#that specifically commenting about my writing ability is the fastest way to make my brain blue screen; so thank you!!!!)
mutalune · 4 months
I just wanted to let you know that you are one of the only writers I’ve seen do a time travel fic in an intensely narratively satisfying way. I know you don’t really plan on updating it anymore (which is so valid!! I’m just so glad I got to read *anything* from you, you’re so talented!!!). There are virtually no plotholes, you chose the perfect character to voice the narrative (he wouldn’t give away too much, so it leaves the reader in suspense), and you write the most beautiful character relationships!! Your attention to detail and understanding of the effects of trauma supplement the narrative so well!!! Both the subtle and large-scale effects were interwoven so well. And the suspense!!!! Oh my gosh!! The double dramatic irony of us the readers knowing things Aizawa doesn’t and Aizawa knowing things the rest of the characters don’t constantly kept me on the edge of my seat. It’s one of the only fics I can reread and find new details in every time. Every single character is written with so much love and care, it’s so beautiful and impressive!!!!! It’s such a kind story, overall :,)
There are so many more things I could say, but I think I’ve left enough comments on the fic itself and would probably go waaaaay over the word limit for a tumblr ask.
I hope you continue to find and work on projects you enjoy doing, even if tmgr isn’t one of them <3 <3 <3
You’re just a truly excellent writer and I wish you nothing but the best!! Reading your works is genuinely a privilege ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
;___; maybe I’ll just cry forever because of this ask tbh this was incredibly sweet and kind and I don’t have any clue what to say in response that will express how reading this made me feel
Time travel fics (tbh time travel fixits in general, there’s a bunch of kcomics that have the same trope and I live for them too) are so near and dear to my heart, and they’re my go-to “things are hard, I need something that makes me feel like mistakes don’t have to be forever,” comfort reads, and it really means so much to me that you enjoyed my take on one so much. And also that you picked up on a lot of my deliberate choices! The double dramatic irony, picking Aizawa (who admittedly is my fave bnha character so I was probs always gonna pick him BUT he also made a great unreliable-but-predictable narrator), and the trauma affecting things subtly and obviously… Sometimes I wonder how much of what I write gets across to readers, because I’m v much a “every choice I made, every word I picked, they all had a reason even if I don’t explicitly say what that reason is,” kinda writer, and it’s both amazing and humbling to have those details picked up on by a reader tbh 💕
Thank you very very very much for sending this message and brightening my day, it was so nice to read and means a lot 💕 I hope to get back into writing something (anything!!! I miss writing) soon-ish now that the holidays are over and 2024 is in full swing, and hopefully I’ll get something out there that’ll be in a fandom you enjoy 💕 thank you again!
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edificationcoach · 4 years
How to Develop A Positive Attitude In Life For You?
“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven, or hell.”
Given the continual tensions in your life, it is challenging to maintain peace and a positive attitude. When you work, very hard continuously without giving yourself quality time to breathe deeply and unplug, you become emotionally stressed, and this way you can’t escape the negativity.
Your life can be out of balance and the scene of it down the road to see where you are heading evolves into fogs. Carrying on this way can be dangerous as negativity creates resentment, depression, more fear and deeply rooted anger. Things go out of control
All Starts with a Decision
Being decisive on switching your mode and energy takes some gut. It means you will have to do some work by starting small. You will have to do some changes and take some steps. Do not underestimate the little things that when you do, would create little changes. Small change is a step to transformation.
I am not a Pollyanna
The notion of thinking positively is misunderstood by many, as it sounds fluffy. This notion is a problem for many people who believe that the world won’t change by good thinking and thus reject the whole idea.  
Your Brain
Negative thinking is a habit. It is something you can re-arrange your brain to work on. Our brain is a powerhouse organ that many of us misuse and abuse. Taking care of it by doing the right things, will lead you to health, wealth, happiness, and surely positivity.
Why we have Negative Emotions?
Negative emotions like anger, resentment or fear are there to help us with survival. They helps us to take action and protect ourselves from threats. They are there to help us be alert and alive. He thing is that they are designed for survival. If there is a hungry wolf showing his teeth in front of you, you surely won’t ignore it and do whatever you are doing. You will do your best either run or protect yourself.
Negativity in the Modern World
Being negative doesn’t help nowadays. Imagine you have a lot of work to do , and you feel worried you won’t get things done, can you guess what happens at this situation? You brain will get locked into only this specific thing and ignores the coming signals for better alternatives.
What Should I do when I experience negative stuff? Should I force myself to feel positive?
Allow whatever happens to be and then let go. You can’t stop life from happening. You can’t pretend that occurrences of misfortune. Let the negative stuff happen, watch, and observe. Take whatever happens all, let it be, let it consume you, feel the pain. It’s life! Then, get out of that (It isn’t easy) but do it, my friend, get out of it, pretend you are an outsider, you are playing a game.
Positivity and Science
Research showed that positive thinking has a scientific basis. We cannot change circumstances in the world, however, we can change how we see and react to them. This attitude can change the way that we feel about surroundings and us which can have a massive positive impact on your well-being.
Thoughts of lack and disturbance
There is no truth in lack or limitation. Fear, doubt, anxiety, anger, resentment pull down the cells of the body, shock the nervous system, and are the causes of disease and disaster. Negative emotions create negative realities. They create a negative vortex field, which within a buffer of time is programmed to keep spinning by the negative inputs.
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Types of People
There are two types of people. Those who spend all their time thinking about their limitations and lack, and those who can be painfully aware of their issues but instead choose to focus on what they have. The second group of people gets blissful experience in their life.
Is it that hard to understand?
The first type spends most of their energy thinking about how to fix their issues. The second type shifts their focus into developing their existing gifts. Which type would you want to be within life? Which type would you rely on?
Your point of Focus (Negative Focus)
When you dwell on negative thoughts, you rewire your brain to sabotage your sincere efforts. It is not surprising that we tend to fixate on what we don’t have. We live in a world that continuously bombarding us with commercial messages telling us that we are not smart, beautiful, or successful enough. We unconsciously focus more on what we lack, what we fear, or what we try to avoid than on what we have.
You are the Author
They say “This shall pass!” over and over. Now here many of us begin creating scenarios of disasters about your luck in life and other people. Remember that this is your life and you are the scriptwriter. You are the author of your life.
Inner Monkey
Our reactions to things in life are determined by what we say or think on the inside. It is the self-talk going on inside our heads. When our self-talk says negative stuff to us, we react to circumstances in a negative way. We have to spot our self-talking inner monkey, we have to recognize it and do the necessary changes by talking to it.
How to change the self-talk?
One of the fastest ways that worked for me is to reframe the conversation going on. Let’s say you experienced something bad when you reframe, you see that thing is happening for a reason that will teach you something which will make you act in a certain way. There is always a different approach of looking at matters in life. You will just need to do some practice. You need to learn and enjoy reframing it is FUN.
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An example of reframing: Oh, look the weather is gloomy today! ‘There is no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing, so sit back and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate!’
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It’s Time to Grow Up!
Taking Responsibility
If you want to develop a positive attitude in life for you, it means you have decided to take responsibility for your life. It means you are aiming to grow a mature personality. That’s great news because you want to conquer yourself. Historians say: ”Alexander conquered the whole world except…Alexander.” Alexander the Great died at the age of 32 years. Some historians his death happened due to drinking too much alcohol.
