#that was low Sesshy
sassy-shark-boy · 5 years
if you started watching anime as a kid . . .
Yugi Oh
Sailor Moon
Ranma 1/2
One Piece
Bleyblade G Revolution
Special Addition: Anything and everything Ghibli
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gaylenightingale · 4 years
TUMBLR Inu/Sess Mini Bingo
28 July 2020
 AN—Redalgaebloom suggested an Inu/Sess Mini Bingo for the month of Aug.  1000 words a prompt or a picture.  Must have a diagonal or straight row to bingo.   I’m going to try for a “blackout”.   Each card is different.   Mine from top right to left is curses, chocolate, hair brushing braiding. Second row is second love, free space, the Missus and the ex.  Third row is wedding flick, war AU, neighbor AU.
Not sure how well my plot ideas will work but here goes Chapter one….
 Warnings AU. OOC. InuSess. Etc.…
 Chap 1
Hair brushing and braiding.
 “Inuyasha?!  Time to get ready to go play with Sesshomaru.”
 The four-year-old dashed into his mother Izayoi’s room at her cottage on the castle grounds.   The cottage was removed from the view of the main house but safe within its perimeter.  
 When Toga died, Toga’s first wife Inuhime decided Izayoi and her son should live in peace and security on the castle grounds.  Afterall the great general had given his life for them; she could respect that.
 Within a few years the two women had become fast friends.  It started one night when Izayoi knocked at Inuhime’s door with a crying baby.    “He won’t stop crying,” the human mother cried.  “I can’t help him.  I tried to feed him, burp him, rock him, sing to him but nothing helps.   Is it a demon thing?   Can you help me, please, Inuhime?”   The near hysterical new mother sobbed even harder.    Having been through a similar time with her own son, Inuhime cradled the human and took the colicky baby.
 “Colic.   It sucks.   Come.  I’ll get you some tea.” Then turning to Inuyasha, Inuhime spoke softly, “Hush, little one.  Your big brother is sleeping.”   Bouncing the baby as she walked, she led the human to her receiving room.   “Izayoi, I’ll get the servants to bring us tea.”   She then walked around the room bouncing the infant until he was silent.   The mothers spoke for a while but shortly Izayoi fell asleep.   Inuhime watched the sleeping pair.
 The following morning Izayoi was extremely apologetic.  She gathered her infant and scurried back to her cottage.   A week later she brought a handmade embroidered sampler that read, “Friends are Forever, Thank you sister”.
 After she left, Inuhime took one look at it and tossed it to the side.  However, Sesshomaru saved it.  He was curious about the guests in the cottage.  His mother had forbidden him from visiting yet that human had just brough a handmade gift for his mother.  Were they family?  If so, would he be able to see them?
 It was another six months or so until Izayoi knocked at the door again.  This time Inuyasha had been laying on his blanket outside while Izayoi practiced her needlework.  She had turned her head for only a moment and Inuyasha had rolled over and crawled off the blanket and started eating dirt and bugs.
 Inuhime covered her mouth and laughed silently.   “It is okay. Demon children get antibodies from these things.”
 Izayoi sighed.   “What other things should I look out for?”
 So Inuhime invited Izayoi to the reception area again and spoke with her for an hour telling her of various milestones of demon childhood.   Izayoi followed her every word.  At the end of the hour she bowed low and offered her many thanks.  
 Sesshomaru had smelled the baby and had crept down to the entrance of the reception area to get a peek at the woman and the baby.  However, before he could see them, his tutor redirected his path to his classroom.
 Six months after that while Sesshomaru was practicing his katas outside he saw a naked baby running away from his mother giggling and laughing as though it were the funniest thing in the world.  The woman did not appear to think it was so funny.  As a matter of fact, she had a look of terror on her face.   At this point in his training the tutors had been stressing the importance of helping citizens in his kingdom.  Sesshomaru looked carefully at the situation and decided he needed to intervene.    He rushed to the infant and picked him up carefully.   Satisfied that he had done a good thing he turned to return the infant to his mother.
 Multiple things happened at once.
 Izayoi looked even more frightened than before.
 Castle guards came from everywhere and pointed spears at the infant and the human mother.
 Inuhime started yelling at Sesshomaru.
 The giggling infant became quiet.
 Sesshomaru ignored all the others and stared at the infant.
 Inuyasha stared at Sesshomaru.
 Time stopped.
