#that was the day papyrus vowed to never make eye contact with sans ever again
apocalypse360 · 5 months
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sighhhh I've been neglecting my Undertale AU for a long while now
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
I’m collab’ing with @kamiiireru​ for her Yandere!Frisk doujinshi!  Have you guys seen her art?  It’s fantastic!  I’ve written a scene out and got permission to post it up here, and she’s going to be posting up pages of the doujinshi soon.  I most def recommend checking her out!  I know I’ll be reblogging things from her in the future.  
Some things about this doujinshi/the writing below: * It’s Frans.   * Frisk is gendered.   * Frisk is 18, and Sans is 21.  
If any of that isn’t your cup of tea--cool.  Please keep scrolling, and have a delightful day.  
This scene is pure, cute fluff before it all goes to hell. Scene’s below the cut.  I don’t have a mobile link for you right now.  
The stars had always been something so mystical Underground, something Sans had previously only ever seen on the glossy pages of astronomy textbooks.  The glimmering stones embedded in the ceiling of the caverns in Waterfall were the closest thing most of the monsters had seen to stars, but those that were old enough to have been around before the War were quick to point out that they paled in comparison to the real deal.  
Sans had spent a fair amount of time in Waterfall when both he and his brother were younger, and he had always vowed that one day, they would be able to get to the Surface and see the real stars spread out overhead. It was what he was working toward, after all; it was the driving force behind the experiments and work done in the True Lab, under the direction of the Royal Scientist.
When all of that had gone up in smoke, he had worked so hard to get it back (to get him back), but it was fruitless.  He began to lose HoPe--and when the RESETs began happening and the readings went off the charts, Papyrus was the only thing that kept him from Falling Down.  
... Although, in some timelines, not even that was enough to stop it.
*i gave up trying to go back a long time ago.
*and getting to the surface doesn’t appeal anymore, either.
He blinks from his thoughts, his eyelights focusing on the human standing before him, concern clear across her features.  Sometimes, she was too perceptive for her own good.  
“didn’t mean to space out, kiddo,” he says with a grin and a wink.  
The seventh human to fall had been what had given him HoPe again, despite the RESETs--and the fact that a part of him still wondered just how permanent this Surface timeline would be.  She had shown herself to be a good person, never harming others, and always keeping a smile on her face when she interacted with the other monsters.  No matter the challenge, she had been DETERMINED to get everyone to the Surface, to free all of the monsters.
*you didn’t gain LOVE, but you gained love
He had been her designated protector, stalking her from the shadows and providing hints along the way, spurned on by a promise he had made to a person he had never met.  
*’course i knew it was the queen.  the name toriel carries a lot of weight.
* not that i agreed because it was a royal request.
Frisk giggles at his pun, knocking her shoulder playfully into his.  “The telescope’s all set up, if you want to take a look.”
Sans turns his attention to the telescope perched on the hill.   It’s similar to the one he had Underground, one that he kept pointed at the glimmering gems in Waterfall and utilized to pretend to pick out constellations with Papyrus.  
Now, he could pick them out for real; he knew the name of every one of them.
“heh, thanks.”
He steps forward and leans down to press his eyesocket to the eyepiece, examining the twinkling stars above.  Frisk watches him with a smirk on her face, trying to cover a laugh behind her hand.  Sans glances over at the sound, and a circle of ink is clear around his eyesocket.  She’s finally gotten him back for his prank in Waterfall.  
“something funny?” he asks with a quirked bony brow.  
She shakes her head, still trying to hide her smile.  “Nope, it’s nothing.”  
Instead of prying, Sans just shrugs and resumes looking through the eyepiece.   His smile turns so relaxed as he views the stars, one hand gripping the telescope so he can adjust the angle accordingly.  
Frisk finds herself blushing softly as she watches him, her hand falling away from her face.  Ever since the first time he had extended his hand in friendship and helped her navigate Papyrus’s puzzles--all with a pun or lazy wink--she had been drawn to him.  Their friendship had only grown in their time Underground together, and once she had sat across the table from him at the MTT restaurant, her feelings blossomed into a full-on crush.  Maybe it was the ambient candlelight flickering across his skull.  Or maybe it was the realization that his continued presence hadn’t been coincidence, but him protecting her throughout her travels and watching out for her.
Either way, she was enamored.  And she wanted to make her move.
He looks so much happier these days, she thought, yearning to reach out and touch him, to connect with him while he was most at peace.  Her fingers began to stretch out toward the sleeve of his hoodie, but he straightened from the telescope before she ever made contact.  Blushing harder, Frisk jumps back, looking a bit panicked.
Sans quirks his brow.  “something up, kiddo?”
She shakes her head, turning even redder.  “I, uh... thought I saw a bug on your jacket!”
He chuckles, seeming to relax.  “so nothing sirius, then.”
When she realizes he’s making a star pun, she starts laughing, her nervousness melting away as he chuckles and winks.  The eyesocket that winks is the one with the ink ring around it, which only makes her laugh harder.
“ok, i feel like i’m missing something.”  He steps closer and pokes her in her side.  “spill.”
