#that's a lie she's actually looking at my bbq pulled chicken
arctic-hands · 2 years
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[Image Description: a small, sightly dazed, tabby cat sits on a yellow couch, staring off at nothing. End I.D.]
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Dark Desire [Chapter Six]
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Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington
One  Two  Three  Four  Five
Warning: Language
Tagged: @justgrits​  @fandomfaery​  @charmed-asylum​  @billysgodcomplex​  @asheseiler​  @frozenhuntress67​  @perkypolarbear​  @aillle8​  @thecaptainsgingersnap​  @lovepandasloves​  @lostnliterature​
“So what’s with your Aunt and Max’s brothers?” Mike asked. 
El looked up from her math homework. “What are you talking about?”
“You haven’t heard the rumors going around town?” Will said. 
El looked at both of them in confusion. “Spill the beans already,”
“Since their arrival, Billy and Steve have been spending a lot of time with Y/n. And I mean a lot of time,” Mike started. 
“Steve and Y/n are childhood friends,” El began. 
“Yeah, but they go out to dinner a lot alone, they spend the night at your aunt’s house, they bring her flowers and gifts,” Will added. 
“What are you two numbnuts getting at?” El demanded to know. 
“Well, is your Aunt Y/n dating Billy and Steve?” Mike asked. 
Max came up behind both of the boy sand thwacked them on the back of the head. They groaned and instantly rubbed their heads. 
“What kind of question is that,” Max snarled before dropping down next to El. 
Dustin and Lucas sat down next to Mike and Will. 
“Hey, we’re only curious,” Mike said. 
“My brother and Nancy were talking about Y/n the other day. I guess an FBI agent came by to talk to them and he was asking them questions about Y/n, Steve, and Billy,” Will said. 
“Why does it matter to you what Y/n is doing?” Max asked. 
“I mean come on, don’t you think it’s weird,” Lucas piped up. 
“What’s weird?” Max asked looking at him. 
“That Y/n could be dating both Billy and Steve?” Lucas said. 
“What Y/n does in her free time isn’t any of our business actually,” Dustin interrupted with his own opinion. 
“I agree with Dustin,” Max said. 
“Listen, all that matters is that Y/n is happy, okay? I haven’t seen her smile this much in a long time,” El finally said. 
Her group of friends fell silent. “Plus, what Y/n does isn’t any of your concern. Billy and Steve are her friends. Max is our friend and they are her brothers so watch how you talk about them,”
“Sorry, El,” Mike and Will apologized together. 
Max looked around at the table. “I’m sorry, I just need you to clear something up. Did you say that there was an FBI agent here asking about my brothers?”
“Um, yeah, I didn’t hear the specifics, but I overheard Nancy on the phone with Y/n about it,” Will explained. 
Max started to pack up the few things she pulled out of her bag. El looked at her friend with a worried expression. 
“Max, you okay?” El asked. 
“Um, yeah, I just need to get home. Now,” Max said. 
“Wait, I can get my mom to give you a ride,” Lucas said as he started to pull out his phone. 
“No, I’ve got it,” Max said. 
“Max,” El said reaching for her friend. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll call you later,” Max told her before running off. 
The guys all turned to look at El. 
“What was that all about?” Dustin asked. 
El shook her head at them. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen her act like that before,”
“Should we be worried?” Lucas asked. 
“I’m not sure. I guess I’ll wait and find out after I talk to her later. If there’s a need to be worried I will let all of you know, I guess,” El replied. 
Lucas looked back at the door and he could see Max riding away on her bike. El grabbed his hand drawing his attention back to her. 
“She’s fine. I promise I’ll call you later if she needs you,” El said. 
“But the mention of the FBI got her all worked up. Maybe she knows something that we don’t,” Lucas argued. 
“And I said I’ll take care of it,” El grumbled as she climbed to her feet and started packing up her own bag. 
“Wait, where are you going?” Mike asked. 
“Home,” El snapped. 
“But I can’t do this math homework without you,” Will pouted. 
“I’ll video call you later,” El said. 
Mike reached for El’s hand but she quickly pulled it away and tossed her bag over her shoulder. 
“I’ll see you guys later,” El said before running off. 
Dustin looked over at his friends. 
“You just couldn’t leave it alone, could you?” Dustin said.
“Shut up, Dustin,” Lucas and Mike said in unison. 
Max tossed down her book bag before running up the stairs. She could already hear Billy and Steve down in their conjoined office. She sprinted down the hall and didn’t even bother knocking before bursting into their office. They looked up as she came plowing into the room. 
“Maxine?” Billy said in confusion.
“Is it true?” She asked. 
“Is what true?” Steve asked. 
“Did that FBI agent find us, again?” Max asked her brothers. 
Steve and Billy glanced at each other. 
“Don’t lie to me either because I already know the truth,” Max snarled. 
Billy smirked and let out a small chuckle. God, she was so much like him. 
“Max,” Billy began. 
“Don’t Max me,” Max growled. 
Again Billy smirked. 
“Yes, he’s here in Hawkins,” Steve said interrupting Billy. 
Max gave them both a look before crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Max asked. 
“How did you find out?” Billy asked trying to change the subject. 
“Apparently, he talked with Y/n, Will said she told Nancy and Jonathon about him,” Max said. “And that he’s been asking them questions too,”
“I know it’s hard but try not to worry about it. I have a plan,” Billy said. 
“That’s what you said last time that’s why we moved here to Hawkins. And now that he’s in Hawkins what are we going to do next? You know more people are involved now,” Max pointed out. 
“Max,” Steve said leaning forward to brush some of her hair out of her face. “The agent isn’t going to do anything to us and he’s not going to do anything to Y/n or El. You have to trust us,” 
“It’s hard when once again he’s found us,” Max said. 
“We know,” Billy and Steve said in unison. 
“If he found us in Hawkins how do we know he won’t find us again?” Max asked. 
“Because this time we are going to stop him,” Billy told her. His sister only gave him a look. She knew better than that. 
“Billy,” She growled. 
“Max, let us handle all of this,” Billy said. 
“It’s okay, Max. Billy and I have this covered,” Steve told her. 
“Just don’t let him go after Y/n. She already has enough on her plate and I don’t want to see anything happening to her because of the two of you,” Max said. 
