#that shot of the hallway in the gambling parlor w a red carpet and the parallel of the bloodstained hall after mario’s last scene?
quixoticanarchy · 2 years
given that this is tumblr I’m surprised I haven’t seen any posts yet about the relevance of color theory in goncharov (1973)??
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Hey I love ur stuff!!💕 here’s an idea for a scenario, osomatsu makes a gamble that he can’t pay for at casino!kara’s casino (honestly anything with the casino au would be amazing tho!! 🙏✨)
A/N: Thank you so very much, I’m so happy that you do!! I think you might find this fic a bit different from the other ones I’ve written, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it all the same! ^^ (Also, I included a bit of Animatsu this time around- couldn’t resist!)
(You can also find the fic here on AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/23921707)
It was just another day at pachinko-
-or it was meant to be, at the very least.
In which Osomatsu is a miraculous idiot, Karamatsu does his best and Casino!Karamatsu just wants his money.
Neither of them have it easy.
-List of Translated Words-
賭ける (Kakeru): Bet
かける (Kakeru): Call
痛み (Itami): Pain, distress.
Iyami: Well, it's Iyami!
刺さる (Sasaru): Stuck
ハッスル (Hassuru): Hustle
*Words translated on Wordhippo.
                                   Gambling Shambling
"You did what?"
"Look, I said I made a bet that I can't pay so I need you to bring as much yen as you can!" Osomatsu cast a despairing glance over his shoulder, gripping on tight to the phone cord in hand. The two men who eyed him from the table where he had been allowed away from to make his call were yet vigilant, their gazes not having once shifted from the red clad NEET.
It was just another day at pachinko-
-or it was meant to be, at the very least.
There was a slight pause on the other end of the phone and Karamatsu responded as though in confusion.
"I'm afraid I cannot be of much help in this regard, Osomatsu. The least I can do is hang up*."
The first born all but fell back. "Wh- wait, don't-!" Too late, the line was cut off and he was left to the mercies of the casino guards and its owner who looked him over.
"Does your brother not have enough either?" The slightly taller, far more intimidating Karamatsu look alike seemingly leered and Osomatsu paled.
"N-No way, he's got tons more than me-! I just need to get the bastard to lend me some, that's all!" The first born searched his pockets before jamming a few yen coins in the telephone box and tightened his grip on the plastic receiver still in hand, punching in the numbers before managing to flash a wink and the money sign with his free one as a show of further reassurance. "Once I explain things properly, he'll come over for sure!"
The Karamatsu look-alike simply smiled, eyes alight with amusement. "I do hope so, your sake." Osomatsu grew faint and had nearly forgotten to reply when the line was picked up on the other end.
"Good afternoon, this is-"
"Ah- Karamatsu! Listen, you've got to help me out here-!"
"Osomatsu? I thought you said you couldn't pay...?"
The first born forced a laugh as the "other" Karamatsu drew nearer, the two guards following suit as they listened in on the call. "A-About that, you must have heard it wrong. I said-"
"I'm sorry, it's quite loud where you are. Call back when you're in a quieter space."
"Can't really do that right now- wait, don't hang up!"
There was a pause on the other end and Osomatsu stood, nearly frozen as he awaited what felt to be the inevitable click of the receiver. None came, and the eldest all but collapsed when the second born's
voice came through again. "... Is everything alright Osomatsu? It isn't like you to be so out of countenance." The first born internally wept with relief and he forced a grin.
"Didn't get that last part, but no. Nothing is alright right now! I'm seriously troubled Karamatsu, and there's nothing I can do over here-!"
The second born gave a contemplative hum before duly responding. "Well, why don't you try to calm down for one? Screaming on in such a manner is quite unbecoming, especially when one is in full view of the public."
Osomatsu blinked before raking a hand through his hair. "Ugh, I don't have time for your painful bullshit right now! I need you to be serious for once-!"
"Eh- I wasn't- I was being serious for once, Osomatsu!" Karamatsu frowned despite knowing he couldn't be seen. "You sounded as though you were in much distress*, so I thought it would be best to settle your nerves first before we can properly talk!"
"I am in distress*!! Karamatsu, you don't get it- I'm going to die if I can't pay off this bet!"
"And I told you before that I can just h-"
"Don't hang up the phone!!"
Osomatsu was on his knees now, gripping onto the carpet with his free hand. "You- okay, fine, be painful, whatever- just- just help me!"
"Ah- I understand now!"
The first born shot upright, eyes bright as he grinned and held tight to the receiver. "You do?!"
Karamatsu nodded before affirming with a smile of his own. "Yes! Wait for a moment Osomatsu, I'll be back soon with Iyami*!"
