#that's daichi's boyfriend for those not in the know
impossibletruths · 2 years
good evening friends romans countrymen I am thinking about zaref
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fum1ku · 15 days
ft. osamu miya, daichi sawamura, kei tsukishima, keishin ukai, atsumu miya
should i be working on the highly requested pt. 2 to my recent works that’s currently sitting in my drafts? yes. should i also probably be working on the few requests i’ve got in my inbox? also yes. am i still over here writing whatever this is instead of doing those things? absolutely. at least i’m writing something!
OSAMU: friends to lovers.
you had been friends with the miya twins since high school. you had always butt heads with atsumu; bickering back and forth about anything and everything. but it was different with osamu. it felt like you both understood each other, in a way. plus the mutual dislike you both had for atsumu definitely helped. and now, nearly 8 years later, your friendship was still going strong.
well past 8pm, you stood over the front counter at onigiri miya with samu cleaning behind the counter for closing, and atsumu sitting at a stool next to you.
“i don’t know what his problem is! we go out for drinks one night, wind up at his place, and then the next day he can’t even be bothered to send me a single fucking text. seriously. i’m done!” you were going on about your.. most recent boyfriend.
“why don’tcha just dump him then?” atsumu offered, his mouth full of the onigiri osamu had made for him.
“atsumu, you’re disgusting! and i can’t because we aren’t even a thing! which is good—i don’t want us to be.”
osamu laughed at you two from behind the counter.
“okay well then what’s the problem! i don’t understand you women,” atsumu exclaimed, licking off the last bits of onigiri form his fingertips and shoving his plate behind the counter. “i’ve got practice tomorrow. so i’m gone. some of us actually have real problems that aren’t centered around one night stands with guys!”
“oh right, atsumu, like your sex life is any better,” you muttered. the door slammed shut behind him as the bell above the door exhibierst through the building.
you sighed, sinking further into your chair.
“here,” osamu slid a plate towards you. “might make ‘ya feel better. plus i need feedback to see if it’s worth addin’ to the menu.”
you smiled. “thanks, osamu. and yeah, i’ll give good feedback, promise!”
osamu smiled to himself as he wiped down the back counter. yeah, sure, after 8 years of pining he was no closer to asking you out. but, no matter what, he’d always be here to make you food whenever another boy made you cry.
DAICHI: love at first sight.
it had been a long practice and daichi had decided to treat everyone to a snack down at sakanoshita. daichi stood with suga and asahi waiting for the 1st and 2nd years to finish grabbing their fill. tanaka and noya had seen daichi paying as an opportunity to grab whatever they wanted.
“c’mon you guys!” suga yelled from across the store. “we don’t have all day!”
it has been a long day of classes for you, so it wasn’t even an option in your mind whether you should stop at the convenience store or not. only now you had found yourself in your own little debate.
“milk tea.. or coffee?” you mumbled to yourself. you were bent down over the drinks section taking your sweet time.
daichi turned around to see you and knew he was gone right then and there.
suga scoffed at the two 2nd years taking their time, only to turn back and find daichi’s gaze focused on you.
“hey, daichi, maybe we should—” he started, but stopped as soon as he noticed daichi staring. he whispered to asahi and they both began berating their poor captain.
“c’mon, dude! why don’t you just go talk to them? we obviously have the time!” suga nudged at his arm.
daichi denied anything. “hey, i don’t even now what you’re talking about, suga! we’re here for snack for the team, just go focus on that.”
“hey, don’t we go to school with them? y/n l/n. class 2, i think,” asahi piped up. he couldn’t remember where exactly he knew you from, though.
daichi was sure if he had gone to school with you, he’d remember.
“they’re in photography club! that’s how i know them! they asked me to join after i dropped out of volleyball,” asahi recalled, loud enough to grab your attention.
you looked up to find the set of 3rd years staring in your direction. your drink in hand, you made your way up to them.
“azumane, right? nice to see you again!” you beamed.
“y-yeah, right! good to see you too, l/n,” he smiled, nervously.
“are you guys in line?” you questioned.
“no—no we’re not! sorry about that!” daichi apologized, moving to the side to allow you to get to the register.
you placed your drink on the counter, making small talk with the guy at the front register.
“c’mon, daichi! if you don’t ask them before they leave you might not get to again!” suga whispered.
“suga, let it go. it’s too strange—they don’t even know me.”
suga shoved daichi forward just as you turned around to make your way towards the door.
“oh! hi!” you mused.
“s-sorry. hi.. again.”
“sawamura, right? you’re the captains of the volleyball team!” you smiled.
“yeah, i am. and you’re l/n, right? asahi was telling me about you. you’re in photography.
“i am, actually! and please, just call me y/n!”
“then just call me daichi!”
first name basis after 10 minutes? way to go daichi!
“actually..” you started. “i was wondering if it’d be possible for me to take some action shots of the volleyball team? i was going to use them for an upcoming project of mine. of course if not, that’s okay too! you probably need to talk it over with the team.”
“yeah—absolutely! i’ll have to talk it over with everyone, but i don’t see it being a problem at all,” he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “what class are you in? i can talk to you some time next week to figure out what day would work best.”
“here,” you said, turning around to the man behind the counter. “excuse me, do you have a pen i could borrow?”
the man tossed you a pen, not giving a second look to you from behind his magazine. you pulled out daichi’s arm and started scribbling down numbers.
your.. phone number?
“now you can call me, that’ll be easier!” you smiled. “anyways, i gotta run. see you later, daichi. tell azumane i said bye too!”
he was speechless. did he really manage to get your number without even trying?
suga ran up behind him. “dude! how? you hardly said anything to them!”
“wow, daichi’s got skills with the ladies!” tanaka mused, noya trailing behind them. their arms were stacked full with all kinds of snacks.
he was definitely not paying for all of those.
KEI: academic rivals to lovers.
you worked at the library at the university you attended. tsukishima had seen you around campus a few times. yamaguchi would go as far as to describe you as tsukishima’s “campus crush”—which tsukki of course denied. he hardly even knew you.
but, this semester is when things finally got interesting. you had wound up taking the course tsukishima was the TA for.
you were currently bent down behind a bookshelf in the campus library, organizing the books that needed to be put away. you noticed a hand grab a book off your cart.
you stood up. “anything you need help finding?”
“no,” the man stated, blankly.
you examined the book in his hand. “wait. are you in psych 301? haven’t seen you in there before.”
“kei tsukishima. i’m the assistant in that class this semester.”
“oh! i’m y/n l/n. are you reading that book for fun then, or?”
“i know. i graded your last essay. something about the human consciousness or whatever,” he stated, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose.
your face went hot. “oh? so you were the one that gave me a B- on that. that was the best paper i’ve written all semester!”
“yeah, only because you can’t write any better ones. and maybe actually read the syllabus before you join the class,” he deadpanned.
“okay, mr. know-it-all. and for what it’s worth, i did in fact read the syllabus.”
“well if you actually paid attention, then you’d know this book was meant to be read alongside the other materials.”
wait. what?
before you could say another word, he placed the book back down in the cart. “my email is on the syllabus if you’d actually care to read it. good luck actually passing the class.”
you were so going to find that syllabus. and you were definitely doing to pass that class.
KEISHIN: second chance.
stepping foot into sakanoshita after years felt like a dream. but seeing keishin, your high school boyfriend, sitting there behind the counter, was what really sent you back.
ukai actually took the time to look up form his magazine, and he was glad he did. “y/n?”
“keishin!” you smiled. “i didn’t realize you family still owned the place!”
he stood up form his seat behind the counter. “yeah! work here part-time, coach volleyball the other half.
“you coach volleyball? does the old ukai not coach anyone then?”
“nah, old man retired last year. still coaches a few younger kids on the side. but, hey, how have you been? it’s been years since i last saw you in miyagi. 4? 5, maybe?”
“yeah,” you sighed. “it’s definitely been awhile. but life has been great in tokyo. my internship finally ended and so i’m back here for the next month or two!”
“really? you got to let me take you out sometime—drinks, to celebrate.”
you felt the slight rush of heat to your cheeks. “r-right! of course!”
“hey, if you wanted, we close in less than an hour. you could wait here till then, catch up, then let me take you out for drinks.”
“alright,” you smiled, taking a seat behind the counter next to ukai. “tell me about your team then. where do you coach? karasuno?”
you felt like you were 16 all over again. just him and you.
ATSUMU: opposites attract.
you were the promotional manager for the msby black jackals. everyone on the team loved you—yes, even sakusa. though he wouldn’t admit it. but, atsumu being the sly guy he is, took every opportunity to flirt with you. of course, keeping things professional, you shut him down every chance you got. plus, it would never work. ever. you knew that.
he was childish, you were mature—top of your office only a few months in. he was selfish half the time, and he’d always describe you as one of the most thoughtful people he’s ever met. he was confident and bold. you were quiet and reserved, at least time him. so when you find yourself alone with him at the gym one night late after practice, going through your binder of advertising ideas, you didn’t know what to make of it. the way you could feel he eyes focused on you and only you drove you insane.
you finally took a break form your rant about new promotional ideas for the team, leaving a heavy silence between the two of you.
“y/n?” he finally said, breaking for silence.
“yeah, atsumu?” you respond, not looking up form your binder.
“you should let me take ‘ya out. i mean it.”
you quietly gasped to yourself.
sure, atsumu had made pass after pass at you every day for the last few months since you started working with the team. but, this time, he sounded so.. genuine.
what’s even worse is you couldn’t help yourself from the words the escape your lips in the last moment.
© fum1ku 2024.
⁂ taglist: @chloiyoomi @eashn + let me know if you want to be added! 💌
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4unnyr0se · 7 days
Haikyuu characters catching you masterbating ?
❥ caught ya! | haikyuu guys catching you pleasuring yourself
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warnings: timeskip! characters, fem! reader mentions of masturbation (duh), jealously, fingering, teasing, voyeurism, toy usage, lewd language
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 650
a/n: hopefully i assigned the characters correctly
got a request? my asks are open!
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❥ They think it's cute
He walks in on you, knuckle-deep in your soaked pussy, panties hastily pushed aside as you plunge your fingers into your dripping heat over and over again. You were too preoccupied with fucking yourself on your fingers that you didn’t even notice how the door to your bedroom closed, your boyfriend crossing his arms in amusement as he leaned against your dresser. He observes how his name falls from your lips like a broken prayer, your nose sniffling pathetically as you try too hard to rip an orgasm out of you. But sadly, your fingers were no match for his own, and they never will be. You squealed in delight as you finally hit that sweet spot that you so craved, only to have your moment of bliss interrupted by your boyfriend's gentle cooing.
“Did my baby miss me while I was working, hm? Don’t worry, sweet thing. I’ll just stand here and watch. Go on, try to make yourself cum without my help. You’re so fucking adorable, my precious angel.”
SUGAWARA, kuroo, yaku, ennoshita, UKAI, semi, hanamaki, kenma, OSAMU, kita
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❥ They think it's stupid
He hears your oh-so-familiar moans behind your shared bedroom and busts in without a second thought. Who the hell was ripping those perfect noises from your pretty lips without his permission? Why, was it you, of course! A bullet vibration practically danced on your throbbing clit while your legs were spread like a slut, your slit drenching the innermost part. Your perfectly manicured hand squeezed your breast, your thumb rolling over your nipple whilst your pearly whites bit down on your bottom lip, hips bucking into the air on occasion. His eyes filled with fury as he ripped the vibrator off your clit, earning an annoyed moan from your slutty mouth.