Before either Billy or Steve could say anything Max stormed off towards her bedroom. Billy glanced over his shoulder to look at Steve. He could see that he was mad the anger was rolling off him. 
“Steve,” Billy began. 
“He went after Y/n. Now her friends. He’s circling like a hawk. He’s picking at everyone here in town about us,” Steve said. 
“Steve,” Billy interrupted again. 
“No, I’m upset and I have a right to be upset,” Steve snarled. 
“You do have every right to be upset,” Billy said reassuringly. 
“He’s trying to make us squirm. He thinks that he’s making us panic. Because if we panic then we’ll mess up. And if we mess up then he can catch us,” Billy explained. 
“So what then we let him poke and prod the whole town of Hawkins?” Steve asked. 
“Yes, the longer he investigates the townspeople the more time he’s giving us to come up with a plan,” Billy said. 
Steve sighed and began pacing. “If he puts the pressure on her,”
Billy cut him off. “She knows nothing. We haven’t told her anything. It’s clear that her brother isn’t telling her anything. He can pressure her all he wants Y/n knows nothing,” 
Steve shook his head and continued to pace. Billy walked over to his friend and stepped in front of him. He grabbed Steve by the arms. Steve finally looked at him. 
“We are unstoppable. We’ve beat the agent before. Alexei has nothing on us, Steve. He’s trying to cause panic and doubt. Stick with me. Don’t let him into your head,” Billy said. 
Steve nodded. “I know you’re right,”
“Your head is clouded because of her and I don’t blame you. You left her all those years ago so I know that you’re on high alert about keeping her safe. But you’ve gotta trust me. We can stop him and keep her safe,” Billy said. 
“I trust you,” Steve said. 
Billy grinned. “Good. Now, we need to go and cheer up Max before she kills us,” 
Steve laughed. “You know the two of you might not be blood-related but boy does she have your temper,” 
Billy tipped his head back and started laughing. “God, I want to argue with you, but you’re right,”
Walking arm in arm, the two of them headed down to Max’s room to try and reassure her that they had everything handled. 
Y/n was at her wits end. The orders at the shop were piling up. She was working as fast as he could. The damn FBI agent wasn’t leaving her alone. All she and Jim seemed to be doing was arguing. El had pretty much moved in. She refused to be alone with her dad. The stress was starting to get to her even though she was trying very hard not to let it. 
“Can we stop for pizza?” El asked as she flipped the closed sign on the door. 
“We have chicken in the fridge that really needs to be used up tonight,” You told her. 
“Can we make bbq chicken pizza then?” El asked in return. 
“We’ll have to stop at the store, but that should be fine,” You said. “But are you ready to go?”
“I just need to grab my bag from the back,” El said before running off. 
You packed up your own bag when the bell above the door jingled. You smiled. 
“Sorry, we’re closed,” Your smile faded when you saw Alexei standing there. 
“Hello Miss Hopper,” Alexei greeted. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked him. 
“You’ve been avoiding my calls,” Alexei pointed out. 
“I’m busy,” You replied between clenched teeth. 
“Come on now, Miss Hopper. I’m not an idiot,” Alexei smiled. 
“Listen, whatever you’re doing here I don’t care. If you’re investigating my brother I’m not going to help you,” You told him. 
Alexei crossed his arms. “Now, why would I be investigating your brother?”
You felt yourself pale. “I have no idea,” You were quick to lie. 
Alexei looked at you. “That wasn’t a very convincing lie,” 
“Listen, Agent,” You began. 
“Please, call me Alexei,” He grinned. 
“Agent, whatever business you have here in Hawkins doesn’t involve me. I want nothing to do with you and whatever you are up to,” You said. 
“Y/n,” Alexei said. 
“That’s Miss Hopper to you,” You growled. 
Alexei sighed and reached into his coat pocket. Your hands were beginning to sweat. Your heart was racing and you were hoping that El would not be coming back out her anytime soon. 
Alexei pulled out a folded piece of white paper. He held it out to you. You snatched it and quickly opened it. It took everything out of you not to let your jaw drop. 
“Is this a subpoena?” You asked him. 
“I told you, Miss Hopper, that I would bring you in legally if I had to,” Alexei smirked. 
“You son of a bi-”
“Aunt Y/n,” El called out as she stepped out of the backroom. 
“See you tomorrow morning bright and early,” Alexei smiled, waved at El, and then swung out of the flower shop. 
Your hand was shaking with anger. 
“Aunt Y/n?” El said coming to stand next to you. 
“Let’s go,” You said. 
“What’s wrong?” El asked you. 
“I’m not quite sure. But when I figure it out I will fill you, I promise,” You told her. 
El only nodded. She followed you out of the flower shop. You locked up the doors and then the two of you headed down to the small market to pick up the ingredients you would need for dinner. 
Back at home, El got to busy creating the pizzas. You slipped down to your office. You pulled the subpoena out of your bag. You opened up the paper and then took a picture of it. You quickly sent it off to Billy, Steve, and Jim with the simple caption “Anyone care to explain?”
Tossing your phone down onto your desk you let it buzz annoyingly as you headed back down to the kitchen. El looked over her shoulder and smiled at you. 
“I put extra cheese on mine,” El beamed. 
“Of course you did,” You grinned ruffling her hair and then snatched up the chicken to start cooking it. 
“So Max texted we’re going to ride our bikes in the morning,” El said. 
“Okay, good. I have a meeting in the morning, but I will see you after school at the shop with Max,” You told her. 
El smiled. Sighing, you threw the chicken into the hot pan. 
Once dinner was done, the two of you settled in the living room in front of a movie. You always let her pick the movie. El was good at rotating between something she liked and something she knew you would prefer. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” El asked around a mouthful of pizza. 
You leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I’m fine. I promise,”
Later on, after getting El into bed, checking over her homework, and packing her lunch and bag for the next day you headed into your office. You had dozens of missed calls and text messages from all three men. Rolling your eyes, you were in no mood to look at their excuses. 
You fell face-first into your bed and fell immediately asleep. 
Bright and early in the morning, you were rushing El out the door as you both were running late. Max waved to you at the end of the driveway. You blew her a kiss and then left El and Max to get themselves to school. You quickly dressed and grabbed your own bag before hurrying towards your car. 
