#that tfw when the off tank. when the off tank fuckin got you man when they GOT you
lisawn · 6 months
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handsome stranger
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polygon-streams · 5 years
April 23, 2019 - Mortal Kombat 11 Story Time
Pat played Mortal Kombat 11 on his channel, major content warnings for blood, gore, graphic violence.
Link to VOD, starts at 00:09:45.
He’s got cyberpunk lighting, oh shit he’s HACKED IN [Watch Clip]
Thanks his new subs at the beginning of the stream (including Faith)
Has not played game beforehand, runs tutorial at beginning
One beverage of the night is a watermelon ale
“One small step for scorpion, giant leap for gamer-kind”
Pat says it’s the third game in mortal Kombat series, starts w #9; everyone was in a fighting ring and it went so bad someone time traveled and reset it
He got 1000 coin $$
Has played Mortal kombat X (second one); says game is relatively similar
He brutally stabbed a guy in the tutorial and said “oops”
He says that thick blood is “thick jelly” for the game
Plays multiple rounds in the tutorial to be more familiar with the game
Got more coins after his second round $$$. Capital Pat $
Fiddles w the setting before going back into gameplay
Says game requires people to memorize combo functions to play and if they don’t get it right, they can get punished (like Dragon Ball Z)
Gets hit with a massive combo and goes “mmMM IM FINE”
“This is some Looney Tunes shit”
Chooses to stay in tutorial; hears about “fatal blow”– which the cpu gave him last round
Requires more timing for fatal blows than previous mortal kombat; used to be able to hold down a button and give a fatality, apparently
“It was an accident; it was fucking cool tho”
Pat uses a character whose main weapon is a chain they can use to grapple on the enemy; is still figuring out the mechanics of the character
He referred to his stream as the pizza party
He entered the customize menu babey
Every menu option MUST start w a K instead of a C in the spirit of the game
Chat feels good about input controls
Chat plays caught and compromised when the boss of the game is revealed [Watch Clip]
Piss clip interrupts dramatic intro scene
Content warning: “everything in the game is NASTY”
BIG kw on this one (stands for “kontent warning”)
Military girl gets promoted to commander bc nepotism, but still needs to duel person promoting her: “I need to kick YOUR ass ma'am”
“My mom kicked my ass”
Looks up special moves bc he can’t beat his mom (also the mom is Sonya, which I think is a char from a previous MK game??)
Mom continues to kick his ass
“RIP mommy” (i detest this man)
“Damn, mom with the MIX UPS”
Finally beats the mom after three or so tries
Kung Lao can do hat decapitations
Pat wants to direct mortal kombat
An intense laser went off in the story and someone played the piss clip at the same time [Watch Clip]
Gives more shoutouts
Thinks the notion of guns in mortal kombat is funny bc guns are never used in the fights
Pat says memeshart should run the streams
*Pat, mocking the storyline* “The BONE temple”
Faith is responsible for many of the piss button presses in this stream
Wants to play as Jackie in the game; doesn’t want to play as Cassie (probably bc she’s not in previous games?)
Hour mark goes by, chat presses h to hydrate
Character says “fuck you!” after a long battle; Pat agrees
Mom is buried by some rocks, Pat: “she could get out if she were a little boulder” (chat proceeds to yell at Pat)
LincolnCarpenter used all of their piss bucks 😔
After the dad realized his wife had died, someone in the chat played the Donkey Kong has Died music; Pat erupts in laughter, “I’m sweaty” [Watch Clip]
Prisoner has a colosseum fight. Pat: “this is so fuckin stupid”
Characters (and Pat) react to time travel element of the plot. Pat remembers some, but not all of the characters. Chat (and Pat) makes memes about characters seeing different versions of themselves
Some of the gore freaked out Pat
Gets new fighting avatar, checks out moves, butchers one of them: “huEHhe”
“I’m just gonna mash the buttons”
Roleplays as his new avatar to himself
I think this game calculates points in decimal?? Why
An assassin appeared out of a cloud of blood from a previously killed enemy. Pat called her his “blood wife,” then sipped on some ale
He has a brief cowboy noise discussion; “they all sound like McCree” (character from Overwatch)
Calls the blood of his enemies “gamer fuel” while still fighting the cowboy
Calls a character “our anti-imperialist bae” (eat the rich)
(sing-song voice) “Gamer fuuuueeeeeeel in my mouth”
“D’vorah” apparently means “da fuq” in mortal kombat (to Pat, during his entrance)
Questioned how Raiden is pronounced (Raid-en in MK, Ry-den in Metal Gear)
Game: “There are two eras” Pat: “Aaaah yes that’s how time works”
Doubts the game’s explanation of how immortals don’t have duplicates, but mortals do. Laughs at plot holes
Tfw you accidentally call your general mom, “General Mommy” [Watch Clip]
Pat has to fight a baby scorpion (the character)
A character the chat calls Hat Man invented dabbing (bc game takes place 20 yrs before dabbing was a thing)
Plays as the Hat Man during a fight, spends first couple seconds figuring out how to throw the hat
“I’m dead. He’s gonna rip my spine out of my ass”
He did a cool combo and said “Good.” with so much authority
Poses question to the chat: “if you and your best friend are on a mystical quest and run into evil, double versions of yourself, do you fight your evil double, or your friend’s evil double?”
Chat is making Christmas Carol memes bc the time travel discussion
Hat Man runs into his evil double “Same hat”
Characters made decision to fight their own evil doubles
Pat remembers cyber machines
Pat smiles in a :D way and does a little dance [Watch Clip]
Sub-Zero is introduced, “Hey Boy” soundbit plays
Pat mocks robot death bc no feelings “my dreeeeams” [Watch Clip]
Characters walk by heads floating in tanks, dismembered body pieces, “NASTY, this game is gross”
character gets sawed in half; pat makes a loud, grossed-out noise
“God damn you Cipher!” sound bit plays while an evil ice lady is revealing plans
Pat fights a character named “Noob Saibot” (chat reacts as you’d expect)
“Caught and compromised” soundbit plays again
Stream wraps up, Pat is sleeby and does a Big Yawn, thanks the mods
Raids Thomas “Strawbiery” Biery
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