#that stupid old argument that eating celery results in a calorie deficit is a) annoying
beeseverywhen · 1 year
Why the fuck don't people like celery
I'm a firm believer in letting people do what they're gonna do. If one person doesn't like a food what does it matter, there'll be ten others that do
But I will defend celery till the day I die
I feel like my whole life there's just been all these people hating on celery. And they act like it has no redeemable qualities and frankly, are all alarmingly wrong
I will die on this hill. Celery is delicious. If you don't like it, you should dislike it quietly because frankly, you're the weirdo not everyone else. It is refreshing and crunchy and wonderful. I'm sorry you don't like it, you're truly missing out, but that's on you not celery
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