is going to remove Daniel Wank’s “work” and fix my root canal. Extra work and insurance investigation – this is my experience with Dr. Daniel Wank.
– 21st Century Dental of Canarsie, LLC This use to be Dr Gary Levine office who sold his practice to Dr. Daniel Wank, whose staff is very rude, the women jasmine who claims to be the office manager, works as a hygienist; the staff is trained to accept all insurance whereas Dr. Daniel Wank is not covered on all Insurance; after treatment, they would ask for copayment, when there is none. (Government Insurance / Medicaid) Please be on look out or call your insurance carrier to find a doctor on your plan. This Dr. is a rip off….be careful, call 311 and make a report or write to me, I have numbers in Albany where you can lodge a complaint.
– While putting in a bottom crown he drilled through a top crown to make the bottom one fit. The top crown fell out. Dr. Wank would not take responsibility. I ended up going to a second dentist. It cost me $3000 to fix what he broke. Worked without mask and gloves. Kept leaving my mouth to answer phones and look at files not related to my case. Not focused. He is very nice but nice doesn’t cut it.
– Friendly, sure, but not a great dentist. I hate dentists, terrified of them, I informed Dr. Wank of that. . But as tooth problems go…. They have to be taken care of at some point. So I went. .. For a tooth extraction and a root canal and a filling. He would waste my time trying to convince me to get things done that I repeatedly said I had zero interest in doing, and also decided to work on my teeth without applying any numbing agents. After I complained about the pain he said that he “assumed I wouldn’t want to be numb for 3 hours for just a small procedure. ” No, dr. Wank, I’m not paying you hundreds of dollars to ‘assume’ I prefer to feel pain. I’ve since switched to a new dentist in Queens, and she has truly made me realize how terrible he really was.
– Dr. Wank seems to care enough for a NYC physician, however I’ve had two terrible experiences with his hygienist and will never be returning to his office again. She’s extremely rough, with no perception of my being in pain. The second time I went, to give it another ‘go’, not only did she waltz in almost 20 minutes late, for one of the first appointments of the day, she actually dropped a dental tool in my mouth and caused it to bleed. I pushed back in pain and she throws back her tools, gets up and leaves and says, “We’re finished here.” She said she would go get the dentist. After several minutes of no activity, I got up out of my chair and found her in another room with Dr. Wank bending over and fixing a part on one of his chairs. He said, “Oh, she didn’t tell me you were ready.” I told him about her actions and he said he would speak with her. He called me the next day to see if I was OK, though I’m thinking it’s only so that I wouldn’t sue him. The first time I went, he also made sarcastic comments about what my insurance would or wouldn’t cover. Overall not impressed. With the plethora of dentists available, he’s unfortunately lost this patient to someone else!
– Please do not go to this dentist. When I moved to NYC 2 years ago, I began seeing Dr. Wank. There was a tooth that needed a crown and he convinced me that the route canal needed to be re-done and that he could rightly fix a crown on there. I trusted him. Then while doing a filling on another tooth, he hit the nerve causing me to get another route canal. I just received a cleaning 3 weeks ago where Dr. Wank’s report was that I was all good. No cavities and no need for work. Just last week, an abscess appeared on my gum. I went to another dentist only to find that the 2 route canals are infected and I am now on antibiotics and have to get the 2 crowns redone. I may not be able to save one tooth. Aside from this treatment all having to be redone, less than 2 years later, he also has very poor and unprofessional manners. He tries to get more work done for you just because you have coverage left on your insurance. He also has fell asleep before while doing work and has taken personal phone calls in the exam room with his son.
– I have to agree with the other poor reviews of unecessary surgery. Please go elsewhere before settling on Dr. Wank. I have been going to the same dentist in my hometown since I was young enough to see a dentist. Since that dentist is not in the city, it was hard for me to commit to regular appointments, due to convenience and proximity. Finally (after years of saying I would find a local dentist), I was referred to Dr. Wank (by someone I don’t know that well, in hindsight). I saw him and really liked him and his receptionist at first- friendly, etc. Looking back I should’ve gone with my gut from the first appointment. He claimed he needed to take care of some “POTENTIAL” problem areas before they turned into cavities, and picked 4 teeth he had to do work on. My entire life, I’ve had good teeth, have only had 1 or 2 cavities in total, and never have issues on my annual visits with my former dentist- always regular, routine, “you have good teeth” check ups. I should’ve suspected something now that all of a sudden some new Dr tells me he has to do all this work. He proceeded to bring me back 3 different times (which I’m convinced is some insurance ploy to get him paid more, as the work could’ve all been done in one visit). Fast forward about 6 months, and all the teeth he did work on are sore, sensitive to hot and cold, hurt terribly when I chew on crunchy things, etc. I started using sensodyne for the first time in my life to no avail. I’m afraid he may have done some serious nerve damage at this point… and will be going back to my old, trustworthy, dentist to get this checked out. PLEASE avoid him!!!!!!
– I was going to let this matter go and not comment on the substandard treatment I have received from Dr. Wank over the last few years. I believe I’ve received nothing more than a ‘patchwork” approach to my dental problems. Work that had to be done over, gum and bone problems not treated well plus a total lack of preventative dentistry. Dr. Wank’s uncertainty and your inability to see upcoming problems has caused me many problems. Thankfully, after waiting way too long, I am now being treated by a wonderful Periodontist and a highly professional General Dentist. They have planned a fine overall plan to save my teeth, gums and bone loss. This, of course, will be expensive, but I am secure that at the end of the day my dental health will be fine. To think of the time and money I wasted having Dr. Wank treat me and to have most of this work re-done makes me realize that 25 years of feeling friendly ( he is a nice guy) had blinded me to incompetence.
– Had some oral surgery done with Dr. Wank. At first, seems like a nice guy. But, instead of fixing the problem areas, he performed surgery on unnecessary areas. When I asked him about it, he said that he couldn’t fix the areas that had problems because they were already damaged. I ended up needlessly paying hundreds for painful surgery that I didn’t need. Don’t be fooled. If you go, make sure he clearly explains what he is going to do and GET A SECOND OPINION from another periodontist.
– Dirty dentist, manner is very condescending. Left used equipment on the sink and proceeded to check my teeth without using gloves. this place needs to be shut down!
Google Users:
– Rude receptionist, unprofessional dentist. worst experience ever! – After time I realized that yes he was personable and friendly wasn’t worth all the pain. Vicky is amazing and the dentist is a nice guy but I realized that some of his practices were lazy and he wants to cut corners to get the most buck. I went to him for 6 years and now I will never step back in his office again. I had to have oral surgery to fix what he did.
– Bad experience. Daniel Wank is an unprofessional dentist who instead of fixing my root canal started working on a crown without my confirmation. So I went to another dentist who is going to remove Daniel Wank’s “work” and fix my root canal. Extra work and insurance investigation – this is my experience with Dr. Daniel Wank. p.s. Rude receptionist, the doctor is too aggressive to make money!
– He should not have started working on a crown before he is done with my root canal. So I need to retreat my tooth because of his unprofessional approach.
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