Driving to the station you pulled up in front of it. You let out a shaky breath before stepping out of the car. You headed to the station. Your brother’s car was nowhere to be seen. You didn’t even see Callahan’s car. You yanked open the door. Alexei turned around when the morning air ruffles his hair. 
“Good morning, Agent,” You greeted him. 
Alexei smiled. He had you right where he wanted you. 
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a-simple-imagine · 5 years
Queen Material - Chapter 4
Synopsis: You end up spending the day with Valkyrie but things get a little deeper than you anticipated. And just when you think the king can’t surprise you anymore she throws a spanner into the works. 
Pairing: Valkyrie x fem!reader
Words: 1.7k+
Warnings - Swearing and alcohol
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You didn't know Valkyrie very well and so you weren't quite sure what she had planned for you. You dreaded some of the places you could possibly end up but it was too late to back out now. You decided to dress casually putting on jeans and a tee and now you were waiting outside your bar. She was running late but you hadn't expected her to be this late. She was the one who wanted to do this and she can't even be bothered to show up. You were just about to give up and head home when someone calls out to you. You turn to see the king strolling towards you, hands buried in her pockets.
"If it isn't my favourite barkeep. You ready to go?"
You consider making some comment about how late she is but you keep it to yourself. Instead, you plaster on a smile that hopefully hides how annoyed you are. "I am. Where are we going?"
She hesitates for a moment and a part of you wonders if she's been drinking. Mainly because you're used to seeing her drunk but she also had a reputation. You wouldn't mind either way as long as she can function. A smile spread over her lips as she turns on her heel and begins walking. "I think I know where we could go,"
If you weren't convinced she had put zero thought into today before, you definitely were now. You begin to question your decision to spend the day with her as you walk along behind her although she didn't give you much of a choice. A silence comes between the two of you as you try to think of something to say but nothing, in particular, comes to mind. "So... how are you today, my king?"
Valkyrie glances briefly towards you, raising her brow in the process. "I am fine. How are you?"
"Pretty good." You hike your backpack further up your shoulders. "Uh... Since I was not informed beforehand of our activities I packed a little lunch for us."
"More sandwiches?" The king calls back to you. You shake your head slowly unsure if she meant her words in a good way or bad. "Just a salad, some homemade biscuits, grapes, strawberries and a couple of beers."
"Beer sounds brilliant," She comments. "Thanks"
Using a slightly quicker pace, you catch up to the woman and walk alongside her. She doesn't say anything to you so you fall back into silence. It's was only a little awkward. The further you go the less idea you have of the destination. You're lead to a grassy field which houses a spacecraft. "Is that yours?" You wonder, pointing towards it. You hadn't seen one since you left Asgard. Valkyrie turns to you and shrugs.
"Thought we could take a little trip." Sure, why not get on a spaceship you weren't sure she actually even owned and go on a trip to Valkyrie only knows where. What was the worst that could happen? You head for the craft, the king trailing behind you. As you head inside, you're surprised by how spacious it is. You secure your backpack down before getting into the passenger's seat and buckling up. The king joins you, taking the driver seat.
You end up just lingering above the Earth. Turns out she didn't want to take you anywhere in particular just... space. You didn't exactly hate the idea though. Being trapped on Midgard was almost suffocating in nature. It was such a self-involved planet despite there being so much more out there. You kind of missed the beauty of space. The calmness. How the stars twinkled. But being up here also pulled at that part of you that missed Asgard; the original Asgard. You're sat on the floor of the ship with the king beside you, tubs of food placed between you as you stare out into the void. Someone would probably find the darkness intimidating but it was a sight you enjoyed. "Do you ever miss it?"
"Miss what?"
"Asgard?" You continue, glancing towards her. "The old one?"
It takes her a few minutes before she sighs. "Not really," Her head shakes as she speaks. "Asgard hadn't been my home in a long time."
"Oh," You hadn't known that. It proved just how little you knew about her besides the elite warrior thing. And also the king thing. And that she liked to drink; a lot.
"Do you miss it?" She asks, turning to face you.
"Of course," You nod. "It was my home. Very different than Midgard but in a good way."
"So you don't like Midgard then?"
Your shoulders rise in a little shrug. Your feelings regarding the entire situation were complicated. If you had the decision to turn back time then you would. You'd do just about anything to return to you're once beautiful land but that wasn't an option. Midgard wasn't a horrible place to be but it just wasn't what you pictured. "It's not that I don't like it, it's just not what I expected. I never imagined living in some village running a stupid bar. Having to deal with rapscallions and Midgardians. It's hard to harbour respect as an insignificant barkeep."
"Did you not say you enjoyed your job?" Valkyrie asks looking a little uncomfortable as she looks back to the stars. You reach for the tub of grapes, pulling off the lid. The last time you had these was the first time Valkyrie had engaged in a conversation with you. You roll the grape between your fingers before dropping it into your mouth. Your love for your job was almost equal to your detest. That bar was your baby but it was a baby you had never expected so never prepared for. For every pleasant individual you came across there were at least five waiting around the corner to insult or grope you. There were late nights and early morning. The responsibility of doing most things yourself; sure you could hire more people but that required more assets.
"I do enjoy it... sometimes. Other days, I wish for something more."
"Something more?" The king must have taken you removing the lid to the grapes as Initiative to dig in. She eyes your food slowly, hands hovering over both salads.
"One is Chinese chicken, the other is BBQ. You can have either." She picks up the Chinese chicken salad, yanking off the top. Taking a fork to stab into the leafy greens.
"So... something more?"
"Right," you sigh softly, reaching for another grape. "I don't know what I want. Maybe a purpose? Something that makes me feel like I'm doing something more with my life."
"Not everyone is destined for greatness, barkeep." She shovelled a fork full of salad into her mouth. You focus on the stars feeling a ton of regret settling on your shoulders. Was your entire life a waste of time? Was owning a bar on some subpar planet written in the stars? Was this all you'd ever be?
"Right," you nod. "Not everyone can be king, I suppose- how's that going by the way?"
Valkyrie ignored your question, or she just didn't hear it as she continued to devour the salad you prepared. Pulling out the beers, you pop off your cap wanting to drown yourself in the liquid that was now slipping down your throat. "Is my salad at least good?"