“What the fuck is this, hm? You seriously couldn’t wait for me to get back so I could fuck you? Who the hell needs this stupid toy when you have me? That’s it. Get on all fours. Right now, don’t fucking test me.”
kageyama, TSUKISHIMA, kyoutani, IWAIZUMI, atsumu, suna, sakusa, ushijima, daichi
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❥ They're completely starstruck
Oh, fuck. They have absolutely no idea what to do. He’s fantasized about this so much, and it’s finally fucking happening. He caught you bouncing on a dildo you had bought yourself, whimpering as the silicone head hit every spot so perfectly deep inside your gummy walls. His eyes landed on your pretty fingers, desperately swirling your clit, beads of sweat flying off your forehead. You looked so fucking ethereal, he had to say something. He just had to let you know how fucking pretty you looked!
“Holy fuck, you look so fucking pretty. Can you keep going for me, please? I wanna see you cum over and over again, please, baby girl. I’ll fuck you as much as you want, just put on a good show for me. God, you’re perfect.”
HINATA, yamaguchi, asahi, GOSHIKI, oikawa, akaashi, takeda, TANAKA
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❥ They join you
His ears perk up once he hears you mewling in pleasure from your bedroom, eagerly slamming the door open to reveal your hands fucking a vibrating bullet in and out of your weeping cunt, the sheets beneath you a filthy mess. He smirks and practically pounces on the bed, not even bothering to shut the door as he peppers your face in a million kisses. You always look so pretty when you wanna get yourself off. What if he fucked his fist in tandem with you? That's the best idea ever.
“Shit, don’t stop just for me, baby. Let’s cum at the same time, yeah? You wanna fuck yourself with that cute bullet I got you while I fuck my fist to the sight of your pretty tits? C’mon, don’t say no! It’ll be fun, I promise! Then I’ll fuck you nice and good afterward, okay? Thank you, pretty baby.”
nishinoya, BOKUTO, konoha, matsukawa, TENDOU, terushima, yamamoto, lev
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starjaeyun · 3 months
gatekeeper — tsukishima kei !
— tsukishima assures that he is not embarrassed of dating you, you think otherwise
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warning/s : fem! reader, misunderstanding 😁 & a small fight at the beginning, profane language, tinsy bit of angst, fluff & crack from the second half ‘til it ends
note : had this little idea while writing a kageyama drabble so they might be quite similar
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“just give up already”
y/n’s tip-toeing came to a stop. seriously? this was the 4th time this week! with an annoyed groan, she turns around, fists clenched, brows furrowed, and it looks as though a tick mark was formed on her forehead. behind her stood her oh so loving boyfriend, tsukishima kei, who somehow always catches her trying to sneak in the volleyball gym.
“oh c’mon kei! why won’t you let me watch your practice?!” tsukishima sighed, “we’ve talked about this” he grumbled, why does she have to be so stubborn?
“don’t talk like those romanticized, toxic boyfriends on wattpad!” y/n hits his arm, which barely does any damage to him, “and don’t act like them as well!”
tsukishima raises a hand to fix his glasses, “are you saying i’m toxic?”
“i never said that! i just said don’t talk and act like—”
“so you’re implying it?”
“well, you’re going to be if you carry on with that bullshit!” tsukishima grows silent and stares at y/n, who had seemed to be reaching the highest point of her annoyed meter, which would then slowly escalate into anger.
after a few seconds of silence, he spoke, “take these, don’t wait for me and go home. cool your head” in each of his hands were his hoodie and an umbrella, which he brought with him on the way to the gym incase it might rain before they’re able to go back to the locker rooms. with y/n giving no sign of taking it, he placed it on her foot and carried on walking past her.
“i don’t understand you” tsukishima comes to a halt, looking back almost immediately upon noticing y/n’s change of tone. crap, was i too harsh?
“why are you acting like that if you’re embarrassed of me?” he couldn’t tell whether she’s sad or angry.
“acting? acting like what? and what do you mean embarrassed?!” his tone immediately gave away his nervousness.
“in school or when you’re with someone else, you avoid and act like you don’t know me but when we’re alone, suddenly you’re taking care of me! make it clear whether you love me or not to save both our time because i am not about to start losing myself for a boy who can’t love me the way i deserve!” it’s clear that she wanted to say more so tsukishima stayed silent. “if you’re going to love me, at least be honest with me! am i embarrassing or not?!”
“of course not!”
“then why?!” it was a miracle that y/n was not crying nor shouting at the moment.
tsukishima fully turns his body this time, “what’s embarrassing is my explanation…” and the mood suddenly lightens.
“TSUKISHIMA, YOU BASTARD!” tanaka and nishinoya’s yelling made tsukishima sigh.
“you call me selfish but keep shimizu-senpai’s sister all to yourself” kageyama grumbles
tsukishima stands still. hands clasped together behind his back and head bowed down. he looks like a child getting a scolding, or how the the freak duo looks whenever daichi catches their slip ups.
nishinoya and tanaka kneels in front of the first year. head bowed down as if they were praising him, and that they are.
“on this day, we honor you. congratulations on getting a shimizu!” they say in unison.
“you’re overreacting” tsukishima simply says.
“nope, i, too, would congratulate you tsukki. no offense, but you’re not exactly the ideal boyfriend” yamaguchi says with a finger under his chin.
“mhm! so you better treat her right tsukishima! she’s like our little sister” sugawara’s smile does not look comforting at all.
“call me if you need help in buying gifts!” daichi volunteers happily.
“and me if you need advice!” asahi adds.
“why are you guys taking my job?” shimizu comments while giggling. “but, i do think that tsukishima is just right for my little sister” she turns to look at her sister who was now playing around with kageyama and hinata, “she’s as chaotic as those two, he’ll be able to handle her. so i trust that i won’t have to worry much?”
“of course” tsukishima didn’t seem like himself at the moment. his eyes seemed to have soften at the sight of his girlfriend. he smiled, though not too obvious.
“why are you smiling like a male lead in a drama?” tanaka teased. and though tsukishima hates expressing his emotions to his teammates, he certainly loves poking their annoyance scale, “because this is what it’s like to love and be loved”
“Why are you making it seem like kiyoko does not love me back! she does love me! right? right?” tanaka gave kiyoko hopeful eyes and received no response aside from her turning around.
“I’m not talking about platonic love”
“KEI!” apparently, while he successfully annoyed the second year, his girlfriend heard what he said and would definitely never let it go.
“when have you been so sweet?! love and be loved? seriously?!” she bounced up and down, hands on tsukishima’s shoulder for support.
“she’s no different from the freak duo, i’m afraid” sugawara comments and laughs along with the third years.
“but am i really that beautiful that you had to gatekeep me from your entire team?” she laughed, still bouncing, and tsukishima only stood there with his smile never seeming to fade.
“if that were me i’d be receiving his train of insults by now” hinata says, joining the rest of the team as they watched how tsukishima seemed to be a lot softer around y/n.
“you’re such a gatekeeper kei!” she teased, this time, she stopped bouncing and have started poking her boyfriend’s sides.
“that he is! how dare he gatekeep kiyoko-san’s sister?!” tanaka kneeled back down on one knee with a hand on his chest.
nishinoya followed suit, “and what’s annoying is that she reciprocated his love!”
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© starjaeyun on tumblr | do not steal, copy, translate or repost
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daisy-room · 22 days
Haikyuu Fic Recommendations for my Favorites
1. One Summer Day; unexpected love. Truly an amazing trope. This story takes place in high school and I want to eat the writing. Like it’s so good, and so beautifully done. (Not completed) @hiraethwa
1. Custom Action Figure; this whole series is hilarious and I suggest checking it out. It made me smile and they have a lot of characters for it. @darthferbert
1. Supportive Boyfriend Oikawa; the way I simp over this man needs to be studied in a lab. These headcannons are literally adorable. Like I want all of this. I want him to teach me how to serve (totally don’t play volleyball it’ll be like when people pretend to not know how to play like pool) I love this man. @miksy63
2. Binary Stars; SMAU for my favorite boy like ever. It’s a little angsty but that’s to be expected when the characters don’t talk to each other smh. It’s fine in the end and it’s a nice short one, definitely worth the read @causenessus
3. Sweet Things; AHHHH! So cute!!!! Sweet things he does for you in the relationship. @cherrye
4. You Know How to Ball, I Know Aristotle; really cute Smitten Oikawa with a studious/nerdy reader. So fluffy I love it @lovingache
5. Pass, pass -oh smash; I may be a little biased but- I LOVE THIS. LITERALLY SO CUTE I ACTUALLY GIGGLED AND KICKED MY FEET. And I got a pretty amazing mutual out of it 😌 @chocolate-milk-enthusiast
1. Inked- Cute Smau where Y/N owns a tattoo shop and Kiyoko is a flower shop owner. This is really cute and brings a smile to my face with the antics of all the characters. @eggyrocks (they also have some other SMAUs I would say to consider checking out)
1. Secret S/O; various MSBY boys that during an interview accidentally reveal your relationship. This was another cute and funny one that you should definitely check out! @weneeya
1. How deep is your love?; various people and headcannons about your relationship. If you can’t tell I’m a sucker for sweet sappy things. These are so sweet. @sweetheartsaku 
2. Sharing an Umbrella; Pretty self-explanatory, you forget your umbrella and Osamu shares his with you. It’s really cute!!! @suplicyy
1. He’s Trouble; Fratboy! Atsumu with a female reader. I just know this series is going to get more and more funny with each chapter and I’m very excited to see where it goes @lowkeyremi
This is My Solemn Vow; Prince and Princess Sakusa and Reader who get married and learn to love each other again. This is a slow burn and it’s beautifully written (not completed) @jinchuls
1. Work Wife; You’re Kuroo’s work wife but when training a new person he gets jealous. The ending is so funny! I love it!!! @kaiijo
2. Work from Home; Kuroo is working from home and shenanigans ensue. This one is a little suggestive so be warned. @mewnbun
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I will be adding more to this as I find new recommendations :)
As you can see I definitely don’t have a favorite character 🥰 (note the sarcasm as Oikawa’s section is like 3 fics longer than everyone else)
psst- this is getting a lot of attention for some reason let me shamelessly plug myself @tulip-room (some of the fics are 18+ so minors and ageless blogs stay away from those but my fluff and angst fics go right ahead)
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oukabarsburgblr · 8 days
I've been wondering- what would happen in the karasuno bullying the first year when they all grow up? Like (m/n) should take my advice and get together with Sousuke instead!! Maybe I'm just a biased Sousuke simp but no way anyone can touch us if we have mafia on our side!! Sousuke being a softie is just a plus point :D I would like be Sousuke's husband frfr ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
If you had continued into the bullying the first years storyline, you would definitely end up as a house husband, maybe finishing foundation in university but that would be the most of it before daichi had stolen you away, locking you up in his apartment, near the police academy and your parents didnt question a thing, knowing daichi who was your supposed boyfriend taking care of you. Oikawa did but he was too busy in Argentina to know more.