 Sesshomaru looked at the round orbs on the cherubic face.   They were the same color as his father’s.  The tendrils of white hair curled loosely around his red round cheeks. Two puppy ears twitched on his head, listening, and taking in his environs.   Two baby fangs peeked out of his mouth.   Sesshomaru sniffed.   This infant was family.  Under the human smell lay the smell of his father.
 “Brother?” he whispered reverently.
 “Sesshy!”  Inuyasha babbled.  “Sesshy! Sesshy! Sesshy!”
 While the brothers examined each other, Izayoi was prostate before Inuhime.
 “Forgive me.   He got away.  I couldn’t catch up with him.   I’m so sorry.  Please don’t hurt him.”  The human sobbed.
 Inuhime bit her cheek and kept her tongue.  She should have known it would be impossible to keep the two apart.  They were half-brothers afterall.   After a pregnant pause, Inuhime waved her hands and the guards backed away.   Seconds later all that remained on the grass lawn were two mothers and two sons.
 Inuhime pulled Izayoi to her feet.
 “Sesshomaru, bring your little brother over here please.”
 Once the preteen brought his brother to her side, two sets of golden eyes stared at the female dog demon.
 “I thought I should keep them apart, but it appears I need to reconsider my rationale,” Inuhime muttered.   “Izayoi, it takes many people to watch over a grown demon child.  You are welcome in the main house whenever you need.”
 Izayoi thanked Inuhime and moved to collect Inuyasha from Sesshomaru.   But the boys were already playing.
 Daily play continued. Sesshomaru enjoyed the respite from his constant schooling and Inuyasha loved the attention of the alpha male.
 When Inuyasha was a toddler, he rebelled about having his hair brushed and braided.   Inuhime suggested Izayoi make it a requirement so that he could see Sesshomaru.   That was all the impetus needed.  
 Sesshomaru had school every morning and sword practice every afternoon until four pm.   From four until six pm he could play with his brother. He looked forward to these times.   He would often show his brother what he had learned that day.  Inuyasha would stare, mouth open in amazement and then he would praise his brother saying things like, “You’re the bestest!  No one can compare to you!” and “I wants to be like you when I grow up.”
 Inuyasha lived for four pm!   He had play time all day with his mother and a kindly otter demon maid but when it was close to four pm, he became restless and eager to leave his mother’s side to spend time with his brother.   When Izayoi told him that he would have to have his hair brushed daily to see his brother he willingly sat for the grooming.
 Inuyasha sat ever so patiently as Izayoi oiled his hair and brushed and combed the lengthening locks.   When he was done, he jumped from the vanity chair and raced off to see Sesshomaru!
 And so, life continued for several years.  
 Word count 1370
  #inusess#inucest#mini bingo    
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mikodaiyo · 6 years
Shinto Maiden
Summary:  When Kagome was a child, a demon fell out of her well and in love with her. But, Kagome is the Shinto Maiden, a delicacy for demons, promising eternal life in her flesh and unsurmountable power in her spilled blood. On her 19th birthday, who she is, is revealed, and all she can hope for is that if she is to be devoured, let it be by the silver haired demon of her childhood.
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 reblogs and comments are not only appreciated but preferred :D
These are chapters 1 - 3 posted for convenience and enticement that anyone’ll be inclined to read the rest
Snowflakes fell quickly from a dark, blue sky dusted with gray cloud dusts and twinkling, white stars. Atop a tall shrine house, a chimney bellowed smoke and, lights brightened the entire house in an amber aura. It's doors suddenly slid open letting in a young, tabby cat with an annoyed mewl and letting out a tiny bundle of brown and red with green eyes twinkling at sight.
Higurashi, Kagome, a quiet child who had a Mama who told her she was wise beyond her years and a Grandpa who told her exciting tales of the magic in their shrine, showed her fantastic swords and samurai armor and taught her how to read old scrolls. Sometimes, she even got to dress as the shrine's priestess and greet people during holidays, leading them to the well to pray while her Grandpa gave fortunes and Mama did palm readings. On those days, children from her school would play with her, thinking her magical and cool.
Any other time however, when Kagome invited other children over to play they would call her strange, telling her to stop using her 'powers' when they played hide and seek or tease her by playing 'Kagome, Kagome' just to get upset when she won and, call her a cheater.
Kagome preferred it more when they liked her... and she blew big puffs of frosty air to distract herself from such sad thoughts.
“Kagome, don't forget to close the door!” She heard her Mama call from the living room, “And stay in the yard!”