Her eyes fall to yours, mouth full and a piece of lettuce sticking out from between her lips. You offer her a smile. "Being King is everything and... nothing."
"I do not know what that means," you decide to pick up the bbq salad and tuck in.
"I just never expected it to be this hard." Even you could have guessed being the king of new Asgard would be hard so you're not entirely sure where she's going with this. You offer her the other beer which she gladly accepts, immediately pulling off the cap and taking a huge swig. "It's a fucking nightmare."
"I can only imagine," You reply, taking a bite of bbq chicken. It was a level of responsibility you could hardly comprehend but Thor clearly trusted her.
"I wanted to help people: make a difference. I thought I could be a leader but now... now I feel like I've taken on too much to handle. There are Asgardians counting on me and I'm not sure I have anything to offer," she takes a sip of her beer. "Other than my good looks and sparkling personality."
You wanted to reassure her that she had so much to offer new Asgard but you weren't sure that she actually did. You hadn't seen much change since she took over from Thor. You didn't want to lie to her, you weren't close enough to want to spare her feelings. "And a high alcohol tolerance."
Valkyrie chuckles. "That too. But what good is that for Asgard."
You remain silent and continue to eat your salad. You had never seen such a vulnerable version of Brunnhilde, it was almost strange to experience. "You've still got time to prove yourself as a king. Nobody expected anything to happen overnight."
"I guess you're right," Valkyrie offers you a small almost sad smile. "It's just a lot to carry on my own."
"Are you seeing someone, maybe?" You ask rather abruptly, hoping she wouldn't take it the wrong way. You were just thinking that if she was dating then maybe they can help out. Become the queen of Asgard.
"Not really. I prefer to go with the flow and no one has caught my eye yet." Not uncommon for Asgardians. With such a long life span many found that it easier to just keep things open and free. Even if relationships became 'official' you've found that there is a lot less pressure compared to Midgardian ideology.
"So we shouldn't expect a Queen any time soon," you give her a lighthearted chuckle.
"I wouldn't be so sure," Valkyrie shrugs and your curiosity peaked. "I think I may have a person in mind."
"Oh! I thought nobody had caught your eye yet?" You question, a bottle of beer lingering at your lips. Taking a hearty sip.
"They haven't. But I was thinking you could be the queen,"
You beer ends up spit out everywhere and you cough to clear your throat. You laugh a little awkwardly as you glance towards the king but she wasn't laughing. Nothing suggested she was joking. "You've got to be fucking kidding me,"
Tagging per request: @iconicwlw @sarcasticmami
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puckrmn · 5 years
A Bet Is A Bet || Padison
tagging: @thepuckrmn & @doveportmaddie
location: Breakers Diner
time frame: March 4th, evening
notes: puck makes good on his lost bet
warnings: don’t read if you’re a fan of dipping chicken tenders in bbq sauce
Madison looked around the restaurant as she stood in the entryway. Despite the extra work of essentially single momming it, there was a freedom in not having anyone at home to answer to, not feeling guilty about going out without him. It was especially nice when the person she was having dinner with was Puck. Ben would have never believe it was a dinner between friends, even if he witnessed it with his own eyes. Spotting Puck in the corner, Madison weaved her way between tables, mindful of the baby carrier, to join him. “Is it bad that I’m surprised you beat me here?” she asked teasingly.
Puck scrolled through his phone as he waited for Madison to show up at the diner. He was bummed he lost the bet, but happy that Madison was still holding strong when it came to Ben. Hearing her voice, he looked up from his phone and smirked. “I’m starving,” he said as he stood up to greet her. “About time you showed up.” Chuckling, Puck leaned over to press a kiss on her cheek. He waited for them to settle into their seats before sitting back down. “How’s it going? Freedom treating you well? Lil mans getting big,” he added as he nodded towards Gabe.
"We are barely even late," she insisted as she settled into the seat opposite him. "But you're right, you're clearly wasting away to nothing, so I should have been more timely." Madison shrugged out of her jacket and glanced from Puck to her son and back again. "Things are good. Freedom is... good, mostly. A little strange sometimes," she admitted. "I'm trying to figure out how to keep him little forever. But starving him is apparently illegal, so he just keeps growing."
“When it comes to food…even a minute late is hella late,” he joked as he patted his stomach. “You look good. Break up seems to be working for you.” He waved the waiter over so they could order their drinks. Once they were done, he faced Madison once more. “Has he been giving you a hard time?” Puck knew how stubborn Ben could be and had watched Peyton struggle with him over Lexi. “I could punch him again if you needed me too. I don’t mind.” Reaching over, he placed his hand on hers for a moment. “I know you and I aren’t like…the same anymore but I’m still the kid’s half-uncle and will help out if you need anything…including punching Ben.”
Madison rolled her eyes playfully at his offer to punch Ben. "He's... fine, I guess. He comes over in the morning when I leave for work and gets Gabe ready for daycare. I'm pretty much guaranteed a babysitter whenever I want one. I feel like as long as I let him see him, he's not really fighting anything. So no, you don't need to punch him on my behalf," she rattled off, chuckling a little. Her smile softened at his sentiment, and she nodded at it. "We're... friends," Madison reasoned tentatively, "but if you want to keep losing bets and buying us dinner, that's plenty of help."
“That’s good. Hope he doesn’t pull a Ben and do something stupid.” Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned back in the seat and smirked as he looked at her. “We’re not friends. I don’t do friends.” His smirk grew wider after the statement. Puck nodded at the server who placed their drinks in front of them. Taking a sip of his beer, he flipped over the menu. “What are you feeling for food? Their cheeseburgers are bomb. Fleetwood on solid food yet?”
“Give it time,” she pointed out. Talking Ben down from something stupid was how she’d spent her last few months. She knew it was a matter of when not if. Madison shook her head at his resistance to call her his friend. She’d win him over on it. “Really. Mr I’ve been in town for less than a year is gonna make recommendations to a townie?” she teased. “You’re right though, best cheeseburgers in town, and may have been how I survived the aftermath of partying with Kitty in college. But I think it’s a chicken tenders and fries kinda night. You get to save money on him. Still on a liquid diet. But give it a year or so and you can buy baby’s first burger.” Her fingers traced the rim of her glass before taking a drink, pausing their conversation again to get a food order in. “So what about you? How’s the shop? Life? All that?”