Where should I start?
Knowing what makes you feel negative is an important step to being positive. Spot and jot down all the little things that make you feel down. This step is powerful is you begin to see what things shift your mode down.
What can I do with what makes me feel down?
There are many ways to create a shift in your mode. You can write the feeling down, then reframe it by writing the opposite feeling you wish to have. Then, burn the unwanted feeling in a safe place.
You can write an affirmation of the wanted feeling and carry the affirmation with you everywhere, glancing at it frequently or type it down on your phone and set an alarm to remind you repeating your new wanted positive feeling. This is called rewiring or conscious programming.
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People who meditate daily show more positive thinking and attitude than those who do not. People who meditate show more mindfulness, ability to fully experience the moment.
Neuroscience has proven that your brain is a goal-pursuing organ. Any recurring image, idea, or outcome you hold in your awareness, any outcome you talk about and feel strongly about, you will bring about. Affirmations are statements that suggest new thoughts and that by regularly using them, your brain will do whatever it has to resolve and create a better and more desirable outcome for you!
You can write down, hang them on your mirror or board, you can record and listen to them and of course say them aloud to yourself. I want you to take some brief breaths and begin saying them aloud.
I learnt about affirmations during my early twenties, I used to say them out load during my walk to the subway or the bus station. People looked at me but I didn’t care. I kept saying them. I wanted my life to be in better shape who cares!
The 18/40/60 Rule
When you’re 18, you worry about what everyone is thinking about you; when you’re 40 you don’t give a darn what anybody thinks of you; when you’re 60, you realize that nobody is thinking about you at all.
Dr. Daniel Amen
Have your affirmations stated clearly in the present tense. There are many examples on the web but I recommend you to write your own as they talk to your inner being. Simply ask yourself what problem I need to resolve? What urgent issue do I need to change?
Some of my favourite affirmations:
“I only speak positively about those in my world. Negativity has no part in my life.”
“I now release all expectations, and I know that I am taken care of.”
“I act with honor and integrity in all that I do.”
“I am becoming stronger every day.” “I am comfortable around all kinds of people.”
“You weren’t an accident. You weren’t mass-produced. You aren’t an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on the Earth by the Master Craftsman.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I hope it helps you in your journey of life. I look forward to hearing your comments, experiences, and suggestions.
Love & Gratitude
The post How to Develop A Positive Attitude In Life For You? appeared first on EdificationCoach.
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absolutelycapable · 7 years
in between days
she meets jaehyun four times. the first three she is drunk, the last one she is not.(3,000+ words, jaehyun x oc)
           “and this is jaehyun!” her friend is yelling into her ear, pointing at one of the two boys in front of you.
           “hi” she extend her hand to shake his. he meets her gaze with an expression that looks to ask ‘are you serious?’, but reluctantly accepts her hand anyways.
           a heavy rap track is blaring in the background as she swallows the last of her drink. sweaty bodies fill the room, the stench of alcohol that she thought was overpower upon her arrival has been long forgotten, as her brain had reduced its ability and was now only processing one thing at a time. right now, that thing was jung jaehyun and his toned biceps that were peeking out from beneath the hem of his black tshirt.
           “are you not drinking?” she asked, failing to see any cups within his remote vicinity. she can feel her words slurring as they leave her mouth, but her brain was so foggy from the tequila shots she had taken earlier and the overwhelmingly attractive male she was speaking to that she did not have the energy to put any thought to the possible embarrassment.
           “nope. i’m the driver tonight.” he speaks with little interest, eyes wandering beyond her to the crowd seated at a table somewhere behind her. his mouth hardly moves from the straight line it sits in as he talks, obviously preoccupied with something beyond the conversation she is offering.
           her friend is giggling and touching the arm of the other boy she met, who’s name she has already forgotten. soon the flirtatious pair excuse themselves to go get more drinks, leaving her alone with the sober and slightly annoyed boy she had just met. they stand in the corner of the room, ignoring the other’s existence for what seems like an eternity until your two friends return, attached at the face and pushing each other onto the couch, drinks forgotten somewhere on their journey.
           “you might be driving an extra body tonight” she says, leaning towards jaehyun’s ear in attempt to be heard over the sounds of the chaos surrounding them, but losing her footing and grabbing his (extremely broad) shoulder for balance.
           “most likely.” he snorts and she can feel his muscles flex “i just hope your friend is drunk enough to sleep through the night. yuta snores like a chainsaw.”
           she thinks it’s nice to see the boy smirk instead of sulk over his current situation like he had been for the few minutes she had known him, before realizing her hand is still in contact with his body and quickly removing it.
           “what are you studying?” she asks, curious to see if he is capable of having more than two expressions.
           “literature. second year. what about yourself?” he leans against the wall and turns to face her, crossing his arms.
           “i’m a bio major. second year as well but i just transferred, so i only know approximately three people at this party.” she’s not sure if the alcohol is affecting her depth perception, but he seems very close.
           “don’t worry, there’s not many people here worth knowing anyways. especially not when they’re drunk.” there’s an edge in his voice she can’t place.
           “who do i want to know then?” she looks at him expectantly and he smirks again.
           they talk the rest of the night. she goes home and wonders when she will see him again.
“you’re drunk.” jaehyun stated, taking a long drag from the cigarette in his hand and releasing the smoke from his lungs into the night air.
“i’m not drunk.” she grabbed his cheeks with one hand, turning his head so their eyes locked. her expression sat blank before she erupted into a fit of giggles, “ok, maybe i’m a little drunk. but it’s more fun that way!” she snatched the light from his hand and let it rest between her two fingers.
their second interaction was spent much like their first, mostly in silence, except for the bass of the music blaring inside. she had wandered around the party asking a few randoms for a smoke before running into him. jaehyun obliged her request, cocking an eyebrow at her wobbly condition and leading her outside by the waist. now they were perched on the hard brick of the front porch, clouds of cold breath and the smoke they exhaled mixing around them.
“you should try it sometime.” she said, wrapping her jean jacket tighter around her.
“what’s that?”
“being drunk. having fun.” the party sounded distant from where they were, and she wondered if she could trick herself into forgetting about everything but him. “i’ve heard some rumours, but i’ve only ever seen you when you’re sober.”
“and you’ve only met me two times.” he laughed, looking up at the black above them. The quiet surrounded them again, and she decided ten minutes exposed to the chill of winter was the fastest way to sober up. even though she was freezing her ass off, there was a certain beauty to their surroundings. the sky was clear tonight and the darkness was scattered with stars, illuminating them both just enough for her not miss how his posture stiffened slightly at her comment.
“what have you heard? i’m not familiar with that side of me. i’d like to know what i did.” his voice was teasing but the the look in his eyes was unreadable. their cigarette was finished, but jaehyun was pulling another one from the pocket of his jacket and placing between his lips. she flicked on the flame and held the lighter to the edge of the malboro.
“nothing too specific. someone just told me you used to be quite the party animal.” and playboy. but she left that part out.
“i guess that’s true.” he hummed. “obviously not my favourite hobby anymore though.”
she had to admit he intrigued her. former varsity basketball player quits the team and drops off the face of the earth to all who knew him, suddenly transforming into the brooding and mysterious boy who could give james dean a run for his money. she was curious, and the fact that jung jaehyun was very, very hot did not help in any way to settle the questions swarming in her head. maybe in her tipsy state she was imagining, but there was a sadness in his eyes that looked deeper than something you could explain to another person. a sadness that can only be understood through experience.