Hinata, kageyama, yamaguchi would lose contact with you, that's about it, they just assumed you'd went about your life. Tsukishima had approached you during your third year, asking what the hell happened in first year since he saw what Asahi did to you but you stayed silent, wanting to lose those horrible memories and move on with your life.
The second years, would be similar, losing contact, except Tanaka did try to get in contact with you but was stopped by Daichi, who said you're having a horrible phase in your life currently and Tanaka understandably backed off, asking him to send his regards.
Kiyoko simply didn't want to get involved. She was lucky enough the trio didnt targeted her and she knew she couldnt do much unfortunately. Yachi would have the same case for the other third years.
Sugawara and Asahi couldn't focus on you, since they went on with their own careers but the second they found out you were handcuffed in Daichis bed, Sugawara was laughing giddily, pulling at your cheeks teasingly and he was so excited to see his kouhai. Asahi was surprised you didnt even resist much, giving into your predicament and chatted with Daichi while Sugawara was making you squirm.
Daichi wouldn't let them sleep with you, Sugawara almost took a beating but he and Asahi backed off, both knowing that Daichi was the most passionate for you...but you dreaded the moment they visited Daichi's apartment.
Daichi tried treating everything like it was normal to have your partner handcuffed in bed, and you unwillingly accepted your new life. A husband he forcibly signed your marriage certificate and living with him wasn't so painful.
He still fed you, clothes you and gave you the necessary condiments to living, a phone took a year or two but the only requirement was that you couldn't step out of the apartment. And you lived by it which earned the key to your cuffs, no longer having restrained to the bedroom.
Daichi presumed the position of your lover since then, kissing you and holding you lovingly, his demeanour changed, showing more affection and a smile on his face. Sex was still scary because he would be extremely overpowering and the dynamics were tilted so far, you'd often cry during sex since you'd drop into the submissive mindset so quick.
But all's well...than expected. In a way, maybe you were content with your new life. Not having to worry, about bills or a job, only sitting in your pretty house you got to decorate, waiting for your husband to come home.
Oh man i feel bad for the other anon😭 theres barely any fluff in this universe im so sorry
And i do agree! You should just run away with Sousuke instead ↔️ but if Sousuke existed in this universe, both you and him would be the same age as Daichi and frankly Sousuke would never let you associate with anyone that had a psychopathic behaviour.
Why and how?....thats a story for another time🤗
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realcube · 3 days
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characters ♡ tsukishima, nishinoya & kuroo
tws ♡ mentions of opoids & cursing
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♡ he would NOT come see you at work on purpose
♡ like he notices how exasperated and frustrated whenever you get off work so bro wants nothing to do with that
♡ plus, because you are always telling him horror stories about customer/co-worker interactions, he just assumes your workplace is a breeding ground for crazy people and wants to stay the hell away
♡ most boyfriends after you tell them about how rude customers are to you would come in to your place of work and give you flowers just to make your day, but not tsuki
♡ plus he hears the way you respond to your customers in these stories and he does NOT want to be a victim of your wrath
♡ on the brightside though, since he is a shithead himself, you might expect him to be the annoying type and play devil's advocate whenever you are telling him about terrible customers like:
♡ "customer is always right!" "it's your job to do [something completely unrealistic and overzealous]" "but what did you do to make the customer act like that?" "a tip is not a requirement!!!!!" "i think you're overreacting.."
♡ and he does try to be objective so he can be like that sometimes
♡ but keyword is try
♡ 99% of the time, as soon as you tell him the customer did something remotely inflammatory towards you, he goes into full Protective Tsukishima Mode™
♡ and since he is a cow himself, he is in full support of any cowish or "out of line" behaviour you may exhibit in retaliation to the rude customer
♡ you cussed them out? tsuki is like awesome, good job babe!
♡ you threw a drink at them? tsuki is like but great, hopefully you didn't strain your wrist with all power and vigour you used.
♡ you call them ugly? tsuki says that's offensive to kageyama and ugly people everywhere but you still ate that.
♡ and if you're manager has anything to say about it, tsuki says kill em
♡ anyway all that is to say he loves you but he won't be stepping FOOT near your establishment of employment 💜 willingly
♡ however, let's say you work at a drug store and tsuki has ran out of parcetemol and obviously he needs some more because of all the headaches his team is causing him
♡ and there aren't drug stores around every corner
♡ (even if there are, he's probably banned from at least a few for being a smartass)
♡ ("☝🤓 erm actually i think what you meant to say was oxytocin , oxycodone is an illegal opoid")
♡ (i'm jk ofc)
♡ (tsuki doesn't know the difference between oxytocin and oxycodone, he doesn't even know the difference between tanaka and that other buzzed guy from aoba johsai??) ( he gave them both dirty looks to make sure he covered all his bases)
♡ anyway under the circumstance that there was no other way he could source his medication and he needed it urgently, his only option was to sneak into your store and PRAY someone else served him besides you
♡ but of course you spotted him and called him over to your counter
♡ you'd go through the usual debrief of 'why tf are you here?' and him explaining that he literally had no other choice
♡ you're relieved because if he was becoming one of those corny boyfriends who visits you at work to tell you what a great job you're doing, you'd be afraid he was possessed by the spirit of daichi and you'd have to perform an excorcism at work which is toooo much effort
♡ thankfully he wasn't posessed though, just in pain
♡ you ring him up and the speed of light and then he leaves
♡ ...
♡ is what you WISH happened
♡ instead, once he finally realises the power he has in this situation, he takes the absolute piss
♡ he channels every terrible customer you've ever told him about and becomes the Avatar of Annoying Cunts: Stupid, impatient, loud and downright RUDE
♡ two of those things he's an expert at
♡ a scholar, if you will
♡ "good morning? it's the afternoon..." "why are you taking so long, it's only one item?" "cash or card, what does it look like?" "why are you in such a bad mood, calm down?" "you've overcharged me..."
♡ you could tell he was just joking around but the fire that raged inside you was very much real
♡ the thing about tsuki though is that he is easily embarassed so stops as soon as other people start looking his way or your manager tries to get involved
♡ the switch up is kinda insane because after hearing a customer call your attitude "foul" and "noxious" one of your co-workers chimes in and asks if there is a problem and he is like
♡ "no, no problem at all 😊 just amazing service here haha! 😗 the only problem is that i'm being served by an angel! 😇 shouldn't you be in heaven? 🤭"
♡ jk he wasn't actually that sweet he was more awkwardly like "we're good!" then shuffles off with his painkillers but he actually forced a smile when he said that so he may as well have have called you an angel and all that bologne
♡ when you see him next you both agree never to dicuss that incident again because it was just too awkward for either of you to bare
♡ and he's petty asf so if you do ever try to bring it up, he will seriously just pretend it never happened
♡ like at a restaurant tsuki is like "this stew i ordered is cold. i'm going to flag down the waiter to complain."
♡ "let me do it! we both know how ruthless you are when complaining about service workers."
♡ "huh?"
♡ "remember? when i rung you up at the drug store? you were so mouthy."
♡ "i don't know what you're talking about.. i've never been to your drug store.."
♡ "..."
♡ "it could be a front for an illicit drug cartel for all i know..."
♡ "..."
♡ "now that i think about it, probably is."
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♡ okay .. so
♡ it all started when he invited you to come over to his house to play mortal kombat on his ps2 and you said yeah sure, but after you finished work
♡ you had a very complicated shift and NO energy to play video games but the last thing you wanted to do was disappoint nishinoya because that would only make you feel worse
♡ so you muster up the will power to head over to his house, sending a precursory text that you're on your way but warning him that you may not act like you're usual self because you've had a rough shift
♡ as soon as you step foot inside his home, he leaps at you and envelops you in a tight hug, asking you to recount in detail everything that happened today and what has upset you , if you're up for talking about it
♡ you're original plan was to be strong and tough it out, hoping that playing mortal kombat would help you take your mind off of it anyway, but as soon as he starts acting all sympathetic and being so kind, you immediately burst into tears and spill your guts
♡ you explain that there is a regular who comes in every friday that is always a bit bold and sassy but never anything too bad
♡ however, today you were the one that made this regular's order and when you gave it to them, they spat it out onto your shoes and claimed it was the worst thing they've ever tasted and demanded you give them a refund
♡ your manager hates giving refunds so you politely offered to remake their food instead but they continued to be uncooperative and scream all sorts of terrible things at you
♡ it all ended with them getting a refund and leaving but it still left you jarred
♡ he holds you, comforts you and tells you no one deseveres to be treated like that. eventually you are able to put it all into persepective and realise that what's done is done and it's not like you could relive the past and change what happened. no one was physically harmed and you didn't lose your job so there was no point dwelling on it
♡ he was the positive light that guided you through such a grim situation
♡ him, and the hope that they'll never come back after that interaction, and you tell him this
♡ which is about the time he recalls that you refered to them as a 'regular' and starts acting strange and asking a bunch of — what you deem to be — random questions
♡ "so.. what were they wearing?" "you said their hair was brown? what shade: poopy chestnut or sludge coffee?" "what shape were their eyebrows?" "on a scale of tsukishima to me, how defined was their jawline?" "when they flipped you off, did they use their right or left hand?"
♡ you answered most of his questions, assuming that he was giving you a platform to call them ugly or maybe he just wanted to create a very realistic and detailed image of the confrontation in his brain
♡ regardless, once he was done with his questions, that's the last you spoke of the situation for a while, and you prefer it that way
♡ ... that is, until next Friday rolled around
♡ there was no way nishinoya could let you go to work when there was the possibility that an abusive customer could come in and start berating you again; what kind of boyfriend would he be if he just let that happen?
♡ so, shortly after the store opened, he camped outside near the doors, in such a position that no one from inside could see him, even through the windows
♡ he stood there looking intimidating (as intimidating as a 5"3 boy can be), any family walking by would've thought he was some sort of McDonalds bouncer (a McBouncer, perhaps)
♡ during the morning, it was busy but not an awful not of people were coming inside, the majoirty were going through the drive-thru (but you mentioned the regular always comes inside so he knew he was guarding the right place)
♡ however, since there was no one coming and going, he felt as though he didn't need to pay much attention so he took a seat on one of the nearby dining benches and started playing games on his phone
♡ 40 levels and 0 adhd pills later; it's the afternoon, rush hour and there was a bunch of people entering and leaving the establishment
♡ he took guard by the enterance once again but when he peered inside, he was afraid he might be too late
♡ he couldn't see their face, but he could see you at the collection counter talking to someone with a disheartened expression. the person you were talking to was moving very sternly while talking to you, which he wasn't fond of
♡ he snuck inside without you noticing, which wasn't hard considering there were so many people and also you were currently engaged with a customer
♡ when he came in, his suspicions were only confirmed and the customer wasn't yelling at you but speaking in a loud voice and saying all sorts of nasty stuff like "this serivce is unacceptable! can't even make a damn whopper... let me speak to your manager!"
♡ when he heard this, it instantly activated some sort of reflex in noya that made him act on instinct: he spirited towards the customer, weaving through the crowd, and leaped onto them from behind, clinging to their back like a vicious koala bear while trying to pull them to the ground and biting them
♡ screaming stuff like "don't you ever talk to (y/n) like that you freak!! you have no idea how hard they work so you have no reason to be so mean all the time!! lay off the attitude and the burgers and maybe you'll be able to afford a HEART transplant !!!"