This time Osomatsu really did fall back, the execution of the Showa move and its quick recovery shocking all those around him. "No, that's not what I said-!"
"Then what did you say?!"
Karamatsu narrowed his eyes, annoyed by the others "antics". "Explain it to me properly Osomatsu, otherwise I can't be of any help!"
"Why are you getting upset?! I'm the one who should! My life is on the line*, Karamatsu, I told you-!"
"Then leave it, Osomatsu*! I don't know what more you want me to say to that!"
"For the love of- that's not what I meant, you idiot!"
The two paused, seething on their ends. Karamatsu recollected himself as he leaned back against the wall of the hallway, repressing a sigh. "... Osomatsu," He started again, voice calm despite his irritation. "I believe I stated this before, but it would be to both of our benefit if you could call from a quieter place."
The first born groaned, shaking his head. "And I told you that I can't- I'm stuck* here Karamatsu, there's nowhere else I can go."
"Just run* if you're in such a hurry then..."
"What part of 'I'm stuck here' do you not understand?!"
There was another pause, and Osomatsu sent out a fervent prayer that the other would at last catch on-
-however his next words proved that it would be far from such a prospect, much to the first born's chagrin and mounting despair.
"W-Wait, Osomatsu, y-you're not...?"
"Yeah," The eldest deadpanned, rubbing his eyelids as he stated for the fourth time. "I'm going to die over here if I don't get help real soon."
"Why didn't you say so in the beginning-?! Where are you, Osomatsu?!"
The near shriek forced a wince from the first born and he grimaced as he drew the phone back from his ear, shaken from his fleetingly apathetic state. "I did say it, from the very start-! Nevermind that, just get over to the new pachinko place that opened up a week ago with as much yen as you can!"
There was a rustling of what appeared to be paper on the other end of the line and Osomatsu repressed a sigh as he awaited the second born's response. The Karamatsu look alike and his guards who the eldest has until now forgotten were standing nearby at last made to address him again, the "other" Karamatsu unable to hide his amusement from such an animated exchange.
"I suppose he must be coming after all?"
Osomatsu gave a start before he turned to the other, plastering on a brilliant smile. "You bet he is! After hearing all of this, there's no way he won't." As if in confirmation, the second born's voice came through again and the eldest beamed in relief.
"Forgive me for taking my leave of you, but I'm back now."
"It's fine, it's fine. Did you get the yen yet?"
"About that..." Karamatsu lowered his voice and the first born strained to hear him over the ongoing din. "Osomatsu, are you still within the casino?"
Osomatsu repressed the urge to roll his eyes, affirming once again. "Like I said, it's not as if I can leave!"
A pause- then...
"Alright, well, do not panic if the one or ones who have assailed you are yet within your presence, for earlier I have hurried off to make a call with Todomatsu's phone. The police will be arriving there shortly-"
Osomatsu's eyebrows nearly shot up to his hairline. "The what?!"
"Osomatsu, you don't understand the gravity of your situation-"
"No, no, no, I do know that very well, thank you very much-!" The first born crouched down to the floor, hissing as he covered the receiver. "Karamatsu, are you crazy?! You're the one who doesn't understand! I told you, just bring the yen! That's all I need, not the police-!"
The second eldest nodded though declined, much to the others distress. "It appears as though you have managed to entrap yourself within the company of a notorious criminal group, the likes of which have recently attempted to take root here in the city not too long ago. They're from overseas, and the police has been steadily attempting to find their location- and it is only through this call that they were able to do so now." Osomatsu paused again, eyes widening as he took in the full extent of the others words.
"What, you mean... This is an illegal pachinko parlor run by a mafia gang or something?!"
"Yes, I have had it affirmed so." Karamatsu's confirmation was grave though his voice softened a bit. "Worry not, I have seen to it that the utmost care will be taken in transporting you out of there. I informed our brothers and we will soon be making haste to the hospital nearest your location to await your arrival."
Osomatsu blinked, taken aback. "Wait, hospi- Karamatsu, I'm not actually physically dying! That was just me being over dramatic!"
"Y-You sounded so certain of it, though..."
"Please don't tell me there's an ambulance on the way."
"... It's a bit late to call it off..."
Osomatsu slapped a hand over his face, giving an exhausted sigh. "... What did you tell them...?"
Karamatsu milled for a moment in silence, quietly twining the telephone cord round his finger. "That you were in dire agony from having been apparently impaled somewhere as you had asserted multiple times that you were in fear of dying... I took that to mean you were fearful of the blood loss which had ensued from such an attack, and reported it as such..."
"So you said I was stabbed and bleeding out, then..."
"That is what I said..."
"... and the police and ambulance are on the way here."