“what are your hobbies now then?” she averted her eyes to the ground, realizing she had spent the last few minutes staring at the soft curve of his lips.
“if i’m being honest, i spend most of my time studying and babysitting drunk people who are supposed to be my friends.” he laughs as she holds her hand up to her chest, mocking offense. he leans closer and speaks in a voice lower than she has ever heard “but if i’m not doing that, i like writing.”
“that’s a nice fact, edgar allan poe. next time i see you when i’m drunk at a part i’ll know not to go outside alone with you in case you need some inspiration for your next murder novel.” she leans away but her heart is beating fast, and he’s looking at her with that smile that makes her want to do something terribly stupid.
she rises from her position and heads towards the door. “i’m not going to let you become the next stephen king because of me. you’re going to have to find another girl to make your money off of.” she turns back to face him, but he is already throwing the last of his cigarette on the ground and following her into the house.
           the club is full and she is sweating, a mix of liquor and adrenaline pulsing through her bloodstream in rhythm with the beat of the music. after the last round of shots, all she wanted was to move, so she didn’t object when her friends wanted to leave the bar and head somewhere with a dance floor. the combination of flashing lights and unknown faces puts her in a daze, and she hardly notices when a new person inserts themselves into their dance circle.
           by the time she realizes what is happening, yuta and your friend are trying to reenact their infamous night from a few months ago, dancing dangerously close to each other. two other bodies have joined your group, boys that she recognized as ten and taeyong, some of yuta’s friends that she had shared classes with.
they had danced through three songs with the new additions to the group before she noticed him. as she tilts her head back to brush the hair from her face, she makes eye contact with a figure near the wall and he smirk at her. jaehyun. she darts her way through the crowd until she’s standing next to him.
“hello stranger.” she smiles, running a hand through her hair. “are you driving again?”
“unfortunately yes.” this is the most she can remember him smile, “and this club is really not made for sober people.”
“i believe that. you must owe a lot of favours if you’re always the sensible one.” she wasn’t sure if she was leaning in because she wanted to flirt with him or if she was so drunk she couldn’t stand up straight.
           by the time she took her attention away from jaehyun and their conversation, her friend and yuta had dismissed themselves from the group and ushered themselves to a table where your friend was sprawled on top of him, looking like she was trying to inhale him for a second time.
           “something about this seems familiar.” jaehyun rolls his eyes at her playfully and she is giggling like he has told the funniest joke in the world.
           “do you think you can get away with ditching your friends for a bit?” he inquires.
           “it depends. what did you have in mind?” she is so close to him she swears she can feel the warmth of his skin radiating against her, “if it involves me dying, then it’ll be a strong maybe.”
           he looks her up and down before responding, “sorry, i usually prefer my victims a bit meatier. they taste better. i’m a bit hungry though.”
           she grabs his hand and begins to drag him towards the exit.
           less than half an hour later she is sipping a milkshake in some dingy 24-hour diner, jaehyun parallel to her in their tiny corner booth. a classic doo-wop song melts into the background as the red leather of the seats makes him stand out in all black.
           “so biology.” he says to her, picking a french fry off the plate between them.
           “mmmmmm?” she slurps in question, tilting her head and grinning. “what about it?”
           “what do you want to do with it?” he questions, “if you want to be a doctor i think you might be mixed up with who chops who into little pieces.”
           “ha ha. funny joke, hannibal.” she kicks him under the table, “seriously though, i do want to be a doctor.”
           “really? how ambitious.” his dark hair makes him look ghostly pale in the fluorescent lights, like he is a figment of her imagination in some alternate universe and if she blinks he will vanish from his place in front of her. somehow, the look works for him. “open your own practice and stuff?”
           “not exactly. more like the whole doctors without borders shebang. offer healthcare and research to those who don’t have access to it.”
           “we have a humanitarian on our hands. you never struck me as the type.”
           “the type to want to help other people? well thanks asshole.” she scrunched her nose, unimpressed with his statement.
           “no, not that!” he audibly laughed, smile lighting up his face and revealing a small dimple on each cheek, “i meant the type to not settle down. you seem like a homebody.”
he seemed genuinely engaged for the first time since she had met him. she wasn’t sure if the change in setting had a part in it, but he also seemed…. happier. less cynical. eating greasy food in a diner at 2 am made him seem more like the twenty year old by he was, rather than his usually convincing portrayal of a boy building walls around himself to keep others out.
           “what about you?” she retorts, loudly slurping the remnants of her milkshake, “what are you going to do with that lit degree? die an alcoholic, five times divorced?”
           he pretends to be shocked by her comment. “you know, not all authors are tortured souls. although the better ones certainly fit that stereotype.”
           “so you’re stuck between choosing happiness or to be remembered for your literary skills? a tough decision indeed.”.
           “i guess you could say that.” he placed his now empty cup of coffee on the edge of the table, “although i like writing, i’m not sure if i have the talent for it.” he’s looking out the window instead of facing her, and she feels the bitterness return to his eyes just for a moment, before disappearing as he grins at her. “what i really want to do is teach.”
           she looks at him, unconvinced, “for real?” she waits for any kind of response before continuing, but his expression remains in the same smirk, challenging her to question him. “are you trying to be the misunderstood angsty english teacher who get high school girls all hot and bothered? because that role might suit you.” she leans back against the red leather with a grin, ”you’ve actually got the right aesthetic going on, you might need glasses though.”
           “and what would that be?” he is leaning his elbows on the table to prop himself closer to her, and although her alcohol levels have dropped significantly, she still can’t bring herself to bite her tongue.
           “tall, dark, handsome in a way that isn’t airbrushed Hollywood,  but is still irresistible. trust me, i would have had a crush on you in high school.” she breathes out and leans in so their faces are only inches apart.
           “what about now?” she can feel his the heat of his skin radiating across the table. he smelled like a combination of cigarettes, coffee, and laundry detergent, scents that were more appealing when they all came together.
           “what about now?” she waggled her eyebrow at him, thinking she was lucky her cheeks were already flushed from the alcohol she had consumed earlier.
           before he could respond, his phone started violently buzzing on the table beside him. after saying a few “yes”’s and a “see you in five” into the phone, he pulled a twenty dollar bill and left it on the table.
           “looks like our time is up.” he hummed, standing and motioning towards the door.
           “i don’t need you to take me home.” he huffed, sitting on the curb next to the bus stop. it was nearly 1 in the morning, and the last bus going back to the university was set to come soon. the street was quiet, despite the party that was going on a few houses down. she sighed and sat down next to him.
           “ok holden caufield, no need to be angry over someone trying to be a good friend.” the party had been fun, but after jaehyun’s friends had left early and he was stranded in an inebriated state, she decided she needed to make sure he made it back to his apartment in a single piece.
           “you’re not as fun when you’re sober, you really should know that.” jaehyun bumped their shoulders together and then proceeded to slouch over and prop his head against her arm. his breathing audible as they both sat in silence for a few moments.
the night was cold, but the wetness that defines winter chill is missing. signs of spring had been emerging, and the end of their semester was approaching faster than anyone had expected. the party was thrown to celebrate the end of midterms for most people, but unfortunately one of her professors had decided to extend her suffering. her avoidance of alcohol was so she could go home and crack open her books once she had made a brief appearance at her friend’s party. that was of course until she had run into jaehyun, who was drunk, alone, and very eager to spend time with her. after nearly dropping her whilst trying to give her some sort of bear hug when she brought him a glass of water, she figured it was time for jaehyun to go to bed.
           after sitting wordlessly for what felt like an endless amount of time, each enjoying the contact of their skin against each other, he spoke.