Puck chuckled. “I’m trying to pretend like I belong here. And it’s actually officially been a year thank you very much,” he added with a smirk. “Chicken tenders are usually a good choice though. Depending on what kinda dipping sauce you pick. I will judge you if you’re a bbq sauce girl.” He glanced at Gabe for a moment and smiled softly. “Can I venmo you for the kids first burger? Doubt I’m gonna be here in a year.” He settled into his seat with his beer after ordering. Shrugging at her questions, he took a sip. “Shop’s good. Shit’s a little slow now but it’ll pick up as the weather warms up. I’m…alright I guess,” he drifted off as he thought about his trip. “Saw my daughter. So now Ben can’t claim I’m trying to steal Lexi,” he forced a laugh before finishing off his beer.
“Look at you, local boy,” Madison said, feigning being impressed. “Bbq is like last resort of dipping sauces, cuz you can’t eat it dry. It’s ranch though, always. Unless you can get really good honey mustard,” she listed off as if it were serious business. Because it was, obviously. “You mean you’re gonna look at that cute little face and deny him your presence for his first burger? Not even gonna come back and visit us, huh?” She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table as she listened to him talk. Starting to make a comment about the shop being slow, she cut herself off when he mentioned his daughter. She only had the faintest of details of the situation and had been told to forget it. While it was, of course, something she hadn’t and couldn’t actually forget, Madison wasn’t sure what to say, where the boundaries laid. “Is that where you were?” she finally asked, “when I thought you skipped town?”
Puck nodded in approval at her choices. “Perfect answer.” He glanced between her face and Gabe’s and shrugged. “I dunno. Guess you two will have to make a trip out to LA.” The silence after his admission made him uncomfortable. He gestured for a new beer from their waiter while trying to avoid eye contact with Madison. Puck slowly nodded his head at her question. “I told Peyton where I was going but that’s it.” His fingers fiddled with the empty pint glass in front of him. His gaze drifting back over to Gabe. “Do you think I’m an asshole? For getting Peyton and Lexi to move to LA with me? Even though I know that means Ben doesn’t get to see his daughter? And I know how much that sucks and I’m still doing it to him?”
“I suppose you’re worth it. I’ve always wanted to see LA anyway,” Madison pointed out. She wanted to ask so many questions, but instead chewed her lip in thought at the ones Puck rattled off. “I don’t think you’re an asshole,” she was quick to assure. “Being across the country from her doesn’t have to mean not seeing her. Seeing less of her, sure. But to be fair, they live in the same little town and he’s not seeing her right now. I don’t think? I dunno. Did you ask her to move to LA to take Lexi away from him? Because if that’s not your motive, there’s nothing wrong with wanting the people you care about in a place that you feel at home.”
Puck ran a hand through his hair as he listened to her talk. “I think she’s starting to let him see her again. You know Peyton. Her hearts too big to keep Lexi away from him.” He took a long sip of his new beer. “No I didn’t talk to her about LA to fuck over Ben. But that doesn’t mean that I’m 100% innocent in all this.” Shrugging, he kept his eyes focused on the beer in front of him. “I don’t want Lexi to end up hating me in the future because I’m the dick who kept her from her dad.”
She nodded a little. She’d told Ben that Peyton would come around on it, that patience would be worth it. And despite anything else going on between them, Madison could be happy for him in that. “I’m pretty sure Lexi is like her mom in just about every way, but especially in the *heart too big* category. Hating you wouldn’t happen.” She ducked her head a little, trying to catch his eye. “Look I’m not gonna lie, being across the country from her dad could suck sometimes. But distance isn’t keeping her from him. Assuming Peyton and Ben come to an agreement on things, they can call and FaceTime and maybe he’ll come visit - which you’ll hate, but let happen for her. It’s different, but it’s not nothing.”
Puck could feel her trying to make eye contact. Sighing, he finally looked up at the girl seated across from him. He knew she was right, but it didn’t make him feel any better about the situation. “Not too late for you, me, and Fleetwood to run off together,” he joked lamely. Puck leaned back to allow the waiter to place their food on the table, his appetite suddenly gone. “Just talk about anything else. Please.”
She huffed a chuckle at the idea of running away and shook her head. After thanking the server, Madison took a bite out of one of her fries as she thought of something else to talk about. "How was Peyton's birthday?" she asked, "I didn't read about any fires today, so I assume the house is still standing?"
He nodded and chuckled. “It was good. I didn’t burn the food or the house down. Got her drunk on pink wine. Let her not have to really worry about anything for a night, ya know?” He shrugged and took a bite of his cheeseburger. Puck glanced down at his left hand and ran his thumb absentmindedly over the P tattoo. “Part of me still doesn’t understand how she wound up with a dude like me…so I feel like I gotta constantly spoil her.”
"Sounds like a good birthday to me," she agreed, "and like you got to keep all the 'man who cooks' sexy points, so good on you. If you weren't gonna be gone by October, I'd put in a request for the same gift." She picked at her food as he spoke, unable to help from rolling her eyes at his last comment. "I don't know the whole how of you two getting together, but it's really not hard to get why she keeps you around. You're a catch, Puck Puckerman."
“I could fly back to cook for you and get you drunk on pink wine. Birthdays are important. Except mine. I don’t celebrate it.” He smirked at his food when she called him a catch. “Ya know, I’d believe that statement if it wasn’t coming from the girl that rejected me so many fucking times that I lost count.” Puck playfully tossed a French fry in her direction. “You’re not too shabby yourself, McCarthy. Ben’s a fucking idiot for messing that up,” he said honestly.
"That's some serious birthday celebration. Most people would just make a Facebook post." Madison's jaw dropped in mock surprise when the fry landed on the table, picking it up and using it to point at him. "Yeah, because you waited until after I was with Ben to offer. You had plenty of time before Ben and instead the only thing you did was buy me a sex toy," she stated, before glancing around. Maybe she shouldn't have declared that quite so loud in a family friendly restaurant. "Not too shabby wins over everyone, obviously."