♡ eventually the customer lost balance and ended up on the floor while noya hopped on top of them to start punching them in the face, but before he swung he noticed the face of the person he was about to hit
♡ "if you don't like their burgers, taste this— !! oikawa??"
♡ once noya falters, you are able to react by jumping over the counter and explaining that oikawa isn't the one that chastised you last Friday; he just came in today and was a bit upset over his burger with no mayo , that had mayo on it and you were about to remake for him
♡ once noya realised this he helped oikawa to his feet
♡ oikawa muttered something about his bad knee and hating small people but after that he silently waited at the side for you to remake his burger
♡ you brought noya to the back and told him that you appreciate him coming to your work to protect you but you really didn't need him to and that you can fight your own battles
♡ he understood but insisted that he at least stay for the rest of this day in case that crazy regular from last week came in and harassed you again but your manager swiftly kicked noya out
♡ so now he is banned from his local McDonalds and also Aoba Johsai High but he says it's worth it for you
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♡ suuuuch a hoe about it icl
♡ whenever he is going out to eat with friends, he will always bring them to where ever you work, especially if you work as a waiter or a host or some other occupation in which you deal with the customers directly
♡ and he will sit there and pretend like he doesn't know you and has never seen you before in his life
♡ and you just thought this was a funny little bit he does. y'know just to be jovial and fun lol like you genuinely didn't think much of it and thought he just pretended like he didn't know you for the shits n giggles so you played along
♡ HOWEVER the real reason he would bring his friends to this restaurant was to pretend like he has hella game by flirting with you (and obviously you'd playfully flirt back bc you're his s/o...) and impress his friends by successfully 'pulling' their waitress
♡ sometimes before going to the restaurant he'd be like "guys if i can get our waiter's number then you all owe me ¥1000 (approx £5/$6)"
♡ technically fraud but he'd make more in tips that night than you
♡ (💔)
♡ although this scheme would only work on each friend once and he couldn't even do it to his closer friends like kenma or bokuto because they know y'all are dating so they wouldn't fall for it
♡ he did it once while lev and yamamoto were at the table and they went CRAZY
♡ they genuinely asked him to teach them his ways
♡ not knowing it's all a lie....
♡ one day though kenma is in the changing room and makes a remark about kuroo being a loser virgin for taking his switch and lev and yamamoto SPRING to his defences
♡ "NAH you should've seen kuroo at that restaurant. he got the hot waiter's number and was hitting on them the whole night!"
♡ he knows you work as a waiter, and he asks them what restaurant they are talking about and when this whole interaction happened and they confirm his initial notion
♡ he then appears at your work immediately after school and says all ominiously "i have some information about your boyfriend i'd be willing to exchange for food"
♡ one long conversation and a portion of soba later, he confesses to you everything he knows and how he suspects kuroo only pretends your not his s/o to impress his friends
♡ you find it hilarious but you know you can't let that slide
♡ so the next time he comes in, you have your game face on
♡ instead of going to typical route and aknowledging kuroo, thus making it evident to the party that you both are acquainted, you opt for a more entertaining plan
♡ you go along with the premise that you and kuroo don't know each other and you are just a random server who happens to be attractive, waiting their table and also completely receptive to his advances
♡ until... you aren't!!!
♡ it begins as soon as they are start at their table, you and kuroo make flirtatious glances at each other from across the restaurant; his friends pick up on this and are utterly enthralled
♡ when they order their food, kuroo makes a comment "everything looking so delicious" while looking at you instead of the menu, and you blush
♡ even when you drop their food off at their table, you remark that it might be "too hot to handle" and that really gets them all going
♡ however, at the end of the meal, before you start taking the dishes away, you ask them if everything has been alright for them and he responds, "everything has been perfect, doll."
♡ and your face just DROPS into one of absolute horror and disgust, "Don't call me that!"
♡ Kuroo is caught quite off guard by that and you walk away while all his friends are still snickering, but he brushes it off as it being a pet name you're not fond of or something
♡ When you leave the cheque at their table, he blows you a kiss off his finger and you just give a dismayed look in response which all his friends pick up on and laugh at him for
♡ finally, when he had wrote up the cheque, he wrote his number where it said "tip" and you picked it up and read it while they were all still standing near the table, getting ready to leave
♡ as soon as you looked at the paper, you glared at him and yelled, "just give me a real tip, weirdo!" and all his friends opened their mouths with the intention of laughing but a involuntary gasp was pulled from all of them as they watched you bitch slap him right across the face
♡ ...
♡ yeah needless to say he had a tough time explaining to his friends why he didn't press charges and you a tough time explaining to your boss why you smacked a customer
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hyeque · 2 years
messenger [tsukishima kei]
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synopsis: you and yamaguchi are best friends with tsukishima. nearly everyday girls come up to the two of you to ask about the blonde and you both have had just enough. little do you know that yamaguchi has a plan of his own to get the chatting to stop...
notes: based off the sole fact that it's canon that girls only go up to yamaguchi to ask him about tsukki, which obviously means he's popular with girls. this was originally written as a stand-alone but i decided to submit it for lexi's @suckerforsugawara first time for everything collab! i apologize for how late this is, writer’s block got the best of me.
warnings: reader is very much in their head, angst at first but eventual fluff with good ending
word count: 4kei
for as smart as tsukishima kei is, he sure is oblivious to how girls flirt with him.
everyday a good number of girls around campus whisper and talk about how they find the blonde middle blocker attractive. about how much a good boyfriend he would make. it amazes you to no end how much the tall and silent type attract people. you could probably end up rich with how much you hear about him, because there's seriously not one day where you don't hear his name.
at first, most of the comments make you laugh. over time though, you begin to roll your eyes and scoff. you don't understand why so many people like him. half the time you see how tsukishima interacts with hinata and kageyama and it isn't in the nicest or most pleasant way. it just looks like a complete circus act. you truly feel sorry for daichi and suga.
tsukishima is just...mean. if you had a boyfriend who treated you like that, you'd dump him on the spot.
but maybe you are a hypocrite because while you think of all these things, you're still friends with him.
...if you can even call it that—you're sure tsukishima just 'tolerates' you. but the fact that you and yamaguchi are the two he spends the most time with obviously means something. he also begrudgingly helps you with your homework and walks you home from class all the time.
it means something...right?
today is no different from many other days as you watch hinata and kageyama get into a heated screaming match about god knows what. tsukishima is on the side snickering to yamaguchi. everyone else is helplessly by standing.
but you, on the other hand, are in your own little world. you're one of the managers for karasuno university's volleyball team. currently, you're filling up water bottles for the team. being in the role as manager, you've become a master at zoning out hinata and kageyama's bickering.
but you did not expect that this skill would one day work against you.
"hinata, kageyama! watch out!" ennoshita shouts, but it's already too late. you feel the unruly force of a volleyball hit you, making you drop the bottles you're filling up and spill water on the ground.
"are you okay?" yamaguchi rushes to help you to your feet, shooting the offending people a small glare. kageyama and hinata shiver at tadashi's gaze and begin to profusely apologize.
"i'm okay, yams. thank you." you dust off your clothes and laugh, "it's nothing i can't help when those two get carried away."
"we are so sorry!" hinata cries, nearly tripping over himself to get to you. kageyama sheepishly let's out a 'sorry' before his face flushes a bright red.
you open your mouth to assure them you're fine, but a certain voice beats you to it.
"are you two that incompetent that you'll take out our manager in the middle of one of your childish games?" the voice hisses. "i knew the two of you were stupid, but you both surprise me every day. i have to start lowering my bar more."
you don't have to turn to know who it is.
tsukishima turns to you, a displeased look on his face. if you squint, you can see his concern. "and you really need to work on watching your surroundings. i'd rather not have to take you to the hospital." he scolds, picking up the bottles from the ground. he swats your hand away when you reach out for them and you puff out your cheeks, frustrated.
he always does this, where you can't tell if he cares for you, or if he's just being mean. maybe you’re reading into things too closely.
you watch his eyes scan your figure intently and you flinch when you feel him touch you. your breath hitches at how close he is, close enough to see the specks of gold in his eyes from behind the lenses of his sports googles.
his hand gently turns your face to either side, "are you hurt anywhere?"
at the feeling of his hand on your arm, you feel it burn at the source of his touch.  you quickly recover and answer that you're fine. he studies your face for a moment longer to detect if you're lying but doesn't prod for any more answers.
not too far away does yamaguchi note the gesture between you two, but doesn't say anything.
the rest of practice runs by smoothly and you have practically forgotten that you were hit with a volleyball. before you know it, it's over and everyone calls it a day before filing out to the lock room.
tsukishima announces that he has to go somewhere after practice and for you and yamaguchi to not wait up for him. neither of you question him on his whereabouts because chances are he won't even tell you anyways.
as punishment for hitting you with the volleyball, kageyama and hinata are responsible for cleaning up the gym and locking up, which gives you the advantage of getting home early. down to two, you and yamaguchi start your trek home, the convo floating between school, volleyball, and other interests.
the two of you turn at the sound of a girl. she looks anxious and nervous and holds a pink envelope in her hands.
"hi! what can i do for you?" he smiles, green eyes bright and inviting.
the girl seems to gain confidence at yamaguchi's smile. "i have this confession for tsukishima-kun...but i don't know how to give it to him, so i was wondering if you would give it to him for me?" the girl explains shyly. her eyes shift to you and widen. "you're not dating tsukishima-san are you?"
your eyes widen at the accusation and you bust out a laugh, hard. maybe too hard.
"me? date him? i could never!"
after your embarrassing and short-lived laughing party, yamaguchi reluctantly agrees to take the letter to give to tsukishima. a strange feeling wells up in your chest at the sight, and you don't know why you felt disappointed in him doing so.
as soon as the girl leaves, you see yamaguchi's shoulders sag and his smile fades. 
"what's wrong, yams?" you nudge your best friend in the side, noting the way he picks at the skin on his hand anxiously.
"nothing," he answers, "we need to get going now."
you pull him back. "it's not 'nothing'. come on, what is it?"
you watch as he takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he replies, "i appreciate and care about tsukki and all, but it really sucks that girls only talk to me about him." he pouts, puffing out his cheeks.
"it's probably because you're much more approachable than mr. blonde beanpole." you suggest, shrugging your shoulders. "frankly, I don't know why or what people see in him. he's not very people-friendly. plus he always walks around with a scowl on his face. but i too wish they would stop asking us about him. what did suckyshima do to get so many confessions all the time..."
your freckled faced friend raises his brows, amused by your passionate rambling. "are you jealous?" he asks, head tilting in inquiry.
"w-what? no! why would i be?" you scoff, feeling your heart race in your chest. "the only thing i'm jealous of is that beanpole blonde's attention." you say. "i would very much like to be confessed to as often as he gets!"
"you would hate it," yamaguchi chuckles, "you don't even like getting attention. especially from guys."
you click your tongue, not knowing how to disagree with him. "maybe, but it wouldn't hurt to have it happen once in a while, you know?" you sigh, "i can't go my entire life without experiencing a confession!"
you must've had a terrible past life to have such an unlucky dating experience. you've never had a guy ask you out. and while you don't like to be arrogant you consider yourself cute and a decent person—more so decent than glasses-kun.