Frisk twists away, but doesn’t step back.  Being this close to him is easy--natural.  “Okay, okay,” she acquiesces, her laughter fading as she looks up at him with a smile.  He’s got his usual grin plastered on his face, but his expression is fond, his hands shoved in his pockets.  Frisk licks the tip of her thumb and then leans in, wiping it against the ridge of his brow.  Sans’s eyesockets widen in surprise; he doesn’t know what she’s doing, but suddenly, she’s so close, and his gaze is drawn to her mouth--and the way the tip of her tongue is stuck out in concentration.  
A light blue flush brightens his cheekbones.
Frisk only succeeds in smearing the ink, but when she leans back, she shows him the ink now staining her thumb with a sheepish grin.  “Payback for the time in Waterfall.”
He seems surprised at first, but then his expression relaxes into his usual grin, his blush diminishing.  “heh.  it’s inkcredible that you actually pulled one over on me.  that takes some serious spine.”
Frisk’s expression brightens, and she pokes him in the chest.  “You’re just upset that you didn’t think of it first.”
“maybe, but...” Sans trails off as Frisk moves to sit on the blanket spread across the grassy hill.  As soon as she sits, a loud farting noise emits, jarring her.  Frisk’s face flushes bright red, while Sans just chuckles and winks.  “you should think of the repercushions of your actions.  they might leave you winded.”
Frisk pulls the whoopie cushion out from beneath the blanket.  “Really Sans?”  She’s trying to give him a stern look, but she’s still smiling, a light blush still on her cheeks.  
“the ol’ whoopie cushion under the blanket trick,” Sans says, flopping down onto the blanket beside her.  Instead of sitting, he’s laid out with his arms pillowed beneath his skull.  “it never gets old.”
Frisk flicks the whoopie cushion onto his face, and Sans’s grin never falters.  He peels it back to glance at her.  
“Okay, so I’ll admit that was good.”  She flops onto her back beside Sans, staring up at the stars.  “But now I have to come up with something better.”
Sans pushes the whoopie cushion to the side, closing his eyes.  “you can try, but you can’t out-prank the master.  it takes a lot to catch me off-guard.”
Frisk looks over at him.  “Are you saying you knew about the ink on the telescope?”  
“who knows.”  He shrugs.
*yeah, i saw it all right.
*but i wanted you to have your fun.
Frisk pouts for a moment, staring up at the stars.  She knows something that would probably catch him off-guard, but the thought of it brings another blush to her cheeks.  His hand is lying at his side now, from where he used it to remove the whoopie cushion from his face.  She puts her hand at her side, slowly shifting her fingers toward the edge of his hand.  Her fingers are so close, and she gulps, glancing toward his face to see if he notices her plight.
He’s snoring.
Frisk’s mouth opens in horror, and then she looks sad and dejected, before steeling her resolve.  She’s nothing if not DETERMINED.
You can do this, Frisk.  Just take a deep breath.
In the next moment, she rolls on top of him.  Well, her arm is supporting her weight by his shoulder, so only her upper half is technically above him.   Sans’s eyesockets are automatically wide open, his eyelights mere pinpricks looking up at her in confusion.  
“I thought you said you didn’t get caught off-guard,” she murmurs, her hair falling in her face as she gazes down upon him.  Her heart is hammering in her chest.  
“you’ll have to do better than this.”  He looks more relaxed, but still a little nervous.  Or is that a challenge in his tone?
Frisk takes it as one.  “Like this?”
And then that, she lowers her head down and presses his lips to her teeth, her eyes shut and a blush across her face.  Sans seems completely surprised, his eyesockets still open and a bright blue flush springing back to his face, but after a moment, he relaxes into it, his eyesockets becoming half-lidded.  His arm even comes up around her back.  
Frisk pulls away, looking embarrassed.
“y-yeah, like that,” Sans manages, before he catches the back of her head and brings her in for another kiss.  His phalanges thread into her hair.
Once she pulls back again, both of them are smiling, their faces lightly flushed.  Frisk rolls off him just enough so she’s mostly on her side with her head resting on his chest, so that both of them can look up at the stars.  Sans has one arm still behind his head, while the other arm is wound around her, holding her against him.  
“Sans, do you think stars really grant wishes?” Frisk quietly asks.
“why?  you got a wish that needs granting?”  He quirks a brow, his smile widening.  She shakes her head against his chest.
“It’s just--monsters did a lot of wishing in Waterfall.  So, I was wondering... if you had any wishes.”
Sans looks surprised for a moment, before shrugging a shoulder, his eyes sliding closed.  “nah, that was more of a babybones thing.”
“Oh...”  She sounds disappointed.  Sans sighs.  
“a wish, huh...?”  He brings his free hand to his chin in mock contemplation.  “hmm...”
*if i could wish for anything...
*i’d wish for there to never be another RESET.
Instead of voicing that, however, Sans just reopens his eyes to find Frisk looking up at him, patiently waiting for his wish. His smile tightens.
He can’t bring himself to say that.
So instead, his brings his hand to the back of her head.  “i’d wish to stay just like this, frisk.”
She smiles, seeming relieved.  Her head returns to its previous position on his chest.
“Me too, Sans.”
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