Puck rolled his eyes at her comment. “You one hundred percent could’ve asked me to help you use it. Just saying.” Leaning over the table, he took a bite of the fry in her hand. “Not too shabby is a pretty big compliment coming from me,” he joked before returning his attention to the food in front of him. He glanced up at her after a few moments. “We should do this more often. Well until you get back together with Ben obviously.”
"I will never understand your logic," she admitted then paused to take a sip of her drink before continuing. "You tell me Ben is the worst, that I'm settling, that I deserve better," Madison listed off, putting her hands up in surrender to imply she wasn't fighting his point. "But then you also think me being with him is an inevitability. But hey, if you wanna keep losing bets and buy me dinner, I won't stop you."
Puck wiped at his face with a napkin and chuckled at her response. He took a sip of his drink before nodding towards the third wheel. “It’s because of the kid. You’d get back together with him because you think that’s best for lil man. It’s why Peyton is slowly caving in. You two are great moms and I respect that.” Shrugging, he reached over and stole one of her French fries. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you more often,” he said with a smirk.
She pushed her plate towards the center of the table, happy to share whatever was left. Glancing at Gabe and then back to Puck, Madison shook her head. “Stay together for the kid is pretty much the worst reason to be in a relationship. It’s better to stay apart and figure out coparenting.” She leaned an elbow onto the table, resting her chin in her hand. “We’ll make this a thing then. I might even let you off cheap next time and just go for nacho fries.”
Puck picked at her remaining fries as she spoke about her relationship with Ben. “I’m surprised he hasn’t like...hired a sky writer to write you an apology yet. You know. One with a million exclamation marks.” He chuckled to himself and finished off his beer. “Are you calling me cheap? Nacho fries are amazing though. Actually it’s all about the cheese sauce. Gotta have the right cheese to hot sauce ratio.” Mimicking her stance, he also leaned forward onto the table and smirked . “You wanna get the hell outta here?”
"Just a million exclamation point, nothing else," she joked along with him. Madison shrugged innocently at his accusation. "Taco Bell was your idea for tonight, after all. If the shoe fits..." She wiped her hands on her napkin before balling it up and tossing it across the table at him. She liked this side of him, of them, light and fun without the weight of secrets. "Yeah sure, I can't keep him out too late anyway."
“I would’ve gotten you fancy Taco Bell,” he joked as he pulled out enough cash to pay for their dinner. He chuckled as he swatted away the napkin she aimed at him. “Then let’s get the fuck out of here.” Standing up, he carefully picked up Gabe’s carrier for her. Puck nodded for her to lead him out of the diner as he carried the baby carrier out. Following her out to her car, he handed her the carrier to get Gabe all situated. Puck placed his hand on the roof of her car, trapping her between him and the vehicle. “So this is the infamous hatchback, huh?” He glanced at the back of the car before returning his gaze to her. “Roomy,” he commented with a smirk. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to her cheek for a moment. Puck pulled away and turned to leave, throwing deuces over his shoulder. “Catch you later, beautiful.”
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thedrowsydoormouse · 5 years
@anangelamuse-castiel-spnfam asked and I shall deliver!
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My boyfriend. He took me to the mall for dinner and shopping after my therapy!
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Very shy but once you get to know me I’m a ball of chaotic energy!
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Right now no one.
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I like to think I am.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I would say my friend, Penny, but she’d probably be even more drunk than I am! So I think my friend, Daisy, or my boyfriend because they both have a background in medicine and would know what to do!
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? 
Cool people. And people who are unafraid to be nerdy about things they love!
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I should hope so! Or else something went seriously wrong!
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
I keep mentioning my boyfriend but that’s only because he’s sitting right next to me and just stole a slice of pizza off my plate!
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Usually no! I’m very pro sex and pro discussing sex so it hopefully becomes less taboo and we can get some proper sex education.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My therapist. And I immediately broke the tension with a joke that made her laugh so hard she cried!
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
 “I’m done.” I was waiting for my ride to pick me up from the hair salon!
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Monster by dodie, My Kinda Lover by Billy Squire, Hallelujah by Pentatonix, Rolling in the Deep by Gretta Van Fleet, Bottom of the River by Delta Rae
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
It depends on the person.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Luck yes. Miracles no.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Technically it happened during summer (even though it happened in September but it was still Summer so it counts) but I met my boyfriend!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
100% yes! 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
There has to be. It’d be weird if there wasn’t. It may not be life like we know it but there is some form of life out there.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
I only take bubble baths!
20. Do you like your neighbors?
I hardly know enough about them to form an opinion.
21. What are you bad habits?
How much time we got?
22. Where would you like to travel?
I would love to go back to New York and to the Japanese Disney parks!
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Food. Beautiful amazing food!
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My back. I have two weird scar type things on it that look nasty and I try to hide.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Check the time an see if I can go back to sleep.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Any lighter and I would literally glow and any darker and I wouldn’t be able to pull off the goth look so effortlessly so I’d say I’m pretty happy with my skin!
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My close friends.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Several of them have tried getting back together after we broke up only to find I had already moved on.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
I am married.
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
It’s down to about my waist so it’s be weird if I couldn’t pull it into a pony tail! The comfort of it, though, is a whole other issue!
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Margot Robbie and Brian Dietzen.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
*laughs until I’m crying*
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV. I need music to survive!
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
All the time.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I usually crack a joke.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Smart, funny, amazing in bed!
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
They’re pretty much all online!
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’m already out of high school.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Not everyone.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m distracted, people keep talking over me, or somethings seriously wrong.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
If it’s a kid or an old woman, yes. But never men.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Space. The ocean is terrifying.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Food. Or having to pee.
46. What are you paranoid about?
A lot of shit! I’m a nervous, panic-y mother fucker!
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Nope! I love myself way too much!
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
53. Favourite makeup brand?
I’ve been wearing a lot of Blackmoon, Milk, and Lime Crime lately.
54. Favourite store?
Total Wines.
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
Deep red.
57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate?
I’m currently eating pizza! That is if my boyfriend stops stealing my slices!
59. First thing you ate this morning? 
I actually didn’t get a chace to eat until dinner when I had a BBQ chicken salad.
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
I was suspended in middle school for writing a burn book.
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
I was a junior in high school and I was talking with one of my friends during Winter Formal and neither of us had ever been kissed so I just said “then kiss me” so she did and we spent the rest of the night making out.