"well, more guys would approach you if it wasn't for tsukki." yamaguchi says, and immediately upon speaking covers his mouth.
you raise a brow at your friend, "eh? what do you mean by that?"
before he can answer, you huff, "you're telling me blondie is messing up my love life? what does he gain from doing that?" you huff, feeling irritated that the number of cute boys you could've encountered is very little due to the fact that they were being cockblocked by the most annoying person on the planet.
yamaguchi would never tell you, and god bless your soul, but he's forever thankful for how oblivious you are at times. his skin is saved from having to explain to tsukishima why his crush on you has been outed.
but on the other hand, he desperately wants these confession shenanigans to be over with and for the two of you to confess to each other. to him, it's painfully obvious that there are shared feelings but neither one of you want to acknowledge the fact that there's something going on. he'd rather take the risk of tsukishima biting his head off if it means you two will end up together.
"let's just say that the two of you complain about each other too much for there not to be something going on between you two." yamaguchi says. "i just wish you'd both make out with each other or something."
panic swarms you, at the meer thought of locking lips with blondie. "tadashi, i would never be caught kissing him. i'd rather be dead." you say sternly, although an itch in your throat tells you otherwise.
"yeah, i totally got the vibe of that earlier when he came over to see if you were okay." he laughs, rolling his eyes.
"it didn't mean anything, he was just oddly nice..." you argue, the rapid beating of your heart mocking you.
the sudden silence could be cut through with a knife as you two walk. your knuckles grip your bag tightly as you focus on your feet in front of you.
"your crush never went away, right?" yamaguchi stops walking and looks at you intently.
when you don't respond, he knows his answer.
"that's another reason why i don't like getting these confessions. i don't want to see you get hurt by all of this." he reveals, his hand gripping the pink envelope he was given earlier.
"it doesn't matter, though. what i feel is irrelevant.” you shrug.
yamaguchi perks up, a light bulb going off. he presses the envelope to your hands. "you give this to him. you can find out what he says about the letter and how it makes him feel. he might act differently. that way, you can also decide if those feelings for him are still there, or if you've moved on. if you haven’t, then confess."
you turn away, not taking the envelope. your feet then move briskly. "what makes you think that he would accept my confession? there's no way he would."
"what's stopping you?" he presses, following you. "you don't know that unless you try."
a sharp exhale of air escapes you, your nerves taking your own words out of your mouth. "because i don't want to make a relationship awkward possibly. besides, he'll just make fun of me for having a crush on him and then reject me. so no way is tsukki going to accept it."
"he wouldn't do that. and you know he wouldn't. look, we both know tsukki better than anyone else does. i'm surprised at how blind you are to how he feels about you. or maybe you're denying it?"
before you can reply, you realize you've reached your apartment.
"just think about telling him? it'll ease your mind somehow, won't it? at least you'll have your answer and you can stop letting this eat at you the way it has for years." yamaguchi says, concern written on his face.
you sigh. "sure, tadashi. i'll think about it."
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you don't get a wink of sleep that night. and despite you wanting more time to think, you are meeting up with tsukishima and yamaguchi to hangout the next day. so even if you want to put off your thoughts about the situation, you can't.
"you look like shit," tsukishima says once you sit down at the cafe the three of you always meet up at. "like a zombie with the life is sucked out of them.”
“wow, how did you guess?” you say, response dripping with sarcasm.
a guilty look appears on his face before he changes it to a softer expression. "here, i already ordered for you." he says, pushing your favorite order across the counter.
"oh, thank you. you didn't have to." you reach into your bag to pay him back, but he pushes your hand away, a grimace on his face.
"yeah, well i did anyways." he says, turning away. a faint hue of pink can be seen across his cheeks. “you should really try not to over exert yourself. we can’t afford to have our manager collapsing.”
you stare at the drink, mind rambling. “right…”
tsukishima distracts himself with the time, noticing how late yamaguchi is. it isn’t like him to be late. once the male checks his phone, everything clicks into place.
"tadashi says he won't be able to make it to the movies." tsukishima tells you, slipping his phone back in his pocket.
"really?" you go to pull your own phone out of your bag to check, but something else catches your eyes first.
the pink envelope.
you gasp, gritting your teeth. "tadashi, you bastard..." you hiss, wondering when he slipped it into your bag.
"yeah, something about feeling sick..." the tall man's eyes slide down to look at you, and as attentive as he is he asks, "what are you grumbling about?"
you eyes glance between him and the letter, panic washes over you as you try to improvise a lie.
tsukishima leans over, peering into your bag. “what is that?” he asks.
solemnly, you hand him the pink envelope. cotton has lodged itself in your throat but you manage. "this...this is for you."
“from?” he questions, but he already knows it’s not you. you don’t dot your i’s like that.
“the usual. some girl with a crush on you.” you answer, “she didn’t know how to give it you directly.”
opening the letter, his brown eyes scan the contents carefully, silence overcoming him as he drinks in each word.
meanwhile, your heart races rapidly. you can feel yourself beginning to spiral in your mind, thinking of all the possibilities of what could happen next after he finishes reading the letter. instead of hearing anything, the blonde simply puts the letter back in the envelope.
“let’s go.” he says, standing up to leave.
wait...that's it? you watch him leave the cafe and scramble after him, confusion trailing you.
when you catch up to tsukishima, your eyes glance at him, trying to gauge anything. something.
"well?" you ask, brow arching up.
"'well' what?" he replies, staring at you expressionless.
"are you...going to accept?" you prod, leg bouncing.
the man seems to contemplate your question, not answering for a moment. the anticipation is killing you. swallowing you whole. you have to say something before you’re buried alive.
"don't accept that confession." you blurt.
"huh?" the blonde slips the envelope in his pocket. "and why not?"
you shift uncomfortably in your spot. "b-because."
"'b-because', isn't an answer. i hope you're aware." he mocks before stepping closing to you, a sly smirk on his face. "why do you look like you're about to throw up? is the thought of me getting a confession that repulsive to you?"
"shut up!" you hiss, the burning in your cheeks spreading like wildfire now. "i never said that."
"you didn't have to. your face said everything that i needed to know." he replies, "why are you so eager to know anyways?"
you shrug, "i mean, we're friends right? why wouldn't i be curious?"
a soft chuckle leaves him. it's pretty, and pretty looks very good on him. how annoying for your nerves. "right, and let's say i do accept the confession. what would you do then?"
you blink, your hands clammy, body scorching at this point. "dunno, maybe throw a party with a sign that says 'congrats kei, you're lovable after all'."
"you're a horrible liar, you know. it's very annoying." tsukishima scowls, grabbing your wrist and turning you to look at him.
"who said i was going to accept the confession?" he tilts his head to the side, leaning in slightly. "hmm? i think you put that idea in that pretty head of yours all by yourself."
you huff, irritated by his teasing manner."it's not funny to joke like that."
he blinks. "when did i make a joke?"
"you always do...i don't understand you, tsukishima." at this point you can feel your face burning up. you look away from the blonde, frustrated and also internally panicking. when you go to walk away, his large hand catches your wrist, pulling you back.
"so now we're back to tsukishima?" he asks, distaste in his tone.
you bite your lip, too scared to say anything.
he clicks his tongue. "listen, i didn't have to read the letter to know my answer. i didn't even need to receive one. i've already had my mind made up."
a soft 'oh' leaves your mouth. "is that right?"
"yes, because i already have feelings for someone." he confesses, and your heart nearly stops.
you weren't expecting this at all. you bargained for more than you wanted, but it’s your fault and your fault alone. you start to yell in your head about how wrong yamaguchi is, about how you're too late to confess now, because someone else has already stolen—
"this is for you." tsukishima hands a eerily similar pink envelope to you with a small plushie. your eyes widen as you look at the plush, recognizing that it's your favorite animal. you remember talking about how you still sleep with stuffed animals and made the mistake of having tsukishima overhear you. the teasing that day never ended.
when squeezing the plush to you, you're surprised to hear it play your favorite song. reading the letter, you recognize the handwriting as his immediately. you're familiar with how he loops his y's and g's. you recognize the eloquence in his words. but you feel alien reading how he pours his emotions—about you—into words. words that are a lot kinder and sweeter than his usual moments.
"why would i joke about my feelings?" he answers, pulling at his hands, fingers fidgeting. "if you don't reciprocate them—"
"no! i-i mean, yes! yes, i do!" your face is on fire at this point. "i'm just shocked, i-i wasn't expecting—"
"for someone to be into someone like you?" he finishes.
you blink, stunned by his response. "well, yeah."
and tsukishima kei does what tsukishima kei does best.
he flicks your forehead.
he rubs the spot where he flicked your forehead and his gaze becomes soft as he stares at you, his large hands not pulling back from how it gently cradles your face.
"i've been into your annoying ass since you yelled at those bullies for picking on tadashi." he mumbles, a fond look in his eyes.
your eyes look over him rapidly. "i don't get it. how? why?"
he pinches your cheek, rolling his eyes. "you keep saying that and it's really annoying." he continues, "it's simple. you're...you're a much better person than i am. you're smart...and funny. and you understand me even when my words don't always say what i mean. you've pushed me to be a better person." he tries to make himself smaller, wanting to escape his vulnerability, but it's hard when you're a walking lamppost.
"i can't stand the sight of other guys looking at you. at thinking they have a chance with you. call me a hypocrite because i know i'm the last person who deserves a chance with you, but—" he cuts himself off, fiddling his his hands.
"but what, kei?" you push, heart pounding.
"but i want one anyways. i've never felt like this with anyone before and i don't want to stop now. i...i'm willing to take the chance to ask to go out with you...even if i know you deserve better than me." he explains, head bowing low.
this time, you reach up and flick his forehead.
"ow? what the hell, dumbass?" he scowls.
"it's annoying when you do that, too," you say, teasing, "you always undermine how brilliant you are and it has to stop. you may be an asshole, but you're also perceptive, and caring, even if you don't really know how to show it in conventional ways."
he doesn't say anything because he knows you're right.
you speak again. "for the record, i think that you're pretty amazing. and a lot of other people think so too. learn to give yourself more credit, kei."
"i can say the same about you." he says, brushing hair back from your face. his eyes shift down to your lips before looking away just as quickly. his single strand of vulnerability left snaps.
"c-can i kiss you?" he stutters, and you're shocked to see the snarky blonde asshole you know in such a shy state.
"yes," you breathe, "please."
he can’t resist when you ask so nicely and look so pretty right in front of him.
and what you learn is that kei's kisses are sweeter than any words that can come out of his smart mouth. how that is possible, you don't know. but you surely don't mind at all.
he tugs you close to his body, his scent overtaking your senses. he smells like mint and whatever cologne he put on today and it's easily your new favorite aroma.
you pull away and can't help but note how pretty kei looks after kissing. hair disheveled, swollen lips, glossy eyes, and glasses nearly falling off his face. you quietly laugh and push the frames back up his face.
"i love you, you know." you say, holding his face.
he leans into you, kissing your palm as he reciprocates the words in a quiet voice. a quirk in his lips and he adds, "i would hope you do. i don't want to be seen having to return to build-a-bear for a second time to return a bear."
you grin, holding up the bear teasingly. "this plush?"
"oni-chan said i should give you something...that you'd appreciate. it's yours as long as you don't replace me with it." he answers, red creeping up his neck. "if you do, i'll return it."