“i’m sorry.” his voice is almost a whisper, and she’s not sure if he is directing this at her or if in his drunken state he is somehow feeling the need to apologize to a greater power somewhere in the universe.
           “what for?” she sighed, resting her head on top of his. his hair was soft, and the warmth of his touch was nice. comforting.
           “the first time i get drunk in ages and i end up forcing a very cute girl who i have only met twice to babysit me. not exactly what i imagined when i left the house a few hours ago.”
           “three times.”
           “we’ve met three times before this.” she suppressed a giggle, grinning to herself. he pulled himself away from his position against her shoulder and faced her, eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
           “i subtly tell you i’m interested in you and all you can do is correct me on the number of times i have taken care of your drunk ass?” he laughs, shoving her lightly.
           “if you call that a confession, i’m extremely disappointed. you didn’t even write me a story about you cutting off any of my limbs out of passion or give me a mixtape including a song by the cure. i expected better of you.”
he was staring at her, lips upturned and cheeks pink. his eyes were full of something she had never seen in the times they had met. possibly curiosity, or hope. something that made them sparkle with chance.
“can i try again when i haven’t been drinking?” he asked, a tinge of nerves lacing his question, but not enough to stop him from ever slightly leaning closer.
           “i don’t know.” she was perfectly still, not wanting to break the eye contact between them, ”you’re the author, what is your gut telling you?”
           she can feel her stomach flip at the proximity between them. he is so close, and she just wants to reach out and run her fingers through the softness of his dark hair again.
“it’s telling me to kiss you, no matter how cliché that ending will be.” there are merely centimetres between his face and hers.
           “well, maybe we should give the readers what they want.”
and she closes the gap between them.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Hypnotize People
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-hypnotize-people/
How To Hypnotize People
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If you have even the slightest interest in hypnosis… Keep your eyes glued to this page! Why? Because MY goal is to turn YOU into a genuine hypnotist…. FAST… If that idea excites you…You are going to be very excited about what you’re about to discover…
From: Steven Hall
On the following page, I’m giving you a “brain dump” of EVERYTHING you need to know about genuine hypnosis, including…
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This means that if you can talk, you can hypnotize people! 
Example #3 “Even a complete beginner can perform genuine hypnosis, with NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE!”
Because genuine hypnosis is all about talking, as soon as you know what to say, and how to say it, you’re a hypnotist! This means all you have to do is follow my SIMPLE step-by-step instructions!
I receive hundreds of emails from people that have absolutely no experience of hypnosis whatsoever, yet can genuinely hypnotize people within hours of reading this page! You can too! Imagine how exciting it is to be able to do this!
If you can read and follow my simple step-by-step proven formulae you can hypnotize people, and you won’t need ANY previous knowledge of hypnosis!
Example #4 “EVERYTHING you need to get started using GENUINE HYPNOSIS is right here!” 
For the first time in history, it’s EASY to learn genuine hypnosis… and to know what to do with it!
When I was learning hypnosis, I spent literally hundreds of hours studying and a huge sum of cash on books, tapes, seminars and courses! Most of what I read barely scratched the surface, nothing was telling me what I really needed to know! That’s why I decided to put things right!
Hypnosis is easy to learn and you can do it almost immediately when you have the information you need!  That’s what my techniques are all about… I make things simple because I want you to master hypnosis… FAST!
Before I go on I guess I should tell you a little more about myself, and my techniques…
I learned hypnosis the hard way, spending hours studying heavy volumes that only seemed to hint at what I really wanted to know. I went to public demonstrations, bought audio cassettes, visited seminars and enrolled on courses.
I was determined to master hypnosis but the information I craved was simply not available.
As I began practising hypnosis and my knowledge grew I kept a journal detailing everything I had learned,all of the varied techniques I had witnessed, the secrets and the tips and tricks of the trade.
I practised what I had learned, continually refining my techniques to make them more and more effective. If you know me personally, you’ll know that when I discover something, I want make sure that anybody and everybody that can benefit from it, gets to know about it ASAP!
And what I had discovered was an easy, fast and reliable way to hypnotize people.
Most hypnotists are like magicians, they guard their secrets and hide behind the hype of their show. I am not one of those hypnotists. I prefer to reveal my secrets and techniques. That’s exactly why I put up this web page… So that I can teach YOU how to hypnotize people!
As more and more people borrowed my hypnotic journal, I realised exactly what I had to do! I had searched so desperately for a single book that would teach me how to hypnotize people, yet nothing I read told me what I needed to know. I was gonna have to write it myself!! I had to cram all of my knowledge, wisdom and experience into a single book that would turn any reader into a genuine hypnotist, even if they have absolutely no previous experience or knowledge of hypnosis whatsoever.
So that’s exactly what I did!
I created the book I would have given anything for when I first began my studies. I had strict goals for the book, even before I put pen to paper! My goals were simple…
GOAL ONE: To develop a complete system that covers the entire hypnotic process
Perhaps the most annoying thing about learning hypnosis the way I did is that no single book, tape or course seemed to cover the entire hypnotic experience. Most hinted at an induction and a few gave information on deepening techniques but I needed the 
whole thing!
It soon became apparent that hypnotists quickly forget how frustrating it is when you don’t know exactly what to do at each stage of the process.
Almost everything I have read on hypnosis gives you a few suggestive sentences then instructs you to simply carry on in a similar style until the desired outcome is achieved!This instruction is useless to an absolute beginner!!!From the very start I knew that, if I was going to put things right, my instructions must be concise and complete. That’s why I included the word for word induction script and deepening section. Hypnotizing people is as easy as reading it out!But my desire for completeness didn’t end there, I set myself a very specific goal…
To cover 
ALL aspects of trance, this included detailed, easy to follow instructions for the initial pre-induction talk and tests,  the actual induction process and trance deepening, what to do with the trance and how to wake the client at the end of the session.
Simply put, I wanted to make sure that this book was going to be a ONE-STOP self contained teaching system.Everything you need right there in a neat little bundle. I remember my frustration at wading through all those heavy complicated journals. I searched for something like this when I started learning hypnosis, and when I couldn’t find it, I knew that one day I would have to create it!
GOAL TWO: To keep my instructions as simple as possible
Something I have always found really annoying is the way ‘intelligent’ people try to belittle everyone by using technical jargon and complicated explanations. What are they playing at? It’s as though they only want to communicate to their ‘special group!’
Surely if you are trying to teach someone something it’s best to make your instruction as easy to follow as possible? I don’t want my readers to be reaching for the dictionary or searching through glossary terms just so they can understand my (unnecessary) jargon!
It seems to me that people only do this as an attempt to boost their ego, a way to make them feel big and clever, by making us feel stupid!
Well I think they have things the wrong way around! I am proud of my ability to simplify complex subjects and that is what makes me an accomplished teacher!
As well as keeping my language basic and only using familiar terminology I wanted to ensure that the process itself was simple, so I developed my famous step-by-step approach which my students (many of whom really struggled before trying my techniques) have hailed as the simplest and fastest technique currently available for learning hypnosis.