"... and those guys know I took all their money and lost it to a foreign criminal gang and they'll never see it again."
"... Karamatsu, give me one moment."
Osomatsu set the phone down atop the telephone box and turned to the Karamatsu look alike, eyes grimly set. The change in demeanor took the other aback for a second before he regained his even expression, gaze cool as he gave an unassuming smile. "Yes?"
"Can I see your knife?"
The "other" Karamatsu blinked, gaze hardening at once. "If you mean to try anything, I would heavily advise against it..." Osomatsu was not to be deterred.
"I'm not. I just want to see it for a bit."
The two guards shared a puzzled glance with each other as the Karamatsu-look alike considered the NEET's request before nodding in agreement, if only out of due curiosity. "Very well." He soon had it extricated and held out towards the first born who accepted it and steeled himself as he rested his palm upon the counter-
-before bringing the blade down upon the center of his hand.
A strangled shout escaped him as his grip loosened on the handle and it took a second before the guards were in an uproar around him, the Karamatsu look alike at first unable to do little more than gaze with widened eyes until he was forced from his reverie when another cry was elicited from the NEET as one of the guards wrested the knife free from the first born's hand.
"You- just what were you thinking?!" The "other" Karamatsu failed to mask his shock and Osomatsu merely grit his teeth as he winced, allowing the other guard to drag him back from the counter and haul him to his feet, spilling crimson from the marble onto the carpeted floor. Once he recovered enough however and the burn in his hand gradually began to subside to a dull ache, Osomatsu managed a weak grin much to the incredulousness of the others.
"D-Do I still owe you?"
He was met with stunned silence from all around and the guard who yet held to him released his grip, allowing the first born to lean against the counter as the trio contemplated his fate. At last after what was a seemingly interminable amount of time, the "other" Karamatsu gave a confused nod, looking the first born over with no less incredulity than he did prior. "Er, no... No, you do not. Did you imagine I meant for any physical harm to be done to you had you not any means by which to pay me...?" Osomatsu managed a chuckle, albeit a weak one.
"Too many words..." The Karamatsu look-alike made no comment, reiterating in a manner he believed to be concise.
"Did you do yourself bodily harm under the belief that you could avoid such a thing being done by our own hands?"
"Still too many words- but yeah, sort of."
Osomatsu was quick to add upon seeing the other frown, plastering on a grin. "Uh, hey so- does this mean I'm off the hook then? Can I go home now?" The Karamatsu look-alike glanced over at his two guards and gave them a curt nod, dismissing them. Osomatsu leaned fully into the counter to keep from sinking onto the floor with relief as the pair departed and the "other" Karamatsu studied him for a bit, not yet moving away himself. The first born met his gaze and shifted a bit after a while, grin slipping with nervosity which was barely masked in his voice. "You still need something?" He cast a brief glance at his injured hand, allowing another weak chuckle to escape him though his countenance paled. "Do I need to uh, do it again or-"
"No, no, that will not be necessary!" The Karamatsu look-alike cut in before he heard the others inquiry in full, shaking his hands and his head as though willing the first born to desist in mid-attempt. Osomatsu blinked, taken aback upon hearing the other decline- before his eyes widened with mortified horror upon hearing his next words.
"It was far from it to begin with- never once did I have it in mind to do you any harm-!"
It was in this moment, before the first born could even attempt to respond, that the front doors of the casino were flung open with a slam and a swarm of policemen flooded the floor, attempting to overtake the guards which braced against the attack before launching into the offense of their own accord. The last that Osomatsu could recall before his vision faded to black from the blood yet spilling from his unstaunched wound and his shock from the complete lack of necessity of his attaining of it was a pair of paramedics who managed to reach him amongst the tumult and made haste to borne him away as the world slipped entirely from view.
      "It sounds like it took forever for to calm them down..."
"That is to be expected, of course. We were all under the impression that your life was in grave danger."
The first born cast the second eldest a distraught look and Karamatsu paused, appearing uncertain for a moment. "Yes? What is it that yet ails you, Osom-
"I- I didn't have to stab my hand."
The statement all but sent the other reeling back and Karamatsu gripped onto the hospital railing for purchase, eyes impossibly wide. "Y-You what? We were under the impression that that was- Osomatsu, you- why would you ever even deign to do such a thing?!" The first born glanced away edgewise, brushing a finger under his nose as he offered by way of explanation.
"Well, y'know how you said you called the police and the ambulance was coming and all? I figured that I'll try my luck in getting out of there alive by..."
"... By stabbing yourself." Karamatsu completed his sentence for him, both horrified and incredulous. Osomatsu nodded, concluding swiftly.