"don't worry, kei. i promise not to replace you with a stuffed animal when i need cuddles." you latch onto his arm, clinging to him easily. he tugs you impossibly closer.
sending yamaguchi a text thank you and a picture of you with your new bear—now named tadashi—with an annoyed tsukishima holding you tight in the photo. 'new family photo! you were right!'.
yamaguchi only grins at the message, laying back on his bed as he smiles. his work as cupid is over. he'd figure out the third wheeling issue later.
for now, mission accomplished.
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do not copy and or repost. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated though! (c) 2022 hyeque
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215-luv · 2 years
AKAASHI: offers to buy you a book you love and will insist if you say no
TSUKISHIMA: will dedicate a music playlist for you & will lowkey feel upset if you don’t listen to them even if he’ll say he won’t care
BOKUTO: will carry you on his back when he notices your feet are starting to hurt from walking and standing all day
KAGEYAMA: keeps himself awake as he forces his eyelids to open just to listen to your rambles in the middle of the night
IWAIZUMI: will always insist on walking you home from a date/from school just because he’s not comfortable with you going home alone
OSAMU: will study the recipe of your favorite dishes so he can personally be the one to fill your stomach with a healthy and delicious meal
USHIJIMA: has those books about dating and ‘how to be a good boyfriend’ with annotations and sticky notes adjourned onto the pages
DAICHI: will watch with you your favorite movies even if he doesn’t like them
SUNA: will always hold you through a crowd because he wouldn’t want you to get lost from his sight
TANAKA: will volunteer to wait through a long line for you as he insists you sit on the closest bench/chair to wait for him
KUROO: teases you for alot of times but then will immediately beg for forgiveness when he notices you ignoring him
OIKAWA: who will call you with the most flustering to the cringiest nicknames like sweetheart, darling, angel, sweet pea but will be respectful & quickly step down when you feel uncomfortable with it
KENMA: will let you play his console and will think you’re cute (with a blush on his face) whenever you get angry and upset over a game
HINATA: will make you smile and cry from laughter whenever you feel down
SEMI: will compose a whole album with different songs that speaks his love for you
KITA: asks and hears out your opinion first before he decides to do something, and will still respect (as he should) it even if it contradicts to his own opinion
ARAN: insists on carrying your stuff as he walks you to class / carrying your bag as he walks you home or when you both are on a date together
KONOHA: will let you wear his sweater that’s embedded with his mouth-licking scent (he knows)
ATSUMU: has a photo of you in his wallet in which everytime he opens it, he couldn’t help but let out a smile in adoration
SAKUSA: will always remind you that you’re supposed to message him when you get home the moment you separate ways from a date just so he can know you went home safe and sound
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weneeya · 4 months
dance with me w/ bokuto, kuroo, daichi, ushijima m.list | rules
note. sorry for my english, it's not my first language :( hope you'll like anyway!
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Bokuto Koutarou
you were working on your computer, busy with something else than him, and he didn’t like that 
the man was clingy and he loved attention
he disappeared without you realizing it, and it almost hurt his feelings, but he had another idea in his mind 
the only thing that got you out of your work was the sudden music playing in the living room of your apartment 
you finally left your computer to follow the music, and you saw Bokuto waiting for you with a proud smile on his face 
“here you are!” he’s happy, you can tell it by the huge smile on his lips 
he grabbed your hand and before you could say anything, you were against his chest 
“dance with me!” 
you can’t say no, not when he’s looking at you with those eyes 
maybe your work could wait for you minutes
Kuroo Tetsuro
it had been raining for hours now, and you were tired of waiting for it to stop 
you were working at the library with your boyfriend, Kuroo, who was focused on what he was writing 
you were looking through the window, almost hypnotized by the rain pouring outside 
Kuroo noticed you, and he looked up from his book to look at you
a soft smile on his lips, he grabbed your chin to make you look at him 
“not working, huh?” you looked away, a sigh leaving your lips 
“yeah, I’m kinda bored” you didn’t look good, and Kuroo took it personally : he had to make his princess feel better 
“follow me” he stood up from his chair, grabbing your hand so you would follow him outside the library 
before you realized it, you were under the rain with your boyfriend, who was laughing at you and at your reaction 
“Tetsu, what are you-” he cut your sentence by pulling your closer to him, as he started to dance slowly with you 
“I’m keeping you entertained” a proud smile appeared on his lips and you punched his arm softly 
he was an idiot, but he was your idiot after all  
Sawamura Daichi 
you were exhausted because of your exams, as you were spending all your free time studying for it
and Daichi noticed it 
as the amazing boyfriend he was, he couldn’t let you do that without helping you in any way possible 
he told you to join him at the gymnase after your class, pretexting an emergency that he couldn’t say anywhere else in public 
you entered the gymnase which was completely dark, searching for your boyfriend who wasn’t answering your calls 
suddenly, the lights were on and you saw the “emergency” he was talking about previously 
Daichi was standing there, a bunch of flowers between his hands and a huge smile on his lips 
“Daichi, what is that?” you couldn’t process what was happening
“you need to relax, and I’m gonna help you” he put the flowers on the bench and came closer to you, grabbing your hands to leave a kiss on each 
he made you do a spin, before he brought you closer to him
“just let go, okay?” you nodded at his words, resting your head against his shoulder 
you closed your eyes and started to follow his moves as he started to slowly dancing with you between his arms 
Ushijima Wakatoshi
he was focus on his training, as always 
nothing was more important for him than volleyball
well almost nothing, because you were here 
you were waiting for him on the bench, scrolling on your phone, being as bored as ever 
you sighed loudly, trying to get your boyfriend’s attention ; and it worked 
Ushijima turned around to look at you, the ball between his hands
“what?” he asked, tilting his head to the side 
“I’m bored! Do something with me!” 
he didn’t know what he was supposed to say
he never had been good with this, so he simply looked at you without saying anything
you suddenly started to play a song on your phone, putting it on the bench right next to where you were previously sitting 
“dance with me” you said with a huge smile, and Ushijima looked at you in disbelief 
he didn't know how to dance, what was he supposed to do? 
you grabbed his hand and brought him to the middle of the court 
he wasn’t really good at that, but if it made you happy, he was ready to try 
nothing was more important than volleyball, except you 
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at the end of the day, I'm nothing more than a haikyuu girlie so pls ask anything with the haikyuu boys and I'll do it
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tsxkkis · 10 months
# sawamura daichi - four months
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a/n = we love the walking green flag underrated man that is daichi ^^ also me and my bf had our four month anniversary so i guess that's where the idea came from. it's not one of my best works but i still hope you'll enjoy it ^
summary = daichi is the sweetest man. that's it.
warnings = using the petname 'love', nothing else
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daichi let out a deep breath before looking around, his eyes searching for you in the group of people leaving the bus. he carefully scanned every face, every figure in sight, before he finally caught a glimpse of what seemed to be your silhouette. he smiled to himself, quickly making his way towards you, hands resting in the front pockets of his jeans.
you noticed the boy approaching you, a sweet smile finding its way onto your lips as you waved at him, trying to get your hair out of your face in the meantime. you weren't exactly the most excited when you heard of just how high the temperature was going to be today, but daichi changed that with just a simple text.
'guess who's taking you to a sushi place today ;)'
the two of you met at the beginning of the year and from that point on it was obvious to everyone around you that the two of you were perfect for each other. for daichi, it all felt like a fever dream; all of a sudden there was someone he felt like he could spend the rest of his life with, someone he cared about more deeply than anyone before.
he was the sweetest guy you ever had a chance of meeting. a walking green flag, if you will; he remembered small details about you and what you like and always found time to spend with you, no matter how busy he got with his volleyball practice. he treated every single small occasion as something special, showering you with gifts and surprises.
as the waitress came to your table to take your order, you couldn't help but start thinking of what you did to deserve this guy. he was like someone taken straight out of a fairytale, any girl would be lucky to have him. so why did it end up being you, out of all people around?
"love, are you listening?" his hand gently squeezed yours, snapping you out of your thoughts as you noticed your food finally arriving, eyes sparkly at the plate of sushi the two of you ordered.
"oh, i'm so sorry, i spaced out a little." a small laugh escaped your lips, head turning to face your boyfriend. daichi smiled at you brightly, his face close enough to yours that you could feel him breathing.
"don't worry." his words sounded warm, his fingers interlocked with yours under the table. "i just mentioned that you can take a picture of the food before we start. you always complain about how you forget to do it, and i know how much you love taking them."
if you weren't in public, you would kiss his entire face right then and there.
you quickly snapped a few pictures, a stupid smile on your face as you got reminded yet again of how perfect of a man you were dating. both of you began eating shortly after, small murmurs of how good the food is exchanged between you two.
"we should've come here sooner." daichi's mouth was stuffed with another roll of sushi not even a second after he said those words, a droplet of sauce staying in the corner of his lips. "you were right about this place, my love."
your cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink at his words. no matter how many times he used that nickname, it always had the same effect on you. for daichi, it was natural at this point; it rolled off his tongue without him even acknowledging it, just as if that was your name from the very beginning.
it wasn't the end of his plans for this day, though, taking you to a secluded area of a nearby park, a small blanket on the grass as he sat down, motioning for you to do the same. you knew exactly what he had planned; it was late, and the sun began to set. you were reminded of all the times you would compliment the sunset while with him, whether it was a picture you saw or the actual thing.
daichi remembered that, too.
his hand sneaked around your waist, your head instinctively going to rest on his shoulder. a small sigh escaped your lips, your eyes focused on the sunset.
"what did i do to deserve you?" a mumble escaped your mouth, catching daichi's attention. he laughed; a quiet, short laugh, ruffling your hair as he turned his head towards you.
"good people deserve great things in their life." he was smiling, his hand shifting from your waist to the small of your back as he scooted closer to you, planting a quick peck on your lips. "and you just happen to be the best person on this planet. most beautiful, most amazing and most importantly, mine." his spoke, making quick breaks to plant sweet kisses all over your face, the tips of your ears turning red at the situation as you tried to shove him off, laughing at his actions.
"you're the sweetest, sawamura." the smile on your face was brighter than the sun as you put your hand up to gently flick the boy in the forehead, resting it on his cheek right after. the sunset seemed to be long forgotten by now; the only important thing were you and daichi.
"only for you." his eyes couldn't leave yours, faces mere millimeters from eachother. "happy four months, my love."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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mrs-kodzuken · 3 months
so hi! i'm the coach ukai ask anon 👋🏻
i just thought about reader being the volleyball team advisor along with takeda. and the boys definitely ships them all the time, and convincing him to confess 🤣
then when reader and coach got wed, ofc the boys are all there! 🥹
tysm again and have a nice day! 🥰
Aligned feelings & goals ♡
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Pairing: Keishin Ukai x fem!reader
WC: 2.1k
Genre: fluff
CW: fem!reader, advisor!reader, best friend!Takeda, fluff, oc ukai since my first time writing for him, reader is a couple years younger than ukai, they crush on each other like they’re in high school
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Being twenty-five and working in a high school as the office registrar who takes and checks attendance wasn't something I ever had planned. I always dreamed of having my own tea shop by this time in age, however, being the volleyball teams' second advisor really had its perks.