65. Are you hungry right now?
I’m eating right now.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
I’m listening to music.
70. Names of your bestfriends?
I have too many to list. I’d literally be here all night.
71. Craving something? What?
Pumpkin spice.
72. What colour are your towels?
I have a ton of towels and none of them match because I’m a human dumpster fire.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
As many as possible.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
I have no clue.
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Dublin Mudslide from Ben & Jerry’s.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Hot Pink.
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
I can’t pick just one!
82. Favourite movie?
See above!
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
The first one!
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls!
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Janice Ian!
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My mom.
88. Last person you talked to today?
Not sure yet.
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
My boyfriend.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
See #89. 92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
I lost count.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
I love being comfy.
95. Last movie you watched?
96. Favourite actress?
Margot Robbie.
97. Favourite actor?
Does John Mullaney count.
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
A chubby puppy named Zorro!
100. How are you feeling?
Pretty good!
101. Do you type fast?
Sometimes, depending on how long my nails are.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Yes and no.
103. Can you spell well?
Sort of.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Not really.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
109. Is something irritating you right now?How long this is taking.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
You’ve already asked this.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My friend, Sabrina.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
I hate them so I’m not putting them.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Not anymore.
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
I don’t really read that much anymore.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
I can be.
122. Is cheating ever okay?
Only if you really didn’t have time to study and you don’t get caught. (Hint: hide the cheat sheet between you’re thighs or up your skirt so that way if you do get caught you can pin it on the teacher being a perv.)
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
I’ve never owned any so I have no clue.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
I mean i hope they like me or else my marriage is about to get very awkward!
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
You asked this one already.
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Tell me again about how it hurts Being awfully loud for an introvert 
  134. Can you count to one million?
I’ve never tried nor had the time to try.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
It’s my dad’s signature.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Open just a crack.
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Mine is curly and I prefer curls.
139. Brunette or Blonde?
It depends on the person.
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
No but almost.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“Fuck it.” - Me 149. Do you believe in ghosts?
This is the 3rd repeat question.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
The only book I have near me is super tiny and doesn’t have 42 pages.
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dprowell-blog · 7 years
Where Everyone Knows Your Name
"You've been going to the same bar every night for the past five years. In fact, you're such a regular that when you enter, the other patrons yell your name and the bartender already has your drink waiting for you. But then one Friday you arrive and no one seems to recognize you . . ." My mind circled around the smell of fruit, and my nostrils twitched with anticipation. I sometimes told myself anticipating the smell Juliette's strawberry perfume only distracted my nose from smelling Red River Street. But deep down I knew its true depth. I was in love. Wow. First time I'd ever admitted such a thing. Being twenty-eight and loving the single life, falling in love had been the last thing on my mind. Until I met Juliette Taylar. Well, okay, not exactly when I met her. You see, some people love hard and fast, but she took me piece by piece. I told the cooks at Paulie's Pub their famous BBQ sandwiches kept me coming back, but everyone knew the true reason. Even Paulie himself. He knew me better than I knew me honestly.         "When are you gonna ask her out?" Paulie would say after slapping my back with his meaty hand. "Five years? You're running outta time man . . . man up!"         Every night, for the past five years, I reassured Paulie it really was his BBQ sandwiches I came for. He would scoff at me and call me a pansy. But how was I supposed to admit he was right? Juliette . . . she was out of this world! Her complexion, beaming countenance, teeth like chicklets, not a millimeter out of place. Every night I'd walk in telling myself I'd have the courage to do it.      Just do it you pansy! It's not that hard! Then I'd open the double doors and Juliette's wavy brunette hair would lag behind the turn of her head. She'd smile at me, greet me with my name, have a pint of Sierra Nevada (my favorite beer) brimming with foam before her, and all my sense would melt away. My words slurred before the first sip of beer so it wouldn't surprise me if she thought I was just a drunk. How in the world was I to speak to a creature like her? Much less ask her on a date? I tried a few times, but the words never came out. Every attempt ended in humiliation. Slurring, babbling, or just changing the subject before I had a chance to really screw it up.        I wanted so badly to just start over. Pretend I wasn't some kind of loser who drinks beer every night at bars. But, on Friday, November 13, 2015, I grew fed up with my self-pity. Time to go for it! All in or not at all. Or, as Paulie would tell me, man up!          Before I had reached Red River, I stopped by Lavaca Street to pick up some purple aster flowers. I remembered them being her favorite from a conversation we had had a few months ago. I had spent an hour or two online tracking down a flower shop that carried them. I never knew what the big deal was with flowers, to me they just smelled like grass. But if asters won over the heart of Juliette Taylar for me, they were my favorite flower too! The lady behind the counter was old and bent, with the most cheerful heir about her.       "Oh . . . " she had said, eyeing the Asters as I cashed out, "I just love these flowers." She had looked into my eyes with a warm smile, "for a special lady I presume?"         I nodded.       "Well, she will love these. This was my mother's favorite flower. She was an herbalist you know. She used to say that Asters carry the magic of the city. When in hand, they just may open the door to your dreams."        I smiled and took my change and the flowers. Honestly, it kinda creeped me out at first. She seemed looney. But she was still nice, and I wasn't rude. Besides, I could have really used a little "dream-come-true" magic.       Once I had started walking Lavaca Street, I went over in my head what I was to say to Juliette. Over and over and over again. Constantly picturing what her facial expression would be as I spoke to her. And picturing her kept bringing the smell of her strawberry perfume to mind, intoxicating me 'till I'd forgotten what I rehearsed. Which made me more nervous. I couldn't do this . . . but I had to! I just had to.        