"Yeah. See, the thing I didn't know though was that the guy who runs the place- and sort of looks like you by the way, don't ask me why- apparently wasn't planning on doing anything at all?"
Karamatsu mulled over his words, shaking his head as he mumbled. "In other words, you went to such an extent that even he in all probability had not surmised, thus rendering you being interred in this hospital with an actual injury to tend which could have been prevented from being obtained had you but made to inquire as to what your fate would have been before proceeding to go forth with impaling yourself."
"Didn't get all of that, but yeah! That's pretty much what happened."
Osomatsu grinned, rubbing a finger under his nose. "The good news though is that those guys probably feel bad and won't try to kill me for a while!" The second born repressed a sigh, shaking his head.
"How have you been able to last throughout the multiple tribulations of life until this present moment, Osomatsu...?"
"Hey, that goes for all of us y'know?! Especially you!"
"Heh... So you say, but you-"
"Karamatsu you've fallen off the roof more times than I've been unable to pay you guys back, and that's been more times than I can count." Osomatsu deadpanned and the second born flushed, frowning.
"That is not entirely true-"
"It is! Just the other day, you-"
"You steal our money nearly every instance you get-"
"-and we almost decided to board up the-"
"-not to mention failing also to properly explain-"
"-just to keep you from-"
"-were lucky that it was me who answered the phone-!"
"Can you two be any louder?!"
The pair fell silent at once as the door was slammed open, revealing the third born who stood there, hissing. "We can hear everything from the hall! There are other patients here too and some of them are trying to sleep!" The eldest pair winced, lowering their gazes to the floor as Osomatsu rubbed the back of his head with his uninjured hand and Karamatsu leaned against the wall where he stood, crossing his arms. Choromatsu's gaze softened once the duo had calmed and made his way over to the side of the hospital bed, looking the first born's bandaged hand over with evident worry. "How do you feel, Osomatsu-niisan? Did they-" He reached forth, pausing as though reconsidering before laying a tentative hand upon the others arm in all manners of gentleness, much to the first born's surprise. "You weren't hurt anywhere else...?" Osomatsu blinked before flashing the third born a bright grin.
"Nah, I'm fine Choromatsu! You should've seen the fight I gave 'em though, I knocked the guy around everywhere but he still got me in the end! Talk about lousy luck, right?" The third eldest cast a furtive glance up at Karamatsu who casually made to avert his gaze by studying the window blinds before Choromatsu turned back to the first born, frowning. "They- the doctors said the knife was poisoned, Osomatsu-niisan."
This elicited a screech from the eldest who nearly fell faint again. "It was what?!" Karamatsu turned back at once and strode over to the other side of the hospital bed, ashen.
"D-Does that mean he could've truly...?"
Choromatsu nodded, attempting to appear grim though the watering of his eyes had blatantly shown otherwise. "I-I didn't tell the others since they wouldn't be able to handle it. They cried so much already, s-so... "
And it was at this that Osomatsu panicked, heart sinking with remorse as he flailed and did his utmost best to reassure his two younger brothers who were both in tears now, forcing a wide smile as he gazed between them both helplessly. "A-Ah, it's alright now you guys! See? I'm just fine!" Osomatsu flashed the pair a grin in turn as he did his utmost best to assure them as the younger two gazed at him, downright distraught- and soon the first born's eyes were filling up with tears at this as his own expression fell, the pair all but entangling themselves in each others arms as they latched on and sobbed against him.
"Stupid Aniki-!"
"Y-You shitty e-eldest...!"
And Osomatsu, who had nearly as much cause if not more to fall apart as well began wailing right along with them soon after, doing his utmost best to cling onto them both.
"G-Guys, I'm so sorrry-!"
      "... Ah!- I forgot to inform that young man who stabbed himself in my casino that the knife he used was dipped in poison-!"
Casino Karamatsu leapt up and sped out the door of the office he was in, much to the surprise of its one other inhabitant who bolted upright in his chair from where he was resting half-asleep with his arms folded atop his desk, sending papers scattering everywhere as the announcement jolted him from his reverie. "A man who what...?" Casino Osomatsu yawned, blinking as he gazed at the papers fluttering back down to his desk before his senses sharpened- and he all but flung himself off his chair and hastened out the door, calling after his subordinate who had already disappeared from sight.
"Wait, we already left the- we have guys who can do that! Don't- The water's too deep- Karamatsu-!!"
    -. -.
 "Dear young man who courageously though needlessly mutilated himself in my casino..."
The paper was torn to shreds as Osomatsu did his utmost best to reign in a scream, scattering the former letter to the wind. "That's something you should have said the second after I stabbed myself, not three days later-!!"
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