I was able to care and look after silly, ambitious high school kids but the really huge perk to that was that I had a special piece of eye candy to look forward to.
"Miss (Y/n)? Are you listening?" My coworker, Takeda, asked me politely as this was an often occurrence.
"Yes! What was it again?" I sheepishly asked, blinking my eyes in a way to make my good ole' friend view me as innocent.
"The papers, they need to be taken to the back gym. I'm so swamped, so do you mind?" He asked, swirling back around in his office chair after shoving the papers in my hand.
I took them but squinted my eyes at him when I knew he had already finished everything he had needed and was bluffing.
I scoffed, "Swamped? Yeah, okay..." I trailed off, rolling my eyes and leaving my own comfy, grey swirly chair.
As I began my walk towards the back gym, my hears picked up on the sounds of volleyballs smacking the floors very hard and the squeaking of gym shoes. I tried to hide my small smile but just couldn't, I loved these kids.
I especially liked their coach too, however, I would die before I admitted that.
Besides only having a couple boyfriends in high school, I basically knew nothing about dating—especially dating as adults. So, I kept quiet about my small crush in which only Takeda knew about it.
I eyed inside the gym, watching the boys while waiting for someone to come near the doorway since I was too focused on seeing Ukai that I didn't bring my correct shoes. Luckily, Daichi saw me waving around the papers but I didn't expect what was to come because of that.
"Oh hey! It's (Y/n) coach." He announced, effectively stopping all movement in the gym and all eyes on me—including those particular dark brown eyes. I could feel a small heat run slowly vibrate through my body.
"Hey! I'm just dropping off these for Takeda. How's practice coming along? Any new moves guys?" I asked, trying my best to be normal and limit conversation with Ukai only because I wouldn't ever want to stop.
"Nishinoya is teaching me how to do a rolling thunder!" The first-year Hinata explained to me excitedly with the onomatopoeia touching his words. I couldn't help but to smile in amazement at the kid.
I've been one of the volleyball teams advisors so I know all of the third and second-years all too well. It was just the first-years I was trying really hard to make a good connection with, which was necessary if I still wanted to continue to be an advisor.
"Oh wow, that sounds so cool!" I played into his words too with excitement.
"(Y/n), I'll take those papers. Thank you for bringing them along." Ukai spoke, his deep voice reverberating through me and suddenly the heat was back.
"Oh! Yeah," I let out a nervous laugh, handing them to him as our hands brushed which sent a volt of electric shock through my body.
His tall frame leaned over me, the nice headband pushing his pretty hair back—man did he look good.
"I should probably get back to work. Bye guys." I said, breaking our concentrated gaze and waving to leave. I can't get caught up in his eyes, the team was there and that'd be weird for all of us.
Usually, I'd stay and help Kiyoko with coming up with notes of things that needed to be done like cleaning wise of our volleyball teams' banner, uniform shenanigans, finding another team manager since she was indeed a third-year, and money issues.
However, the fact that Ukai was there, he would distract me more and more until I couldn't focus.
I came to the conclusion that my feelings were one-sided and tried to keep my fondness for him to myself—and Takeda. However, I couldn't help but to hear a little "ooo" in the background as I was walking away from the sports club.
I groaned as I smacked my head onto my desk which was my usual manner, then my complaining would start.
"You know..." I started off with before I heard Takeda whisper, "Here we go,"
"Hey! You're my friend, you should be a good friend and listen to my woes!" I reprimanded him with a glare before continuing.
"Oh woe is me! I just wish things were different and that I actually had the courage to confess. Is that even a thing anymore for people our age?" I rhetorically asked, even though I really did want an answer to my question.
I complained about how much I liked Ukai and how things in my life weren't how I wished they'd be—in which he would just say, "for now."
As I laid my head down I couldn't help but to remember a memory from a few weeks ago.
Kiyoko and I had just finished planning what needed to be done to the uniforms for the boys and my back was so sore from slouching.
Leaning straight, I heard my back pop and groaned.
"Miss (Y/n)? Did you ever think about other careers besides this one? I know dealing with high school kids can be a bit much sometimes," Kiyoko's soft voice reached my ears.
"Hm, yeah I do actually. I have always wanted to open up my own tea shop before," I smiled softly thinking of Ukai and how he took care of his mother's store as his own.
It's honestly a great act of compassion.
I glanced over to see if Ukai was listening and in fact, he was. I twinkled at how he was trying to appear as if he wasn't listening in on my dreams.
However, he's one of the main reasons why I even started talking about my tea shop with other people.
I could tell that his eyes were sparkling with curiosity of wanting to know who exactly made me feel this way.
I still get butterflies in my stomach every single time I think of that particular memory. The next thing I knew the school day was over and it was practically time to leave and go home. I never spaced out about Ukai that hard before.
Gathering my things, I said bye to Takeda. I knew we'd both have to be here tomorrow to finish up the last minute work that he pushed away.
My business-casual clothing was starting to make me itch in all in wrong places and I was suddenly happy that I wore flats instead of business heels today. As I made my way home, enjoying the fresh soon-to-be-summer breeze through the air, I realized today was unfortunately clean day.
I forgot that I needed to pick up more bathroom cleaner and kitchen spray which was a coincidence because on my way home the Sakanoshita Market was right there.
I chuckled at my silly behavior of getting giddy over entering, in which the little chime sounded. Surprisingly, Ukai was working even though it was right after school too.
"Hey, I was wondering where the cleaning supplies is..?" I looked over to Ukai, his eyes wide for a split second before turning back to normal after realizing that I was asking him a question.
"It's, uh, in the far back to the left." He pointed, trying to show me around the aisle of the left side.
I shone him a smile over my shoulder as a thanks and then headed my way towards where he directed. When I finally decided on what scent and kind of specific cleaning products I wanted, I made my way up front once again.
"Will that be all today, (Y/n)?" Ukai asked me as he scanned my items and bagging them. However, what threw me off guard was the way he said my name. It was something about the deep voice of his that made me swoon.
"Yeah, I think so. Wait, is it supposed to be that much?" I questioned, seeing the extremely low number in cost and that number was lower than what a convenience store should charge too.
"No, it's right. You get a little discount for being a wonderful person." He winked, which obviously made me blush never-ending.
"Ah, thank you so much. I really appreciate it aha," I gave him the very few cents and took my bag, walking out of the store. It seemed like he wanted to say more from the look on his face but I wasn't going to stay behind and make him uncomfortable if he didn't.
That interaction stayed on my mind all night and the following morning as I made my way briskly towards the school once again. I silently cursed myself for wanting to leave all the work for today instead of just enjoying a day at home.
I settled into the office, opening a window to let the breeze in. Takeda eventually came into work as well and we spent the morning and some of our lunch finishing the work nonstop.
I stretched my arms above my head, my limbs popping in some places due to my age.
“Agh, I’m getting old.” I told to Takeda, looking over at him trying to see if he heard my bones popping like I had.
“Yeah, just wait till you’re my age, (Y/n).” He chucked, straightening our last papers that we printed out and completed. I believe they were permission forms that needed to be signed by the volleyball teams’ parents.
“If those are going to the gym then I can take them? I need to get up and stretch anyways,” I looked at Takeda then back at the forms because they were my ticket to seeing Ukai again.
“Be my guest. I’ll be out of here soon as well, so be sure to take your things.” He told me in which I grabbed my bag and fast paced my way out of that room.
Man, I sure did love summer. The breeze, the birds chirping, the flowers. It was a beautiful sight, however that sight was going to have to wait for another day because I was on a mission.
As per usual, I walked to the gym and listened to the shoes moving around of the court. The doors were slightly ajar, which seemed to be the usual lately.
Peeking through, I noticed that the boys were playing their very best—more than usual. I do remember that the tournaments are coming up soon which would probably enhance their performance on regular practice matches.
However, all of that greatness flew out the window as soon as they noticed my presence from the doorway.
“Uh… keep playing like normal boys,” I waved, trying not to draw a lot of attention to myself. However, before that could even happen Ukai’s voice spoke out.
“Actually, Daichi you’re in charge till I’m back.” Ukai stated and motioned for me to follow him around the back of the gym.
A pool of nervousness flowed into my stomach as I walked behind him, curious to know of what he wants.
I almost bumped into him from how closely I was following behind and from how fast he stopped.
“Ukai..?” I questioned, awaiting for his response as to why I was brought to the back side of the gym.
“(Y/n),” He turned around, peering down into my own nervous eyes with his almond brown eyes.
“I like you. As a twenty-six year old man, I’m admitting that I have a crush on you. Do you accept my feelings?” His left arm in his pocket and his right scratching the back of his head was a sight.
I could feel the surprise on my face and from how ‘high school’ this confession felt.
I opened my mouth to reply and a noise came out that I didn’t expect.
“Woahhhhh!!” and then I noticed the entire volleyball team watching us. Which means they must’ve heard Keishin’s confession to me.
“Get back inside now! You noisy kids.” Ukai grumbled, probably because they messed up his heartfelt confession.
A chuckle came from my lips and I tried to cover it when he looked at me.
“I do. I accept your confession.” I smiled brightly up at him, happy with the school girl feelings I was having at the moment.
“I haven’t felt like this since high school, definitely takes me back.” He commented, looking away but he couldn’t escape the small blush that I saw on his cheeks.
“Same here. I hope good things stem from this confession, Keishin.” I smiled up to him, calling him by his first name.
“As do I, (Y/n).”
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a/n: I’m so sorry that this took me forever, I’ve never wrote for Ukai before and it put me at a writers block! I didn’t incorporate the last few details into it but I still hope you like it nevertheless anon!!
you all know my header rules, if not see pinned post!!
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fum1ku · 18 days
hii !! i really enjoyed your works so far and saw that your requests are open ! could i request the hq boys reacting to you running up to hug them after they win a tournament? not sure how many characters i can req so just however many you would like :D
ft. kei tsukishima, ryuunosuke tanaka, tobio kageyama, daichi sawamura
KEI: him being the salty guy he is (or can be) he’s not one for physical affection. but when he’s out on the court with his team celebrating their win and he catches you out of the corner of his eye—he’s hooked. and even if he’d never admit it, you were the only one he wanted to celebrate his big win with.
you came running up from behind him and wrap your arms around his waist.
“kei! that was amazing. you did great—you all did great!” you beamed, your voice muffled into his jersey.
“yeah, yeah. let’s get off the court, dumbass. people can see us.”
you smiled, noticing the red tinge on his cheeks; his hand holding yours tightly as he guided you both off the court.
RYŪNOSUKE: of course he’s one of the first to celebrate their big win. after each team thanks each other and makes their way off the court, he goes off to find you in the stands.
spotting you, he excitedly runs up to you and sweeps you off your feet and into his arms, before you could even get a chance to hug him yourself. “y/n! babe! did you see that? hey, we won!”
you laugh, “i saw, ryuu! you did amazing, baby. i saw you when you—”
he cut you off with a kiss. yeah, he was drenched in sweat, but you couldn’t have been happier to be with him in this moment after their big win.
suga was the one who needed your moment. “if you two are done, we’re heading over to change and get some food to celebrate—”
tanaka gave you a quick kiss and ran off to get changed. you couldn’t help but smile to yourself the entire walk out of the arena and back to the bus.