“Yes ma'am!” Kagome responded, sliding said door shut and paddling her way to the first step to sit down and safely making her way down the steps covered in icy patches.
First, she would make snowmen-no, snow angels-no! A whole snow army to have a snowball fight with!
“Hurry up and be born, Souta!” Kagome spoke to herself she knelt down underneath The-Big-Tree-With-The-Name-She-Couldn't-Pronounce and dug her hands in a plush pile of snow to begin her first snowman, “Playing by myself is no fun.”
When her Mama had finally decided what her baby brother's name would be, Kagome wore the name on her tongue as if someone bet her she couldn't; Her Mama told her she was big now, bigger than she was yesterday, and even bigger than she was last week, and that meant Souta wanted to catch up. Kagome was excited to have a new friend, one that lived with her so he couldn't leave, one that'd be just like her Mama and Grandpa and like his big sister just the way she was.
Simply remembering that made Kagome extra cheerful, and she held her red mittens against her mouth to gleefully squeal into them.
Which made her miss the bright, blue light that suddenly shined out of the well house, and mistake her sudden shiver as a product of the cold.
Abruptly, a loud THUNK reverberated off of a branch overhead, making Kagome look up in time to see a large pile of snow headed for her. Yelp smothered, Kagome fell face first into her snow pile, so she let out an indignant cry when heaving herself up on her hands and knees.
“You there. What are you doing?” A voice called from up above. Following it, she spotted a boy, dressed in a blue haori and white hakama, with only a big fur around his shoulders like the models in magazines to keep him warm.
...Her Mama always said not to talk to strangers but, Kagome assumed that was just a rule for adults and kids bigger than her; Even though he was up higher, he was probably the same size as her. And the boy was much too pretty to be dangerous. In fact, Kagome thought he looked a little dainty, like one of the porcelain dolls they sold.
“...I'm playing.”
“Underneath the snow?” He cocked his head.
“I wasn't underneath it until you made it fall on me.” Kagome pointed out, standing up to dust her coat off while keeping her eyes on the boy, “Why are you in our tree?”
“My pet pushed this one into the Honekui no Ido.” He said, as if that explained everything.
“Which one?”
“This one.”
“This... you?”
“Yes. This one.”
“You talk funny.”
The boy glared at her, “As do you.”
“Just say 'me'.”
“Make 'me'.”
Kagome blinked, then stuffed her mittens against her mouth to hide her giggling.
“I just did!” She looked up at him triumphantly, and the boy in the tree looked at her in shock, making her laugh more.
Immediately, he jumped down, barely making an indent in the snow or noise in the air, making Kagome liking him to a snowflake himself with all his pretty, silver hair trailing behind him. Once he stood directly in front of her, Kagome saw he was a little taller than her. 'But, only a little', she thought, smiling on.
“What is your name?” He asked after growling.
“Higurashi, Kagome. What's yours?”
His eyes narrowed, “I am Sesshomaru. Prince Sesshomaru, of the West.” He spoke with all the authority his childish, scratchy voice could exude. Even those from other lands, maybe even stranger than this one knew the names of the Western Rule, so the Prince had little doubt that when he heard the name, she would remember herself.
Rarely did Sesshomaru feel the need to pull rank but, he felt a bit foolish at losing her game before even realizing there had been one to lose.
“That's too long, can I call you Sesshy?”
“You will do not such thing.”
“But it's too long!” Kagome whined, and he could smell the tang of oncoming tears even better in the crisp air.
“It is a fine name and you will cease before you insist at once.” He pressed, the growl in his chest growing louder in his ire.
“B-B-But-I c-can't say long things...” Kagome sniffled, and a low whimper escaped her before she was on her way to a tantrum. However, before her whine could escalate, Prince Sesshomaru put his hand over her mouth, and Kagome rapidly blinked her tears away to see again.
“You will say 'Sesshomaru-sama'."
“But-” Kagome began, stopped only by the look he gave her.
“No 'buts',” Sesshomaru sighed, rubbing at his chest to quell the burn inside from his growling, “I will teach you, simply cease.”
Hesitantly, Kagome nodded and Sesshomaru removed his hand, then gestured to the ground for them to sit; Kagome plopped down onto the snow while Sesshomaru gracefully swished his fur underneath himself.
“My name is simple in its beauty, and deadly in its design. Meant to strike a wonderful fear into the hearts of my enemies.” Prince Sesshomaru spoke highly of himself. He merely repeated what his parents had always told him but, he did so in such a way that the words became his own, just as he was taught.