GOAL THREE: To turn ANY reader, even those with NO Previous Experience or knowledge of hypnosis, into a real life hypnotist, not just in theory, but in FACT!
This was always the most important of my goals. I wanted to make sure that my book was a complete ONE-STOP system, showing you EVERYTHING you need to turn you into a genuine hypnotist, even if you have absolutely no other knowledge or experience of trance what-so-ever!
Learning hypnosis is simple if you have good sound instructions that are proven to work, and that is what I am offering you right here. As you can see from my testimonials below, my guide to hypnosis does exactly what I intended it to do! 
Here are just a few of the hundreds of comments I receive from everyday people, just like you, that knew nothing about hypnosis before trying my techniques…
” …I was just as shocked as my subject when I successfully hypnotized them within minutes! I didn’t think it would work and that I’d be practicing for months!”
Daniel Stanton
Daniel didn’t know anything about hypnosis before he found this site, neither did Simon, he only decided to give it a go for fun, and didn’t expect it to work, he was really excited when he told me… 
“I have just hypnotised my brother on my very first attempt! This is awesome!!! Thanks!!”
Simon Glover
You’d think hypnosis would take a little longer than a couple of hours to learn, and you’d be right. Normally it does! So what do Dan and Simon have that makes them so special? They have my guide to hypnosis, a foolproof system that can turn ANYONE into a hypnotist, in minutes! Wouldn’t you like one of those?
I guess this might sound a little too good to be true, so I’ll tell you a bit more about it. Imagine you have step-by-step instructions, like a manual, that you can follow easily. Your manual’s written in plain English, so it’s nice and easy going. Each step is clearly explained and everything you do and say is scripted out for you.
Sounds simple enough, right?
It is! To be honest, if you can talk, you can hypnotize people. Obviously you have to know what to say, but… you have that covered in your manual!
Once you’ve hypnotized somebody, you’re going to have to know what to do, and how to wake them up when you’re done. Your manual covers that too. It actually covers everything you need, even if you haven’t got a clue about hypnosis before you start!
This is the manual that I wish I had when I started!
Look. I hate to think of you passing up an opportunity to learn how to hypnotize people. I know how hypnosis has changed my life, and have seen the affect it has had on thousands more! Not just those that learn it, but their family and friends too!
I also hate to think of you wasting a year of your life (and thousands of dollars) trying to learn hypnosis the hard way! Only to discover that your plan was flawed from the beginning because much of the information available is outdated, incomplete and just plain wrong!
That’s why I want you to have my proven techniques, my step-by-step, simple to follow, fool-proof system.  
Use my techniques, and you won’t need the huge start-up capital that most courses require. You won’t need to spend hours studying. However, if you think you already “know it all,” I suggest that you stop reading now… this information isn’t for you. 
On the other hand, if you’re open-minded and willing to discover the truth about genuine hypnosis — keep your eyes glued to this page. 
You’ll soon discover how my simple step-by-step system will turn you into a genuine confident hypnotist, covering EVERYTHING you need, even if you have NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE what-so-ever! My fool-proof guaranteed system details the entire process, including…
Comprehensive Pre-Induction instructions
Dynamic time saving ‘hypnotisability’ tests
Word for word COMPLETE induction scripts
Comprehensive deepening techniques
How best to wake a client
Trance phenomena
Hilarious routines for use on stage
How to select the best and most entertaining volunteers for your stage show
The secret power of Subliminal Messages
Post hypnotic suggestions
Instant and rapid induction techniques
… and this is just the tip of the iceberg! 
This guide is a self contained system, including EVERYTHING you need, even if you have absolutely no previous knowledge or experience of hypnosis!
The proven techniques I am going to share with you are the exact same systems that literally thousands of my students have used to realise their dreams of becoming genuine hypnotists…
Here’s another small sample of the hundreds of testimonials I’ve received: 
“I successfully hypnotized my first subject using your book. He was hypnotized to a very deep trance and I was able to suggest he forgot his name and a number. Then I put him back into trance and removed the suggestion. I have already hypnotised 2 people to a deep level of trance producing negative and positive hallucinations and doing most of the stage routines you suggest in your book with complete success. It is a great feeling to achieve this!!”
Richard Jackson
Like many of my readers, Charles (below) has always been fascinated with hypnosis but never believed he would be able to do it..
“I have always been fascinated with hypnosis but never imagined I would be able to do it. When I read in your book about how simple it can be, I still didn’t expected it to work, but it did! I can’t tell you how great this feels! You have opened up a whole new world that I only wish I had discovered years ago! Thank you so much.”
Charles Hutt
…I don’t ask that people believe in my techniques, all I ask is that you try them for yourself, then you will know they work!
Brendan decided that hypnosis was the answer to his families problems…
“I have found your book amazing. I have been interested in hypnosis for many years, so this has given me the start I was looking for. I have used my wife as a subject and have had wonderful results. I have also hypnotized my wife’s mother to help her relax, very successfully so far. I really can’t praise your book enough. Thank you!”
Brendan Hughes
Not all of my readers are completely new to hypnosis, here are a few comments from those that are already experienced…
“As a fan of hypnosis, I have read many books, both introductory and advanced, and have found that they all lack the one thing that this e-book has: simple, easy-to-understand instructions that really work! You can easily read this material and be out hypnotizing people within the hour! Highly recommended!”
Lee Davis
“I feel the e-book I bought from you was excellent it covers the subject from start to finish I have seen others but in my opinion yours is well in front. If anyone is thinking of a career on stage then this book should be your first stop fantastic is an understatement!”
Dan Brookes
“I have a life-long fascination with hypnotism: I’ve read many books, even designed scripts for self-hypnosis. I’m very impressed with your material: thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and consideration.”
Deborah Lane
“By far the most comprehensive, easy to read and easy to understand book on hypnosis. It’s simplicity and impact taught me the fundamentals and a working knowledge of hypnosis the first time I sat down with it. Thanks!”
Dr. C. Valenti  (Doctor)
“While studying to become a qualified Hypnotherapist I found Stevens E-Book immensely useful, it blows away a lot of mysticism and explained the art of Hypnotism in a clear, logical and simplistic way. Fully recommend this E-book to budding Hypnotists everywhere.”
D. Bunning F.inst.H.T.
If you want to be able to hypnotize people, not just know how it’s done, but actually be able to do it yourself, then ‘How to Hypnotize’ is exactly what you have been looking for. I imagine you are eager to find out more, so let’s take a closer look at what you will discover…
Discover what hypnosis is… and how it works!Most hypnotists don’t want you to know this! They’re a bit like magicians, they like to guard their secrets. I prefer to tell it like it is, so you’ll discover the truth. It always amazes me how many people still believe that hypnosis requires some kind of mystical power, it doesn’t! And when you discover the truth about hypnosis you will not only understand how it works, but why it works.
Your newfound wisdom and knowledge won’t go unnoticed either! People are fascinated by hypnosis and when they realise you have discovered its secrets, they’ll be fascinated by you!
How to build rapport with complete strangers! Charisma in a bottle!
If we like someone it’s because we have a natural rapport with them’ and if we just can’t see eye to eye, it’s because we don’t! But wouldn’t it be great to simply ‘click’ with everyone you meet? Wouldn’t it be great if everyone that you met took an instant liking to you?