TOBIO: it had been a close game. but karasuno had turned the tables during the final set. offering to help clean up the court before heading home, tobio stayed back with a few other players.
you had made your way down to the court to find tobio, a broom in hand, sweeping the court. you ran up behind him and wrapped your arms around him.
“you did amazing, tobio!” you beamed. you could feel him first stiffen at the feeling of your arms around him, but his figure softened once he heard those words from you.
“you.. you really think so, y/n?” he questioned.
“yeah, tobio! i know so. i watched the whole thing!”
his cheeks burned red in the moment. you really were that proud of him.
DAICHI: he had ended up in the floor, engulfed by suga and asahi. this game had meant everything to them.
you laughed to yourself on the sidelines next to kiyoko, watching the whole thing take place. you wanted nothing more than to run up to your sweet boyfriend and hug him, but that would have to wait until the teams had said their thank you’s and goodbyes.
at the last moment, you finally watched as daichi made his way over to your spot in the bench.
“y/n, hey! did you—” you immediately cut him off with your embrace, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling his body close to yours.
you smiled to yourself in the moment.
“hey, you’re that excited for us too?” he laughed.
you pulled back to have your eyes meet with his. “of course i am! you guys did amazing. you did amazing!”
you planted a soft kiss to his cheek.
“yeah, we really did, huh?” he smiled.
© fum1ku 2024.
⁂ taglist: none at the moment !!
thank you so much for the request!! i’m glad so many people are enjoying my writing:) sorry if this seemed a little rushed or lacked some characters. i wasn’t sure who to include! and as always, my requests are always open!
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thania-keiji-gf · 1 year
the type of boyfriend who loves call you princess because you're his princess. he loves giving you royal—uh, more specific is princess treatment. yes some kind like : carrying you by piggyback ride when you tired for a walk, paid everything you shop in mall and bring all of those stuff later by one of his hand bc his another hand is used for holding your hand, bring extra his hoodie on his car whenever you two go for a date bc he know you easily get cold, give you a bucket of flower every week to make sure you know that he always loved you, never let you doing everything alone bc you deserve a man who can do everything for you, feeds you everytime you are not in the mood to eat but sometimes when you want be feeded with him even though you in the mood—it's okay! why not? he make sure you eat first before him, priority you more than anything, and the last always giving you soft tone whenever he speaks with you bc that's how a prince talk to his princess.
"i will never let you doing everything alone, princess—uh sorry. i mean, your highness." he said as he kiss your back of the your hand.
-> AKAASHI, Tendou, Sugawara, ATSUMU, SUNA, Kuroo, OIKAWA, Daichi, SEMI, Osamu
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heich0e · 2 months
liv dropping the most insane plot line and then running away w/o further explanation
koushi loses his virginity to childhood friend!reader because you tell him that you're scared that when you finally get a boyfriend you won't know what to do. you tell him that he's the only one you trust, and you want it to be him. he doesn't have the heart to tell you it's his first time either, the nerve to say that he's been in love with you since before he even knew what that meant, or the willpower to deny you.
he and daichi move into a little apartment in the city together after high school—suga studying education and daichi at the police academy not too far from the university. it's a good arrangement; they're already more than comfortable together after all these years, and the only way either of them could afford a place that wasn't a shoebox was to live with a roommate. you take a year off after you all graduate high school, staying at home to work part time and figure out what you want to do with your life.
you've always told koushi you want to go to school in tokyo. but tokyo is expensive, so you need time to save up. and tokyo is far, so koushi needs time to steel himself for saying goodbye.
you come to visit him and daichi in sendai often, and frequently spend the night at their place—since the departure of the last train home always seems to creep up on you too quickly when you're with the duo, especially if you've had a few drinks. and when you inevitably look to koushi and bat your eyelashes and ask if you can spend the night instead of racing to the station to catch the last train, he never ever denies you.
spending time with suga and daichi is easy. it's comfortable. even though koushi is the common link between you, daichi was quick to accept you as a part of the deal—having once referred to you as a gift with purchase, which made all of you laugh. sometimes the boys take you out and introduce you to the new friends they've made since graduating. sometimes the three of you just lounge around their living room, drinking cheap beer that one of their senpais bought for them and talking about whatever comes to mind. koushi likes those nights the best—the ones where you're relaxed and soft, and sometimes ask to borrow a sweatshirt that he's all too eager to loan you.
you sleep with koushi a few more times, but don't ever really talk about it. daichi knows how suga feels about you (and has felt about you for all these years) and he warns suga that this isn't good for him. koushi brushes him off every time, probably smiles in a way that's just a little too strained to be sincere, and reassures him everything is fine. daichi doesn't push it, but he does start to treat you a bit differently—a bit more warily, because he resents the way you're hurting his friend.
one evening you come by their apartment before suga's made it back from class—letting yourself in with the spare key he gave you—and wait for him to return. daichi arrives home first after a brutal day at school, he'd gotten a bad score on an assessment and he has a group project due and his group mates are ghosting him. he's frustrated, and seeing you sitting in the living room irritates him. he cracks a beer, and then goes out to the balcony for a cigarette.
you follow him out.
you tease him that smoking is bad for him.
he knows that, and is already kind of annoyed he's picked up the habit since starting university. his reply to you is clipped. you quirk a brow and ask him for a drag. he looks at you, barely holding back all the things he wants to say to you.
you're flirting with him.
koushi has been in love with you since you were kids. has been sleeping with you now for months. and you're here flirting with his best friend.
and maybe that's why daichi goes along with it. maybe he's just stressed out and frustrated and taking it out on you. maybe it's his misguided way of hoping to finally get the message through to koushi that you're not good for him.
he regrets it the moment koushi walks in on the two of you on the sofa the two of them each paid half for—you stradding daichi's lap with your shift off—and sees the look of heartbreak on his best friend's face.
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revasserium · 9 months
on the subject of birthdays - pt 1
ft. sakusa, daichi, suga, and tsukki
he thinks he should buy you flowers, even though he tells himself that he doesn’t know if you’ll be allergic to a specific kind of flower, so he spends too much time looking up the worlds most hypoallergenic flowers, before komori mentions that he could just buy you fake flowers, which will last longer anyway, and he entertains the idea for an entire afternoon before deciding against it because a) fake flowers will collect dust, and dust can trigger reactions too and b) what if you read too much into it and come to the conclusion that just because he bought you fake flowers, he didn’t deem you worthy of real, living flowers? no, no, no. a misunderstanding of such potentially catastrophic nature simply wouldn’t do. a stuffed animal then? no, those would collect dust too, and heaven knows you’ve already got enough. so a plant, still. but what kind? he lingers outside the local horticulture shop for so long the round-faced girl behind the counter wonders if she should call the cops before he finally goes in to inquire, “what kind of plant do you have that — that doesn’t have flowers and won’t die so easily?” to which she’d blinked and pointed, nonplussed at a group of succulents sitting on the windowsill. and this, he explains, in one long, hurried, mumbling under-breath is how he comes to be standing here, at your front door, on the morning of your birthday, sporting two pots of neatly trimmed succulents, looking vaguely abashed. “they — they’re easy to take care of, most people aren’t allergic and — and they won’t collect that much dust so…” he looks away, clearing his throat as heat crawls up his cheeks, “uhm… happy birthday. i guess.”
he wakes up early — he cooks you breakfast; he doesn’t tell you about the hundred or so texts he’d sent the rest of his team trying to crowdsource what exactly to make you that day. there are flowers on the bedside table and a glass of your favorite juice on the breakfast tray and the apartment smells like cinnamon and waffles and the slightly burnt edge of toast. he wakes you up with a kiss, a smile, a whispered happy birthday; he doesn’t tell you about the three minutes he’d spent at the bedside, counting your even breaths like counting stars — one, two, three — twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two — he doesn’t tell you about the way he’d ghosted his finger along the bend of your cheek, bit his own lips as he bends down to kiss you, hesitating just a second to swallow back his heart, thudding at the back of his tongue, threatening to leap from his mouth to yours. your smile is radiant and sweet enough to evoke the jealousy of honey-bees as you open your eyes and see him, and he thinks that he might like to wake you up like this every day, birthday or not — because he’d never tire of kissing you awake, of beginning his day with the length of your smile.
he spends the whole day pretending that it’s a day just like any other, grinning over his morning coffee (thank god your birthday is on a weekend this year), nodding towards your cup, ready-made and steaming, one cream and two sugars, just like every other weekend morning you’d spent together. he hums as he flicks through his phone, asking what you’d like to do, interrupting you with a mild exclamation that “ah! we need to go grocery shopping! we’re out of onions and there’s only one sweet potato left!”, leaning down to give you a swift kiss before sweeping off to get changed, leaving you pouting at the dining table, wondering if your darling boyfriend had truly forgotten about your birthday. and so you go grocery shopping, and you’re preoccupied enough not to notice that he’s surreptitiously picking all your favorites, leading you through the ice cream aisle and making note of all the flavors you pause over. the early afternoon is spent dragging you around the farmer’s market, where you linger over the freshly picked flowers before he tugs you away without once asking if you’d like some. and by the time you both get back to your shared apartment, you’d made up your mind to at least remind him about it — it is your birthday after all. but the moment the front door opens, you’re greeted with an avalanche of glitter and confetti, a loud shout of “surprise!!!” making you nearly leap out of your skin. in the three seconds it takes you to realize what your boyfriend had done, he’d leaned down to press a sweet kiss to your cheek, tugging you into your own surprise party, decorated with all the flowers you’d lingered over, the fridge piled with all the ice cream flavors you’d just been looking at this morning. “c’mon, did you really think i’d forget your birthday? i just needed a bit of time to prepare is all! now, let’s get this party started!”
he is caught between equal parts dread and excitement, because to be honest, he’d never quite understood the appeal of birthday parties. but then he’d seen how your cheeks glad glowed when the team had put up a party for hinata in the middle of summer, a handful of balloons and streamers in the locker rooms, and a good few pounds of well-cooked bbq meat — he’d seen the glitter in your eyes, the unabashed joy as your lips pulled up into a smile — and he’d never admit it out loud but he decided then that he’d do whatever it takes to make you smile like that for him. so when the day comes, he spends too long fretting, paces across the living room of his apartment (much to the barely disguised glee of his brother, who had thankfully offered to help drive around and gather all the things), scowling as yamaguchi shows up with the cake and the flowers, and kiyoko-senpai shows up with the balloons and the streamers and it irks him to no end to have so many people all at his house, but it was the only place he could’ve asked you to come without you questioning him about it but… the way you’d smiled when you stepped into the room to find them all there, to find the same balloons and the same streamers, to find the matcha layer cake next to a slice of strawberry short cake, to find him, standing there, twisting his fingers, his cheeks positively sizzling with heat… well. he thinks that it was worth it. but it isn’t till later, when all the guests have gone and all the cake’s been eaten, when it’s finally just you and him, curled up on his bed, you in his lap, his chin resting against the top of your head that he leans down to tug you to him, press a soft kiss to your lips, “there… been thinking about doing that all day.” but the way you blush when he pulls back has him smirking and dragging you down for another, and then another, his voice going dark as he smirks against the skin of your neck as he whispers, “so now that everyone’s gone… how about we get to your real present, hm?”
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pt 2 ft. kageyama, hinata, & miya twins coming soon
hq! reqs are open :)
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