“My Mama gave me my name. She said she saw a star on my chest when I was born.”
“A star?” The Prince blinked, something about such a thing sounded familiar, like something heard in passing the welcoming hall of his castle, something his parents spoke of with other adults. But, since he didn't recall strongly enough, it must have bore as much importance to him then as it did now.
“Yeah.” Kagome finished wiping her eyes and took the chance to really take in the boy's appearance. Big yellow eyes, like the moon sometimes, and even a pretty purple crescent on his forehead. While Kagome was sure her cheeks were nice and red due to the cold, his were without any hues or markings, and they looked soft, like dumplings! He really was pretty like a doll, no wonder he was Prince of a whole West!
“Are you Prince of our well, Se-Sess... Maru-sama?”
“No. To only reign over a well would be foolish.” Instead of sighing, Prince Sesshomaru raised a brow at her and asked sincerely, “Do the people here ask foolish questions so often?”
Kagome shrugged, “I dunno. I haven't met every person, Maru-sama.”
“Who have you met here?”
“My Mama... My Grampa... I'll meet my little brother soon... lots of other kids... lots of people that come to this shrine.”
Prince Sesshomaru eyed the shrine behind her. It was weak but, there was indeed a magical tingle about the place.
For the next few hours, this is how they continued. Prince Sesshomaru would correct her on his name, ask her questions about her realm, and decided to answer her silly ones for compensation.
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kinsbin · 6 years
F/O gushing: Sesshy! :D
Tumblr media
@witchofwallachia HELL YELL MY BOY
Okay so Sesshomaru has been a crush of mine since I was younger. When I was 12 or so, I remembered playing the INuyasha video game: Legends of the Hidden Jewel or something like that where you played as an American exchange student who got to go into the feudal world and help Kagome on an adventure. In one part you traveled with Sesshomaru and met him and he expressed interest in you. I was smitten ever since. My entire insert story low key was made off of that game. But only , in my version, I stay in the feudal world and travel constantly at Sesshomaru’s side.
He’s the type I want to be protected by. I take more selfish liberties in shipping with him than I do in most of my other f/o relationships. I want to be covetted, protected, and held close to him. My form is weak and I don’t deny that, in a world where things are stronger than humans by far, but my mind isn’t. He recognizes that and it earns me both his respect and his want to protect. To keep me by his side as his (endeeringly) little human pet and keep me safe. And I want that. To be his and to be at his side because I love him and cherish him and respect him so much. He is a good, good boY. 
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empressanais · 4 years
Low-key hope Rin is Sesshys baby mama but also hope she isn't >~>
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two-tied-hearts · 3 years
I was so excited when it was announced that Sesshy had half demon children, because I KNEW Rin would be the mom. But the season ended, and I was disgusted with the way Yashahime did my OTP dirty. Rin didn’t actually get any character development, and as much as we try to deny it, the timeline was given in the show, and being a mother at 16 at the oldest is not the canon sessrin I was hoping for. I’m glad some people can still be happy that it’s canon, but I kind of wish it could have been made canon in a much better way. Why do our standards have to be so low? Why don’t we deserve to have our ship actually developed and between two actual adults? Anyways, I’d message you off anon, but I got bullied out of sessrin spaces because of my opinions.
Hello! This is a safe place for your opinions. That is why my asks are on anon for this exact reason. So no judgement here.
A little secret: I felt the same way when Yashahime season 1 ended. I felt they didn't show enough Sessrin and Rin development. Then I remembered that Yashahime is supposed to focus on the Sessrin children and their relationship. But I remember on twitter someone translated an interview with the director (but don't hold me to it lol) and the director said that next season will focus a little more on Sessrin and their relationship but of course having almost all the focus on the Sessrin twins and Moroha. I wholeheartedly believe that next season will have more Sessrin that we are hoping for.
The thing about her age, back then it was super common for women to marry and have kids at a young age, like 13, because at that time you were lucky to reach your 30s or if you're Kaede (or super lucky) in your 50s. Sesshomaru is 19 in human years and Rin is 16. That is only a 3 year age gap (being alive 400 years and your mental state are two different things). Plus he's, y'know, an ageless demon. Sesshomaru and Rin have both matured and are now adults and parents. So to sum it all up I don't think we should lose faith yet, I really believe that the show will give Sessrin and their family the ending they deserve.
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