Well that’s what you can expect when you unleash the power of these fantastic rapport-building strategies. I admit, it sounds like magic, but when you have the secrets of rapport you really do have ‘Charisma in a bottle’.
These techniques aren’t confined to the world of hypnosis, they are like gold dust to anyone in sales and cupids arrow in the dating game. I remember a rather dramatic demonstration where a budding hypnotist took on the challenge of subconsciously attracting 4 complete strangers during dinner, without moving an inch from his chair! And sure enough, before his plate was clear, four complete strangers had come up and introduced themselves, each felt they knew the hypnotist and were convinced he was an old friend, yet he had never met a single one of them! So how did he do it?
He used very clever rapport building strategies to convince their subconscious minds that he was someone they just had to meet’ and he did this from across a crowded room! Their subconscious minds monitored his actions and recognised him as a person just like them’ in fact, so much like them that they must like him! This technique is so powerful that people feel drawn to you, yet have no idea why.
Applying the magic of rapport to hypnosis is like entering the Tour-De-France on a motorbike! You have a serious advantage before you even begin! Rapport is the solid foundation upon which your induction builds itself’ without it, you’re fighting a losing battle, with it, you’re winning a loyal friend! Rapport makes people like you… People that like you trust you… And trust is hugely important when it comes to hypnosis!
And the magic of rapport doesn’t end here. In fact, this is only the very beginning! Once you have established rapport, you can use it to ‘pace’ your volunteer’s state, and then ‘lead’ them wherever you want them to go (which is usually into a deep hypnotic trance!) 
This technique is a wonderfully subtle, yet massively powerful, way of steering any situation in the direction you want it to go’ You’ll even discover how I used these exact strategies to transform a friend’s mood from depression to ‘dancing diva’ in just a few short moments!
Keeping safe and Avoiding the Dangers of HypnosisHypnosis is cool, but it’s also very powerful. So you do need to make sure that you use it responsibly. You will discover how to use hypnosis sensibly and how to avoid all of the common pitfalls that could lead to complications. I only practise safe, sensible hypnosis and my teaching style will ensure your hypnotic experiments are safe, fun and entertaining from day one.  
Stick peoples hands together and find out who’s best for your show!
Suggestibility tests are such a good laugh to play around with! Sure, they do have a serious purpose’ they help you choose the very best volunteers for your show, but they are also a quick, easy and fun way of demonstrating your hypnotic power! 
These are the techniques you will be using to stick peoples hands together, or to lock their eyes closed. I’m sure you’ve seen this kind of thing on TV. One of my more memorable experiences was with a friend way back during my first few inductions. I locked his eyes shut, just to give him an idea of how hypnosis feels and he was completely convinced that nothing had happened’ in an attempt to prove me wrong he turned to face me with wide open eyes.. only his eyes weren’t wide open!!! He did manage to raise his eyebrows but his eyelids wouldn’t budge! When he realised they were truly stuck he began trying to prise them open with his fingers! It was such a funny thing to witness and the whole process only took a couple of minutes!!
Suggestibility tests work really well, and they’re fast, so they’re definitely a lot of fun. But the best thing about these tests is the reaction you get when you do them. The hand lock test is a great example, people really don’t think anything has happened, and then you invite them to try and open their hands’ The reaction is usually along the lines of, ‘Oh my God! What have you done?!?’
You will discover a nice variety of suggestibility tests, each having it’s own benefits. The hand locking and eye lock tests are a great way of revealing the exhibitionists, the arm rotating and hand magnets tests show the suggestibility order of your volunteers and the fall back test seamlessly leads you into an instant induction that will amaze everybody!
How to EXPLODE your Suggestive Powers using ‘Linguistic Bridges’
You would be forgiven for thinking that linguistic bridges are some complicated technical hypnotic technique, they’re not! ‘Linguistic’ basically means ‘language’, and ‘bridge’ refers to the way we ‘link’ parts of our language together, the word ‘and’ is a very basic linguistic bridge.
So what do these simple ‘language links’ do?
They do something very special and rather dramatic when used correctly’ By including a few well-chosen links, your suggestions instantly become much more powerful. This is one of the easiest ways to enhance your inductions, once you know how they work they are so simple to use. That’s why it completely amazes me every time I read a book on hypnosis that fails to mention them!! And almost EVERY book I have read on hypnosis completely fails to mention them!! Why? I have absolutely no idea!
Linguistic bridges come in varying strengths and you will need to know how and when to use each to get the best results. These are the tools that give you the edge over other hypnotists, I can’t stress enough how simple they are to use and when you try them out for yourself you will soon realise how powerful such poetic simplicity can be.
If hypnosis really does have closely guarded secrets, linguistic bridges would certainly be at the top of the list! 
Your very own powerful ‘Word for Word’ Hypnotic induction script! To hypnotize somebody all you have to do is read this out! How simple is that!!!
The great thing about using a script like this is that you don’t have to understand how it works for it to work, all you need to do is read it to your volunteer. It couldn’t be any easier!
Many of my students are not completely new to hypnosis, they have read a few guides and tried out one or two techniques. And all of them tell me how difficult it is to learn when you don’t have a complete script. It’s so frustrating when you have to make do with a few suggestions and the annoying instruction to ‘carry on like this until the desired outcome is achieved!’ Well that’s exactly what you are gonna side step, because you have a complete word for word induction script that’s ready to go! 
And you can be confident that it will work too! Because your exact script has been used time and time again by thousands of my students over the years to hypnotize countless people. Using your script is not only easy, it’s also extremely effective.
This really is the part you have been waiting for! An actual word for word hypnotic script that’s been successfully used time and time again to hypnotize hundreds of people! All you have to do is read it out. It couldn’t be easier. And it really works!!  
How did I do that?Hypnotizing another person is so easy when you use the word for word induction script’ But wouldn’t you like to know how you did it? Well that’s what you are about to find out! We are gonna strip down the script and look at each sentence in turn! You’ll discover exactly what each section of the script does, so you’ll understand why you said it.
This process is completely fascinating and really gives you a thorough understanding of hypnosis. You’ll uncover the hidden messages that practically guarantee your induction is a success and you’ll understand how everything comes together to create a massively powerful induction.
This is much more than fascinating, as it allows you to get right up close to the action and really pick the process apart, enabling you to actually design your very own powerful and professional hypnotic scripts!  
Progressing to the WOW factor with Instant Hypnosis!
Instant inductions are like having your own hypnotic magic wand! They are really fast and dynamic… and amazing to watch! Your credibility as a master of hypnosis will sky rocket when you use these techniques’ and believe it or not, they are also surprisingly easy to do!
You will learn three instant induction methods, two of these allow you to actually hypnotize your volunteer as you great them onto the stage’ just by shaking their hand!!
The third, you will recognise instantly’ it’s the one you have probably seen on TV. One second, the subject is standing talking to the hypnotist, the next, his head slumps as he falls into a deep trance and the hypnotist lowers him to the floor!
It’s one of the most dynamic displays of hypnosis, incredibly fast and looks fantastic. It’s also really easy to do’ and you can flow seamlessly into it from the suggestibility tests, so you’ll look really professional.
Instant hypnosis is extremely cool, this is the stuff that’ll make your credibility rating as a master hypnotist explode! It’s the ‘wow’ factor that you have been looking for!
Putting on your very own show to the paying public!