I turned on Red River Street, after a few blocks, the flashing blue lights surrounding the "Paulie's Pub" sign came into my line of sight. Took a few deep breaths, and rehearsed once more.           "Julie," I whispered to myself, "these past few years getting to know you have made me realize how great of a person you are -" No, no! Too cheesy. I picked the wrong phrasing! Something else, something else! "Julie," I attempted again, "these past few years getting to know you and Paulie -" What? Paulie? Why had I brought him into this? That made it sound like I had a crush on him too! "Julie-" I tried again, "Julie-" nothing came to mind, "Julie, Julie - uh - Julie - uh - uh - Julie-"         "Yes, can I help you?"          I shot up with my eyes wide, mouth to the floor, and the asters shaking with my hands. Juliette Taylar stood just before me, the angel herself, hearing me baffle on about her name like an idiot! I had walked straight into the bar without even paying attention.          "Oh! - uh - Julie!" I said again.          Julie squinted. Even the way her nose wrinkled mesmerized me, "yes, we've established my name is Julie. How can I help you, sir?"          I took a note of how no pilsner of Sierra Nevada stood on the bar beneath her, and . . . why was she calling me sir?          "Oh, ha -" I swallowed a lump in my throat and stuck my shaky hand full of Asters toward her, "these are f-for you."          Juliette gave me the kind of look you give someone you don't expect to receive flowers from as they hand you flowers. She took them from me hesitantly, "uh - thanks?"          I shrugged, "I - I remember these were your favorite so I-"          "I'm sorry," she cut me off, "have we met before?"      My insides nearly exploded. How could this possibly get worse? Here I was, putting everything on the line, and she was cracking jokes. Like I said, out of this world.          I chuckled, "funny." I pulled the chair from the bar and sat before her. "I'll just take my usual, I guess."          Juliette eyed the room as if she were missing something. She glanced at the asters, then back at me. "Is this some kind of joke? Did Paulie set you up to this?"        "What? No! Well - I mean - he encouraged me to tell you that I . . ." I looked to her eyes and chickened out, "but - uh - he didn't put me up to anything per say?"          Juliette chuckled nervously, "yeah, sure. He's always going on about how I need to find a man." She sighed and walked to behind the bar. I glanced around the vacant bar. Something eerie stirred the air. When I looked back to Juliette she was placing the asters in a pilsner of water.            Oh! I forgot to get her a vase! That's when I was convinced I had made a terrible mistake in attempting to ask her out. This was going downhill fast.          "Thanks for the flowers," she said, "they are my favorite." She turned back to me, "what did you say you wanted to drink?"          I eyed her strangely. Was the joke not over? She could've stopped pretending she didn't know who I was or what my favorite beer was. It was starting to hurt my feelings if I'm being completely honest. But my nerves permitted me not to argue with her, so I simply played along in my usual passivity.          "Pilsner of Sierra Nevada," I said. She nodded, fixed the drink, and set it before me. Then, she stuck her silky in front of my face.          "Juliette Taylar. Although, I guess Paulie already told you my name. What's yours?"          I looked at her hand with a furrowed brow, then back to her eyes. Something seemed strange. Off. Her eyes were honest. Either she was an incredible actress, and this was part of some (really hurtful) prank, or she actually had no idea who I was. I looked over my shoulder strangely, then, I looked back to her.          "Do you seriously not remember me?" I said. She tilted her head with question, and just as she was about to speak, Paulie's round belly poked open the swinging doors from the kitchen. He stepped in the bar, wiping his hands on a white cloth.         "Eighty-six chicken tenders Julie," His raspy voice made me want to cough for him. "Oh, hello! Welcome to the pub!" He said, looking to me.          "Hey Paulie," I said under my breath.          "How'd you know I's Paulie? We met before or sumthin'?"         "Very funny Paulie," Juliette said. She pointed to the asters in the makeshift vase and looked to him, "I know all about your little conspiracy to set me up."          Paulie looked at the flowers, tossed the rag on the bar as he stepped further in, and looked to Julie. He chuckled, "what are you talkin' about?"          "C'mon Paulie," Juliette said, hands on her hips, "how else would some stranger now asters are my favorite flowers?"          "Okay guys," I said, now standing, "I get it alright. Real funny."          Paulie looked at the flowers, then gave a sharp look to me, "you bought those for Julie?"          I nodded, "Well, yeah. Look, I realize it was a mistake but -"        "Hold up," Julie said eyes on Paulie and a thumb jabbed in my direction, "you really don't know this guy?"         Paulie looked to me like he wanted to hurt me. If you'd seen Paulie before you'd understand why I was scared out of my mind, "No," he said, "never met him."          Juliette turned to me and she and Paulie stepped closer. I stepped back, arms extended, "Woah, guys, what are you talking about? It's me! Clyde Larson! We've been seeing each other here for the past five years!"          "Five years?" Paulie said. "We just opened this place yesterday."        My head tilted, my heart sank, and every bone in my body trembled. "What are you talking about?"          "You some kinda nut job?" Paulie said. Juliette's face expressed agreement with Paulie as her arms crossed.          "What? No! L-l-look, I don't know what's happening right now, but I'm telling you I know you really well," I said.           "You stalkin' Julie, my friend? You betta get outta my bar right now. Otherwise, you might not be able to use yuh jaw tomorrow morning." Paulie said.           Reality became a thing of past, then. I looked into the eyes of Paulie and Juliette. No mistaking what they said for a lie. They had no idea who I was. Why did this have to happen today? Why did the universe suddenly have to turn on me on the day I finally made the decision to tell Juliette how I feel? All my fear flushed away, and I suddenly became enraged. No way was I about to let this happen. I had been passive for too long. Juliette and I were meant to be dagnabit!          "Look, Juliette . . ." I began but didn't continue. My eyes fixed themselves on the asters hiding behind the cash register. A strange glow about them brought me to earlier that day.        "This was my mother's favorite flower," the flower lady had said, "she was an herbalist you know. She used to say that asters carry the magic of the city. When in hand, they just may open the door to your dreams."            But what was my dream? To win over Juliette? Or to . . .            "Start over," I whispered to myself.            "What?" Juliette said. I glanced around the room once more. How had I not seen it before? I had known something was strange. Paulie even mentioned it himself. They had just opened the bar the day before. I was five years in the past! The very first day I met them.           "Hello?" Paulie said, "you there, weirdo?"           I chuckled, "I'm sorry," I said. "I'm just - uh - not feeling well today. If it's alright with you two, I'd like to start over."           Paulie and Juliette looked to one another strangely, then back to me.           "What do you think Julie?" Paulie said, nudging her with his elbow, "You trust this weirdo?"           Juliette and I caught eyes for a moment. I smiled, attempting to look as friendly as possible. "Start over huh?" she said.            I shrugged and nodded.            Juliette looked behind her and back to me, "ah, I guess it's alright. . . ." she said with a snicker, "but only because you brought the asters."
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