I know its fun to practise on your mates!! I did that for months before I actually got up on stage! But.. as your skills develop, and your confidence builds.. sooner or later you are going to be performing to the paying public!
When I was in your position I was terrified of the thought of getting up on stage and having all those faces looking up at me’ but, as I learned more about hypnosis I began to hypnotize myself to overcome my crippling stage fright and became so confident that I couldn’t wait to get up and perform!
I am so glad that I took that step, messing around with hypnosis on friends and work colleagues was a great laugh, but getting up on stage and doing my first proper show’ that was mind blowing!!! 
To make sure your first public performance is a success you will receive valuable advice that can only come from experience. Your guide to putting on a show covers everything you need to know, including…
The equipment
Your appearance 
Setting the stage
The introduction 
The entrance
Asking for volunteers
The pre-hypnotic talk
The suggestibility test
The induction
Deepening the trance
The hypnotic routines
Awakening the subject
Thanking the volunteers
Plus Much Much More!  
You’ll discover stacks more things too, far too much to list here! To put it in a nutshell, you’ll learn how to hypnotize people, have a lot of fun with it, and then wake them up safely! You have a stack of hilarious routines to try out and great practical advice for doing shows. 
If you decide that you want to take advantage of this opportunity to master hypnosis, you should know that it has a real price tag. This is important for two reasons.
First — you can feel confident that ‘How to Hypnotize’ is truly complete. It’s not a “teaser” designed to upgrade you to something more expensive.
Second — and much more important — because of its price tag, you really do know that you’re buying quality. This ebook has been written with ONE goal in mind, to turn you into a hypnotist… fast, and that is exactly what it does.
Look: Most people fail because they don’t know where to start. That’s why ‘How to Hypnotize’ has been written in a clear, step-by-step manner. Instead of being overwhelmed, you’ll have a clear game plan; you’ll know exactly what to do first, second, third, etc.
As you have already seen, many of my readers have tried everything else, so did I! Don’t waste your time and money trying what doesn’t work. Make the smart decision, and join the thousands of satisfied readers that have discovered the secrets of hypnosis, not just in theory… but in fact!
Too many ‘how to’ guides waste time with unnecessary ‘filler’ and never get around to telling you what you really need to know! I prefer to give it to you straight, in simple, easy to understand, step-by-step instructions that are designed to turn you into a confident, competent hypnotist…. FAST!
…But, just to make sure you are comfortable… 
“Let me take all the risk for you!”
If you use my strategies, and follow my instruction, I personally guarantee that you’ll be able to perform Genuine Hypnosis within a month. Much sooner if you are serious!
Many of my readers hypnotize their first volunteer within hours of ordering… if you follow my guidance there’s no reason why you can’t join them!
I’ll happily send you a 100% refund of your purchase price!  
If you don’t think that this information is for you, or if you change your mind for any reason at all… You can simply claim a 100% refund of your purchase. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
Now, I know that some people put my techniques into practise immediately and are hypnotizing their first volunteers the same day they place an order. But, there are also those people that like to take their time to really get to know hypnosis inside-out before practising. That’s why I’m giving you a full 60 days to decide if this is for you.
If you want to return your purchase I will refund every penny you paid for it, No Questions Asked! I confidently offer my 60 day guarantee because I am so certain that you will be absolutely thrilled with your purchase!
I designed this guarantee for the 99% who are honest, but naturally sceptical — not the 1% who’ll take advantage of me. But more important…
I’ve been offering this same guarantee for years, and only a handful of customers have taken me up on this guarantee… Sure, once in a while there’s a tire kicker who buys my ebook, does nothing with it, and requests a refund. But as you can see from my testimonials, customers who USE my strategies are wowed by the results, and wouldn’t even think of trading the information back for a few dollars
This simple step-by-step guide is all you need to transform yourself into a master of hypnosis… In fact, you are just minutes away from getting started!! You don’t even have to wait for the mailman! Because ‘How to Hypnotize’ is an Electronic Book, and you will be able to download your very own copy in seconds!!!
This means that in less than an hour from now you could actually hypnotize someone!! I know it sounds almost too good to be true, that’s what Dan Stanton thought, so did Simon Glover, and Lee Davis! Yet they all successfully hypnotized someone within an hour of reading this page! So have countless others… and so can you! (And even if it does take you a little longer to master hypnosis…  Remember, you have the security of your ‘no questions asked’ 60 day guarantee, so you have absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain.)
Click on the ‘buy Now’ button below to secure your copy of ‘How to Hypnotise’ right now for a single payment of just $27 – You’ll be reading it in minutes, and could even hypnotise somebody TONIGHT!
Your FREE Bonus Gifts! ($129.75 value)
Because I want to be sure that you have every tool, technique, and tip that you could possibly need to guarantee your success, I’ve agreed to give away a Bonus ‘Toolbox’ of FIVE SUPER BONUSES — absolutely free:
Bonus # 1 “Dylan Morgan’s ‘Hypnosis for Beginners’ eBook” (Value $29.95)
Dylan’s ‘Hypnosis for Beginners’ is a great introduction to the hypnotic process, with practical experiments and advice to get you started quickly. Dylan’s style is very differnt to mine and it compliments my work very well, giving you a new perspective on your learning.
It’s yours to keep! Absolutely free of charge when you order my bonus discount package!
Bonus # 2 “Advanced Hypnotic Techniques eBook” (Value: $29.95)
An amazing collection of 148 real life scenario scripts to enhance your hypnotic powers! Essential reading for anyone with an interest in developing as a hypnotherapist. Demonstrating exactly what a professional would do in almost every situation you are ever likely to encounter! This is the ultimate ‘fly on the wall’ experience!
Fascinating, educational and fun! And easy to jump into at any point when you have a few minutes spare!
Bonus # 3 “Hypnotic Inductions eBook” (Value: $29.95)
An extensive array of hypnotic inductions and deepeners for every occasion!
Rapid Inductions
Difficult Patients
Child Scripts
Association Methods
Confusion Techniques
                    Plus MUCH MUCH MORE!
This valuable resource is crammed with Step by step, fully scripted instructions in a no nonsense format! You will be reaching for this one time and time again… a true ‘tool-box bonus!’
Bonus # 4 “Hypnosis Plain and Simple – The Quickstart guide to hypnosis” (Value: $19.95)
This is a very special mini eBook that I recently put together as a basic introduction to trance. My advice is to READ THIS FIRST!
It is obviously not as comprehensive as my other guides but, if you want to learn fast, then this is the way to do it.
This mini ebook is a very fast BRAIN DUMP! You can read the whole thing in a matter of minutes and you will very quickly understand what hypnosis is all about. This will massively increase your learning when you read the other guides in your package.
If your anything like me, you’re probably not the most patient of people when it comes to learning new skills! Well this mini guide is exactly what you need. Read it immediately and you will be able to answer questions and talk knowledgeably about hypnosis in less than 30 minutes!
Bonus # 5 “Hypnotic Regression – A Beginners Guide to Hypnotic Regression” (Value $19.95)
Past life regression is such a fascinating area of hypnosis. This guide explores some interesting ideas about the human soul and teaches you how to safely regress a client and uncover the secrets of the past.
Regression can be very therapeutic for your client, and a fascinating experience for you.
That’s $129.75 worth of bonuses that are YOURS TO KEEP! Even if you decide that hypnosis is not for you!
Want even more?
If you order right now, I am also including an additional bonus… Completely free of charge!
I know that some of you will immediately see the value of my special bonus, but let me explain a little more about it…
If you order today, I am also including a very special bonus at no additional charge… Resell rights to my mini eBook, “Hypnosis Plain and Simple – The Quickstart guide to hypnosis“
This means that you have my permission to resell my mini eBook on to others…. And keep 100% of the profits! I even let you set the price yourself!
You could easily sell the mini eBook through eBay, or maybe from your own website! And because you get to keep all the money…. After a few sales you will have back everything that you originally paid for my complete package… and much more besides!
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Position Breakdown - WR / TE / HB
My purpose in all these preseason articles is to help you, the reader, become a better, more knowledgeable fan. One that balances passionate excitement and realistic expectations. I’ve tried to give a snapshot of who a player is, what he brings to the table, and what we can expect from him this season, in the context of his specific position group. I try to be positive, yet fair, and bold, but not hyperbolic. Maybe all this becomes infused into your conversations with friends, family and coworkers - even rival fans. Maybe you learn something. Maybe not.
For brevity’s sake, I’m not going player-by-player here. That would mean detailing a dozen or more guys and would involve a much higher ratio of opinions to facts. Instead, I’m going to single out a few players, talk about a couple units that may find themselves on the field at the same time and discuss realistic projections. This group is difficult to write about objectively, given their QB’s loftier-than-normal hype and their Head Coach’s dependence on the run game. The wide receiver unit in particular has immense talent and upside, but that’s been the story for several years now and there have yet to be results on par with their ability - and that’s going back 10 years or more, long before Gus took over. The tight ends under Gus have been largely nonexistent outside of roles as extra men on the line of scrimmage. And the only predictable position in this group, the halfback, is actually TOO predictable! As it’s been noted and seen on multiple broadcasts, he will often lead the opposing defense right to the football. So this will be a difficult article to wrap my brain around - but those are the most fun to write.
WR - Ryan Davis SR / Nate Craig-Myers JR / Darius Slayton JR
TE - Jalen Harris SR
HB - Chandler Cox SR
These are the names you’ll see most often on offense. Cox and Harris have been mainstays at their positions for a few seasons now, and offer a consistently high level of play inside their small role. Chandler Cox is a capable runner and pass-catcher, but opportunities are rare. He is also very close with QB Jarrett Stidham off the field, which has led to the term “security blanket” being used in regards to his comfort in the offense and the coaching staff’s level of comfort with him on the field. Jalen Harris has the least enviable position on the field, in my opinion, as he’s called on 90% of the time to block. He does his job very well, but one has to wonder what it would look like if we used our TE like most programs and actually threw him the ball occasionally. All signs point to that not being the case again this year.
This trio of starting receivers stacks up very favorably against the rest of the conference. Most publications say they’re between the 3rd and 6th best corps of pass-catchers in the SEC, and I tend to agree. Ryan Davis set an AU record for receptions last year with 84 and regularly turned screen passes into big gains or even 6 points. His impact should carry over into 2018. Nate Craig-Myers is one to keep an eye on. He has largely underwhelmed in his time on the Plains - after all he was at one point seen as the #1 WR in the country coming out of high school. His skill set leans more towards a short-yardage, chain-moving possession receiver, which has not been a facet of the offense since Darvin Adams and Cam Newton regularly hooked up on 3rd down for 6-10 yards a pop. That looks to change, based on comments from OC Chip Lindsey, and the middle of the field will be targeted much more frequently this season. Enter Craig-Myers and his thick frame and physical style of play. He can play a significant role in the offense. Lastly, Darius Slayton, the deep ball threat. It will be difficult to follow up last season’s 22 yards per catch, but who’s to say it’s impossible if the full playbook is opened up and all 3 levels of the field are utilized? Regardless, his role shouldn’t change very much. He’ll still be counted on to take the top off the defense and make contested catches down the sidelines.
WR - Will Hastings SR / Eli Stove JR / Devin Barrett SO
WR / TE - Sal Canella JR
Both Hastings and Stove suffered torn ACLs in Spring Training, leaving little margin for further injury to the WR corps going forward. I’m happy to report, both are already participating in Fall Camp on a non-contact basis, and multiple sources have said they’re very pleased with their recovery time to this point. Both players are anticipated to return this season, but it’s unsure if it will be before October. Given that, I’ll simply say that they offer a lot to the Auburn offense in the way of explosive plays and mismatches, and we’ll need them back if we’re to contend for the SEC. Devin Barrett is another interesting case because he came to us as a RB and received limited playing time last year at RB, yet now finds himself split out wide operating in the same role as Eli Stove. He’s a little larger than Stove and a different style of athlete, but I can see him being successful at keeping that spot occupied until Stove recovers fully. Barrett was a highly-touted recruit and saw the field last season as a freshman, so the staff obviously wants to get the ball in his hands in some way. Sal Canella makes this portion of the list not due to his usage or stats from 2017, but because he was brought in from JUCO to occupy the middle of the field and redzone as a 6’5 230lb WR/TE hybrid. In limited snaps last season he recorded seemingly as many drops as catches, which ultimately led to him spending most games on the sidelines. I’ve read nothing that suggests he will be relied on heavily this season, but we sure could use his size and skill set more than we could use his brash attitude.
WR - Marquis McClain SO / Anthony Schwartz FR
TE / HB - Harold Joiner FR
Marquis McClain is built about like Ivan Drago from Rocky, but runs routes like him, too. Many have circled him as a breakout player, but he’s still too raw to make an impact on this season’s campaign. He’s drawn comparisons to Sammie Coates, but it may not be until 2019 that we get to see it. Anthony Schwartz makes this list as a true freshman because he recently won the silver medal in the World U-19 100M dash. That’s right, the 2nd fastest man in the world under the age of 19 plays football at Auburn University - and he actually had a faster time in the qualifying heats than in the final. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out that he needs to get the ball occasionally just to see what happens. It will need to happen early, because he plans to train for and compete in the 2020 Olympics. We’ll need to get him involved before those distractions crowd out his footballing focus. Lastly, the freshman I’m most intrigued by: Harold Joiner. At 6’3 220, he looks more physically imposing than his highlight tape would suggest, but he has elite talent and soft hands. Many have compared his frame to the recent Ole Miss TE Evan Engram who’s now enjoying the NFL game. I believe he could represent a mismatch for opposing defenses if used properly, even in 2019. I won’t hold my breath, though.
A lot will be expected from this group, given their experience and talent as well as the hype around their teammate at QB. As 2017 wore on, the playbook grew and Stidham was allowed more control, leading to a more balanced and effective passing game. I expect that momentum to continue on into 2018. The offensive line tasked with keeping this passing attack humming will likely need the first month to truly gel, so expect a lot of quick, short passes that act as extended handoffs to get the big uglies into the flow of the game. We also can expect to see the intermediate passing game improve as Stidham has demonstrated that he has the arm strength and anticipation to fit passes into the tighter windows found near the chains.
There are no more excuses. The roster is loaded at this position, and every unique role for a WR in the Malzahn offense is now accounted for. The QB is in place and the OC has the ability to call plays unhindered. We can safely expect that this group of players produces explosive plays and tons of points in 2018. I believe there’s a 1000-yard receiver on this team for the first time in Malzahn’s tenure. Time to see who wants to be the one to ring that bell.
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